500 Words Essay Samples

The harm of smoking in public places

Martin Luther King's central idea was that he wanted more rights for the Negro community he wanted to be able to eat in the same place with the white people he wanted everyone to be able to live among everyone as equals. Martin Luther King was confident he had lots of control of his audience β†’

Acme vs omega – essay

The different departments seemed to be more concerned with completing their piece of the project, rather than the completion of the product as a whole. I also think that because Acme has a set of rules and regulations established, they were able to get the contract.

Imagine footage of him as a young boy

One day as Michael Bornstein was watching a film aboutthe holocaust The Chosen he noticedthere was footage of him as a young boy at a Nazi concentration camp. Baffledand overwhelmed at this footage, he called the director of the movie, askingwhere this footage came from and how he managed to get a hold of it.

Critical summary

According to the article, the truth of the reductionist theory is based on the presumption of sexual pleasure being uniform across different sexual encounters and is based on the philosophy of the mind. Experiencing the pleasure associated with the sexual activity results in satisfaction of the human sexual desire.

Caste system

We will always be the untouchables, and there is nothing we can do about it. Life as an untouchable is the worst it ever gets, it's wrong to harm people in such a way and this will make those upper caste people who make us suffer untouchables, and then they can experience what we have β†’


Neo-Realists would not buy in to the idea that treaties or other laws could actually do a great deal to control the spread of nuclear weapons. The tactics that he has supposedly undertaken, if allegations are to be believed, would certainly constitute terrorism in almost anyone's mind: he killed civilians with a tube of toothpaste.

Canadian humour

The Quebecois enjoyed the 1940s radio sketches with the puppet Fridolin in the Fridolinades, and from the 1960s to the present there were the satirical French songs of Robert Charlebois and Michel Rivard. Apart from the question of a distinct Canadian humour, Canada, since 1950s, has certainly contributed to the international comedy scene, and not β†’

Compare the role of women under the tokugawa shogunate essay sample

The women of the Tokugawa Shogunate had about one role in their community, as well as the women in Europe's High Middle Ages. Overall, the women in the Tokugawa Shogunate, had more important and honorary roles in their family and community than the women in Europe's High Middle Ages.

The baroque era

13 November The Baroque Era The Baroque era marks the period of one and a half century between 1600 and 1750. One of the most distinguishing features of music in the Baroque era is the emphasis it places upon the pace, volume and texture of the music.

International relations

Nevertheless, the paper will provide with an argument, critique and evidence in reading " The Evolution of International Society" by David Armstrong, thereby accounting for existence of historical alteration and comparative weights between pluralist forms of international society and solidarism forms of international society. Therefore, pluralist forms of international society and solidarist forms of international β†’

It chapter 3

Internet was created to providea secure form of communication and a common communication means for all computersWhich of the following describes an IP addressALL: referred to as a dotted quad; it identifies any computer connecting to the internet and it identifies a websiteWhich of the following browsers was introduced with Windows 10Microsoft EdgeWhat web browser β†’

Essay about abraham lincoln – sat essay

The lock of hair was one of the highest selling items, and it was only beaten by a few articles. There is no way of confirming the hair This is a big problem for people that want a true piece of the president.

Behavioural studies: explain why judgements about people based on perceptions may be incorrect

This influences our perception of things because we " see" what we want to see and " hear" what we want to hear. This is the reason why we are selective in our perception and give our attention to only those things that really matter to us and discard the other things.

How will a post professional program affect or influence your current practice

I am already working in a hospital setting and therefore, it will not be difficult for me to cope with the Post Professional Program. The Post Professional Program in my field will serve to provide me with all these qualities and therefore, it will be of assistance to me in my current practice.

Research solutions for time management

Sites that have published information from credible sources and are specific to the subject of time management would best help the author to find solutions for their problem. In order to use the information gathered the author had to consider the information's relevance to their lifestyle and specific time management issues.

The differences in mr briggs’s and mrs kay’s view of education

Kay, the motherly and caring teacher believes in liberalism- she is tolerant on the wide range of behaviour standards in the class.Mr. Briggs want the children to achieve something in a discipline way.Mrs.

Letter of introduction

Crafford, My is Raffaela Wais and I am a second year business administration During my lifetime I have learned that it is important to listen to what others have to say. The experience of being my own boss when I was a perfume salesman inspired me to pursue a career in business administration.

Best convention venue in singapore

Secret of Marina Bay Sands: perfect location As the biggest MICE facility in Singapore, the Sands Expo and Convention Center locates only approximately 20 minutes from the Changi International Airport and 10 minutes from the city center, which makes good connectivity to be one of its strengths. While the convention center locates within the complex β†’

Future in psychology

The requirements for the program are that one must have a grade point average of a least 2. 7, and have grades of a least a C+ in all courses in the professional sequence.

Role of decisions in the stranger book

In the book The Stranger Meursault experiences how making bad decisions can affect your life for the worse. Meursault makes a bad decision by agreeing to become his friend because the person he meets is influencing him to do bad things.

And no matter where you run into it, prejudice obscures the truth assignment

Twelve Angry Men Reginald Rose Pg 53 when juror 8 says " And no matter where you run into it, prejudice obscures the truth" he means when ever and where ever you are narrow-mindedness and racism can cloud your judgment towards people of all races and cultures, this can be proved by the stubbornness of β†’

The lord of the flies

The youngest, the least influenced by society, are the first to run away, the first to show anarchy and the breakdown of societal control. The boys ignore Ralph's conch signal: the rejection of the conch is a rejection of the rules of society.

Summary of marketing article

The author has provided a clear history of the emergence and development of the marketing mix, where he has highlighted that the concept had not bloomed until the late 1940s and 1950s. Again the author has provided in a very effective and efficient manner the contribution of several authors over the years and how the β†’

Companies urged to use multiple vendors in wake of cyber attack

Companies can reduce the risk from the type of cyber attack that took out major websites on Friday by using multiple vendors for the critical internet service known as a domain name service, or DNS, companies and security experts said on Sunday". Hackers unleashed a complex attack on the internet through common devices like webcams β†’

Max weber

Prestige is associated with the style of life of a status group. Weber would be in opposition to this sort of consumption or effect because of the effect it has on society especially with regard to class, status and power.

Week 8 m

Reading response From the story in the text, it is clear that pilgrimage is an activity carried out only among the historical religions and happens to share similarities with some certain rites of passage. He also argue that the moral unit of the pilgrimage is individual as for the masses going to the shrine know β†’

The barak obama case essay

Obama is not a traditional politician, like others, but a new political pattern especially after his call for a different approach in politics is the " sense of hope." The fact that Obama seemed a man at peace with himself, seemed unfazed and able to suggest the truth is first and foremost that he was β†’

Blakes contraries

In The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Blake shows his theory of contraries with his use of symbols of angels and devils, good and evil, and especially the comparison between heaven and hell. Religion almost always separates, religion says that the soul is separate from the body, and that the soul is good while the β†’

Critical thinking

Skinner, negative reinforcement is a kind of motivational technique that aims at repetition of a certain behavior, by the removal of aversive stimuli. Positive Punishment Definition Positive punishment involves adding a negative outcome after a negative behavior is shown, with the aim to lessen down the frequency of that negative behavior in future.


A group of researchers in their article that is titled The Effect of Immigration along the Distribution of Wages came to a different conclusion and presented the evidence for it. The article found that the phenomenon of immigration has largely negative effect on the wage distribution among the native works that are located in the β†’

Farewell party for miss pushpa

The speaker goes on to say that her father was a renowned advocate in Bulsar or Surat, and that he is " not remembering" the correct place. What he means is that Miss Pushpa will respond to their words of praise in the end.

Daddy essay

Plath displays a sort of evolution of her feelings for her father, and compares him to the man that she has married. With references to Nazis, concentration camps, swastikas, and vampires, Plath makes it very clear that both her father and her husband have caused plenty of unhappiness in her own life." Daddy" appears to β†’

Hysteria in ”the crucible” essay sample

The American Communist scare in the 1950's was initiated by the increased popularity of the socialist system of government. This happens by the promotion and spread of fear throughout a community.

The university art museum analysis

With the firing or resignation of the museum's previous director a number of competing perspectives on the nature of the museum's vision and management structure emerged. These visions balance the conflicting expectations and perspectives of interested parties through a management structure that considers the museum as primarily an institution designed for the university.

The arts are as equally important as core subjects in a child’s education

Music is the one thing in school that gives us a break from the classic " listen and learn" type of class environment, and it's hard to think that some students never have the opportunity to participate in these types of classes, when they deserve the opportunity to. The arts are a types of classes β†’

Reflected summery

The Focus on the Future project motivated a new interest in sociology and psychology, as part of independent study, to assist in better establishing relationships in an organizational environment and the social structures that guide individual behavior. It is only with analysis and research of the internal organizational structure and external components that can influence β†’

Watching emptiness

The first thing I think of when I walk up to the empty track is how quiet it is now. Even though there is nothing to see but an empty track and bleachers, I can see the competition already.

Direction approach

There are several effective steps that every traveler has to follow while traveling to Paris and so choosing the means of transportation, buying a tour-package and keeping personal security will help you to enjoy your vacation in Paris both cheaply and safely. The second essential step, which you have to take, is buying a relatively β†’

Shirley chisholm’s evolution, from the early years to a seat in us congress

She stood before the cameras and in the beginning off her speech she said, I stand before you today as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency of the United States. Shirley moved to Florida in 1991 and died at the age of 80 on January 1, 2005 at her home in Ormond β†’

Affirmative action assignment

For those of you that do not know the definition of affirmative action it is stated as follows, " A policy or a program that seeks to readdress past discrimination wrought active measures to ensure equal opportunity, as in education and There is a lot Of controversy about affirmative action today. In this paper, I β†’

Organizational concept:creative cities and creative tourism

The participants have to demonstrate engagement in the real cultural life of the city. The city administrators are aware of the benefits of creative tourism.

Report on pina fabric essay

Making of Pina Fabric Since pina is from a leaf, the leaf has to be cut first from the plant. The pina fabric is decorated by a traditional style of hand embroidery called calado.

Leggings, skinny jeans, yoga pants: sexy or comfy

What should happen is that the school should just make us wear uniforms because the bulk of the girls at school only wear skinny jeans, leggings, and yoga pants. You should not look at the girls butts to start with so when they wear leggings should be no different from jeans.


The overall organizational structure therefore was designed in a manner to delegate work and empower employees to engage in hard work and develop integrity. Her actions to include women in workforce as well as rewarding competent and hardworking employees are some of the examples of how she uses intrinsic motivation.

The public libraries

The public libraries are generally refers as the 'people's university' and are considered as agents of social, political, educational, and cultural change in any society and provide a wide range of readership than any other type of library. The main function of public library in Nigeria is the provision of information contained in books, newspapers, β†’

Educational psychology and customer service assignment

Explain how approaches to learning and teaching in your specialist subject area meet the needs of learners, giving examples. Wealth the area of customer service approaches such as role play are assessed during planning to ensure that the activities Involved meet the needs of the learner.

Stage of growth theory essay

Stage 2 Contagion The enthusiastic adoption of computers in a range of areas.proliferation of applications.users superficially enthusiastic about using data processing.management control even more lax.rapid growth of budgets.treatment of the computer by management as just a machine.rapid growth of computer use throughout the organization's functional areas.computer use is plagued by crisis after crisis. Data processing β†’

Case 5.1: military veteran/entrepreneurialism

A good business for a veteran to start is their own security company. A good offer would be a 51/49 spit in order to maintain control of the operation.

Accounting and overdraft theory practice

However, a small amount of interest based on the amount overdrawn and the length of time overdrawn is charged, a bank overdraft is also a type of loan which can be used if required to provide additional working capital for a short period of time when there is a cash deficit. The advantage of a β†’

Comparing public and private sector accounting

The public sector is part of economic and administrative life that deals with the delivery of goods and services by and for the government. The public sector is varying accounting principles and practices.

Project design constraints

When designing prosthetic heart valves, care has to be taken to ensure that the different biomaterials used to design them, fit the peculiar blood flow requirements of the human body. The model is made of aluminum, and has a similar size to the natural human heart.

A statement of purpose

In the same light, a degree in psychology holds a great deal of significance for me at this stage because this asks me to showcase who I truly am and what I want to achieve in life. The understanding that I have had of psychology has assisted me to get a first hand idea of β†’

Application of plga (poly lactic-co-glycolic acid) for anticancer therapy

The P -TPGS nanoparticles show improved toxicity and uptake efficiency and could be potentially used for the delivery of quercetin to breast cancer cells. Biotin conjugated poly -b-poly nanoparticles encapsulating the chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin and the chemosensitizer quercetin has a potential role in the treatment of drug-resistant breast cancer.

Chapter 4 reaction paper

I considered my own position in the world in a very different way after reading this chapter. I began to try to unwind some of the strands of my personality which had led me to see myself in a certain, stable way.

Health and safetyexample persuasive essay

I will explain the role of an early childhood teacher identifying and implementing health and safety in the centre according to the Licensing Criteria for Early Childhood and Care Centre 2008." When parents enroll their children in a program, they expect them to be safe". By preventing children from accessing the kitchen will also reduce β†’

Allied mills

The savings are to be made in the reduction of ongoing support costs, ie the total cost of ownership, once the system gets going. As a result, the reduction in IT support costs has been phenomenal.

Stress and social support essay

Social Support, on the other hand, can be the answer to the call of stress through beneficial emotional support from sincere friends, instrumental aids, additional information, proper self-appraisal and social activities. For example, cancer patients become stressed with their condition but the availability of chemotherapy and the services of a good hospital can lessen the β†’

Did used to make cigarettes: uranium, water,

I browsed the internet and used other references and my knowledge to determine why cigarettes are addictive, unhealthy, and unappealing. For those of you whovoted no and kept your vote remember smoking is unhealthy, unappealing, and very addictive.

Wal-mart stores

All these cuts down from expenses allows Wall- Mart to gain greater bargaining power with Its supplies which allow It to have a higher sales margin to play with against Its discounters who rarely Is able to catch up with Wall-Mart's low pricing and strategy. However again through Wall-Mart's already solid inundation of able to β†’

Elements of online learning

This led to my analysis of the benefits of studying online, and I came up with the following. However, the most important element of online learning is the fact that it is possible to work and learn at the same time.

Post-modern theory in the 21st century

Post-modernism is the social theory that claims that society is now under the effect of the individual who creates a reality for him or herself. Social networking allows people to have a " profile picture" which serves as a reference point for the appearance of an individual.

Trifles: a psychoanalytical perspective essay

A conscious and unconscious state of mind behind the actions and behavior of the characters. The women wonder why Minnie would have a bird cage.Mrs.

China one child policy

This led to the Introduction of the One Child Policy: Limiting the children families could have. It was necessary to have the permission of council for a child, but in remote areas it was far harder to check up and therefore more unreported births.

The earthquakes in kobe and in northridge essay sample

The earthquakes in Kobe and in Northridge were very similar because of they way they affected the surrounding cities and computers. The earthquakes in Kobe and Northridge are similar because of the location and type of earthquake they were.

Best teaching practices for diverse learners

Part Best Teaching Practices for Diverse Learners Type of Learner: Best Teaching Practices Cultural Diversity Learner The following are suggested best teaching practices for cultural adversity learners: approach every interaction thinking each student is well intentioned and respond positively orient the students of the learning activities, outcomes, academic standards and expectation provide and direct students β†’

Outline and assess functionalist explanations of the role of the education system.

However, this perspective is not always accepted, it's macro theory approach is often seen as too wide bearing to be applied to the study of the education system as well as critics which dispute the functions of the education system as portrayed by functionalists. As an institution of secondary socialisation, Functionalist theorists see the education β†’

The role of media in the society

Therefore, as the fulcrum of society, the media plays various roles such as communication, consolidation of information, and as a watchdog of society along with its institutions. The media assimilate this role, through placement of adverts to direct publicity towards commerce.

Court history and purpose

The reason we have the courts is to help settle disputed situations that are brought into the court system in a civilized manner. The dual federalism where the only powers of the power of the federal government are those explicitly listed which being left to the states.

Aquatics in affliction

That is why the Dubai Aquarium Conservation Center is trying to make a positive change in the environment. They have a program that allows students to learn about the environment and their impact on it.

The mittal steel case

However, due to a range of restrictive government regulations and tough competitiveness from SAIL and Tata Steel, Mittal Steel believed that the best projection of growth of the company would transpire outside of India. At the time of Mittal Steel's foreign expansion, the steel industry was in the midst of a 25-year slump.

How to teach a dog to stay

This type of behavior of the dog is beneficial to the dog's owner. After sometime, move to the side of the dog and behind the dog but do not move away from your dog.

Diaries as a historical source

Diaries as a historical source can often seem familiar and easy to read as a source for the historian, as they are generally plain-spoken and riddled with detail. Diaries can effectively reveal differences in language and expressive styles of the past, as well as pointing to the historical change and continuity of ideas of the β†’

Dental prosthetic for a 5 year old child

FIXED FUNCTIONAL AESTHETIC APPLIANCE: A GOOD SAMARITAN FOR 5 YEAR OLD CHILD DESCRIPTION Up to 250 words summarising the importance of the image(s) Deciduous maxillary incisor’s early loss leads to linguo distal inclination, space loss, collapse of anterior incisor segment and midline shift.[1] Missing upper front teeth causes para functional...

Personality change

She was confined and was not able to access the basic facilities without the consent of Hooker. The assailant issued threat to Colleen family and was able to hold the captivity for seven years.

Blockstream to extend bitcoin functionality

Blockstream is working on a new technology which will use the code that supports bitcoin to protect other kinds of assets like contracts or ownership of stock. Adam Back, co-founder of Blockstream and cryptographer, says that the community has not been able to make any improvements to bitcoin's design.

The ice house by caroline gordon

He is one of the two main characters of the short story and has been assigned the task of removing the skeletons of Union Soldiers from a pit in an ice house. As the story progresses, the setting of the scenario becomes even more intriguing and the distinct style of writing is reflected in every β†’

Alexander hamilton’s strongest tool

The purpose of many of Hamilton's writings and speeches was to persuade; his passion was evident in words he spoke and wrote. Hamilton's words were indispensable for Washington's announcements and were part of the reason he was chosen for his staff.

Research: the rhetoric surrounding aids in the 1980s

Ryan White who was a hemophiliac contracted AIDS at age 13 through a blood transfusion and many people jumped to the conclusion of him being gay, which was not true. Although the novel is a work of fiction, it takes place in 1987 and Uncle Finn fits the stereotype of what the first victims of β†’

β€˜iolani palace essay

Even though ' Lanolin Palace had served as a prison and executive building, its sole purpose was to become the seat of government in Hawaii. The ' Lanolin Palace's background is that it was originally constructed in 1845, during Alexander Lillo ' Lanolin, also know as Jackhammer ' V.

Ojt experience

I also became a part of the Intranet team where I was asked to create designs and update some web pages of the Intranet site of the company. On a weekly basis, 2 presentations or meeting were held by the JOT team together with our immediate supervisor and the manager of our department where we β†’

Macbeth: destructive ambition essay

Even though his ambitions were influenced by the witches and Lady Macbeth, Macbeth builds upon them himself which ultimately leads him to cause his own destruction. Art not without ambition, but without/ The illness should attend it" She urges him to act on his desires and seeing as Macbeth is ambitious and wants the title β†’


The major points of the documents can be summarized as follows The stages of human development with regard to life span which correspond to chronological age needs to be redefined in changing socio-cultural, political and economical environment.2. Arnett has described five most common characteristics of emerging adulthood as age of identity exploration; age of instability; β†’

Coca-cola in india

Section/# Coca Cola and the Struggle to Gain a Foothold in the Indian Beverage Market What aspects of U.S.culture and of Indian culture have been causes of Coke's difficulties in India? Additionally, Coca Cola must be much faster in response to such a type of criticism in the future.

Musical instruments, albums, hand-written lyrics and related collectibles

Musical albums such as the rare copy of the Black Album by Prince were all time record maker and its five copies were auctioned in US and each sold for $42, 298. To find out more about some of the latest offers in music related memorabilia, click 99Alternatives at.

Quadratic equations

Here we go again, when t = 2 seconds, the height will strike the 120metres as mentioned above. As the expression can be factorised: -5t2 + 20 t =.


Review of the article " Leadership styles and burnout: is there an association?" by Anastasios Zopiatis and Panayiotis Constanti Summary The article represents an explanatory research of the interconnection between different leadership styles and burnout of managers working in the hospitality sphere in Cyprus. Critical Analysis The highest achievement of the authors and therefore the β†’

An expository essay: respect yourself

According to a number of online dictionaries, self-respect is defined as " pride and confidence in oneself; a feeling that one is behaving with honour and dignity", and to a certain extent this broad definition is absolutely true. With this differentiation in mind, I feel that self-respect is less about the effort of behaviour and β†’

Disadvantages, advantages and assumptions of the positivist essay sample

He maintained that the application of the methods and assumptions of the natural sciences of the " positive sciences" of society. The main disadvantage of the positivist method of research is the fact that subjects being objectively studied may not be acting as they usually do.

Business structures

The benefits of this business structure are that the owner of the business has the freedom to make all decisions regarding the business. The disadvantages associated with this business structure is that the owner of the business is solely liable for paying of all the debts and if the business goes bankrupt then the assets β†’


Sometimes, these secrets are our deep dark secrets, which we keep to conceal our fears, embarrassment and shame. These secrets we keep in a futile attempt to erase our past; the past which we are trying to forget desperately.

A decade in pursuit of kony

The mid 1990's saw a strengthening of the LRA when the government of Sudan provided military support to this group in its bid to retaliate against the Ugandan government's support for rebels in South Sudan. The Ugandan government has attempted to arrest Kony through the insurgency by recruiting former LRA combatants to help in the β†’

Science, technology and society

In the next section the author focuses on the definition of technology and tries to differentiate between science and technology and in the last section the author has provided various resources that can be helpful for students in expanding the knowledge. Body In the introduction section of the text the author discusses the involvement of β†’


The study of foreign direct investment may take varying directions, but the most important area of study is through evaluation of the historical data of FDI, and trying to understand the reasons behind the pattern of the data. The purpose of this report is to investigate the foreign direct investment to the United Arab Emirates β†’