450 Words Essay Samples

Religion and theology world religions

This carries the world from the world of form into that of the formless spirit. They embrace the ritualistic contemplation of god in all his forms and as represented in man.

Digitalisation in the classroom

Digitization in the classroom gives learners the chance to acquire the tools so as to face the challenges the modern world brings in terms of technology. Teachers should be aware that the best way to educate students today is not the same as the one they were used to when they were learners in the →

Construct a sonnet of 14 exact lines based on milton’s paradise lost book 5

In response, he sends the angel Raphael, the archangel whose name means " God has healed", down to earth to warn Adam of the dangers of Satan's lies having already foreseen the fall of man. Sneaking away in the night with a third of the host of heaven, Satan convinced them that they were equal →

Structural family theory essay sample

In disengaged families, boundaries are rigid and the family fails to mobilize support when it's needed. In enmeshed families, on the other hand, boundaries are diffuse and family members overreact and become intrusively involved with one another.


I believeAtantis is located in Bolivia based on historical evidence, advanaced architecture, advanced adimttance to road systems, and clues found in the text Critias written by the ancient Greek philospher Plato. In Critias:" First of all they bridged over the zones of sea which surrounded the ancient metropolis, making a road to and from the →

Lazy youth essay

While all this smacks of laziness, you may have conditioned your teenager to wait for you to step in to take over and fix situations. Doing the dishes and taking out the trash are probably high on your list of priorities, while hanging out with friends and going to school sporting events are high on →

Behind the doors of high school

I have not gone to public school and gotten put through hell for twelve years of my life, to not receive a piece of paper that I am told determines my future. I did what I was supposed but, I should not have to apologize for not being a logical thinker and not knowing what →

Bitcoin startup colu raised usd 2.5 million

5m Seed Round The founders of Colu and the start-up's new venture capital investors are latest additions to the increasing number of people who realize the value of the decentralized network bitcoin runs on. The reward is given in the form of digital currency bitcoin in case of Colu's software.

A book report on raymond carver’s cathedral

Throughout the visit of Robert, the blind man, the narrator learns more about himself and passes on a message of tolerance and understanding to the reader. Towards the end of the story, Robert asks the narrator to draw him the cathedral.

The results showed that f1 progeny of guppy

However, the ratio of dominant and recessive alleles of four genes illustrated in Figure 11 stated the possible phenotypes of base body colour that are represent in F1 progeny of guppy thru this selective breeding are different from the parent. So, the result showed the F1 progeny of guppy were exhibit with a phenotype of →

When both manure and liquid that is high

Gallus gallus domesticusfecal matter for fertilizing is magnificent for it makes great soil amendment, Gallus gallus domesticus fecal matteradds organic matter and increases the water holding capacity and beneficialbiota in the soil, although there are also some issues concerning it. The high amount of Nitrogen and balanced nutrients is the mainreason that Gallus gallus domesticusfecal →

Carmen guerrero nakpil essay sample

She was appointed chairwoman of the National Historical Commission and the cultural committee of the Philippine commission for UNESCO. In 1984-1986 she was managing director of the Technology and Livelihood Resource Center.III.

Promising boost vc bitcoin startups

The Bitcoin community can take great pride in the fact that Bitcoin start-ups are making progress in leaps and bounds, which will only serve to enhance the reputation of the cryptocurrency in the long run. Adam Draper, the CEO of Boost VP, said that the demo featured more Bitcoin start-ups than ever in the history →

Modern the goddess, athena. athena’s help is

The Greek hero Achilles, is a demi- god who is dipped in the riverStyx by his mother. Athena's help is a turningpoint in the war and aides Achilles as he defeats Hector of Troy.

Arguments against csr

He believes that only individuals can have social responsibilities and that the purpose of a corporation Is to provide the highest possible returns to shareholders while obeying all the laws and regulations. For the firm to have corporate social responsibility, this will mean that the firm will have to keep It going so as to →

Integrating children with disabilities in the educational system through specific activities

While schools today are doing what they can to provide help for students with mental and physical disabilities, are they doing enough to make a difference for the child's education? With a mental disability, being in a foreign environment can be tough, let alone in an environment that the child cannot succeed in.

Petroleum industry case study

The bases of the petroleum industry are the oil exploration and production companies, which can be called the monopolists in this sphere. The process of oil production is extremely difficult and it includes exploration of the wells, drilling and repair of the wells after their intensive use, purification of oil from sulphur and other chemicals →

An essay on oedipus, a mythical greek king of thebes

Today we are more familiar with Oedipus, the mythical Greek King of Thebes, in connection with early 20th century psycho-babble than we are with the man as a historical figure or the question whether or not human beings are free to choose their own destiny. What could the son and killer of Laius, the son →

Find a supreme court case that deals with section 1983 violations. research the case in some depth

due: Section 1983 violations The concept of the " Color of Law" is whereby an individual is endowed with powers and authority by the state, local and federal agency of the government to use in protecting people. It provides a remedy for deprivation of rights, such that the plaintiff has to prove personal involvement of →

Legalize pro

I want to obtain a degree in business, and then do my masters, and thereafter venture into a career in Business Administration and Management. I believe that a degree in Business Administration from Wharton will help me gain many valuable and transferable skills, which I can put to use in both everyday life, or if →

Pursuing a career in fashion design marketing

She made me develop an immeasurable interest in fashion marketing that I decided to drop a course in economics. I am now willing to do my best in fashion marketing major so that I can live the life of my dreams as a fashion design marketer.

Analysis of different types of power

The legitimizing power is linked exclusively to the function, not to the person. One or the other employee may use this " joker": This kind of exercise of power is called the " power of weakness".

Colonialism vs imperialism assignment

As Marauder Sings puts it, " A simple way to distinguish these two is to think of colonialism as practice and imperialism as the idea driving the practice. The purpose of colonialism is to eventually assimilate the foreign country with that of the invading one, in essence claiming and converting that country for the benefit →

Services marketing-a blueprint for success assignment

In a study acknowledged by Boohoos, more than 70% of consumers who complained or expressed dissatisfaction with service, were persuaded to remain as customers when the effort was made to compensate for what was perceived as a loss. The After Phase: A CARS should follow up to ascertain if the process was expeditiously executed This →

Successful brand extension case study

The Nestle brand extension success is evident from the financial figures the company provides. It and the earlier purchase of the Greek company Delta Ice Cream gave Nestle a 17.

Supply and demandconclusion

Supply and demand is one of the most fundamental concepts of economics and it is the backbone of a market economy. Demand refers to the quantity of a product or service as desired by buyers, and the quantity demanded is the value of a product that people agree to buy at a certain price.

Human brain and right brain score assignment

According to the results I use my left side of the brain more than the right side of the brain. I am an introvert and I would have to agree with this.

Biology assignment

Before the chromosomes condense the nuclear membrane goes through meiosis which is cell division between and egg and sperm cell that determines the sex of a baby. The second part of our questions was on the bases of chromosomes and how they condense and also how misconstrues work to allow cell division.


This could help reduce the amount of time a nurse must spend with the patient just to collect background information, and therefore moves the patient to the doctor sooner for treatment or discharge. A possible solution to the obvious privacy issues this would bring would be to have the patient give the names of the →

Over-dependence on technology

This reliance is expected and necessary if the technology is to realize the potential for which it is designed. This reliance is expected and necessary if the technology is to realize the potential for which It Is designed.

a healthy mind essay sample

Another method of keeping the mind healthy is to exercise it as often as possible. Just as physical exercise is good for the body, so is mental exercise for the mind.

Inequality: gender and remaining male-only units

Masculinity and Femininity in War: With the historical normalization of the military as a masculine realm, coupled with the ongoing war and increases in defence, there is a necessity to ask whether military institutions today continue to thwart efforts for gender equality. Some believe that women are forbidden to serve in these roles only as →

Locating resources

Locating Resources on Responsible Alcohol Use At present, most of the publications regarding the use of alcohol and the effects of excessiveuse of it are mostly written by people from the medical community. The website of ICAP shows that manufacturers reconcile their views with the responsible use of alcohol, guides in creating feasible interventions in →

Reading and response to the – creative resources for the early childhood classroom by herr and libby-larson

Teachers are required to remain attentive to children's needs of learning and handle them in the best way they can. This perception has changed since teachers must understand the requirements of children at each age and satisfy these needs to ensure streamlined learning.

The pool section of the river

The amount of in-stream cover type present, in the river, poses a threat to the survival of most of the organisms present in the river. The third metric was the Channel morphology that measures the quality of the stream channel that is responsible for the stability and creation of the in-stream habitat.

Serial killers as heroes in popular culture

Then you will find you have their strict attention." This is a prime example as to why the media can get, and keep the attention of their audience when it comes to being a serial killer. On the other hand, it could be that they just need the ratings to keep their show going and →

Markets decision strategy

They include the skimming which is first; charging the product highest price so as to ' skim the product' starting from the high point of the market. In the real sense, when the volumes of a product increases in the market the prices will consequently go down.

Reflection for a reading

From the study of the text ' Holliday, Hyde and Kullmans " Intercultural Communication"', relating to the topic ' Identity' I have been able to obtain a better comprehension about the importance and the implications of cultural identity for an individual. Hence, it is apparent that many factors collectively determine the identity of an individual →

Response waiting for superman

The film directed by Davis Guggenheim focuses on the failures of the public sector education imparted in United States and is a blend of praises and criticisms. In the film as all have proven results of success, they are assaulted with applications, and the families have to submit to a abashing lottery system2.

Five wild china

Han Empire after 60 years of recuperation, strength of unprecedented power, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty in order to defend the national dignity, to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, get rid of the Huns insatiable extortion, defend the safety of the lives and property of the people, against the Huns launched large-scale self-defense →

Mission, objective and goals of virgin atlantic essay

The main aim is to position a product across the market and customers by satisfying their needs and wants. The marketing strategy for competitive advantage: The main way of competing in the market is to produce something differentiated and unique from their competitors.

Evidence-based public policy options to reduce crime and criminal justice costs

If you determine building additional prisons is not in the best interest of the State, how will you " sell" your recommendations to the public without appearing " soft" on crime? The bottom line is whatever avenue we decide to take is going to cost, so the question becomes what is in the best interest →

The clusters

In my opinion, I fall under the category of neuroticism, as I happen to be a highly sensitive person. I do not like arguments, am I good listener and generally agree on what others have to say.

Harrah’s entertainment, inc: rewarding our people essay

The gain-sharing program pay plan was an effective motivator, employees of each Harrah's location viewed this program differently, one can view this program to benefit them to motivate his food and beverage employees, others may view it as symbolic confirmation of the company's goals. In addition, the amount of customer satisfaction payout up to $200, →

Art in schools

Throughout the years, schools have been putting art programs on the backburner, but is that really a good idea? In the past few years many schools have gone back on their decisions to cut their art programs and have started integrating art back into their schools as well as in some classrooms.

Ac 553 week 6 essay

21-13 What limits are placed on the selection of a tax year of an S corporation? The reason for this is that the S Corporation does not sell any of the property purchased while a C Corporation.

Compare dante (the divine comedy) and odyssey

The former is the story of the " Christian afterlife" and the journey through the various circles of Heaven and Hell, that stand for the various sins committed in life on Earth. The latter, is the story fo the journey of Odyssey or Ulysses, after the Trojan War, to Ithaca which is his home.

Smoking, a dangerous habit essay sample essay

In my sentiment.smoke is a selfish behaviour which is non merely unsafe for tobacco users but besides for the non-smokers around them. Smoke is a unsafe wont to develop because it is unhealthy.

Social studies chapter 7 a more perfect union

Articles of Confederationweakness: congress had no power to impose taxes, no power to regulate foreign or state trade strengths: treaty of paris 1783 was signed, northwest ordinance was pastordinace of 1785stated that land in the west was to be surveyed using a grid system to establish 6 mile blocksnorthwest ordinace of 1785assited the orderly expansion →

It and mis 11252

IT has developed into a popular and a well paying job entering the 21st century. According to Khawaja, " Government owned companies are less challenging In conclusion, the development of information technology has transformed itself into a popular and a well paying job entering the new millennium.

Leaders in good to great: why some companies make the leap and others don’t by collins

The principle of Good to Great can be used to make a student who is weak in one facet of life understand that every individual has something which he is best at and consequently instill in him the belief in oneself and the factuality that hard work will eventually lead to success. Indeed the Good →

Disabled person

Discuss the family as a system with mutual and interactive consequences for each other in their blame, comfort, support, etc.in the care of the disabled individual. Living with a disabled person can have profound effects on the entire family parents, siblings, and extended family members.

Study plan assignment

Personal Information Including your educational background, work experience, your area of Interest and why you have selected that area, and how graduate study will contribute to your future goals. An Indication of your current level of knowledge In your specific area, your work In relation to that area, and what you feel you need to →

Vacation is no need essay sample

My life was almost crashed; my thoughts were shattered in a blink of an eye when I heard something bad; not really bad, actually it's for my own good, but you know as a student I am also the lazy type. I thought it was the end of my happiness; to not being able to →

Global marketing case study

Global marketingis the complex of actions and policies which are aimed at the maintenance of the international trade and promotion of the company's production of the global market. Global marketing is the new variant of marketing which is supposed to promote goods and services on the international level.

Marketing and environmental factors assignment

The environmental factors that are affecting marketing process can be classified into: 1) Internal environment and 2) External environment Internal Environment of Marketing: This refers to factors existing within a marketing firm. The factors are: 1) Suppliers: The suppliers to a firm can also alter its nominative position and marketing capabilities.

Cost and benefit asda essay sample

Suggested resources & activities related to costs and benefits of training and development and ASDA Full ASDA case study Costs and benefits of T&D PowerPoint Training and development lesson resources ASDA crossword ASDA word search ASDA quiz Suggested timings for the session 10 mins 5 mins 5 mins 15 mins 15 mins 15 mins Starter →

Dress and ideology within the kiss army

Because of this, it is ironic that the struggle to have differently culminated in the conception of a club; the Kiss Army boasts thousands of members and each of these is dedicated to the principles on which the band was founded: namely, the daring to be different and to willingly repulse normal members of society, →

Environmental science

S, the lack of potable water in India, and deforestation in Borneo are some of the issues covered. Environmental scientists are encouraged to improve existing technologies in renewable energy sources and develop new ways of harnessing energy from the earth.

Ch.10 quiz

Richness The benefit of a consumer being able to look online to find a variety of different prices for the same product is called ___________________. Price transparency The benefit of a consumer being able to look online to determine the actual cost a business pays for products is called ________________Cost transparency The San Francisco Giants →

Jack london essay

This shows that both of these menThese facts give a large deal of insight into the minds of Chris McCandless and Jack London. This trait was the downfall of both Chris McCandless and Jack London.

Respond post

According to the article, Income Tax Reform and Flat Tax, the federal tax code is too detailed and lengthy. Income Tax Reform and the Flat Tax.

Capitalism and marketing

In the commodity culture of the twenty-first century, advertising images and corporate logos are no longer simply a part of the marketing strategies of consumer goods manufacturers, but features of our culture. Advertising is part of the culture of capitalism where meanings are a constant site of struggle.

Case study on land pollution

Land pollutionis the littering and contamination of the land resources and soil with industrial and domestic wastes. Pollution and land pollution in particular is one of the biggest problems the humanity has created for itself.

Chapter 2 quiz answers essay

trueno single person or government agency controls or owns the internet falsethe W3C is responsible for maintaining all networks and content on the Internet trueusers typically pay additional fees for mobile hot spot and tethering services falsea gigabyte is the basic storage unit on a computer or mobile device and represents a single character truea →

Eyewitness auschwitz

A sonderkommando aided in the disposal of the corpses that were victims to the gas chambers. The memoir greatly details the resilience of the human spirit, the choices individuals were faced with and decided to act upon and, the treatment of those who had succumbed.

This al. (2004) said that the growth

So, as the number of events continues to grow, the environmental impact will increase as well, and the events managers need to aware when they start to organize an event. By examining a range of recently published journal articles, books and internet sites on the topic of scanners, this report describes the main solutions which →

The blue sky laws

Included in the essay is the following: the definition of the law, the origin, and its effectiveness in the real world. The law The sky blue law was formulated and enacted to reduce the speculative securities trading and protect investors from fraudulent security trading activities.

Cahokia was the largest city in usa before columbus arrived essay sample

Essay: Cahokia was the largest city in the United States and the greatest Indian creation before the arrival of Columbus. Monk's Mound is the biggest of the mounds and it is the most impressive monument in this unknown civilization.

Hans eysenck: the factor theory

His parents divorced when he was 4 years of age, and it was then when he went to live with his maternal grandmother, which to him, was a human deserving of all things great, and overall too good for this world. In our book, the author quotes Eysenck telling a story of how he told →

Designing of dollars

Despite the obstacles, Chuck continued his quest to find a way to objectively measure the benefits of design. Describe and evaluate the process Chuck went through to change the way design decisions were made.

Error logging sentence corrections

Mother: My Most Valuable Role Through the ages, history of different cultures, religions and races in the world, women have always represented fertility, achievement and retention of humankind on the face of the globe. Woman defends the product of her tenderness and devotion for her children and others, and the sacrifices of women in life's →

Beauty: when the other dancer is the self essay

The writer of the essay " Beauty: When the Other Dancer is the Self", Alice Walker is not very different from the way she perceives beauty. She sees it as a world and for the first time, Walker accepts the scar as a part of her that has to be loved and not hated.

Globalization argumentative paper assignment

In the business world, why do they want to make globalization successful and the best answer I can figure is that for the business or company, the outsourcing of having cheaper production costs and that will allow for the opportunity to have more customers to sell to. It is a trend we have seem quite →

What general lee and general meade did wrong at the battle of gettysburg

What General Lee Did Wrong at the Battle of Gettysburg General Lee had decided, after analyzing the battlefield, to concentra his forces in an area where he felt was the most vulnerable. Still, Meade had made a decisive error in his strategy, and it became apparent at that time that Butterfield had actually had the →

Kidney morphogenesis and primary considerate neurons

Otherwise, Substantial decline in the amount of Ret51 was recorded statistically that translocated into lipid rafts while GDNF stimulation in Gfr1TM/TM neurons compared with Gfr1 neurons. There was a significant, 75% reduction in the kinetics of the Ret receptor complex into lipid rafts during GDNF exposure in Gfr1TM/TM neurons according to computation made by these →

Introduction speech

I believemany of you do encounter the problem of heart racing when you could not find your classroom on your first week of school and was still struggling to try to get used to the new people and newenvironmentaround you. NET to, our first presentation inferno of the class and our final yearinternshipand major project →

Gunny sergeant lemke is a great teacher

Ithink Gunny should be elected Educator of the Year because he uses humor in histeaching which helps take some of the boredom out of just sitting and listening for 120minutes. He also gets up in front of the class and projects his voice in such a manner thateveryone in the class can hear what he →

Neolithic and paleolithic era essay sample

Neolithic and Paleolithic Era The Neolithic and Paleolithic Era were two periods in which humans began to develop and grow. But in both Era's, children normally were just as helpless and each society was isolated from the rest of the world.

International marketing assignment

Global approaches are not always relevant to firms In the Asia-Pacific apart from alerting them to the nature of the International completive environment in which they are likely to operate. Why, when doing business in other countries, is it important to analyses the impact of culture at the national, the industry and the firm levels →

Intuition science paper

Our evolved brains have acquired the complexity and the capacities they have from the acquisition and storage of the information that the brain continually receives from external stimuli via the senses. The conscious and sub-conscious parts of the mind each process the data in different ways, but ways that have allowed for the emergence of →

A character sketch about maria clara

She was also described to be the love interest of Crisostomo Ibarra, the hero in the novel. Further in the novel, Maria Clara was described to have the physical qualities of a Spanish woman fair skin, pointed nose, and all the qualities of a common mestiza.

Boston massacre analysis essay

THE BOSTON MASSACRE The Boston Massacre was an unfortunate event which could have clearly been prevented if taken the right precautions and made the right decisions at the right time. If the soldiers had followed instructions, if Britain had paid the soldiers more, and if Crispus Attucks had taken a more peaceful approach to this →

Case study: out-of-town brown and the besieged probation

However, the chief of probation used personal leave and left Joan Casey the supervisor In charge of the department. Casey Is In charge of responding to any Inquiries presented by the media and Is under reassure by the media and the chief of probation to make the right decision that will satisfy the public, media, →

Family nurse practitioners at the university of phoenix

Family Nurse Practitioners at the University of Phoenix The market value of graduate degree holders in the field of nursing has increased recently. An opportunity to study professional degree course of MSN/FNP in University Of Phoenix will enhance my communication and decision making skills multifold and will help me become a complete professional.

Answer all of them i short paragraph ( around 20 sentences)

Identify three major causes of procrastination and three solutions to overcome procrastination The three major causes of procrastination are boredom, perfectionist attitudes and distractions to work. Feelings of failure can be understood as having no way out of the problems, despair and hopelessness.

African american slavery

Preview statement: Today, I am going to discuss the origin of slaves, the process of its abolition and education the blacks received during the time of slavery. According to Finkelma, Slavery in the United States came to its end in the 1770s in many of the American states.

Organic chemistry klein chapter 9 alkenes addition

Are addition reactions exothermic or endothermic? exothermicAre elimination reactions exothermic or endothermic? endothermicReactions that proceed with a regiochemical preference are said to be? regioselectiveDoes a peroxide cause Markovnikov or anti-Markovnikov? anti-MarkovnikovCan there be a carbocation arrangement with hydrohalogenation? yesWhat is the rate-determining step of a hydrohalogenation - proton transfer or nucleophilic attack? proton transferProducts of →

Martin luther king jrassignment assignment

The dream to be free should not have ever had to of been a dream in the first place. It is something that every person has a right to in this world, not just the United States, yet so many still do not have it.

Why my grandma’s house is my favourite place

My grandma's house is my favorite place, because it represents a " the sky's the limit" approach to life in my memory. Grandparents have had much practice being a carer and provider of emotional, financial and physical support, unlike new parents, who both often have to work to provide the financial support for the family →

Discussion 4

and of article: Ellis Cose, " What's White Anyway?" Main ideas of article: The main ideas of the article are Immigration trends do not challenge existing ideas of America's White Identity because whiteness is a debatable concept and 2) The White Identity is no longer relevant in modern times. This means that immigration challenges the →

Presentation on social welfare

Presentation on Social Welfare Social institutions Social institutions are networks of relationships that carry out the essential social functions. As social policy As programs and services As income transfer As study of functions outside market forces to meet human need.

Management individual homework flashcard

Due to the long production and transportation lead-times, Yankee has to order from Red Star well in advance of the selling season. In order to determine the optimal order quantity from Red Star, please find the underage cost and the overage cost.

Modern technology and the use of electronics assignment

While Clive feels as though the use of computers encourage the youth to read and write more: David does not agree with the constant use of technology. Clive Thompson, who is a science and technology writer for the New York Times Magazine feels that since computers, text messaging and different social sites have come available →

European history of colonize period

Out of the three, England won the struggle because of failures made by the Spanish and French in the years before theAmerican Revolution. The Spanish were the most powerful nation before the colonizing of the West Indies began.

Argumentative essay analysis

SULA This essay is a compare and contrast of the character's Sula and Nel from the novel " Sula" by Toni Morrison. The Unhealthy Relationship of Sula and Nel is that they rely on one another for their well being.