450 Words Essay Samples

Pharmacology and pathologies treatment

The main thing that will be altered due to the patient's pathologies will be the absorption how the substance enters circulating blood. Due to the gastrointestinal tract removal, the administrating doctor may decide that any treatment for PVD needs to be administered intravenously, and as such the dosage will be lower due to the differences β†’

Helpful nursing experience

It is a recognized fact that not all nurses are given the chance to work in this particular section of a hospital since it requires not just a thorough knowledge in the processes involved in surgery, but likewise needs an alert mind to cope with the necessities of the situation at the shortest time possible. β†’

Nursing research

In this regard, it is important to point out that the role of nurse educators, in teaching and preparing registered nurses and licensed practice nurses when entering into practice positions, is crucial for the profession. In line with this, the role of determining the quality of care provided by nurses is dependent on the quality β†’

Research paper on nursing

Metaparadigm Concepts of Nursing Human Beings In nursing concepts, human beings are the most valuable as they need to be respected, understood and nurtured along with their rights to make some questions about the procedures and health care they receive. This is where the patient and nurse encounters care, health risks, and health's experience.


Stakeholders Contribution to the Financial and Operational Success of the Organization al Affiliation: Stakeholders Contribution to the Financial and Operational Success of the Organization Stakeholders refer to the group of people who can affect or be affected by the organization. In many cases, both the stakeholders and the organization have a common goal in respect β†’

Community health nursing

Mental health nurses have a role in working with clients in the community to coordinate the range of services that are required in an effort of maximizing the patient's level of functioning. Role of the mental health nurse towards physical health care in serious mental illness: an integrative review of 10 years of UK literature.

Medical law and ethics and how we use it

The forefront duties of doctors and other health care personnel should adapt to the uses of Medical Laws. They can give the state of the health condition of a patient to a specialist, and other necessary agents.

Research paper on data collection and analysis grid

Data for all patients who had undergone CC or PCI at the University of Virginia Heart and Vascular center from 2001-2003 was retrieved from a secondary source that is the Clinical Automated Office Solutions database of the institution. 5 whereby descriptive statistics were calculated for the characteristics of the sample, level of incidence and types β†’

Week 6 posts 6330

I fund you design to be innovative and I have no doubt after following it you will be able to get the desired results." A simulation lab is an excellent means for a student to learn with active participation and without harming a live patient". Just the way Silverstone elaborate more on the importance of β†’

Nurses are knowledge workers

Nursing experience leads to nursing knowledge and wisdom in judgment of the daily nursing practice. As clinical nurses apply more theoretical practice and stay longer in the field, they tend to develop more experience that come with knowledge and wisdom in judgment.

Nursing process of adpie

Nurse Assessment is the first step of the nursing process. In gathering all this information it helps the nurse" analyze the data as a basis for developing nursing diagnoses, identifying collaborative problems, and developed and individualized care plan for that patient." Nursing Diagnosis is the overall observation from the nurse's point of view.

Influence on the dependent variables

Such variable are named as the extraneous variables, and it is the duty of the researcher to deal with these variable so that they cannot turn into confounding variables. If the extraneous variables turn into confounding variables, they can influence the validity of the research findings thus the researcher needs to come up with ways β†’

Why world cinema is an important topic to study

Popular Hollywood films are usually number one choice, when it comes to choosing films as there is a limited number of choice and verity within the small section provided that under world cinema. There is no such thing as a typical world cinema film, as it is a collective term used for all manner of β†’

12 angry men- group analysis with comparisons to business

Conflict between team members is an important factor to the plot of the movie as discussions and arguments take place over the jury's decision. The storming process is important as roles within the groups are defined and members can begin to give ideas as to how to proceed, or in the case of the jury, β†’


Christmas As I slowly awaken from a deep sleep, cool air hits my squinting eyes and I have the feeling that this is not a normal day. With a perpetual smile I sit and enjoy the look of the tree and all my new things.

The phantom of the opera by joel schumacher review

The Phantom of the Opera, directed by Joel Schumacher, is an adaptation of the Broadway musical The Phantom of the Opera, musicand book by Andrew Llyod Webber. The musical The Phantom of the Opera is based on the novel by Gaston Leroux.

Onamonpias in “the analysis of baseball”

Next in the poem, " The Analysis of Baseball" rhyme is another element of poetry used in this poem. The last main element of poetry that was used in, " The Analysis of Baseball" is Metaphors.

The issue of exoticism in avatar

This film was taken based in Pandora where the humans, also known as the sky people who are on a mission to take away a very important resource, called Unobtanium which had the richest deposit in Pandora, from the Na'vi, for their survival. He was amazed and was in awe of how the Na'vi regarded β†’

French cinema

French Cinema Scene analysis The scene from the movie Rules of The Game by Jean Renoir shows many camera techniques and uses the camera to clench the true meaning of the screen. Throughout the scene of The Rules of the Game the camera is like another person in the room.

Living abroad

I think living abroad is an experience that you will have never forget, it does not matter if your doing good or your doing bad, i would like to add that in life normally we are going to have tough times in which we normally to confront in in it. Then i realized that we β†’

The power of habit

The Power of Habit The author of The Power of Habit: Why we do what we do in Life and Business, Charles Duhigg, shows us the power of habit, and how we can change the things we do, into beneficial actions that can have a positive affect on our personal and professional lives. To change β†’

How mary shelley’s frankenstein and gaston leroux’s the phantom of the opera are similar

In the gothic novel Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley and the play The Phantom of the Opera, written by both have monsters whose antagonist behaviors are a direct result from their past experiences. Frankenstein and The Phantom of the Opera share many similar qualities in that both the monsters desire to be wanted by someone.

Thanos is actually the hero of infinity war

Even though Thanos's methods to saving the universe might be questionable, his character and story has the build of a hero. He also leaves the audience with a sense of respect for all the hard work he has gone through to achieve his goal.

Why the hawaii light rail should be built.

One example of how the rail will benefit the economy is that it will create many lasting jobs for workers due to the fact that the rail is a massive project that will last years. The second reason why the Light rail should be built is that it will benefit the community.

Thanksgiving day [pic] [pic]

Thanksgiving Day is, probably, the most truly American of the national holidays in the USA. Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in all the countries it is celebrated with a day-off to school, work, business, and also the transport service for the people.

Culture immersion

Pacific Islanders have a difficult time dealing with the pressure of American competitive nature of academia and workforce due to their traditional laid back attitude. A lot of this is due to the fact that there is not a high concentration of their ethnic group in the area they have chosen to live.

Great gatsby essay

Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby, analyzing specific words, images, and figurative language, the reader can draw to conclusion that the party was enchanting, exciting, and alluring yet repulsive, destructive, and vulgar. By analyzing quotes of imagery, figurative language, and specific words, the reader can draw to conclusion that the party was destructive, repulsive, and β†’

Jane cazneau

A journalist for expansionist publications such as the United States Magazine and Democratic Review, she deserves a place in the pantheon of the " Young Americans" who pushed for a U.S.commercial empire. Although Hudson maintains that Storm was not a strong proponent of " All Mexico" during the U.S.-Mexican War, some have credited her with β†’

Esol 400 – reading and essay on american dreamer essay

The sorry state of affairs in India is depicted by the fact that Mukherjee lived in a crowded house and further that her first coeducation experience was in the Iowa University. From the appraisal of the material it is imperative to note that America recognized human rights regardless of their origin and further that the β†’

The spirit of democracy essay

When the constitution was ratified to read ' we the people' in real sense what it meant was that the relation of the American people was unanimous thus in a way democratic. When the constitution was ratified to read ' we the people' in real sense what it meant was that the relation of the β†’

It’s more fun in the philippines

The Sulu Sea to the southwest lies between the country and the island of Borneo, and to the south the Celebes Sea separates it from other islands of Indonesia. Its location on the Pacific Ring of Fire and its tropical climate make the Philippines prone to earthquakes and typhoons but have also endowed the country β†’

Capital crisis in 1793

Capital in crisis 1793 In the summer of 1793, Philadelphia was in midst of a political crisis. Secretary of State Tomas Jefferson and his Republican Party were passionately in favor of France, while Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton and many other Federalists felt Britain was a bulwark of civilization against the rising tide of β†’

Manifest destiny

Independence had been won in the Revolution and reaffirmed in the War of 1812. The spirit of nationalism that swept the nation in the next two decades demanded more territory.

Mount st. helens essay

Helens, a British diplomat who was a very close friend of George Vancouver, the explorer who made a survey of the area and discovered the mountain in the late 18th century. The Eruptive History of Mount St.

Travel wise case study

Given the size of Travel Wise I believe a Joint Venture would be the best route for the company to enter the clothing business in the U.S.and foreign market. A joint venture will allow Travel Wise to attain knowledge on the clothing business and how to be successful when working with a company already involved β†’

History 201 online homework ten:

There was every type of man you could think of on the army, as in the gamblers, and the ones who liked to watch cockfighting. The southerners decided to enlist in the army due to the fact that they were for slavery.

Sample essay on three governments compared:america, spain, and portugal

The structure of the government of the United States is divided into three distinct divisions: the judicial, executive, and legislative branches. The political party system in the United States is composed of two major parties: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

Innocent: the bahamas and gold tiny ornaments

Columbus's men traveled with Columbus wherever he went. Columbus knew he had control over his men and he could make them do whatever he wanted them to do.

Log 3

The assumption of the revolutionary debts of the states was the second issue. The Federal government called in the revolutionary debts of the states and issued new federal bonds that is, the Federal government assumed the obligations of the states and added them to the general debt of the nation.

Free essay on measures of central tendency

In a classroom setting, grade 8, composed of 20 students, with a composition of 8 female and 12 male students, mean, as a measure of central tendency would be beneficial in assessing performance in relation to the past year classes. For example, in 2010, the mean for grade 8 with a composition of 20 students β†’

Special education article review samples

The article, ' Special Education' by Schroeder Ken is essential in understanding national perceptions of individuals on the reform efforts that have and are being made for the disabled students globally. The surveys done have given an insight on the key areas that require a formal reinforcement in the special education sector, therefore, key β†’

Stages in the life cycle of the plant

Several authors had reported the importance of germination in the life cycle of plant. According to Hubbard et, al this stage in the life cycle of the plant is considered as a critical event as germination is the first step in determining the survival rate of the crop thereby affecting its productivity.

Exocytosis in paramecium

We first observed how the presence of Alicia blue dye triggers normal secretion of trichinosis, and we then tested four different hypotheses in order to determine how the presence of Ca++ ions in the extracurricular and intracellularenvironmentaffects the secretion of trichinosis. The secretion of trichinosis is controlled by the presence of Ca*+ ions within the β†’

Five theories of group formation

The disadvantage of this theory is that it is not systematic and does not explain the problems group formation. In performing group members performing tasks to fullfill the goals.


Which of the following is not true about the Mollusca? All of the above The uniquely derived rasping tongue of the Mollusca is called the?

The evolution of american slavery

Cases were brought to the Supreme Court in the defense of and removal of slavery. The evolution of slavery in America was a long and complicated issue.

Biology hsc dot points

The shape may deform due to PH or temperature levels, the metabolic processes can be modified in three main ways by controlling the: Amount of enzymes, Catalytic activity of enzymes and accessibility of substance Metabolism is the total of all chemical reactions in the cell. Identify the pH as a way of describing the acidity β†’

Gene doping: the hype and the reality

Genetic manipulation has produced some potential advantages to be able to alter the cells in animal models of human diseases, which may make disease as a thing of the past and help with the development of better pharmaceutical products in order to extend the human life ps, however, there are still major technological obstacles that β†’

Chocolate agar and pneumacult media

The small organisms need nutrients to survive, this is provided to them by the culture media. Pneumacult media is a specialized media containing various growth hormones and supplements allowing the cells to grow.

Annotated bibliography

Initially from page 1, they give the definition of the disease. They also highlight the causal agents of the disease and highlight that the disease is mostly caused when the skin contaminated by things that are infected such as water.

The evolution of our civilization: forming of government systems

But as the population started to grow, and things were getting chaotic, people started to recognize that they needed some system of government to keep peace and maintain order. Government officials needed to document tax collections, a passage of laws, and the storage of grain.

Determining the protein content of nuclear pellets from kidneys of rats through lowry procedure – lab report example

The objective of this experiment was to determine the level of protein in the nuclear pellets from cortex and medulla of rats. The purpose of the laboratory was to employ the Lowry procedure to determine the protein content of nuclear pellets from kidneys of rats.

Bowlby’s evolutionary theory of attachment

This shows a weakness in Bowlby's theory of attachment because it states that a primary attachment figure is of special significance in emotional development. It also states that the secondary attachment figures which form a hierarchy also contribute to social development.

Virtual lab 3

Question 3 On the tenth day, the Paramecium caudatum population reached the carrying capacity of the environment when grown alone. Question 5 When the two Paramecium species utilize the available food resources, then one of them has the likelihood of benefiting from more of the available resources over the other one, further leaving it to β†’

Leonardo da vinci inventions

Aerial screw - a forerunner to the helicopter: Leonardo wrote this about the aerial screw: " I believethat if this screw device is well manufactured, that is, if it is made of linen cloth, the pores of which have been closed with starch, and if the device is promptly reversed, the screw will engage its β†’

Final evaluation about art appreciation

Were you able to develop your research skills in this course? I liked the approach to art promoted by this course.

Aspects of visual images

Representational It is the easiest to identify of all the three types of visual art. Some of the representational artwork determined from the provided pieces of artwork includes Les Demoiselles d'Avignon by Pablo Picasso, and the rocky Mountains by Albert Bierstadt Abstract Abstract artwork concentrates more on geometry and shapes hence it is not easy β†’

Greek and roman architecture and chartres cathedral

Greek and Roman Architecture and Chartres Cathedral Introduction: Architecture is simply not just the designing and construction of the buildings. Their religious temples were different from those of Egyptians and Hindus, however; their temples had " Cella" which is their porch or the centre room with the statue of god in the centre as the β†’

Venus and adonis by titian and diana and cupid by pompeo girolamo batoni

The two paintings which I compared are Venus and Adonis by Titian and Diana and Cupid by Pompeo Girolamo Batoni. Diana and Cupid is a Neoclassical piece which shows the Roman goddess of the hunt holding a bow away from Cupid, the god of love.


The film was produced by John Houseman and Mankiewiczs and was an ingenious way of attacking Hearst the newspaper mogul through an evolution character Foster Kane, and focuses on a fierce duel to expose dirty under deals of a society that was suffering from social morals and integrity among many leaders and business executives. The β†’

Landscape painting

Thus, the romanticism movement reacted against the rationalization of nature, which was mostly represented in music, literature and visual arts. Retrieved from http://www.huntfor.com/arthistory/c19th/impressionism.htm Romanticism in art.

Tourism sites and once-in-a-lifetime experiences, the philippines backpack

The beach is created of 2 atolls, Northapricot beach, and South apricot reef, afar by an abysmal approach of almost 5afar wide.it's become one of all the foremost admired dive sites auralthe Philippines due to its apricot walls wherever the bank beach abbreviatesends giving acknowledgment to nice depths. The abyssal esplanade is acceptedlive-aboard diving excursions β†’

Clyfford still

Clyfford Still and the Dreaming Couple as a Representation of the Poor in the United s I. The first thing that caught my eye was the hands of the man and the woman.

Expressionism and impressionism

Expressionism and Impressionism Paul Cezanne's painting The Bay from L'Estaque is a post-impressionist painting presenting a landscape scene that looks over a golden-roofed village to a blue bay beyond and the far green hills on the other side of the water. In keeping with the impressionist tradition, Cezanne was clearly trying to capture a sense β†’

The symbiotic age – a man and technological infrastructure increasingly become inseparable

Slide 4: Education & training To comprehend the relevance of CUIs in education and training we must appreciate the changes that are currently taking place within this sector. Slide 7: Conclusion In summary what we are saying is that CUIs will play a big role in the coming Age through enabling human-computer communication to be β†’

San francisco-based naked labs

Standing on the weighing pan and facing the mirror, you can create a 3D view of the human body. A 3D scan can be recorded at each stage of the workout.

Unit 1 lab assignemnt

The design of DHCP options involves definition of parameters and settings to establish the boundaries of a given DHCP configuration. The options can be applied in a single scope or applied to all scopes defined in the server.


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol The LDAP is an improvement of a 1993 lightweight protocol brainchild, Lightweight Directory Browsing Protocol. With the increase in the scope of the protocol to directory update services beyond directory browsing and searching, the name became LDAP.

Information system security of a company

The hacker or social engineer first manages to get the contact number of a new employee from the HR department and then, pretending to be one of the vice presidents, he calls the employee and fools him into downloading a file on the actual VP's computer. Of course this does require technical skills to create β†’

U1 discussion

As cited by Morimoto et al, the other cause of the IP addresses conflict may be malfunctioning of the internal components of the DCHP server. How does the DHCP server check the IP addresses?

What are some of the basic components of an operating system

Broadly the operating system consists of the following parts Process management: The process makes up for the program and the programs pile up to constitute the entire operating system. The resource allocation process consists of the function of allocating the workload and the program load according to the capacity of the operating system and the β†’

Rapid freight converged network security

Rapid Freight Converged Network Security Implementation of a converged network system is the key adjustment that the CIO of Rapid Freight should consider. The network will also enable ease of monitoring all aspects of the organization while reducing challenges in security.

Security frameworks comparison

The business orientation of the Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology consists of linking business goals to IT goals, providing maturity and metric models to measure their success and identifying the associated obligations of business and Information Technology process owners. NIST from National Institute of Standards and Technology Founded in the year 1901, the β†’

Can two network interfaces have the same ip address

Beatrice an attack in the form of the man-in-the-middle attack between numerous users of a network and the printer used for the particular network. All in all, the intruder would find it relatively easy to attack such a machine by watching and analyzing the user's behavior.

Writing a policy about human resources security

External cloud computing services Policy on external cloud computing services for human resource security Policy introduction Cloud computing entails loading computer data, on multiple servers, that are used regularly can be retrieved via the Internet. This discloses the significance of external cloud computing services as a policy.

Quotes describing the setting in different points in the novel lord of the flies

At the sight of the flames and the irresistible course of the fire, the boys broke into shrill, excited cheering... The vicious beast of whom they speak is precisely the boys or the terrible evil within the boys.

Fahrenheit 451 essay sample

The phoenix bird has symbolized immortality, but for the people in Fahrenheit 451, their only hope was that the phoenix would be burn out, and be reborn again. The myth of the phoenix gave Guy Montag hope that his dying world would be burnt down and soon rise again from the ashes.

Rose for emily

Two characters are worth to compare in Faulkner's fictions Miss Emily in " A Rose for Emily", and Abner Snopes in " Barn Burning". Emily was a mistery for everyone in the town.

Free catch-22 summary essay sample

The most significant characters in the novel include Captain John Yossarian, Colonel Cathcart, and Nately The novel opens and we meet the novel's protagonist Captain John Yossarian, a bombardier of the 256th squadron who is hospitalized on the islands of pianosa in the squadron hospital with a temperature of 101 degrees Celsius. Captain John Yossarian β†’

Dickens uses a character

At one point Pip is on his bed thinking about his encounter with Estella and Miss Havisham and he thinks I thought how Joe and my sister were then sitting in the kitchen, and how I had come up to bed from the kitchen, and how Miss Havisham and Estella never sat in a kitchen, β†’

The influence of scientific advancements on our world in “oryx and crake” by margaret atwood

Margaret Atwood grew up under the influence of the sciences, and her experiences as well as her bleak predictions manifest themselves in her 2003 novel, Oryx and Crake. In this novel, Atwood describes a dystopian world through the eyes of " Snowman", our jaded protagonist, and we become privy to this new Earth which has β†’

Summary of their eyes are watching god by zora neale hurston

Moreover, Janie was conceived because her mother was raped by a schoolteacher. Janie was very attractive to Tea Cake, but most of all she loved him because he loved her back.

Overview of tom clancy’s rainbow six: plot summary, character analysis and literary elements

If there is a state of an emergency like hostages and robberies, the country that is having some issues they can contact him to get help from the Rainbow Six highly trained secret operatives. He is in charge of making sure the two teams are getting the right training and the equipment they to be β†’

My impressions from pride and prejudice book

A while later, Bingley and Darcy return, and they propose to Jane and Elizabeth, and the two accept and get married. The theme of the book is love, and the relationships between Jane and Bingley and Elizabeth and Darcy.

Understanding crime prevention essay

To keep crime and criminals from harming others in society, systems of rules and laws were set up to deter crime and punish the offenders. Therefore, the main functions of the criminal justice system are to deter crime, punish offenders, prevent offenders from reoffending, and allow the victims of crime to seek legal recourse.

Government essay examples

1 The Role Amendments 1-10 Play In Securing The Ratification Of The Constitution By The States: A Summary Introduction In the first amendment in the constitution, it has been stated that freedom of speech, religion and the conduct of activities will be respected. Amendment ten firmly states that the rights of the people in β†’

Individual rights advocates & public order advocates

In my opinion, I feel that the public order advocates are more important to the overall well-being of society because I think people should have their rights overlooked when putting safety first. The pedophile might think this is a violation of their individual rights but it's only to protect the public.

Evolution of medical anthropology essay

Medical anthropology is a science that tries to study the aspects of a bicultural adaptation, health care systems and human health and disease. It is a subfield of cultural and social anthropology which examines ways in which culture and societies are in the formation around or are under the influence of health, health care and β†’

The due process model in the criminal justice system

Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit judge Henry Friendly, the elements of procedural due process include: an unbiased tribunal, notice of the proposed action and the grounds asserted for it, an opportunity to present reasons why it should not occur, the right to call witnesses, the right to know the opposing evidence, the right β†’

The architectural analysis of salk institute research papers examples

Figure 1: The graphical presentation showing the percentage dimensions of the various sections of the sulk institute The Salk institute is a manifestation of a beautiful mind and act. The Khan Articulation and resolution of the building's major elements portrays the building as unique.

Questionnaire for concepts essay examples

Retrieved June 10, 2014, from http://www.icpr.org.uk/media/10372/Attitudes%20to%20punishment,%20hors179.pdf Truman, J. Retrieved June 10, 2014, from http://etd.fcla.edu/CF/CFE0001622/Truman_Jennifer_L_200705_MAST.pdf

An analysis of an article on virtual stealing by alex weiss essays example

Still, the author can see the point in this decision as he claims that many players' " hopes and dreams can be destroyed rapidly by another player who just wants to be a jerk" The problem, as I can see it, is that the real and virtual laws conflicted in this case. Also if the β†’

Women driving in saudi arabia research paper samples

This paper intended to explore the journey to the freedom of women drivers by looking at the historical background, the current situation and the projected future and the fate of women drivers. In a world of automobiles and technological advancement, it is in the interest of every human being to know and understand the trends β†’

The building of the holocaust memorial report example

The idea of building sculptures is more of the physical part of the murder of innocent children, but does not signify more of the real facts; it is just a total waste of resources. Conclusively, building of Holocaust memorial is good for remembrance, but it wasted a lot of money and does not serve the β†’