4000 Words Essay Samples

Communication audit is a comprehensive review social work essay

And finally under the deputy manager are the personnel who work in different departments such as nurses, health care assistants, maintenance men, domestics, Activity team and the like, the health care providers, who directly works with the residents and are responsible in the delivery of care, the activity team who ensures participative involvement and the β†’

Human resource management in the fmcg industry

The human resource direction has been accepted as a strategic spouse in the preparation of organisation ' s schemes and in the execution of such schemes through human resource planning, employment, preparation, assessment and honoring the forces. In the Every portion of the universe, the Nestle name represents a committedness or promise to the client β†’

How to write a philosophy paper assignment

It is likely that if you cannot state the central thesis of the paper In a clear, crisp, precise sentence, teen you do not really Know yet want you are trying to say. Thus, if you eve done a fair Job of presenting your thesis, offering arguments, offering objections, and replying to those objections, then β†’

Sustainablity in maintaining a competitive advantage essay

The strategic prima procedure is an effectual foundation that assists in puting the gait in the right way while cognizing what to make next; and it improves the interaction and part within the organisation which introduces the opportunity to accommodate and absorb new penetrations of how to organize and do sense of the relationships. Therefore, β†’

Evaluation of the main research article health and social care essay

2 Purpose: The purpose of the study is to identify the proposition regarding pressure relieving mattresses leading to the reduction of pressure ulcerations and whether this is a valid and reliable statement of truth, potentially leading to better patient outcomes. The research concluding that that although their remained the risk of gaining a pressure ulcer β†’

Price waterhouse coopers (pwc) assurance operating functions

The structure of the department was designed in a way that the staff from the lower ranks report to their seniors or managers of the next rank. The discoveries about fraud in Lehman Brothers, as well as in the organisations locally, namely Singapore Land Authority, Singapore Red Cross Society, and M1 Limited, have casted doubts β†’

Marketing plan of dyson analysis

Dyson is the market leader in upright and cylinder vacuum cleaners categories with huge difference as compared to its major competitor i.e.Vax. Dyson Dyson Black and Decker Vax The market shares are different for different categories of vacuum cleaners.

Corus strip products uk’s change management

The term business environment implies those external forces, factors and institutions that are beyond the control of individual business organisations and their management and affect the business enterprise. Drivers are something like barriers which are affecting to the business and we must need to change in the organisation to continue running business is good situation β†’

Investigating the 2012 olympics stadium and the wembley stadium

1 The London Development Agency The Mayor's London Development Agency is responsible for the physical, social and economic legacy of the Olympic Park area. The Olympic Park Legacy Company is responsible for the long-term planning, development, management and maintenance of the Olympic Park and its facilities after the London 2012 Games.

Impact of lack of family cohesion on child adjustment

Abstract The effect of a lack of family cohesion on child adjustment was examined depending on the level of threat the child faces in their local area in Northern Ireland. The high level of threat faced by the families in interfaced areas is therefore shown to be related significantly to the level of family cohesion β†’

Stress is a world wide phenomenon of modern lifestyles

The main aim of this section is to go beyond a simple description of the literature so as to acquire an understanding of the topic in a theoretical context in order to better investigate the subject matter having direct applicability to my dissertation." Stress is not necessarily something bad it all depends on how you β†’

Efficacy of binocular vision psychology essay

This research will be conducted in order to identify Binocular Vision techniques that commonly used at various regions of the world and then find the most reliable and efficient among all the binocular vision techniques used in clinical practice. General objective The aim of this study was to investigate the scientific evidence available on the β†’

Right wing jurisprudence and its relationship to law & economics

The origin of the term left and right originated from the time of the French Revolution where those who supported the revolution literally hung to the left side of the room whereas those who supported the king, the French monarchy sat to the right.[1]When looking at the historical nature of the left and right one β†’

Relationship between stress and alzheimer’s disease

Chronic stress unlike acute stress can cause lasting disruption and damage to the body and brain such as anxiety, depression, heart disease, and is believed to have a link to the development and progression of Alzheimer's Disease. Stress in the brain: Novel cellular mechanisms of injury linked to Alzheimer's Disease.

Security plan – knowledge and information security

James Brown Extension: 8020 The Electronic Security Manager oversees the electronic protection of the network and the administration of the database. Physical Security General StatementPhysical integrity of the organisation is imperative to the security of private and confidential information that the organisation holds.

Marketing essays – gloria jean coffee

Gloria Jeans always keep to their vision, which is " To be the most respected and loved coffee company in Australia" General Environment of the Coffee Industry It is important for an organization to investigate the market they plan to enter as well as the external environments to guarantee that they will be ready and β†’

Imperfections of the targeted public distribution system economics essay

My research question, " What effect do the imperfections of the Targeted Public Distribution System have on the lives of the people it is aimed at in the city of Dehradun?" seeks to see the effect on these people by looking into the working of the system proving the existence of the black marketing, rationing, β†’

Adventure travel in india market study tourism essay

INTRODUCTION " A man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore", were the words of the famous French noble laureate Andre Gide and the increasing demand for the adventure sports indicates that people have entered the 21st century with renewed courage to find enjoyment in the thrills β†’

Organisational structure: profit and non profit organisations coca-cola company

They will have more powerful research strategy and which level of research they should apply the strategy to control the cancer. They want to help people to understand the process of cancer, why and how it starts?

Egyptian architecture

The ancient Egyptians accomplished marvellous feats in the handling of stupendous materials, but the developments brought about by the use of the arch and the vault remained unknown to them. Renaissance The Temple of Vesta is an ancient edifice in Rome, Italy, located in the Roman Forum near the Regia and the House of the β†’

Marketing strategy of tvs motors

Before doing a study on any organization it was important to have compassion on the concepts, principles and requisites of the organizations. Strength of the organization lies in its design and development of its new products, the company launched seven products on the same day in 1997, making it all the first automotive company to β†’

Company overview of unilever

The success story of Unilever can be seen in the annual turnover in the year 2009 which is 39. 4% Unilever in the Western Europe has suffered losses as much as 6% in the year 2009, after including the effects of acquisition, disposal and exchange rate as shown in the graph above.

Persuasion and groups

This is also the time when the tasks of the group and the members willbe decided. The power of peers and, in particular, the power of a majority is one of the most well established findings in Social Psychology.

The background of tutti frutti frozen yogurt marketing essay

In terms of product, the core product of Tutti Frutti frozen yogurt which is the benefit of the product is that consumer is buying a healthy living style. The price of Tutti Frutti frozen yogurt is measured according to its weight, which is RM0.

Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction psychology essay

H01: There is a negative association between the four dimensions of emotional intelligence and job satisfaction. This is an exploratory research study, as its major purpose was to gain a better understanding of the employee emotional intelligence and job satisfaction.

Sports influence on psychology of people media essay

That is, key social practices including sports and the related events will be discussed and recounted in compelling ways by a large group of people through various mediums from media forms to everyday conversations, leading to the formation of certain ideas in their minds, which in turn leads to the formation of social beliefs and β†’


12: 51 and I thought my feelings were gone But I am lying on my bed, I am not thinking of you again And the moon shines so bright, but I gotta dry these tears tonight Cause you are moving on and I am not that strong to hold on Cause I will prove you β†’

Hero and house of flying daggers

The movies Hero and House of Flying Daggers also reflect the growing unrest of the people during the respective dynasties and under the particular government institutions the heroes in the movie rebelled against. The title is also the name of a very famous traditional Chinese music piece for the pipa which describes the battle between β†’

Thermal management of microelectronics packages engineering essay

The authors showed that the lowest temperature was obtained for the scenario where the width of the inlet channel covered half of the tubes' cross-section with minimum temperature of 313. These correlations were shown to be a function of materials conductivity, being independent of the Rayleigh number, the viscosity of the fluid, and the length β†’

Shell nigeria assignment

Remember to consider the global as well as local and regional issues and impacts of construction and operation of this dam." If a decision was undertaken on undemocratic and unscientific grounds then the laws of nature will mirthfully punish us and we will pay even more dearly" Sun Xu Chi Conflicting Social Costs Relocation Destroying β†’

Nuclear technology

The balance of the energy comes from gamma rays emitted during or immediately following the fission process and from the kinetic energy of the neutrons. Fast Neutron Reactors In a Fast Neutron Reactor the fuel in the core is Pu-239 and the abundant neutrons which leak from the core breed more Pu-239 in a fertile β†’

Analysing a managing change in general electric

GE as Brand GE has got his fourth position of the most recognized brand in the world; worth almost $52 billion.GE.com heighten the value of the brand by the ownership. GE has vision impact on the employees to be accompanied in a dramatic and enduring way.

Physio ex exercise essay

At the end of this experimental run, did the Na+/Cl- move from the left vessel to the right vessel? No 2. As the run progresses, the concentrations of the solutes will change in the windows next to the two beakers.

Multiple sclerosis essay

This is due to both the transitory nature of the disease and the lack of a specific diagnostic test specific symptoms and changes in the brain must develop before the diagnosis is confirmed. After the location of each susceptibility gene is identified, the role that the gene plays in the immune system and neuralgic aspects β†’

All hands on deck: nurses and cancer care delivery in women’s health

As cancer care grows in complexity and expense with an aging and increasingly diverse population, the Institute of Medicine and others have called for improvements in cancer care delivery and research. As integral members of the cancer care team during treatment, nurses' involvement in multidisciplinary cancer care treatment models can improve care post-diagnosis through management β†’

Task-specificity of muscular responses during motor imagery: peripheral physiological effects and the legacy of edmund jacobson

The importance of introspection can be demonstrated more clearly for mental timing tasks in which the basic idea is to simulate a motor task internally and to signal the end of the action, for example in walking different distances. This result demonstrated for the first time that the peripheral physiological effects of motor imagery are β†’

Cutting fluids and lubrication in manufacturing

Cutting fluids are various fluids that are used in machining to cool and lubricate the cutting tool. Application of cutting fluid also improves the quality of the workpiece by continually removing metal fines and cuttings from the tool and cutting zone.

Aeschylus’s oresteia: summary and analysis

To show the relationship between these paintings, Aeschylus Oresteia and Bacon, an in depth analysis of Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion will be made, following this up by examining the Second Version of Triptych 1944 and Triptych Inspired by the Oresteia of Aeschylus. The Eumenides are avengers of familial murder β†’

Faulkner and race

While his black characters tend to be static and lacking the complexity of his white characters, the congregation scene indicates he is aware of the power of the black community and that it is different from the individualistic white community. He creates the protagonist Joe Christmas, who serves as a vehicle for Faulkner to probe β†’

An organisation analysis of twycross zoo

Twycross Zoo is a very big zoo in the village of Twycross in Leicestershire, close to the border of Warwickshire. The zoo is next to the motorway which is not a good environment for the animal because of the noise from the transport, yet this is beneficial for customers to visits the zoo and attracts β†’

Vision statement of loreal marketing essay

Founded in 1907, by Eugene Schuller in Paris, the world famous and technologically advanced company L'Oreal has gained reputation for luxury and quality products." Technology should be used where it adds value to the reputation" with this vision The L'Oreal Group has become the most famous cosmetics and make-up product manufacturer in the world. L'Oreal β†’

How raf turned the tide against german luftwaffe

The ' Battle of Britain' is an effort by the Germans to invade Britain through the use of air superiority. To examine the factors that led to the success of RAF against the German Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain.' Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to β†’

Poverty eradication and hunger reduction

4 of the respondents believed that people's involvement in leadership creates employment opportunities for the people, 60 disagreed and 6 have no stand pertaining to the issue. The above table shows that 30 were in tune with the fact that inclusive leadership encourages enrollment expansion in schools in response to the yearnings of the people, β†’

Indian advertising industry has witnessed a prominent globalization media essay

As per the information provided by the respondents, the study is expected to provide a bird's eye view over the preference of the viewers and their thought process. The project " Viewer's Perception towards changing Advertising strategies: A case where spokes characters are replacing the field of celebrity endorsements".is an attempt to find whether the β†’

Explain one theory of motivation commerce

The direction at Marks & A; Spencer can give a feeling of occupation security by being transparent in its communicating to employees about intended determinations. Social Needs are taken attention of when the company conveys a concern for the employees ' public assistance and involvements, thereby making a feeling of belongingness to its employees.

Maths 1a imp qstns essay

B, I A and I B be identify functions on A and B respectively. B be a bijection.

To what extent did the prohibition era ignite the rise of al capone?

I have Built My Organization Out of Fear: Al Capone, Prohibition and the Rise of The Bootlegging Industry Research Question: To what extent did the Prohibition Era ignite the rise of Al Capone? 3: Thesis Many people tend to connect Al Capone to the failures of the Prohibition and how it managed to get him β†’

Human rights in a democratic south africa education

The earnestness of this state of affairs lies non merely in the fraud but the insufficiency of the mode in which pupils were left without any agencies to instruction until the center of the school twelvemonth. South Africa is in position133 sing the quality of the instruction systemA and in position138 for the quality of β†’

Collectivization and the peasant rebellion

The significance of the structure of the centralized collective farms was greater in the overall performance of the economy of the Soviet Union and its centralized operations. This was because of the " divided" nature of the system individual components of the system did not have to cover the entire Soviet Union, but only had β†’

Atomic absorption spectroscopy: history and applications

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy relates to the study of the absorption of radiant energy commonly within the ultraviolet or possibly in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum by isolated atoms in the gaseous phase. The power of the beam transmitted to the detector will likely be equivalent to the power of the beam incident on β†’

Woolworths essay sample

Introduction The purpose of this report is to define how successful is Woolworths in the their current respective industry sector Consumer Goods Retail in Australia; and to predict and analyze how Woolworths will perform in the future. As the result, the threat of new entrants for Woolworths in the industry is seems to be low.

Regulation and australian financial system

The start of the modern era of financial regulation can be traced back to the introduction of banking legislation in 1945 and the establishment of Australia's first central bank. This eventually led to the separation of the Commonwealth Bank's trading and central banking activities, resulting in the formation of the Reserve Bank of Australia in β†’

Als case study

P: Whatever it is that Most Barras does to manage the stress to being IONIC and as a S SAFE, it works and it NAS worked has gotten her to a high level of responsibility and if she continues practicing effective time management there is no reason she cannot continue climbing the ranks within her β†’

Predict disease progression with reaction rate equation modeling of multimodal mri and pet

In one study, activated microglia was found to facilitate the propagation of misfolded tau in mouse brains, and after depletion of microglia in the mouse brain, the spread of tau from the entorhinal cortex to the dentate gyrus was significantly decrease. In other words, if we hypothesize that one type of pathology is the upstream β†’

How far has nationalism changed over the last hundred years?

The Germans rebutted by passing the Naval Law of April 1906, which required the widening of the Kiel Canal and the construction of six new ships equal to that of the dreadnaught. With the support of the liberals and the church, Mussolini had influence over the entire population of Italy, as the liberals influenced the β†’


Compared to other forms of conflict resolution, mediation involves the disputants directly in the conflict and in the process of resolution. The dialogue is intended to create awareness of cultural differences and value mediation in a different way.

Online shopping versus physical shopping marketing essay

The purpose of open-ended question is to obtain more relevant information from respondents include view of point and understanding their reason in choosing the shopping type. Minority of respondents, 13% who are prefer in online shopping and the most reason has been stated is convenience.

Effectiveness of technology in meat production

It is this transformation with the implement of mechanism of production which Marx claimed necessary." The implements of labor, in the form of machinery, necessitate the substitution of natural forces for human forces, and the conscious application of science, instead of rule of thumb". This literature is closely related to the current study for it β†’

Value line publishing, october 2002 essay

Business Summary The Home Depot, Inc.is the world's largest home improvement retailer and the second largest retailer in the United States. The Home Depot, Inc.is in a highly competitive industry that is based on the factors of price, store location, customer service, and depth of merchandise.

Economic development

The innovation scoreboard of 2007 has revealed that the EU has taken the lead in few metrics but U.S.is still leading in most qualitative indicators in the fields of research and development. For organisation to achieve success in their operations, the whole process of innovation should not only be reflected in the R & D, β†’

The decline of education in america

The human brain has plasticity in the sense that it will adapt to the environment it is placed in, and the millennial brain has molded to the instantaneous access of knowledge from our computers, televisions, and phones; because of that millennials demand that same level of stimulation everywhere else in their lives. One of the β†’

Competition in the footwear industry

The Mission Statement of Adidas is as follows:" Adidas-Salomon strives to be the global leader in the sporting goods industry with sports brands built on a passion for sports and a sporting lifestyle. Adidas was always known as a performance brand and Reebok as a lifestyle and a fitness brand; the coming together of the β†’

Analysis of the diaper market

It is also worthwhile to notice the trend in the developed markets towards greener products as shown in the chart below Diaper Market in Developing Country There is huge growth potential for these products in emerging markets such as China, Brazil and India, as these markets are still quite underdeveloped and new. Middle-class consumers are β†’

Integrated marketing communications project orange assignment

The major challenges facing ACH include: lack of education on homelessness in local communities of the Orange County area, lack of available affordable housing in the county, inability to provide permanent housing to all of the homeless population due to under-funding, cutbacks in CB and other funding organizations and an overall community attitude of " β†’

Grand and less grand challenges in avian physiology

How is the reproductive system of the hen controlled including recruitment and hierarchy of follicles, circadian pattern of ovulation and oviposition, cross-talk between the ovary and oviduct and neural, endocrine and paracrine control of the functioning of the oviduct? Others attend the Society for the Study of Reproduction or the Society for the Study of β†’

Benefits of teaching play skills to children

The Play in Early Childhood Evaluation System is the observational assessment piece of the PLAIS, and serves as a tool to measure children's play skills. Intentionality and the role of play in the tran-sition to language.In A.

Design and fabrication of a hydraulic ram pump engineering essay

The hydram pump uses the power of falling water to pump a small portion of that water uphill. The effect of water hammer is to open the check valve.

Atrocities and violence against women sociology essay

Social learning theory is one of the most popular explanatory frameworks for crime, atrocities and violence against women, suggests that individuals learn how to behave through both the experience of and exposure to violence. For example, a systems perspective on family violence will focus on the family dynamics that contribute to the violence, and less β†’

Impact of cyanobacteria toxins

Thus, the ability of cyanobacteria underwent the process of photosynthesis leading to the evolution of oxygen as they play an important role in increasing the amount of oxygen in Earth. The eutrophication is the process of water bodies gets the excess of nutrient and this promotes extremely growth of cyanobacteria.

Business intelligence strategy at canadian tire

The Bal initiative, while important to the organization overall, was primarily associated with CTR, and it represented one of many IS initiatives competing for CT support and funding based on the new 2003 IT Strategy 2003. Consequently, Bal quick win projects were prioritize first with development and implementation of a Bal strategy and structure to β†’

Causes of bhs’ retail failure

An example of retailfailure is the demise and bankruptcy of BHS, which has been one of the mostcontentious and conspicuous retail failures in recent years. BHS's collapse resulted in the loss of 11, 000 jobs and the closure of 164 highstreet stores.

Case study: impact of mining

The community shares access rights to the forests, rivers, and creeks, and the fruits of these lands and waters are open to those who gathered them.[1] Entry of mining, construction of dams Mining has a long history in the Philippines. Impacts of Mines and Dams The combination of mines and dams in Benguet has had β†’

The last 20 years have brought many changes to the teaching of mathematics, as well as to the content, the tool/strategies, and the focus of maths/numeracy lesson’

Do learners need to understand the concept behind their numerical world or just be able to interact functionally with it? * As learners differ in the innate genetic mathematical intelligences, how can maths knowledge and skills be taught so that all students are able to access the curriculum? * As the chasm widens between the β†’

Amul essay 9

It is one of the best examples of co-operative achievement in the developing economy." Anyone who has seen, the dairy cooperatives in the state of Gujarat, especially the highly successful one known as AMUL, will naturally wonder what combination of influences and incentives is needed to multiply such a model a thousand times over in β†’

Prevention of heat related illness health essay

The data should be analyzed in an ongoing manner and a " Heat and health early warning system" should be developed to issue early warnings and use of public health/preventive measures to the physician as well as to the general community. The individuals to be acclimatized are subjected to a maximum of one and a β†’

Women and their stereotypical roles in george eliot’s middlemarch

Although she seems to esteem her sister very much, she is also well aware of the fact that her own sense of what is right for a lady of her social standing is better and more pragmatic, as the jewel scene shows. Her choice of husband seems to be based on her conviction of the β†’

Impact of shopping tourism for the retail trade as a strategy for the local development of cities

Given these figures, it is necessary to take advantage of this potential market and bet on the quality and diversification of the offer of tourism products, as a key element of the National and Integral Tourism Plan, and this will be achieved by promoting quality tourism and shopping as an engine of economic and social β†’

Smc annual report essay

SAN MIGUEL'S CORE BUSINESSES Food & Agribusiness San Miguel's leadership in the food industry extends to the feeds, dairy and poultry segments of the market. The deal, valued around P 7 billion, delivers to SMC the 50% market share in the local refrigerated meats market and 17% of flour milling enjoyed by Purefoods at the β†’

Negotiation report flashcard

In the distributive perspective, negotiators " believe that there will be one winner and one loser," and in order to do so, the negotiator needs to establish a kind of dominance in the negotiation process. If you are a woman in the South Korean culture it is inappropriate to drink heavily.

Critical assessment of kempinski hotel san lawrenz

The aim of this assignment is to describe the organisational culture of the respective organisation, by using theories, concepts and models which are mentioned in the course of studies. Schein Layers Of Organisational Culture Schein's Layers of Organisational Culture is pivotal in assessing the culture at KHSL since in my opinion is the most appropriate β†’

Introduction an immense success (e.g. monster.com). therefore,

The paper through these sections, will demonstrate the advantages of going online and the business model that should be The introduction of an online medical staffing agency will increase the reach of the company in two ways increase clientele, and increase the number of candidates approaching the company for jobs. Due to the brick and β†’

The leading concept of sustainable developments commerce essay

According to the company's vision the activities of the business should be organized and performed in a sustainable way for present and future generations in regards to the economy, society and environment. In the policy it is also stated that H&M have a stakeholder dialogue to increase trust for the company's activities and operations and β†’

International students in new york essay

The reasons these international students chose New York to stay in varies, but most of the gathered answers through the mini-survey conducted is due to the lifestyle New York offers and the just because New York is New York! Therefore, the writer will try to answer the above questions through presenting a study of literature β†’

Us criminal justice: ethics and professional behaviour

The administration suffers with issues in certain situations that are hard to handle and it is the duty or rather we can say the criminal justice administration are obliged to make moral judgements of what is right or wrong and this is done with the help of proper critical thinking. The officer should realise that β†’

Factors for motivation at work in nursing

The consultation consisted of interviews and surveys with 58, 000 staff members and 152, 000 members of the public, with the following ten areas the top concerns the public and staff members voiced: Table 1 Top Ten Concerns Voiced by the Public and NHS Staff Members: Public Staff Members 1 More staff members with higher β†’

The dystopian trend in young adult literature

Dystopian literature was a product of the Romantic era, YA literature a product of the Modern era and YA Dystopian literature a product of the Post-Modern era. Lowry's dystopian world is a False Utopia, which means that the protagonist Jonas and the readers become aware of the problems in his society at the same time.

How leaders enlist and enable others to act

The essay examines how the leader supports collaboration in their organisation to enlist and enable others to act and analyses the emotional competencies involved in. However, beyond that people must feel that they have the respect and trust of their superiors to get the job done.

Natural antioxidant in anti-aging skin care

The main aim of the report is to introduce how antioxidants work in anti-aging skin care products and the relationship between antioxidants and the free radicals. And the free radicals of vitamin E were played a role in anti-aging and the antioxidant activity is useful for the skin problem [11].

Dispersal policy in transferred scattered places sociology

The aims of the policy were to command refuge searchers to come in the UK, increasing velocity of the determination devising for refuge searchers, renovating the fiscal support method of public assistance benefits. The media blow up the insecurities of the populace to sale more documents, as they are the lone seeable group in the β†’

Ramraj cottons essay

0 Satisfy with Formal shirt Price 2.00 1. 00 prefer to purchase in separate casual wear showrooms 1.0 2.

Mau mau rebellion and the british response history essay

This prevailing attitude spread amongst the heads of the colonial project and even to local loyalist people creating a detrimental social consciousness and ironically this myth did not diminish the cause of the Mau Mau fighters as intended, but it antagonised both sides of the divide, the myth took on a life of its own β†’

Relevance of accreditation and management education in indian education essay

The National Assessment and Accreditation Council is one of the premier accrediting agencies in India to evaluate the performance of higher education institutions. Quality of a nation depends upon the quality of its citizen and the quality of the citizens in turn depends on the quality of their education.

The theoretical basis of agritourism

Spending time on the farms, interacting with the local people and farmers to get an insight into their day-to-day work and their traditions, participating in the local fairs and festivals, doing the actual work on the farm, milking the cow, riding a bullock cart, are some of the activities that can be enjoyed on an β†’

The relationship between inflation and unemployment

Economists became interested in the subject and a significant amount of research was done to understand the phenomenon of inflation, its causes and costs to the economy. One of the most common perceptions about costs of inflation is that inflation erodes the purchasing power parity of the currency.

Understanding fatigue and the implications for worker safety

In order to manage and mitigate fatigue and the associated risks, it is essential to understand the different types and components. Parameters of importance in the development of fatigue, and subsequent risk, include the length of time-on-task between breaks, work pace, and the timing of rest breaks.