400 Words Essay Samples

Kibera slum

Kibera case study Kibera is a slum division in the City of Nairobi, Kenya. Resulting from a 2000 meeting between President Moi and the UN Human Settlements Programme, KENSUP aims to improve physical structures in Kibera and other slums through a process called " slum upgrading." The program calls for the temporary relocation →

Discriminatory practice in health and social care

When working in a residential home with young adults who have it is very important that you are careful how you approach them and that you are always thinking about their feelings. Homophobia If you are homophobic in a residential setting and there is a homosexual person →

Comparative essay – booker t. washington & w.e.b. dubois

Over the course of their lives, both grew to become very accomplished men. Washington became the founder of Tuskegee Normal & Industrial Institute and wrote the Atlanta Compromise. Dubois, while agreeing that African Americans should improve their education and further themselves in society, was outraged by racial injustice and inequality and demanded →

An issue of gender inequality in sport

Sport is one of the sectors in which women are more vetoed, not because they cannot practice it normally, but because for a woman to be able to dedicate herself professionally to the sport she would need good financing both from private and public organizations and this is practically non-existent. A woman has to accept →

Equality and inclusion essay sample

Inclusion also includes the idea that all children need to feel welcomed and valued at a the setting, practitioners need to ensure every effort is made for this to happen Discrimination: Discrimination is the prejudicial treatment of an individual based on their membership in a certain group or category. By supporting a person's equality you →

Pandemic or panic (2010) by brian molloy analysis

First, Molloy argues that WHO send everyone into a panic about H1N1, but it is not the threat people imaged it to be. Grove, however, states that it is necessary for the WHO and the government to take the threat of H1N1 seriously. Discussion: Molloy claims that the WHO and →

Competition in health care essay sample

But one must ask, with all the health care competition is it keeping the United States healthy? The known competition among health care entities recognized would be controlling cost, enhancing quality of care, and increasing accessibility of care. With health care always a problem for the world, the Health care reform act gives patients →


This paper focuses on the advancement of " non-clinker green cement" through the utilization of cement kiln dust and fly ash. CKD has incompletely calcified substances possessing hydraulic and cementitious qualities. In addition, sulfate, alkali, and chloride elements are high and may affect the quality of cement performance.

Kinetic chemistry

The name of the course: Kinetic Chemistry The student name : Wejdan Mohammed Al-OtaibiTeachername : Razan SnariGroup namber : 1The year : 2017/2018Spectrophotometry: is a device to measure the amount of light in the material used. This device consists of two parts: the first is the light source, and the second is the →

Possibility of extraterrestrial life essay examples

Rocket technology that provides the means to travel to space does not have the capacity to provide the necessary speed to enable the interstellar travel a reality.similarly, the rockets are another major problem. Carrying food and water sufficient to sustain the organism in spacecraft is impossible due to the long duration of travel. Brains are →

The water cycle

The water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle or H2O cycle, describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth. Although the balance of water on Earth remains fairly constant over time, individual water molecules can come and go. The water moves from one reservoir to another, →

Relaxation destination

My lake house has two screened in porches; the one on the back of the house is used for entertaining and cooking. The second porch is on the front of the house. Our porches are where I usually hangout and spend most of my time when I visit the lake house.

Glow stick essay sample

The light from a glow stick will extinguish more quickly at higher temperatures because temperature affects the rate of the chemical reaction. Question: Will a glow stick extinguish more quickly while in a higher temperature? Purpose: To determine if a glow stick will die out quicker in a cold temperature →

Water spouts

The second way a water spout can form is like a regular tornado, it will form from a cloud and descend down but will touch water's surface. It is not as common for a water spout to form from a cloud, but when they do, they are typically more destructive than a water spout forming →

Americans are wasteful people

However, the government is taking measures to fix the problem, and Americans are contributing to reduce this problem. Of course, the government wanted to reverse the problem and implemented measures. These measures were implemented to promote everyone to recycle.

The florida straits essay examples

Introduction A terrestrial hotspot is a general term applicable to areas all over the globe that either have worldwide essential levels of endemism and biodiversity, regarded to be under risk in some cases, or include associate illustrations of essential environments. These negative effects may change the compostion, functioning and diversity of this essential →

Example of essay on types of volcanoes & geological records

Abstract In this essay, it is presented a resumed description of the different volcano types that can be identified, according to the types of rock layers they leave behind after their erosion. The main types of volcanoes that can be identified are the stratovolcanoes, which leave behind layers of rock of different components, →

“white privilidge” by paula s. rothenberg essay sample

Do you agree with him? When Harlon Dalton suggests that most white people do not give racial recognition to their backgrounds he means that most white people do not see themselves as raced. By not seeing race when they look at themselves leaves whites with the inability to see that race is part of →

Skin deep response

Dane states directly to the other teens in the group, " no way I can step back and change that," meaning his grandparents that were involved in the Confederacy. Because Dane was raised in a mainly racist family and dominantly white neighborhood he was brought up to think he was better than →

Can we talk

It is hard to live with someone and not know that person in the relationship, intimately or sexually. My spouse and I find a common ground, if one thinks there is a problem let the other know so that we do not have to live with the problem.

Our emotions diary

To accurately identify the range of our emotions and to classify it correctly takes greater control and self-awareness that I could not possibly muster. On the other hand, I also felt confused on whether I got it mixed up; whether I experienced the situation and then the physiological arousal together with the emotion occurred at →

Hubbly bubbly – harmless recreation or not?

In fact, the World Health Organization is concerned about the increase in hubbly smokers around the world that they have compiled a research paper on the topic and are hoping to distribute it around the world. A typical hubbly session last much longer than smoking a few cigarettes and it has been suggested that the →

How smoking affects your body

Smoking and the Heart The effects of smoking on your heart are devastating. Nicotine raises blood pressure and makes the blood clot more easily. The tars in smoke can trigger cancer of the esophagus and throat. Smoking causes increased stomach acid secretion, leading to heartburn and ulcers.

Sonnet 29

In the second quatrain, he begins to list the qualities that he wishes that he possessed. He is so happy that he scorns the notion of changing his state with that of a king.

Shakespeare’s last play

The beginning of ' The Tempest' starts with a great thunderstorm. Hence The Tempest." A tempestuos noise of thunder and lightning heard. " So already Shakespeare is getting the audiences attention by starting off the play with a ship in the middle of a storm. By doing this, Shakespeare makes the audience think what kind of →

Figurative and poetic shakespearean language

Imagine switching the television on to hear a commentator calling a game of football: " Marry, In the very alarm he doth leap and Like the eagle he soars to grab the flying pig- skin. Your Job Is to write a two-minute scene in Modern English and then a Shakespearean translation of the same scene.

Essay, compare and contrast the ideas of thomas hobbes and john locke.

Also, it made me aware of who I should hang out with and the better choices I should make. I also did not like the feeling of being in a back of a cop car and having my mom have to see me like that.

Probation and punishment essay sample

In preparation for this assignment, please view the Jurisville scenarios and resulting simulations from Weeks 8 through 10 in the Corrections unit. In the scenarios and resulting simulations, Robert Donovan, a Jurisville probation officer, discusses the intricacies of probation. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Outline the →

The golden rule of criminal jurisprudence

If the prosecution has not proved the guilt according to the standards of proof, there arises a reasonable doubt and the accused gets benefit of acquittal. However, this is not a immutable principle. The presumption of innocence is a human right subject to statutory exceptions, the said principle forms the basis of criminal jurisprudence in →

Important qualities of a good leader essay sample

The essence of being a leader is to go down to your subordinate's level and listen to them in order for them to be inspired in working and for you to be effective in your leadership. As a leader you must see to it that you are approachable and available all the time to your →

Good example of book review on british (and other) colonization of north america

According to Norton, Chapter two expresses the influence of the British colonizers in the North American people's religion, culture, form of governance, economy, and land ownership. In 1624, James the first revoked the Virginia Company charter making it a royal colony. The chapter also shows that the rebellion from the Puritans religious →

Wound care and infection in midwifery essay examples

The signs of infection from wound sites include; fever, which could be high or low grade, increasing pain at the site of the wound, inflammation at the wound site and purulent discharge from the site. Wound healing is influenced by several factors. The roles of midwives in postnatal infection and wound healing cannot be overemphasized.

How i have developed my writing style

What I lacked was the ability to channelize my thoughts and put them into words and the problem with organizing expression persisted even when I joined college. This gives me a clear idea of the soul content of my work and I can proceed with substantiating the theme and plot. Once the matter is drafted →

Henry’s dilemma & work

Henry finds it pressing to use the server since he works at Convergys full-time and following a daily schedule, while he feels that he needs more time to do his school work. If anyone does complains, then he can reason that since everyone is using it, he assumed that it was okay to use it →

Magazine article summary

Fifty facilities have been built around the country, some of the most notable being at Penn State, Notre Dame, and the University of Florida. Care has to be taken that the facilities do not resemble retirement homes, because if they do it is likely " Baby Boomers" will not want to move in. Of course, →

Essay on motivation for attending csu

I went into high school with the idea that I just needed to get my diploma, and I would be able to survive with the skills I that acquired while growing up. When the time comes, I will be faced with the decision of leaving my job and dedicating myself to completing my degree.

The benefits of attending a community college

The Benefits of Attending a Community College Some prospective college students tend to overlook the many benefits that come along with attending a community college. Although that is of course a fantastic route to take, people should also give some thought to the notion of attending a community college.

Now price. i might even do it twice.

Now he has got the whole game on lock and is not worried about prison time. You can continue to hustle and grind in the streets but honey it's not about what you have it is about what you can keep. There are one million and one ways to get paid. A wise woman once →

Essay summary of long distance trade across afro-eurasia

Some of the reasons for the increase included the introduction of camels, transportation with boats, and transportation on the silk roads. Some of these reasons were due to transportation with camels, transportation with boats, and transportation on the silk road and how all of these helped spring the trading routes in action.

Online shopping

Online Shopping At present more and more people make a purchase online, so online shopping is indispensable to our life and there are a lot of benefits for owners of online stores and buyer. First the buyers can save money because the price of online store is cheaper than a local store.

Germane of the dropping one,200,000 trade ferried

Germane to France-KLM prepares and ban Airways land Ltd.assured to hole accent gift company down remainder on India-Europe routes response, massive the vigor European airline intimate to seamless owning to the world's fastest-growing relating to of rendezvous aviation the instruction. The previous flip there at skirmish of fragrance at endanger offers to respecting into →

Guess bronze age start. it started 3500 b.c.

It When iron tools became widespread, the Bronze Age ended and the iron Age began. The bronze age is when people celebrate things like when the stone age started.

Jill bolte taylor’s stroke of insight

She had a stroke while she was researching about biological differences between healthy brains and brains of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, schizoaffective or bipolar disorder at1996. One of her blood vessel exploded on the left side of her brain and it caused the stroke. I generally watched the videos about brain and →

Lives of deaf mexicans

It also showed how in spite of these problems many of the people in the film had " good lives" The differences in opinion regarding the language I found particularly interesting. The National School for the Deaf taught LSI and was a residential school. On the whole, the movie did a good Job →

Example of epidemiological impact on health essay

This paper discusses how demographic data such as age, race , sex, social class, ethnicity, occupation, and marital status among others result in variation in health status, health related behavior and use of health care services. Laumann, Paik, and Rosen assert that there is a powerful corelationship between →

Affiliate institute essay sample

The below mentioned case highlights the importance of evidences and witnesses to prove once innocence in the court. California Civil Law The Civil code of the state of California, as it is formally known is classified under four basic divisions. Also, before introducing the secondary mode of content before the attorney general, the authentication →

Critical evaluation discussion essay

This assignment takes the position that the liberal theory of international politics does not reflect the reality of the actions and behavior of nation-states in the international system. II. Outline for the Critical evaluation theory - Introduction of the main ideas of the article/literary piece - Dissection of the main prepositions of the liberal theory →

Essay on what evidence should be provided that learners have mastered content

Formative assessments should not be graded as they are considered as part of learning just as homework assignments because they serve as practice for students and check understanding of instructions and mastery of content during the learning process. A number of formative assessment are used such as individual, partner, small →

Macroeconomic schools of thought

This means that classical economics is only based on the supply of the economy. These economists believed that the business cycle can be managed by active government intervention through fiscal and monetary policy. This theory is basically faced on the fact of the economy and how it affects output and inflation and the →

The importance of research in education

The Importance of Research in Education The Importance of Research is very important, and without it the society would not be where we are at now. That is roughly around 320, 000 students dropping out due to lack of schools enforcing research techniques with in the Texas school systems.

Christina boyd

Hindu's originally believed that the god Brahma, with help from Vishnu and Shiva performed the act of ' creation'. The also believe that Vishnu and Shiva are respectively responsible for preservation and destruction of the universe.

George w. bush inaugural speech 2001

Furthermore Bush requests Americans to enact this promise and to follow that course. Moreover he states, they still have a long way to go to strengthen the trust in the country. To reinforce that the distinguishing features are necessary to live out the promise of the American nation. He →

Why faustus did not repent in “doctor faustus” by christopher marlowe essay sample

In reality Faustus never receives his end of the bargain. Also, Faustus does not repent because he does not believe that God would forgive him after he has cursed His name and signed a pact with the devil, in scene 5 Faustus says " If unto God, he will throw me down to hell". →

Opinion on subsidies in malaysia

With the opening of markets, and the entry of foreign companies - this will mean that he Malaysian government money may have to be given to these foreign companies as 'subsidies ' to maintain the low prices that people in Malaysia pays. Why pay the foreign companies? Put it another way, getting subsidy →

Poverty and regional inequality in ghana

The flood of development rhetoric on poverty, the primacy accorded by lenders and donors to the Millennium Development Goals, of which the reduction of extreme poverty is the first and usually considered the most important, and the frequency with which reducing, alleviating or eliminating poverty is seen as a prime goal and measure of →

Good essay about political science

Specifically, nonprofit organizations are regarded as organizations that fill the gap that remains uncovered by the roles of the government and the private sector and those which are deemed critical for the society. However, at times, these organizations act as pioneers to such programs up which the private and government sector take up and further →

Example of the existential necessity of midlife change article review

Consequently, to expand on the idea that life can be productive at midlife, the common myth of midlife crisis needs to be demystified. Most people view midlife based on the problems that one is likely to encounter. Such training can help most executives to understand that, after their jobs, it could →

Greenwashing and the two-faced going-green organization

The fact that innumerable companies may be making false declarations about going green can be deduced from research on products labeled as environmentally friendly. According to Walsh , when an environmental marketing company, TerraChoice, set out to evaluate such claims in a retail store, "[t]he results were startling: of the 1, →

Leaders in “kelly’s heroes” essay sample

He got the men enthusiastic and involved to execute the scheme of robbing the gold from the German's. Donald Sutherland He was a Tank Commander. He was totally ignorant of the bank heist even though he was listening to all the plans and actions, of the men, on the two-way radio.

International maritime organization

The Assembly is the overseer of the Organization, it consists of member states (countries that have adopted the IMO) and meets once every two years. It is also responsible for voting the budget and determining the financial status of the Organization. Pollution has recently become the major focus of the IMO and →

Types of industrial conflicts

It is a formal form of industrial conflict that is usually organized by a trade union.(Trade unions are representatives of employment that ensure that employee working conditions and earnings are managed according to rule. Work-to-rule oWork-to-rule, another form of formal industrial action, occurs when workers work strictly according to the legal terms of their contract.

What makes an effective executive critical essay

Utilizing the following eight simple practices allows executives to be effective: Asking, " What needs to be done? " Asking, " What is right for the enterprise? " Developing action plans Takingresponsibilityfor decisions Taking responsibility for communicating Focusing on opportunities rather than problems Running productive meetings Speaking as " We" rather than " I" →

Alex hernandez

Hawkeye one of the characters in the video honors a dear he just killed to thank it for life and he also loves the natural beauty of America. He was born and raised as a child in it, by Mohawks, into a man he learned how to live in the wilderness, it nurtured him and →

Literature review examples

This is the indication that they are not willing to let themselves be guided by the ineffable unknown force of nature lead them and maybe that is the reason the experience draws very deep questions about man and nature in the heart of the author, Crane. In Jack's " to →

An argumentative opinion that greenhouse gas emission regulations should be assigned to the industries

However, opponents to the command and control mindset state that this form of regulation is inflexible and does not take into consideration that some industries are able to meet these targets at a much lower cost than others. Additionally, the command and control regulatory approach does not incentivize industries to innovate and reduce their environmental →

It his natural environment, and the way in

It also covers the relationship between man and his natural environment, and the way in which his activities are distributed. Human geography also takes into account the mosaic of culture, language, religion, customs and traditions; types and patterns of rural settlements, the site, size, growth and functions of urban settle ments, and the functional →

Free the role of the setting in the story the ghost in the mill by harriet beecher essay example

Thus, in the story " The Ghost in the Mill" the setting creates the effect of mysteriousness, darkness and fear - all these elements are especially appropriate to the situation given the context of the story. B Stowe managed to create the setting appropriate to the plot of the story by means of visual and →

Child development essay

My brothers have influenced me by always having a great attitude on everything they do. They are always there for me to have a good laugh at something.

Child observation

In terms of language, it seems like the kids understands and knows how to speak but with just little words. They were surrounded by a lot of toys but they only play with the ones that are near them and they arrange the toys to where they can reach it.

Waiting for lefty

The episodes simply inform us of the men's pasts. The episodes also change the entire outlook of the play. Dialogue is simply used as the main part of the narrative, and is often used to convey a message through the use of conversation.

Oedipus and sophocles writing task

In doing so, analyze how the characters behave as a result of knowing what their destinies will be. What are the effects of discovering their destinies? In Antigens, Identify the difficult choices the characters make and analyze the effects that these choices have on the characters' lives. Option #3 - Tragic →

“the suitcase” play review essay sample

" The Suitcase" Play Review Essay Sample The play, The Suitcase, is about two men meeting in the most unusual of ways. And this is where the play's story revolves. Watching The Suitcase was a pleasure.

“oedipus the king” by sophocle and “the bacchae” by euripide

The oracle, which is the oracle of Apollo, determines Oedipus's destiny of committing patricide and incest. The power that Apollo has is shown only through the words of the mortal characters; the reader never comes in contact with the God himself. Apollo's influence is limited to the determination of Oedipus's fate at the start of →

Explain the importance of environment for slc

If a setting has a warm and welcoming atmosphere along with polite and approachable staff, this would help in creating an environment for speech, language and communication development. To ensure the right environment is set, you should consider looking from a child's view and should reduce noise and distractions, having a lot of symbols and →

Alternative energy sources: overview

The consumption of natural resources has come to dominate the minds of policy-makers and general public in the US, given the limited range of these resources and concerns associated with the burden the growing population places on the reserves. The most obvious problem →

Sex trafficking: a look into a disappointing reality research paper samples

The next article is a summary of sex trafficking in the United States and certain policies and preventive things that may and are being put in place to help reduce the amount of sex trafficking. Another article will look closer at the actual act of sex trafficking and the dominant relationship between those that are →

Child rearing styles

Both scored highest for authoritative child-rearing style (32 for participant 1 and 38 for participant 2) and second highest on authoritarian parenting style (with scores of 31 and 35 respectively). Tutorial Letter 101 for PYC4805 mentions that high scores of these two parenting styles could indicate that these parents follow the authoritative style →

Child hood essay

They make us who we are. Inspired by the growing popularity of collecting and recording our stories, students willinterviewan olderfamilymember about a single significant childhood memory, imagine specific details of the story, and then use one or a variety of media text types to present the story to the class. Students begin →

Virtual child

How does your baby's eating, sleeping and motor development compare to the typical developmental patterns? | | | No substance0| Weak1| Adequate1. 5| Well done2| | 2. At 8 months of age was your child an " easy", " slow-to-warm-up", or " difficult" baby in terms of Thomas and Chess's classic →

Incorrigible children book essay

The beginning of the book, the main character goals are becoming slightly closer As the book progresses the main characters determination has started to pay off. In the beginning of the book progress is made to completing the goals Penelope has set for the children.

Ikea children labor reaction

After the publication of the documentals that showed and proved that IKEA used children labor for the production of it's company in India IKEA was forced to react, to try to stop the media crisis and to be concerned and active to stop children labor in non-developed countries like India. The →

Objectives of development banks

This sector contributes to the generation of employment and income in the country. Funds are provided by the development banks to start a new business venture, expansion and diversification of the business in new sector etc. Development bank helps those entrepreneurs by providing funds for commencing new business. Government has recognised the importance of entrepreneurs →

Reserve bank of india talked about bitcoin

The governor and two deputy governors of the Reserve Bank of India have been discussing digital currency in various events that took place earlier this month. On 25th of August 2015, the deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India, Shri R Gandhi talked about technological disruption and financial inclusion at the FIBAC 2015 →

I owe marilyn monroe a real debt

Ella wanted to leave the small nightclubs she performed at to the Macambo, but the management would not give her a chance because she was black, and the situation remained the same until Marilyn Monroe, stepped in. Expressing her gratitude at the time, the award-winning Jazz artist said " I owe Marilyn Monroe a real →

The you expect that your service providers

In the following paragraphs I will be covering why net neutrality is important and why it should be maintained and what would happen without it and finally why it's in the process of getting killed off. You expect that your service providers are not upsetting your data. You hope to be responsible for what you →

Disillusionment in the stranger

In Albert Camus' The Stranger the Meursault is clearly disillusioned of life and two examples of this disillusionment occurred in the instances of his mother's death and an offer to be transferred to another workenvironment. To further define his insensitivity, Meursault shed not even one tear in this part of the novel; moreover, he →

The negative effects of watching tv too much for the children essay sample

Children watching TV too much can face to many diseases and other psychological problems as clarified in the following essay The first harmful from watching TV too much is that it can reduce the ability of concentration and awareness. In addition, watching TV too much will affect child's reading ability. The second negative effect →

The oscilloscope report example

The basic concept of the purpose of the oscilloscope is the same. The behavior of the electron is measured in real time by drawing a graph of the position of the electron each instant of its movement.

The called the “mohawk people”. european immigrants

The sport Lacrosse is played in teams with each player having a stick that has a net at the end of it to catch, and pass the lacrosse ball to shoot into the goal. Lacrosse is also one of the most played sports in schools and sports clubs.

Article summary essay

He describes how though the speakers of Spanish may think of Ia chart to be feminine, and describe it femininely as maybe being curvy, they are very aware that the spoon is not in fact a girl. The same goes for masculine objects such as el sombrero which can be described →

Wah yan college, hong kong

The number of overweight people in Hong Kong ranks among the there Asian cities, the Department of Health stated. The main reason of suffering from obesity is the lifestyle of the children has changed.

Good dissertation abstract on relationship between reading nutrition value labels and body mass index status (

This can be significant because it shows why a certain percentage of each ethnic group may struggle with obesity more than others. The relationship between mothers reading nutrition labels and there children's reported BMI is a very important topic since today one in three kids in America is overweight. Use of Food Labels Retrieved December →

Strategic marketing for nonprofit organization essay example

It is an example of a very good mission statement since it contains the cause, the action and the impact of the company's activity. The program also gives children opportunity to participate in physical activities and eat healthy products delivered to schools.

“decade” by amy lowell essay sample

Simple in its form, rich in imagery and symbolism the poem depicts powerfully the deep emotional bond between two people after ten years of relationship. At the beginning of the relationship, the beloved was " like red wine and honey", and his taste burnt with its sweetness. The taste of the bread is familiar →

Oral interpretation

I do not know what it is that you have done to me.but it's caused me to act in such a crazy way. I get so weak in the knees I can hardly speak.