400 Words Essay Samples

Has the meaning of “professional behaviour” been changed by information technology? essay sample

Even though the term has not been defined explicitly it is still necessary to be aware of it to be acknowledged as a professional.data, since all you had to do was to lock the one existing copy into a safe or something similar and destroy outdated information. The Data Protection Act added β†’

Negative aspects of modern society

It may be difficult for us to accept as a society that we have negative aspects and they are not a disease or a disorder, but a personal decision. It is impossible to classify the badness and motivations of people in a disorder that encompasses all others. When we call someone a psychopath immediately β†’

Church going philip larkin

He walked around, mounted the lectern and then, having seen all that he wanted to, he signed the visitors' book, dropped a coin into the donation box and reflected that " the place was not worth stopping for." However, he remarked that he had stopped as he often did, and each time the visit ended β†’

Sara creed

Sara Creed SC1040 Assignment Week 3 Kendrick McQueen April 6, 2013 Living things and The Sun's Energy Most of the energy we use is from the sun. This energy from the sun is called solar energy, plants convert it into energy, and animals eat plants and convert that into energy.

Organic chemistry lab determination of the structure of a natural product in anise oil

Task DETERMINATION OF THE STRUCTURE OF A NATURAL OIL PRODUCT IN ANISE OIL The purpose of this experiment is to isolate the anise oilmajor component and unveil its structure and identity with use of IR spectroscopy and determination of melting point. 1. The anions of the reactants and the products are transferred across the interfacial β†’

Disadvantages of early marriage

Instead of a 9-to-5 job, you may want one that allows you to travel the world, for example. If your spouse is not keen on going with you, it may spell trouble for your marriage. You may find that when you are alone together - without the benefit of common pursuits - that your true β†’

A temple dress and a wedding dress

Of course, that kind of love and affection will not end on that day, Nonetheless, it is also vital that on that day, the bride should be a wearing a dress or a gown that will let her stand out. It is typically recommended for a bride to wear a modest wedding β†’

Believe: positive psychology and positive attitude

Chat with a smile on your face, let people around you know that you are confident and enthusiastic. All this needs you to " believe in yourself".

Science a boon or a ban essay

Yet the problems is whether science is a boon or bane to society. Science is truth, truth is beauty and beauty is god. Science is the torchbearer of civilisations. Is science really a bane?

“on my first son” by ben jonson essay sample

These emotions which he feels as a Father over the loss of his son makes him question his faith in his maker. In the first stanza Jonson conveys his sense of loss by using its diction and language. The words " farewell" of his " joy" in the first sentence show us the deep β†’

ο»Ώopinion essay

Marijuana can help people medically and help the economy. Marijuana can certainly bring major amounts of money to the economy.

Franny and zooey book reviews examples

The condition of the washroom is enough to describe the restaurant; it was not in a good condition. When she returned to the table, Lane realized that something was not right with Franny. The story of Franny ended with Franny fainting inside the restaurant when she was heading to the washroom, though the cause of β†’

Causes and effects of smoking

CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF SMOKING Smoking is a practice in which a substance, most commonly tobacco is burned and the smoke is tasted or inhaled. Second main cause of smoking is psychological which seems to be a very important factor for people to get the habit.

A response to pete hamill’s article entitled “crack in the box” essay sample

The term refers to somebody that is lazy and spends his or her time in front of the television, or in other words it refers to millions of Americans. Television makes the viewer forget his or her problems and creates a roadblock effect when it comes to solving them. Television develops a tolerance to β†’

Drug abuse hazards across the board in fiji

The schools are likewise instructing young people on the impacts of glue sniffing what it will convey to their wellbeing, and it is something that educators as well as we as guardians need to drive the young one the need you know to deal in terms of caring their wellbeing. According to the data given β†’

Landry jones

For most young people, playing games on a computer, video game console, or handheld device is just a regular part of the day. And when that boy or girl is already finding it a challenge in the " real world" to make friends, computer and video games offer a way to interact with others in β†’

Compare and contrast between a good boss and a bad boss essay sample

It was only after I analyzed the similarities and differences between the two of my bosses that I finally came to my decision to stay with Mrs. Although one is private and the other one is public, they have a lot in common; the payment is about the same at both schools, and I work β†’

A review of school funding in texas

The article shows the various efforts that the state of Texas has implemented in order to source funds for its schools. The first laws enacted for the purpose of school funding were the Gilmer-Aikin Act which was passed in 1949. In my opinion, β†’

Schools as organisations 1.1 1.2

These are: * Community schools A community school is run by the local authority, which: employs the staff, owns the land and buildings, and decides which ' admissions criteria' to use (these are used to allocate places if the school has more applicants than places) * Foundation and Trust schools Foundation schools are run by β†’

High school drop out rates

The effect of the drop out rate is financially devastating on the individuals who dropout. Programs are being used to help decrease the tendencies forstudent to dropout. The national dropout rate has become common for teenagers.

It’s unbearable things every day, from catastrophes

Things of this sort have become normal to everyone, and it's knowthat life is like that, is never certain what will happen. The less fortunateto be categorized in the poverty class are the ones more susceptible to badexperiences. We must find a way to help povertyfrom a different point of view." For all the benefits β†’

Importance of spoken english language: overview

The effects of that time can still be felt in the number of English speakers in India, select parts of Asia and Africa, and North America. The influence of English grew stronger in the 20th century, with the increased mobility of populations, the growth of the United States as an economic power, β†’

English phrasal verbs translation into russian and finnish

The article is a short review of English phrasal verbs and their translations to Russian and Finnish. Conclusion English phrasal verbs usually have a single-word translation equivalent in Russian and Finnish.

Emotion and language

She tells us about her different struggles she's put up with as her teachers deeply enforced her to forget her roots and adapt to an American way of thinking and speaking. Her knowledge and experiences of using different languages that are forms of Spanish, give us reason to listen to her. As she β†’

Problem research proposal

English as a Second Language Introduction: This research is about English as a second language. Teaching English as a Second Language,.Rev.and Enl.ed.

How does the writer of this text use language and grammar?

This is done by paying attention to his audience which is the readers of the Metro, which are public transport users. The use of puns provides amusement to his audience and by placing this pun at the beginning of this article it makes the reader intrigued to read on.

Advantages and disadvantages of a vegetarian diet essay sample

It is healthy way of life, but it results in loss of vital minerals and food components. A vegetarian diet has many pros, chief among them a reduction of risk of contracting diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular complications, obesity and diabetes. Lamley, while refuting claims that vegetarians are less prone to the risk of β†’

Speech on sleep

The average person needs at least seven to nine hours of sleep every night but Many people do not get the sleep they need because their schedules do not allow adequate time for it and they do not know the negative effects lack of sleep can have on their health and functioning. Lack of sleep β†’

The strange case of dr. jekyll and hyde is a story about a successful and essay examples

In the story, alcohol and the " potion" are used as symbols of the transformation that goes on between Dr. Stevenson used alcohol and the potion as symbols for the duality of man, which is a major theme in the story.

Free order 210883862 article review example

Their own behavior could have been affected by the behavior they saw in others around them, as a result of their expectation of how they should themselves should react. - Twenty-two of the thirty six patients who took psilocybin described having a ' mystical experience,' and twenty-five stated at the end of the sessions that they β†’

Gustavo lopez

First of all, Loneliness caused by life changes, such as failing health, the death of loved ones or moving to a different home a family history of drinking or alcohol abuse or who spend time with others who drink may be more likely to drink alcohol. Alcohol and the Body * When you drink alcohol, β†’

Ocean and land pollution

Animals are being killed and in the millions by our hand, just because we do not want to walk to the trash can, or we do and the company's dump it in because it is cheaper. Causes of Ocean Pollution Ocean pollution is caused from many things such as dumping, litter, and spills. As β†’

How lake ontario’s pollution has continued since industrialization

The burning of fossil fuels and in-proper treatment of wastes and chemicals puts a lot of stress on our environment, as specially Lake Ontario, the most downstream of the five lakes, but also the most polluted. Four million people are not the only users of Lake Ontario.

Free essay on ethics

The letter of James is also a basis whereby wisdom traditions are alive, and there is an end-of-time type of reward. Finally, scriptural evidences and discontents about Paul's ethics in the book of Elwell and Yarborough range from Paul's date of birth, Paul's place of birth and Paul's place of residence. Solidarity and difference: A β†’

World religions critical thinking examples

Formation of the Talmud According to Schiffman , the Talmud is the climax of a long process of transmission and study of Jewish traditions pertaining to virtually every aspect of life. The Mishnah is the final canonization of the oral doctrine and is an earlier Jewish code of law while the Gemorrah β†’

Lights and sound museum essay sample

That's why I enjoy the museum. After visiting the museum, I learned some new things, what was the life of our ancient ancestors before the Spanish came, there life was a peaceful life, they are tribes men and scattered all over the Philippines and they traded among each other and they also traded with β†’


She manages the household and takes care of the needs of widowed and aging mother. It also reflects the everyday struggle of Filipinos and OFW's around the world.

Teens and jobs essay sample

Falling asleep in class and disciplinary infractions should be proof that these students are not able to have the opportunity to hold a job. Parents may be against their students holding jobs. Students should only be able to hold jobs if their parents say that they can.

Chinese cinderella

Nobody came for me.' This quote relates to the theme of leaving behind and loneliness. The reader pities Adeline and it is simple to empathise with her as she watches ass her friends taken from school with loving mothers and it is left alone to ponder her misfortune.' I took the duckling to β†’

Through the tunnel by doris lessing

For hours he has been practicing holding his breath he begins to feel weak and dizzy. Jerry has to battle the forces of nature pushing his lung capacity to its limits. He is engaged in a conflict of nature and physical barriers to attain his goal.

Mom esssay

It is because of the love and respect I have for my mother that I am now cautious of the choices I make. I feel confident that all the life lessons she has taught me and the advice she has given me, will continue to shape my standards and values in life.

Medical anthropology

By narrating his personal story, just as he so often narrates the problems of Haiti, Paul Farmer, a physician, anthropologist, and the author of ' Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor', displayed a corresponding between medical anthropology with that of the stories of his personal past. β†’

Do you agree or disagree: β€œit is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics”

Personally, I think that it is more important for every student to take part in history and literature class since these subjects will educate students about the past of history and give them rich sources of culture values. In conclusion, I think history and literature would be put in the curriculum in university since it β†’

Steve jobs’ personality led to his success

Had he not thought and pursued his ideas, Apple would not have asked Jobs to return to save the company. Jobs also had to be open-minded to new ideas to help with the advancement of Apple.

The saga of the venezuelan bolivar essay sample

During the time period of the case, how many devaluations of the Venezuelan currency were there? What is the rate in the parallel market?

Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of labour process theory for our understanding of the impact of information and communication technologies in the workplace

The strengths and weaknesses of labour process theory The labor process theory anchors its mode of operation on Marxist theory of capitalism, which fosters the realization of maximum profits with the fate of the employees notwithstanding. It is important to note that the adoption of LPT leads to the compromised output to the work done.

I am helen keller essay

I am so important to this society due to I pushed the United States government for more assistance for blind and when I traveled around the world, I changed many people's lives. When I was young I had a very bad temper and my relatives thought that I should be " put away".

Group project: marketing a us product to a foreign market

Guardian Care hopes to pounce on this opportunity and meet the demand in the country by offering the best nursing care services to meet the needs of customers in China. International Marketing Strategy China is a country highly associated with its rich culture which therefore iterates that our strategy should be focused on making β†’

Retailers perception towards rs footwear brand: empirical study on agartala

By understanding the purchaser, we will have the capacity to settle on a more educated choice as to which technique to utilize. Types of retailer: Purchasers today can looks for merchandise and ventures at store retailers, non-store retailer's associations. Retailer store writes go through satisfies of development and decay that we can consider as the β†’

Udevice sales data analysis research papers example

As shown in figure 2, female buyers were more concentrated below the age of 32 and above the age of 64, while male customers were concentrated between ages 28 and 44 as well above age 56. See figure 4 and Appendix B. Figure 4: No discernible difference between US and European Markets Device Colour β†’

The core marketing strategy: market penetration

The market penetration approach will allow the mosque to better promote itself to the existing market place, whilst allowing the mosque to maximise its output and gain new members of the congregation within the same market. As the mosque currently has no intention of spreading its range geographically, or going into new markets as this β†’

Secondary brand associations: purveyor beware

Petty points this out by noting that "[] roughly half the U.S.states" recognize the right of a celebrity to control their name and likeness when used in product promotion. The legal requirements for branding and promoting a product often lie in the ability of the consumer to discern fact from fiction. Processes that have become β†’


Question one Jacques a member of the Cousteau informed the camera crew that the Antarctic is made up of a large extent of low temperature water on the planet just like the sun which is a source of heat for the entire planet and plays a crucial role in the regulation of climate. A building β†’

Chap 10

We will never jeopardize this most treasured business goal (Crandall, William, John and John 153). The food contamination arose from the mishandling of a critical ingredient, turmeric powder, by the supplier. Members of the organization waste a lot of printing paper by printing unclaimed jobs that strain the company resources and dirty the working environment β†’

Student’s must read books

In our generation, gadgets and technologies have increased, and because of that many of us change their likes and the way we enjoy our free time. There are lots of different books that can help us or make us become smarter and better like encyclopedia, where we can get some information that β†’

Essay on patterns of development

For example if an event occurs within your vicinity, the first thing you have to do is to observe what is taking place, afterwards you conceptualize the whole event and try to think of an outcome and the possible cause of the incident. Narrative pattern explores the place and the surrounding of the event thus β†’

Free likert scale questions essay example

The Ideology of Gun Ownership and Gun Control in the U.S. Quarterly Journal of Ideology, 18, p.3-34. Ludwig, J.and Cook, P.J..

Example of work and family essay

This resulted from women increasing their hours of paid work while men increasing their involvements in the household work. My experiences are similar to those expressed in the article because I am a generation Y individual. Therefore, I have come across young adults of age 20 to 29 participating in both β†’

Example of sanitation essay

Sanitation refers to the safe disposal of human excreta (Mara, Lane and Scott and Trouba, 1). According to Zawahri, Sowers, and Weinthal , lack of provisions of basic sanitation is estimated to have contributed to the deaths of approximately 3.

Motivational interviewing essay

The spirit of motivational interviewing stresses empathy, the freedom of the client to make his/her own decisions and express his/her desire to change and to not oppose resistance but rather roll with the client. I would probably use motivational interviewing in my own clients especially if the client is highly intellectual and intrinsically motivated, because β†’

Critical reliability challenges for the international technology roadmap for semiconductors (itrs) essay

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This document highlights the principal reliability challenges associated with key semiconductor technologies and identifies the research needs to assess and control the reliability risks. Based upon the consensus of the Reliability Technical Advisory Board , the top five issues that deserve the most attention are high-k gate dielectrics, metal gate, copper/low-k β†’

System development life cycle essay

A Toshiba laptop incorporated with Microsoft Office 2011, Kaspersky anti-virus and a broadband internet connection can be the ideal machine for all phases of a System Development Life Cycle. In the initial phase of the cycle, Feasibility, the Kaspersky program has a built-in database with the ability to detect millions β†’

Developmental purpose

In order to achieve thegoalsset by the supervisor, the subordinate has to follow the instructions and complete the task within the time period that is already defined to him and this process is called management by objective. The aim of this process is achieve a set of goals that are clear, specific β†’

Course work on wellwritten goals

The third characteristic is that the goals must have a set time frame for their completion and must also be rewarding for both management and employees. This ensures that the goals will be time bound and motivate employees into meeting set timelines. Organizational Goals The World Health Organization directs and coordinates the β†’

Causes of hurricane katrina essay samples

This is because the hurricane started of as a disturbance in the pressure field within the tropics. This was the last step to the development of a hurricane.

Free research paper on the following will be the outline of my

However, despite their great significance in the society, it is crucial to note that there are a number of factors which affects the development of these community radios which in turn affect their impact in the community. 1 Introduction - Describe what community radios are and when they started. - Thesis: β†’

The learning and development perspective essay example

This objective comes down as a waterfall from the strategic ideas to the internal processes and should be planned and implemented at each and every level in the organization for effective results. So, it becomes very important that L&D should be embedded in Performance Development process as one of the key goals. The main objective β†’

Childhood education thesis

This early education enable the children get prepared to interact with their surrounding environment and therefore, are extremely valuable. Grotewell and Burton in their book " Early childhood education: issues and developments" provide detailed significance of the parent's close interaction with the child as they develop. Early childhood education is β†’


I personally enjoy doing distance learning; so far I have been able to easily concentrate on my work. The reason why I chose to do distance learning is because I really have a hard time attending regular face to face classes due to my work schedule, very much similar to the situation you are in β†’

Communicate effectively with culturally diverse persons

Being able to communicate in a transcultural way, we can communicate effectively and provide actual care and treatment toward each patient in a manner that is acceptable to the patient and their cultural beliefs. Cultural Competence is being able to communicate with your patient on a scale of which you are able to communicate relevance β†’

Lebron interview analysis

With this decision Lebanon composed this essay in o deer to explain himself; to his Miami fans and the rest of the world. Lebanon will continue to argue that he desires to return home due to his love for Cleveland d, but he's hiding the truth.

The japanese quince

Before he can feel the special of the tree, he finds that his neighbor is also outside and eventually Mr... In the end of the story, he decides that It Is not worth stepping over himself to change his life and he reverse.

Memorandum in university of phoenix

They can range from inform, such as the University of Phoenix Material: Accounting Memo, to the formal; which would be the reply memo that would be sent to the Vice President. The degree of their formality can vary widely, so in writing the reply the sender much pay close attention to various types of information β†’

Reflection critique essay

Albania really wanted us to do it because he really wants to help, serve and at the same time share our knowledge to other people. He made plans to push the program and as the president of the class, I followed every instruction he would given me and I saw myself doing his β†’

Good teachers impact on human life

I recognize that I have to enter the society after these months so I will enjoy my student life and through the regular classes and supplementary course to improve my English tankard Indeed, I have to say that I love to attend EPA classes because I can learn different kind of English as well as β†’

Business communications essay

3 I will use face to face because it is easier to do and you get instant feedback. I will not use Postal surveys, Telephone Survey, E-mail Survey and Web based surveys because it is harder to do.

Do women and men differ in levels self-esteem and self-confidence essay sample

Fortunately, during 1972, education amendments implemented for policy in place to outlaw the ways of gender discrimination within the school systems receiving federal funding. Describe the ways that boys are disadvantaged at school. Some of the disadvantages with boys is their effortless tendencies within the classroom, their unwillingness to participate β†’

We are young

No one is born with perfect communication skills It's something that can be perfected with effort such as effective listening skills, and the process of bettering these skills Is ongoing and can only Improve.8. Be prepared to discuss how they might affect you in your truecareer. Flattened management hierarchy, more participatory management, increased β†’

Requirements gathering

This document is a guide to the main requirements of the project. It provides: A succinct requirement specification for management purposes. Once you have created your statement of requirements, ensure the customer and all other stakeholders sign-up to it and understand that this and only this will be delivered. β†’

Modern technology

Modern technology has changed the way teen's deal with one another by increasing communication, making communication faster, and decreasing the amount of time spent face to face. Finally, modern technology has decreased the way teens interact with one another face to face.

Propaganda in times of the war

One of them was the battle that the countries involved had with the positions of their population in the face of the conflict, which kept them in a constant effort to keep the hearts and minds of the people in victory. The objective of the propaganda during the war was to expose beliefs with the β†’

Example of different communication issues in family therapy critical thinking

The three stages of communication processing are verbal and digital mode, the context and non-verbal mode. So, within a relationship, the members consciously or unconsciously become aware of the chemistry or context, to follow the meanings and messages of their verbal and non-verbal communication forms. Communication boundaries can be explained as the abstract or material β†’

How to avoid miscommunication

If you do not have the other person's attention, you will not get the message across. If you are trying to communicate, you need to be sure the information gets to the person effectively.

Good article review about global citizenship

For, instance, I have been able to form many friends who are doing the same course in spite of our differences in terms of nationalities. I have also observed that global citizenship has been accompanied by global development and global changes. In addition, global changes have been manifested in a variety of aspects, for instance, β†’

Janae gaskins specific purpose

Opposition to argument i.subordinate idea (support example, statistic, fact, quote, etc) b. Rebuttal to that opposition i.subordinate idea (support example, statistic, fact, quote, etc) transition C. Opposition to argument/solution i.subordinate idea (support example, statistic, fact, quote, etc) b.

Example of compare the elements of an effective vs. an ineffective message rejecting a job essay

An effective message will show easily the purpose of the message to the job applicant while the ineffective one will not clearly show the purpose. The purpose in this case is to inform the applicant that he/she does not qualify for the job. An effective message rejecting job application is β†’

Appendix d

What are the similarities between the two objects, people? What are the differences between the two objects, people?

Things to know about dissertation editing services

There should be a proper low of thought. More, you need to ensure that the layout and flow of thought is properly able to explain the subject matter. It is important to know that the dissertation editor you are going to hire has a thorough knowledge of your subject and related writing and β†’

Literature review on sexual harassment at work

I think that women have developed strategies to stop unwanted sexual harassment and have support at their places of work. Audience: The information will be useful for women who want to learn more about dealing with sexual harassment using positive communication strategies. Goals of Information: The goal of my research is to better understand the β†’

Personal ethical communication statement

Since the world is made up of different categories of people, cultures, and races with which I have to interact, I have the obligation to watch how my perceptions are formed and influenced. I always believe that the success is the fruit of ahard workor a highereducationas a dominant perception; but when reading the text β†’

Good vs evil in king lear essay

Goneril's loyal retainer. Kent's defensive actions result in him being placed in the stocks. This forfeit adds to his loyal attitude of prosecuting the King's wellbeing and safety. Lear turning his dorsum on Cordelia foretells devastation.since she is one of the lone people in Lear's life that is loyal and express's echt feelings towards him.

Anglo saxon – short essay

Beowulf wants to end " the grief, the sorrow, and the suffering" of the helpless people of Denmark. Beowulf is an epic and tells the story of a legendary hero, conquering all obstacles as if he was immortal.

Gnomeo and juliet vs romeo and juliet

In the original play, the language expressed to one another is very complex, surreal, and passionate; however, in the animated remake, " Gnomeo and Juliet," the language is simplified, childlike, and displays a more innocent theme. The setting is also significantly different. In " Gnomeo and Juliet," the conflict is also displayed by two families.

Free research proposal on research question

An example of the author's creativity is when she vividly presents a world filled with magic and she also introduces a wizards and witches school. Background: I am particularly interested in this research question given that I have read some of the books by the said author, and I noted that the styles, themes and β†’

Role opportunities for nurses in community care in elderly

Role opportunities for nurses in Community Care in elderly Community nurses focus on - Health promotion - Disease prevention - Wellness (Westley & Fletcher, 2004 cited in Stanhope & Lancaster, 2004). Community & Public Health Nursing...St.

Ethics, moral dilemmas, and the law

Ethics, Moral Dilemmas, and the Law in Nursing Ethics, Moral Dilemmas, and the Law in Nursing Regardless of the areas in which nurses do practice their nursing roles, they are faced with ethical dilemmas. In applying any of these, nurses should do so to protect the lives of their patients and discharge their duties in β†’