400 Words Essay Samples


Specifically, the three most common disputes include debates about abortion, assisted suicide, and the use of restraining devices and sedatives on mentally challenged and elderly patients. Abortion debates continue to gain prominence in the medical boards and the media as individuals contemplate the ethics of the practice and the medical significance of the same. Principally, →

Institute of medicine framework for healthcare quality

These components included safety (the avoidance of patients injuries from the health care processes), effectiveness (the avoidance of overuse or underuse of facilities), patient-centeredness (the ability to provide care which is responsive to patients preferences and needs), timely (the time it takes to receive and give care to patients), efficiency (use of all resources to →

Licensed practical nursing

As an LPN, I work with a lot of elderly and sick patients requiring nursing care during terminal illness. Helping the elderly and the sick gives in whatever small way I can, gives me a lot of inner satisfaction, once I observe the reaction of the patient. I do feel that further learning, would enable →

Ethical dilema

Schiavo's parents sentiments are also shared by Arabjanov who argues that death should only take place after a natural calamity takes place, and that human life should be respected. For the case of Dax Cowart, he wishes to die as opposed to going through painful experiences in the hospitals. Dax's case brings a →


Issues and questions pertaining to the service learning site/experience: The walk was quite a success; however, the experience from it is what is vital. Reflection of the experience as it relates to the values of the professional nurse A number of nurses participated in the event.

Respons post

There appears to be a connection between obesity and Type 2 diabetes specifically, and since Type 2 diabetes seems to be on the rise, I think it is fair to link the high fat and high sugar diets of Americans to the rise of this disease for the most part. I think that what you →

End of life care

End of life care The main goals of end life care are to promote the quality of life and to relieve suffering among the dying patients. This is because of failure to promote the significance of home based care among the family members of the dying patients. Most patients do not die in their homes →

Edward scissorhands theme analysis

In Edward Scissorhands the main focus of the film is the character Edward himself. However, since Edward is different and mistaken as harmful he is shunned out of the town after trying to save Kim's little brother off the street.

The effect on the cargo molecules

The paper therefore looks into the nature of the effect on each of the cargo proteins and gives an analysis of the effect on the proteins which are apparently of the same class. . The hypothesis in this case is the fact that the compatible protein carriers were less affected by the mutations. The essential and →

Muscle injuries essay sample

Elevating the strained muscle and putting ice on the injury helps to slow or stop the swelling that can result from a strained muscle. There can be pain, swelling and distortion of the muscle with this injury.

Non biodegradable

Non-biodegradable waste made up roughly one-third of the municipal solid waste produced in the U.S.in 2009. Recycling saves space in landfills and reduces the amount of virgin materials that must be mined or manufactured to make new products, saving energy and reducing globalclimate changein the process. Combustion →

Zoology: master’s degree and technician maintenance technician

Education: A job in the field of zoology will require at least a Bachelor of Science in biology or a related field like wildlife biology or zoology. If you want to conduct your own research, you will need to have at least a Master of Science degree or a Ph.D.in biology or a related science.

The evolution of the “franco-papal alliance” and its importance to both parties involved

Pepin decreed that these lands would be returned to the control of the Roman Church, the origination of the Donation of Pepin and a solidifying factor in the Franco-Papal alliance. Had Pepin not sought the advice of Pope Zachary in the matter of his role, the outcome of this alliance could have been entirely different.

“the beginning of a mechanical and human venture”

French structure association Colas has seen its Wattway star clearing advancement put in inside the U.S.A., with a pilot fix of landing zone secured with control creating tiles inside the territory of Georgia. An aggregate of fifty sq m of star clearing were set in inside the vehicle parking space of the Georgia voyager →


Keystone XL Pipeline Project 22 February The so-called Keystone XL Pipeline Project was started in 2010 which had aimed to deliver oil from the tar sands of Alberta, Canada to the United States of America. It was done in four phases with the first three already finished and the fourth phase is the →

Manet’s “olympia” and monet’s “les nympheas” (the water lilies)

But his erotic painting of a nude woman differs strikingly from what we used to see in the similar artwork of the ancient Greeks and Romans. A spectacular painting The Water Lilies was created by Claude Monet after the death of his wife and the death of his son in the decline of his years.

Find a web site about a vernacular dance forms. it could be anything to do with ethnic, folk, ballroom, jazz, or tap dancing

It incorporates a wide variety of material in regards to this particular topic, everything from information on how to learn the dances, variations on the dances, how to do the basics of each dance, offers dancing lessons, has a shopping section, a classifieds section, a directory, and a forum, as well as a members area →

Michelangelo and mannerism

By the end of the High Renaissance some of the younger artists felt that everything difficult to be done to prove yourself in the art world had already been done, thus the development of a new style, Mannerism. Another piece of art that exemplifies the Mannerist period by Michelangelo is his sculpture of David.

Live performance

The atmosphere was just as fun as the performance because it was mostly filled with women and a lot of them were laughing so hard that they had tears coming out of their eyes which made it that much funnier. There were some good laughs but I kind of thought that there were parts of →


Before outsourcing, the Data Manager needs to establish an internal assessment process in which they will evaluate the pros and cons of outsourcing for the organization. Project analysis The purpose of outsourcing this project is to reduce the costs, which may be associated with hiring IT managers within the organization. It provides the organization →

Storage and displays

Presently Solid Disks are finding attention from manufactures for number of reasons. 1-They are being considered more reliable in terms of their architecture. 2-Speed is always an important factor that is considered with regard to storage devices capacity.S.S. What do you prefer? Flat screens are in demand for the following reasons: 1.

Transmission cabling and techniques

It is for this reason that wires as thick as 1/6 inches were used as early as 1892 to counter the resistance because of their relatively low resistance in the transmission of voice calls. The advent of televisions and transmission of not only calls but also video or visual signals called for the introduction of →

Basic equations of fluid statics

Surface force : The pressure at the center of the element is assumed to be P. 5 The total force acting on the fluid is L - 7.

John dalton and atomic theory outline and sources

Experiences in his life that led to his interest in science and the study of the atom A. Study of elements led to interest in components of elements and his atomic theory.D. This is the general path to his discoveries.

Wall switches and light fixtures in a building

54 mm in thickness (NFPA 2011 The light fixtures of the place usually etermines the location of the switch to help get the most efficient lighting for the place. Outdoor lighting fixtures of a building have to be protected trom weather tactors and any other exterior tactors by sealing the wires and having underground cables.

Medusa by carol ann duffy

She also uses onomatopoeia " hissed" reason for this is to contact with the audience make the reader feel as they are in the poem. The poet also uses rhetorical questions during poem, for example " Are you terrified? " which she answers it in the following line.

“this moment” by eavan boland essay sample

I find this part of the poem very touching to me since the speaker is describing about the love and warmth of the mother towards her child. The caring of the mother reminded me of the time when I was little and my mother was comforting me when I was crying. It also reminded →

Portia(merchant of venice)

She is a beautiful and rich lady who is living on the will of her dead father, the person who wanted to marry her have to try his luck to choose one of the three caskets and in one casket is a portrait of Portia and if the suitors fail he cannot marry a woman →

October 24, 2012

She is also aware of the passionate and warm feelings that the female contains for her lover. The fact that she is even speculating the possibility of killing her lover makes her capable of taking action.

The mustache

The mustache Several themes are used in the text " the mustache" by Robert Cormier, one of them is Love, which is a kind of clich , but it's is a different kind of love, because the grandmother " Nana" has this intense love which she gives to her grandson because she thinks it's →

Definition and causes of poverty

If you live in poverty at a young age it does not mean when you are older you will not have a family a car, electricity, clothes, a job, a healthy family and a good supply of food because you can try to get a job get enough money to get living essentials and get →


She had to evaluate the situation in order to make a careful decision one that had moral implications. This case posed many ethical dilemmas and decisions the business needed to make.

Free essay on ad1w7

Absence of such a provision in the code of ethics may reduce the ethical decision-making. Ethics training in public organizations acts to foster ethical decision-making. However, the content and approach that is administered to the public officials has a significant impact in improving ethical decision-making in public organizations.

Mgt210 banglalink

Orientation, training, and skill development is designed in Banglalink to enhance the overall performance and familiarity of new employees to become a part of the company.Types of Training: Among the types of training, traditional training and technology-based training are the two forms. The decision on what type of training is appropriate for which employee really →

“the found boat” book review

How do the settings in " The Found Boat" parallel the stages of growth, the temptations, and crossed boundaries of the children? In the short story, " The Found Boat" the author Alice Munro uses various writing skills to portray the various struggle five children encounter. This is compared to the real world today →

Dialectical discourse journal

In economic discourse communities, economists are essential players in the sense that their contributions to the field of economics is used to examine, evaluate and formulate solutions and hypotheses regarding economic phenomena. There are a couple of notable and world renowned economists who have made immense contributions to the field of economics through the development →

Multinational corporation (mnc) now and then

Accumulated amount or Future value is the value of a loan or an investment made today, at a specified in the future. It is calculated by compounding the interest that the investment made today will earn over time. FV = P n... Where, FV = Future value of the investment →

Mathematics and time

However, we believe that the above time signifies the actual time spent by labor in producing or working on new parts. Profile operation - Break-even analysis: Let the optimal order size be N boards a) Using Punch Press: Total Operating Time = Setup time + Cycle →

Part two – essay

PART TWO - ESSAY Dworkin's " third conception of the law" called Law as Integrity is based in part on the assumption that there is a single author of the law. The lawmakers had not created such a provision dealing with this situation but surely did not intend to protect this defendant →

The king of torts by john grisham

This case can become the start of a dazzling legalcareer- if Carter takes the risk and stakes his all... This is the entanglement of the legal suspense thriller " The King of Torts" by John Grisham. The novel has a fast-pace and dynamic plot, which takes Carter from the mundane →

Reply to vanette essays example

It is for this reason that nurse case managers continue working with some of the patients after they are discharged from acute care to their homes. Reply for Jennifer I find your definition of case management to be inclusive of all the elements as highlighted by the Case Management →

Example of motivation in organizations essay

It determines the level of effort that an employee puts at work and hence profitability of the business. There are crucial employee needs that managers need to consider as they determine the incentives to use in order to motivate workers. Managers should understand the needs of employees as they determine how best to motivate them.


Management Introduction It may seem as though training is just another part of the learning process that has very little impact on the human resource but in reality, the benefits of training are immeasurable to say the least. As an employee of an organisation a wide range of training techniques are available to assist me →

Development of leadership in an organization

The author believes that the leadership development happens at an early stage, as early as the time the person is grasping habits from his parents as a toddler. The leadership that is developed in the proximity of family has indicated that they turn out to be what the author terms as ' once-born'.

Sunfeast yippee

Thus the message and : ? its hot and wet. Lots of flavors and varieties available| Weakness| 1.

Fast food restaurant description

The two year old cries and whines, putting his hand up to his mouth as if to say ' no, no more.' The group of young people to my right are laughing, shouting and flirting. One of the boys has stolen a girl's milkshake and she leans across her friends, giggling happily, →

Bless me ultima def

The character of Maria could relate to the nest and the baby bird to Antonio. The author is arguing that Antonio wants mature and become a man, but is fearful because this is something completely new to him.

A study of the depiction of characters in e.m. forster’s book, a passage to india

It is a means for people to understand the philosophy of life when as they go along the pages of the novel. He is among the few writers who are really able to portray real life human characteristics into a work of fiction and he even creates, in the plot, a space to explore human →

The tempest- comparison and contrast of ferdinand

When Prosper sees that Ferdinand will take care of Miranda and is convinced the two are in love, he gives his blessing to the two lovers [under the one condition that Ferdinand is not to break Marinara's " virginity knot" until the wedding has been solemnizes ] Clinical is granted his →

Siddhartha climax apotheosis and ultimate boon

The climax of Siddhartha occurs in the chapter entitled " By the River," when Siddhartha hears the word Om while standing at the river as he considers drowning himself. One day Siddhartha's pain becomes too much and Siddhartha sets off in a desperate search of his son, but stops as he hears the river laughing →

Essay summary of their eyes were watching god

They got tuh go tuh God, and they got tuh find out about livin' fuh theyselves." The significance of this passage is that it basically sums of the spiritual journey Janie had to go through to find a place for her that is filled with love and understanding in herself. Tthroughout the →

Compare and contrast a raisin in the sun

The setting in the play is on a Saturday morning, and house cleaning is in process at the Youngers. In the film, the setting is the same as play, with lighting and costumes. The plot in the play is when Mrs.

Analysis of the main character in “the most dangerous game”

For example, when he fell in the ocean and had a tough battle with the water " He struggle up to the surface and tried to cry out...him gag and strangle". Rainsford barely have enough energy to swim to the Ship-Trap Island. He also has to play the it." The Game".

Good book review on time for action

He tries to explain how the education system resulted in this state and also argues how learners have turned out to be complacent with their schooling. In chapter three, he offers practitioners with thoughts on how to utilize teaching approaches that raise commitment and permit students to study life skills for instance solving of problems, →

Inferno canto x

Dante and Cavalcante know each because Guido, the son of Cavalcante is good friends with Dante and he married Beatrice. Cavalcante then asks why his son is not with him. I find the start slow and as the story goes on it becomes fast paced because of the way Farinata was introduced to Dante by →

Allegory of the cave v pleasantville

After David and Jennifer are introduced to the peaceful, harmonious town of Pleasantville, however, the flawless, isolated, but ignorant community is turned upside down and ruined. Pleasantville exists in a delicate balance of perfect order, but when new things are introduced to throw off the balance, everything naturally turns to chaos and disorder.

How will earning a collage degree change my life essay examples

In the world today, college degree is one of the most demanded things, especially in the field of professionalism. The demand for college degree outweighs the supply in the professional arena. In developed nations college degree is in a position to change the life of an individual.

Prompt #4

When talking about Beowulf and Sir Gawain, it is evident that Beowulf is the all around superior hero. When it comes to the dynamics and honor of the heroes, Beowulf blows Sir Gawain out of the water.

Explanation of hamlet’s mystery (by: ernest jones)

The call of duty to slay his uncle cannot be obeyed because it links itself with the call of his nature to slay his mother's husband, whether this is the first or the second; the latter call is strongly " repressed," and therefore necessarily the former also. It is no mere chance →

Orwell’s animal farm: summary of characters

In both cases, Stalin and Napoleon come off trying to sell their ideas with the impression that it is to better the lives of the people and the animals of the farm, but in reality the ideas are just dreams thought up to make the leaders look good. Snowball is a pig who lives on →

The summary of the book harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban and my reflection

Harry has had enough of contempt and despite the report that the dangerous killer Sirius Black is at large, he leaves the house. He sees a shadow of a dark dog in the street so he raises his stick in fear, which summons the Knight bus. Later they try to kill him, but is saved →

Animal motif on macbeth

Before delving into these scenes, it is important to note the role of horses previously: recently, Duncan's fine, well-bred horses turned wild and ate each other. In scene i, Macbeth urges Banquo to his horse: " Hie you to horse" and in scene iii, the murderers that Macbeth hired become →

Theory as framework for education

Like most useful theories, the theory is based on the assumption that the standard and basis of nursing subsist in caring science as the basis of the nursing profession. Caring for the vulnerable: Perspectives in nursing theory, practice, and research.

I need a topic

Incidence of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder among retired army nurses 2. Relationship between symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder among retired army nurses and the cause of their disorders 4.

Role of nursing informatics today

I was still at the top of my class. Come college years and I have been left by time. Three: that I should acknowledge that Facebook and Twitter sites are not just for the fun that they market themselves to be, they can be educational too.

The iom: the future of nursing

The IOM: The Future of Nursing Full Partner Being a full partner of a healthcare services means that you have right and responsibility in deciding what you need for your health through long-term support services and in planning how these services will be given to you. All nurses must be considered leaders in the implementation →


Adrenal hormone is responsible for the stimulation actions for elimination of potassium from the body; however, coffee, sugar, alcohol and diuretics can contribute to low levels of potassium. Hyperkalemia and hypokalemia Hyperkalemia is the increased serum levels of potassium in excess of 5mg/100 ml. Potassium is critical for the functionality of the heart, muscles →

The center for healthcare quality and reform and accountable care organizations

Health care reforms The Center for Health Care Quality goes for enhancing the quality of health care and decreasing incongruities are discriminating issues for health change. At the point when an ACO succeeds both in conveying astounding care and spending health care dollars all the more carefully, it will partake in →

Pain and alternative therapies

For example, asking about breakthrough pain, or if the patient experiences mild or severe pain based on a scale of 0-10 and characterized with impulsive onset or a neuropathic pain. A nurse can also ask about the medications and their effect on the patient to gauge the severity. Methods of pain control Mastectomy patients →

Applying creativity to problems

I think that the strategies will be most effective because they attack the main issues of the city it addresses the major concerns of its residents and it will provide a safe environment for its youth. I would have to say that this article is not completely one sided or biased it offers many viewpoints →

Virginia woolf’s a haunted house: literary analysis

The joy and love shared between two people is the treasure, the treasure of life. That the joy and love shared between two people is the treasure of life. A Meaningful Ghost Story

The witness paper essay

Katherine Anne Porter's " Uncle Jimbilly" has experienced the horrors of bondage personally.and is frustrated when kids of the following coevals do non to the full understand and esteem the subject. This highlights the acrimonious feelings he has toward his yesteryear and the fact that the kids do non understand his agony.

V for vendetta

V was a tortured soul that was part of a government experiment that tested biological, nuclear war chemicals and weapons on people that were considered to be outcast. The people that fought against the government, who were homosexual or just did not believe in what parliament was doing were those outcast. Through the movie he →

The forgotten genius essay examples

Although he managed to excel in life, Percy Julian faced a lot of challenges in his life as an African-American. As a result, he managed to discover Compound S which became so instrumental in the manufacture of Cortisone.

Divergent movie review

The movie Divergent is action packed. In the movie Divergent there is a corrupt government. One example from the film is when Tris first got into dauntless, they had to jump off a cliff and into a hole and they did not know what was underneath.

“billy elliot” movie review

Tracey Chapman's song " fast car" shows the difficulties of moving into new worlds and the lamentable fact that people are not always able to succeed into their transition. The simple language and intimacy of the song, repetition and the metaphor of the " fast car" are used to convey these differing →

Birth of america

With the benefits in the colonies, the population expanded from 2. Besides, the taxes were raised without the permission of the colonists.

English 1301

It is considered a poor form of Spanish." Spanish for the Uneducated" is what they say about the Chicano language. Being a Chicano, speaking Chicano Spanish, and participating in Chicano culture is not something to be ashamed of.

Why the civil war was inevitable

The events previous to the Civil War, such as the growing abolition movement and " Bleeding Kansas", helped the tension between the North and the South grow. Primary Source 2 In this source, the Anti-slavery society explained why slavery was morally wrong in the view of Christians. He supports that the dissolution →

Should students essay

First, the easiest argument is yes, students should be allowed to display the Confederate flag in schools because the first amendment states, protects, and enforces the rights of self-expression. The Supreme Court made a decision that public schools cannot censure students unless they have a " reasonable expectation", they also decided that it's as much →

The threats of us voting system

I feel as though our voting system is our greatest demonstration as a nation of democracy, once Russians put their tools to attack and influence our voting systems it takes away from the statement of " land of the free" and now the people are left with an illegitimate candidate. The people already feel →

Shawshank redemption essay

The change in camera angles for Norton and the prisoners shows the contrasting positions they are in and the power and status they hold. The camera angles used by Darabont allow the audience to see the status of the characters. As the audience we get an instant look into who is a in control and →

Narrative example

He got to the second floor of his house and looked toward the attic. He got to the second floor of his house and looked toward the attic.

“k-12 education in the philippines”

" K-12 Education in the Philippines" Education is the key to the success of our future. The K-12 education will definitely be more helpful to our country.

Coach carter

In the streets and in the field school.2. Write a summary of the movie.

Mgmt438 unit 1db

Group cohesiveness Group cohesiveness discussion Group cohesiveness refers to the internal forces within a given number of individuals that provides the endurance to continue being members of the group. One of the central issues affecting the cohesiveness of the group pertains to poor communication factors that limit the bond between group affiliates. Factors leading to →

Unit 4 seminar

Types of Program Evaluation Types of Program Evaluation There are three types of evaluation that are utilized in human service programs in a bid to ensure that all the adopted programs are effective. The purpose of the process evaluation is to determine the potential success or failure of a certain program.

The training and development program

Mostly training and development resources are derived from inside of the organization and a minor amount is extracted from the outside environment. Phase 3 is the Check phase, unfortunately, this is the most ignored phase in most organizations but organizations that give importance to this phase have developed successful training and development programs. This relates →

Educational experience essay sample

Homework got a lot more challenging and as some places, more fun than they were before and it was a great that the punishment for not being able to do the homework was no longer " standing in the corner". It was an amazing experience to learn about what amazed you as a child. Overall, →

The effects of cramming for an examination

The effects of cramming for an examination You are a student, have you ever heard someone to complain: " oh my god, I have only one day to review for the final test? " In the fact, they knew schedule exams from a month ago, but, they do not care it until the last →

Advantages of coursework

Coursework is something that gives more confidence and higher levels of learning to all the students and even help the teachers in assessing the abilities and the developments taking place in the children. The parents and the teachers help their students help their children in the best possible ways they can so that they →

Understanding the phenomenon of gentrification

In other words, it may refer to as renovation by the influx of the wealthier people in a specific urban region, which links to an increase in rents and properties worth, and a shift in a community's nature and culture. As mentioned by Grant , this may in some point, replace the common needs →

Negotiation process

Application to a business or personal situation For a business or personal relationship to thrive, more often than not one has to avoid bargains and instead employ good negotiation skills. Some times back as an investments consultant I had the lee way to charge my clients initial fees between 2% and 4. →

It a given rate, v. an undercooling,

The two phases of eutectic have different composition and the melt have another composition which is the eutectic composition, Ce, which is in contrast with the steady state, that the mean composition of the melt must be equal to the solid composition. This makes it clear that eutectic growth is largely a depend on diffusion →

Neo behaviorism: tolman and bandura essay sample

Learning involves forming beliefs and obtaining knowledge about the environment and then revealing that knowledge through purposeful and goal directed behavior. Tolman's Key Concept * Learning is always purposive and goal- directed * Cognitive Map * Latent Learning * The concept of interesting variable * Reinforcement not essential for learning ALBERT BANDURA'S →