400 Words Essay Samples

Good recruitment critical thinking example

Additionally, it seems that people in prisons are the most vulnerable targets for new recruits and mitigation measures must be undertaken to prevent any actions from Al Qaeda. Recruitment process starts from indoctrination of Islam to target prisoners. Although, it can be attested that indoctrination to Islam, for this specific case, is not the direct β†’

Discussion 5

Screening Programs of Screening Programs Screening programs are essentially meant to prevent premature deaths, disabilities and to improve the quality of life. It has not been easy to identify worthwhile screening programs, develop correct strategies, and implement the programs effectively, a situation that has made many people prone to screeningitis. Individuals may find it hard β†’

Free debatable claim argumentative essay sample

Thesis Statement: Shelley uses this to symbolize how the society's rigid ideas of acceptable expression of sexuality prevented Frankenstein's monster from being able to live a normal life as a human being. - One of the central conflicts in Mary Shelly's Frankenstein was that the monster was maladjusted to the society because it did not β†’

Know your customer

Banks should refuse to enter into a correspondent relationship with a 'shell bank' Money mules: " Money mules" can be used to launder the proceeds of fraud schemes (e.g., phishing and identity theft) by criminals who gain illegal access to deposit accounts by recruiting third parties to act as " money mules." In some cases β†’

Free essay on provider contract

It is meant for purposes of setting clear terms and conditions otherwise known as the rules of engagement. The provider contract expressly states the coverage of health care services, the situations in which the healthcare provider is expected to contribute his services to the client. Failure to comply and expressly state the conditions would defeat β†’

Free case study on hospital er overcrowding

The factors that contribute to this problem, the potential solutions to the same and the means of evaluating the success of emergency department congestion reducing programs as per the Mckinskey article by Carrus, Corbett & Khandelwal.will be described below. Body The etiology of overcrowding in the emergency department cannot be attributed to the physicians β†’

Peer pressure

Summary Today, peer group pressure is a major problem for teens, caused by influences imposed by others in the and their wanting to fit into certain groups. The average teen feels pressure either from the school, peers, or parents; thus enticing the need to belong to groups.

The analysis of the movie “fire at sea”

The movie starts by introducing the island with facts, and it mentions that in the past twenty years, 400, 000 migrants have arrived on the island and 15, 000 have died in the journey. The first shows glimpses of the lives of people on the island, in particular, of a boy named Samuele and his β†’

Romantic story and adventure

However, the yoke of a film narrative is much dimmer than that of a first person in a book. Freed from the anchor of ink and paper, the universe of Never let me go is reborn in the celluloid.

Unit 2 seminar big ideas in science

The usual known measurements such as barometers, thermometers and hygrometers are also used to measure the recent climate changes dating up to 200 years. 2. What are some of the challenges associated with collecting data over large periods of time ? It takes a lot of time and resources to collect the β†’

The axis were motivated by expansionism

Italy was seeking their own expansionism due in large part also to the Treaty of Versailles that ended the First World War. Germany was the largest and most powerful of the Axis nations. Hismotivationto the people was not one of conquest but one of regaining what was rightfully theirs before the Treaty β†’

Admission essay on educational, personal, or professional goals

Stockton College is the one which can give me all that I had ever aspired for and on one side where I will master the subjects and academics I am sure on the other had I will be able to get immense exposure to strategically establish myself in any industry β†’

Electric vehicle essay sample

* These conditions include passing, hill climbing, and acceleration from a standstill.* However, the engineering and manufacturing costs associated with these technologies often would increase the price of the vehicle to the point where the fuel savings are negligible in comparison.* There are also concerns over the environmental impact of the hybrid car battery which β†’

Teachers’ decision essay sample

As such, teachers must adhere to certain principles in conducting themselves especially inside and outside of school. Based on the Los Angeles Unified School District's employee code of ethics, there are three principles that govern educators in order to achieve their main goal of educating all their students towards achieving their maximum potential. These β†’

Briefly describe what the boston nature center is and how they benefit the community, also include the importance of environmental education on the community

One of the ways that the community gets to benefit from BNC is the fact that they witness the hands on approach that ensures that the environment gets to where it is today. The center has ensured that many of the citizens benefit from the education.

How effective has the imf been in helping countries in financial difficulty

A nation in severe problems and unable in compensating its international bills poses possible problems for the stability of the international financial system which was created to be protected by the IMF. There are also a lot of criticisms on how IMF is not accountable and its will in lending to nations that have bad β†’

Types of bank financing

The kind of finance that would best suit your business might be based on the purpose of your need for financing, how fast you require financing, and how quickly you could reimburse it. SHORT TERM FINANCING Overdrafts are utilized in conjunction with business financial balances and are an adaptable wellspring of working capital for β†’

Assignment: kite runner

CM Concluding Sentence (1 sentence that describes what this paragraph was about). Body Paragraph 2: Topic sentence (1 sentence that describes what this paragraph is about) TLQ, " CD". CM Concluding Sentence (1 sentence that describes what this paragraph was about) Body Paragraph 3: Topic sentence (1 sentence β†’


Hawthorne uses Chillingworth and the townspeople in order to show that, " When we judge others we are not defining them we are defining ourselves." When Hester's husband arrives in the village to find that she has committed adultery he tries to be as understanding as possible. From before Hester leaves the prison till the β†’

Writing a news story

Three people involved were arrested and held overnight, but will be in court Monday facing charges of public nuisance and assault. Sergeant Bryan Thomsen of the Queensland police stated the violence in the area is getting worse and it seems to occur every weekend. The culture of the area is becoming wilder with more drug β†’

Free nursing essay sample

The inclusion of worker in the activities of the organization acts as a motivation and effective decision-making aspects. Although such leadership provides much freedom to the workers in making decision, it forms room for growth and innovation. ReferencesBustillos, M.A..

Identifying transtions experienced by most children and young people essay sample

Through this the child may become shy, dismissive, upset or even anxious, however will cease when they are in a routine and settled. 3 years 5 years Moving onto to primary schoolThis again is a very anxious and exciting time for the child as they are moving in to a new school, with β†’

This is a man’s world (or is it? )Β 

Misogyny and the objectification of women become evident to Jerry and Joe through the use of male authority, cat-calling, and societal expectations of women. From the beginning, it becomes apparent that Joe and Jerry are very interested in meeting and deceiving women.

Neo-nazism in “american history x”

To get Danny to understand, Derek explains all the cruel things that he endured in prison, along with how he grew to become a better man with a new outlook. Derek realizes the unfair treatment of African Americans in their society, when listening to Lamont explain what he is put in jail for.

Love are far from it when it

We are far from it when it comes to our food. " Michele SimonLove this quote:" A true free market assumes equal access to information. We are far from it when it comes to our food".

Crate training

This can involve placing small familiar toys inside, moving the ped bed into crate, leaving unwashed items of the owner's clothing inside, rewarding pets for entering the crate and remaining inside, incorporating the crate as part of play, feeding the pet in the crate, allowing the pet to explore and use the crate until it β†’

Phoebus army with a plague and lead

Often described as the epitome of youth and beauty, Apollo is thegod of music, oracles, archery, plague, medicine and the sun. His unrivalledbeauty and various talents make him one of the most loved of all Greek gods. Apollois an oracular god and serves as the intermediary between gods and men-prophesising through Pythia at the oracle β†’

“piano” and “half-past two” essay sample

" Piano" and " Half-past Two" Essay Sample Discuss how the theme of childhood is presented in the poems " Piano" and " Half-past Two" The theme of childhood is presented in the poem " Piano" and " Half-past two". Firstly, in Half past two, the poem is told to the audience in β†’

Essay on why do students cheat

They feel the odds are they will not be caught and other students enable this by feeling they have to look out for each other and are reluctant to turn in a fellow student. These behaviors and attitudes are not victimless crimes; have a negative effect on all students and β†’

Disadvantages of facebook essay sample

The biggest disadvantages of Facebook is it's addiction which causes many problems by killing your precious time.# Fake profile and ID! Fake profile is one of the biggest disadvantage of Facebook. Now it is easier to create fake profile.

Learning journal focus

In this section, an individual can enter his portfolio name and delete the preset tag lines of the blog and some cookies and may be write your own citation. Thirdly, one can use the general settings so as to select a " Theme". There are other things that one can do to improve the appearance β†’

Market failure resarch

It is the duty of the government to intervene and make sure that prices set are not discriminative. Government intervention in the price mechanism is largely based on aims of wanting to alter or change the allocation of resources and attain what they think to be an improvement social and economic welfare. The government formulates β†’

Romeo and juliet revenge and violience now and then essay

This starts a fight that the Prince and the Lords of the Capsules and the Montague get involved in. In Romeo and Gullet's time, biting of the thumb is a gesture that could provoke violence.

Is willy loman a tragic character?

His problems come from the delusions in his mind, his lack of understanding towards his family and the American Dream turning into a nightmare because of his personal flaws. His way of thinking is the biggest flaw, he is always consumed with his own desires and dreams that he is stubborn enough to ignore anything β†’

Organization and planning assumptions for the community disaster relief plan.m1s

This plan is necessary because the town is quite ill equipped to deal with major emergencies; the nearest referral hospital and response units are far away by 50 kilometers. Chloe-land is a sleepy town, far from the city, and is an administrative center. There are two major disasters that these people are most vulnerable to, β†’

Environmental strategies in organizing an international event

It is vital for the overall environmental performance of supply chain and logistics of finished products to be improved such to attain the global environmental sustainability standards. This will reduce the emission of gases and other materials to the environment.

Inappropriate levels of competition amongst both buyers and sellers

Inappropriate levels of competition amongst both buyers and sellers Competition is the act of firms trying to do better than others in the market through various activities in the sale of goods and services. Competitiveness is the ability of a business to fight for market share, make profit, and increase volume of sales, among other β†’

Critical analysis of emily dickinsons my triumph lasted till the drums

English 1102 2/20/13 A Characterization of the Narrator in My Triumph Lasted Till the Drums The speaker in Emily Dickenson's " My Triumph Lasted Till the Drums" is very torn between rejoicing in the victory in the battlefield, and the regret they feel for the battles losers. In " My Triumph Lasted Till the β†’

Case study: tuberculosis

90% of people who are infected develop latent TB, which is were the bacteria are present in the body but are not active. People are getting vaccinated, as this is the best protection against TB.

Misogyny othello

Othello also shares his misogynistic views as he constantly hits Desdemona in public and later accuses her of sleeping with Cassio Act 5 scene 2 line 20 'So sweet was ne'er so fatal' This shows Desdemona's sweetness has brought her to where she is now, leading to her own death because β†’

Economics essays example

This means that the United States us regressing relative to other countries, and these countries will ultimately overtake the United States in terms of the rate of growth of the per capita real GDP. In the developing countries the income of people is low, and the rate of inflation is also moderate to high.

Symbolism in the kite runner novel

Amir is a 12~30 year old boy raised in Afghanistan whose greatest desire was to please his Father which is the main reason he betrays his friend, which from then on he is driven by guilt as he searches for a way to redeem himself. When Amir was still young he would fly kites β†’

Executive team

Murphy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Gap Inc. Michelle Banks SVP, General Counsel, and Corporate Secretary and Chief Compliance Officer Jack Calhoun President, Banana Republic John Ermatinger President, Japan Marka Hansen President, Gap Toby Lenk President, β†’


Marketing of Cupcake Royale Company Cupcake Royal Company is a premier bakery with stores located in the greater Seattle, Washington area. In addition to 10 new flavors of ice cream to the existing cupcake has expanded Cupcake Royale to six branches.

Marketing and customer service: questions and answers

Is there anything to learn from the profitability and sales growth chart In Figure 3. I Just wanted to add the Importance of going above and beyond the product or service you offer and think about your customer service. Although the text was very detailed and explained all the factors that I feel β†’

Intrapreneurship entrepreneurship report examples

Intrapreneurship & Entrepreneurship Innovation is a complex phenomenon, which describes the process of new idea generation and implementation aiming at to create a new product, service or a process. One of such industries is the game industry, where Nintendo has launched its truly innovative product Nintendo Wii. Nintendo Wii or

Total quality management essay examples

Abstract The concept of total quality management is rooted in the idea of providing all the tools, training and experience required to complete quality control organization. For the sake of brevity, we have identified a number of advantages and disadvantages in the use of TQM to manage the business to be considered. β†’

Implement and monitor marketing activities

TV advertising of 'Junk food' aimed at children Is a growing problem In today's society. After TV advertising of 'Junk food' aimed at children is a growing problem in today's society.

Marketing divine chocolate case

As a result, the fair trade market is growing. Has favorable comparisons with other chocolate bars Wide range of retailers Only fair trade chocolate company where 45% is owned by the farmers Weaknesses/Threats Divine Company does not operate globally Relative expensive price and resources Increasing price of cocoa prices High amount of competitors β†’

Influencing buyers behavior

As a matter of fact, many business analysts suggest that accurate identification of the consumer preferences is among the major factors that have given Coca-Cola a competitive edge in the beverage industry. Liu, Denizci Guillet, Xiao and Law , suggest that consumer preferences are influenced by numerous factors numerous factors such as the geographical β†’

Macroeconomics waste in economic terms article review

The " Wastebook" by Tom Coburn describes 100 different items in the Federal budget that add little value for the nation but contribute to the already significant taxes and country debt. Although nearly all projects described in the " Wastebook" make little economic sense, some of them can actually harm the economy. The money from β†’

Managing innovation

In an effort to manage new technological development and adoption, the company adopted the process and not the product, as the major scope for successful innovations. This was designed as the different teams were working for solutions as to how production and customer profitability could be attained. It involved an understanding of β†’

Global digital marketing market assignment

HTML Covered in this Report The Global Digital Marketing market includes the following major segments: Sales CRM, Marketing Automation, E-commerce, E-mail Marketing, Social CRM, WAC, and Web Analytics. The report covers the Americas and the MEME and OPAC regions; it also covers the Global Digital Marketing market landscape and its growth prospects in the coming β†’

Segmentation and targeting

In the Harry and David site, segmentation has been achieved through development of a product mix consisting of; Gift baskets Flower and plant gifts Gift boxes Spring entertaining gifts Fruit of the month club gift collections Moose munch gift snacks and Royal Riviera gift pears The market for β†’

Recommendations essays examples

In the study of stock market prices, percentage change of interest and, the percentage change of market indices are key determinants in predicting the future performance of the stock market. The interest rates in these countries are favorable meaning there is stability in the stock market prices.

Non-profit marketing

However, the current name was adopted in 1945 when it reorganized its overall structure, and created a research program for various cases related to cancer. Notably, the organization has a peculiar system of marketing that has resulted to high efficiency in the overall attainment of its goals and objectives. Through marketing, the β†’

Good essay about sales strategies for a student

Sales and marketing once became a trend, and also a job every person would want to be. As a student, we always should take pride in our work, we should be proud that we are students, not only that we also should be obsessed with knowledge because we are students. We need to keep doing β†’

Summary of chapter 5

Summary of Chapter 5 - International Marketing - Jae Hyun Kim In chapter 5, the management style, which is a set of the business culture, management values, and business methods and behaviors, and business systems are important concepts. With those two factors' close relationship to distinctive cultural aspects of countries throughout the β†’

Critique article review samples

Key take away points The current peer-reviewed article on " Impact of online consumer reviews on sales and price strategies: a review and directions for future research" by Peter De Maeyer provides a broad perspective on the linkages between online reviews provided by the customer on the impact on commodity prices and sales. β†’

Marketing qantas

The report discuss all the crucial information on Qantas Airways Limited required for business and competitor intelligence needs and contain a study of the major internal and external factors affecting Qantas Airways in the form of SWOT and PESTEL analysis as well as a breakdown. Aviation Industry's growth was always linked β†’


The Wal-Mart You Do not Know" By 06 July 06 July " The Wal-Mart You Do not Know Wal-Mart's Role in its Channel Network: Wal-Mart is a giant in the retail business and has been the leader in its field showing highest sales figures year by year". The rationale of affording such low prices is β†’

Technology has increased ticket prices

Ticket Price Increase Due to Technology Affiliation Ticket price increase Technology plays a detrimental role in sports and due to numerous innovations and inventions; it has led to formation of almost half of the sports that exist currently. The effect has caused too many fans opting to view the sports at the comfort of their β†’

Amongst the top

She says the international appeal of Smart Kids products was highlighted recently, when company" s SMART PHONICS was listed amongst the top five products out of almost 100 in the education trade show in the United Kingdom. The key requirement for every new Smart Kids products is that it stimulates student" s minds β†’

Music quality and marketing 9522

I believe it is possible not to sell out in the music industry today. Stars such as Aerosmith, Billy Joel, and Sting for example have always put out quality music and have not strayed far from there original musical roots in order to sell records. Music is a business though and in order β†’

Marketing and tide

In US the target population is women and those exposed to internet, selling directly on the Internet and through various salespeople is the best choice. Other distribution channels such as supermarkets, convenience stores are also used In India, the company uses the traditional way to reach customers. Tide has successfully penetrated the urban β†’

Hands to hands against palm

3Com's Palm Computing focused the PDA, limiting its functionality to calendars and appointments, contact directory information, and to-do lists, so as to convey its technological benefits more clearly to the potential user. 5 million devices have been sold, and sales continue to show strong growth (sales are expected to reach 13 million in the next β†’

Indoor vs outdoor

I can do a lot of bodywork and movement in outdoor games. So for the above reasons I prefer outdoor games and enjoy playing them.

An overview of marketing

According to Burnett , the marketing concept is the idea that an organization attempts to satisfy the customer in order to achieve sales and profit at the end. Furthermore he explains that the idea of marketing concept is to consider the needs and requirements to the target customers and improve itself to β†’

Free essay on reading summary

These enable a good relationship between customer and producer. - Market penetration requires both the interest of stakeholder and manager, luck of one brings about agency cost. - Product launching in the market requires research of various aspects in the market including target market, marketing mix, marketing plans sales force and distribution. References Kotler, P., & β†’

Free creative writing on do you face book, twitter, linkedin

SOCIAL MEDIA The social media phenomenon which started a decade ago has grown at a tremendous pace and thus the adoption rate of social media has become part and parcel of everyone's daily life. With the emergence of mobile technology in terms of internet connectivity, social mediums such as Face book, LinkedIn, and β†’

Edit: create a new positioning statement for our product, and provide justification for our new positioning strategy

POSITIONING STRATEGY [Insert al Affiliation] s' sophistication is upsurging and the need for outsourced call care centers in Philippines and India is rising necessitating development of language skills and computer training to gratify the desires of the diverse and tremendously competitive American market. However, the centre is determined to provide access to quality Language and β†’

Brands cannot be expected to last forever

The ability of the brand to capture the market determines the term of its survival. Product development It is the first phase of a brand life cycle and the company carries out design, production, and research in this phase in order to ensure that the proposed idea would meet customer needs effectively.

Krause corporation investigation

Krause Corporation Investigation In the given case study, Steve Rothel, the supply manager for the Midwest division of the Krause Corporation has to take a suitable purchasing decision; whether to purchase the pipes from outside and fabricate an extra joint or to fabricate the full HVAC system in house. In my opinion, Steve β†’

Project 5

This is aided by superb sales of the cigarettes in the country the industry account for 10% of the tobacco industry in Europe, with cigarette covering a whopping 95 per cent of the total market. The marketing share of the company stands at the market share for the company is 55 Euros as β†’

Marketing plan: phase iii

HP Photosmart is of the product included in the portfolio. The main marketing objective of the company HP is to provide its product in the major or we can say the super stores in the world.

Sustainable geographical indicator (gi) law

Geographical Indicator law all around the world is the result of the complicated of relationships between formal and informal among several types of stakeholders and actors between private and public, local and outside the territory that have formalize in a set of common rule. Those can be public institutions, local, regional, and β†’

Marketing plan zara

Executive summary General introduction (including a concise consumers and category market/ trend overview) Entry mode -The suitable mode of entry for Ezra to enter the clothing industry in Vietnam is franchising.-As Vietnamese Joint venture regulations are strict; the Vietnamese investors must own at least 51% of the enterprise's capital. In term of β†’

Marketing channel analysis

Online shopping portals. With the rise of the digital age, the use of the net is not just limited to advertisements, but has transcended to become a means of direct shopping via the Internet. The success of online shopping portals can be attributed primarily to Its wide reach of consumers and Its ease β†’

Occupy wall street

We will need to wait in order to see whether or not the movement will sustain momentum, but the alteration of a brand strategy in line with this international event may have immediate positive effects upon a business. Since they theoretically do not have to change a lot, Apple's current brand strategies have the company β†’

Advance marketing research

The key role of marketing research is to acquire vital information so they can react to the markets offerings, which is to market the NFG league to women. Research Question 2: Is magazine a good medium to advertise NFG to the female segmentation?

Mark-to-market accounting

Another benefit for companies of using such accounting treatment is the recording of unrealized gain on mark to market of financial assets e.g.in the case of investment in shares, the unrealized gain would be the difference between the cost price of those shares and the market price of those shares on which it is currently β†’

Grafik marketing case study

Create a sense of safety and a sense of sharing. Not only will the younger employees be mentoring the senior manager In technological aspects, done the way they are. O Members must understand the importance of the program and block time to spend with each other so they do not miss those sessions β†’

Omm 615: week 6 dq 1

As such, Public Relations becomes an integral part of the ICM since the realization of most of the goals of ICM will significantly depend on the effectiveness of PR. With public relations, people become well acquainted with interactive technologies and databases and thus there is an increase of two-way communication between the organization β†’

Marketing analysis berri pure fruit juice

What they will gain is that both companies will save money and can sell their product at a minor cost but as Taiwanese people associate expensive things to luxury it must be the best option to sell the Juice at the same price as If they were not saving on transportation. PRICING Sell β†’

Example of whisky taxation essay

If the intention was to pay the debts based on principle of benefits, he would have imposed on the imported whiskies and not the locally produced ones.. Print. " The Whiskey Rebellion - YouTube".

Morningside college canteen marketing research

Define the problem to be studied and the purpose to be served by the research (What is the benefit to the client? Report your findings you need to show how you analyzed the data, the results and your interpretation of the results. Research findings 7 4.

Problem case study sample

Analysis and Recommendation Analysis and Recommendation The English Bay Hotel has been in the business for quite some time, and from this case it is among the oldest hotels to be put up in Vancouver. This is healthy for the hotel because good relationship with the financial partners makes it easy to β†’


Salto's population as of 2013 was 104, 000. Number of Cars As of 2013, Montevideo has about one million cars in total. Salto had about 90, 000 cars as of 2013 (DS Word's Lands 1; World Population Review 1). Number of mileage driven within the two cities Salto is located on Route 3, β†’

Apple marketing strategy

Apple always lead the trend of the world ofcommunicationand entertainment by its product such as Iphone or the Ipad. The iPad does not have Flash Player, Flash is essential on the web and is used everywhere. Surfing the Web without Flash gives you big empty boxes in the middle of a page.

Course work on customer relations executive

Career Objective: Short Term: To be placed as a Senior Executive or Assistant Manager in the Customer Relations or Marketing department at an organization of repute where I may be able to utilized as well as develop my customer relations and marketing skills. Long Term: To further my educational qualifications and work experience in β†’

Successful marketing strategy of haagen-dazs

Aimed to make itself the represent of top-class ice-creams, Hagen-Dads tried to make the feeling of satisfaction and happiness its selling point. So Hagen-Dads make its ice cream the symbol of romantic and fancy.

Recessions since 1990 in the us case study example

The GDP thus shrunk by 5.1%. The first recession of the 90's was caused by a major oil price rise due to the First Gulf War and a high level of inflation. This combination of policies together with a decline of oil prices brought US out of the recession in 1991. The recession that started β†’


Provides a detailed description of the marketing environment and explains clearly the implications for the brand. Provides good level of Justification Chooses target segment based on the most appropriate criteria for the situation, and provides excellent, clear Justification Description of the target customer Provides little or no description of either characteristics or product- and β†’

The hilton hotel marketing strategy

In a speech given by Hilton International Conserving President Of Marketing , Mike Gaston said that the reward recognized the newcomers brand promise to Pout back a little of what life takes tout and thephilosophyof Equilibrium which influenced how the hotels look, how they develop their products indicatives and the way they behave, both with β†’

Good example of essay on statistics

It also allows for measuring, controlling and communication of uncertainty. Types and level of statistics There are two types of statistics, namely: descriptive and inferential statistics. Such statistics allow for estimation of population values based on sample data, developing mathematical relationships and hypothesis testing. Role of statistics in business decision making Statistics plays β†’

M2 a1/ 1

The marketing research firms face the compulsion of turning to the use of incentives in order to encourage the public to participate in such surveys. Most of the marketing firms seem to approve the use of monetary incentives because of the potential they present in persuading customers to participate in surveys.