400 Words Essay Samples

Integers: negative and non-negative numbers and absolute value essay sample

The integers are all the whole numbers including zero, all negative and all the positive numbers Basics of integers * Whole numbers greater than zero are called positive integers. For any two numbers graphed on a number line, the number to the right is the greater number and the number to the left is the β†’

Migration from 1750-1900

A lot of urbanization was happening in the Industrial Revolution, and this caused many people just moved from the countryside to growing industrial cities. This showed that the cities were probably a bit over populated, and therefore, there were too many people to employ for work in factories.

Why the ability to write is important assignment

The ability to write is very important in today's society. In conclusion, the ability to write Is essential In today's society.

Us judge approved claims against hashfast

The Judge rejected the motion of the company that was filed by the defendants and sided with Plaintiff Pete Morici by approving the claim that HashFast has violated the Unfair Competition Law which prohibits " acts or practices which are unlawful, unfair or fraudulent". The order that was signed by the Judge stated, " Based β†’

On responsibility

His parents are always persuading him to go to school and they are even willing to reward him if he goes to school. They should enforce their attendance and if they do not want to go to school then make the consequences bad.

Psychological disorders

The information available will enable the psychologist to determine the reasons for the patient's abnormal behavior and the respective treatment. A clinician's raw data is essential and critical to the understanding of the disorder and the prescription of the right course of treatment.

University campus network design

The important consideration of the network design should rate a potential support for the future expansions, reliability, scalability and the quality of service. Therefore, the outcome of this network infrastructure design must guarantee the constant availability, load balance and durability.


This the author needs to know the context of a situation which lead to a rhetorical discourse and for this he sets the aforementioned thesis. The speech is a very well placed example of a rhetorical situation as explained by Bitzer.

Informative speech on cuba essay sample

In simple terms communism is the belief that everything belongs to " the community", so people own nothing much more than the clothes on their back, and the ruling government owns everything. This invasion entitled " The Bay of Pigs" purpose was to overthrow the communist government and establish a democratic government friendly to the β†’

Week6 discussions

In such an event, therefore, the company can apply for a tax relief from the IRS. Therefore, the timing of an NOL should be very strategic in a bid to attain the highest tax benefit.

Student bio and introduction

My parents have played a major and fundamental role in my life, but I would say that my idol is my mother. I continue to learn so much from my mother and hope that someday I will get lucky to be half the woman she is.

Frederick douglass practice and vocation assignment

Douglass believed that the more religious the master, the crueler he would be, and claimed that of all the slaveholders that he met, religious slaveholders were the worst. Douglass was willing to dictate his life to struggle and agitate for the abolition of slavery, and the cause of civil rights as well.

Article abstract assignments

Mason seeks to identify the nature of the product created by professional sports leagues, its customers, and the marketing strategies used to market the product. The marketing of professional sports leagues.

Medieval times

Middle ages, came about from all of the Barbarian attacks which led to the western part of the Roman Empire falling. The more the stairs were hard to climb, the less the payment was.


Thus they have to work longer hours with the minimal pay and this leads to turnover or the conducting illegal businesses in prison.2. This will reduce the number of inmates to be supervised by one officer.

Can marketing change behaviour assignment

Marketing is more often used to sell a product or a service but it can also be used to Influence consumers' behaviour. For Kotler and Andreasen, It " seeks to Influence social behaviours not to benefit the marketer, ut to benefit the target audience and the general society".

Reflection on personal culture – (middle east- saudi arabia)

Arabs' Culture in Saudi Arabia Every society in the world has its unique culture and the term culture relates to collective beliefs held by a group of people in terms of language, religion, traditional foods, and social morality among others. The only problem is that we have is religious discrimination as the non-Muslims do not β†’

History before 1877

History Before 1877 Factors that contributed to Great Britain's debt Enactment of quartering act that forced the British government to sustain the basic needs of soldiers greatly hindered the nation financially. The consequent effects of heavy taxation initiated the existing debate, caused resistance and revolution of American colonies.

Lee chong wei- malasian hero

In his early years, Lee favoured basketball, however his mother soon forbade him from the game due to the searing heat of the outdoor basketball court. Lee received RM300, 000 on 21 August 2008, as a reward for his silver medal effort in the 2008 Olympic Games.


The back colors in the paintings acted as background for all the customers but not for the seller in the restaurant. The painter was keen in presenting the whole human element in his painting to be contained within the lower right-hand quarter of the canvas.

“i as it never changes. woman body starts

In this poem poet writes about the woman who face a deep darkness in her life and for the same she has taken help of music. Now here music should be considered as a woman's life.

Morning at the window essay sample

The meaningless rituals of the day are part of the lack of ' the spiritual' emphasis contributing to the emotional disfigurement and urban disconnection of the society. The poems represent the suffering and emotional distance from the urban society characterized by a lack of ' the spiritual'.

One of my worst days

The two teens were rushed to the RE and My church friend Drew was pronounced dead at the scene. Drew would have been a senior this year and would have had the chance to shine on the football like he Ovid doing.

The theme of choice in “shooting an elephant” by george orwell

The theme of this story takes place at some time during the five unhappy years the officer spends as a British enforcer of the law in Burma. Nor can he talk to the Burmese because of the " utter silence that is imposed on every Englishman in the East".

Case study on recent tsunami

The cause of the tsunami was the earthquake which occurred in the Pacific Ocean about 130 km from the coast of Japan. The student has the opportunity to see the correct organization of a free sample case study on recent tsunami in Japan 2011 and complete his own well-structured paper.

Architectural design during spanish era in the philippines

Antilles is a archipelago bordered by the Caribbean sea to the south and west, the Gulf of Mexico to the northwest, and the Atlantic Ocean to the north and east. Fort Santiago was the Citadel of the walled city of intramural, the location of Fort Santiago was once also the site of the Palace of β†’

The only escape is death

In some cases animals are hit with repeated blows to the head using wooden clubs they may also swing the animals by the legs beating their heads into the ground. After they are done removing the skin the animals are thrown on a pile of other carcasses.


what and who is intelligence? is it the perfect student? the student who gets strait a's, the student in the front row by choice, not becuase they made a bad decision, is it the perfect attendance student? or is it the student on the very back row in the class, the one whos has his β†’

Please answer in short paragraphs

This will be followed by use of statistical methods to generalize information to the entire population and finally use of statistical analysis to create a statement about the health of said population. Some reasons why the cost of health care is rising Cleverly et al explains that one reason for the continued rise in the β†’

Poisonwood bible character analysis essay

Leah Price In the novel, Leah is the second oldest of the Price daughters, she is 14-years-old along with her twin sister, Adah. Leah's main desire is to do whatever makes her father happy, and because of this Leah is very devoted to her father's notion of God.

Xlri topics

The penalty for negative marking in XAT is very heavy and may cost you a seat in your college of choice. XAT 2006 India has one of the largest pool of talented manpower, but few innovations and patented products.

Conversational styles

This is a story that describes the things that are bound to happen to us in the course of life. The author explores a list of figures of things that happen year in year out." 2.

Michelangelo sistine chapel how is it humanism assignment

Pope Julius II asked Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine chapel in 1508. Which happened to be in the Vatican, is known to be the pope's headquarters in Rome.

What cash-abundant & time-strapped traders can do as demonetization hits india

To avoid the hassle of going to the bank and wait in long queues, the traders and kirana stores refused to accept these notes. Reach your bank as early as 7 a.m.to exchange the now defunct Rs.

The organizational culture

This means to use every opportunity to stress the importance of business ethics and key business decisions that are not only economically viable but make good ethical sense. To further ethical behavior there is a need to build an organizational culture that values ethical behavior.

Factors in accepting a case

This is because it applies the usage of deep feelings and attitudes in addition to the justices that are documented in the calculus. Whether the US government was a prime part to the present case and that there were questions of preview.II.

Jiu-jitsu – the elegant fighting style from brazil essay

The core point in this Brazilian Game art is the ground techniques like grappling etc and hence requires very less strength and power from the stylist. One of the famous moves is the leg wrapping or lock from behind when the stylist is down and opponent is on the top.

Jack london questions

What is the setting of the story? What is the central conflict of the story?

Is age count number in a dating?

There are numerous one-of-a-kind view about whether age play a big characteristic in a relationship, for me age should not decide whether or not two human beings are allowed to like each other and be with each other. Once you fall, you are not falling for the age.while you are building a relationship, you are β†’

Human resource management case study situation

Jack has gone to the HER department and complained that the people his supervisors ire are not a good fit for the company. What suggestions do you have for the president on how to coach Jack and develop a personal Improvement plan?

Positive behaviour

Instead of excluding or expelling a child another resort is to send the disruptive pupil to another school with a member of staff. When I have been on school exclusion a senior member of staff has driven us to one of the various schools in the area and I have then spent all day in β†’

The great land serpent

In the cartoon It stretches across the land Into the horizon, In a curvy motion, which shows how wide spread this creature Is, and showing how there Is no escaping It. Close to the top of this creature is a hole for smoke to blow out of, which homilies the damage it does to theenvironment.

Ownership of medical record

Running head: Ownership of Medical Record Insert His/her The ownership of medical record by the hospital for the benefits of the patients is under some general laws as the medical records contain private information that must not be disclosed to any on except the patient himself. The information release must be a strictly privatized operation β†’

Is the histoty fiction

The third group, which is the largest, asks whether history is actually fiction, and the authors are dared to speak up for the verity of history's, or history's fictional abilities, or history's entrapment within the present. The query whether history is fiction attracts noteworthy interest maybe because of the augmented public and lawful scrutiny of β†’

Rizal and the world at the time

The oppression around him was definitely not acceptable in the eyes of Rizal because human rights were being spread around the world by the intellectuals of North America and backed up by the actions of Russia. He's a smart guy and with that he probably looked up the history of war and what was needed β†’

Gender differences in crime rates and gun control methods

Gender differences in crime rates and gun control methods Gender differences in crime rates and gun control methods Introduction Male and females commit crimes but there is difference between males and females in terms of the crimes they commit. As compared to young women, most of the young men commit most of the serious violent β†’

World hunger speech outline

After researching the topic After studying Child hunger in America, I would like to talk about How many children go hungry in America? Clip= Cliff LaM 18ACFcZQ7AodUFQAWVv What starvation does to your body What happens in your stomach during starvation First your body will go into a state of ketosis.

Marbury v madison

In deciding the case the court stated that Marbury had the right to have the appointment however the court had no power to force him to do so. This explains the careful decision of the Supreme Court in Marbury vs.

Fear in education

Unfortunately, a majority of these juveniles may suffer from these situations, transforming into taciturn recluses, who in their silence may be typecast as aloof, and be ignored for the misconception of antipathy. Such students may emulate intense self-consciousness, wary of themselves as not to present mistakes in trepidation of embarrassment or rejection.

New deal assignment

Massive expansion In role of federal government In US political system and In US economy between 1933-1945 Higher corporate and personal taxes, massive borrowing, new federal agencies and programs, regulation of product and labor markets, etc. Restriction of output In farming to raise prices Increase output and wages in industrial sector Keynes' 1936 General Theory β†’

Why are women diagnosed borderline more than men

The authors attribute this to biological or socio-cultural differences between women and men, leading to the development of traits and behavior indicative of the BP disorder. As written by Skodol & Bender, the study conducted by Funtowicz and Widiger showed that clinical psychologists found out that the distress caused PDs in women, the reason BPD β†’

Pathophysiological changes resulted by hypertension

The high pressure in the aorta caused by the blood pressure causes the left side of the heart to become weak or stiff thus lowering its efficiency. The remedy of this condition is to reduce the workload in the heart.

Contrast between high school and college. assignment

To begin with, there are many ways in which the responsibilities of both teachers and students in high school differ from teachers and students in college. Students in high school are obligated to attend.

Main motive of zora neale hurston’s essay

She states that she does not belong in the Negrohood school where the colored people feel down about the way society look at them, they hate the world and feel sorry about the fact that they black. He has only heard what I felt Hurston ends her story by using the metaphor of colored bags β†’

Applying leopold’s ethic to our planet earth

The planet Earth is very different than it used to be, based on the actions of one species among possibly millions that inhabit the earth. Environmental ethics is a new path that makes it possible to respond to the new challenges posed by the rapidly increasing development of technology which has negative consequences on people, β†’

Describe a time when you tried to bring about a change in assignment

If I was able to see and understand how people perceive me maybe I would have a better understanding of what I needed to change. I have been awakened to a part of me that I knew was there, but was not sure how to go about fixing it.

A spectacular sunset at a beach

Sitting by the seaside, the only sound one hears is the splash of water and the signing of birds. It is a perfect time to express one's feelings and let the other person know how valued they are.

Lebron james

Apart from receiving the title ' chosen one' while he was in high school, Lebron James has gone ahead to live true to the name all through hiscareernot only in the sports arena but also in his social life. As he is called, Lebron James is the real ' chosen one'.

How can technology help small business

Smartness raise the bar with access to the Internet, email and business applications.* Marketing: Cell phones have become small business necessities for owners and employees. These devices are lifelines for staying in touch when on the road and responding to customer inquiries in a timely manner.

This absence of productivity growth in these crops.

We have also increased our dependence upon use of gas and other fossil fuels for the production of electricity for a variety of end users including running of railways. Growth of our economy has heightened inequalities in income and wealth distribution, and this, in turn, has added to our demand for imported goods.6.

Roald dahl hated willy wonka and the chocolate factory

And that is the writer of the novel bases for the film, Roald Dahl. Turns out Roald Dahl just wanted it to be just " Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and was not expecting a film title " Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory".

Sixth sense technology

Contents [hide] * 1 Construction and workings * 2 Example applications * 3 Cost and license 4 References * 5 External links Construction and workings[edit source I editable] Steve Mann and Prang Misery with their camera+projector pendants The Sixteenths technology contain a pocket projector, a mirror and a camera contained in a pendant- like, wearable β†’

The other side of the coin: social networking’s positive impacts

In the case of the Virginia Tech shooting, after the gun shots had stopped, some of the students accessedFacebookto inform others about the event. Through their phones and computers they were able to organize protests and inform the rest of the world as to what was going on.

Distribution channels case study chick soap

I am intending to reach the target audience through the following: * The advertising women's magazine.* Gift packs of the five perfumed soaps for the Christmas season.* The use of distribution channels available for the sale of toilet soaps Like Independent chemists, department stores, multiple chemists, supermarkets, and grocers. Distribution Channels Case Study Chick Soap β†’

Subjective vs. objective writing

In the All my life description of the item the seller made sure to use a subjective description. The seller was very short in the description of the product and let it be known that the objective of the ad was to sale the item at hand.

Till seldom asked to extend concessions in

Lesser Constraints on Developing Countries: In the initial years of GATT developing countries were seldom asked to extend concessions in exchange for the ones received by them from the developed countries. This position changed with the conclusion of Kennedy Round when developing countries were also asked to participate in active negotiations and extend concessions to β†’

Professional letter of recommendation for mba admission

The applicant is motivated to address his weaknesses in public presentation and conducting research that will prepare him for MBA projects. With these skills, the applicant is likely to achieve a successful professional career in MBA.

Reaction paper critical

It was amusing to reminisce those years, the years of receiving and happiness that filled my young heart. The activity was a remedy for my heart longing to be child again.

That weight over student’s heads

But if students are throwing wads of paper and various school supplies at each other across the room then the teacher is distracted and unable to assist the students who need it. High school is the ominous building over the hill and across the road, the one where you make the bed for your life β†’

Three indo-american make political history in us elections

Loretta Sanchez, becoming the first Indo-American Senator in history to represent California in the Senate. In the U.S.

Easter celebration traditions and rituals around the world

Easter is among the most joyous and broadly recognized events in the Christian calendar and is celebrated in several countries all around the world. The willow tree is the very first tree to bloom in spring, so this tradition is supposed to attract the girl fertility and health.

What inferences can you draw from this passage what are the implications

When a person is hardworking or has a desire to achieve as in the case of conscientiousness, the person will definitely work efficiently and optimally produce. Such persons are a nuisance to the organization and will lead to a decline in the general output of the organization.

Facts that make a class productive and enjoyable

The first step that needs to be observed by teachers is; teaching the right things. Rather than judging the teachers on whether they met the objectives of the teaching, the focus should be on whether those teachers got the objectives right in the first place.

Distinguishing terrorism from other forms of crime

Distinguishing Terrorism from other Forms of Crime Introduction A common misconception in society is that terrorism and other forms of violent are the same thing. While the assumption is valid, terrorism, displays unique characteristics that distinguishes it from other forms of violent crimes.

Laptop and technology solution

Software, Hardware, Communication, Service, and Facility components will be utilized In the strategy. Facility - All aspects of the business will be housed in the MUMS salon.

Compare and contrast: hittites and the united states of america essay sample

The Hittites and the United States of America have a lot of differences and similarities. However, weather is only one of the many things that the land of the Hittite and the U, S, have many similarities and differences to.

Discuss how the american criminal justice system has impacted the black community, 1880-2011

of Paper: American Criminal Justice System and Its Impact on Black People The present research paper sheds light on American criminal justice system and discusses its impact on people of Black community in America. There is a great inequality visible in the criminal justice system of America.

English notes agry god

Jonathon Edwards was quite known for his most famous sermon " from the sinners in the hands of an angry God." He often called people sinners and scared them in to believing that they were all going to hell. Most people started to believe what Edwards was saying in his sermon. This is an β†’

World culture paper essay

For this paper you will choose a culture to which you have a personal connection. For example a culture of which you are a descendent, or the culture of a neighbor of family member, or perhaps a place you have visited and are intrigued by.

Internet privacy

Most educators believe that Blackboard is one of the most basic systems in distance learning. On the other hand, some people have called eCollege a " force to be reckoned with". This benefits the student, because it ensures that course management software will continue to evolve and enhance the online learning experience.* What types of β†’

Legal aspects of business decisions unit 2 db sa first week last submission

One of the problem as depicted in case one, is where, a USA business company or organization sells some of their militarily equipment's to one foreign country that the company has no branch there. Again every country has their own set military supply policies, most of this policy poses a serious problem to USA military β†’

Pressing leadership issue of today

This would definitely put one in an awkward position, especially if they have to confront the issue or if the issue jeopardizes the integrity of a company or violates a family member trust; all at personal cost to that person. This was a clear case of acting on what I understood to be right β†’

Normative decision model

This model naturally makes us to conclude that, it is gender neutral.The situational leadership theory This model looks at the optimum method for leaders to tackle their leadership style based on the leadership type the leader is involved in. the model examines task behaviour in relation to the nature of work being β†’

Service management: xpresso lube

Xpresso Lube's service package includes providing customers with a unique, pleasant and honest experience in having their vehicles' oil changed with the comforts of a large and comfortable waiting area with amenities such as different coffee varieties, stereo system, and current reading materials, among others. 2. Xpresso Lube could therefore be classified as the pioneer β†’

Instant messaging and videoconferencing

INSTANT MESSAGING AND VIDEO CONFERENCING goes here] [Your goes here] [Due the paper] Instant Messaging and Video Conferencing Question No. Both instant messaging and video conferencing influence the components of communication in a way that both of these involve two-end communication where messages are sent and received at all ends of communication. Question No.

Ardagh group international management trainee programme.

Think of a goal that you have achieved and are proud of. Tell us what the goal was, describe how you achieved it, and explain why you are proud of it.3.

Waste management in resorts research proposal sample

Poseidon et al found that to achieve proper waste disposal , hotels should set aside space in their premises where they can store and sort all waste generated. The owner should also train the staff of Magic Mountain Resort Lodge and Spa on proper waste management. This will ensure their own safety and β†’

Effects of too many or too little expense allocation

Hence, we can reduce it to $5000 The cost for the professional meeting is an overhead and should be reduced to $7, 000 in the best case. Hence, this cost is not reduced. Custodial expenses can be controlled and reduced to $10, 000 in the best case. Security and consulting both are important and β†’

The efficiency of group decision making as compared to individual work

Group decision making settling on gives two advantages over choices made by people are cooperative energy and sharing of data. Cooperative energy is the possibility that the entire is more prominent than the whole of its parts. Collective choices can take extra time in light of the fact that there is the necessity of interest, β†’

Comments to peer response dq1md and dq2 jb

The buyer and the seller have to make negotiations to a point where they mutually benefit from the transaction. This is reflected in the lower costs and higher service value. Public goods These are goods or services that can be used by numerous individuals concurrently without diminishing the value of consumption to any one β†’

Mba executive university / innovation & planning / focus on the world as it will be it needs a science fictional way of thinking link this to scenario planning

Business managers therefore want to understand the current situation, innovatively think and come with plans consistent with firm's long-term goals which guide future business. Scenario planning is a business instrument used to align people's way thinking with alternative future situations to which decisions that are made today may be important. The concept is an important β†’

Scientific management essay sample

However, with the quota on the calls per day in addition to evaluate and rewards for the numbers of calls they answer, many clerks rush with the call just to attend to the next call as fast as possible. Clerks mentioned that the pay were low in relation to the amount of pressure and stress β†’

Management and leadership

of the Organization In this paper, I will differentiate between the concepts of management and leadership at Boeing, which is an American multinational aerospace company. Difference between Management and Leadership At Boeing, management means to control all departments and activities of the company whereas leadership is just a single aspect of management. The aim β†’

The 5 dysfunctions of a team

As we can see the existence of one creates a chain reaction that often results in the emergence of the rest. What engenders the greatest impact on me upon reading Lencioni's solutions to these five dysfunctions masterpiece is the author's solutions or countermeasures to the first dysfunction, the lack or absence of trust. He first β†’

Predicting performance

High school grades ; Scholastic Aptitude Test scores ; Intelligence tests scores ; Extra-curricular activities and achievements ; And the quality and creativity of a written theme submitted with the application This alternative will make the selection criteria based on measuring the mathematics; critical reading and β†’