400 Words Essay Samples

Simon sinek: how great leaders inspire action

Separation of great companies and great leaders from the rest forms the main them in this talk. The theme is evident in the golden circle concept in which it s attributed that even though most people know what they do, very few understand why they do it.

The ideal person

Nietzsche may be that as not a real ideal person, because someone might not look up to that certain person because they are not so called living the glam life, and having everything around them. Nietzsche believes that the ideal person is high, rare, and far between and mainly mentions them as a " he".

Journey essay – of mice and men

Obstacles and challenges are faced by both George and Lennie in " of Mice and Men" and the persona of " I was only 19" In " of Mice and Men" Curley is a huge obstacle for Lennie as he does not like little big buys and likes to pick fights with them. This is β†’

University campus network design assignment

The important consideration of the network design should rate a potential support for the future expansions, reliability, scalability and the quality of service. Therefore, the outcome of this network infrastructure design must guarantee the constant availability, load balance and durability.

Social psychology week 7b

This paper aims to contextualize aggression, identify responses that are incompatible with and might reduce aggression, and comparison of the individual predictors of prejudice. Aside from empathy, humor and mild sexual arousal are other incompatible responses that reduce aggression in such a way that these two responses drive the attention of the aggressive person to β†’

Homicide detective salary

A detective is a investigator, either a member of a police agency or a private person. In order to become a homicide detective I must attain a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice.

No the strength of the enterprise relative to

No matter how difficult or unprecedented the problem, a breakthrough to the best possible solution can come only from a combination of rational analysis, based on the real nature of things, and imaginative reintegration of all the different items into a new pattern, using nonlinear brainpower. Reserving the term strategy for actions aimed at directly β†’

Dorian gray analysis

Lord Henry first plants the idea in Dorian's head by remarking that, " There is something to me quite beautiful about her death". Dorian is easily influenced by the dominant Lord Henry, and quickly begins to romanticize Sibyl's death.

Crimes against persons

However, an article written by Geiger in the Los Angeles Times statistics on rape tends to be controversial and complicated due to the fact that some victims do not want to report the ordeal. The motive for the Crime As disclosed from the news, the men were apparently sourced from the ire on contemporary developments β†’

The using stokes’ formula for the viscous

The charge of the electron is -e = -4. The electron is the lightest of a family of elementary particles, theleptons.

Laughing with you or at you

You are whispering to the really cute guy beside you, so glad that the day you wore this shirt was the day he finally noticed you. The most horrible sound you will ever hear in school: people laughing at something you have not caught on to.

Gpa’s: overrated

Can someone please explain why teachers, the school district, and society in general is breeding seven-year-olds to believe that the only way to find happiness in life is to cure cancer? I may be only seventeen, and completely clueless of the real world, but all I know is that when I am 80 I am β†’

Portrayal and development of the theme of fear of death in the poem thanatopsis

In this poem, Bryant uses his understanding of death to first acknowledge the fears about it and then try to comfort the reader. Bryant's use of words and thoughts give the impression that death is magnificent and not merely and end to life.

Traffic problem in city urban areas of kuala lumpur

When traffic demand is great enough that the interaction between vehicles slows the speed of the traffic stream, congestion is incurred. There has been congestion and a serious deterioration of travel speed on major roads in many parts of Kuala Lumpur, especially in the City Centre as well as in the east and south, due β†’

The conception of the escalate case study

The conception of the Escalate extended the targeted market, and rated a new customer-based for Cadillac of which a new subculture emerged. Cadillac took pride in building a relationship with the pop culture and realized that the brand's success was contributed to the hip-hop popularity.

Yet in this age of cheap literature, cost

There is no doubt that Free Libraries are a great blessing, and, when the books are wisely selected, they have a great edu cational value, and have done much to encourage the habit of reading among the working classes. One disadvantage is that the much-read and well-thumbed books of a Free Library are often the β†’

Sensation and perception article review

In this study, researchers examined the effects of exposure to mercury and lead on children's attention. Besides the link between mercury and ADHD, children with low levels of lead also were found to be more likely diagnosed with having an attention deficit.

Zara marketing assignment

Ezra Ezra varies in price, promotion, and positioning from some of its main competitors, H&M and Gap. Ezra uses very little of its budget on promotion and marketing and relies more on its store windows to advertise its name to the public.

Reflective journal persuasive essay

For example, if the document were to be printed and left on a desk, the first page of the journal would not be exposed for a bystander to read. Create a header and page number for the second page before you do the title page.

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall Indonesia's advertising Industry which is one of the youngest in the region, is almost at its adolescence trying to come to terms with all the rapid changes that it faces as it comes of age to find its own well definedpersonalityand identity. This, as I see is the onset of β†’

Globalization argumentative paper assignment

Here in the United States, we have experienced factory closures and relocations outside of the United States, layoffs, economic crises due to the stock market plummeting, higher taxes for the middle class, cost of living rising, etc. For instance, in the United States, corporations are able to do business with businesses with countries that have β†’

Comparing first-movers in technology

Intel and Microsoft are able to sell to the same consumers because the demand is for two different products. Answer: Microsoft Company's primary strategy is to be a sort of conglomerate and make products that the people want.

Ggs case study

Nick should do these to protect all the buyers of the paintings and to exonerate Jennifer If later on found out that there was connivance between Danville and Miguel. If in case the buyers wanted a refund, Jennifer should not pay for them because she is in protect all the buyers of the paintings and β†’

India in the cold war assignment

Since a number of the countries in Asia who are a part of the Non-alignment Movement are developing countries, the focus of these countries involved would be an economic progression rather than a military conflict between two world powers. As the non-alignment was formed, it adapted the five principals of Nehru as the basis of β†’

Human resource management

FMC)are products that are very necessary to the low income consumer, they are normally low price, low margin and high volume, in Kenya, it has a population of about 200, 000 residents, which means they have high demand of FMC, also 80% of them live in tremendous poverty with an income of only a few β†’

Mockingjay takes over arrowhead

The plot highlights the journey of Katniss Everdeen after she is taken out of the 75th annual Hunger Games, a competition where two citizens from each of the 12 districts are chosen each year to fight to the death. The Mockingjay is also symbolic of her ally in the first movie, Rue.

Describe the worst team experience you have ever had. what did you do

The head of our branch called me in for a meeting and told me that although I had only served for 3 months, he felt I was good and I understood the operations of the unit. I decided I had to do my job as head of the unit, and still keep strong ties with β†’

Case study on child labour

Nowadays child labour is considered to be the break of the human rights and the use of child force is treated like inhumane. The main factors which still cause the existence of child labour are unfavourable financial background of a child and his family, the tradition of a country and simply child's exploitation.

The stages of progress in human society as studied by lewis morgan

He sub-divided savagery and barbarism again into lower, middle, and upper orders according to the progress made in the production of the means of subsistence. The epochs of human progress have been identified more or less directly, with the enlargement of the source of subsistence".

General profile city of kelsey

The type of work in the City of Kelsey is a consulting firm, trucking company, organic fruits and vegetables, and a construction company. The residents of the City of Kelsey are very involved in their community and there are lots of activities for all.

Y2k bug 11696

The Y2k bug has to do with how a particular computer will deal with the year 2000. As a matter of fact, the Macintosh can read up to the year 29, 948 The problem will occur, however, in non-Macintosh based computers They will read 2000 as " 00" and will interpret that as 1900, making β†’

Case study on ebay

The corporation manages the well-known web site ebay.com and its versions for different countries of the world and owns the company PayPal. In order to cope with the eBay case study a student should improve his knowledge about the corporation and the way of work of its business model.

Light industry is light and heavy industry is heavy

Unlike the product manufactured by light industries, heavy industry products are sold to other businesses and manufactures as they usually are in the primary or secondary sector. This is due to the boom in manufacture of gadgets and the decline in industries such as mining and vehicle manufacture.

Is conscience a more powerful motivator than money, fame, or power essay

However, as seen in various fields such as art, history, and science, the human conscience will limit the motivation of greed and inspire good works for the sake of morality. Johnson, former president of the United States, pushed the civil rights act of 1964 through congress motivated by conscience and a desire to correct the β†’

Osi model

These layers are the application layer, presentation layer, session layer, transport layer, network layer, data link layer, and physical layer. The Application Layer The application layer is responsible for interaction between the operating system and the network services and provides an interface to the system.

Letter to microsoft permission to use screen shots assignment

I will be using the Microsoft Office Professional Academic 2010 and will be using screenshots of your products, with your permission, in order to make the manuals I am creating easier for people to follow and better understand. While the text will give them step by step instructions of the procedures, the images will be β†’

East asian langs & english

Also, when learning language, one must also learn to pronounce the dialect and tone of the English language properly and understandably, and only English native speakers can truly teach the learners how to do so. It is much more important for children to be healthy and well than them knowing English.


The blizzard of 1999 struck a majority of the Midwest along with parts of Canada. Overall many people, buildings, and companies were impacted in the blizzard of 1999.

Events shape our life

Macduff, decided to kill Macbeth after he killed Macduff's family and killing the king. The change our views on things and lead us to do things in a different way than what we are used to.

American films and earthly thing essay sample

In order to get almost any earthly thing on your own, you must first deserve it before it is healthy to desire it. But their is not any free lunch, so then they have to prove themselves to be worthy of it.

The relevance of consuming caffeine in regard to health

You will concur with me that the majority of the population uses caffeine from the fact that brought up drinking it to the extent that it became a routine in life. Therefore, it becomes comparatively common that the majority of the users fail to analyze the stimulant they use and consider if it is worth β†’

Compare & contrast of two singers essay

Who was a better lead singer front man, Bon Scott of AC/DC or Ozzy Osbourne of Black Sabbath? Larger numbers of fans and a longer time playing their music adds to Bon Scott's and AC/DC's greater influence in rock history than Black Sabbath's.

Living life to the fullest

For them, doing the all these wrong things is fine and acceptable because we only have one life to live and some opportunities might not come again, so they just grab it while they can. Live it to the fullest by choosing to do things and make memories that will turn you into the best β†’

Case study on haemophilia

The serious characteristic feature of the complicated form of haemophilia is that the patient becomes disabled, because of the haemorrhage into the joints, which prevent the patient from physical activity. Haemophilia A causes the lack of protein in the human blood and it is the most widespread form of the disease which happens among more β†’

Analysis of trauma case study

Designing an intervention to improve the treatment offered by the trauma orthopedic care department in a large INS hospital. Ere general manager responsible for orthopedic services in a large acute INS hospital has sought your advice regarding the kind of intervention that might be effective in helping to improve the treatment offered to patients who β†’

Business organisations in the private sector

The owner of a sole trader business is the individual who owns and operates the business. The primary objective of a sole trader is to survive.

Endeca case study

One of the deal sounds like a last minute call whereas the other is obviously the fruit of a long term partnership. Hence, despite the relative attractiveness of the outsider term sheet, people just do not know each other and do not have the time to make a proper due diligence, in both directions.


Mencius developed a very early form of what was to be called in modern times the " social contract. What are the hallmarks of a moral society in Mencius' way of thinking?

S4 w8 second wa

The main goal of AVPA is to empower and educate the people in Africa to make their both ends meet. The basic aim behind the establishment of such village is to being improvement and empowerment in the community.

Family tradition

Perniciaro English 1101 MW March 15, 2010FamilyTradition I always know it is Thanksgiving morning when I awake to the smell of the turkey roasting in the oven and the cinnamon apple spice tea brewing on the stove. On the other hand, my mom and I always cook the french green beans, sausage and bread stuffing, β†’

Mis 2223 ch2

Which of the following is an option for you? mobile appYou have a new application that is taking full advantage of the features of your smartphone, including the touch screen and an embedded GPS receiver. What kind of application is this? plug-inWhich of the following is a program that extends the capability of a browser? β†’

School fights good?

There are many things that can cause a fight and at the end of it all; it shows who the real person is and who the poser is. I think fights in school should not have such a big consequences because they are just ways of finding out who the bigger person is.

Serial killers

In the article " Serial Killers do we know enough to catch them? " Sarah Glazer gives an overview about the past history and the knowledge on serial killers. She states " The FBI popularized the notion of the " serial" murderer and contended the phenomenon was increasing in the 1980s, during a wave of β†’

Preparing for final exams

You have done minimum work all semester and you are now wondering how in the world you are going to pass finals. You have not studied all semester and now it is time to pay the price.

Developmental theories

The sociocultural theory of development is able to explain why the individual's growth and development is strongly-connected to the society one grows up in, the universal perspective delves into the common needs of all humans, as well as the shared needs and impulses characterised in every culture and generation, and the evolutionary theory focuses on β†’

The first doubts

The First Doubts According to Baugh The process of disengagement from a role that is central to one's self identify and the re-establishment of an identity in a new role that takes into account one's ex-role" is referred to as role exit. I have created an ex-role identity where I have been able to β†’

Middle east and west asia reading

Middle East And West Asia Reading The main question from Armstrong's work Chapter five pages 141 to 156, is whether or not industrialization after the arrival of the West created the need for economic expansion. The colonization and industrialization forced the Middles East and Western nations to search for new markets to trade the products/services.

In be larger. the nuclei of the

The lamp brush chromosomes are formed during the active syn thesis of mRNA molecules for the future use by the egg during cleavage when no synthesis of mRNA molecules is possible due to active involvement of chromosomes in the mitotic cell division.2. The nuclei of the salivary gland cells of the larvae of dipterans like β†’

This capital and investment effect on business and

1Immigrationis nothing new but a common phenomenon and with the progress and advancement intechnology of transportation and other means of communication, it has exponentiallyrisen worldwide which impacts both home and the host country. So, it invited a handful of immigrants from Myanmar toresettle in Nhill and work at the local factory.

January just it as if a curtain had

He was the first son and second child born to the reverend Martin Luther King, Sr, and Alberta Williams King, a schoolteacher. One of his first experiences was with the curtains that were used on the dining cars of trains to separate the whites from the blacks.

Electronic fan

The popular company known as Orient Fans, is the largest manufacture and one the largest brands in India, dating back as far as the. There are two sectors within the fan Industry which are the organized sector and the unreasoned sector.

β€˜to kill a mockingbird’ and the nature of courage essay sample

The choices Atticus makes and the paths he follows, display a state of mind that enables him to not only face danger but also stand up for his morals and ethics, also known as courage. Despite this, Atticus has the courage to shoot the mad dog, not only putting his own safety, but also the β†’

Analyze the influences of internal politics in desired career path in criminal justice

In the situation given in the case, there is the need for me to work hard as a probation officer in order to meet the requirements of the criminal justice system and to satisfy my boss as well as to escape the cut. I have to demonstrate the level of my education and the significance β†’

What are your first impressions on the birling family in an inspector calls essay sample

An Inspector Calls focuses around the Birling family, this consists of: Arthur Burling; head of the family, Sybil Birling; Arthur's wife, Sheila and Eric Burling; Arthur and Sybil's two spoilt children, and Gerald Croft; rich and successful, and engaged to Sheila Birling. Priestley gets across to the audience the fact that this family is very β†’

Thesis idea: cubism – contemporary art assignment

The essential development of cubism was Fernand and Juan Gris which attracted by many adherents in Paris and other countries and it also influenced Abstract Expressionists especially Willem de Kooning. With the passing of time, Picasso and Braque also adopted Cubism by piercing the bodies of their figures and blended the figures into the close β†’

Overcoming obstacles overtime

Much like Helen Keller overcame the obstacle of not being able to communicate, I had to overcome my speech impediment. Helen Keller had to overcome the obstacle of not being able to communicate with anyone.

Clarifying financial reporting

The information contained in financial reporting must be both relevant and reliable to the user relevant data must be recent enough to be useful and be confirmed in the future as well as confirm older data, and reliable in that different users are able to use the same information to come to similar, if not β†’


Self-regulation is the act of controlling operations and practices in order to adhere to laws and regulations without the interference or directives of external parties or organizations. Regular ethics programs or seminars will enhance the knowledge of members of the organization about principles that are morally good and wrong.

Aum shinrikyo

It started off as a simple yoga class in Shoko's house; however, after a number of killings, assassinations and after attacking the subway of Tokyo the group came to be known as a terrorist group in the 1990's. The beliefs of the group were a mix of his own ideas, as well as of Buddhist β†’

Good comparison and contrast between vienna and istanbul essay example

In addition, Istanbul is also known for its shopping centers that include some of the oldest and largest in the world. Some of the major tourist attraction sites in Vienna include Schonbrunn Palace, Hofburg Palace and Museumsquartier.

Response paper

The Norwegian government took the stand in the matter, as it observed there are better educated women in the country who were merely discriminated by the male parties. In a few years we will be able to see the full prospective of women who will rise to the occasion and be successive.

Business plan, goals and objectives

My action plan therefore is to complete a degree in healthcare administration, a completion of a state training program and to pass the licensure exams in the short term. Eventually, I plan to pursue a master degree in healthcare administration to continually hone my knowledge, skills and abilities to assume higher level positions and be β†’

Dangers and healthy alternatives to reusable plastic water bottles

Boxed Water is a simple concept of water in a carton, according to the Boxed Water is Better website, the well known renewable resource, trees, composes 76% of the packaging." The trees used to make our box come from certified, well managed forests," says the founder, Ben Gott. Boxed Water is a relatively new company β†’

Human resource (management)

Therefore, to bind them uniformly it has been made imperative by the organizations for their employees to follow the strict dress code that would benefit the organization to eliminate the discriminatory factor among them. Dress code policy revolves around each and every single item that counts in shaping one's personality such as shoes, dresses, jewelry, β†’

Ka ching tone assignment

The dominant tone of the passage is cynical and satirical. The denotation of cynical is showing the belief that a person could be solely motivated by selfish concerns.

Lao-tzu, machiavelli, and the american government

Lao-Tzu's " Thoughts from the Tao-te Ching" and Machiavelli's " The Qualities of a Prince" both have the ultimate goal of making better leaders. I will start with the ideas of Machiavelli, then move on to Lao-Tzu's, and finally a comparison and application into American life.

Integrating social media into marketing strategy assignment

The digital footprint of an individual, and in turn that of the entire world is multiplying, thanks to social media. While social media is not new anymore, integration of the same in the marketing mix is an area to be explored.

With before cutting into the crud structural components

When you need a to create a side-door entrance to your basement from outside or even create an entrance within your home, New Trend Home is your quickest way to achieve that. It is not easy to create a side-door entrance or an entry to your basement within your home.

High stakes curriulum and teasting

High Stakes Curriculum and Testing s 15th November The No Child Left Behind, the Race to the Top and the Common Core Standards The NCLB is a law while the RTTT and the Common Core Standards are policies and all of them are mainly designed towards improving the quality of education in the United States, β†’

Q. (a) catla, rohu (b) hilsa, pomfrets. q.

In inbreeding, the breeding is between animals of the same breed whereas in out breeding the breeding is by crossing animals of different breeds.Q.3. Name the insect pest to which Pusa Gaurav, a variety of Brassica is resistant? Ans.

Belonging in gran torino and as you like it essay sample

At the beginning of the film he is shown as viewing the Hwong people from high angles as he feels they are inferior to him. Race in Gran Torino and class in As You Like It are of similar importance and are overcome in the end.

Chemistry class (xi-xii) flashcard

II- 19 of 2 mark each = 20 Marks Question No. 20-26 of 3 mark each = 21 Marks Question No.

Tupac and my non thug life essay sample

In the article, " Tupac and My Non Thug Life the author of this article Jenee Desmonc-Harris writes about how a young California girl was so affected by Tupac's death. She and her friend were valued Tupac's music so much, after his death they tattooed a song lyric of his.

Genetic counseling–christian perspective

If the child is cut, the parent does not waste time trying to stop the blood. Under the law, they cannot prevent abortions, but it is a Christian genetic counselor's duty counsel against termination of pregnancy.

Compliance paper

The compliance plan will cover the following topics: ADR, Riordan enterprise and product liability, the International law, the tangible and intellectual property, the legal forms of business, and the governance. The leading edge of the research and development R&D of the company is what defines the attitude and aptitude of Riordan Manufacturing.

Prose analysis

Similes and Metaphors Imagery Onomatopoeia's Persuasion Thesis There we were Dudgeon's, the cats and I the woman who only a few moments ago had forced herself to come behind the houses in trembling fear of the Wild wild woman of the woods' wild in the sense that forest creatures are wild- shy, untouchable. Emily describes β†’

Mayflower significance essay sample

In the center, you can see the signing of the Mayflower Compact by the white, male pilgrims- which they did in order to keep the peace between each other and the people already on the lands And clearly to the far right, you can see the settlement of the people on the land and the β†’

Rights be guilty of bigamy and liable

It has laid down that if a monogamously married husband converts to Islam and takes another wife, taking advantage of four-wife polygamy rule of Muslim law, he will be guilty of bigamy and liable to be prosecuted under Section 494 of the Indian Penal Code. In India, a marriage cannot be dissolved at the instance β†’

Individual and organization ethics

The major similarity between the two is that both individual and organisational ethics are against bad things for instance, ' Is it ethical to lie?' The main difference between the two is that when ethics is applied to business, we tend to consider the implications of economic activity on the interests of all those who β†’

Modern janus essay

Answer: Well, I thought it was important for individuals who are studying the role which communication has on society and should understand McLuhan was one of the early public speakers and writers which discussed the role which media would have on communication. Answer: McLuhan was not appreciated for his early work in the field of β†’

Western education romans

6: 1-9 Now this is the commandment, the statutes and the judgments which the LORD your God has commanded me to teach you, that you might do them in the land where you are going over to possess it, so that you and your son and your grandson might fear the LORD your God, to β†’

The and sanction grant-in-aid to schools. (n)

To formulate rules and regulations for promotions of students. To formulate rules and regulations for recognition of schools.


Among the key activities concluded is the study of various clan systems, their way of life and also how they lived in the past. The indigenous peoples were referred to as the aboriginal.

Essay on stakeholder analysis

As a provider of aviation solutions, IFS is a stakeholder at Evergreen and is likely to be affected by Evergreen's performance. Students who have receivedscholarshipfrom Evergreen International Aviation are also likely to be affected by the economic performance of Evergreen.

Statistics and social network of youtube videos

Researchers believe that the potential of YouTube as a means of talent discovery is not going to fade any time soon. Most of the people who have posted their videos on YouTube and ended up becoming famous for doing that include Jackie Evancho, Maria Aragon who is a 10 year old singer, Edwards Gould who β†’