400 Words Essay Samples

Person-centred approach counselling (psychodynamic therapy)

Rogers believed as children, we build up our sense of identity and self-worth from the perceptions of ourselves and our behaviour given to us by adults Core Conditions Person-centred counselling is driven by the client who sets the agenda for each counselling session by talking about what is on his/her mind; it looks at the β†’

Segmentation the process of market segmentation is

The purpose of segmentation is to design and deliver a service tailored for a particular segment of customers. In so tailoring the service, the health care provider should attempt to quantify the value of a particular customer segment.

Village volvo

Information: The client and the mechanic who will be working on the vehicle discuss the problems the client has noticed and sometimes they may take a short test drive. Explicit services: On the basis of 22 years of training and experience with the local Volvo dealer, they have earned a respected reputation and they offer β†’

(t) night to remember – chapters 4-6

The deck was slanting, the water risingThrough Philip's eyes why did the Titanic look very strange? Move to the Starboard Side to balance the shipAt 1: 40 what did Office Wilde order the passengers to do?

Janjaweed in darfur by brain steilde

Although the data is sourced to a very reasonable extent, yet the reliability of it remains biased towards the community advocating against the activities of the Janjaweed, thereby making it a biased set of numbers. It is, however, a concrete article of reference for anybody wanting to learn about the issue.

Personal statement. the programme of translation and interpretation

Therefore, I would like to apply to your university for the programme of Translation and Interpretation in order to make my dream comes true. Therefore, I would love to further my knowledge of language and develop skills in translation through this programme, and I could take my enthusiasm and turn it into my further study.

Case study on environmental analysis

Environmental analysisis the analysis of the external factors which can affect the prosperity and development of the company. Environmental analysis is an integral part of business and every owner of a firm has to pay attention to the numerous external factors which can cause harm or on the contrary maintain the development and improvement β†’

Ryan works out correctly it will give businesses

This bill re-brands the states unemployment compensation program as the " reemployment assistance program".which helps anyone who is unemployed and people trying to et unemployment benefits and money to help them live. This bill adds and corrects many faults within the original one to make it easier to understand and comprehend what is needed and β†’

Benedict arnold: hero or traitor assignment

Despite the criticism that Arnold has received, he was, in his own eyes and to a few others, justified in his traitorous actions. To Arnold's shock and disappointment he was not one of them.

Subjects such as art, music and drama should be part assignment

The topic present here states that subjects like art, music and drama should be a part of every child's basic education. Thus I believe that subjects like arts, music and drama should be a part of student's basic education because it helps blooming their creativity and also helps in teaching the practical applications of the β†’

Why is psychology considered to be a science?

Psychology is known as the study of the mind. In 1879, the first formal laboratory of psychology was established at the University of Leipzig in Germany the German physiologist, Wilhelm Wundt.

Dell logistic strategy essay sample

DELL LOGISTICS NETWORK Dell's new and improved design for a channel distribution model: Order processing Pre-production Accessories ready Configuration Test Boxing Distribution preparations Shiping TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM DESIGN: TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM DESIGN Optimize inbound and outbound transportation networks Collaborate with the best logistics and transportation providers Mode of transportation By Ship By Rail By Air " GREEN" β†’

Justify design

My navigation bar is Just below the shop name and the shop logo; It's on the same place on every page, because that will make It easy for users to find It. The purpose of my website is to get customers and sell them products that I have on stock.

C.ronaldo and messi

Ronaldo and Messi Have you ever watched a game of C. Ronaldo and Messi?

Accounting and finance position – resume/cv example

I successfully completed the Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance from the California State University and have had expansive employment opportunities in the field of accounts management, as well as accounting and finance functions. I am genuinely interested to serve your organization in the capacity of a Student Financial Information Specialist and I hope you β†’

My grandmother’s eulogy essay

To me my grandmother was non a merely a typical old grandma who bosses about and order us. In this universe O Nanak.there is nil for ever....hypertext transfer protocol: //www.youtube.com/watch? v= k0Kc7_QCgZkOne of her greatest pleasances was to work out in 2.my grandma that I saw.and I know we all saw.was that she was independent.

Argumentative essay: school uniform

Yet around the world, wearing school uniforms is the norm. One of the main concerns people have about wearing school uniforms is conformity.

The filipino and the drunkard

To address the threats of the drunkard he retaliated by threatening the man while he was inside a compartment of the lavatory." Go away he said. There was no overt act on the part of the American that manifests he is without a doubt going to hurt or kill the Filipino.

Youth refers to long-term youth unemployment. according to

According to O'Higgins, " changes in the incidence of long-term unemployment will tend to reflect the effects of the recession on outflows from, and inflows to, unemployment. According to Mckinsey, " a second reason for the mismatches is that educators and employers are not communicating with each other.

Business law ii

Regardless of the criticisms of the consumers' protection attorneys, the retained amounts by banks on loans will help in reducing the credit risks to the banks and other financial institutions. Additionally, on the other hand, in any case that the lending institutions that will fail will never place their consumers at any risk of losing β†’

Marginal costs and benefits

Analyzing the marginal costs will benefit us in the long run because when we live on a budget, we spend most of our lives trying to find the most out of our spending. The benefits of this situation is that if we find deals and discount for the necessary factors of our trip, we have β†’

Overview of calcium carbonate compound

The reaction of an acid with calcium carbonate is an example of an acid-base reaction. It is the salt of calcium ion a strong base and carbonic acid very weak.

Summary and response to what shamu

I particularly enjoy the way she refers to her husband as " the American husband" and " my animal", as if he is some other species in need of training in order to make a good pet. I must admit that even though I found the humor in this read, I found the whole idea β†’

Communicating effectively with the chinese

Finally, someone came to the door and introduced herself to me in Chinese I nodded and I bowed slightly. She explained to me that when she introduces me to the mourners it is respectful to stand up, smile, and look at them with ease, and after the introduction; I could shake hands.

The reactions of jesus and martin luther

Also, the concept of images being considered a form of idolatry in Protestantism would probably also have appealed to Martin Luther. 2 Finally, Martin Luther probably would not have liked the emphasis on spiritual formation because there would be, to him, a lack of forcefulness in or focus on Catholic preaching.

Nato and neoliberalism

NATO: A Neoliberal Perspective To analyse NATO within the neoliberal perspective, the aspects of NATO as a key player in creating cooperation and strengthening the interdependence in the international system should be noted. As a priority, contents of the neoliberal theory will be identified and consequently the picture of NATO from this point of view β†’

Those popular freaks

Typically, the popular girls are portrayed as the gorgeous girls with the nicest clothes, hair, smiles and the best looking boys wrapped around their fingers. In my eyes, the popular kids at my high school are not the ones everyone generally favors.

Me talk pretty one day analysis essay

Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris is an account of his life when he moved to Paris to learn a new language from the time when he was still a noob in French up until he could understand every single curse coming out from his teacher's mouth. In the first few paragraphs, Sedaris β†’

High school goals

High School Goals High School to some is the best part of their lives and to others is the worst part of their life. My second goal is to finish my high school career with the 26 credits that I am required if not maybe more.

Talent vs. hardwork

The strivers are the ones who work hard for what they want to achieve. But we also cannot deny that hard work takes a person just as far.

Letter of recommendation

I watched [your name] develop into a fine professional with a profound sense of responsibility and determination as her general practitioner.[Your name] understands all the duties of her profession as a dental assistant. Clearly, [your name] made use of her determination and duties towards fulfilling the expectations of the admission requirements of a student from β†’

Reflection essay on why study humanities

By studying the writings of the ancient civilizations and cultures stimulate the passion to do well in the world. The study of humanities in the 17th century resulted in people believing thatsciencecan exist and the right to question things against the Church.

The heroic

Bill Gates is able to be depicted as a hero because of his generous donations to charity, creation of Microsoft, and promotions of scientific research. In conclusion Bill Gates is a man that is described to be a hero to millions of people in the world because of his various heroic qualities shown by generously β†’

Social media as a tool for surveillance and gaze how do people consume and watch each other on sm platforms and what are the consequences of such activities

While due to the contemporary developments, social surveillance refers to a range of inspiring insights, encompassing the security domain by objectively reviewing the importance of varying surveillance devices, besides considering the social implications and the diverse aspects of defense. However, for the public, the possibility of accessing civic services and funds resourcefully serves as a β†’

How 5 hobbyists turned passions into million-dollar businesses

During their annual road trip from northern Italy to Sicily, cousins Joseph and Giuseppe Ferlito developed a ritual: acquiring trinkets from the Mediterranean cities and villages they visited, which they gifted to fellow travelers they met along the way and friends and relatives back home. The 20, 000 bracelets they placed in 100 New York β†’

Journal critique by harsha sooka assignment

Then towards the end of the Introduction the alma of the research that was conducted was mentioned, which Is a good idea as It brings the reader, back in to understanding as to why the research was conducted. Moving on to the next part which is the methods which was explained by the authors in β†’

Life situations represented through graphs

Monthly Electricity Bill amount paid in the House for the last 10 months The graph shows the monthly cost of using electricity in the house from August 2010 to May 2011. The total amount paid in electricity bills for the last 10 months was $384, meaning that The average amount of electricity bill per month β†’

Warf computer case study essay sample

Conclusion The financial statement of cash flows for Warf Computers, Inc.indicates that the company is moving in a positive direction in regards to management of its resources. In reviewing the balance sheet and income statement for this company, it has a positive cash flow and is able to provide a return to stockholders and lenders.

The medicated child

In the piece we saw today, it focused on four families with children that presented abnormal symptoms of behavior and the over prescription of medication these children were receiving. One thing that was clear in the story is that most of the featured doctors only spoke to the parents of the young child and not β†’

How i believe america has changed since 9/11

With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and of the Soviet Union in 1991 a period of extreme optimism opened, with markets triumphant andglobalizationas the universal panacea. America and the World: What Has Changed Since 9/11?

The and began their attack with great vigour.

The yellow dresses of the Madhya Pradesh Blues presented a striking contrast to the yellow and green dresses of the Saurashtra Eleven. On the other side the Saurashtra Eleven were the hockey champions of their province.

Based a brand of excellent administrations, it is

At the present time, American Express just serves a littlefragment of individuals that are prosperous, and this keeps the organization tobecome greater. By serving another portion of clients, American Express willhave the capacity to extend and develop.

Thoughts on invitation to sociology

And the meaning of this article is significant and draws people to think and taste it. Just like Berger said in the article, curiosity grips sociologist in front of a closed door and it make sociologist want to open it and obtain the new knowledge that human have not perceived and understood yet.

Essay on sports sponsorship

If a company needs a new or better image for itself or for a product, they often sponsor a sports club or an athlete. Another reason for sports sponsorship can be the introduction of a new and still unknown product or that the company itself is still new and unknown.

Transformation of environmental policy in eastern europe essay

Introduction: Soviet Controlled Czechoslovakia and Polandv Detail and outline the Environmental Policies of the U.S.S.R.and the influence felt from the Kremlin on its' satellite states.v Comparative data describing the Environmental Policies used and implemented in Czechoslovakia and Poland prior to the fall of the U.S.S.R.v Environmental Policies of the USA, UK and China compiled for β†’

Threat of new entrants

Threat of new Entrants Threat of new Entrants The risks posed by new entrants are always imminent and the main players in a specified industry cannot control this risk in spite of the fact that they can establish response strategies. As a leader in the field of medicine, this is how I would assess the β†’

Economics of cybersecurity mooc depar

We are pleased to announce that on 20 January 201 5, we will launch an online course the Economics of Subjectivity, as part of des ProfessionalEducation. The course will provide you with the economic concepts, measurement approaches a ND data analytics to make better security decisions, as well as understand the forces that shah pee β†’

Ethics and law

ETHICS AND LAW Ethics and Law Introduction Ethics in business can be defined as the application of a moral of conduct to themanagement process within any business organization. Proper business ethics should be introduced in a business as external factors that are way above profit making motive of the business and the law governing its β†’

Patient safety improvement

Before ht patient leaves the operation room the nurse verbally confirms with the team the name of the procedure recorded, that all instruments used are present, any equipment problems, then the surgeon, anesthetist and nurse review recovery and management of the patient. They then give a brief to the passengers about the plane and what β†’

Humanities visit

This place is the Museum of the Cherokee Indian. The trail of tears is the true story of how the Cherokee people where forced of their native lands and forced to move elsewhere in the U.S.

Psychological and social factors in informed consent for patients with autism

This was attributed to the lack of involvement of the concerned communities in giving views, leading to skepticism and low willingness to consent to research studies. Informed Consent for Genetic Testing Chen, Xu, Huang and Dhar conducted research into the levels of awareness, attitudes and experiences among a sample that comprised parents of children who β†’

Children literature

The importance of understanding the complexity of the way children's learn is crucial. The Giving Tree" is a book in which children read about giving and receiving.

The the truth, but the chance to

The strengths of this author's effort at scholarly writing, and an assessment of the paragraph in terms of bias, opinion, quality of evidence and appropriateness to its target audience is relying on concrete evidence rather than strong feelings to display the certainty of declarations. The weaknesses of this author's effort at scholarly writing, and an β†’

When dreams and reality collide

When Dreams and Reality Collide This one night I was lying in my bed and I had a terrible day. So that night I went to bed and I had this dream.

Ba 411 quiz 1 assignment

All emails to the course instructor or TA's should include which of the following? a. Important goals for the classroom in BA 411 include all of the following except: a.

Reflection essay on the stamp act

Eventually the Stamp Act was successfully repealed, yet the Stamp Act was the catalyst for theAmerican Revolution. The stamp Act was the first attempt for Brittan to directly tax the colonists.

Law7 ass1

The opinion does not suggest that a hotel may charge any rate the innkeeper wishes to as it cites the common law whereby the hotel may not take the advantage of the fact that travelers during night-time have no other option but to spend the night in the hotels and charge exorbitant or unreasonable fees β†’

Extracurricular activities & community service

I have been involved in Key Club for 3 years now, and my senior year I was a photographer. With Key Club I have I gained a greater understanding in helping others, but also your community.

Sam spade – character analysis essay sample essay

The enigma and the offense in are evidently overriding in the development and success of a good offense fiction novel.but anther cardinal concern must surely be the supporter. In conveying the reader closer to the supporter Hammett has subliminally lured the reader closer to the offense.the suspects and the victims and finally dragged them deeper β†’

Case study example

Scion was smart to use the whole customization aspect of the Scion, especially because people my age and younger are always changing their cars to be what they want them to be, and not be what comes off the lot. Businesses should always be ware that their target audiences are always changing, and must be β†’

Corrigendum: deliberation and procedural automation on a two-step task for rats

In the abstract, the sentence " While VTE at the first choice point increased with the number of repeated choices, VTE at the second choice point did not, and only increased after unexpected transitions within the task".should read " While VTE at the first choice point decreased with the number of repeated choices, VTE at β†’

My most unforgettable character

The kind of mother who brought me up with her whole kindly heart, the kind of persistent woman with strong willpower who had to face the toughest challenges in life, and the kind of person who always demonstrated great zeal for every unlucky lives without requiring anything in return and great willingness to help everyone's β†’

Doing gender

Sometimes these norms are extremely strictly defined, and hence men and women stick to their gender roles and cannot be free in switching from " traditionally female" occupations to the " traditionally male" ones and vice versa.E.g.little boys are still often told that they are not supposed to cry when something hurts them, either physically β†’

The rising popularity of electric scooters among the young people

The electric scooter is one of the vehicles that has spread the most in recent times and which has a better level of popularity among all types of people. It is a very flexible and comfortable space that increases the good feelings provided by the driving of this type of motorcycle.

Convenant marriage

Covenant Marriage of the of the Covenant Marriage The covenant marriage contract is envisioned to imply a couple's strong commitment to their marriage and their volunteer sacrifice of easy access to fast, hassle-free divorce. The limits of law and raising up a sentiment for marriage.In A.J.

Cherrydale fundraiser

It is not just for the benefit of the music program, it is also for the benefit of the students". This means a lot to the students, staff, and the community.

Database assignment

Advantages of a database over the Instructor's current system would be; organization of data Into one location rather than across several spreadsheets, and ease and speed regarding both data storage and retrieval. The database will be large enough to retain Information of students no longer enrolled In the class as well as that of current β†’


I have so many different things that inspire me to write and that I write about. Significant people that have come and gone in life.

Business models and planning

And the relationship with both is of utmost importance. Key partners And cost structures The major partner is tourism ministries in different countries.

My brother’s fish tank

In addition, the tank needs a well-balanced mixture of the bottom, middle, and top feeders to keep the tank clean of uneaten food. This arrangement draws water through the gravel at the bottom of the tank and the settling debris is used to feed the plants and bottom feeders that reside there.

Physical activity and health and physical fitness and exercise

Physical Activity and Health, Physical Fitness and Exercise Lack of exercise is an habit that may be very vital to us, yet sometimes it seem to us like we are enjoying life when we can do most of the things we want at a sitting without much movement. E, & Stanley, B.E.

Ellen carlson

Ellen will need to be very original in the creation of her Web site, as law protects many ideas and the arrangement of element. Some of the ethical issues that Ellen will face based on the age of the intended audience, is that by law children under the certain age do not have the ability β†’

Moral reasoning: unpunished wrong essay

And as William Shakespeare once asked, to be or not to be, that is the question. On the other hand, it's arguably civil that it's better to be done wrong than to do it yourself.

Jamestown colony vs. massachusetts bay colony essay sample

First, the similarities between the two would be that first settle in the area they had a rough time settling in the place. It made it easier for them to get use to the world they were in.

Is singapore a nation?

Has she become a nation, or is she still in the process of nation-building; a nation-in-progress? In this regard, it is in my interest to highlight the difference between a state and a nation.

This his favour was entitled to recover

Surrender is the extinction of the interest and rights of widow and not the alienation of the rights of widow in favour of reversioners. The requisites of a valid surrender by a Hindu widow is Surrender must be of whole estate; Surrender must be in favour of nearest reversioner; and Surrender must not be a β†’

Cultural relativism

Cultural Relativism Cultural relativism is generally the attitude of society's mores and ideas that is viewed within the framework of society's problem and opportunity. The major believes of the cultural relativism is not a single doctrine but several views of families who has common theme of central aspect of experience, evaluation, thought and reality which β†’

Victorian england child labour

As early as 1802 and 1819 Factory Acts were passed to regulate the working hours of workhouse children in factories and cotton mills to 12 hours per day. 7 million children under the age of fifteen were employed in American industry by 1900.

Character analysis utterson essay

Although Utterson sticks strictly to order and rationality, he notices the supernatural quality of the events he looks into. Likewise, Stevenson gives nightmares to Utterson and gives him gloomy premonitions as he travels through the city.

Soil pollution assignment

The process of contamination of the land surface of the earth is referred to as land pollution. Dumping human and industrial waste harmful agricultural practices and exposing the land to harmful chemicals leads to the pollution of land.

Evidence-based policing

Sherman, who proposed the concept of evidence-based policing in 1998, as " the use of the best available research on the outcomes of police work to implement guidelines and evaluate agencies, units, and officers". Encouraging law enforcers to look at relevant researches and adapt any best practices that are specified in literatures is one of β†’

News clippings or other media representations about a group of migrants in hk

African and Asian refugees in Hong Kong Number African and Asian refugees in Hong Kong People from Africa and Asia have been flocking to Hong Kong to seek refuge. Due to the high number of the people displaced by hostilities, those standing in the line for case evaluation are normally had to grapple with the β†’


Parachute after shower Hair Cream Introduction Parachute after shower hair cream for men, is a hair styling cream that can be used daily to style your hair. More and more males in India are realizing the importance of " great looking hair" & want a product that can be used to " style hair daily." β†’

Is life for us is better than it was for our forefathers

In consequence dirt and disease were rife in village and town. As to amusements, there were no cinemas and no gramophones.

Teenage success

Another point that was brought up in the book Teenagers Preparing For the Real World was to know what's going on around you, basically the news. Let's say you are trying to fill your address book by meeting new people, and they bring up a topic that you would know if you read the newspaper.

Change the school system already

This is what the school system is actually telling students what to do." if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid".the fish will always think that it has no meaning to life if it cannot climb atree. All the same, β†’

Butterflies r us.

The target audience is the parents of the under-five children with special needs, schools for children with special needs, doctors and hospitals for children with special needs, special homes for children with special needs, various social service groups and charity organizations. By using e-commerce they can convey their business plan to a larger national/international target β†’

Trumo’s wall with the us-mexico border

Then later on he stated that, no matter where ever a construction is about to take place or is going on the wildlife suffers, and constructing a border that too this long is actually a cruelty against the nature. They also requested the DHS that, if the barrier is made it should be constructed in β†’

3. are ready to shift their production facilities

The effect of quotas on balance of payments is sometimes analysed in terms of their impact on saving, imports, consumption, and investment of a country. However, this outcome is not certain, and additional measures like export promotion, export subsidies, devaluation of the home currency or even recession in the home economy may be needed for β†’

An essay on leonardo

An essay on leonardo In this essay I will consider the social, economic and political factors of leonardo. Conclusion To conclude, leonardo plays a large part in the lives of all.

Research proposal – order id u1146816701

This proposal will factor in the fact that there are researches and studies that have been carried out in the past on the impact of technology on human freedom and happiness. Therefore, to attain the required results on the impact of technology on happiness and freedom, the sample that would be tested would comprise of β†’

Graduation day free essay sample

This is the beginning and the end of a journey to what our lives will ultimately come to. It signals the end of our childhood, and a start to a brand new life from our old lives.

Abstract: most of the coast, with the

INTRODUCTION: Pakistan coastal region is located in the South-eastern part of the country between the Indian borders along Sir Creek on the east to Hub River along the Baluchistan coast on the west 1. The Indus Delta is the most prominent ecological feature of the Sindh coast covering 85% of the coastal belt in Sindh β†’

Analysis of slim – note form

Slim is a very understanding and caring character, he is aware of everyone's emotions. Slim is the only character who does not have a dream, he's perfectly happy living on the ranch as a skinner.