400 Words Essay Samples

Financial services essay

Overall, the financial services industry plays an important role in society and it is critical to the health of our economy. These services provide security through industries like insurance for people in their everyday lives I believe that the financial services industry is an integral part in providing people with the necessities they need to →

Present and evaluate j.c. maxwells version of the golden rule as discussed in class and in your reading. (again, this means discussing the argument)

Philosophy, Essay In the Preface, one gets the clincher for what the book, " Theres No Such Thing As " Business" Ethics: Theres Only One Rule For Making Decisions," by John C. Winning is the goal but it cannot be the be-all and end-all of life and by sacrificing ethics and integrity.

Harlem renaissance assignment

And also the largest group was in Harlem New York, and this was called the Great Migration. The Harlem Renaissance was a good time for the African American population to learn arts and music.

Kinimatics and dynamics – lab report example

Governing Dynamics of Gyroscope Institute Governing Dynamics of Gyroscope Aim: The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the relationshipbetween the precession angular velocity, the spin angular velocity, the applied moment and the rotational mass moment of inertia of a gyroscope in steady precession. Measure the angular velocity of the gyroscope using the tachometer.5.

The uniform commercial code (ucc)

Unconscionability exists in a contract where there is no equality in the bargaining power of the parties in a contract. Under UCC 2-302, the person who has a better chance of getting out of a contract due to unconscionability is the person to whom goods were sold to in an unfair contract or way.b.


The role of the father in " The Third Bank of the River" would change the meaning of the story, this is because the father would been someone who would give all of his life to his children. The personality of the father with the mother from "Fear " would make the son very happy, →

(2) as a consequence of the fear so

The offence of extortion differs from the offence of theft in that while in theft property is removed or taken away without the consent of the person in possession thereof, in extortion there is a delivery of property with consent induced by fear and therefore more akin to robbery than to theft. Where there is →

Reflection essay on literature review

This cycle has the billions of tons of carbon emissions from natural sources in the atmosphere removed by plants and oceans. To understand the effects of carbon emissions, a more thorough discussion about it follows.

Internation writing assignment

International Writing Assignment Kaplan University The three reasons why I believe that the United States should switch to the international financial reporting standards are it would make financial reporting easier if everyone had the same standards, it is internationally understood, and it helps multinational businesses stay up to date in today's market. For companies that →

The issue of homelessness in suitcase lady by christine mclaren

In addition, at the end of the essay, the broader picture is presented as the main character states that she tries to support her community and country but she depends only and solely on god because it is implied that the country, or government, has failed her. Her too long of a French name, her →

Work culture preferences persuasive essay

Then the flesh surrounding the skeleton of the manager would be the work culture preferences. The focus is on the welfare and personal development of the employee with lots of recognition and celebrations of success.

Chapter 11 flashcards

True or False? True or False?

Five main medical discoveries of the 20th century

Through all of the medical breakthroughs, however, a handful stand out as the most important medical breakthroughs of the 20th century. 3) The Human Genome Project The crusade to map all human genes began in 1990 and was completed in 2003.

Definition of identity theft

An identity thief is a criminal offense that people caught in the process can be prosecuted in the court of law.a. In most cases, the person whose identity is stolen can end up being implicated in a criminal case while in actual case he may not have participated in the offense.b.

Einstein’s response to phyllis

For the reason that Einstein addresses Phyllis a sixth-grade student his diction is simple to a degree that it makes sense to her. In all of his answer he very much accurately uses rhetorical language to respond to Phyllis's question about whether scientists pray and if so, what do they pray about.

Psyc childbirth

According to Tomasello's evolutionary perspective, the central feature of human cognitive development that distinguishes humans from other primates is the ability to: A.a.understand the intentions of others.B.b.think abstractly.C.c.solve problems in the environment in which we inhabit.D.d.use language. Most serious deleterious alleles are: A.a.dominant.B.b.codominant.C.c.recessive.D.d.no longer a part of the gene pool.

The double nightmare

I knew I was running late for my dreaded Calculus class at the high school so I sped up a little. I jumped into the car remembering the dream I had just had and hurried over to pick up my friend.

Environmental policy

The objective of environmental policy is to safeguard the environs for forthcoming generations, while meddling as slightly as possible, with the efficacy of commerce or the freedom of the populaces, and to lessen imbalance in who is hampered with environmental expenses. This policy developed out of the environmental crusade, in the United States in the →

Impact of plants, disease from the old world to the new

Impact of Plants, Disease from the Old World to the New When one thinks about the total impact of the transfer of animals plants and disease from the Old World to the New and vice versa, it could easily lead to a thesis link exploration of the spread of pathogens, the impact of agricultural →

Ella minnow pea characters

Nevin Nollopthe man who the town is founded after and created the sentence on the statueGwenetteElla's motherTassieElla's cousin who is also in love with Nate; threatens the Council with notes and is then imprisoned until saved by NateTomthe last person to work on Enterprise 32 with EllaAlicea young girl who finds the first broken tile →

Frq eo8

FRQ08 The psychoanalytic theory infers that unconscious motives are pivotal in predisposing an individual's thoughts, emotions and behaviors, which form the core of the individual's personality. Finally, the ego operated on the reality principle whereby, it sought to establish balance between the impulsive demands of the id and the moral principles of the super ego.

The “everywhere and nowhere” lifestyle

Third Culture Kids have a better understanding of the world. Adult Third Culture Kids have been reported to have identity issues not knowing where " home" is because they feel that they do not belong in their parent's cultures and the culture that they grew up in.

Preparation of acetanilide

Wet the filter paper in advance with distilled water and blot the excess water from the stem of the funnel. 5 mL of distilled water to rinse the test tube and pass that through the filter paper into your vial.

Case study on ageing population

The problem of population ageing is very serious, because if the number of the retired people increases, it will be impossible to provide them will pension, because it will cost too much for economics and the only way out is the increase of the retirement age. Ageing population is the important problem, because it influences →

The competition and many m. for instance,

First of all, the industry has already a saturated market and it is in the mature stage of the business cycle. The reasons are the extremely elevated fixed costs in the industry, that's why the very same companies stay in the long run.

The world marketplace

Code of conducts of the companies is there to help the business communities. The Benefits of Free Trade: A Guide For Policymakers.

Critique of david crystal texting essay

And they must be stopped." However, Crystal adds that texting is not the only thing in history that was said to be associated with the devil. He writes " There is no point in paying to send a message if it breaks so many rules that it ceases to be intelligible." Crystal also illustrates that →

Thoughts and feelings about narwhal hunting essay

In the extract, Herbert, who has lived with the Inghuit as a child, is fully involved in the emotions of the locals. The words ' rarely' and ' fortunate' convey that the arrival of the narwhal is a special occasion and that only a few are successful in the pursuit of the creature.

The white sheet of snow

I knew my time would run out quickly and I had to finish the task before me. On Monday morning the mailperson would need to walk down the lines of the sidewalk before my house and the only way it would be possible is if I had prepared the path in advance.

Body temperature and heat regulation

Task Body Temperature and Heat Regulation Homeostasis is the process through which an organism maintains a constant body temperature when there are changes in the outside environment. The first way of regulating external body temperature is through conduction, where the body conducts heat to the environment.

Virtue honesty

That's before the bankruptcy of the company in 2001. We should emulate the example of the small boy who never took anything that he did not ask for.

Case study on respiratory system

Respiratory systemis the set of organs which enable gas exchange in the human body supporting the life of the organism. Very often the problem of the case is a certain disease connected with respiratory system and a student is expected to find effective solution to the problem.

Internet and family

Internet and Family Internet and Family Internet and Family The excess use of internet has been found to affect the family unit as a whole. This seems to corroborate with the study by Kim and the group who disclose that internet has contributed much in the aggressive behavior, depression, and psychiatric problems of adolescents which →

Nashik- cold storage industry

Maharashtra University of Health Sciences i) Mumbai, Pune and Nashik are together referred as Golden Triangle of Maharashtra where pace of socio-economic development is very fast. Chavan Mukta Vidyapeeth, Arogya Vidyapeeth and Institution of higher learning in medicine and technology, enhance the importance of Nashik as a centre of education leading to availability of skilled →

On the sonnet john keats and william wordsworth essay sample

Both Keats and Wordsworth use elaborate diction to convey the constraint and weight of the sonnets form. Both Keats and Wordsworth, one feeling constrained and one feeling solace, show that the sonnet form is not a prison.

Comparison & contrast

The two articles, Banks Go for Green by Matthew Yeomans and Big Banks' Green Goof by Fraser Sietel, focus on the discussion of the banks' newly installed policies regarding the protection of the environment. While Sietel directly and openly opposes the banks decision adhere to advocacy groups, Yeoman is more affirming as he recognizes the →

Entrance examination system essay sample

An entity-relationship diagram is a specialized graphic that illustrates the relationships between entities in a database. If he passes the exam, the branch issues him a driver's License.

Case study on social constructivism

Social constructivismis a social and psychological theory, which studies the process of social-psychological construction of the social reality in the human activity. Social constructivism is the theory which supports the idea of the social development of the human being in the tight cooperation and communication in the human society.


Are we in danger of ignoring a slowdown in the BRIC nations when one or all of the BRIC countries come to a halt? 70 in 2012 and 2013 respectively, it is admittedly clear that the severity of the economic slowdown in the BRICs to the global economy is greater than the previous projections.

Factors affecting the production capacity of crusher

There are many factors affecting the production capacity of the impact crusher, generally speaking, there are five factors, in the following we will described these five factors and propose appropriate solutions, the material hardness: the harder the material system of sand is more difficult, but the more serious wear and tear on the equipment. 2, →

Analytics in sports

In June, 2013 Michigan Athletics transitioned to a dynamic ticketing model and while they are not the first university to adopt the approach, they may be the most high profile of a group that includes Cal, Georgetown, South Florida and Washington. Further, It encourages fans to donate to a multiversity athletic entity and climb the →

Fan featuring the characters of draco malfoy and

Fan fiction or fanfiction is a fictional work of writing about characters or a setting from another work of fiction. Fan fiction is a way for fans of something to be creative and make their own version of the story they love so much.

Ambugity and clarity in writing

I was later found in a ditch by a flock of wild turkeys." This statement in my opinion is an example of vagueness. This type of vagueness throws the reader off because they are unclear of what is really going on in the writing, it becomes a problem when you are trying to understand reasoning →

Parenting styles

This is true in light of the fact that parents are spending lesser time with their children and are more occupied with their work and social activities. Authoritative parenting style is where rules are set by parents and if children fail to meet the expectations, parents discipline them.

Arabic civilisation

Creative and collective effort to innovate was one of the important qualities of the Arabic culture. Another unique quality of obeying the command and the will to handle rough terrain and explore the unexplored made conquerors and explorers come out the land and reach remote corners of the world.

What is aaev essay sample

It is explain that in the African American community has the love of language and listing to different styles of language brings the uniqueness in ones community or group. And the final property that is discussed in the YouTube clip is " bending of the rule.

Population, urbanization, and enironment

Sociology and the Environment The first personal issue that I will address is the usage of less water. The conservation of water includes the reduction of water usage and efficient use water.

Cross-cultural health perspectives

Being aware of this enables me to question my assumptions, accept that I am prone to error, and retain a degree of flexibility to correct myself when the evidence points out that I may have culturally stereotyped a patient at any time. The lesson for me in this is that I should be paying more →

Financial literacy: buying and selling investments

Make minimum or regular monthly deposit Place Transactions A market order is a request to buy or sell a stock at the current market price. A limit order is a request to buy or sell a stock at a specific price.

The muslim male can validly contract a

It appears that if a Muslim male marries a Christian woman, he can do so only under the Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872, since that law requires that if one of the parties to the marriage is Christian, then the marriage must be solemnized under that law. Mulla, however, hold the view that the marriage →

Agencies: government and private adoption agency assignment

For example, what Would be some differences between a state-funded child placement agency and a private adoption agency In regard to how they deliver their adoption services? Whereas a private adoption agency, there is a waiting period and there is extensive backgrounds checks to make sure these are the right couples, ND they have enough →

Advice to incoming freshman

Extra curricular activities are a great way to gain knowledge and experience needed in the world of work. The advice I would give and incoming freshman would be to search out for extra curricular activities, because the benefits of participating in them are long eternal.

Case study on chipko movement

Chipko movement functioned not to protect the natural environment, but to save the local villages which existed due to the use of the natural resources which could be found in the local forests. Nevertheless, the original idea of chipko movement inspired numerous organizations which protect natural environment from the harmful impact of people and the →

Understanding the messages of the film the secret life of bees

Situated in South Carolina in the year 1964, the movie " The Secret Life of Bees" is a motion picture that is released in 2008, which tells about the story of Lily Owens, a 14 year-old girl who is disturbed and badly affected by the memory of the tragic death of her mother. The movie →

Bicentennial man essay

He always wanted a life similar to humans and that is to experience the joy that robots could not or will not have and that is to be a human person. It gives us a lesson that we must be happy for the life that God has given us because there are other species that →

A happy home essay

A happy home is a home filled with happiness and joy. A happy home is a home which has no argument and fighting between the family members.

Cultural comparison of america and japan

The cultural practices in the United States are eclectic in many ways considering all the different ethnicities that reside in the U.S. S labor force and are projected to account for 47% of the labor force in 2016.

Mov pride and prejudice assignment

Whoopees Sender Discrimination are prejudices against but they do not blatantly act on it however discrimination is dominant types of prejudice and discrimination found in the Merchant of Venice and thought them to be less intellectual than men. An interesting point to note would be though Shylock is criticized by Antonio for charging interest and →

Nhoung, sophanet

They need to admit the truth about being homosexual because they are not only harming themselves but also hurting their family. What I do not agree with is when the author speaks of homosexuals as being a " sin and it's something people could deliver themselves from.

Fresh bait

Thankfully, in a book with many stories 'Fresh Bait' executed it nicely - considering the limited length - and stood out to be one of my favourite story of the book.'Fresh Bait' is written by Sherryl Clark, an Australian author who I would keep an eye out now and is published in book called 'Top →

Philosophy of education assignment

I want to be able to motivate my students to learn and push them to get a better education. That is why I will strive to be a teacher that will go in early or stay late if the student needs it.


Reid, who in his article, " Let My Teenager Drink", advocates for the lowering of the drinking age to 18 years. However, Joseph Kolofano, on the other hand, totally disagrees with the idea of lowering drinking age to 18 years arguing that it would basically mean lowering to 16 years.

Jefferson vs hamilton

Jeffersonians favored a strict interpretation of the Constitution to limit the powers of the central government and conserve state rights. Hamiltonians considered the common people ignorant and incapable of self-government.

Behavioral aspects of project management paper

For example, the company can hold an annual ceremony to recognize and reward the most successful team of the year or the best team that completed the project strictly on schedule and within budget. Such ceremonies then become a part of the organization's culture, which in turn influences the future projects' selection and success.

Dna science technology

The process for creating this Insulin starts with Isolating the gene from the human cells. Due to the creation of Recombinant DNA Technology, scientists are able to produce such insulin in laboratories.

One piece of technology i can’t live without

I own a Samsung Galaxy SO, and I know that if I were to lose or not have it one day, I would go ballistic! My phone keeps me in touch with everyone around me, not only that but, it stores a lot of my personal events and pictures, and not to mention the amount →

Prison environment

Prison staff does everything they can in order to isolate gang leaders, label the gang members within general population for security and intelligence purposes, and deprogramming of the gang members. Changes to prison environments that would improve institutional management would be working harder to identify inmates in which are a treat to the other inmates →

Global warming assignment

I think that specimens A and E are both effectively outliers due to the fact that there results are both way of in comparison to the other results gained by the other subjects. However in terms of basing it on sample size the best estimate is that the data is in the correct range of →

Chapter 1—section 3: beginnings of civilization

In ancient Egypt, the ladder reached all the way from the working pheasants, to the leaders of the government to finally, the Faro. With the growing size of the cities, more food was required to feed all, everywhere and more and more water was needed.

Industrial-organizational psychology

In a quantitative approach, it helps in understanding psychological knowledge of data and that can be manipulated mathematically in the form of numbers. I/O psychologists have come up with a wide range of quantitative approach to measure the differences in the degree of interest such as intellectual, work attitude, personality, etc.they also focus on the →

Captivating capybaras

At one hundred fifty pounds, the average capybara is about three times the size of the world's next biggest rodent, the beaver. Capybaras live in the dense jungles of South and Central America's rainforests, and have some specialized behaviors.

Steps involved in capital budgeting proposals essay sample

Each time a machine requires major repairs, the outlay for the repairs should be compared to the outlay to replace the machine and the benefits of replacement. In order to improve the efficiency, the suitable solutions will be both replacement and renewal of existing machinery.

Discuss the contribution that psychology has made to contemporary society

In prison, they use token economy systems which is based on operant conditioning for those who have good behaviour they are reinforced with tokens, and these can be saved up to be able to have a privileges to go out. In institutions, they also use the operant conditioning of token economy systems to be able →

College application

The experiences that have come with my diverse cultural background has helped me mature and have a deeper understanding of the world around me. My diverse cultural background and my knowledge that I have obtained through my travels will be great assets to the UM community.

The geographical poetics of giovanni verga

Thus, Verga has a double-responsibility of aesthetically representing Sicily and the South in such a way that is recognizable and foreign, picturesque and menacing, the South as a geospatial concept and idea and the reality of life in the South. In dealing with the sea as setting and symbol, Verga is cognizant of the geographical →

Back pain

For minor disc bulges that cause pain in the back and the back only, the doctor will usually recommend physical therapy with a prescription of an anti inflammatory. In this, the patients receive a shot with steroids to numb the area of the back causing the pain.

What is chiropractic

The comprehension that the development of Parkinson's' disease is correlated to genetics and my role as a caregiver partly influenced my decision to major in Chiropractics. This has been geared towards gaining knowledge to help my dad cope with the effects of Parkinson's' disease and also to learn and understand how to reduce the risk →

Discussion and respond – dissertation example

What the article prompts is a discussion and review of health care standards, a plea to improve quality as well as safety of services and motivate health care professionals to strive for a excellence as far as services are concerned. Response to Tannenbaum and Schmidt Delegation cannot be categorized as ' good' or ' bad' →

Review of related literature and studies argumentative essay

Today, there is an extensive use of computers in a various applications, a compu Premium1063 Words5 Pages Chapter II Review of Related Literature and Studies Review of Related Literature Tomas Shearin This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies for both foreign and local underlying the framework of the study. A computer can →

The use of vitamin d supplementation and risk of hypercalciuria

There are similar studies that could not demonstrate the increased risk of hypercalciuria following use of vitamin D supplements or increased serum level of vitamin D. Leaf and colleagues showed that the use of vitamin D supplement could not change the urinary level of calcium and thus could not increase the risk of renal stone →

Massey ferguson essay

The initial issue was Massey's misalignment of its production sites and its markets. Massey could lean on the governments in its respective areas of operation to provide assistance.

Porter’s five forces analysis: walmart essay

Five Forces Analysis of Wal-Mart Industry Threat of Competitors: The biggest threat in the US Grocery/Discount Retailer industry is competition. In the past, most firms have not been able to match Wal-Mart's " everyday low prices." The problem is that Wal-Mart's barrier to entry and strength can be easily replicated with sufficient resources.

Death of a salesman, the significance of the flute

The flute is played five times in Act 1, the first time we hear it is at the beginning of the play in the stage directions, " A melody is heard, played upon a flute. The second time the flute is heard is when Willy " breaks off in amazement and fright as the flute →

Imperialism in pablo neruda’s “united fruit company”

The poem " United Fruit Company " talks about the dreadful control of the powerful country, united States of America, to the economic system of some regions in the Central America. This meaner that the founding of " United Fruit Company" was built to Intently control the foreign trade and eventually the economic shape of →

Case study on basketball

The sense of the game is to win as much points as possible throwing the ball into the basket and the team which throws more times into the opponent's basket wins. Basketball is a world famous game which has its international competitions and millions of the devoted fans.

The debate about the benefits of repeal of the affordable care act in us

To start, one of the most important benefits of the Affordable Care Act is that it allows more Americans to have access to health care and health insurance. Overall, the Affordable Care Act allows more Americans to have access to health insurance and that people with pre-existing health conditions can no longer be denied coverage.

Universal health care essay

In Sicko, Michael Moore compares the health care system in the U.S.with the ones in other countries. Free universal health care is the key to saving millions of lives.

Swot-prada essay

The Group saw a turning point in the development of its activities at the end of the Seventies, when Miuccia Prada, Mario's grand-daughter, launched a partnership with Patrizio Bertelli, a Tuscan businessman already involved in the leather goods sector with Granello and Sir Robert. Miuccia Prada's creative inspiration led to the establishment of a new →

A new product concept

The game will have an option of selecting a level of difficulty, so it can be used for children of different ages, starting from 5 and above. This product does not require any sophisticated technological process of manufacturing and can be produced from a polymer material, which is safe for children.

Review of related literature and studies

They simply cut and paste document into the content management system audit for consistency and publish to the web. As a concept, the computer-hardware environment, and the fourth-generation software tools used to implement the system.

The ramayana

What does Ravana do to Sita? What does Rama send with Hanuman to give to Sita?

Plagiarism and its effect on academic integrity assignment

With the risks and consequences associated with plagiarism, it is confusing as to why so many people take the chance. In many cases this can range from a score of zero on the assignment in which the plagiarism occurred, up to failing the class in its entirety, with no option for the student to drop →

Man is a social animal essay sample

These are the various levels of groups a person exists as a citizen of, where he cooperates with others to fulfil and increase his own needs and potential and therefore developing that group as a whole. Hence, an individual is tied to his social moorings which provide him certain rights for his own self development →

Fever 1793

Refugees Matilda's mother and grandfather have different views regarding the spead of a fever. She wants to do match making with Matilda and Edward the Ogilive's son.

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the three views of reading instruction

Teaching reading is one of the more important of the skills, if not the most important, which teachers are obliged to pass on to young learners. Given the importance of this particular skill and considering that it is the founding block of education, the past decades have witnessed the evolution of several reading instruction theories, →

Folk songs

Music has long been recognized as an effective means of passing the oral tradition as the sound and the syntax reinforce the text Often the folk song is invoked to maintain a connection with something that is being lost to the past or to celebrate something happening in the present. Religion has had a close →