400 Words Essay Samples

Preparing to conduct business research

Preparing to conduct business research Module Develop or select the instruments that could be used to collect data and conduct interviews and the appropriate sampling or research methods for a quantitative design.' Instruments' is a raw term and may refer to any means that assist an individual in gathering research. In order to have access β†’

Valhalla partners due diligence

The most important merit of the TX is that they have a wide network of supporting customers who use the company's software to solve their several problems. Since the TX has a wide network of sound customers, the $5 million investment of Valhalla partners can surely make use of the high market demand.

Lone pine cafe essay sample

A)Each of the partners contributed $16000 cash to the partnership and agreed to share in their profits proportionally to what they had invested which amounts to 1/3rd of the total profit. Inventory = $ 2430 The partnership had repaid $2100 of the loan from Bank.

Trade show promotional ideas

PRODUCT: The name of my brand is Bump Guard and the product that we have launched is a wrap around of solid piece inside of the crib beds known as bumper. They are of the shape of the bump guard and have a slogan " It's safer" and band name " Bump Guard" on them.

Drug abuse

[Educational Drug abuse What are the physical and psychological risks of using this drug? What are the behavioral and psychological symptoms of use of this drug?

Business law (downey v. bobs discount furniture holdings, inc.)

The exterminator compiled a report regarding the issues and sent s copy to the defendant explaining his findings The defendant only retrieved the infested bed that he had supplied and was unwilling to cover the cost of extermination. Downey was requested to identify an expert of extermination and submit a written report of what the β†’

Ann petry: the wind

In the excerpt from Ann Petry's The Street, Lutie Johnson's resistance to the city and the surrounding area of 110th street is shown through explicit imagery and personification of the wind. Petry again personifies the wind" fingering its way along the curb and trying to discourage the people walking along the street to further show β†’

Factory pollution assignment

The waste that results from factory production often ends up in the soil and subsequently in streams and rivers. They are also destroying the water sources by the chemicals that are released into our air and coming back down in the form of rain.

Mihai eminescu essay

In the following decade, Eminescu's fame as a poet grew continually thanks to the way he managed to enrich the literary language with words and phrases from all Romanian regions, from old texts, and with new words that he coined from his wide philosophical readings; the use of bold metaphors, much too rare in earlier β†’

Account of elasticities of demand for the devaluing

Account must also be taken of the elasticities of demand and supply of the goods entering into external trade of the devaluing country, and elasticities of even those goods which have the potential of entering the trade subsequent to devaluation.3. Composition of Trade: Success of devaluation is closely related to the nature of imports and β†’

Copyright of this software and documentation as you

If you like the game and continue using it please consider registering. This Software is supplied " as is" and no liability will beaccepted by Michal Marcinkowski or any legal vendors of this software for any damage incurred by the use of this software.

Use case diagram

If the customer logs in, there is a possibility that the system will confiscate the card. When a patient comes to the hospital, the patient and admissions receptionists use the system to perform a check-in procedure.

Kosovo after independence in 2008

Widespread support for the Uprising brings Change There was political crisis in Kosovo in 2011 in that the government of Kosovo collapsed on October 2010 after one of the ruling parties LDK announced its decision of quitting from the government. The rule of law in Kosovo is feeble in that its weak legal system has β†’

Tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, mitronidazol

QuestionAnswer3 tetracyclines used mainly in clinical practicetetracycline, doxycycline, minocyclinetetracyclines bind thesedivalent and trivalent metal ionstetracycline activity/spectrumBacteriostatic, broad-spectrumgram-positive; gram-negative; Spirochetes; rickettsiae; chlamydiae; mycoplasma; L-form; Some protozoatetracycline mechanism of actionihibit protein synthesis; Binds to 30S ribosomes, prevents tRNA binding; Relatively selective to bacteria; uptake system, energy dependentmechanism of tetracycline resistance 1) enzymatic inactivation of tetracycline 2) efflux, β†’

Case study on halo effect

Halo effectis the result of the observer's impression of the person's skills and traits of character on the basis of the stereotypes. He managed to analyze the influence of halo effect on the human life and social relations and drew the conclusion that the effect is really serious and the majority of people make β†’

Non-admission to massage therapy examination

My remorse and desire to restore my reputation cannot be overstated, and I have done everything possible to atone for any error that I committed in my youth. I am highly committed to fulfilling my aims and goals, as is clear from the busy and constructive pattern of my daily life.

World trade organisation (wto)

Answer As far as the origin of World Trade Organisation is concerned, it is worth mentioning that initially an international organisation widely known as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade used to exist that was substituted with WTO in 1995. As far as the positive side of WTO is concerned, it is justified to β†’

Importance of chain of command

I will consider the pros and cons of using my chain of command. This essay will also convey a plan of action to help insure this conduct of failing to inform my chain of command will cease." You have to learn the rules of the game, and then you have to play better than anyone β†’

Science and technology

Modem science in India has been awakened by the continuous and hard efforts of the outstanding scientists. In order to emphasize the growth of science and technology in the country, Indian government has established a chain of national laboratories and research institutes in various regions.

In bonding because of strong emotional ties and

In a study of the benefits of the use of campus recreation, Henchy found that the campus recreation facilities and programsinfluenced both students' decision to attend and to continueto attend the university. The bulk of students responded that they enjoyedparticipating in campus recreation facilities and programs.

English happiness essay

In the article " Happiness in Relationships," the article says " The truth is that you make yourself happy, you probably just do not know how anymore". Another article that shows internal happiness is " Are You Trapped and Unhappy in Your Relationship?" This article focuses on the internal struggle of how relationships effect your β†’

The caribbean slave society

During the period of slavery the enslaved women were expected to perform two jobs; to produce and reproduce. These women were expected to conserve and replenish the slave population but for some that was not an option.

The 21st century students

To identify the ideal students of 21st century, one needs to first of all understand the concept of 21st century education. Moreover, the 21st century students are eager to learn.

This the ring bilbo had helped the

The group ranahead and Bilbo was lost behind them. They thenclimbed the mountain and found a secret entrance to the inside, where Smaug was.

Pueblo revolt of 1680 essay sample

The Pueblo revolt or most commonly known as the Pope's Rebellion of 1680, was a rebellious war fought by the Pueblos; against the Spanish Colonization established in New Spain province of New Mexico. Public History and the Pueblo Revolt of 1680.

Plato da vinci was beyond skillful in this

On the other half, Aristotle defines art as the realization in external form of a true idea, and is traced back to that natural love of imitation which characterizes humans. This means that the painting is not necessarily a copy of an actual person, it is most likely and well known to be a unique β†’

“the barrio” by robert ramirez essay sample

The barrio is a refuge from the harshness and the coldness of the Anglo world. It is a shame that for many reason I had to leave the city where I grew up.

Microbiology lab report/sauerkraut fermentation

Fermentation is one of those processes that are extensively used and studied as tool in food processing and production such as the production of beer and milk, as well as its role in spoiling of various foods, such as the spoilage of wine. The leaves are removed form the heads of the cabbages, rinsed, cleaned, β†’

Living alone vs living with people essay sample

There is a significant difference which can affect people's lifestyle, when they choose to live alone or with other people. There are some people who prefer to live with others for the socializing factor.

Small farm economics essay

This is not the goal of large farm production today in America. Hansen)" Most large farms in the US produce one crop such as corn or wheat, and they produce thousands of acres of the same crop.

Cell phone essay sample

First reason I disagree with cell phones in class in because they might distract students from doing there work in class then if that happens then the students is grades are going to go down and cell phones might make students fail there class if they am not going to do there work and just β†’

The life of women and minorities in the old west

Life was certainly not a bed of roses for the doughty women and minorities in the Old West. They labored and contributed in the building of the Unites States, especially California in a big way.


Steel Fibre The RAD6535HW hooked end hard-drawn wire steel used in the experiment is a product of RADMIX. The steel fibre has a diameter of 0.

The evolving finance function assignment

The finance department provided a wide range of financial services to them.* The forecasting & analytics department was merged with the finance department.* Recruitment in the finance department were higher than the other departments, which consisted of Mamba's from good B- schools in USA.* There was no rigidity; the finance department was constantly re-structured. In β†’

With use wep to encrypt data, and should

As a company that relies heavily on third party vendors, it's important to focus on the security risks of transferring data outside the company's firewalls. In addition to an encryption program, sending out the company's security guidelines to the employees should also be considered.

What happens to a monopolys revenue when it sells more units of its product

Since there is only one supplier in the monopoly market, therefore the demand curve of the single supplier is the market demand curve. When the number of units sold increases the revenue increases; primarily because the supplier is the only one in the market and there is little option available to the consumers.

Here allahabad high court also ruled similar liability

The Patna High Court is of the view that a case of tooth bite injury on the lower lip falls under this section, and also may fall under section 326 where the injury caused is grievous, because though tooth is a part of the body it can be characterised as an ' instrument' within the β†’

Bill of exchange essay

A bill of exchange or " draft" is a written order by the drawer to the drawee to pay money to the payee. Bill of exchange, 1933 A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it β†’

King louis xiv

When French nobles rebelled in the Fronde revolution, he and Cardinal Mazarin suppressed and reduced the power of the noble class, thus restoring the power to the throne of the King. He replaced many of the nobility with commoners and aristocrats who feared the king and would not object to his demands.

Asian culture

Consequently, there is also the dimension of religious beliefs; each of the Asian countries practices unique religious practices however; some religious activities are shared among some of these nations. Some of these religious beliefs such as Buddhism are shared among the Asian countries like in China and Tibet.

Biology coursework

Biology coursework The aim of this experiment is to investigate the affect of pH on the enzyme amylase. Grain amylase is key to the production of malt.amylase Enzyme that breaks down starch into a complex sugar that can be used in the body.

Media sends unhealthy signals to young women assignment

Self-acceptance and self-esteem is one of the biggest issues for young women who believe that they are not beautiful. Models are a very small majority of America that is mass produced in the media of what young woman believe to be what they should look like.

Business strategies implemented internationally

Yes, setting up subsidiaries in each of the international market is one of the best ways to manage business outside the local market.3. Hence, the company decides to open of subsidiaries in each of the international countries and then transfer authority to these subsidiaries.

Defination assignment

And writing arise from the fact that the people involved in the discussion have a different understanding of the concept they are discussing. Establishing a solid definition for the concept you are investigating In your assay is like laying the foundation for the house: it determines the strength, success, and satisfaction of the final product.

Is lying ever justified? essay sample

Therefore, I choose to lie and say that I am going to a friend's house to work on a group project. I am opposed to the white lie and any type of deception of that matter.

How to change a tire analysis

First thing to do is, locate all the tools you will need to do the Job, and you will need to locate the spare tire, in most cars the spare is located in runs, but on most trucks it is located under the bed; there may be a trick to getting this tire out of β†’

Icons of contemporary global culture

Three well-known icons of contemporary global culture are the McDonald's golden arches, the 5-ring symbol of the Olympic Games, and the crucifix of the Christian religion. Though the quality of that meal is not exactly the highest, it does for the most part guarantee to the consumer a precise and universal product.

The stranger things tv show review

In chapter two all about Lucas, Mike, and Dustin try to talk to the girl they found in the woods. Chapter five all about Hopper breaks into the lab while Nancy and Jonathan confront the force that took will.

American history and the frontier

In his article " Significance of the Frontier in American History" presented to the American Historical Association during the Chicago World Fair of 1893, Frederick Jackson-Turner writes about the ways in which the frontier shaped America and how, in his own words " to the frontier America intellect owes its striking characteristics". On the issue β†’

Illustrating the ways which media covers the european crisis today and before five years in greece and france

Comparatively, the French media was more critical about economic policies of countries such as Italy, Spain and Greece while Greek media was more concerned about the issues affecting the Greek economy and the possible benefits that Greece as a country would derive from the economic collaboration in the euro zone. Greece: International Conference, The Greek β†’

Allegory of the cave assignment

The only thing those people were able to see was the shadow of those puppets and they mistakenly thought that this shadow was actually the reality. And guess, what we should do is to look at the world from different mints of view, to fully understand it, to get to know the truth, the reality.

World religions

Hindu temples stand as a symbol of cultural acceptance and tolerance, adding to the cultural mosaic that makes up America. From art to architecture to the melding of religious thoughts, Hinduism has had a real impact on the American cultural landscape.


The dosage range of Lipitor is 10 to 80 mg once daily. Lipitor is a pregnancy Category X medicine, meaning that it could potentially cause harm to your unborn child.

Unreasonable happiness

If so many people shoulder the unpleasant cycle of indebtedness in order to continue consuming, it seems a shift in the entire paradigm of capitalism based on distant people and the abstract next generation is unlikely. However, as an individual who has a deeper understanding of the consequences of wastefulness and pollution, I have a β†’

A scholar word

Being yelled at the very first meeting is not a great way to start anything and it's a bit degrading for us scholars. We represent the youth that's why we a loud and active, and restraining us from doing so is improper and unprofessional especially if not all of us are involve in the noisy β†’

Associative and rule based learning

GeneralisationLearning individual associations is easier if the learning system computes similarity between the stimulus previously learned and new stimuli Stimulus similarity will allow responding to generalise from previously learned associations to new but similar stimuli Generalisation should decline with the distance from trained stimuli Associative learning theory predictsthat the degree of generalization of associative strength β†’

Attending dr. everett shocks advance course in thermodynamics

I had the privilege of attending Dr Everett Shock's advance in Thermodynamics in the Spring of and perhaps his is the most academically stimulating class I have ever attended for I learned more about the nature of chemical thermodynamics than I did in my previous chemistry course. Dr Everett Shock is also such an engaging β†’

Article analysis

The connection was already strained due to the sinking of a South Korean warship and now it has reached a place where the South Korean president has renamed the North as its archenemy, and the North, in return, has severed its few remaining ties with the South. Apply: The article defined the relationship between North β†’

Th? this r?s?arch pap?r r?vi?ws th? ?ffici?ncy of

Th? b? havioural financ? lit? ratur? can b? dividing into two typ? s, th? id? ntification of anomali? s th? ffici? ntmark? t hypoth? sis that b? haviour mod? ls may? xplain and th? id? ntification of undivid? dinv? stors b? haviours or bias? d old? conomic th? ori? s of inconsist? ncy inrational b? β†’

Nutrion month essay sample

Each fourth year student are assigned to handle a kid where they will take care of them, feed them and be the one who will guide them while the dentists are teaching about the proper tooth brushing. The program also had a games led by each sections of fourth year.

Global negotiation strategies

The parantara negotiation skill is much celebrated because it takes the interested parties from the pre-negotiation phases all the way through the end of the negotiation process. The parantara skill that often receives credit for driving business the Indonesian way stands out in the sense that it ensures neutrality between the interested parties throughout the β†’

Muslims and america essay

At the end of Stacy's 30 day stay in the largely Muslim community of Dearborn, Michigan, he expressed that many of his negative notions and prejudices about Muslims and Islam were unfounded and the desire to continue the friendships he made during the experiment. There has been some critique to the authenticity of the documentary, β†’

Magnetic resonance imaging goes on the road

The article, which appeared in the June 2005 issue of Today's Science on File, reports that the graduate student at UC Berkeley has developed a portable system that weighs less than 30 kilograms and is about the size of a DVD player. The key to NMR is finding the frequency of the externally oscillating field β†’


Securities in investment also ensure there is the separation of ownership of possession and management of assets. Another benefit of the securities in the investment of a company is that the securities are not limited to physical assets.


The black community in that area is probably the easiest to target and make them plead guilty because they have no choice, either they can plead guilty and pay a probation fine or stay in the prison and go to the trial, which most of the people cannot afford. But after of all this, the β†’

Effect of pollution on historical monument assignment

The effects may be minor, such as a blackening of the surface of monuments due to dust. Other factors contribute to the rate of damage to historical monuments.

My plan of work day in kindergarden

When the children and parents/carers start arriving l am there to open the door and welcome them in and talk to them and comfort some children if they are unsettled. Once all the children are in l play with them, talk to them and listen to them and make sure that they are happy and β†’

Global ipos slump

The article seeks to analyze the extent, to which IPOs have slumped since the financial crunch. A number of companies have been forced to put to halt their plans for IPO owing to the fact they cannot meet the prices they intend to charge on the shares.

Veritas mundi (truth of the world)

Each of the men perceived his own knowledge of religion as the truth. Those of distinguished education give the people the truth; we know the truth to be what we are told.

Culture/interaction in every day life

This clip therefore supports the argument by John Dovidio that we stereotype to distinguish who is a friend and who is not. This clip therefore shows that stereotype is natural and supports the idea of John Dovidio.

How a bill is passed in parliament

This is where the Bill is given a second look and the parliamentarians debate the idea behind the bill. They consider questions such as, " Is the idea behind the bill good? " " Does it meet people's needs? " " Who will be affected by this bill? " If the House likes the idea β†’

Testing and evaluation techniques

The advantages of project assignments for the teachers include a proper assessment of students' ability to do work independently, assessment of individual learning, and assessment of students' writing skills. In practical examinations, teachers give practical assignments to the students, which they need to complete under the observation of their teachers.


Cotton was the rapist that she exhibited physiological symptoms that further accentuated her belief that he was the one. They believed that she had not made any mistakes, and so their memory when they got back to the jury room was that he must be the one, he was identified as such.

Can you multitask?

Do you want to know a secret? Now, do you still think you are a multitasker?

The collection of the necessary data

Following the collection of the necessary data, I enter the development of the concept phase. When at this stage I often loose track of the time and often feel that if I do not adjust my alarm at 3 p.m.

Critical thinking and problem solving

We recognize three builds of basic thinking and problem solving that the entirety of our understudies create: compelling thinking, dynamic, and problem-solving. In particular, our rubrics characterize the development of basic thinking and problem-solving that we need to educate and survey.


Branding is the process of expressing the " soul" of the company that evokes emotions, beliefs, and sometimes, even spiritual arousal, among consumers, so that they become emotionally involved with the brand. These are examples of branding that are successful because they connect to the innermost emotions and dreams of their consumers.

Apple synergies essay

From solely manufacturing computers, Apple in the past ten years has added a music device in the iPod and now a cell phone in the iPhone, not to mention a plethora of software for all of its products. Due to the variety of features of the iPhone and other products, Apple can find synergy in β†’

Credentials vs. skills

If you have it, it shows, but most people still need the evidence to get you where you need to go. If you do not have the talent, you can work to develop the skills that you want or have instead, and you will end up in a great spot.

Monomyth greek mythology essay

Heracles fulfilled the five stages of monomyth in the followimg ways: Call for adventure: Heracles was sent to murder his own children as the only way to clear him from his crimes. Heracles was one of the Greek heroes who showed courage and love for his people by sacrificing his life to perform various tasks.

Han yu and his memorial to buddhism essay

Han Yu wrote his Memorial to Buddhism, in protest to the emperor's belief and devotion to a relic of Buddha's finger bone. Han Yu was born to a literate family, which was rare during this time, and in his good fortune he learned how to read and write.

Luxor cosmetics

The surplus in inventory is a big disadvantage since; last year's products may not be in style this year in addition to the cost of storage. Other important changes or strategies that should be considered by Luxor Cosmetics is to try to get rid of the old merchandise by creating an online discount web page, β†’

Cosmopolitan species occurs in all climatic zones. the

Circumboreal and circumaustral distribution: The species which are distributed in a near continuous belt in the tem perate region of northern or southern hemisphere are said to have circumboreal and circumaustral distribution respectively. The endemics are taxa of very restricted distribution in small areas.

Industry averages and financial ratios paper rough essay sample

In comparison to the industry averages, Microsoft Corporation is either in the high end of averages next to their competitors, and in some cases, rise high above others that are in the same industry. The financial analysis performed on Microsoft Corporation shows us that they are a strong competitor in the computer industry and are β†’

Residual dividends essay sample

Cash dividends 2012: 3, 000, 000 x = 3, 000, 000 x 1. Dividend Payout ratio 2012: 3, 240, 000 / 15, 000, 000 x 3, 240, 000 / 15, 000, 000 x 1.

Cultural differences and advertising expression of america assignment

People in low- context cultures, on the other hand, tend to compartmentalize their lives and relationships. Japanese adverts are based on audio and visual effect, instead of words, appeal to viewers' emotions environment or context's meaningfulness in communication small- town mentality, collectivism Japan is high-context assign meaning to stimuli rounding the explicit message.

Energy recommendation essay sample

Some of the advantages of solar energy are that it is sustainable, renewable, and can be used to generate electricity or heat. Solar panels can only be used during the day, when there is solar energy available, and its capacity is reduced on cloudy days.

Siemens bribery scandal

And a loss of manager In the Siemens situation I would have already been well aware of all of the corruption, and therefore a promoter of It as well, which then means that I would keep doing business as Is. However this does not mean that I support corruption by any means, but there are β†’

The stands a row of cypress trees. in

It is one of the greatest wonders of the world. According to Rabindranath Tagore, the Taj is a beautiful tear on the face of eternity.

Bottled 12-inch pipes. one major brand also gets

Of course, when people go to the store to buy water, they think they are getting the freshest most pure water on the earth. Well, even though almost all of the water is safe, the question is where does it come from.

Learning log

The key issue that the author is addressing is In the first journal, the author is addressing both the theoretical and the practical implications of abusive supervision on the subordinates. The main conclusions of this article are In the first article, the conclusion is that, there is a positive relationship between abusive supervision and subordinates' β†’

My very special vacation

At the first day of April, my brother and I are ready to go home in our house in Guinoyuran. After the 3 week vacation, we are ready to go back home together with my another Uncle and his family.

Different types of service organization

Degree of labour intensity is the ratio of investment on labour to that of total capital costs, while degree of customer interaction is the effect consumers have on the service being offered. The success of labour-intensive services depends on employee training and welfare.

Corporate tax :

The losses of a partnership are the responsibilities of the shareholders while for an incorporation, the business enterprise is a separate legal entity own its own responsible for losses and pay taxes. For incorporated businesses, the NICs are only paid on the dividends and the business enterprise as employer pays NICs also.