400 Words Essay Samples

My summer vacation critical analysis

Well, the pay was good too because I made enough to buy a new [insert item] at a back to school sale. On this summer vacation I learned that I want to exercise more so that I can play sports at school, and then teach the whole team how to get high on endolphins.

Free essay on holocaust

The lack of attention of what became known as the Holocaust enabled the Nazis to carry out their plan. It was likely that most non-Jewish people were uninterested in this aspect of the war.

Critically discuss how ratio analysis can help in the prediction of bankruptcy

Critically discuss how ratio analysis can help in the prediction of bankruptcy Financial ratio analysis is recognized to be one of the easiest and most spread techniques used for detection of company's operating and financial problems or difficulties. Financial ratio variables are used for assessing the financial information and historical trends of financial performance of β†’

Review of putnam county spelling bee

The quality of the play was decent, and the actors played their roles well. The acting and the characters are the strength of the play.

Multinational corporations argumentative

In any case, once a company decides to go in for international expansion, the next step is to choose the appropriate strategy for investing in any foreign-country market. The main objective of this research was to determine the possible strategies of re-entry into the Nigerian pharmaceutical industry by TopicalCare International in order to avoid the β†’

Gcf: microsoft word 2010 basic terms

Reduce the File SizeIf you are emailing a document, you should compress the images in order to ____. HeaderTo add text to the top of every page, you should use a _____.

Global warming assignment

With the warming Of the environment almost inevitable now, methane gases are sure to become an even bigger contributor as the planet warms and the ice melts at the poles. While the temperature rises of global warming the atmosphere knocks through to the rest of the climate.

Sports day essay sample

We had a huge range of events ranging from the shot putt to the long jump, to the 100 metres, to the high jump, to the 400 metres and the relay. They thoroughly enjoyed being a part of this tournament and look forward to being invited to many more in the future.

”the outcasts of poker flat” by bret harte essay sample

The story fictional story, The Outcasts of Poker Flat, written by Bret Harte is a filled with abundant examples of naturalism, realism, and regionalism. Examples of naturalism, realism, and regionalism are shown many times throughout the story and is important for the development of characters, settings, and plots.

Lightning strikes and paramedic care

Patient Treatment by Paramedics In case of a lightning strike, the paramedic should take to resuscitation as soon as possible since most lightning strikes patients develop respiratory problems. The best line of action to rescue a victim of lightning strikes is to provide artificial resuscitation as soon as possible.

Panera bread case study analysis

What type of competitive advantage is Panera Bread trying to achieve? * The competitive strategy that best fits Panera Bread is differentiation. What is your appraisal of Panera Bread's financial performance based on the data in case Exhibits 1, 2 and 8?

A brief modern history of globalization assignment

The size of the US economy had almost doubled during the war, and the US dominated the world economically, politically and militarily. In the mid 1950's US companies started to make substantial direct investments in foreign manufacturing facilities.

Theories and directions of psychology

According to the article, " What isPsychology? " by Kenned Cherry, Psychology is simply defined as the study of human mind and behavior. The most dominant school of thought today is humanism or humanistic psychology.

Discovery of protons essay sample

The name proton was given to the hydrogen nucleus by Ernest Rutherford in 1920. In 1917, Rutherford proved that the hydrogen nucleus is present in other nuclei, a result usually described as the discovery of the proton.

Corrigendum: parental attunement, insightfulness, and acceptance of child diagnosis in parents of children with autism: clinical implications

Studying the parental ability of insightfulness and acceptance of a child diagnosis of ASD has enriched our understanding of the processes underlying the interactions of these parents with their children. 1000160 CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Di Renzo, M, Guerriero, V, Mammarella, V, and Bianchi di Castelbianco, F." Developmental interventions for children with Autism Spectrum β†’

Women in the 1950’s

This was to show that women could not be at a higher status as a man was. In the video the women were mostly portrayed as housewives who were ready to vote for a president who wanted to make a change.

Obesity: the number 1 problem in america

Is it because of the schools? So what I want you to do is do not order lunch from the school's cafeteria.

Bitcoin newegg black friday deals

Online retail giant Newegg is rejoicing Bitcoin Black Friday along with the rest of the Bitcoin industry. The Bitcoin industry is preparing for the Bitcoin Black Friday, celebrated annually on 28th November, leading online retailer Newegg announced special Bitcoin-specific deals to celebrate the event.

Paradigms of interdependence, and character

The key to empathic listening is to genuinely seek the welfare of the individual to whom you are listening. Synergy means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts Which means that the relationship which the parts have to each other is a part in and of itself.

Copper cycle lab report

Any attempt to alter the original data or use a different set of data in the analyses contained in this report is an act ofacademicdishonesty and will be penalized as such. Some marks will be allocated to the completeness of your data.

Blessed miguel pro

As a young person Miguel was popular with girls, and he also had a lot going for him with his lucrative career managing his father's business; however, Miguel held Christ number one in his heart. Padre Pro held a special place in his heart for the poor and tried to do everything in his power β†’

A hanging by george orwell

In the article " A Hanging " written by George Orwell, the main idea is that warden and jailer in Burma should give prisoners a good time and mood to die or even not to die but with other punishment. He tried to pursaude us in a tone and mood but not actual detial." I β†’

My alcohol and cigarettes. however, there was not

Often I was dissatisfied with myself and doubted in my person. Due to my insecurity, I came to a kind of ' eating disorder', in which I was getting thinner and thinner.

Personal statement example

I figure I needed to pursue the course in order to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to conduct diagnoses of various diseases by examining the high quality images. I am suitable for the course given I have studied other health related courses, which has equipped me with various skills pertaining to medicine.

Fact-finding for a database system

A) There is the one year Cheekbone certificate In Cookery and Housekeeping. A lot of paperwork and human involvement.8.

Svm-machine learning: mid-term

The VC dimension of an hypothesis space is a measure of the number of different classifications implementable by functions from the hypothesis space. What is the significance of the version space?

Introduction to business: a general questions

The budget is significant in determining whether there is enough cash to cater for the day to day operations, and also to determine if the cash is being utilized properly.3. It is the capacity of an asset to bring forth income, which is then plowed back to the business to generate more income.

Bristish literature

Following discussion will be based on the approach of considering London across time, from Pepys to Dracula, to scrutinize how the city is described. London is also described as heart of the Empire by Stoker which shows how description of this city varies from author to author.

Graft and corruption essay sample

Corruption, referring to dishonest and undue exploitation of power for personal gain, subverts God's intention for the fullness of life and creation. Graft and corruption tangle the social thread of communities, erode the moral fiber of human relationships, and sully the reputation of social institutions.

Psychology game

What is the definition of a stress? 4. The theory is molded on McLellan, theory which considers learning to be an outcome of cognitive process.

The creation of new underutilized methods

Regardless of digitization of payments to suit the current evolution and the creation of new underutilized methods such as credit cards and cryptocurrencies, cash in the form of bills and coins is still the most common means of payments in the world. By offering payment options that are more convenient and efficient than fiat money, β†’

The role of centrality

Centrality aims at establishing the source and dissemination of intelligence within the university's structure. For example, in the university structure, lecturers have a high degree of centrality than the students.

Diversion programs essay

During the court hearing if juveniles opt to enter the diversion program they are usually diverted into a counseling program, and after a successful completion the court record is erased. I feel programs like the diversion program is beneficial to juveniles and can help them make the right decisions in life.

Nikkei case study by refraining challenges

It Is each and everyone's Individual responsibility to keep a watchful eye on the health and well- being of the planet as well as the lives on it. It is each and everyone's individual responsibility to keep a watchful eye on the health and well-

Culture and health applying medical anthropology

Risk factors are the influence that the culture of an individual have on the likelihood of them contracting a disease, while protective factors on the other hand is the influence that the culture of an individual have on them not contracting a disease. Risk factors are the cultural conditions that are associated with an increase β†’

The factors contributing to wounded knee massacre

Paper The Factors contributing to Wounded Knee Massacre In my opinion, relating the incident of massacre directly to the party politics is an oversimplification of the facts. The role of party politics may be contributory towards creating a set of factors, the ultimate outcome of which was the killing of this scale.

Current events in business research

More specifically, it is a process of planning, acquiring, analyzing, and disseminating relevant data, information, and insights to decision makers In ways that mobile the organization to take appropriate actions that, In turn, maximize performance. In my professional experience, I have used a similar method to solve problems that a rage elderly community had encountered.

The lightning thief essay

He does not face these troubles by himself though, Grover and Annabelle are not only his friends but they are there to help him face the battles along the way of saving the world and clearing his title of being " the lightning thief". Grover has always been there for Percy to protect and guide β†’

Short takes by elizabeth penfield

Becoming a Sanvicentena five stage from the book Short Takes by Elizabeth Penfield The story points out the major facets of human decision making while on a journey. When the author says dust billows through the open windows shows the personification of the dust that enabling it to pass through the window.

How we feel as teens

Its genetics yes, but to use the term constantly " Your only a child" is laughable, even when they ask us " Stop making excuses in life" and i can bet you however our parents did the exact same thing. But it annoys me how much i hear the term " Your just a child β†’

On turning ten

In the beginning of the poem, Collins compares his maturation into adolescence to disease in order to establish a sense of dread. In the latter part of the poem, Collins details the " perfect simplicity" that pervaded his early childhood.

5 things i wish i had known before starting college

In High School, you have teachers, parents, and friends all reminding you to do well in school and make sure to finish your homework. You do not want to have too much fun that you do not get good grades in school, and you also do not want to work so much that you are β†’

Moon shadow extended response

Firstly, Dad called Mr Raven a chromedome because Mr Raven had started an argument about Mr Parrot flicking manure on to Mr Raven's pants and about the neighbours complaining that the rendered smelled offensive and that the toilet door supposedly opened inwards and not outwards. Secondly, Mr Parrot was the one who had sent the β†’

Sport fans

The next type of fan is what I like to call a part-time fan. The final type of fan that I mentioned is a die-hard fan.

How different aspects of development can affect one another. task 1. 1-2

They might have a learning disability, or, a problem at home which may affect their area such as reading and math skills, language, and behavioral/emotional development, regular teachers, and you may still be able to provide help for him in other ways, like hiring a tutor. PHYSICAL DISSABILITYA child can intellectually be smart as in β†’

Van goghs

The most interesting aspect is the mass of the blue colour with the mild hints of green from the leaves, which contrasts with the complementary red found along the margins of the image. The originality of the 'Irises' drawing is different from impressionist flowers, Van Gogh uses sincerity and precision similer to the techniques used β†’

Global warming and personal hygiene products assignment

As a law people should take more care of their surroundings and try harder to preserve the world we live in, even if it is inconvenient to us. It is the responsibility of each one of us to safeguard the environment so that future generations can enjoy the beauty and bounty of Mother nature.

Professional role and future goals

I also adopt this approach is to support employee involvement and obedience to a constant improvement strategy with the meaning to promote a more basic change of culture of the organization. I am a speedy learner and am willing to take training to supplement my knowledge.

Why is honesty important in being a knight?

To be honest is to be truthful, reliable, and not lie all at the same time. Honesty is a crucial trait in the code of chivalry because if a knight is dishonest, the king will not trust him, and no other knight will either.

The to use the community as a pressure

The nature of relationship between the two group's influences community relationship, and on this relationship depend the image of the hospital. Respect for the dignity of the patient is one of the most basic rights and needs of the patient.

Leverage financing in servervault

The upfront cost is around $6 million and the cost for the new server will reach $200, 000, while the personnel cost can be as high as $210, 000 per month, totaling to an additional cash requirement of around $6. The entire amount is definitely too much for financing from friends and family so that β†’

The communicative approach was founded by robert langs..

But the communicative approach has shown that it is more accurate and compelling to see ourselves as highly reliable perceivers, with the understanding that our most valid perceptions are experienced unconsciously and encoded in the stories we tell to ourselves and others. This highlights the two most distinctive features of the CA: first, that it β†’

Bindge drinking

Binge drinking on college campuses is something that has grown to an all time high but who's to blame? Why is it that administrators have to take on all the responsibilities?

Q. where β€˜ecosan’ is used. ans. (1) kerala

What is the purpose of water Prevention and Control of Pollution Act, 1974? Ans. What is the cause of algal-bloom? Ans.

Category: literature

Thefirst structure of a protein is decided by the gene similar to the protein. The incline stableness analysis in geotechnical technology is complicated its mechanism and the geological history of the incline.

Jj ulrich behind the frederick mann name? essay

I think everyone who is watching the JustBeenPaid / JSS Tripler / Profitclicking Ponzi schemes for a while now will agree with me that Frederick Mann is nothing but some made up person for the purpose of making people believe some stupid lies in order to suck more money out of their pockets. But who β†’

Standing in viney’s shoes

Throughout this entry I will explain how I handled the time when I had to just sit back and watch my breakfast be destroyed and flung across the room by that measly new governess and the wild child, Helen Keller. After that day in the dining room, I learned to do what I am told β†’


This shows how we reason out regarding a certain concept which we think is right or correct This involves argumentation, or the process of reasoning wherein we emphasize the points that we debate on regarding a topic, which at the end, we could be able to come to a conclusion. It is made not to β†’

Locked in: a learning experience

From my observations today, I have concluded that Helen's mother, Kate, is the only one in the family who truly believes in her and her ability to learn. I must be strict with Helen, and teach her that the world does not revolve around her.

Saving lives!

Keep calm and become a nurse Associate's Degree in Nursing this is the most common way to obtain a Registered Nurse License. As a Registered Nurse you are required to hold a state nursing license.

What are robots and how are they being used now days?

Helpful Things that Robots do: The Robot is a tool that can do different and difficult types of jobs such as in hospitals and manufacturing. However, in the coming years astechnologyis improving, Robots will become more and more part of our day-to-day life and cheaper to have.

Sports vs. music and arts

Reading onwards, you find a list of what extra-curricular activities are available in the school. After all, should not everyone be given the chance to try out new things and be praised for what they are good at?

Describe the different stakeholders

Employees- Employees are important stakeholders in the business as they provide the service to the customer who eats at KFC. Contracted Vending companies- Their interest would be to supply their product to KFC so they sell it on and get their product in the restaurants.

Quarter-life crisis essay sample

It was very easy to agree with the points raised in the book "'What Is the Quarter-life Crisis?" only because there have been sufficient personal encounters with people who are in this stage. The other component, confusion, settles in the mind of a person with quarterlife crisis, mostly because too many people are trying to β†’

Parker earth moving company

00 22. 00 22.

War of 1812

Britains trade restrictions, one of the main causes, wereremoved two days before the war started; the New Englanders, for whom the warwas supposedly fought, opposed it; the most decisive battle, at New Orleans, was fought after the war ended. Somehistorians attribute this to their desire to take British Canada and SpanishFlorida in the process of β†’

The case of mrs.riley

A sound or a word could be used and associated with the praise ND after a period of time, Brenda would hear the word and it would begin to work as secondary reinforce. In situations En the presentation of reinforcement is controlled, such as during training, the timing of when a reinforce is presented can β†’

Grace of life. the ancient greeks believed

In this classic Greek tragedy, Antigone must choose what is right, even if it means taking her own life, and it is the nature of the conflict that illuminates the meaning of the work. Maybe it was Antigone's fate to die in honor of her brother, but it was also her responsibility and passion that β†’

Research the study. the design reports the way

Research design A research design is essentially astatement of the inquiry and strategies for collecting the evidences, analysingthe evidences and reporting the findings. The population of the study is the staff of Cocoa MarketingCompany.

Accidents at home essay sample

The employer might not have explained safety measures to take to the domestic worker, hence resulting in the accident happening. Firstly, what the employer can do is to educate your domestic worker on safety in the home.

The clovis

Howard rushed to the area where the cache of bones was found. The Clovis points base to tip they are shallow grooves called flutes that may have helped the points be put in to spear shafts.

How is esperanza’s identity shaped by her community?

Esperanza, the main character, goes through a lot of things and is affected by the people within the community to help her mature, and grow. Esperanza is affected by the community making her more mature and help grow her in many ways.

Power in a doll’s house

Nora is treated like a doll and a possession by her husband. Likewise, Nora is treated as a possession of Torvald.

Case study on rapid prototyping

Rapid prototypingis the technology of the rapid modelling of the certain object in order to demonstrate its view and qualities to the client before the production of the original of the item. The term is also used in the information technology to characterize the process of the creation of the certain software and demonstration β†’


The reason for this recommendation is that in ecommerce there is business rule that stipulates that the higher the traffic, the higher the sales. In the case of copyright material there is a $5 royalty fee to consider.

Disadvantages to patriot act

The feeling is that by destroying our way of life is the best way to reward or give victory to the terrorist [ ]. This means that the " time of danger" will never end and that the government will continue to violate our rights [ ].

Causes of video game to be popular

Role-Playing is an illustration of some " hooks" which are built into video games with the intent of doing them " addictive"." Role-playing games allow participants to make more than merely play they get to really make the characters in the game and embark on an escapade that's slightly alone to that character. Online Role-Playing β†’

No homework on weekends

We just want to relax after a hard day of learning, but the work is not over just becuase school is out for the day. That is why we have the weekends.

Classical theories of organizational communication assignment

Classical management thinkers believe that it is better to use scientific principles to maximise the performance of organisations, and humanistic management thinkers believe that it is better to concentrate on the people to optimise the performance of an organisation. A first approach to humanistic management was developed in the middle of the 20th century.

Do you agree or disagree

Genetically ModifiedFood has the potential to solve many of the world's hunger and malnutrition problems, and to help protect and preserve theenvironmentby increasing yield and reducing reliance upon chemical pesticides and herbicides. The more increasing of population will lead to the more requirement of food and also the lack of suitable land for agriculture.

The structure of human society

It seems that ever since hierarchy emerged in the agrarian era, it stuck through all the trial and era of societies, developing and changing slightly but still existing in the modern era. Throughout the rest of the agrarian era, gender bias and discrimination became more prominent and women had expectations of only staying in the β†’

A perfect teacher

I feel like the teacher is self-confident, and knows exactly what they are talking about. A creative person, who is enthusiastic and teaches the students the subject clearly is my ideal teacher.

Food web diagram essay

Producers are the plants and the tress in the ecosystem that provide the energy to the ecosystem. Herbivores are the consumers that eat plants which in the ecosystem that I chose are jackrabbits, mice, quail, and insects.

Production cost analysis

Production Cost Analysis: Economic Analysis as a tool for Process Development: Harvest of a High Cell-Density Fermentation For the biotech industry to be profitable, it must consider economics along with process recovery, purity, and product quality. Table 1 presents a comparison of process performance under the two options.

World markets analysis essay

Though the result of such free market society is supposed to benefit all of society, the world can appear to be a very uneven place with the " haves" and " have nots". The point o these examples is to show that there is not such a broad gap between the " haves" and the β†’

Comparative politics: uk and us assignment

At base, a congress and a parliament seem to be very similar things the legislative branches of the majority of the world's democracies which are filled with popularly elected men and women who come together to decide the legislative issues of their home nation. In a congress, however, the executive branch is entirely separate from β†’

Criminal justice major to pursue a career in law assignment

2) A friend of the family, Judge Reginald graduate of University of Miami WI the a degree in law, taught me about the system and encouraged me to pursue a career in this fie old due to my deep, growing interests. Law schools only a Accept the best Of the best and I want to β†’

Hybrid technologies – technologies of the future

Hybrid electric vehicles can be used to manage the issues related to consumption of electricity and commercial hybrid electric vehicles can be used for managing the issues related to reliability of military vehicular system. The controlling of vehicles can be done by the use of hybrid electric vehicles for military.

Leather back turtle

Some of the positive impacts humans have had on the species of leatherback turtles are that there are many people protesting and forming groups and alliances to try protect and conserve these creatures known as the leatherback turtle. An example of some of these groups' name are called " CITES" which stands for the Convention β†’

I felt a funeral in my brain analysis

8 Alliteration: The words " when"; " were", " beating"; " beating" and " Mind"; " My" indicate the alliteration of /w/, /b/; /m/ in this stanza. Imagery: Considering the words " bell" and " silence", an auditory Imagery can be found in this stanza.

Social class in to kill a mockingbird essay

Tate asked her who did it, she said Tom Robinson, and when he asked her if Robinson had raped her, she said yes. Mayella Ewell Mayella was on the porch when Tom Robinson came by, she asked him to chop up an old piece of furniture for kindling, and when she went inside to get β†’

Everything is an argument

Using Reason and Common Sense a) Logic- formal study of principle of reasoning Syllogisms- method of deductive reasoning assuming a major principle applies to all minor cases, errors occur when middle term is unrelated to topic in discussion a.Ex. The reasoning itself can be introduced as a degree, an analogy, or a precedent.

Mycobacterium collection of important clinical information i

Research will be show the realpicture of the TB disease in these areas of Pakistan, and told us differentdiagnostic approaches used in the rural, urban and semi-urban regions ofsouthern Punjab. Aim of study will be sortout some important detection tools for TB disease in the area of southernPunjab, Pakistan.

Indentured servants essay

He writes the letter to his parents and describes the horrendous conditions he is in. Indentured servitude was cheaper for the rulers of British Empire before the moment when indentured servants became capable of surviving the seven-year period and acquiring the land that was promised to them.

Working business

Just as the reasons for starting the business will be very personal, the definition of success will be unique to the individual. When thinking about starting a business, it is vital to take a realistic, yet positive look at the type of skills, personality, attitude, outlook and the way in which work is approached This β†’

Isaac newton – philosopher, mathematician and physicist

In addition, Isaac Newton wrote several books such as Opticks, Method of Fluxions, Newton's Philosophy of Nature, Arithmetica Universalis, The Queries, and The Correspondence of Isaac Newton that were influential the fields they encompassed. Isaac Newton made many important contributes throughout his lifetime to mathematics and science that have formed the basis of these fields.