400 Words Essay Samples

Why durex is promoting an emoji-inspired eggplant-flavored condom

Durex wanted to emphasize the absence of a condom emoji among the Unicode Consortium's standardized collection. Durex Global Durex is not the first organization to employ the eggplant emoji to speak out about sex.

Surrogacy in india

With the business growing so fast, the government is drafting laws to make sure surrogacy is not being privatized. In western countries, surrogacy can cost up to 90, 000 dollars but in India, the surrogates are only being paid around 6500 to 7500, which is the sum of their income for several years.

Cause and effect essay on marriage essay sample

The discipline is altered and whenever a child is being scolded by one of the parents, instinct would lead them to the grandparents to receive comfort. This can make a parent feel that they are not doing their job right and their in laws are not allowing them to grow up and learn to live →

Factors associated with divorce

Lower socioeconomic strata of society: - Lower levels of education, Lower incomes, Lower-status occupations - Higher marital instability rates Poor families are twice as likely to breakup as nonpoor families.- Lower-status married couples may have higher divorce rates because they face more crises and disruptions in their lives - Unemployment, uncertain jobs, welfare dependency 2. →

Cause and effects of divorce

From the dictionary definition for marriage, stating that " marriage is an institution whereby men and women are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family. Another cause of marriages ending in a divorce is the lack of communication.

Gospel of mark

Gospel of Mark The Gospel According to Mark, one of the four Gospels in the New Testament which talk about the life of Jesus Christ, contains some of the heaviest usage of figurative language in the Bible. Of the four Gospels in the New Testament, the Gospel According to Mark has significant usage of figurative →


Of paramount importance to any study of Runescape within its context, is understanding the ideals of society. Conclusion We can conclude that the Runescape is both a need and a want.

Example of essay on social alienation

Social alienation can be lessened through eradication of capitalism, and introduction of socialism in society. In addition, social alienation can be reduced by educating people on the importance of working.

Essay on uninterrupted supply, specifications

The alternate power supply can be used while the time of power shortage. The power supply output of 15A@+3.

Example of pv fv/ 1rn case study

69 2) PV = FV/ n PV is the present value FV is the Future value which is 15, 000 R is the Interest rate which is 4% N is the number of years which is 1 PV = 15, 000/ 1 = 14, 423.08 B. PV = FV/ n Where; PV is the present →

Free kwame kilpatrick former detroit mayor case research paper example

Although the defense requested that he should receive a term that is not more than 15 years, it was not possible owing to the seriousness of Kilpatrick's crimes. In as much as Kilpatrick pleaded guilty for these crimes, it was not possible to reduce his sentence as his corrupt actions had driven the city of →

Young killers

In today's world we tend to underestimate teenagers making the excuse that they are " growing up" and do not know the long term consequences of their actions. A twelve-year-old Michigan boy, Nathaniel Abraham, will soon become the youngest child ever to be tried as an adult for murder in the United States.

Compare and contrast

First off, a similarity between " The Mysterious Naked Man," and " The Execution," is that both of the characters remain unnamed and un-described. There are several differences in " The Execution," and the " Mysterious Naked Man," the primary of which being that the naked man is naked.

Engineering case study samples

From the engineering viewpoint, the critical aspect of the failure was failure of the ' O' Rings of the Solid Rocket Booster. The launch was to happen in January, and the day of the launch was predicted to be relatively cold.

Teachers responsibility should be replaced by robots

Presently, if the government were to purchase the robots, and to replace the teachers, the compensation money that should be paid to the teachers is too costly for the government. All in all, it is strongly believed that teachersresponsibilityshould not be replaced by the robots because they are lack of human touch, exacerbate the matter →

Ethiopia and the social media politics   

The roll of social media is known to be significant in shaping the outcome and courses of political and socio-economic aspects known to the world. In Ethiopia since the debut of internet 7 to 8 years ago, the number of users grew into millions and has had a positive outcome on the country with Facebook →

The importance of feetback

This method of collecting feedback is more to derive the respondent's attitude towards the event by asking them to select the appropriate position/rating. It is a good way of seeing the reality of the event where a observer will watch the event organiser and make critical comments on what was successful and what needed to →

Self-presentation of lgbt members and social media

Thus, the emergence of the social media has been of great advantage and has allowed the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer to be able to have a space in order to express themselves, the kind of social media that emerged during this period exhibits high value of anonymity to its users wherein it they are →

These are the best times to post on social media

Knowing who your is and what the best times to post are key components toward an effective social media strategy. Related: When and what to post on your brand's social media channels is different for every business.

Electric generator essay sample

In the electric generator it uses mechanical energy to make the loops spin resulting in the creation of electric current within the loop. The power ratings of an electric generator are based on the ability for the owner to overcome generator losses and how easily it will overheat.

The raisins in a bun model done by jj thomson and the discoveries that followed essay sample

These beta rays were proven to be minute in size and collectively only amounted to the mass of the smallest known atom. He deduced that since an atom contains a neutral charge and consists of negative electrons, there must be some other positively charged material within the atom to balance out the negatively charged electrons.

How credit is evaluated

A client is opt to meet the said standards to make a credit otherwise, they are given the status as what is called a non-conforming B-C-D credit loan at higher rates. Credit Strategy Seminars Retrieved May 27, 2007, from http://www.collegevisa.com/css-2.html How a Loan Application is Evaluated.

Bank overdraft

For the majority of overdrafts, arrangements are made with the bank in advance and the purpose of the borrowing is stated and the length of the borrowing agreed. In the following is an example of how to apply for Tertiary and Graduate Overdrafts in ASB Bank: Stay within your limits.

Divine command theory essay

The way Rachels sees it is this; God commands us to do what is right and forbids what is wrong, however he could easily say that a sinful act is ethical and it would make that sin lawful. According to Rachels' book, the Divine Command Theory suggests that if God was not existent, then criminal →

Reflection essay on the road not taken

The poem " Road Not Take;" byRobert Frostexplores decision making as part of a complex nature of human race involving contradictory emotions of fear for unknown future, regret for the possible wrong choice and acceptance and pride in defining an individual. After experiencing the fear and regret in making decision, the tone of poem turns →

Agriculture vs industrialization

In contrast, the Industrial Revolution was based upon mass production, the use of steam power, and the factory system. The Neolithic Agricultural Revolution was the development of agriculture triggered by a population increase, and a decrease in big game animals.

(driving to school) persuasive essay

Therefore, it is not a necessity for teenagers to drive to school. For starters, if teenagers drove to school, they would not have an incentive to arrive to school on time.

Problem of unemployment

There are many reasons for the problem of unemployment in our country. One of them is the slow growth of our economy, in relation to increase in the number of educated persons.

Renaissance and its meaning

The idea of rebirth lies at the heart of all Renaissance achievements: artists, scholars, scientists, philosophers, architects, and rulers believed that the way to greatness and illumination was through the study of the Golden Ages of the ancient Greeks and Romans. The Renaissance in Italy flourished in the 15th century and spread throughout most of →

Turning points in history

If the demand for a product is high, the price raises and the workers make a larger profit. On the downside, if the demand is low, so are the price and wages.

The american dream boat essay sample

The narrator in the story The American Dream Boat related how the said community survived the challenges of living in a foreign land and later on adjusting to the culture and traditions of the society that they chose to live. Likely, the said approach in adjusting to the society that they are living in at →

American dream or american nightmare

A couple negative aspects of renting would be, if someone a property that was not protected by the rent control and the landlord was able to consistently raise the rent. In my final paper I plan to give statistics on how many homes have been foreclosed and how many people have ended up homeless in →

Foster care personal statement

I was immediately adopted to a family of 12 before I could even understand the reality of my own life. I was focused on things like learning to trust again, accepting the things that have happened in my life, and not shutting everyone out of my life.

The second world war essay example

World War 2 was caused by a series of events that led to the polarization of both the Axis powers and the Allied forces. The disintegration of the League of Nations was also a cause to the war.

What if you were boss

Even though law enforcement officers apprehend offenders, it is still up to the prosecutors to retrieve and analyze all evidence from the scene of the crime that the officers collected, so that they can compile a case against the defendant. Tracking the accused and implementing a more thorough selection process are just two of the →

Work cite literature review example

The above event appears in the book once and it is in the author's ways of developing the plot of his book. Therefore, this event was important to the author as it help develop the plot of the book as well as the theme of drug abuse.

My holiday essay sample

We could see the whole of Penang from the top of the Penang Hill. This was the last day of our stay in Penang.


For instance, these religious books play a vital role date in observing holidays such as " Yom Kippur", which is the Jewish Day of Atonement, Ramadan, which is the holy month that Muslims fast and pray, and Easter, which is the period where the Christians celebrate the commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It →

How i spent my holiday

As my cousin's house is close to the sea, we decided to make the raft on the beach itself. We returned to the shore and tied the raft to a tree.

How to make southern style spaghetti

In a separate pot bring 2 cups of water to a boil, add shrimp and boil for 10-15mins./ put aside. Then in a large deep stew pot, mix your noodles and spaghetti sauce and bring to a boil.

The quest for a perfect balance critical thinking example

It does this by giving an analysis of the cultural practices of the people of China especially during the ancient periods. To begin with, it reports on the role of food in the day to day lives of these people.

Project management functional areas argumentative flashcard

Overblown Advisory noted that the visual presentation of all tasks in the project, or one of the airstreams of a project, and their relation to each other creates the project network diagram Dependency: ' A relationship between pairs of tasks' It is a logical relationship which determines the sequence project task need to be performed. →

Immune system and blood platelets a.

Which of the following components of the blood can destroy bacteria that have entered the body? antibodies phagocytes blood platelets A.and only B.and only C.and only D.and Which of the following are examples of artificial immunity? Which of the following statements about antibodies is correct? A.

Directional terms assignment essay sample

Write two sentences demonstrating your knowledge of the terms superior and inferior utilizing the terms found in your book on specific body regions and body cavities. The term medial refers to parts of the body that are toward the midline and the term lateral refers to parts of the body away from the midline.3.

Corporate espionage

The temptation to spy on competitors' is completely Justifiable, but the fact that its alled espionage, a word that connotes amorality any way you read it, shows that acts of corporate espionage are not Justifiable or moral. As silly as this example is, it's the simplest way to think about the morality of corporate espionage, →

The importance of business ethics

A positive ethicalculturewithin a business promotes employee commitment and trust, investorloyaltyand trust, and customer satisfaction and trust which in turn raise profits for the business. Some examples of a company taking care of its employees include competitive pay, safe workenvironment, and the company fulfilling its contract with the employee.

Post civil war american literary aesthetics essays example

The artistic value of literary pieces after the Civil War lies in the ascension of realism, which concerns itself with the daily conditions of the people after the war. Literature of the Post Civil American War illustrated the Black Americans' slavery.

How are aristotle’s and shakespeare’s ideas of tragedy similar and different?

Shakespeare incorporated many of Aristotle's ideas into his concept of tragedy, but he was also influenced by the medieval concept, according to which tragedy simply involved a fall from a high and fortunate position. Aristotle would probably not have approved of some of the features of Shakespeare's tragedy, such as his subplots.

Cinematography in birdman essay sample

The film Birdman starts with the camera moving slowly and gradually gaining speed, warming the audience up to this certain style of cinematography. Birdman emphasizes fluidity in cinematography and uses that fluidity to create a film that does not have a dull moment where the audience is left sitting on the edge of their seat.

How contract breaches affect businesses

A contract, if properly formed, is legally binding and all parties to a contract are required to perform their respective obligations under the contract, failing which legal action can be taken. Afailureor refusal to perform one's obligations under the contract will be called a " breach" of the contract.

Literature analysis on the the glass menagerie literature review

The blue roses in the text are used to demonstrate the uniqueness and individual self of Laura but its only Jim who is aware of this attribute. This is a foreshadowing style but despite escaping he cannot forget about the memories of Laura.

Success among the waves

After she read that book, she would spend countless hours in the family houseboat learning how to tie a knot and the difference between starboard and port side, all of which she now teaches her millions of viewers in her blog. Even though she was and still is dyslexic it did not stop her from →

Suggestions which may be considered for implementation

Routinely visits should be organized for the students to farms, abattoirs, dairy plants to have better understanding of the subject and this would lead to emergence of creative ideas in the minds of students. This can be achieved by conducting farmers training in colleges, camps must be organized in the villages and the beneficial effect →

The first day on my new job

When I was just about to get up and go out with my best friend, my phone had begun to ring and with so much joy I had answered, " Hello?" " Yes, I was wondering if you could come in tomorrow afternoon to start the job?", my future boss asked. The day of my →

A programmed

If the decision pertains to a project, it involves what the project is supposed to accomplish and the budget of both time and money that has been created to achieve these objectives Describe the relationships that exist BETWEEN time management, delegation, programmed decisions, non-programmed decisions, uncertainty, risk, conflict, and decision scope. The staff members need →

‘never give up’ urges successful serial entrepreneur

It was after college he realized that he wanted to start a luxury business that inspired him to leave the medical route and launch a luxury concierge business. Neil had to constantly work hard to maintain his brand which was being the all to go when it came to luxury services and real estate.

Advantages and disadvantages of content analysis research research paper example

One of the advantages of conducting a content analysis research is that it is unobtrusive in that it enables the researchers to obtain data from documents rather than from interviewing the people who were involved in an event. The advantages and disadvantages of content analysis.

Comparison between two projects report examples

Project 2 is a discussion of the concept of war heroes. One thinks that a better presentation for the interview in Project 2 is a question and answer format to clearly deliver the message.

Free death penalty essay sample

Death penalty is one type of punishment, whereby the state put people to death for a crime. One of the groups of people who cannot be given death penalty is the insane.

Esol paper

An example of prejudice would be, if someone is walking in a secluded area at night, and a group of senior citizens who are walking with canes in hand, come from the other side, the person will not feel threatened. Prejudice and discrimination in the workplace.

Karl marx

Marx believed that society needed a change and while followers of Marx had said that a communist uprising was inevitable Marx responded by saying that " philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point however is to change it." Marx felt that conflict between the classes is an important factor in society. →

Never let me go – marxism essay sample

The items in these Sales were brought to the clones from the outside, as opposed to the clones being able to travel outside Hailsham on their own. Instead of the clones going to the Sales outside Hailsham the items are brought to them, showing how guarded the students at Hailsham are from the outside.

The long telegrams impact on the truman doctrine

The Long Telegram influenced Truman's doctrine of containment, and it opened the eyes of many Washington officials as to how dangerous the Soviets and more specifically communism was. Kennan's notion of containment which was expressed in the Long Telegram was also illustrartes in the Truman Doctrine.

Alcohol abuse among college students at univeristy of south carolina

To reduce alcohol abuse the university has ensured that those students selling alcohol within the campus premises have a commercial license that governs their conduct. The university has ensured that alcohol is sold in designated points such as the students center and not just anywhere and this helps reduce its accessibility thus reducing its abuse.

Tinytiny tim is the main catalyst for scrooge’s change in a christmas carol. to what extent do you agree?

The Ghost of Christmas Past, The Ghost of Christmas Present and The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come each lead Scrooge through a different part of his life in an effort to guide him away from his miserable existence and in a more positive direction. And finally we see Scrooge once again, " a man →

Discuss the role of the supernatural beings in a christmas carol

In conclusion, the third Spirit, the spirit of Christmas Yet to Come, was the most influential spirit that Scrooge met. The reason I think this spirit was more influential is because he was dressed in a frightening way, did not act friendly, and showed him things that may happen if he does not change.

Example of asian ecotourism essay

The continent hosts some of the natural wonders of the world namely; the Himalayas Mountains; which are regarded the tallest, the Indus Delta, and Baykal Lake; one of the largest fresh water lakes in the world. An excellent example is the Thailand National Forest that offers ecological education to tourists with the intention of conserving →

Artifacts and environmental factors case study

A room designed for the interaction of people should be large enough to accommodate all the members of the team. The sitting of the room should be made in such a way that all the members will be in eye contact with each other.

Environmental issue (moral studies)

Thermal pollution Causes of environmental pollution 1. Residential sector Ways to reduce environmental pollution 1.

Free essay on environment studies

Carbon Monoxide is a primary pollutant.- About Nitrous Oxides:- NOx are considered pollutants because of their poisonous properties.- Nitrous oxides are mainly emitted by bacteria in the soil and oceans. This can only be altered by adhering to smoke-free laws.- Radon: Radon arises from the radioactive decay of radium, which are found in rocks beneath →

Why cooking is the ultimate stress reliever

On the off chance that you consider cooking a task, it's a great opportunity to give it a new look. In case you are considering, "" However should not something be said about the stress of dinner arranging, shopping, and preparing?"" one approach to moderate that problem is with a supper pack benefit.

Napoleon psychoanalysis

Napoleon shows a lot of willingness to learn, and all he wants is to become famous in society. At the same time, he lived a very wretched life because of his desolation.

Pole dance: future olympic sport?

The Pole Dance or Pole fitness is a discipline that goes back to the England of the 80s and has more and more followers. Despite the existence of Pole Dance championships, this discipline is to be introduced as a sport at the Olympic level.

4 day public school week essay sample

The two articles assigned address the controversial topic of schools converting to a four-day school week. I understand that by eliminating Fridays from the normal school week costs are cut significantly, but I feel that the majority of staff and students will not use this day off to focus on studies or extracurricular activities in →

Why was the cuban missile crisis a turning point in cold war relations?

The Cuban missile crisis had relieved the tensions and possibilities of a nuclear war between the two superpowers. The threat of a nuclear war was apparent and eventually the two superpowers made an agreement stating the removal of the US missile sites in Turkey in exchange for the USSR missile sites in Cuba, aborting the →

Vietnam war: important events 1962-1969

And a second reason cited for failure of America in Vietnam was the way media in US turned the people against the war and the US government. America and the Vietnam War: Re- Examining the Culture and History of a Generation.

Vietnam war: lessons learned

A very little known fact has been that it was the United s itself that initially gave military training to the small communist group in Vietnam, named Vietminh led by Vo Nguyen Giap and Ho Chi Minh, for fighting against the Japanese invaders. The strategy of training the communists in Vietnam can be seen as →

Recommendation to counter dos attack

We suspect that the attacker gained access to the network from an internal computer, most likely from a student PC in one of the labs. The attacker then initiate a control attack by activating the BOT's in order to form a BotNet with the goal of intentionally causing online services to become unusable to students.

Educational trip to up diliman and philvocs

The first part of the trip was on UP Dilemma Engineering Laboratory, the first equipment introduce to us was the hydraulic bench, it is used to investigate channel flow, hydraulic Jump, determining the coefficient of discharge flow of the system. The second part of the trip was on PHILIPPICS, here they discuss us the recently →

Things that garbage can reveal

Moreover, the kind of the garbage depicts a lot in regard to the socioeconomic class of the underlying household, the number of persons within the household, economic welfare and culture. In sum, the kind of garbage normally depicts the socioeconomic class of the underlying household, the number of persons within the household, economic welfare and →

Why nelson mandela was a great leader

Nelson Mandela was a very successful leader because he was able to use his power to influence others for the good of the country. He was able to bridge the two different cultures of South Africa together after a hostile period.

Good example of women and gender studies literature review

One the major epigraphs used by Edna in the Down by the River is ' Darkness is our souls, do you not think? It is figurative and useful in helping the author to deliver her message to the audience.

Tri-state telephone case essay sample

Answer: First of all, 150 angry customers of TRI-STATE TELEPHONE COMPANY who had marched in the protest are the main stakeholders. Answer: Tri-State Telephone Company's environment has become critical due to 150 angry customers who had marched in the protest and in addition to the elderly customer's complain about the AT & T.

Porter’s five forces analysis on cola wars case essay sample

Coke and Pepsi have the freedom to select the suppliers. The threat of substitutes is the major challenge to both firms.

Harassment and abuse of women in the military

Women all around the world who are in the military are constantly getting harassed and raped by the soldiers and there is nothing that anybody is doing about it. The Army and the other services at first resisted sending women to Vietnam fearing that they would notbe able to handle thestressof being in a war →

Symbols used in ”noli me tangere” by josé rizal essay sample

The characters of the novel were drawn by Rizal from persons who actually existed during his time.* Juan Crisostomo Ibarra the protagonist Represented the affluent and liberal European educated Filipino and desired the education of the people * Elias represented the Filipino masses wanted to liberate the people from the injustices suffered from the Spaniards →

Honesty, the best policy

Honesty can be the foundation for a well operating relationship, not only that, it nourishes the lifetime of most people, and it also builds the trust that is needed for most relationships. It never involves cheating and lying to others in life.it's an ethical behavior supported honesty and free from all the evil motives.

Documentary films for education and development

For example, the documentary " Supersize Me" shows the effect of consuming McDonald's for a month. Almost every developing country produces films, mostly short films in the form of newsreels or documentaries for the purpose of making people know, understand and appreciate its development projects.

Henry adams, virgin and the dynamo 6837 essay

The Education of the Henry Adams reviews Adams s and the United States s education and growth during the 19th century. In this autobiography, Adams voices his skepticism about man s newfound power to control the direction of history, in particular, the exploding world of science and technology, where all certainties of the future have →

Self reliance

Emerson's individualism - that every individual should be self-reliant - finds a forceful & well reasoned expression in the essay " Self - reliance "." Self-Reliance," published in 1841, is an essay that urges readers to trust in their own intuition and common sense-rather than automatically following popular opinion and conforming to the will of →

Pakistani girl got shot

The heinous attack sent shock waves through the nation and fanned up the indignation of the international community.' believe while international community should fght against the Taliban militants, the Pakistan government and people are responsible for the tragedy Mingled with rage and appal,' found the case of Malala was Just the tip of the iceberg →

Realism and liberalism

Realists place states in a position of having to observe the action of neighbors closely to effectively trying to resolve problems without regard to the moral concerns. Realists believe that the creep of morality into the international relations handicaps in a way that they fail to cope with the new conditions.

Is it true that left-handed people are smarter than right-handed people?

Why: To determine why left-handed people are more intelligent and creative than right-handed people. The studies suggest that 70 90% of the world population is right-handed, and 10% of the world population is left-handed.

Gardner’s intelligence theory

Linguistic Intelligence is the intelligence of language or words, when you learn by writing the information down, or when you absorb information my hearing words this is all a form of Linguistic Intelligence. When you rely on self to learn, by understanding your own feelings and interest this is the Interpersonal Intelligence.

Fiction division and classification essay

These types of fiction include realistic fiction, science fiction, and historical fiction. Science fiction is a genre of fiction in which the stories often tell about science and technology of the future.