400 Words Essay Samples

Whirligig case essay sample

Persistently apprehensive about what people think about him, Brent constantly varies his self-identity to impress and fit in with his peers. All Brent attempts to do is follow the trends specific to his location and fit in rather than do what he wants to do that makes him happy.

Advantages & disadvantages of television essay sample

Television: source of entertainment, communication on a wide scale and source of information & news Advantages: Updates about the outside world Information about the happenings in various parts of the world Enhance knowledge about current affairs, encouragement via quiz shows for younger lot Provides a platform to bring forth and showcase people's talent to wider →

Negetive effects of reality shows

Entertainment Through Humiliation A key ingredient in many reality TV shows is the humiliation of the " actors". In other shows, viewers are exposed to and revel in the shaming of the " actors".

Media influence on youth

This is the reason style is directed towards adolescents for their vulnerability and desires to, " fit in". Not only is the media encouraging sexual promiscuity they are influential to the degrading of women in their videos.

Reality television

In the early stages of reality television, the whole premise was immediately scrutinized because it held an unconventional perspective on what the public knew to be reality. After the introduction of reality shows aimed at a younger age demographic, the innocence of children was compromised.

Morals and reality television

As I get more of my research done I know my paper will get narrowed down even further because this topic is of a big interest to me and I want to read as much as I can from different standpoints and opinions. I will limit my topic to focusing on the morals and values →

Inflated language

The student is compared to him or herself instead of everyone in a school. Too much of a product means it's worth less, and that is what is happening to our language.

Othello language

Three great ones of the city." Iago is infuriated with Othello's neglect of him, Shakespeare creates this foreshadow of a tragic outcome early on, but he misleads the audience into thinking that Iago's language is justified. One of the main contrasts of language in Othello is " Act 1 Scene 2".

Culture and language essay

My mother's side of the family is from the west, and the dialect differentiates widely from the east side of America; this also affects the way i was taught to speak. So, all of these things i have mentioned have greatly influenced me and the way i talk around others depending on who i am →

Contrastive its introduction by robert lado in the

Contrastive linguistic or contrastive analysis is a study of the elements of language. The contrastive analysis is not only to compare linguistic elements and linguistic systems in the first language with the second language, but to compare and describe the background of the two languages so that they can be used in a second language →

Tutankhamuns golden throne essay examples

From the images on the throne alone, one can already see the prominent feature of Aten at the topmost center of the seat with its rays extending toward Tutankhamun and his queen, Ankhesenamun. Two of the strong evidences that would suggest this are the use of a triangular navel and the inclusion of fat folds →

Why childhood obesity is on the rise

Carol expresses that there are more children today compared to the past years who are overweight. My thoughts on the topic: There are some people who believe that we should not address the problem of childhood obesity, because they think that this issue is too sensitive.

Associate program material

While both running on a treadmill and running outdoors are beneficial for a healthy lifestyle, there are factors that may affect the overall outcome of where you decide to exercise.I. Treadmill running and running out door are not quite the same a.

Greek and romans

Describe the contributions of the Greeks and Romans to Western Civilization, explaining their accomplishments and the classical virtues they developed. Greece also gave us the first pursuers of true histories as they were the first to go out and seek to separate the facts from the myths that were often entangled with stories of the →

London: experience a whole new world

London is thought about a pricey city on the planet as well as it's home for many foreign migrants. Perhaps this is the reason why numerous visitors regard each trip to London as a " once in a life time experience".

Example of takings sides term paper

Van Zandt is very convincing in her argument about the intercultural relations between the Europeans and Native Americans. The way in which Van Zandt engages historical facts in her essay is quite strong.

Love versus infatuation

The infatuation can sometimes grow into love after time but it does not always work out this way, most of the time it just fades away and so does your so-called " true Love." Infatuation is what most people feel at the start of relationships; the excitement you feel when they are just present, the →

What is true love

Both Cofer and Ferguson described that true love can last forever with lust and it cannot last forever with infatuation. Both stated that true love can and cannot last forever.

Construction of the golden gate bridge

Construction of the Golden Gate Bridge Introduction The Golden Gate Bridge was opened in 1937 and at that time consisted of the longest main span for any existing suspension bridge. Safety Lesson from the Construction of the Golden Gate Bridge The construction of the bridge was completed in four years in conditions that were →

Megacities on the edge

Megacities will also become a city of despair going with the fact the rise of cities has become the source of pollution and other harms to the human body. In conclusion, it is evident that megacities provide more opportunities for the megacities becoming urban nightmares of despair as opposed to them being sustainable cities of →

The an rnn-language model (rnnlm) or a special

7 is the anotherone who followed a similar approach, but they incorporated theirNNLM into the decoder of an MT system and used the decoder? salignment information to provide the NNLM with the most usefulwords in the input sentence. 12 who attempted to address the memoryproblem of Cho et al.

Qullays, qur’an, although their stories might be interpreted

Quraish, Quraysh, Quresh, Qurish, Qurrish, Qureshi, Koreish, Coreish The name of the dominant tribe in and around Mecca at the time of the ascent of the Prophet Muhammad. Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the word of Allah as delivered to the Prophet Muhammad over 23 years by the Angel Gabriel, starting with the Prophet's →

Formal math business letter essay

The method of Instruction was extremely cut and dry, Incompatible, and thus the material in mathematics. While I am mentally able to do this task, it takes a considerable amount of time and is an area I continue to struggle with from time to time.

In deal. social class is one of the

Nick Carraway the narrator was from the middleclass; but his Cousin Daisy and her husband Tom were part of the Upper class; while the Wilson's are from the lower class. Nick who was the narrator of the book lived in West Egg and his neighbourGatsby.

12 years a slave – scene investigation essay sample

The scene that shows Steve McQueen's craft with a camera best is the scene where Solomon is begging Armsby to deliver a letter in secret and the shots that follow shortly after. In the initial shot, the camera is angled upwards in a two shot featuring Solomon and Armsby.

Explain how a working relationship is different from a personal relationship essay sample

A working relationship is a kind of relationship in which one end of the relationship is an individual or a group in which they are tasked to work or give service to the latter party of the relationship. For example, a doctor and patient, one side of the relationship must be a working who is →

A doll house relationship comparison

The purpose of the text, A Dolls House, is to reveal information about the relationship between Nora and Helmer through the interactions of their conversation and their lexis. The repetition of ' Nora' implies she has done wrong and he dismisses her to get her to behave like a father would to a child.

Assess the view on whether or not roles in relationships

All this evidence leads some sociologists to view the roles and relations of couples to have been becoming somewhat more equal in compare to the past. In conclusion, many sociologists believe that the roles and relations of couples have been becoming more equal, but there are some who still view it to not being equal →

Gastritis: risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment case study sample

A small tube is inserted through the patient's mouth into the stomach to observe the inflammation in the stomach mucosal lining of the patient. Blood tests can be performed to investigate the presence of H.pylori, to get a blood cell count and to detect the existence of pernicious anemia in the patient.

Riley warner

The first main point of not lowering the legal drinking age is teen depression. The second main point of not lowering the legal drinking age is health problems.

Example of my experience with alcoholism essay

Although it was clear to others that I had a problem, because I would not acknowledge my addiction to alcohol, no one could help me. I made inappropriate comments to some of the female teachers and was generally a nuisance.

Free essay on environmental science

Sea ice is a very good condition for survival of benthic plants and this is because it provides nutrients and enough light. Melting of sea ice makes it fall to its floor and then becomes a source of food for benthic plants and this food is later absorbed into the plants' food web.

The importance of school essay

School is necessary to learn plenty in the future, and not only an education will be gained, but a social life as well. The first fundamental of school being mandatory is the education and tools that is offered is precious in life and being home cant offer this.

Forensic pathologist career description

FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST * Correct Name of theCareerThe full name for a Forensic Pathologist is a Forensic Pathologist.*Educationand Training Requirements To become a Forensic Pathologist you will need about 13 to 15 years of college. After residency you must pass the test and receive a certificate as a certified Forensic Pathologist.* Responsibilities and Daily Activities The →

Henrik larsson essay

His goalscoring feats on the continent for Celtic mean he holds the record for number of goals scored for a club from Britain in European matches. In his last appearance for Celtic, he scored twice to defeat Dunfermline Athletic and win the Scottish Cup.

A a program. nurse practitioners need excellent people

A Nurse Practitioner is a nurse with extra education, clinical training, and experience. As a Nurse Practitioner I would provide general healthcare to patients and clients.

It with full tuition waivers. i’ve had

I had the contentment of teaching her in Pharmacognosy-I and Pharmaceutical Technology-III courses at the University of Asia Pacific. This club is still running today because of her, and thus many students are getting a platform to organize and participate in different debates and quiz competitions while enrolled in the university.Ms.

Uses of job description

It serves as a guide in the organization and administration of a department, division, section, or unit.6. It contributes to the personal satisfaction of every individual employee with his job.

Waste disposal on cat ba island

Consequently, it seems to impact on the environment, the scenery and also Cat Ba People. Waste disposal includes treatment in the land and on the water.

Recycling should be mandatory

Recycling cans and bottles can help save the earth form waste and trash build up and can make new things that why recycling should be mandatory and there should be recycling cans in various locations at school and everywhere else. Paper recycling mills do not pollute the water nearly as much, and usually use less →

Air pollution control in india

Air pollution can be classified broadly in two types: 1) Urban * Industrialization * Vehicles The increasing number of vehicles and industries constitute a major source for air pollution in urban areas. In India around 60% of the total population lives in rural areas and thus pollution caused due to indoor burning of solids is →

Free critical thinking on thomas jefferson response

Jefferson believed in the separation between the church and the state, freedom of speech, abolition of slavery and a minimal influence of the central government. According to Miller, Thomas Jefferson was an author of the Declaration of Independence.

Kansas & nebraska act

He did not really care too much about slavery because he was looking toward the development of the new Western country between the Missouri River and California. The south, on the other hand, wanted it to go to the Pacific coast by way of Texas and New Mexico.

Sleep apnea devices market worth $19.72 billion by 2017

Obstructive Sleep Apnea is the most common type of sleep apnea; around 84% of people with sleep apnea are diagnosed with the disease. The global sleep apnea devices market, which is broadly classified into Diagnostic Devices and Therapeutic Devices, is witnessing high competitive intensity.

Argument for market segmentation

Market segmentation is the process of dividing the market according to similarities that exist among the various subgroups within the market. To overcome this problem, a bank must adopt a market segmentation strategy, which recognises the wisdom of specialising to suit the need of a segment of the market rather than trying to address the →

Ot regarding entering canadian market succesfully

The outcome of this analysis can be the input of the SWOT-analysis. Also, the sustainability of transport is important and has to be done as carefully as possible.

Bio-succinic acid market volume

However, BAD is one of the major application segments of bio-succinct acid in terms of volume as well as revenue. Geographical analysis of the market revealed that Europe is and will continue to be the leading revenue generating regional market till 2020.

Behavioral genetics and mental disorders

The way one interacts with other and the perception of that individual by society can be influences by mental disorders. McInerney provided in depth research that alluded to the fact that genetics alone does not influence human behavior.


In August 2001, a man walking his dog in Lindley Woods in West Yorkshire, England, found the body of 16-year old Leanne Tiernan, buried in a shallow grove. His name was John Taylor, and he was a poacher who had been seen around the woods where the body was found.

Adverse effects of childhood obesity: a personal experience essay

According to The Mayo Health Clinic accessed on March 23, 2014 a little bit of exercise can put kids into better moods.B. It is not a hard task for kids now a days to get out and have fun outside.

Blog essays examples

Muslims consider Prophet Muhammad as a religious and political role model because they consider him to be a messenger of God. Prophet Mohammed was the last Prophet of Islam, and he has been the most popular Prophet as his preaching has been believed to be the most authentic and uncorrupted revelations made by God.

Muslim persecution by the quraish

Muslim Persecution by the Quraish When the Holy Prophet declared Allah's message in public and called upon the people of Makkah to adopt Islam as their religion, he moved into a new stage in Islamic history. The declaration of the message changed the picture.

Hari raya haji and origin

While the former marks the end of fasting month of Ramadhan Al-Mubarak, Eid-ul-Adha marks the end of Hajj, the sacred pilgrimage to the holy city Mecca. The first one is the history of Prophet Abraham and his son, Prophet Ishmael and the second one is about the history of Prophet Muhammad S.A.

Reaction paper

The museum had a good props and presentation, including the sounds and lights, and in every part of the museum had a some puppets and images that portrayed the life of the Filipinos accompanied by sound system narrator. Visiting the museum was a great help in our course RZL10 because the museum main topic was →

Its more fun in the philippines background

Last January 2012 the Department of Tourism launched the new slogan " It's morefun in the Philippines" to raise the awareness of the locals and the tourist who are still unaware of the beauty of the Philippines. To determine if the slogan help to raise the awareness of the people about the Philippines.

Essay on vertigo by alfred hitchcock

The beautiful Kim Novak is also a central part of the film and the mystery of her disappearance makes the audience constantly yearn for more all the time. The tragic twist of luck that eventually leads to Judy's death is also part of the film's vertigo and the audience is left to absorb the shock →

The last night that she lived

The speaker is talking about " Her" death but not in time but space, " She" has her room, a room that's meant for her death and still there is area for the living to converge. But it is not finished for the living that is at a loss of how to respond to something →

Sunlight on the garden

In conclusion, this poem shows the celebration of life and love. However, this poem also shows the Horror and malevolent imagery of war.

Dolores huerta

Dolores Huerta wanted to form an organization that fought of the interests of the farm workers. Dolores soon proves to anyone who doubted her why she was the negotiator and why she was important to the United Farm Workers union.

Example of essay on single member district and proportional representation

One of the main reasons is that the single member district creates a constituency link. The single member districts and proportional representation are the democratic institutions tat differ in various ways.

Democracy vs. dictatorship

Democracy is a government of the people, for the people, by the people. In a democracy the people are the source of authority.

Comparative politics: uk and us

At base, a congress and a parliament seem to be very similar things the legislative branches of the majority of the world's democracies which are filled with popularly elected men and women who come together to decide the legislative issues of their home nation. In a congress, however, the executive branch is entirely separate from →

Democracy in lord of the flies essay sample

While on the island, the boys have a choice of following either Ralph, the more sensitive leader who cares about the others, or Jack, the more harsh leader who puts himself before the other boys and strives for power over the others. In the beginning of the novel when the boys first discuss who should →

Flit app offers splendid services in transportation

The salisbury taxi is the dominant force for transportation and one can operate the services. The salisbury cab is one of the best means of transferring benefit the consumers in different ways.

Oil spill paper

We put the boats and ships in the water, we build oil rigs and drill into the bottom of the ocean, and we dump the wrong chemicals into the ocean. The oil is coming from underneath the ocean so it takes us longer to stop it from flowing into the ocean.

Adopted resolutions against big data analytics misuse in work practices

The resolutions the one would adopt in his future work practice or the measures to lower the privacy risks: Use web browsers which has a " private browsing mode" that does not save the web history on your own computer, to prevent others from accessing your computer to learn about your browsing Use an anonymous →

Pre-recorded videos during live streams on youtube

The expansion of Premieres likewise implies that highlights that were once constrained to live just would now be able to be utilized on pre-recorded substance, including for example, Super Chat, where clients pay gifts to have their remark featured and wait longer in a live visit. There's another Merchandise incorporation that has gone live today, →

The importance of edge computing

The benefits of Computing at Edge are: Improved Performance Compliance, Data Privacy and Security Reduced Operational Cost The edge is not only an approach to gather information for transmission to the cloud, it likewise forms, breaks down and follows up on the gathered information at the edge inside milliseconds and is in this way fundamental →

A black ‘dot’ that crashes your whatsapp?

We believed the black dot to be similar to this symbol but the plot twist is that this time the black dot crashes every phone and software, not just the IOS. The dot is said to contain a specific code when the user taps it, it overloads the app and crashes it.

College stress analysis

Firstly, college means highereducationdemanding for a number of assignments, tests and projects which is just sufficient for students to commit suicide particularly when exams are round the corner. It is very hard for one to adopt newenvironment, new responsibilities and to be exposed to the world of competition.

Paraphrasing report

In addition, the experiment verified the application of the equation to the steady state flow of an inviscid and incompressible fluid. On the other hand, in the turbulent flow, a thin viscous layer is created near the surface of the pipe, and this layer causes energy loss.

Free research paper about mental disorder

The structure of the brain, disruptions in the exchange of neurotransmitters and changes in the nerve cells, stress and major life events can also affect on the development of bipolar disorder. However, it is important to recognize the early symptoms of the illness.

In are important for industries and communications.

Different trade associates, chambers of commerce, andbusinesses depend upon the information of the census data for economic development, business decisions, and strategic planning. A wrong decision can affect the entire company/business which iswhy it's important for the business owners to understand the weight andpressure there is behind the decisions they make.

No cell phones for kids

Thus, the use of cell phones affected the children health. Children will not consider the amount that have to pay when they use the cell phone.

Cellphone addiction

You obsess over the item; your obsession is a cell phone addiction. When the device gets in the way of your real life events in a negative way, you likely have a cell phone addiction.


Rationale I have written this speech to clarify how strongly technology has exceeded our humanity, and how much it affected us as a society and as a whole. To begin with, I would like to clarify that I am personally In favor of this motion, and believe that technology has abviously exceeded our humanity.

Cyp core 7.1

Using a mobile phone can also make you at risk as most mobile phones now have internet."while this provides opportunities for communication, interaction and entertainment, there are possible risk to children and young people" protection harm includes doing things of their phone without their parents' permission such as having contact with strangers, and looking at →

Cell phones and driving

Cell Phones and Driving General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: To influence people to refrain from texting and talking on cell phones while driving Thesis Statement: While driving, one should be attentive and have focus on the road and control of the vehicle. Distracted driving is any activity that could divert a person's attention away →

Think 5g would only make streaming faster? it’d also be great for business.

Related:" Offering ' perceived infinite capacity,' 5G will provide the basis for the emergence of ubiquitous new wireless platforms that, in turn, will support the creation of an array of new services and businesses," wrote Richard Adler, a distinguished fellow at the, in a essay on Wednesday. Representatives from Pfizer, Fitbit, NASA and more are →

The importance of man’s first landing on the moon

Because the Pope as well as the Catholic Church did not support the principles the Marxist held regarding Liberation Theology, the people hoped that if nothing else, he would offer words of compassion and support. The people of Nicaragua became painfully aware that the pope was not going to support their revolutionary cause during his →

An analysis of major characters; shylock, villain or victim?

Another reason for why Shylock is believed to be a villain is because he is very conscious and cautious about his moneybags and jewels." There is some ill a-bearing towards my rest, For I did dream of money-bags tonight.". In conclusion, Shylock is categorized as a victim due to the fact that he is a →

Patek philippe: swot analysis

Analysts Strength Enduring brand effect and brand history Pate Philippe has always been auction in famous clock auction like Antiquarian auction, but it always seemed to refresh the astonishing record. He company has 160 years' experience in tabulation, so it is the eternal pursuit for all the collectors that has high grade.

A financial analysis of g.wilson

Profit-seeking entities, anxious not to miss out on the economic potential of the boom, push up the demand for both construction materials and labor, which then increases the prices of those variables. In one sense it is inevitable for a company that is completely devoted to the production of construction materials to have cyclical earnings.

Swot for foeman.com

Com to include new products in line to improve services and the image of the brand. Competence: the e-commerce field has evolved rapidly and it is highly competitive, companies such as eBay, Wall-Mart, andGoogle are a constant SWOT By Mimickers to maintain an important inventory; this could be risky due to the fact that demand →

Swot analysis of nike

Another strength for Nikkei would be there huge sponsorship deals with the world's biggest sports teams and sports stars which hugely increases the awareness of the brand by promoting and advertising their brand.E.G. Nikkei is hugely reliant on the footwear market which makes up the bulk of their sales which may leave them vulnerable in →

Teens pressure on body images

Girls feel that tin order to be accepted by others they have to go the extra mile to look their best. Another study indicates, " 40%of all 9 and 1 Earldom girls have already been on a diet." Most girls that diet are either underweight or their weight is just normal." Provided that 70% of →

Free essay on nursing assessment

Given that small ulcer at the toe may be as a result of poor blood flow to the client's leg, the nurse should examine the client's medical history in order to determine the cause of pain in the leg. Also, the guidelines ought to have a form of limitation of the research in that some →

Financial statements essay sample

The first one is the heading which includes the name of the organization, the name ' Balance Sheet' and two dates. The first one is the heading which includes the name of the organization, the name Statement of Operations and two dates.

Example of article review on public speaking

The chapter stresses the organization of the speech into the introduction, body and the conclusion parts. This entails creating the goal of the speech first, which is the purpose of the speech.

Criminal justice management essay examples

Community groups can influence operations of the police department. Culture can be a factor, which involve the police department.

Example of article review on serving children from birth through age 8

Article Review: Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs The position statement issued by NAEYC in 2009 maintains that a developmentally appropriate practice is an effective intervention in the field of education. In discussing this framework, the the National Association for the Education of Young Children highlighted the issues in the early childhood education environment, →

Anti bullying policy essay sample

Summarise the main points of this policy: Aims of this Policy to prevent bullying of children and young people to support children, young people and their parents and carers who are affected by bullying to build the capacity, resilience and skills in children and young people, parents and carers, to respond effectively to bullying behaviour →

Jessa grace verano

There are a number of views on that " right" age for a teen to start dating. As the parent, you know your child best, so if you feel that they are not emotionally mature enough to handle a relationship it's ok to wait a year before they are allowed to go on single dates.

Essay on self-assessment selling yourself

Most of the times, I am usually sure of what I want to say and where I want to start but I do not promote myself adequately. I want to sell myself adequately and become the best financial analyst that I can be.

Essay on cafÉ standards

The main discussion is about the cars and light trucks that can meet the CAFe Standards and the economic benefit over the lifetime of the vehicle. The article was in the Environmental Health Perspectives.