400 Words Essay Samples

Wuthering heights’ biography

Earnshaw's passes away, Hindley inherits Wuthering Heights and forces Heathcliff to work in the fields as a way to exact his revenge on Heathcliff. One day Catherine and Heathcliff go to the Thrushcross Grange residence to spy on Edgar Linton and Catherine is bit by one of their dogs.

Is macbeth a tyrant or a tragic hero?

Factors that contributed to the degeneration of Macbeth include the prophecies told to him by the witches, the influence and manipulation of his wife, Lady Macbeth, and finally, Macbeths deep driven intent to become king. The manipulation and influence of Lady Macbeth was also a factor of Macbeths downfall.

Macbeth text response essay sample

He appears to be quite gullible and is persuaded easily by his wife and the witches into becoming king and letting nothing get in the way. But from the beginning, we are shown a great man that is stained with evil and when Duncan announces that Malcolm would be the next in line to the β†’

Negative consequences of fear in “lord of the flies” by william golding

In the beginning of the novel, the boys did not express much fear against the beastie in the jungle. Due to the fear of unknown and beastie, the boy wandered around anxiously instead of courage.

Hamlet analysis essay

Polonius begins to believe the separation of Ophelia from Hamlet fuels the madness. Laertes goes mad with revenge and wants to seek the killer of his father just as Hamlet does.

Animal farm tells the story of farmer jones’s

Though the novel reads like a fairy story, and Orwell subtitles it as just that, it is also a satire containing a message about world politics and especially the former Soviet Union in particular. It is a commentary on the the relevance of independent thought, truth, and justice.

The bookalthough

In other words, the idealism of the animals to get rid of Mr. Jones only leads to the destruction of the farm.

Beowulf theme analysis essay sample

Another reason why this is the theme is because Hrothgar returns to Beowulf and requests that he go and defeat Grendel's vengeful mother. Finally, this is a universal theme because it is not only Beowulf and his men who must continue to seek adventure; it is everyone is the real world as well.

Beowulf and anglo-saxon culture

In the epic poem of Beowulf the vow of comitatus affects the relationship between Beowulf and King Hygelac, Hrothgar and Beowulf, and finally Beowulf and Wiglaf. As the epic poem of Beowulf began King Hrothgar was on the throne of the people of Heorot.

The nursing practice act of florida

Bennett March 22, 2013 Definition of nursing practice The performance of selected acts, including the administration of treatments and medications, in care of the sick, injured infirm and the promotion of wellness, maintenance of health, and prevention of illness of others under the direction of a registered nurse. Requirements for schools of nursing Be board β†’

White paper

The Effectiveness of the White Paper in Educating the target Audience The basis of the constituents of the paper is the enlightenment of nurses on how they can use social media to improve the nursing profession and to serve patients appropriately. White Paper: A Nurse's Guide to the Use of Social Media.Web.

Spreading innovation

Spreading Innovation Spreading Innovation According to Pedersen and Johansen, espousing innovations is considered one of the fundamental techniques or methods of supporting quality and safety in healthcare. The innovation I found of particular interest is the used of text messages and nurse follow-up in an effort to enhance individual behavior or actions relating to self β†’


This means that she lacks the transportation of adequate oxygen which is dependent on the number and circumstances of red blood cells, and the amount of hemoglobin the red blood cells have; thus displaying the symptom of no energy. This is done by the prescription of oral iron therapy, activity restriction, and diet adjustment.

Culture and health promotion

Korean Cultural Group: Relaxation for with Psychosocial Illnesses Korean Cultural Group: Relaxation for with Psychosocial Illnesses Amongst the Koreans, the issue of mental illness receives a lot of stigmatization in the society. In meeting these needs, it is important to look at the cultural attributes of the Koreans, which involves taking yoga and relaxation mediations β†’

Nursing theory website paper

of Nursing Theorists Internet sites on nursing theories Presented by Name [Pick the date] A RESEARCH ON THE INTERNET FOR NURSING THEORIST SITES Casey's Nursing Model by Anne Casey The website is one of the easiest webpage that displays on the search engine once the inherent topic, and when searching for nursing theories. Imogene king β†’

Article critique

This would be helpful as the legislation will provide autonomy to nurse practitioners to provide services on their own without waiting or consulting to a doctor. However, the bill should be passed and the nurse practitioners will be allowed to independently handle patients.

Effect of cellulitis on wound care

The subjective, as well as the objective data in relation to the case of Ms. Factors that are likely to delay wound healing In the case of Ms G, include the 2 cm diameter, 1 cm deep, open wound that is located above the medial malleaolus.


The divergent findings cited in this study on the risk factors of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders are one of the things that underpin the importance of this study. Finally, the suggestion that there is a need to determine the individual contribution of individual comorbidities to the development of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders is insightful.

Heart/ a&p/ nursing

Chapter 19 The first heart sound is produced by the: closure of the AV valves. The jugular venous pressure is an indirect reflection of the: heart's efficiency as a pump.

Discussion 2

Nursing Discussion 2: Factors affecting Nursing Education In the last few years, nursing education like all the other professions has developed its own reforms which continue to be in a similar pace with those of the higher education. One of the factors that affect nursing education is the shifting demographics in the health care sector.

Foley catheter insertion teaching plan

Educational Activity September 2, Educational Activity of Activity: Foley Catheter Insertion Objectives Upon completion of the session, the learner will be able to: I. Inform the patient of the procedure and put him or her on his back D.

Health promotion essay sample

In order to encourage a patient to make immediate and permanent behavior changes, the nurse must determine individual's perception and understanding of the problem that affects the recovery. The most fundamental aspects for the patient are the willingness and readiness to participate and as for the nurse is to formulate individual plan in assisting the β†’

Legal regulatory , and etical issues

Preventing Discrimination in the Workplace Preventing Discrimination in the Workplace As a leader, I know for sure that discrimination in the workplace is one of the unethical and unlawful practices that should not be entertained whatsoever. This was an act of discrimination that directly violated Equal Employment Opportunity Act and Title VII of the Civil β†’

Ethical care & nursing as a profession

Nursing as a Profession Ethical Care and Nursing as a Profession Nursing as a profession has various regulations in concern to the entry level In the profession. As such, the entry-level education should be prioritized, in ensuring the services provided in the profession are of high quality.

Message to writer please note that this is an advance practice nursing course, so essays examples

As such, the FNP added pharmaceutical counseling specifically for adult diabetics to the range of services the clinic offered in the community. On the other hand, the limitations include the lack of referral to other professionals who can help the patients such as a dietician for nutrition education and a social worker to bridge the β†’

Discussion post

Response to Peng Anderson's acute bronchitis vs.pneumonia post I agree with Peng Anderson that symptoms of acute bronchitis and pneumonia differ from each other. What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Bronchitis?

Dissemination evidence

Disseminating Results to Stakeholders Elaborately simple guidelines of the use of screening tools which will be presented in laminated posters will ensure that mother, the key stakeholder, are proficient in the identification of symptoms of postpartum depression. The communication between mothers and nurses will play a substantial role in enhancing the knowledge adoption by mothers β†’


Two major ANA meta-concepts, namely health promotion, and the spirit of caring are definitely strengthened by SDLC because it organizes knowledge and resources in a way that makes updates more comprehensive, robust, and evidence-based, to expedite the changes to improve the methods being practiced. In health promotion, wherein about 9 other concepts can be identified β†’

Nursing and old single mother

Growing up with a lot of nurses in the family inspired me that I wanted to be a nurse. I am eager to pursue a career in which I am able to help and care for people, becoming a nurse would allow me to fulfill this ambition.

The health belief model

In the past, the model has been used in explaining the role of values and beliefs in predicting the outcomes and adherence to the health promotion education and behavior changes. Understanding the drawbacks of the patient as the recipient is key to effective learning.

Madeleine leininger -transcultural nursing theory model

Keeping the theory of Trans-cultural nursing theory, it will also address the correlation that the negativity of attitude from nurses has on the recovery of children. D & Gossesns.

Ethical issues in nursing

This norm is foundational to how the nurses have to act and think when endorsing important alterations in nursing like the Doctor of Nursing Practice that has an impact not only to the nurses but also to the larger society. The level to which the DNP nurses meet the moral act of social responsibility is β†’

Nursing theory: overview

Nursing Theories a Companion to Nursing Theories and Models discussed many aspects of nursing theory along with the models. This website concludes that nurses are nursing possibly without the knowledge of theories, but theory and practice are related.

Float nurse protocol in medical office

A group of float nurses or a pod of float nurses has become the means of meeting the shortage of nurses and reducing the strain on nursing. In essence, the trepidation and lack of confidence of the float nurses and float nursing pod to function in new working environments is a major contributory factor to β†’

On hgba1c control diabetes

It is, ' glycated' which is formed due to the combination of haemoglobin, a protein that holds oxygen inside the red blood cell, with the glucose inside the blood. To determine the average level of blood sugars inside the human blood, clinicians measure glycated haemoglobin present inside the human blood over a period of time.

Application of politics and government in the community (senior citizens)

Application of Politics and Government in the Community Name: Course: Name: Application of Politics and Government in the Community Politics and government play an important role in the making of health policies. When going through some of the applications of government and politics in healthcare for the elderly, I realized that it offers grants to β†’

The most dangerous game essay

General Zaroff says he believes that life is for the stronger and the weak people are put here to give the stronger pleasure. Zaroff's invincibility is the reason for his defeat by Rainsford in the game because Rainsford did not kill himself.

Contrast/comparison essay on horror movies

In the horror film, " A Nightmare On Elm Street", takes place in a town called Elm Street where teenagers are paying the price for actions their parents made, by burning a man to death, when they were young. In two horror films, " A Nightmare on Elm Street" and " Texas Chainsaw Massacre" the β†’

Bend it like beckham

The film shows various shades of Indian culture. It was alarming that the shorts worn by Jess are considered vulgar and promiscous by the Indian culture.

My best memory

I took a glance at the clock on my bedside table and I saw it was only 6: 30am, just as I realized the time I realized with a shock that it was also the day of the Co. I ran over and sprang on to the saddle.

12 angry men: conflict & negotiation

The following guidelines are given to you: - 20 staff, between the ages of 20 40, have been found to be poor in time management by not meeting deadlines for their work - 3 hours of training in time management to be conducted - Training Needs Analysis not done Non-training needs not analysed With the β†’

Being there the movie

He always seemed to be a mystery to all of the women. Overall this movie was a great way to show the world how the culture of or society is shaped by nurture and relationships with one another.

Texts in time: heart of darkness vs blood diamond

During the first half of the movie Danny is inconsiderate and self-centered; however he is influenced by Salmon's love, Maydays passion and Benjaminphilosophyand slowly transforms into thoughtful man who can see further than the simplistic principles of greed and wealth. This is true for Conrad and Kicks creations, as a single book/ movie has sparked β†’

Something this school really needs

Thinking that it was a fish, I gripped it at once and tried to bring it out of the water. My brother then picked up a stick and ran after the cobra and managed to kill it just at the time when I was almost exhausted.

We see things not as they are, we see things as we are

But he wanted the Israelis to see how much he was connected to the Creator. He brought us into this world not in order that we always dreamed to be in the place of another person.

Good research proposal on the matrix and the fisher king: modern heros journeys

In the case of two classic films from the 1990s, Terry Gilliam's The Fisher King and the Wachowski Brothers' The Matrix, three archetypes of the hero's journey are found, contextualizing these modern science fiction and fantasy films as modern hero's journeys. The " Religious" in Film: From the King of Kings to The Fisher King.

Shah rukh khan essay sample

It's something you cannot shrug off easily and it is, perhaps, the essence of his charisma. There's no disputing the fact that Shah Rukh Khan is the most saleable Bollywood star, both in India and overseas.

Life on the color line

When Billy and Mike found out that they were not really " white" even though that was the color of their skin, they figured out that life was going to be different. He was in the fourth grade and appeared to be white.

The zimmermann note

The Mexican Government was given the instruction to attack the United States as soon as the U.S.declared war on Germany. The Immaculate Interception The telegram was sent to the U.S.

What does democracy mean?

Democracy allows citizens of the United States to equally voice their opinion through elected representatives and by the creation of new laws and the freedom of speech. I hope the politics can prove me wrong and that the people of the United States make choose the right people to lead this country!

The effects of the french and indian war

After the French and Indian War, a plethora of changes underwent in the relations between the American colonies and Britain. This took a toll on the political relationship between Britain and the American colonists because it lead to the Proclamation of 1763.

The captains of industry

Who were the " Captains of Industry" and how did they play a major role in the economic development of the United States? Morgan was a banker and a American Financier, who at the turn of the century, was one of the wealthiest men in America.J.P.

Westward expansion

Westward Expansion Although the United States had good reasons for kicking the Indians off their land like mining and housing for the extreme population growth, the United States was not justified in its treatment of the Native Americans during the period of Western Expansion. Even though the United States was not justified in the forcing β†’

World war i and complete sentences

Did the U.S.government's decision to enter World War I cause an increase in popularity of socialism in America, or did socialism's popularity merely coincide with America's participation in the war? 10. What were the reasons to oppose America's involvement in WWI?

Talk show essay examples

I am dedicated, hardworking and always courageous in everything that I do. I am an international student taking English and I am to graduate soon.

Essay on american culture

The idea of diversity in American culture is one of the justifications of existing systems of inequality. In addition, form of family life, is an idea in American culture that can be used to depend the systems of inequality that exist in American society.

Dream act (development, relief and education for alien minor)

This would be the same as taking them to foreign countries they barely know, and have no way of making a living. The other circumstance would be allowing them to continue with their illegal stay, living a hopeless life since they would not be in a position to secure legal jobs.

The policy of imperialism

The U.S.wanted to build the Panama Canal because they gained control over Puerto Rico and the Philippines. So the Panama Canal benefits the U.S.by allowing warships to pass between the two oceans, helping the growing trade of Asia, and making it easier to defend the United States.

International students essay examples

The paper will address the impact of international students in medical schools in the USA. The paper will examine the policies and rules for international students who want to study in medical schools in the USA.

America & germany

Preferring to remain isolated from the war, America tried to broker peace between the allies and the axis, the war was in Europe; America did not need to get involved. General John Pershing was appointed head of the American Expeditionary Force and led the first troops to France Then, on April 6th 1917, America declared β†’

Β· the person whose is responsible for

International Civil AviationOrganization The ICAO sets the ground rules for how investigationswill be performed as per ICAO annex 13, although the ICAO rarely has physicalparticipation in the investigation Investigator-in-Charge The personwhose is responsible for conducting/supervising the investigation National Transportation Safety Board The NTSB is an independent federal agency responsible forinvestigating all civil accidents. Insurance β†’

Yitzhak rabin

The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin was a shock for most of the Israeli public, which held rallies and memorials near the place of the assassination, his home, the Knesset and the home of the assassin. There is some disagreement on the relation between his untimely death and the ensuing halt to the peace process and β†’

Tinker v. des moines independent community school district et al, 393 u.s. 503 (1969)

The District Court dismissed the case, upholding the " constitutionality of the school authorities' actions on the grounds it was reasonable to prevent disturbance of school discipline".F.Supp.971. Reasoning: The Supreme Court determined that Des Moines school officials enacted a policy on what amounted to a perceived threat of disturbance though no actual disturbance occurred.

Current economic state

According to bankrate.com, the Wall Street Journal states the current prime rate for the United States for the week of Dec 12, 2012 is 3. In the United States, the current unemployment rate is down to 7.

Webster clay calhoun comparison essay

Their impact outweighed the impact of any of the presidents of that era, with the exception of Andrew Jackson. When the Congress was divided in 1820 over the issue of slavery in the Louisiana Territory, Clay set forth the Missouri Compromise.

Good clara barton research paper example

She was the first female nurse allowed to get at the battlefield, as well as offer supplies and medical aid to the injured in the course of Battle of the Bull in the Civil War. She did not get married and did not have children and regarded the soldiers as her family.

Human and evolution according to archaeologist

Many archaeologists and other types of professionals learn about human evolution by digging up and examining fossils and tools of these four stages of million years ago. In other words, this means that they had a diet of fruits, plants, and meats.

Environmental science article review sample

In the article, legumes are the plants being referred to while non living things being addressed in the article is nitrogen. It is through the prokaryotes that the plants are able to convert nitrogen into the usable form.

Special tools of life

The specificity and the actions of the repressor gene ensure important parts of the cell are not destroyed in the process of mutation, molecule breakdown and other activities in the cell that involve a combination of enzymes. The ability of the living things to make their own tools that enable in the daily activities by β†’

Natural selection

Biology Topic: Natural Selection - describe how and why natural selection is an important concept in Evolutionary Biology The effect of natural selection is at the level of the individual. Interaction between adaptation and chance are the conflicting agents in the process of natural selection.

The nature of world history

The life history of the world and the break-up of the history and are put together orderly and make meaning out of it. It is all about the changes that happens in the environment and how do they effect the people living in the environment.

Caveolin protein

Since the caveolin serve as the caveolae coat protein, the caveolin is considered as a major element of the caveolae which represents as the foundation of the lipid rafts. Caveolin has a total of three variants known as the caveloin-1, caveolin-2, and caveolin-3.

Forensic biology and chemistry – resume/cv example

Resume Profile I have a profound background on biology and chemistry as I major in forensic biology and minor in chemistry. I also have experience in Genetics chemistry and Cell biology.

Rafat hypothesized that the measuring device with

Weightthe Erlenmeyer flask, place it on the balance and tare the scale.5. The order of the most accurate to leastwithout going over 100ml would be volume flask, Erlenmeyer flask, graduated cylinder, and then 40ml beaker.

Cell fractionation and mitochondrial function – lab report example

In graph representing tube 6 it is also observed that, there is no change in the O. D with time and this as well indicate that there was no mitochondria in the tube because it was water which was added.

Blood groups and rh factor incompatibility

People with antigen A present on the surface of their red blood cells are said to have the blood group A whereas the presence of antigen B on the surface of red blood cells defines the blood group B. When both A & B antigens are found on the surface of blood cells the blood β†’

The idea of an ideal body in modern society

Women start to see that the only way to attract the attention of a male, is to have a desirable, and attractive body. To women, the appearance of their bodies, show the rank in how active you are.

Lecture summary

Human being are dependent on the ecosystems, which are being destroyed due to the cultivation of coffee. The coffee cultivation is affecting the quality of such forest which in turn have a direct negative effect on the present ecosystems.

A fish in a pond

Just like a big fish in a little pond that has his own space or territory, the top-rank member of the organization has a spacious office in the building with matching fine quality furniture and other amenities in his office space. The same thing happens with the top-rank member of an organization, he is the β†’

Coral bleaching proposal

The method of restoring the damage even of coral death is researched into four parts: coral Introduction, what is the coral bleaching phenomenon, causing bleaching, and the strategy to save coral bleaching. Coral bleaching caused by the decline in species diversity of coral reef ecosystems, and even affect the entire marine physical system.

Post menopausal syndrome

Menopause is associated with a reduction of estrogen levels in the women's body and several of the changes are related to the lowering of this vital hormone. In addition to changes in the vagina the uterus and the cervical opening also becomes smaller and the endometrial lining reduced.

The routes of producing ethanol from sugar beet

The more volatile liquid is in the vapor phase and is collected at the cold end as the distillate. The distillate is condensed, and part of it is recycled into the chamber as reflux.

Ginger and vinegar as pesticide

DNA isolation is one of the most basic and essential techniques in the study of DNA. The extraction of DNA from cells and its purification are of primary importance to the field of biotechnology and forensics.

Reproductive system components, physiology and function

Corpus Luteum is a yellow mass resulting from the rapture of the ovarian follicle which produces the ovum. This component is crucial to the reproductive system in that it supplies a high level of progesterone which supports the zygote in the early stages of development.

Good political science questions essay example

In the United States, different bases form the foundation for minority groups. Race forms one of the biggest basis for minority groups; where classification of groups depends on the obvious physical characteristics like skin color.

Discussion 14

In this context, it is essential that the policy makers must analyze the percentage of risk associated with the implementation of the policy.3. What means policy makers are going to adopt for the implementation of the policy to check the population?

Example of stylistic analysis essay

This paper will review some of the stylistic characteristics that were present in the work of art, and some of the characteristics shared by the Northern Renaissance. In the painting, the art allows the artist to think of anything, and put it down on the canvas.

History of western art

The collection of images in these museums is made of marble and includes the busts of various early Roman Emperors. Colors in these images are highlight various components of the images and hence engage the audience.

Mona lisa – leonardo da vinci

The enigmatic smile has captured the imagination of the world. 1 cm Location Museum of Modern Art [1], New York City Christ in the Storm of the Sea of Galilee - Rembrandt Rembrandt captures the drama and emotion of this epic scene from the Gospels.

Love using specific artistic examples define neoclassicism

Neo icism Neo icism was a prevalent and a powerful movement in painting and other visual arts that set itsbase in the 1760s, got to its peak between 1780s and 1790s, and remained in existence until the late 1840s and early 1850s. The main aim of neoclassical was to substitute overall design with the new β†’

Kungfu film

of the Visual Art and Film Studies of the Concerned 29 May Kung Fu and Wuxia Films Kung Fu Films happen to be a genre of the martial arts films that showcases and features the martial art of Kung Fu. The anti imperialist and anti elite sentiments inherent in the Kung Fu and Wuxia films β†’

Family therapy concepts: precious

She has never had anyone to help her in her life to help her out so she is suspicious of everyone. She trusts in fairy tales and her imaginations as a means of averting the thoughts and experiences of her perpetual disastrous life.

A clever reconstruction of american culture

It is just by chance that Jenny is immersed in them and Gump is not, their roles in the movie are starkly black and white, to drive home the message. 2) Indeed, this is a very interesting and original interpretation of the feather as a link between the novel and the film.


Genres of the Pictures In the first 1989 photograph by Yasumasa Morimura it presents a doublonnage dancer in a varnished photograph which is mounted on a 94. The photograph is under this genre because it seems to be a combination of a person of an image that the artist identifies as a changing woman with β†’


LECTURER UNIT Ongka's Big Moka, 1980 In relation to the Kawelka society, moka is a gift that is given to the neighboring tribe and it is the most important gift in the Kawelka society. One of the significances in giving moka to the other tribe is that Ongka will be able to earn fame and β†’

Pop art and political violence

Pop Art and Political Violence In the pop culture, political violence, wars and other political ideologies are brought out in the propaganda world. According to John Jasper posters should incorporate paintings and objects and images are also part of the pop art.