400 Words Essay Samples

Tragic hero: creon or antigone

Creon fits in all of the characteristics of Aristotle's criteria and is the tragic hero. Therefore, he is definitely the tragic hero of this play.

Principles of marketing assignment

When a company chooses to expand with chain stores, It assumes all of the risk on Its own. When a company chooses to expand with chain stores, it assumes all of the risk on its own.

Creative toy company essay sample

The physical layout of the department did not facilitate efficient traffic flow to and from the other departments, because the transportation department is located at the middle of the painting department and wooden block department. Actions are needed to maintain and brought back the productivity of the company.

Ethical and social ethical

Social Justice Social Justice Social justice is a complex and proactive moral issue that has created a point of focus for social and religious activist, researchers as well as other various interest groups is worth understanding. The fundament concepts or issues social justice and ethics has continuously developed as a result of the change in โ†’

Comparative public administration

It is believed that through Comparative Public Administration hypotheses, generalizations, models and theories can be constructed which can collectively help in the scientific study of Public Administration.The. Old orthodoxy of principles of administration is not considered valid anymore and therefore now it is believed that generalizations relating to administrative structures and behavior emerging nations and โ†’

Tv shows โ€“ college essay

Television is harming our view of the world by displaying bad characters and in adult content. Lastly, television shows that have adult content are another reason why television is harming our view of the world.

Lean on me assessment

1) The culture of the school prior to Mr. The teachers were not the enemy they are a part of the solution to fix the problems at the school.

I. it disrupts the ecological balance by killing

Food web is disturbed due to the death of fungi and bacteria in the water due to acidification.v. In cold climate acid rain accumulates as acid snow and then it melts, it gives a jolt of acid water to, lakes damaging young fishes, algae and other insects.

Challanges with globalization in hrm

Cultural awareness training for HR can prevent misunderstandings and incorrect negative perceptions of candidates that result in falling to hiring competent candidates. HR professionals can learn about the cultural characteristics of the country they are recruiting in and develop a better understanding of the potential problems that multicultural workplaces might face on a cultural awareness โ†’

Highly-proficient, answers as well as ehow, in order

Highly-proficient, well-rounded and adept carpenters with an above average variety of skills are popular, so it is always wise to re-train and polish the relevant skills already in handyman services Dubai repertoire and increase the number of abilities when within-between carpentry workshop. When you might be taking care of that specific project, for those that โ†’

Mary todd and abraham

When the letter of Mary Todd to Abraham Lincoln is to be searched for clues as to their relationship as a couple, it can be said that the two have come to an agreement to entwine their political careers into their personal lives. This is a mutual understanding that is seen when Abraham, as the โ†’

Readings and respond

Chief Seattle says that the main difference between the way white people and Native Americans see the world is this: white people allegedly see the world as enemies to be conquered and used for their own personal interests and purposes; while Native Americans apparently see the world as their mother, with everything in it as โ†’

Budjeting monitoring

In Reference to Rhodes, a budget is a summary of intended expenditures along with measures on how to meet the expenditures. Secondly, the budget planners will need to prioritize the requests and activities of the project.

Influence on behavior and psychological disorders essay sample

Bipolar disorder has a severe impact on the human population that affects individual sleep patterns, causes mood swings and occasionally violence. Bipolar disorder is the " cycling between high and low mood swings"..

Krogstadโ€™s blackmailing of nora in regards to noraโ€™s illegal

Nora had to leave at the end of the play because she realized who her husband really was, and what her life actually turned out to be. Nora began her awakening when she started secretly working to pay back the money she borrowed illegally for her and Torvald's trip to Italy to cure Torvald of โ†’

American culture in 1920s

During the 1920's, the American national culture was reshaped dramatically. The entertainment of the 20's is completely different from the entertainment of today.

Purpose of schools

Education is also often perceived as a place where children can develop according to their unique needs and potentials, with the purpose of developing every individual to their full potential. The entire internet is also available to supplement these teachers and textbooks.

Origin of calypso essay

In Trinidad, early Calypso music was sung in French patios and they were used in ways to mock and ridicule the upper class and slaveholders. As Calypso grew, they mixed with it musical styles from the Indians in Trinidad and Tobago.

Promotion and advertising assignment

Stimulate demand: The innovative product is in the introductory stage of the product life cycle, E-Health is going to advertising its product by using the Pioneer Advertising Method to focus on stimulating demand for a product category by informing potential customers about the product's features, uses, and benefits what it is, what it does, how โ†’

Victorian bushfire: black saturday

In Victoria, the bushfire was said to be several different bushfires, from different areas, being picked up and expanded throughout Victoria by winds of up to 100 km per hour. The most severe of these, the Kinglake/Marysville, had separately been two different fires, which crossed over, creating the largest fire on Black Saturday.

Organization theory, design and change

of Lecturer of 19 January Organization Theory, Design and Change Societal, professional and individual ethics are sources of Organizational ethics and this fact will be proved in this paper. Organizational ethics are the principles that has been laid by a particular organization to determine the extent at which a particular behavior is right or wrong โ†’

Business ethics example assignment

Yet, my mother Just said to the book store assistant that the scissor was carried away by us accidentally so I was not arrested on the Jail. Responsibility value because after I stole, I gave back the scissor to the book store so it reveals that I was responsible on that event.

In and all he does is get

At the beginning of this chapter, Ralph said that Jack with the hunters were " boys with sticks" and also implying that they were no match for the beast. He is the only one on the island which is not afraid of the beast and he is the only one who see what the beast โ†’

Nur 707 discussion

In conflict resolution, I am always accommodative to views of the other party with the aim of winning the party's confidence and facilitating understanding of factors to involved conflict. Objectiveness and communication skills are the foundations of my ability to build trusting collaborative relationships with stakeholders.

Merits and demerits of telivision essay

We can explore under the sea nd upon the surface of the moon. Shining a flashlight under the bed which allows us to explore and iscover nothing but dust and shoes- that's what science does.

Mitchell juliet

Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984._____." The Question of Femininity and the Theory of Psychoanalysis." In Mitchell, Women: The Longest Revolution. 95-313._____." The Question of Femininity and the Theory of Psychoanalysis." In.

Science report on spinosaurs

And the front arms of the Spinosaurus are heavier and longer than T-Rex's arms. I think that the Spinosaurus is one of the best dinosaurs ever discovered.

James rachels, the challenge of cultural relativism

This factor indicates that the moral progress in human beings has not advanced which explains the practice of the colonial culture in the current democratic era. This is a cultural practice in both the modern and the traditional cultures.

The efficacy of malunggay

Alternative: There is a significant difference of the Malunggay leaves and the control in increasing the platelet count of the albino mice. The scope of the study is limited to the extraction of Malunggay leaves and administration of the extract in mice in different doses.

Responsiveness increase the responsiveness by focusing on

To Increase the responsiveness byfocusing on reducing the cycle inventory or by cutting the cycle time. They can seek distributors of theirproducts that are located closer to their stores in order to increase the grocery'scommitment to responsiveness and time dedication.

Killer bee

The program of Hamilton's spelling bee writes, " The spelling bee is a highly worthwhile scholastic challenge". Do you know how to spell the word raspberry?" as a contestant in Hamilton's spelling bee, I was surprised that I was asked this question after the previous competitor was quizzed with the word lackadaisical.

Similarities between adolf hitler and joseph stalin assignment

Hitler and Stalin: A Comparison Both Hitler and Stalin were both military geniuses although their evils tend to heavily outweigh their good deeds. They were both expert propagandists and were amoral and willing to do whatever they could to better their country, they were also both quite paranoid and good strategists.

Human resources essay samples

A person who has all or most of the above qualities is deemed to be a good manager. Fourthly, good managers should be self-motivation as a tool to encourage other organization staff to work hard with the aim of achieving personal goals.

Positivism and phenominology

The basic philosophy of positivism is that our social world is similar to the natural world in that both are governed by particular ' laws'; for example, just as ' cause and effect' relationships can be established in nature, so too can they be in our social world. A problem with assigning this method to โ†’

Hospitals or local practices

San Marco's will help set up an internship at the new hospital in Teammate and I am hoping to get a job there while finish up my education. Eventually I plan to open my own private practice, possibly specialize in a sport and work with athletes or work with the armed forces.

The roles of virgil and beatrice in inferno and purgatorio

In the initial stages of the poem, he had informed Dante that he was in the inferno for positive reasons assigned to him from heaven and could guide him inferno only partially because he did not believe in God and was not allowed to enter the heaven. She calmly symbolizes heavenly affection in a reserved โ†’

Middleware 13887

The questions then arose concerning what to do with the expensive mainframe systems and how to permit the PCs to interact. It is clear that with the rapid shift in business focus to pc-based information systems, which the demand for scalability and information on-the-fly, will create a huge demand for middleware.

Ibps po 2018 exam notification come in august

The mode of examination for both pre exam and main exam is online.it is heldat various centers of exams throughout india. Final result declared upon the performance of IBPSPO 2018 main exam and interview.

Memorable high school experience

I excelled academically and was barely cognizant of a group of students in courses I had that was quickly failing. While at the time I thought it was simply the need for a more robust social life, in retrospect I recognize that even at this early age I was experiencing a slight crisis of personal โ†’

City life vs country life: overview

Today the city life is more and more stressful, by the minute, however the people who were born and raised in the country are coming to the city, but which is better? In the country everything is natural; there are hardly any buildings, up to now making it difficult to destroy the ecosystem and pollute โ†’

Negative effects of technology

It's not Just the teens either, It's even the adults that text and drive. Most kids claim they are bored so they pull out their cell phones or 'pods.

Supply chain design

Once a forecast is created, the company can estimate demand for their product in each quarter in order to make a determination of the amount of units to be shipped from each plant. The Solver tool is then used to further develop the model in the linear program, creating a presentation of different alternatives for โ†’

Computer science chapter

What distinguishes a Loop control construct from a While control construct, In terms of what Is known about the number of times the block of code will be repeated? The loop statement will continue to run until a certain condition is met, and the while statement will continue to run while a certain condition is โ†’

Combining content, argument, and structurethe workshop

Sexual Harassment in Workplace Sexual Harassment in Workplace Sexual harassment is a menace in the workplace especially when it is in gross limits. The CEO should first sensitize the workers on the need for a firm anti-sexual harassment policy.

Director of health information management

For instance, the issue on the cost of photocopying health information has been greatly changed by these policies and legislature created to shape this activity. Minus the help and consideration of the judiciary system health organization may have less significant role to play in the creation of this particular legislation.

Conservative viewpoint

Gay advocates feel that the church should not base their decisions on how they feel and they also believe that they should be treated the same as other couples, so as more states legalize gay marriage we are likely to encounter more battles between conservatives and gay couples. In the six states that gay marriage โ†’

Biological explanation of crime

In his biological explanation of crime, he believed criminal behavior to be genetic and that certain individuals who commit crime, can be identified by certain physical abnormalities or defects. Goldstein, " The severity of ADHD symptoms in adolescence and adult- hood apparently coincides with an increase of problems related to aggression and conduct.

Kuhnian model

Normal science- it is a normal step where the field has a scientifically based model of understanding a paradigm that works Model drift- here the model of understanding starts to drift. It is a revolution because the new model is a new paradigm.

Your objective is to show the ways in which the document or source. in the paper please identify the source and its creator. int

The statement of sentencing was made on the same period they were convicted and the photographs were taken also on the period the couples were on trial. Both the photographs and the statement were made on the same period, which is during the trial of the Rosenbergs.

The way things are

After thinking about what could have possibly made them not choose me for the scholarship, I came to the conclusion that it was probably because, although my mom does not get any child support from my dad and that we are on a tight budget, she does not make below $50, 000, which is usually โ†’

Pepe jeans case study

The student is able to choose the topic of Pepe Jeans for a case study and this topic is quite favourable for the analysis, because it is interesting and useful to for the future entrepreneurs to learn about the history of the success of the famous brands. The student is supposed to analyze the case โ†’

The sport england strategy 2008 2011

Year: Review of The Sport England Strategy 2008 Sport and leisure activities are an essential part of healthy living and the physical exercise also plays a crucial role in preventing diseases and infections in the body. The strategy was set up along with other elements associated with the sporting scene, the government and the national โ†’

William shakespeares othello

The point that Othello hears that Cassio has the handkerchief is the moment he starts to believe Iago because he believes his mother's story and understands the handkerchief as a real indicator of the status of his relationship. In fact, he believes the story so much that the lack of the handkerchief is the only โ†’


Moreover, I also need to develop my professional skills in my area of training or specialization and do proper goal setting to create a focused target of my career growth and development. These skills enable me to know, understand and master my position in the business dynamics.

Natural monopoly essay sample

A Natural Monopoly is a situation in which the cost of producing the product is lower due to economies of scale. Economies of scale is a situation or condition in which the cost to a company of producing or supplying each additional unit of a product or service decreases as the volume of output increases.

The great gatsby character analysis

Gatsby does both right and wrong things, he has acquired his great amounts of wealth through shady business and all to attain a financial situation that is equivalent to that of his love, Daisy Buchanan. He associates with a man who Gatsby claims " fixed the World's Series back in 1919." and he's in the โ†’

Responses from dq1 anddq@ cc and aaw2d2 1 and 2

A spot check on the act shows that it only affects external auditors, boards of directors, corporate roles, and the PCAOB in a move to heighten investor confidence in the organizations. According to Cox, the Sarbanes-Oxley act is exceptionally clear on the responsibilities of senior executives regarding their roles in their respective organizations.

Know how agritech accelerator program will benefit startups

The potential to innovate and scale innovation from startups is what they are trying to achieve through the AgriTech Accelerator. Through this sector and stage- focused approach, they are banking onproviding interventions to the top startupsthat get selected for the acceleratorto allow them to scale and go-to-marketwith the right methodologies.3.

Roles and functions paper

Planning is important to ensure thatgoalsare being set and that the future looks brighter than what it already is. The most important role for a health care manager and leader throughout a diversified health industry is to maintain balance meaning always be sure that everyone is comfortable as well asequalitytowards each individual.

Demographic data

Members belonging to a law enforcement group are expected to be fully aware of the demographic composition of the cities in which they operate in order for them to be able to carry out their activities effectively. LVEJO is a community organization in Illinois that strives to educate the public on the safe use of โ†’

Hmnt ripple effect

Unequal perspectives hyperlink " http://proquest.umi.com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/pqdweb? did= 1450200881 & sid= 4&fmt= 3&clientid= 70192 & rqt= 309 & vname= pqd" onhyperlink " http://proquest.umi.com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/pqdweb? did= 1450200881 & sid= 4&fmt= 3&clientid= 70192 & rqt= 309 & vname= pqd" racial equalityhyperlink " http://proquest.umi.com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/pqdweb? did= 1450200881 & sid= 4&fmt= 3&clientid= 70192 & rqt= 309 & vname= pqd". HYPERLINK " http://proquest.umi.com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/pqdweb? did= โ†’

Confidential industrial application form assignment

If you have been working for an Employment Agency you need to complete a section for each contract you have worked on for the agency. Name: Employer's name and address: Postcode: Relationship of Referee to you: We need to obtain the reference prior to you working for us If you cannot complete this section, you โ†’


There is a tension in the literature between transnationalism postmodern cultural studies " of the construction of identity as a free-floating, if not activated, the process of self-education and individual several empirical studies of bi-migrants, transnational social movements and international networks of personal organization to consider when embedded in socially structured processes and training group โ†’

Equity theory

The goal of the new Incentive systems are that encouraging either store managers or employees to serve customers better in order to improve sales volume. Secondly, the executive should emphasize team spirit in employees'

Finance for business complete course assignment

Discussion Question 2 What information is needed to prepare a cash budget? Discussion Question 3 What is a lease?


The main purpose of taking field trip is to allow students a real life experience that they would not be possible to have within the classroom setting or the laboratory. Through a look of the Aquarium's exhibits and behind the scenes areas, students are going to be exposed to aquarium careers and research.

The invention of blue jeans

Then the idea for jeans was to dye them with indigo, to make jeans blue. Jeans are still largely popular, and they will continually be modified to fit the changing style of America.

Plea bargaining

Plea Bargains and Morality A plea bargain is an agreement where the prosecutor offers the defendant an opportunity to plead guilty to lesser charge, often in exchange for a lesser punishment. However, if the criminal knows he will most likely be pleading guilty to a lesser crime than the crime he is committing, the punishment โ†’

International marketing chapter essay

It is the marketers' responsibility to meet these and create new ways to show that what the marketers represent can deliver. It Is possible that consumers may exploit them or use them In a way the corporations may not have Intended them to be used.

Case study object relation theory

Instructions for paper: You are to write a 5 7 in depth paper. If you do not know anyone to write about, you can write on a person in a book.

Return to learning assignment

In Part 1, background details to the subject area are provided and the broad aims of the module are set out. In this part the module learning outcomes, the themes and topics to be explored are explained along with the learning supports to be used.

Effects of sex and violence in the media assignment

Not only does media empower Mickey and Mallory Knox's destructive behavior, but also the power the media has on the general public with its ability to influence the group's emotions. In this film, not only did media influence the actions of Mickey and Mallory, but it also instilled a mindset within its viewers that what โ†’

Should the government support artists or should artists support themselves

In my view, however, without the financial support from the government people cannot have convenient and accessible way to enjoy the art, which is a necessity for a better quality of life and there will be countless " starving artists". The good thing about art is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Title: i say hours, you can survive

They try and attend to every costumer personally with utmost attention and understand that their success is dependent on the quality of services and customer satisfaction. They have to go through a long gruelling recruitment process where they are analysed on the basis of their knowledge and experience.

Seven years in tibet essay

Adapted from the memoirs of Heinrich Harrer, the film tells his stirring tale of friendship with the Dalai Lama that changed his life forever. Yet, at the end of the film, Harrer was able to get to know his estranged son and make up for the time that he was not by his side.

How to solve poverty

In Basketball there is a NBA and there also is a WNBA but, many people watch the NBA instead of the WNBA because they are more appealed to the man basketball team. Gender inequalities spring from the soil of male dominated societies in which women, to a greater or lesser extent, are seen as second โ†’

Investyourway takes on bitcoin

InvestYourWay offer Bitcoin as part of a fully diversified fund InvestYourWay, the bespoke online fund building platform, today announced the addition of Bitcoin as a new investable product, offering more choice to clients. This makes them an ideal product to use when investing in Bitcoins as clients benefit from the changes in the value of โ†’

Philosophical thinking about life

I often find myself thinking what the right thing to do is. I was raised to always finish what I started and to work until the job is done.

Stratification: sociology and status ascribed statuses

Some of the inequality is the result of individual differences in ability and effort, but much of it also relates to societal structures. In Pakistan It is a system whereby people rank and evaluate each other as superior and on the basis of evaluation reward with one another with wealth, authority, power and prestige.

Attitude towards writing essay sample

In the years previous to now I have always despised the idea of writing, I never understood what the point of writing was if I could just simply tell the teacher what I thought. Writing is not a waste of time; there are so many things that one can write about to express themselves.

Maintaining ethical standards assignment

Counselor one believes that it is unethical to Impose her personal beliefs, as and her duty as a counselor Is to help the couple to find the best solution to the problems rather than telling the couple what should or should not be done. In order to avoid his issue, the counselors must be vigilant โ†’

Perfomance specificationsestablishing and operating a business

SERVICES - The CONTRACTOR will provide all materials, supplies and equipment to be transported and all services to be performed by CONTRACTOR are hereinafter referred to as the " Services". Tree trimming - The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for the pruning and trimming of trees to be done on a monthly basis or as required.e.

A comparison and contrast of the haiku and short poems imagery concept

Just as Haiku poems portray an image about nature as experienced in Japanese climate, the other short stories like " Some Good Things to be Said of Iron Age" and " In a Station of Metro" discuss the demise of the Iron Age and give us a glimpse of what happened during human development. Haiku โ†’

Cao by the world economic forum. he

Therefore, to portray a facade of athriving company, CAO's Management felt the need to continue investing in thetrades as much as possible, hoping to recoup the prior losses. Therefore, when the losses mounted, the Managementwould want to recoup its losses, one way of which would be to increase the betsplaced.

Definition of a family essay

Defining a family is difficult because many different people have many different ideas on what a family is and is not, there is no right or wrong answer, its all about others perspectives. Vanier institute claims that a family is 2 or more people bound together over time and mutual consent, while in 1949 Murdock โ†’

Subliminal message in mass mediaโ€™s advertisements assignment

Given the benefit that it will surely reach large potential customers, the number of advertisements being pushed into these media outlets has Incredibly mushroomed from few decades back due to Increasing level of living for modern society, as agreed by Haydn that advertisements serve a contemporary purpose dictated by several characteristics other than Its scale โ†’

The impact of affordable childcare on the residents of the city of oxnard, ca

The impact of affordable childcare on the residents of the of Oxnard, CA Presently, childcare in California despite numerous people in the region having formal employment, still remains unaffordable especially to the low-income earners. The strategy advocated in this study demanded residents to reduce on the amount of money, which they required to meet their โ†’

Budgeting and budget expenditures

The positive effect of this approach is that it enables the management to identify under and overfunded budget lines. The main disadvantage of this approach is that it takes a lot of time to go through the process of analysis and review.

The application of balanced scorecard in the performance evaluation of higher education

Summary of case study Primarily, mission and vision of s of higher learning have been identified as the best BSC method. In the case of non-profit organizations, the BSC lays huge emphasis on customer satisfaction and therefore a priority is given in all matters regarding to customer services.in organizations where a financial crisis is a โ†’

Marketing outrageously summary assignment

Marketing outrageously beats the hell out of marketing bland, time after time after time," the author writes, It might be harder to devise an outrageous marketing plan, but safe is not always the best way, and bland does not stand a chance against the chutzpah of outrageous. The first step to accomplishing better ales, according โ†’

Human growth and development

A child specialist assesses a child's neuro- development on the basis of the following four factors: motor development, adaptive development, language skills development and social skills development. Researchers have examined and proved a positive link between play and cognitive development in a child.

The climax, plot, characters, etc. tthe author of

He is so disturbed that he confesses and tells the police where to find the bodyThe story " grandfather and his little grandson" is about an old man who lived with his son, his daughter-in-law and his grandson. The couple did not want to take care of him, and did not like when the old โ†’

Bring the dynamite

Three areas to examine are; the effect on the coral reefs or ocean floors, the effect on the marine life, and ways to prevent further damage. The damage to the reef itself strips away the home to much of the underwater life, leaving the organisms vulnerable.".

Temperature inversion essay sample

Explain why the dew point temperature provides a better indication of the actual amount of water vapor in the air than the relative humidity.5. This is because winter night are less likely to be windy so the cool air and the warm air will not mix.

The cpd certification service

Planning is part of the school based CPD cycle, which is developed annually by the CPD stakeholders of every educational institution preceded by prioritizing the issue identified by the analysis process. Each institution should develop an annual CPD plan on the bases of the issues identified by the need analysis process.