400 Words Essay Samples

Design your own experiment

Lollop life spans in the wild dolphin life spans in captivity NY studies already done on dolphins In captivity any dolphin experts and their opinions on dolphins In captivity common health problems of captive dolphins common health problems of wild dolphins If dolphins are allowed to live in the wild, then they will live longer β†’

College entrance essay

A cute boy I have never talked to walks up to me during lunch and asks me to go to homecoming with him. He lies to me and says that he did not and she is lying, and I believe him.

Retail or wholesale

Retail or Wholesale RETAIL OR WHOLESALE Question The main challenge encountered when marketing wholesale and retail goods is the vast amount of resources needed to acquire the bulk goods. This is as a result of selling goods in pieces to consumers; however, wholesale goods have a high turnover rate since many retailers buy from wholesalers β†’

Performance appraisal essay sample

Log In Sign Up Explore A RESEARCH REPORTON " PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL" IN BANKINGSECTOR Submitted for the fulfillment for the award of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Submitted By: Ekta Bhatia MBA IV SemesterRoll No. The Performance Appraisal System of HDFC SLIC by Parshuram Sahoo II...sahoo_iilm 14723 Reads 36 p.


Secondly, people in rural areas are less educated than those in urban areas, and tend not to comprehend the importance of health care in elongating their lives. Lastly, people in rural areas have limited access to health care and must travel long distances to acquire medical care.


As a vast system of mountains in eastern North America, the lands west of the Appalachian height are protected by the crown as the hunting grounds for Indians. It was not included in in the colony because colonists were forbidden to enter into the land and the Crown reserved to itself the exclusive right to β†’

Opm 300 critical path of rockfest

Joseph Thomas June 05, 2011 The Critical Path of Rock Fest Project management is one of the key tools that Hard Rock Cafe uses to plan. Priorities must be set in order for the project to be accomplished.

Night terrors essay

After listening to his mother's story, the doctor who answers the phone tells her Jimmy is experiencing a night terror, and instructs her to stay by Jimmy's side till the episode is over. Jimmy's mother is relieved and lets him go outside to play.

Reaction paper

As David Cole, a Jewish researcher stated it, " The holocaust is an event that seemingly grew in importance since the end of war. However, the killings cannot be deemed as systematic as ' Gassings' and the magnitude of the Holocaust is vastly overestimated.

Request for proposal

Furthermore, the personnel at Chipotle are qualified to provide the services required by diverse consumers of fast food and travellers at the airport. Chipotle, Paving The Way to a Healthier Tomorrow....

Tort review

For instance, if the Peter Koz is determined to be 80% at fault and the group of swimmers is determined to be 20% at fault, the swimmers can collect for the damages because they were less than 50% at fault. The insurance company found out that its insured was more than 50% or more at β†’

Apple’s winning strategy: lower prices

The company also adopted a strategy to market its product worldwide and not restricting it to a particular place, which helped the company to gain significant market share. Apple took strong care of this aspect and with quality services to the customers; it earned a reputable position in the industry.

Paperexample essay

Bear this in mind when making the decision: Fundamental Interest When I make the decision I must ensure that: Well offense The decision should give more b Fairness The distribution of benefits and C than c should be f to the stakeholders to all stakeholders Rights The decision should not of step 2 the rights β†’


Some of the health risksof obesity are; Individuals with abdominal obesity are likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Question 2 Modifications and considerations for testing for persons with diabetes Diabetic persons need to be tested by a physician in order to check that the level of glucose is controlled through medication before embarking on physical β†’

Roles scenario essay sample

The relationship between fiduciary responsibility and organizational risk, from an IT position begins with acting on behalf of YieldMore is to performs risk analysis, identifying and assessing factors that may jeopardize the success of a project or achieving a goal. One way to reduce the risk of being held personally liable is to establish a β†’

Opportunity cost essay sample

The opportunity cost of the factors of production not already owned by a producer is the price that the producer has to pay for them. Implicit costs Implicit costs are the opportunity costs that in factors of production that a producer already owns.

Industrial engineering

He is a perfectly suitable student for the Master's Program and I am confident that he will continually strive to maintain and improve upon his grades at your university also. His day-to-day academic work reflects his keen interest and aptitude for industrial engineering.

Manage budgets and financial plans

That's mean the volume of Q2 going to increase 30% than other and the commission will increase 30% as well Option 2: Decrease Cost of Goods Sold and Expense by 20% due to the current conomic climate. From option 1 to option 3, we can easy to recognize that reduce the cost of goods sold, β†’

In his likening. if you say in

According to the second story of creation, God creates man first, The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into hisnostrils the breath of life and the man became a living being towork the soil so the vegetation may grow. In contradiction to the first story itsays, No shrub β†’

Cooperate power

The World Trade Organization and other trade agreements offer its members trade devoid of favoritism which the corporations use to further their interests. In addition, World Trade Organization and trade agreements reduce the costs of production which may trigger increased profits for the corporations thus furthering their interests.

Wise choice process essay

This semester I have chosen to take a vocal class in which I will have to perform in front of other- a thought that quite frightens me actually. But singing is something that I like to do when I am alone, so I thought maybe singing in front of other would be a good challenge β†’

Justification for an internal control system

The following paragraphs will describe the insurance and portfolio approaches, and explain the benefits to installing an internal control system as a more beneficial alternative. Unlike, the insurance approach, internal control systems are proactive tools in risk management, evaluating an organization to avoid loss to assets.

The beginning of technology and human origins

The author analyses the evolution of Homo or hominid since Australopithecines, admitting that both their brains and tools evolve to create the anatomy and nature of our ancestors. Homo developed their skills and evolved firstly to Homo habilis and then to Homo erectus of two distinct species within the genus: one was Neanderthal and other β†’

Fashion in restoration england essay sample

The Restoration gentleman needed a swaggering, elegant movement in order to carry off the full weight of the layers of fabric and ribbons. The gentleman is wearing the new coat, a longer and fuller version of the doublet.

Definition essay: bravery

A rose is a rose and a nose is a nose after all. Oftentimes, bravery is a spur-of-the-moment emotion that leaves little time to think your actions and consequences through.

Norm violation

I pity myself for making me look like a fool, but nevertheless, it gave me a sense of joy thinking that I really did it not just for the sake of completion and to get good grades, but I did it because of curiosity and for the satisfaction of my inner craving for new adventure. β†’

The kansas-nebraska act of 1854 assignment

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 was a controversial legislation that opened Kansas and Nebraska to white settlement, repealed the Compromise of 1850, and led opponents to form the Republican party. Since Nebraska was located in the northern half of the Louisiana Purchase where the Missouri Compromise prohibited slavery, Douglas ignored both the Missouri Compromise and β†’

The changing roles of women from the 1920s through the 1960s essay example

As a result, women have in recent times, particularly the last two centuries risen up to demand for better treatment Before the 1920's, in the United States, women were generally not allowed to vote. The civil rights movement of the 1960's in addition gave women huge inspiration to continue fighting for their rights.

A remarkable way to boost morale and improve results

First, Mary Jane is attracted to play when she recognizes that the fishmongers perfect their skills of throwing fishes in the air and use the most amusing way to attempt and catch them thereby attracting customers and passersby. For the improvement of transactions, employees and managers have to make sure that they go out of β†’

Abra raises usd 12 million in series a

According to Chief Executive Bill Barhydt, the main advantage of Abra is that it can convert the user's cash into bitcoins before and after transferring it, therefore dodging the costly regulations that burden the cash- based rivals. Teller collects the cash and transmits the same amount to the customer upon meeting, meanwhile earning a small β†’

Idealism vs. pragmatism in don quixote

His fantasy is shattered and he is brought back to the real world when his mother calls him inside to go to bed. He started talking about his dreams of being a knight, and everyone laughed at him, telling him to just let the barber shave him.

Stem cell research is bad essay

Since they can be manipulated into any Of the two hundred and twenty human cells, stem cells can be injected into a person with a degenerative disease with hopes of becoming healthy replacements to any of the sick cells. Embryonic stem cells will not only save human lives but the lives of many animals used β†’

Pastry pastry with very attractive packing must force

No you have to think about Pastry boxes in order to achievecustomer's attention. In order to serve all, you need differentsize and structure of boxes.

Angie’s list company

Angie's List Company Effectiveness of Strategy & Execution Angie's List, Inc.is a renowned review collecting company based in Indianapolis. This implies that most companies and consumers appreciate the competence in service and technological reliability of Angie's List Company".Pr.6).

The early republic

This led to the enforcement of oppressive policies such as " The Stamp Act" on merchants. One of the policies that he was upset at is referred to as " Resisting the Navigation Act" which restricted their trading practices with other people.

W5d 590 colin powell

Colin Powell While it is considered that a success of any business depends on the quality of internal dialogue of its member, there is always a leader on the top, whose inspirational activities and honest communication make the whole process to be done perfectly. Thus, according to Powell, the role of the leader is to β†’

Working on nhdfdh assignment

Assignment In this assignment, you will focus on the debate between the personalities and naturalistic positions in scientific history, and how the concept of zeitgeist relates to each of these concepts. If you are unfamiliar with PAP form and style, take this tutorial: The Basics of PAP Style.

Snow falling on cedars

Tiara Washington " We are those pioneers who cleared the bush and the forest with our hand, the gardeners tending and attending the soil with our tenderness, the fishermen who are flung from the sea to flounder in the dust of the prairies." Japanese Canadians were forced to leave their homes. The choice of the β†’

The global shift against the death penalty

It is the nature of human mankind that whenever there is an effort rose for the saving of their kind or even if of nature's they all stand up and say " yes it should be implemented and deaths or any other harms should be banned", without fore sighting the consequences and the backgrounds of β†’

Art, psychology & religious practices

Art, Psychology, and Religious Practices The Mandala in Tibetan Buddhism is a tool used to guide individuals on the path to the deities, who are housed in the middle of the Mandala. The Mandala is primarily made of sand and allows individuals to become enlightened to the messages of the deities and to develop enlightened β†’

A great man is lost

The 16th President of the United States was shot and killed by a well- known stage actor, John Wilkes Booth, in the famous Ford's theatre. Booth's original plan was just to capture Lincoln and set all of the south's prisoners free.

Industry and labor relations

On the other side of the spectrum, North Carolina was the state with the lowest rate of unionized wage and salary workers with approximately 3% of workers. The reasoning behind why the numbers of unionized workers are higher in New York State is probably owing to the long tradition of an economy that is based β†’

Csr practice of commercial bank essay sample

138 poor and meritorious students from a number of reputed educational institutions are being provided with quard.#Disaster relief During cold spells, the bank's foundation team goes to the northern area of the country and distributes blankets and other necessaries to help them survive cold. Since the inception of the bank it responded generously to the β†’

Sweet potato pie by eugenia collier

It really shows the reader a glimpse of the life of a family of African-American sharecroppers in the early part of the 20th century. The symbol of the piece of pie and the bag it is in is very important to the story.

What is confucianism

According to Hidayat et al, Confucianism states that each society has certain roles and obligations that each of its individuals needs to understand and conform to. The guiding principle of Confucianism is humaneness, commonly referred to as ' run', which suggests an outstanding behavior in reference to the China ritual norms and virtues.

The ordinary devoted mother essay sample

The reason being is because in the story, the order she goes about gathering information and creating imagery is detailed in a way that grabs the reader's attention. Which lets us know that in Bechdel's life it's impossible to reconcile with the rest of her feelings.

Alpha phi alpha fraternity inc essay

Although my father was not around to guide me through my journey of becoming a man, I was blessed to have a few good men in my life journey i that embraced me and instilled in me the qualities of a man and gentleman. I believe that I have a lot to offer Zeta Zeta β†’

Impacts of punishment on children’s development

This is because some people are punished in the wrong way and sent to jail. They try to find jobs but no one reaches out to them because of the punishment they have received.

Marketing and case study

Your task is to prepare an extended response to study which gives background Information about the organization. Actions, relating your responses to the case study where c Pensacola environment changes in market conditions.

Monolouge on eva smith in inspector call

I know you have been in so much pain due to my selfish attitude in the past but today, the main reason why am writing to you, is to apologise for all my immature actions and behaviour that was uncalled for. Am not trying not to admit the fact that my family and I, are β†’

Fort knox, an empty haven

Even if the infiltrators destroyed the defenses, the vault in Fort Knox would be the hardest challenge for them. But for now, the best option we have is to trust the United States government's assurances, and hope that all our gold is safe within the vault of Fort Knox.

Criminal justice motivational theories matrix assignment

Being recognized A supervisor or administrator telling you how good of a Job you are doing When you are a police officer and you are out in the streets protecting society, you want to know you are doing a good Job. By doing your Job you are showing you can handle what is given to β†’

Creating a living newspaper

The group I worked with and I decided to choose between finding a newspaper on a cult group or an exorcism, though I preferred the exorcist idea, we decided to go with cults because during our research we found it very fascinating that there were so many cases and different types of cults. As a β†’

Edwards investments

The questionnaire had a series of five questions on the facility and the proposed center. The first question that sought to know the possible rate of application of the center identified the employees' desire to use the center often with a high preference for a daily application and 2-3 days per week application.

Frederick douglass’s poem essay

One of the main ideas that are being explored throughout the course of Frederick Douglass's autobiography is the fact that, while subjecting Black slaves to an inhumane treatment, Southern slave-owners were drawing their inspiration out of the Bible, as such does, in fact, endorse slavery in a rather explicit manner. Apparently, by doing it, Douglass β†’

An overview of the gmo debate essay

This article provides information for the reasons on both sides of the argument, giving me a better understanding of the effects GMOs could have on humanity and the planet, for better or worse." With an ever-increasing global population, hunger in the developing world, and the health risks of pesticides, some experts view genetically modified food β†’

To what extent does cinema provide an opportunity for non-western nations and peoples an opportunity to export their culture across the globe

Specifically, cultural translation deals with the transportation of non-western culture to the West and to the rest of the world. Non-Western culture in film, therefore, is influenced by the ideology and perceptions of the West and their culture is represented as " the other" by the West.

Causes of building collapes

In fact, the strength and level of sophistication of some of the oldest structures like the Pyramids of Giza is surprising. Three of the main causes of buildings' collapse are; faulty design of structures by incompetent engineers, overloading of structures, and natural disasters.

Cancer is a major problem

When skin cancer is so bad, people have to have surgerys to make it betterSkin cancer solutionsTrying to stay out of the sunLooking up how bad skin cancer isLooking up your skin cancer history will help you find facts that you want to know about skin cancer. Cancer is a major problem in this world β†’

The and they cheapen the qualities of their

There are some companies that manufacture the product andthey cheapen the qualities of their product just to reduce the selling amountjust to compete in the global market with international companies. The first and theforemost is the quality of the product that is being bought.

Direct digial control (building automation)

But due to the energy crises of the 1970's and the last decade of rising costs of oil, the costs of energy not has forced not only families to conserve energy but companies, schools and businesses as well. He explained to me that in the past, he and others, at the end of the day/night β†’

Differences between eastern and western religions

The difference between eastern and western religions is that western religions are monotheistic, while eastern religions are monistic. In this paragraph, I will talk about the sacred sites include in the religions of Hinduism and Islam.

Case study on illegal drugs

Although the majority of drugs are illegal, there legal drugs which can be purchased with the help of the special medical prescription if the person is ill and requires these drugs to reduce pain. The best method to prepare a worthy and logically-composed case study is to follow the advice of a free example case β†’

Sophies world outline

She learned that things in nature are in a constant state of transformation. Early philosophers shared a belief that there had to be a certain basic substance at the root of all change.B.

The chemical formula chichi

However, some of the brine shrimp are males and they are able to fertilize the female's eggs. Brine shrimp are the ideal organism to test changes in the environment.

Intro to computers: chapters 3 and 4

Computer NetworkCollection of computers and other hardware devices that are connected; so that users can share hardware, software, and dataWired vs Wireless-Wired; computers and other devices on the network are physically connected via cabling -Wireless; used to send data through the air between devices Hardware vs Software-Hardware; the collection of physical elements that constitutes a β†’

Tourism sector in the maldives essay sample

Tourism sector attracts foreign investment in Maldives The industry now is very much regulated by the government of the Maldives. Bidding of the islands are regulated under Maldives Tourism Act 1999.

The of the diary, so that we may

It is also good to restrain our inclination to write at great length at the commencement of the diary, so that we may be less likely to take a distaste to the work, and may be the better able to keep our resolution of making regular entries every day. In such a strait as this, β†’

Observation journal: english class

The next incident one observed was the English class where Mark and Leo were both enrolled. What can you say about the movie?" Leo: " Me like the movie.

Mrs. bennet essay

Bennet is very immature and she shows us this when she says to Mr. Bennet is very materialist, we can realise these at the beginning of the novel when she is talking with her husband about the arrival of Mr.

Bank human resource performance and a performance appraisal sample

The objective of performance appraisal is to evaluate an individual employee's performance on a job. Chief among those resources is the workforce, and the management of the actions and behavior of employees at every level, as this is critical to achieving results.

The new deal by paul k.conkin

Often it slips that though architects of the New Deal were many, as a personality Roosevelt took it on himself to be a face to the American people on the government's intervention during the Depression. It's a brief treatise on the role of Roosevelt and his many failures and relatively few successes during the time.

The man who loved a double bass

His response to removing the rags from the bass is similar to that of a man removing garments off his lover"..... When it is over, the reader feels a sense of remorse for Jameson.

Alexis sanchez essay

Prior to the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany, the Chilean National Team went on a tour in Europe playing three friendlies. Despite only scoring one goal in the 2007 South American Youth Championship, Sanchez proved to be a vital part of the Chilean national team that went on to qualify for the 2007 FIFA β†’

Business purposes meetiing aims and objectives

Maximising the impact of the license fee Maximising the returns they make on programmes paid for by the license fee. Their turnover is relatively healthy and they do continue to make a profit each year which is good for all of us in the long run.

Structured and unstructured interviews

There are 3 ways to classify selection interview, which is a selection procedure designed to predict the applicants' future job performance or capabilities based on applicants' responses to the interviewers' inquiries; that is the structure of the interview, the contents of the interview and company's administration of the interview. A structured interview is more valid β†’

Nursing care plan assignment

To warm the possible heat newborn and loss within 12 maintain adequate/normal temperature within 12 hours.3. To maintain stable body temperature of the newborn and decrease the possibility of heat loss through conduction, convection, radiation, & evaporation.hours.4.

Yo. man its yao ming: international services and the nba

This is a fact that many people have witnessed from the period Ming set foot in the basketball game. Over the past years, it is known that only the US or the EU states can produce international figures.

Post secondary school is not a waste of time essay

With a variety of post secondary schools it is very difficult to not find a suitable one that interests and enhances. Post secondary allows you to gain much more knowledge that is needed to be in a certain profession.

Viewpoints assignment

Essay #1: You will try to persuade a friend to agree with you on your topic. Then, you should try to persuade your friend to see the issue from your perspective.

Respect quotes

So to start, I have here a quote from Jarod Kintz " Respect does not have to be shiny.' It just needs to be wearable. It is not hard to respect other people because all you need to do is to be sensitive to other people's feelings and to know your limitations.

Based on the two uploaded journals, what is one point from this week’s readings that stood out to you. your comments should f

Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology It is exhilarating for the American masses to know that the government strives to rethink information by reinventing public services. The definition of information policy in the past is much simpler than it is today.

Reflection essay on national integration

Foodhabits are different, crops are different and there is a difference in faiths and belief. They are tools in the hands of some foreign elements.

The gross domestic policy

This body deals with the taxing of the public, it also hel in setting up the sales taxes for the services and goods that take place in the nation. With this, the government is able to determine the level of taxation to impose to the businesses in the nation.

The book of judges

2 The main cause of the sin in the book of Judges was the worship of the false gods that was due to the intermarriages of the Israelites with the Canaanites community. 4 The role of the women in Judges is to expose men to humiliation and defeat, because the powerless often have more power β†’

Haven, to expand to quickly causing them

Charles wasthe oldest child in his family and hadfour brothers and a sister. He had a few companiesusing his process and was earning somemoney.

Bhs 420 mod 1 slp (quantitative reasoning)

Given my interest in the human mind and the ongoing research in mental health studies, I believe one of these topics will be both interesting and informative. Culture and the Restructuring of Community Mental Health.

Article analysis paper example

The article argues that strategic operations and management of any organization depends on the nature of its human resource. I feel that the article succeeds in mainstreaming the concept of strategic human resources management in achieving organizational success.

A private affair of an individuals conscience

The book is written in the form of journal entries and dialogue from three years of documented conversations in which the women confront their feelings on an array of issues - from religious stereotypes and social injustice to the crucifixion and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict The authors wrestle with the issues of anti-Semitism, prejudice against Muslims, β†’

Terracog global positioning systems analysis

When a new competitor appeared they could not realize the threat imposed on their market lead and the new situation that needed to deal with, hence review their current plans. Even when their Marketing managers told them that they are starting to lose market shares to their competitor, they just deluded themselves that it was β†’

Emotional rollercoaster

Then he wore the jacket to the sixth grade, and got a D on his math quiz, which shows he did not study for upcoming test. I stayed with the ugly boys who leaned against the chain link fence, it shows that he letting the jacket win and is not very out going.

Britain imperialism

According to the noted Winston Churchill, " give peace to warring tribes, to administer Justice where all wasviolence, to strike the chains off the slave, to draw the richness from the soil, to place the earliest seeds of commerce and learning, to increase in whole peoples their capacities for pleasure and diminish their chances of β†’

Economic development assignment

The role of the state in economic development began to change dramatically with the advent of the Industrial Revolution. In the West, the resulting Industrialization and economic development were based on the establishment of individual property rights that encouraged the growth of private capital.

Editi a paper

When writing a research paper, the researcher should seek the truth to develop a trustworthy and valid research. In the overall research writing, a good researcher is the one who never ceases to ask the hows and whys.

Tourism early tourism essay sample

Travel for business such as trading The invention of money, writing " wheel" by the Sumerians facilitated travel and exchange, of goods.2. During the Industrial Revolution: The Industrial Revolution brought about major changes in the scale and type of tourism development.