3500 Words Essay Samples

Business essays – toyota consumer lexus

The basic philosophy of the management at Toyota has continued from the time of the company's genesis and is clearly demonstrated in the terms used such as " Lean Manufacturing" and Just In Time Production. These include: a) basing the decisions taken by the management on long-term thinking, b) development of an approach for problem-solving, →

Contemporary issues in science learning

Similarly to the concept of behaviour as a response to stimuli, learning is viewed as responding to the stimuli, in the form of transmitted knowledge from teacher to learners. According to this view of learning, knowledge travels and arrives intact from the mind of the teacher to the mind of the learner.

Area the proof of a valid offer

Whether Will telephone to AB and places an order is the offeror acceptance or rejection of the offer and if acceptance was made then whetherWill formed the contract with AB? Whether Will have the legal capacity to enter intoContract with BS or AB and conduct the misrepresentation if does not have legalcapacity in company In →

Financial statement analysis for bank of america merrill lynch

It also looks at the developments in the financial markets during these years and its impact on Merrill Lynch, a what-if analysis of the possible financial performance that might have existed had the economic downturn not occurred and in the end summary and conclusions based on the findings. In fact the last quarter of 2006 →

Why should people obey the state philosophy essay

Hobbes thus proposes a radically new model of the state: a single all-powerful sovereign and a general population all equally obligated to obey the sovereign's written laws, which are the only recognized authority people have to acknowledge. Hobbes' state thus consists of two worlds: the public sphere in which the sovereign's control is all-powerful and →

Language in indian writing in english essay

Basically I will be talking about the usage of language, the writing style, of blending language and culture and my analysis of it in the text The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy. The stories were already there- in the myths, in the folklore and the umpteen languages and cultures that gossiped, conversed, laughed →

Expectations of international fast food chain marketing essay

Customer service defined as a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction such as the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation. In order to achieve the satisfaction of the customers, the first thing to do to the customer is to fulfill their basic needs towards the →

The guatemala civil war history essay

On December 1996, following the signing of the Agreement on a Firm and Lasting Peace between the government and the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity the United Nations Security Council authorized, by means of Resolution 1094 of 20 January 1997, the deployment of a peacekeeping force to support the MINUGUA personnel already in place and to →

High commitment work practices and principle of scientific work practice

Organisational performance refers to the actual output or results of an organisation as measured against its intended outputs.' High Commitment Work Practices' is ' a term that gained currency in the 1990s that sought to link bundles of HR practices with outcomes in terms of increased employee commitment and performance which in turn enhances the →

Marketing plan for chocolate

Product Summary: There are a general increase in snacking, since consumers in Egypt are eating more confectionery as an emotional release from the worries and frustrations of the recent uprising, and the continuing frustrations of Egypt's transition El Shamaadan will be reinventing itself by producing a kids chocolate which will be tagged as kid's healthy →

Company overview of proton

IMC is a Marketing communication is the process of presenting an integrated set of stimuli to a market with the intent to evoke a desired set of responses within the market set and setting up channels to receive, interpret and act upon messages from the market for the purpose of modifying present company messages and →

Vauxhall motors | pest and swot

If we look at the international market we will see that employees are one of the most important factor that will put an impact of the marketing and the setting up for the whole organization. In this case we are discussing about a car manufacturing organization and which depends mostly on its supplier of the →

Creativity in limited facilities in informal settlement essay

In informal settlements the inhabitants demonstrate their great ingenuity in improving the surrounding built up area and in arranging the open spaces and construction of the houses, even if the government regards them as illegal. Since the worst environmental quality within the city is mostly in slum areas and squatter settlements, many people including the →

Kaiser meyer olkin measure of sampling adequacy media essay

Due to the advent of technology it becomes easier for people to take the advantage of the same. The basic assumption underlying celebrity hosting the reality show is that the value associated with the celebrity is transferred to the brand of the reality show and therefore helps to create an image that can be easily →

Michel foucault in discipline and punish sociology essay

Power, he defines, is the " multiplicity of force relations immanent in the sphere in which they operate and which constitute their own organization".[1]His comprehensive historical analysis on the advent of disciplinary apparatus in Discipline and Punish and discourses on compartmentalization of sex and sexuality, and bio-power in The History of Sexuality postulate an apparent →

Women’s participation in the olympics

This article stresses on the function of adult females in the ancient Greece and how the society had shaped the engagement and the maps carried out by adult females in the field of athleticss, at the Ancient Olympic Contests and besides at the Heraean Games. Before depicting the functions played by adult females in one →

Introduction of petrochemical industry economics essay

It would be extremely important for the industry to sustain the developments made so far because this is one of the few sectors that seems to be picking up rather well in the country and could be a major contributor in enhancing the overall economy of the country in the future.[1]Post-flood restoration: The overall trend →

Tourism is a travel for recreational tourism essay

In most of the metropolitan areas urban tourism is one of the main sources of employment and income. For deciding a tourism destination it is important to find the mean of transport.

Divorced italian style and seduced and abandoned history essay

The allowance of this law to be in place for fifty years is another example of why Italy needed better women's rights and needed to re-evaluate the presence of a patriarchal society. Overall, comedy is the best tactic to promote the need for change in the patriarchal society and the need for women's rights.

International construction contracts and dispute resolution

Discuss the distinction between the role of the Engineer as an agent of the Employer and the Engineer as independent of the Employer. In the next part the discussion will focus on the independence of the engineer and will define the roles where the employer acts as an agent of the employer and where he →

Planning and development of bmw in malaysia

BMW Group is one of the world's largest premium carmakers and BMW is also the parent of the company of BMW MINI and Rolls-Royce car brands, and, formerly, Rover. BMW worldwide mission statement is:" The mission statement up to the year 2020 is clearly defined: the BMW Group is the world's leading provider of premium →

Monitor of experience in rock climbing

To be able to perform at a level which is suitable for me to gain employment in the world of outdoor pursuits, one of my mid-termgoals, it is vital that I am able to monitor my own progress in order to critically evaluate my levels of fitness, skill and knowledge in certain aspects of the →

What is the relationship between differentiation relatedness and reflective functioning?

A caregiver's marked and contingent mirroring of the child's internal states facilitates the child's development of a capacity to mentalize and is involved in the development of personality functioning. Personality development depends on the progressive differentiation between self and object representations and an increasing integration of their bad and good aspects The Differentiation Relatedness Scale, →

The macro and micro environment analysis

Environment of outside is very dynamic and is rapidly changing, everything which is outside the boundary of the business would be counted as an external source.' Domino's continue to succeed, even in the current harsh economic conditions, because of domino's unrelenting focus on the quality of domino's pizzas, intense devotion to service and by marketing →

Canteen administration and operation assignment

What is the status of the school canteen as perceived by the student respondents, the faculty, and the non-teaching personnel in terms of: 1. The researcher administered same questionnaires to the three groups of respondents: the students, the faculty and the school canteen staff.

Formaldehyde: history and importance

Formaldehyde is the first member of the aldehyde family and is the most important aldehyde in the environment. Research in the early 1800s by Liebig discovered the chemical composition and nature of various aldehydes excluding formaldehyde due to the ease with which methanol was oxidized to formic acid and further synthesized to carbon dioxide and →

Competition law and monopsony economics essay

Another reason for the antitrust analyst's apparent neglect of the power on the buyer's side of the market may be that such power tends to reduce the selling price of a commodity, thereby causing a prima facie increase in consumer welfare[1], which has always been one of the traditional goals of competition law. From a →

Kangaroo circulatory system

What are the differences and similarities between the anatomy and physiology of a cat and dog, and the anatomy and physiology of a kangaroo? The semitendinosus is a muscle lying in the caudal part of the thigh and extending from the ischium to the medial surface of the crus.

Recent human resource development analysis

The rapid evolution in the technical advancement, together with the globalization of the markets, and the fast growth of the worldwide economies is provoking the dynamism of the global markets, making customers' expectations fast changing and highly unpredictable. The former is more biased to the achieve the growth through the learning schemes while the later →

Social networking websites usage towards academic performance education essay

Besides that, academic performance also can be analysed in term of the ability of the students to study and remember facts and the ability to communicate their knowledge verbally or in written form. He stated that the roles of students covered the aspects of the nature of the learning process, the goals of the learning →

Comparative economic systems essay

Capitalism and capitalist economics is generally considered to be the opposite of socialism, which contrasts with all forms of capitalism in the following ways: social ownership of the means of production, where returns on the means of production accrue to society at large, and goods and services are produced directly for their utility. Money, capital, →

The eight stages of development by erikson psychology essay

The trust vs.occurs at the onset of the disability and involves acceptance of the event of mental illness. The purpose vs.passivity for the strategy to life the process of learning through the use of energy in appropriate activities and goals can help to resolve the conflict within it.

What problems and challenges does google face marketing essay

Google is so ' big' it has become a new word in the English language meaning " to search for information on the Internet, esp.using the Google search engine". Any company can submit product information and be included in the Google Product search engine Otherwise, Advertising space is available businesses for purchase and able to →

A case study ikea in brazil marketing essay

For example, in the past when China opened-up its policy to FDI, it eventually led to the Chinese economic improvement, the rise in the housing market and subsequently the demand for home furnishings in China. The current strategy mode that IKEA undertakes when entering a new market is International Franchising whereby products, limited rights, operating →

Blastocystis hominis and colorectal cancer

Since B.hominis is often present in most stool cultures, it is pertinent to investigate the association between B.hominis infection and the development of colorectal cancer in the gastrointestinal tract of infected host system.B.hominis isolated from an asymptomatic individual could facilitate the proliferation and growth of cancer cells and has the potential to down-regulate the host →

Absolute and relative ethics commerce

For deontological moralss, the of import thing is not the consequence or effect of the action, but the action itself. So it is critical that employees get involved and empowered in relation to the ethical public presentation of the concern.

Tax planning in malaysia economics essay

As for employee, in relation to an employment, means where the relationship of master and servant subsists, the servant and that relationship does not subsist, the holder of the appointment or office which constitutes the employment. The term employer, in relation to an employment, means where the relationship of master and servant subsists, the master →

Knowledge based view kbv and social capital theory business essay

The purpose of this paper is to explore the differences in performance between returnee entrepreneurs and local entrepreneur-owned firms. The authors of this paper, Ou Dai and Xiaohui Liu, aim to find about how the international background and character of returning entrepreneurs affect the performance and to what extend will returning entrepreneurs owned firms gain →

Arterial blood gas interpretation

The reason for rushing the specimen and or using the ice is to prevent coagulation of the specimen, and specifically, ice slows the clotting of the blood. The pH then is the concentration of the ion in solution.

What it means to be a great power politics essay

Definition of ' Great Powers' in the International System Scholarly definitions The traditional definition of great power can be found in the distinction made at the Paris Peace Conference, which suggested that great power is a ' state with a global scope of interests in the international arena'[1]Throughout the years, the concept of great power →

Is price level targeting really a free lunch:

Base drift in the price level is when the price level is no longer non-trend stationary, and the variance of the price level in the future is allowed to increases for the whole forecast horizon without being bound. Sevenths also finds that the unconditional variance of the output-gap is proportional to the unconditional variance of →

Trent lott

Trent Lott, senior senator from the state of Mississippi, is one of the foremost figures in the United States Senate and one of the most recognizable figures in all of politics. This recognition comes from the stances which he has taken, the fact that he has been a formidable figure in the Senate for many →

The swot analysis of burma country

Burma is situated in Southeast Asia and is bordered on the north and north-east by China, on the east and south-east by Laos and Thailand, on the south by the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal and on the west by Bangladesh and India. The civilization in Burma started in the 1st Century.

José protacio rizal mercado y alonzo realonda essay sample

Rizal believed that the only justification for national liberation and self-government is the restoration of the dignity of the people, saying " Why independence, if the slaves of today will be the tyrants of tomorrow?" The general consensus among Rizal scholars is that his execution by the Spanish government ignited the Philippine Revolution. From Heidelberg, →

Law test with answers essay sample

Command School The philosophers of the Command School of jurisprudence believe that the law is a set of rules developed, communicated, and enforced by the ruling party rather than a reflection of the society's morality, history, logic, or sociology.f. The paperwork that is filed with the court to initiate and respond to a lawsuit is →

Effective organizing

In the course of the session, one of the leaders asked why the same people who conducted and participated in interesting, useful, and productive meetings in the context of citizens' organizations that often lasted three or more hours, were not well-planned, and often led to little action or progress. The congregation is not in the →

Human resource management case study

These discussions will be supported and showcased with examples on the types of question ask in related to the different types of situations and circumstances, elaborating the characteristics of each type of interview at the same time.2. Since structured interviews is a critical component to ensure that there is consistency in the interview outcome, the →

Cafe expresso and sustained competitive advantage

The purpose of this report was to critically analyse the Human Resource and Performance management systems of Cafe Expresso as a source of sustained competitive advantage. In order to accomplish our mission, we will focus on the need to introduce the ' Strategic Human resource Management' and the summary of ' Resource Based View' of →

Diversity management strategies for nike

Due to the impacts of this concept, organizations are working hard to keep them selves ahead of their competitors to not only to enjoy desired market share but also to sustain it. How to promote an environment in the organization for acceptance of diversification of employees as a rule, not as an exception?

Higher education in pakistan

One of the aims of this chapter is to highlight the reforms and expansion movement started by the HEC, since the beginning of the new millennium, HEC is currently reshaping the structure of higher education system in Pakistan. It will also look at the causes while discussing the current initiatives and efforts undertaken by the →

Lean production and lean service in kelloggs

The company strategy is to expand the sales of cereals and snacks all around the world and grows the frozen item in North America. The produced goods need to be stock for long time which can increase the cost of holding, and it is difficult to detect the defect in large quantity.

Investigation into factors affecting student performance

The more the father is educated the better is the performance of the student. The objective of this study is to identify the factors that could affect the performance of students in higher learning institutions.

Apple’s organizational structure

This report provides a reasoned and academically underpinned critical analysis of what is good and what is detrimental to the organisational culture in terms of Human Resource strategy and practice in Apple Inc. Culture is what is typical of the organisation and thus the practice of peoples management is linked to organizational culture.

Case analysis

In W L gore leadership and teamwork abilities are essential in term of organisational success and to achieve goals. Moreover, different management and leadership theories are also use in W L Gore.

Human resource management assignment

The main part s a detailed representation of the measures of Busch with respect to the four phases of the foreign dispatch. The choice Of a suitable candidate, the dispatch conversation and the information journey to the possible country are the next steps of the process.

History of the crisis in the balkans history essay

I believe that nationalism in Europe led to the illustrious Arm Race of Europe which created tension between European countries which led to my second factor the crises in the Balkans where nationalism was at its strongest because of the Serbs lust of independence and finally The death of the heir to the Austrian Hungarian →

The in his message to the united nations

The period between the late 1950s and 1960s was, in retrospect, the " golden age" in the annals of the United Nations. The United States' frustration over the manner of handling United Nations affairs was reflected in a law passed by Congress which limited the United States payments to the UN and its specialised agencies →

Economic consequences of software crime 1617

Software piracy can be found in three forms: software counterfeiting, which is the illegal duplication and sale of copyrighted software in a form that is designed to make it appear to be a legitimate program; Hard disk loading, whereby computer dealers load unauthorized copies of software onto the hard disks of personal computers, which acts →

Relationship between students’ gender and teaching practices essay sample

Relationship between Students' Gender and Teaching Practices in XXX School Chapter 1 The Problem This chapter will present the background and rationale of the research, how the research was conceptualized, the purpose of the study, the research problem, the questions and the hypothesis including the scope and significance of the study. Statement of the Problem →

Global marketing argumentative

First is nature of the marketing program in terms of the balance between a standardization approach to the marketing mix and a localization approach that Is responsive to country or regional differences. Most of the world's income is located in the Triad, which is comprised of Japan, the United States, and Western Europe.

Becoming a advanced scrub practitioner

Whilst the Health Professions Council states the an Operating Department Practitioner's scope of practice is the area or areas of their profession in which they have the knowledge, skills and experience to practice safely and effectively, in a way that meets our standards and does not pose any danger to the public or to the →

Termite – college essay

Workers are the main caste in the colony for the digestion of cellulose in food and are the most likely to be found in infested wood. This process of feeding of one colony member by another is known as trophallaxis, and is one of the keys to the success of the group.

Run out: restraint of players in twenty20 cricket

It had the financial and playing resources to take a large share of the Indian market, capitalising on the perception amongst the Indian public and domestic competition of the mismanagement by the BCCI and their inability to compensate its second-tier players.[iii] However, the great success has also meant greater demands on the services of players, →

Critical and reflective thinking in schools education essay

This chapter begins with an outline of the context to the interest in creative and critical thinking and then continues with a review and evaluation of the literature of the three approaches. One of the stated values and purposes of the National Curriculum in England and Wales is that '...education must enable us to respond →

Evaluate the effectiveness of reminiscence therapy nursing essay

College of Nursing, Coimbatore, submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in Nursing to The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G. R Medical University, Chennai, in partial fulfillment of requirement for the Degree of I praise and thank the Almighty for the opportunity he gave me and the blessings bestowed on →

Management and leadership concepts on operations management

Khurram Inamullah It is required for a worker who enters an organization to have the ability to recognize a leader and an administrator with the goal that it turns out to be easy for him to comprehend the duties of both, at time of any issue he ought to know who to go to. The →

The biological explanation of gender stereotypes sociology

The statement that will be used here is more closely related to the 1 of the sociobiologists, but will include more grounds straight from the life scientists and evolutionary psychologists themselves, without the less empirical prejudice that sociology offers.[ 10 ] First, the stereotype, or meme, of adult females being weak and dependent will be →

Ethical issues on abortion essay

If we accept the foetus has the right to life we face a two-fold problem: abortion = wrong unless it serves some right of the mother that is as morally important as the foetus right to life. But the privacy argument is flawed, although it may sound attractive, it merely distances us from the ethical →

Presenting debates on eu democratic deficit

RESEARCH GOAL The goal of this literature research is to present the abstract discussion on the influence of EU integration upon the perceived level of legitimacy as found in the literature based upon a theoretical explanation. In the case of the EU, it cannot be regarded to be legitimate since not all EU citizens grand →

Effect of hydration on performance

The purpose of this essay is to threefold; to describe the physiological responses to dehydration during prolonged exercise in the heat, discuss the evidence that dehydration impairs endurance exercise performance and to review the literature concerning the role that drink volume and nutrient composition has in optimizing fluid replacement following a lengthy bout of exercise →

The importance of communication nursing essay

Concept analysis is the means of examining phenomena and is important to nursing as the results of an analysis can often be transferred in to practice to improve standards of care and patient experience. The third stage of Walker and Avant's framework is to determine the uses of the concept.' Communication is one of the →

The swinging subculture undressed essay

This paper therefore intends to critically examine the swinging culture with a view to elucidating its modes of operation and codes of conduct; to understand what motivates people to choose this deviant lifestyle and to assess the impacts or effects of this lifestyle on the individual and the society at large. This appears to be →

The eye opening response health and social care essay

According to this scale the patient with a score of 13 in the GCS belongs to the category of mild TBI but in the last years there have been multiple studies which demonstrate a potential risk of neurologic impairment associated with relevant lesions in the Computed Tomography which justifies that these patients should be excluded →

The message the book of romans theology religion essay

One of the key verses of the letter is found in Roman 1: 16 " I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes, first for the Jew, then for the Gentile". Paul uses the story of the Israelites wandering in the wilderness →

Strategic position of baker hughes incorporated

The company is very wide in oil and gas industry, provides reservoir consulting, formation evaluation, drilling, completion and production products and services to the worldwide oil and gas industry. Baker Hughes is a supplier of wellbore-related products and services provide products and services for drilling, formation evaluation, completion and production, and reservoir technology and consulting →

Similes in literature and daily life

An overview of the paper is to exemplify and explain models with the purpose of revealing the character and the effects of the simile on showing expressions. In addition to like or as, several other words and expressions indicate the presence of a simile.

The contribution of indian mathematics history essay

In the words of Physicist Richard Feynan " Nature talks to us in the language of mathematics that is numbers, mathematical rules and equations help us to make sense of the world around us. The importance of mathematics in India can be seen by a well-known verse in Sanskrit of " VedangJyotish" as: This verse →

Methylsulfonylmethane c2h6o2s structure

0 C Molar Refractivity 20.1 0. 4 cm 3 Polarizability 8.0 0.

Salem witch trials essay sample

The general belief is that the trials were brought on by a combination of the extreme religious beliefs of the Puritans, political control of the town and the hysteria and frenzy exhibited by these young women. The winter of the year 1692, the place is Salem, MA.

What sorts of species become ‘invasive aliens’ in a world of climatic change

The term ' invasive alien' has two components; the first relates to the relative degree of success experienced by a species, whilst the second infers a description of the origin of the species. It will be argued the type of species that will become invasive aliens is largely dependent upon the local resonance of climate →

Focus of allotments on land in sheffield tourism essay

This paper sets out to examine and explore the different models by which people are working the land in Sheffield and to offer a compartive and transferable data source to indicate why there is a high demand, yet so many unproductive sites through: The use of GIS software to map out allotments within Sheffield in →

Budgetary slack as a management control mechanism accounting essay

Budget slack meaning a deliberate underestimation of revenues and overestimation of costs than of actual budget is one of the aspects of budgetary control in the research of contemporary accounting management literature. Against this backdrop, the objective of the paper is to review the existing image and practices of budgetary slack as a mechanism of →

Non place sense of the city cultural studies essay

To relate back to the public space as a place that defined by Auge, the senses of the city need to be explained and compared to the theory that have been made by Auge. These developments show the important of the street to compliment the public space in order to enhance the function of the →

Tda communication assignment

I make sure when I am speaking to the children I give them my full attention, if another child requires my assistance at the same time, I kindly advise them that I am currently working with this child, but I will be with them once I am finished and to try and see If they →

Pricing channels assignment

This assignment gives students the opportunity to visit two stores to complete and write up the results of the tore checks to understand the impact of marketing mix decisions at the retail level. The details of the assignment will be provided in class and are posted in B.

Hr activities: nestle, pakistan

Research will be pursuing the objectives of the study and will contribute to the vast subject of human resource management, namely the Human resource activities, the costs and benefits associated and its influence on the performance and management decisions. The following research will look into the costs and benefit of HR-activities of Nestle Pakistan, how →

Nokia: company overview and key facts

Nokia is a leading provider of mobile phone devices in the UK, therefore in charge of a large scale of operations which allow them bargaining capacity, exposure to a large customer base and overall this helps take care of cost that the company need to pay to remain successful. As a largest mobile company they →

Business ethics assignment

Many advocates of ethical business conduct argue that HER should be at the center of any corporate code of ethics not as the sole creator of the code, since it is a document that should represent the entire organization HER professionals must help ensure that ethics is a top organizational priority. Accounting function keeps track →

Swot and pestel analysis of nestle

The notion of the creation of ' shared value' is a main focus of the firm and is an area which is supported by the firm's ability to ' go beyond compliance and sustainability and create new and greater value for our people, our shareholders and society as a whole'. This section presents aSWOT analysisto →

To what extent was nazi economic policy ideologically driven essay sample

The main aims that the Nazis had in terms of the economy were, autarky, militarisation, the increased importance of corporate over private business and the support of the Mittesland. The fact that the Nazis were prepared to offer huge incentives to firms which were going to co-operate with the plan shows that the Nazis were →

Disarmament and arms control

To response to all the threats to the world, drove some of the leaders of the country to sign, to negotiate, to discuss and to agree until the emergence of many agreements like Treaty, convention and other conferences. In this essay, we will discuss the implementation of the United Nations that concern with the Weapon →

How learned helplessness can impact patient satisfaction nursing essay

This paper serves as a vehicle to investigate the concept of learned helplessness combined with a review of patient satisfaction and provide guidance for research to further our understanding of the relationship between the two. The test was repeated with a dog that had never been subject to any of the previous experiments and when →

Representation of africa in harlem renaissance texts

The Harlem Renaissance was as a cultural awakening among African Americans during the 1920s and 1930s, as through the expression of literature, music and visual art, the new generation of African Americans aimed to embrace the challenges of the contemporary era. Both poems focus on the tone of the African drums and draw on the →

Criminal justice integration paper assignment

To enhance the interactions between the private security groups and the general public, and between the public and the criminal justice associations. The right to use force is a crucial factor affecting the role of a police office and is limited by law.

European model of corporate governance

The characteristics of the board of directors tend to vary with regard to the size of the organization, the region/regions in which the organization is functioning, the existence of the company as a listed or unlisted company and the industry/industries in which the organization is operating. A practical example of the implementation of the European →

Gap imc plan

The target market and the marketing mix variables of product, place, promotion and price are the four elements of a marketing mix strategy that determine the success of a product in the marketplace. Make a video about Gap behind the scence production of the new products and share it to some of the social media.