350 Words Essay Samples

The impact of the black death

The Impact of the Black Death Affiliation: What impact did the Black Death have on Medieval Europe and Byzantium? The Black Death was a pandemic plague that spread and caused massive deaths in the 14th Century in most parts of the world.

Traditional family essay

Traditional FamilySeveral important factors attest that the traditional family, consisting of a mother, a father, and children, has been on the decline for the last few decades. That is why the current decline of the traditional family and its values promise no bright future for society as a whole and needs to be urgently reversed.

Arts and social behavior

In addition, the social role of the band, just like that of many other artists and art groups, is not only in creating music. Similarly, most of the people want to have a hero who, as they think, does all the job.

The 2003 case study and the present challenges of wal-mart

True to the case study done in 2003, one of the biggest problems being faced and challenges the existence of Wal-Mart in the industry is the competition being brought by the local competitors and Carrefour, the second leading retailer in the world in terms of revenue earning. Nevertheless, this threat of competition from a rival →


Conservation is the preservation and the careful management of the natural environment and its natural resources. Organizations can organize campaigns on conservation of the environment.

A party for the natural law

The Natural Law Party is one of the groups that want to do just that. As a scientist, Hagelin is convinced that the problems of society can be solved by advocating scientifically field-tested solutions to the problems of the country, but acknowledge that these solutions are either ignored or just not implemented by government due →

Discussion on criminal and social justice

Social justice system thus enhances the incorporation of all members of the society to enjoy the resources in the community as well as encouraging all community members to participate in society matters Law enforcement involves the aspect of making the community members follow the laid down rule the police officers do this. Criminology, which is →


The plot tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, an adolescent ninja who constantly searches for recognition and aspires to become a Hokage, the ninja in his village that is acknowledged as the leader and the strongest of all. Serialized in Viz's Shonen Jump magazine, Naruto has become one of the company's best-selling manga series.

Hospital in the early christian era essay

The origin of the institutions of the early Christian era that we now call hospitals, was the hospice and had the explicit duty of carrying out the functions of hospitals. Diaconia is the earliest forms of Christian " hospital" assistance, this is a process where the deacon, collaborating with the presbyter and bishop, had the →

Design and implementation of a web-service

A major challenge In designing such a system Is to meet critical security requirements, such as the confidentiality of patient data, the integrity of diagnosis results, and the availability of healthcare services. The system is designed to integrate existing medical systems, application, and services.

Psychoactive drugs

Psychoactive drugs lead to subjective changes in consciousness and mood leading to a feeling of pleasantness to the user. Drug abuse is the use of drugs in a way that is not prescribed or in the recommended way.

If you have to create an anthology of mexican american literature whom or which texts would you include and exclude

Insert Mexican Literature My anthology of the Mexican literature can undeniably comprise the most creative and significant ofthe Mexican and Spanish culture. Unlike the " Hecho en Tejas," which carries the literature of the colonial society, my anthology can include a mosaic structure of the contemporary society of diverse views, and heritage.

Leadership communication presentation

An example of this is when a company is deciding how to cut costs and one manager says that one way of cutting costs is to reduce the fringe benefits of the employees. Lastly, it is suggested that to overcome a straw man fallacy, those involved in making major decisions for the firm should be →

Response to lit essay

When Juan died, the narrator and his great-grandmother visited the toad's grave on a regular basis."... After the death of the horned toad, the narrator and his great-grandmother learned to bond even more with each other.

Rdms.group project

The 50-character size will be enough for storing student name, student type description and class name. The Class_Registered table will be linked with two tables Student and Class_Type.

Ford motors as the best company to work with

The company has competitive renumeration, on the job training, air promotions and employee incentatives. This requires a degree in sales and marketing Conclusion In conclusion, it is evident that Ford motors is the best company to work in because it is profitable, has employee motivation strategies and has competitive remuneration package that attracts the people →

Articleabstract assignments 05

The NACC Cartel and Competitive Balance in College Football The NACC Cartel and Competitive Balance in College Football is an article by E. The article labors to investigate the hypothesis that activities of NACC prohibit just competition in the game of football.

Candide: cultivate garden essay

He has started to doubt that everything in the world is for the best that things cannot be otherwise: for, since everything was made for a purpose, everything is necessarily for the purpose...all is for the best". Pangloss, the true optimist of the story, is so set on his philosophy that he refuses to see →

Non-violent social change

And when he became the leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, he saw a lot of racialdiscriminationand inequality in rights against the blacks. The blacks has regarded him as a man of the people and experienced in the ways of the street.

Education assault on indian children

The educational assault on Indian children came in the form of off-reservation boarding schools, which aimed to totally cut off the Indian youth from what colonials thought as the " contaminating" influences of their Indian culture. Moreover, the teachers taught the Indian youth about American patriotism, racial inferiority of the Indians, and history where Indians →

Contrasting perceptions

As the kids were running after the ball, I imagined that the movement of their feet, which resembled hockey sticks, signified the search for togetherness, compassion and happiness. The evening sun rays from the West gave sparkling outlook of the pitch signifying the beauty of the Mother Nature.

Sanitary ate.” it was a symbol of

The pigs left their urine and feces on the streets. The most disgusting habits were chewing and spitting.

Siddhartha part 1 quintessential quotes and analysis

This quotation from ' The Son of the Brahman' throws light on the personality of Siddhartha that he was brought up among wise people and at a very young age he was full of knowledge that Brahmans possessed which proved to be insufficient for him. Gotama, the Buddha, the enlightened and the perfected man brings →

The great gastby

Fitzgerald uses the meaning of the colors in the great Gastby to give other meaning to the objects and the characters. Like the aggressive pursuit for Daisy, the meetings he has with her, and the fact that he things the things are going to be the way they used to 5 years ago.

Global warming assignment

Global Warming is doing harm to the environment. Global Warming is real and many of us do not see that.

One on to provide a warm temperature one

There are few aspects to transport the poultry, to be exact the chickens, in a way that minimize their stress and to avoid production loss. Quiet and smooth trip is one of the way to reduce transport stress.

4gt technique

The 4GT paradigm for software engineering focuses on the ability to specify software using specialized language forms or a graphic notation that describes the problem to be solved in terms that the customer can understand. The 4GT is a systematic approach to problem solving and is composed of several phases:

Stand up to teachers, let student voices be heard

I do not think that it's right for an adult to judge my situation without knowing who I am, or even trying to figure it out. In the future, I know that I will not allow anyone, even someone in control of my grade, to put me down in a way that I am still →

Globalization – containerization

Accordingly, the Customs and Border Protection unit under the Department of Homeland Security is responsible of securing homeland security by monitoring the content of the numerous shipping containers passing CBP screening. Consequently, the Federal government and maritime industry needs to invest heavily in technology of detecting illegal content and potential threat of container en-route to →

How ibm was able to get outside of the anchoring trap?

IBM was able to notice their opportunity to provide their services outside the US and put together a plan to make sure it was successful. In this case study, I will go Into how IBM was able to get outside of the anchoring trap even through the economic challenges.


The rich information provided by the review of literature in the study further confirmed the advantages that managers acquire in terms of costs association by implementing ABC. In winding up, findings in the case are adaptable in real business operations as ABC is only an internal system that enhances profitability.

Max weber argumentative essay

Weber's main intellectual concern was understanding the processes of rationalisation, secularization, and " disenchantment" that he associated with the rise of capitalism and modernity[5] and which he saw as the result of a new way of thinking about the world.[6] Weber is perhaps best known for his thesis combining economic sociology and the sociology of →

Rising tide essay

The author wants the reader to enjoy and know the fascinating characteristic the Mississippi River offers through and informative passage. The author uses this powerful device in the passage to amplify and captivate the reader.

Maria role university of texas brownsville case study

Questions and Answers to the Questions Neat would be the advantages and disadvantages to Snifter's company of routinely administering honesty tests to all its employees? Future employees would be advised of such procedure during the interviewing process.

Stereotypes and heuristics

Heuristics are a major component of the framework that supports human perception as they allow for the optimization of mental multitasking by reducing the amount of information that needs to be processed. The most basic and impactful way in which we can mitigate the negative impact of heuristic biases is to be consciously aware of →

Good and traditional business

No, I feel that with the online business you would get more communication with the customers than with a traditional business. I feel this way because if a traditional business' customer has a problem with something, then they would have to go through the proper channels to get something done about what the certain issue →

True test of greatness of a work of art is its ability to be understood by the masses

There is an ongoing controversy suggesting that the true test of greatness of a work of art is its ability to be understood by the masses. Many believe that the true greatness of art is not necessarily understood by the contemporary population, and instead its greatness is later discovered in the future beyond the current →

A years and fine (section 344). (5) keeping

Wrongfully confining a person for 3 days or more; Punishment Imprisonment of either description upto 2 years or fine or both. Wrongfully confining a person for 10 days or more; Punishment Imprisonment, of either description upto 3 years and fine.

Community college reflection

The purpose of community colleges is to prepare students before they join college as well as empowering working adults to take part time specific courses while working. The breadth and relevance of program offered in community colleges is lower than that offered in universities since most of the students enrolled are credit students who need →

Persuasion and cognitive dissonance

Persuasion is said to have occurred when the behaviour or thoughts of an individual influences the behaviour of another. Self-affirmation is a psychological theory with the premise that people are motivated to maintain the integrity of the self with an aim of protecting the image of its self-integrity and morality.

The emerald tablet

" one verse, one thing, one mind" its father the sun.its mother the moon.the wind carries in its belly.its nurse the earth.it is the origin of all.the consecration of the universe.its inherent strength is perfected.if it is turned into Earth.separate the earth from heaven.the subtle from the gross.gently and with great ingenuity.it rises from earth →

Filipino values argumentative essay

We Filipino values are very important to us we have different types of Filipino values we are using always like " po and opo" to response. The Filipino value system or Filipino values refers to the set of values or the value system that a majority of the Filipino have historically held important in their →

Eichmann in jerusalem: a report on the banality of evil by hannah arendt

The main social factor that leads to individuals' will to resist Nazis it was the obedience to authority. Moreover, she argued that Eichmann might have not been aware of the crime he committed in a cohort of the Nazis authority.


Anthropocentrism is a major concept in the field of environmental ethics and environmentalphilosophy, where it is often considered to be the root cause of problems created by human interaction with theenvironment; however, it is profoundly embedded in many modern human cultures and conscious acts. Anthropocentrism is believed by some to be the central problematic concept →

Time value of money and positive rate assignment

99 percent An annuity stream of cash flow payments is a set of: level cash flows occurring each time period for a fixed length of time. Stated interest compound interest effective annual periodic interest daily interest The interest rate charged per period multiplied by the number of periods per year is called the a.

Lobes of the brain essay sample

The occipital lobe is in the rear of the brain and helps us to interpret seeing and receiving the information that we see". The motor cortex is the side that actually controls our muscles, the side of the brain that receives and analyzes sensory impulses from our body is the somatosensory cortex.

Aunt moon’s young man

An Intelligent Native-American Woman Having Non-Traditional Values That Has Found Love In Linda Hogan's " Aunt Moon's Young Man" In Linda Hogan's " Aunt Moon's Young Man", the narrator tells a tale of Bess Evening, whom she has given the name Aunt Moon. Aunt Moon " did not go to church" and she frequently " →

International products. this downward trend led the gdp

The early industrial years of American the economy was based entirely on the exporting goods to other countries, and these exports created the revenue need to sustain the country. This began to change in the 1930's when the trade began to change and the country began to import more products.

Abstract expression

The artist breaks free and defies the rules of the frame. The frame is no longer the container of a scene; it is the witness of an event, a witness that tells all others of the tragedy, joy, anger, or perhaps confusion that is contained within its borders." Ah!" a frustrated woman screams as she →

Sanders home place

According to Sanders, it is better to live in one place and understand its value than to swiftly dominate it and move on to the next place. According to Sanders, a home is one's country regardless of how one feels, but Mukherjee feels that a home can be built anywhere as long as one's heart →

Female education essay sample

Education is the backbone of a nation. The importance of female education is a many.

Gender typing essay

If children are taught something while being brought up and observing, chances are they are going to take that with them for the rest of their life and be biased towards things and how they perceive others. It's clear that they do not want them to play with them because they make a stereotype for →

Case study: shouldice hospital limited essay sample

3)To increase number of beds. 3)Increasing number of beds is not a good idea, because in this case they also will need to add more doctors and surgery rooms.

Democracy compared to forms of government

Hobbes asserts that war is a constant factor in human life, and is the result of the breakdown of the city of the government and the over-ruling of human reason. He attributed the cause of war to the militant nationalism of the major European states and to the ethnic hatreds prevalent in most of the →

French revolution outline assignment

The author's interpretation of what was so revolutionary about the French revolution is that " the French revolution was a succession of such events, events so terrible that shook mankind to it's core. So the thing that was so revolutionary was: The violence the different groups the overall outcome of it I do agree with →

Out of band signalling

COMINIT, COMRESET and COMWAKE OOB signaling will be achieved by transmission of either a burst of four Gen1 ALIGNP primitives or a burst composed of four Gen1 Dwords with each Dword composed of four D24. The COMWAKE OOB signaling is used to bring the Phy out of a power-down state as described in section

Global warming assignment

A third idea is to use less energy and recycle more products. A third idea is to use less energy and recycle more products.

Hockey rink essay

Prompt 6 The place that I love the most is where I can to do whatever I want, play hard, and have a lot of fun. However, it will always be the place that I love the most where I can to do whatever I want, play hard, and have a lot of fun.

“everyday use” by alice walker

Appearing in " Everyday Use" by Alice Walker, the mother evidently recognizes the birthright symbolized in the churn and the quilts; same as the thought of Maggie. This blindness is implied by the sunglasses that she uses: " She put on some sunglasses that hid everything above the tip of her nose and her chin"..

Container store

The analysis of the container store shows that they do not follow a single motivation theory; rather they shape these theories as per the needs of their organization. Also, it is the open communication at the container store which makes it one of the top 50 companies to work for.

Four freedoms essay

" In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms." An excerpt from Franklin D Roosevelt's 1941 State of the Union Address.in Roosevelt's speech he describes the four essential freedoms: freedom of speech and expression, freedom of every person to worship God →

Collie eye causing various degrees of blindness

Collie EyeAnomaly / Choroidal Hypoplasia is a recessive disease which impairs the properformation of a layer of cells below the retina of the eye causing variousdegrees of blindness and is associated with a 7. This is a canine genetic ocular disorder whichmanifests as regional hypoplasia of the choroid, layer of the eye that suppliesblood and →

Grounded theory approach

I, in this paper, apply grounded theory approach to explore the problem of Fine Motor Skill Disability in the technologically advancing environment with the aim of developing a theoretical perspective on possible application of technology to empower individuals with Fine Motor Skill Disability. Interviews will however be used in collecting data from the parents and →

Karl marx and marxist class struggle

Sammy's high admiration and observance from behind the cashier towards these girls in the story portrays a Marxist class struggle. He views the girls, especially Queenie, as superior and high-class, and compares himself and the place he works in as " crummy".

If i could live here!

If I were to live in Italy I would not live in the big city even though it is full of wonderful adventures around every corner and the buildings are magnificent I would probably end up living somewhere out in the country side because of the scenery that is there. If I were to live →

Pestel analysis for digi essay sample

In this few years, even the Malaysia economy was not so good after a decade of high economic growth, the asian financial crisis in 1998 had plunged malaysia into recession.however, during the discoveries time, the major three telecommunication companies digi, celcom and maxis increasingly become stronger and increased the sales, more and more customers in →

Prohibition assignment

As you can see prohibition was not necessary because before the law was passed not that many people would drink. The people that were in charge of enforcing did not do their jobs right to enforce the law, and to make people pay for not obeying the law.J.C.

Harrision bergeron/all the troubles of the world comparision essay sample

Kurt Vonnegut reveals to the readers that the society in which Harrison Bergeron lives in is dysfunctional, by using the character of Diana Moon Glampers to show us that it is impossible to " make everybody finally equal"[59] without making society corrupt. The corrupt society in " Harrison Bergeron" reveals to the readers that it →

Same-sex mariage in canada essay

On the other side, Canadian homosexual community is in agreement of same-sex marriage. For same-sex marriage defenders, to forbid homosexual couple to get married is a type of discrimination that should not exist in our society.

Emerging business ethics issue assignment

On the other hand, the company itself should take mom steps to avoid sexual misconduct or harassment such as introduce the " employee ethics code" to new employees or train them. If she had known the reality of the code of ethics at SAD, the situation might be different now.

Hs 320 legal brief: brown v. board of education

Segregation based on race denied the Negro children equal protection of the laws with the white children even though other facilities and factors are equal. The legal representatives of the minors of Negro race seek to be admitted in the public schools without segregation at any instance.

Supply and demand and larger societal forces

The macroenvironment consists of the larger societal forces that affect the microenvironment demographic, economic, natural, technological, political and cultural forces." We stated on this website that marketing was about meeting needs and providing benefits and the customer should be the central focus of the business. The companies marketing environment can be defined as the 'controllabe →

The lasting effects of the new deal on american history assignment

The lasting effects of The New Deal on American history are the trust that the people had in their government, the support the government provided for Americans, and the hope Americans had that the depression would expire. Another aspect that the new deal focused on was

The childhood will affects the growth of the

Thus, parents need to limit the use of gadget so that thereis communication among family members. We fully agree with the author that parents nowadays arebusy working until they neglect their responsibilities to their children.

Driving age should be raised

Homework should be banned because it just is not useful and wastes time. Homework is pointless because kids do enough work in school and they do not need more.

Coca-cola: an analysis of organizational culture

Team's Performance The team effort was cohesive and worked perfectly well from formulation to implementation of strategies that ensured the attainment of group goals. A team leader was elected to govern the administration of other roles and responsibilities and to provide direction and guidance as required.

The octet rule

Since each hydrogen atoms carries with it only one lone electron, each of the atoms in the diatomic gas " sees" only two electrons, not an octet. Violation Two Period Two ElemSome of the period two elements cannot form an octet of electrons.

The agreed to release iran from economic sanctions.

The president of France Emmanuel Macron recently arrived in Saudi Arabia to ease the tension in the region. In an interview president Macron stated that he had a discussion with president trump on Iran deal and he had explained him the importance of keeping up with the current agreement.

Press release: rogate presentation in west windsor, nj

Marco's hypothesis was " In the near future, China will surpass the United States in economic, educational and social welfare in the near future " With his presentation, Marco discussed the great progress China has made as a nation and as an economy and also described the shortfalls China has experienced. Marco's presentation then examined →

What are strategic competitiveness essay

It can be achieved when a certain company or house successfully come out with a particular thoughts or scheme that can let the house to make wealth to its organisation when it is implemented or in other word.implementing value-creating scheme. Besides that.the house can be after a strategic direction procedure if they have this kind →

Creating an emergency response plan

Scenario based emergency response plan In any case, the wildfire is able to reach the factory the engineers of the factory are aware of the extent of damage it would cause and even the potential threat it would pose to the employees, and the community living nearby the factory. One of the steps the engineer →

I do not have any idea

The concept of " public interest" implies the interest of the greater majority of the population to benefit more from anything that is proposed. Public interest in planning entails giving what is more beneficial to those of greater number in society than those who actually make the plan in their personal and professional situations or →

Dvyamushyayana or son of two fathers: this kind

Where a person gives his only son in adoption, the adoption must be presumed to be in the Dvyamushyayana form; unless it is proved that the adoption was in the ordinary form. Where the adoptive father has several wives, the adopted son could inherit the property of that wife who had participated in the act →

My motivation letter to a college essay sample

My aim is to be a web designer, therefore I would like to gain deeper theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field of multimedia design. I would very much like to achieve this through studying and following the Multimedia Design And Communication Courses within [UName].

Horse polo rules and strategies essay

Player positions are numbered: the number 1 position is the main scorer; numbers 2 and 3 are the midfielders, assisting in both defense and offense; and the number 4 specializes in defense. Two of the most common moves in polo are the hook and the bump.

Why they call it ‘special’ ed

Special Ed is not a place where the ' stupid' people go so the other students will not get distracted, actually it's the opposite. What do you think the word ' Special' means?


The NMC, ROI and ROS need to be seen from the tactical and strategic perspectives before one thinks of adopting any of these three or a combination of all of them for the sake of the business.b) Evaluate the employment of profit-oriented marketing objectives in general from a moral-ethical perspective. From a moral-ethical perspective, the →

Success factors of pane bread

Pane Bread's mission was to create the bakery-cafe ; a place the combined the welcoming atmosphere of coffee shops, the food of sandwich shops, and the quick service of fast food restaurants. Also the maturing of baby boomers and their children contributed largely to the growth of the fast casual market.

This marriage”. the concept of void marriage

This seems to be the reason that the Muslim law-givers and the text book writers discuss the subject of this Chapter under the caption, " Divorce" or " Dissolution of Marriage". Something akin to annulment of marriage existed: in cases where a minor has a right to repudiate the marriage or to exercise the option →

Understanding the career and role of health insurance professionals is essential

As of now I am open to learning about various career options within the industry. I hope to consolidate my knowledge through a mix of practical experience and theoretical understanding through the duration of the course.

Session long project essay

On the 5th of April 2008, I received a letter from the Commanding Officer of the USS SHIP, with word that I am among those who qualify for Military STAR's interest rate program, who should be in contingency area, as mentioned in the DoD Financial Management Regulation, Volume 7A, Chapter 10 for a minimum period →

Discussion 3

Service Products offered by Gordon Food Service Agency Gordon Food Service Many agencies around the world strive to provide their customers with the best products and services they have. Gordon Food Service can be able to increase in the quality of its services and products if it considers the following measures.