3000 Words Essay Samples

To what extent do media representations of refugees and asylum seekers limit their integration within society essay sample

As the number of asylum seekers and refugees entering the United Kingdom continues to rise, one of the pressing concerns of the European Union and the UK government is ensuring their integration within society. The essay will firstly examine the official definitions of the terms ' refugee' and ' asylum seeker', it will then explore β†’

Nursing: single sex wards

If the nurse can deliver this to the patient then all approaches to psychiatry agree that it will allow the nurse to explore better the nature of the individual's illness. The image of the male nurse After examining the nature of nursing, the author identifies the need for the male nurse to be acutely aware β†’

The environmental health intake health and social care essay

Leading organisations such as the Department of health, standards and planning framework together with the National Improvement Plan focus on the need for healthcare bodies to provide set up, leadership and joint partnership with other agencies in order to reduce the rising of health inequalities. My assignment is aimed to assess the progress of the β†’

Quality assurance systems in the hotel industry

Following a brief literature review, the intention of this essay is to examine quality assurance systems and evaluate the effect that these systems have upon service quality and customer satisfaction within the upscale Hotel market. Therefore, it can be suggested that the greater the service quality the higher the satisfaction and, conversely, the higher the β†’

Foundation of business intelligence analysis

Reasons of Information policy, data administration and data quality assurance essential for managing a firm's data resources This assignment will be a very helpful as a source of information to get clear concept of what is database, how DB'S and relational database helps business intelligence to solve business problems, tools of database to improve business β†’

Renovating home depot

At the same time, not sufficient time was spent in artic elating the need for changes and influencing a mindset shift and gaining consent from executives and managers and helping them transform the culture at Home Depot while preserving the core strengths. All of the practices were centralized and store managers had to follow them.

Ii. early life of van gogh

Early Life of van Gogh Vincent Willem van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853 in Groot- Zundert, a village close to Breda in the province of North Brabant -a region in the south of the Netherlands, a predominantly Catholic area. He then walked to Brussels, returned briefly to the village of Cuesmes in the β†’

Is halls encoding decoding model still useful media essay

This analysis of the model of research will examine the usefulness of Hall's theory on contemporary mass communications research, and will follow the next generations of audience research and the application of the model in current media today. The school was established to understand the failures of Marxism, and Stuart Hall's essay examined the mass β†’

A healthy heart

Because the signal is a superposition of echoes from multiple scatterers, the red blood cells, distributed in space, the signal at the receiver is subject to constructive and destructive interference. The same phenomenon applies to ultrasonic imaging, in which the Doppler shift is ignored and only the magnitude of the returned signal is used to β†’

Structure of collagen proteins

Collagen forms the majority of the protein that is found in mammalian organisms and constitutes 30% of the total protein mass of a human. Whilst referring to the composition of a collagen, each of the three chains is initially quantified for chain number and thereafter the type of the collagen is identified.

Sergeant and deadlines

The outcome of failing to meet a deadline obviously depends on how important the task was, but if you want to come across as professional so that you can succeed in your career, you have to learn to manage your time effectively and continue to display sufficient results as you are tasked. When you meet β†’

Ethics of sex appeal in advertising media essay

The employment of sex as an instrument in advertising can be traced back to the 1800s when the advertising industry noticed the beneficial effect of using degrees of sexuality in their advertising drives. As it is, the incessant use of sex in advertising from the 1800s until these days is a demonstration of the fact β†’

Alibaba is a business to business company marketing essay

By 2002 the Alibaba.com was selected and featured by Forbes again as its only " Best of the Web: B2B" in the month of September. Based on the number of registered users and market share by revenue at the end of the second quarter of 2007, Alihaba.com was considered as the largest online B2B company β†’

Role of the capital and efficient market finance essay

If the securities market is working efficiently, the market value and the intrinsic value of a security will be equal. It is a flexible source of finance as loans can be repaid when the need is met.2.

The abuse of presidential power

When the office of the presidency was being created by the framers he was thought of first which can tell readers of the type of man he is. The fact that a check from the CRP was found in the bank account of one of the burglars raised eyebrows and drew questions.

Sex and the media: art copying life or vice versa

In a study done on some teenagers, they believe that the prevalence of sex on television and the media affects the outlook of their peers in regard to the sexual act and sexuality. It is regarded that both sides of the media issue, the advertising influence of the sex in the media issue is impacting β†’

Marketing strategy analysis

Through an investigation of consumer behavior, market segmentation and an Industry analysis, which are included In the appendices, we concluded that the best strategy to increase sales Is to promote the opportunity for a mall business presented by Steeped Tea. Finally, the Steeped Tea product is most effectively sold in the homes of hostesses by β†’

Community policing analysis

To some degree, the majority of local police departments in the United States have worked to reduce the fear of future terrorist attacks and to prevent and plan for attacks. The first step is to determine whether fear is a problem in the community and to determine the extent of the problem.

What lies beneath essay

Since at the same time the leadership of BPP was getting corrupted, as a result of corruption the lack of unity within the cities was growing. Each, in their own way, caved in to the pressures and began acting in a manner that was deliberately designed to destroy the BPP, and to disillusion not only β†’

Clinical and experimental neuropsychology

As has been shown, clinical neuropsychological patients were instrumental in dividing LTM into separate models of explicit and implicit memory, and this division has been acknowledged in clinical neuropsychology in the exploitation of residual memory abilities in memory-impaired patients. However, these further subdivisions of explicit memory, and the existence of implicit memory, have rarely been β†’

Genocide prevention program

The prevention of genocide by the United Nations is done through the promotion of fair and equal placement of power, the advocacy of tolerance and the willingness to help in times of need. The ninth stage is Extermination, this is the attempted eradication of the intelligent in Cambodia, it is the near destruction of the β†’

Nikhil people outside of moscow. stalin’s next

Being the secretary of the party allowed Stalin to control the members of the party because he could control who entered the part and who could not, essentially being the gatekeeper of the party. The unfair treatment towards Germany in The Treaty of Versailles was the reason why Germany was vulnerable to totalitarianism and the β†’

Carbaryl c12h11no2 structure

3 cm 3 Polarizability 23.4 0. 0 dyne/cm Molar Volume 170.0 3.

Characteristics of tilapia fish

Today, commercial production of important tilapia goes to genus Oreochromis beyond Africa, and more than 90 percent of the farmed tilapia are Nile tilapia outside of Africa.reported that Nile tilapia is the most popular tilapia species for aquaculture and is widely distributed in many countries other than native Africa. This level for tilapia appears to β†’

Marijuana: harmful or medicine? assignment

With the rising TECH percentage and the mass production of the drug that can take on a NY characteristic the idea of lab created marijuana is not only relevant but it is almost impossible el to overlook. This source is a compilation of research about the effects of marijuana on the brain and body.

Catch 22: the novel one is not supposed to like

This short sentence in the novel is the most significant one of all and the one that sends the most important message human life is insignificant during war. The man in white is obviously not the one he encountered at the beginning of the novel and Yossarian subconsciously realizes this by noting that he is β†’

Europe and america region: monroe doctrine, eu 2009 common approach, transatlantic relations in george bush jr. period, and relation between eu and latin america

According to him, Europe must respect the Western Hemisphere with important points such as the United States will not interfere with matters of internal conflict in the European countries, the United States will not interfere with European affairs with colonies and dependencies that existed at that time in the region the west, the western hemisphere β†’

Failing because of lack of the leadership

Also we have the opportunities to create a good quality leadership according to the business plan of the organization. Here we discuss and try to understand the role of the leader in the organization and how it help to develop the values of the organization as well.

Ethics in psychology and criminal justice

Two disciplines in which ethical behavior is especially important are the disciplines of criminal justice and psychology due to the vulnerable state of the individuals which are encountered on a daily basis. The ethical guidelines for the discipline of psychology are published in the Ethical Principals of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.

About metals and minerals

Due to the big graduated table of the operations, the Grasberg mine has an immense consequence on the economical state of affairs of Indonesia. The company is the largest revenue enhancement remunerator in Indonesia, merely in 2004 it provided $ 3 billion and between 1992-2004, $ 33 billion direct and indirect benefits, which is 2 β†’

An analysis of fuel cell technologies engineering essay

This influences the kind of chemical reactions that take place in the cell, the kind of catalysts required, the temperature range of the fuel cell, the type of fuel required, and other factors. The methanol is mixed with steam and directly is fed to the anode of the fuel cell.

Two-stage nerve graft using a silicone tube

In such cases, after the primary marking of the proximal and distal ends of the nerve, a delayed nerve grafting is performed in a secondary procedure. We propose a two-stage graft approach in repair of the peripheral nerve gaps in severely traumatized limb:- In the first stage, proximal and distal ends of the transected nerve β†’

Effect of flexible working hours on motivation

As this is the research methods assignment so I did research on my selected topic which is " Do flexible work timings increase the morale and motivation levels of employees?" and come to know with different findings that what are the advantages and disadvantages of flexible working hours, and what other peoples opinion regarding that β†’

History of filipino immigration history essay

They built houses on stilts along the gulf ports of New Orleans and were the first in the United States to introduce the sun-drying process of shrimp. The Secretary of the Navy of the United States of America ordered George Dewey to send his fleet to Manila Bay to fight with the Spanish soldiers because β†’

Effectiveness of sports psychology

A detailed and properly academic analysis of why the science of sports psychology is effective in the context of competitive and recreational sport is beyond the scope of this paper. According to Cox and confirmed as accepted throughout the literature, sport psychology is a "...science in which the principles of psychology are applied in a β†’

Psychology argumentative essay

In soccer you categorize your moves to offensive and defensive and through this, you are able to see the importance of the encoding process. The key to exercise and motivation is to figure out what you want in a philosophical way.

Case study of a functional health pattern assessment nursing essay

At the beginning of the interview the confidentiality aspects were reiterated to which Patricia indicated verbal permission for her information to be disclosed as applicable and appropriate with due regard to her ethical and legal rights. She feels she has sufficient energy to participate in, and conduct, these classes and they form the basis of β†’

Team building exercise and purpose management essay

Commitment; there is need for the members of the team to take part in the teams activities fully, as this will make team members to be more committed to the attainment of the mission and outcome expectations of the team. Charter; fit is the responsibility of the team to take the assigned area of responsibility β†’

Human resource planning and development

Human resource activities: Strategic HR management, following the equal opportunity employment, fulfil the staffing need of the organisation, human resource development, Dealing with the compensation and benefits to the staff. And also tell them that she is not going to work in the same department.

Orifarm essay sample

Organization structure is a very important factor to make company work successful, and as different types of companies there are as different types of structures there are, so it is very important to chose the right one for exact company. As the company is growing, their organization structure should be changed as well, so we β†’

English language needs for tour guides

This chapter is divided into five parts: objectives of the study and the research questions; description of the research types; data sampling and collection procedures; data analysis of the data collected; reliability, validity, and generalizability of the research methods and findings. The first draft of the questionnaire was written in English and created with the β†’

The battle of the boyne

The Battle of the Boyne was a turning point in the Williamite claim on the English throne. The battle of the Boyne is seen as the decisive encounter in a war that was primarily about James' attempt to regain the thrones of England and Scotland and was the result of Parliament's move to put William β†’

Earthquake resistant design essay sample

This fact enables seismologists to simply time the delay between the arrival of the P wave and the arrival of the S wave to get a quick and reasonably accurate estimate of the distance of the earthquake from the observation station. This can become a problem if the period of the ground is the same β†’

Tom clancy essay

Clancy has a firm belief in the importance of family, " Family is the beginning and end of everything that we are supposed to be working for". I found that Tom Clancy, while not a total recluse, gives very few interviews and tends to spend his time in the comfort of his own home.

A global priority for health or economic reasons economics essay

NCDs affect people in all countries and contrary to the belief that NCDs are more common in the developed countries, the developing world is witnessing a rise in NCDs as well. The following programs are put into practice to minimise the risk factors associated with NCDs: anti-tobacco measures in line with the WHO Framework Convention β†’

An overview about the samsung tablets marketing essay

In the legislation section, the discussion is about the lawsuit and the effect that it has on Samsung, like on their employees and their customers. In the technology section there are discussions about the rapid change in the mobile industry and the competitiveness of the industry.

The business of unilever nigeria plc commerce essay

Political Factor: This factor is always necessary to be evaluated, in order to know the favorability of the political climate to market growth and development in a particular country, such as the Government Stability, Taxation Policy, and Attitude of the Government towards foreign investment. Socio Cultural Factor: This indicator is used to measure the rate β†’

Comparative study of osc students vs dcu students essay

The focal point of this research paper is comparing of: OSC Students: These pupils have enrolled for Distance Learning Course Some of the pupils are professionals Some of the pupils are workers And some have work experience among " regular" pupils General DCU pupils: Students belonging to the remainder of the University These pupils are β†’

Cravat bandage essay

Bandage terminated and secured RECURRENT BANDAGE OF THE HEAD WITH ONE BANDAGE Used to hold dressing on the scalp a. BANDAGE OF JAW Bandage of the jaw is use for fracture of the jaw and to hold dressing on the chin a.

Digital marketing flashcard

In a very short period, it has become dulcet for most of us to imagine a world without Instant and continuous access to the Internet, series in which we examined the Internet's impact on a group of developing countries that have both the scale and the dynamism to become significant players on the global stage β†’

Aristotle’s theory of the ideal state

However, according to Aristotle, the best is the Hellenic race which is situated between the two regions and has the best of both the regions, i.e.the spirit of the Europeans and the intelligence of the Asians. The last and the most important thing is that the authority in the state must have the power to β†’

Introductionwhy people. one of my relative’s have parkinson’s

About Alzheimer's DiseaseAlzheimer's is a neurodegenerative disease of the brain and therefore one of the main causes for Dementia which is a set of symptoms that is crippling to people of all ages; symptoms such as memory loss, problems with thinking/problem solving and a negative effect on speech can all be caused by Dementia. Brain β†’

Organisational behaviour and team work in business

The group may spend a lot of time on the each stage, but some groups never reaching the final stages because the personality and levels of dominance of each member may play a large part in the failure or success of the group and its ability to progress through the different stages, the time goes β†’

Market segment targeted of avon’s essay

Research question and Investigation As for research question of my thesis, it is the following: What are the differences of male and female leadership and management style? If we consider leaders and managers, it is obvious that most of men are taking leaders role and position, and women are managers.' The very essence of leadership β†’

The development of mass tourism mallorca tourism essay

Mallorca is the largest island of the Balearic archipelago with 555km of the total coast length of the island which covered for nearly three quarters of the land with approximately 3640 km in Balearic Island. The development of Mass Tourism Definition of Mass tourism Burkart and Medlik states " Mass tourism is essentially a quantitative β†’

A history of pottery

The oldest known body of pottery dates from the Jomon period in Japan; and even the earliest Jomon ceramics exhibit a unique sophistication of technique and design. By the beginning of the 15th century Italian potters had abandoned the old familiar processes, and a revolution in style and techniques was under way.

Patient satisfaction research essay

By understanding the definition of patient satisfaction as well the use of patient satisfaction surveys in health care, others will be able to comprehend how managers of Health Care Organizations use the scores to improve the quality of care in their organization. After defining patient satisfaction research, then the question will be answered on how β†’

The effect of decriminalizing marijuana and intergovernmental relations

A dilemma exists between the federal government and the state government on the use of marijuana for medical and recreational use and this is principally noted in the definite decriminalization of marijuana in certain states and the impending legalization for recreational use of marijuana in certain cities. With federalism in mind, government at the state β†’

Wake up to nutella

Due to the fact that sales of nutella in UK are low, compared to other European countries, the target market can be described as new to the product nutella rather than existing customers. Most people in the UK, in comparison with the rest of Europe, perceived nutella as a threat and indulgence, especially amongst the β†’

Supreme court of the united states and self-defense essay sample

In conclusion, the essay will address the issue of the logic behind the statement in the transcript of the case, United States v. 2D 44 a man shot another man in self-defense but because of the circumstances around the case the Court would not allow the self-defense plea and the Second Circuit Court agreed with β†’

Cultural issues in business management

What is meant by the culture of a society, and why is it important for international managers to understand it? The main reason of why this occurs is because the presence of culture implies the use of symbols through which individuals learn to modify their behavior by understanding the meanings of what it is communicated.

Marketing strategies of hong thai travel

I would focus on Hong Thai and Smart Holiday in Hong Kong to deeply know about the marketing strategies, that's mean I would like to compare on marketing strategies of Hong Thai and Smart Holiday as well as what factors will affect /attract tourists, what promotion channels will use for tourists and so on. A β†’

An analysis on customer care strategy of sainsbury

Sainsbury will continue to accelerate the development of non-food and service following the principles of quality and to provide a broader shopping experience for customers. Sainsbury offers delivery service to customers and Sainsbury provides a search engine in its website to help customers to find the nearest store.8.

Future memories essay

She's the reason you are such a pain in the arse! " It was at this point in the argument that tears had began to well up in Maggie's eyes". In her dream she had locked the door and her mother had wanted in, but that was impossible after all it was only a dream.

Various deficiencies that effect plants and plant stress biology essay

Differences in the gas exchanges in coconut during the dry and the showery seasons confirmed the of import function of chloride in this thenar. This is chiefly because of the low degrees of Ni needed by workss in relation to the comparative copiousness of Ni in dirt.

Mis – college essay

A ____ attack floods a network or server with service requests to prevent legitimate users' access to the systemdenial-of-service A ____ is a type of Web site that allows users to add, delete, and sometimes modify content.wiki n the context of the technologies developed to improve the efficiency and quality of digital communications, ____ divide β†’

The learning child

According to Dunsmuir and Williams the most common primary research resources are: social surveys and observation of participants as in this particular qualitative study.essay about online registration The objective of the study is to examine opinions and experiences of fathers and early years practitioners and to explore the fathers familiarity with and self-confidence in the β†’

International education in australia

International instruction is a important subscriber to the economic system of the province. The SAGE enchiridion of research in international instruction.

History of invasive and interventional cardiology assignment

Ranging from the birth of categorization to the Intervention Era of Development of surgeries, drugs, imaging, and care, the history of invasive and intervention cardiology is a field of modern medicine that has tapped up to another level, transformed the way medicine is utilized, and ultimately, changed the way America has saved lives. Taking on β†’

Framework for understanding development of business ethics assignment

The impact of the aggregation of organizations or the complete System Of micro decisions on stakeholders rates macro business ethics issues that are often addressed in public policy and the formal institutionalizing of business ethics through government. In this chapter, we are tracing the history of business ethics from the viewpoint of the development of β†’

Analysis of the effects of recruitment

To analyse the recruiting, training, motivating and rewarding staff in Marks and Spencer the following points are discussed in this report. There are many reasons for the huge amount of training used for the employees in Marks and Spencer: To improve employee productivity.

Youth unemployment: a walk along

You see the richest man in the world staying in a state-of-the-art mansion in the financial capital, Mumbai, but you also get to witness the poorest of the lot in another corner of the state, " safely" tucked away under the flyovers and bridges in neat little hovels. You get to revel in the wonders β†’

Methodology paper female genital mutilation nursing essay

The objective of this paper is to highlight the importance of health professionals having a thorough understand of FGM in order to address the conflicts that may occur when they provide care to such patients, whose practices and beliefs differ from their own. Since this is an area that is unfamiliar to most health professionals, β†’

Legal, ethical and professional issues in nursing

In the Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001, the Nursing and Midwifery Council must establish minimum standards and requirements for nursing education in professional and ethical issues.iv The NMC is an organisation established by parliament to protect the public and regulates the medical and nursing professional standards using the Register of Medical Practitioners. To be registered, β†’

Criminology essays – crime and power

It is tempting to give a simple or even simplistic answer to the above question: it is tempting to say that analysis and theory of crimes of the powerful have grown so quickly in the last century because the quantity and diversity of such crimes have themselves exploded outwards. According to scholars authors like Chesterton β†’

Control of internet 3427 essay

Because of this, the government feels that it has the right to regulate and control the contents of information distributed through the World Wide Web, contrary to the opinions of most Internet users, myself included. Freedom of Speech Over the Internet At the present, this network is the epitome of the first amendment, freedom of β†’

“saint stalin”

Of course, if Jesus was the bringer of the untold truths of the world to Earth and Marx realized the untold truths of communism, then that makes Marx the " Jesus of today" and so when Lenin is called the " Marx of today" and Stalin the " Lenin of today," than by transition, Stalin β†’

Hamiltons crusade essay

These weaknesses and others in The Articles of Confederation caused the people to consider amending the Articles that would correct these wrongs and at the same time protecting the interests of the states. The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution, to help the ratification of it and to insure the rights of the β†’

The unrelenting existence of the hindu caste system essay

Worst of all, the Dalits are no aliens to mistreat; they are prone to the worst of offenses and in fact, there were 3, 298 instances of physical force against the Dalits, 1, 034 studies of colza and 486 reported slayings in the twelvemonth 2000. The Torahs established in the 1949 Indian Constitution, functioning as β†’

Pestl analysis and swimwear industry review

In the 1990's under the administration of President Fernando Cardoso, Brazil broadened its approach to international trade as part of a greater industrialisation strategy to coincide with the growth in the export of manufactured goods, not just raw materials. LEGAL The basic law of Brazil is the constitution, which establishes the system and powers of β†’

Advertising and consumer psychology assignment

As a result, many critics appeal the restrictions of advertising is not enough at the moment and there should be more strict regulations to protect children from harmful advertisements. 2 The definition of children, childhood and children's consumer behavior Children can be defined as a human between the stage of birth and puberty generally and β†’

Computer ethics analysis essay

Virtue Ethics is the belief that ethics should be more concerned with the character of the moral agent decided to adopt a professional code of ethics due to which, by the middle of the sass new privacy and computer crime laws had been put in place in United States as well as Europe. During the β†’

Patient safety – the impact of communication in nursing

I am going to critically analyse how communication tools can impact on patient safety and look at the benefits and barriers and the challenges that arise from the implementation of these tools can be overcome. Another strategy to help improve patient safety in surgery is the use of theatre briefings and debriefings.

Wal-mart seafood supply chain case study

One of the recommendations to Walmarts sea-food supply chain to reduce cost can be that it can provide incentives; bonuses to the fisherman and also to the fish boat operators based on the maximum amount of salmon they could catch as fast as possible during the peak time of the season and till the season β†’

Seniority based wage and promotion system business essay

The collective agreement between the company and the union workers stipulated the minimum and maximum rate of advance of the ladder of ranks, as well as the annual increase in base rates for employees of each rank. The unions in Japan are not divided with respect to occupation and represented by the union of workers β†’

The flaw in equating survival and happiness

Also I do not believe that the homosexual descendant? s penises fell off because of generations of not putting them to use; which is different to the mockingbird, so the use of the Theory of Natural Selection in Levin? s argument is misused. One may say that the sperm bank cannot be used because it β†’

Physical attractiveness of defendant

The purpose of the investigation was to see if the physical attractiveness of a defendant has an influence of the severity of prison sentences given for a crime of fraud. Single Blind The participants and the experimenter will be told that the study is on studying something other than what there doing so the participants β†’

Visual basic.net (an abc approach) assignment

1 Abstraction...................................................................................................5 3.2. 2 Class Members...........................................................................................79 3.3.

Consolidated contracts outline essay

Unconscionably and Role of Judges: Is it the judges role to decide consideration is inadequate and that a contract is unconscionable? 52-209 provides that a promise modifying a contract will be binding on the promise if the modification is fair and equitable in view of the circumstances not anticipated hen the contract was made.

Psychopathology and therapies, depression, schizophrenia and eating disorders

This therapy is part of the psychodynamic approach and is therefore said to be not scientific enough as they look into very vague topics.' The topics are hard to study appropriately; the concepts may be explained with more scientific approaches like cognitive therapy. This therapy is said to be one of the most effective long-term β†’

How is harmony is perceived in contemporary design philosophy essay

The whole idea of the theory of harmony in design is the need to integrate the design to its environment. The translation of harmony in contemporary design is an important projection to bring to a design.

The court of appeals decision and effects law company business partnership essay

The real value was 750 but Mr Berry received 3000.[2] An agent must act on behalf of his principal and the agent is under obligation to make full disclosure.[3]An agent should notify the whole of his action to his or her principal,[4]and not make any profit in the course in the matter of his agency β†’

International marketing assignment

To do so, the firm had to take into consideration all the actors and forces of the American market.A. It is important to notice that one of the reasons that women wanted to work in the g's and the ass's was due to the oil crises of '72 and '79.

Gay=s use of music for satire in the beggar=s oper

Specifically, the nature of the music and the manner in which Gay uses that music in the play produces a certain brusque effect, one which can serve to heighten the comedy and deepen the satire of Opera. This caustic use of music extends to the content of the songs themselves, the technical features of the β†’

Emerging issues for cultural and urban tourism tourism essay

Urbanisation and process of acute city growth due to high productive economic activities around the city, often at the expense of rural and agricultural hinterlands, is largely a product of the 20th Century particularly in the wake of the Industrial Revolution and the arrival of Automobile Industry.' Globalization' is promiscuous, controversial word that often obscures β†’