300 Words Essay Samples

Health care provider

He is always patient and kind, and explains things well. He also always pulls my patient record whenever I come in, and makes sure that he has the most up to date files on me.

Nursing theory

This philosophy of health as expanding consciousness is founded on: 1) A unitary, ever changing view, 2) Pattern, as an identifier of wholeness, and, 3) Transformative developing as a process of change The theory has one assumption that life is a process of expanding consciousness. Consciousness is described as a unitary pattern of data β†’

Case study

Roberts story? Healthcare quality according to Mr. Moreover, lack of assertiveness and ignorance among patients is a factor that contributes to untimely death and worsening of medical conditions.

Emergency nursing and educational goals

Besides being able to sustain life in general as part of my job of being a firefighter, paramedic and a nurse at the same time, I see this as a crucial and serious task that must be continuously practiced and developed to uphold the effectiveness of the delivery of service. To be able to learn β†’

Looks and knowledge: experiences of mothers and nursing staff regarding post-caesarean section pain

This is also seconded by both women who have undergone the same as well as nurses though due to circumstances and need to save mother's life it is inevitable. This study commenced in May 2011 recruiting about 40 postpartum women who had gone through C-section and 22 nursing practitioners. The contributing factor to this conclusion β†’


This means the employee is in a long term recovery programs with long term abstinence from drug use. The scenario In the case of the employee taking patients' medication for self-use, the first step would be to establish whether the employee is addicted. Confronting the employee to admit that he diverted the drug for β†’


She also claimed that his husband developed great vigilance such that when driving he was very cautious. Tessa, however, claimed that there are organizations which range from charity to fraternal and can be beneficial to the military community. According to Paulson et al., people who are in the military community that includes veterans, those who β†’

Stress reduction in children with autism spectrum disorder pediatric massage

Stress reduction in children with autism Stress reduction in children with autism spectrum disorder through pediatric massage Autism is a disorder that is stressful both to the caregivers of the children and the children being cared for. Reduction of stress among autistic children is thus a crucial health care intervention that would result in improvement β†’

Critical thinking

Canadian health Act requires the federal government to administer the national health care system through fiscal allocation and delivery free health care services all citizens in the society. Majority of the Medicare members suffer from diet-related diseases and terminal illness thus it is the responsibility of the Medicare to cover all the prescribed conditions.

Discussion board post response

As noted by Seidman and McCauley , positive deviance involves making out what ought to be avoided in order to achieve the intended positive results. Placing bracelets on the patients known to wander around is an ingenious technique that could be referred to as an example of positive deviance.

Adolesent drug abuse

In this paper, I seek to discuss management of risk factors and protective measures as the most interesting aspect of adolescent drug abuse. The manner in which the society has handled risk factors to adolescent drug abuse and associated prevention initiatives, as evidenced by the persistent high rates of the abuse among the group is β†’

The management of ipratroprium during an asthma attack

It is however important to realize that the administration of Ipratropium should be managed in a way that makes its use safe for the patient. The delivery of Ipratropium is carried out in the form of aerosolized solution through the use of a metered dose inhaler. Combinations of ipratropium and albuterol are also marketed, the β†’

Parimary article summary

The basic idea of transcultural nursing is to study the connection between the various cultures and relate these findings to the core concepts of nursing. Keeping in view the challenges of the 21st century, the author briefly explained the relevant factors and their roles in getting a positive outcome in the field of nursing, taking β†’

In what ways could a researcher manage and organize the data

Qualitative data is important in explaining phenomena and thus finding an ideal approach to manage and organize the data can be beneficial to a study. The motive is to ease retrieval of the data and identify any missing information that would be relevant in the analysis section.

Why i want to be a nurse and my plan for the future in nursing

This is in line with the BSN program mission that promotes the advancement of education among RNs to enable them provide comprehensive and evidence-based nursing care. I appreciate that leadership in nursing is a critical role that calls for endowment with the requisite knowledge to promptly make decisive decisions.

Witting a letter

Richard Durbin, As a constituent and admirer of yours, I urge you to support the Registered Nurse Safe Staffing Act, which will optimize the well-being of the patients and the professional inputs of the nurses. The introduction of the Act to Congress in 2003 and the subsequent reintroductions have not yet progressed to the passing β†’

Positive image of nursing profession

Today's society requires people to specialize and be qualified enough to join the nursing professionalism. The percentage of nurses who are bachelor ready is increasing do to the increasing demand for well-prepared nurses. Besides, one can support the application process of student who wants to do nursing.

Discuss a current public controversy surrounding a healthcare issue. examine the issue from a sociopolitical, economic, and cultural perspective. what are the ethical/ legal dilemmas that nursing professionals face when healthcare issues are politicized

However, cultural, religious, social, and political stakeholders remain divided over the matter. Obamacare seeks to enhance accessibility, affordability, and quality of healthcare, preventive services included. On the other side, healthcare industry is subject to social, financial, legal, and political regulation.

Personal philosophy of nursing

Indeed, such image is what most people hold henceforth, no disagreeable reactions should be manifested in the presence of patients even though a nurse may be in trouble or is not feeling well. When a nurse is knowledgeable and well-trained, he will be able to perform his responsibilities efficiently but effectively.

Nursing situation

However, even though caring is a highly regarded virtue in nursing practice, instances when the nurses failed to provide proper care have been numerous, and most patients bear witness to such treatment. For instance, during my internship period in the hospital, I happened to witness one such incident where a comatose patient needed to be β†’


According to this research, it was found that in the 799 hospitals researched, higher RN staffing was inversely proportional to the adverse patient outcome and vice versa. In addition, the probability of failure to rescue was higher in hospitals that had lower nurse staffing levels.

Clinical significance

There are a number of controversies around the clinical significance and statistical significance issue. There is a general agreement that statistical significance do not give information concerning clinical significance. Statistical significance is generally about the possibility of a chance finding that will not stay in the replications of the future.

Nursing research

Nursing research Pressure Sores and the Braden Scale Pressure sores is a common health problem in the world.Dr. The areas include; nutrition and hydration, physical capability, ease of changing positions, sensing and responding to pressure, behavior of skin in humid conditions and resilience of skin to friction (National Institute of Nursing Research, 2006). The testing β†’

The purge: violence in horror films increasing violence in the real world

Priming entails the spread and activation of the brain in response to the stimulus observed which excites the brain. Emotional activation or desensitization are also long term effects of exposure to content such as those contained in the Purge.

Hollywood classical era movies of the 40s movie reviews examples

The director uses normal lens, so the perspective is normal and the focal length is moderate." Casablanca is shot by the objective camera, so that the spectator watches the action as the neutral observer. The sound of the movie is realistic.

Salamone cartoon analaysis

That is why there is a problem with Brian San F's comic involving, " John the Baptist's beheading,". The situation depicts Salome, one of Jesus' followers who traveled with him to Jerusalem and witnessed his death and events that followed after. Salome's mother, Herodias, orders John the Baptist's head as β†’

Film ”koyaanisqatsi” essay sample

The film opens with of nature and the power it holds juxtaposed with the sometime destructive nature of man that eventually transitions into a more symbiotic relationship between man, nature, and technology. Martin Heidegger is never mentioned, but his musings on this relationship man has with nature and technology can be applied, although Heidegger β†’

Son of satan

The main character claimed that he had heard from Simpson, a contemporary who they apparently did not like, that he had been fucking a girl under the main character's house. He claims that the main character is not his son, but " son of Satan", after what he had done.

Nazism theme in the antz movie

The first reason showing that General Mandible is using a fascism or nazism is that he does not care about every individual ant; he only cares about his colony. There are also many other places where General Mandible demonstrates a Nazism or a fascism type of government is that he imprisoned people when they did β†’

Action and romantic movies essay sample

All mean that an action flick needs a bigger budget, much bigger than what a typical romantic film would need. On the creative side of the issue an action flick highly relies on suspense and thrill whereas a romantic film seeks attraction in provoking feelings and sentiments in its audience. A film can be β†’

Article analysis

Beef: The " King" of the Big Water Footprints Summary The article attempts to analyze a ment by Prince Charles of Wales about the water footprint in beef production, in the United States. Beef: The King of the Big Water Footprints.


When Koch further developed Pasteur's germ theory, he was the first person to have identified the specific microbe that causes an individual disease. Robert Koch's breakthrough was important because his methods were adapted from other scientists, who discovered the bacteria that cause other diseases. Because of Koch's development, Pasteur was able to investigate vaccination and β†’


Birth and Death of Stars in the Solar System The solar system comprises of the sun and other objects that revolve around the sun. This then resulted to the formation of the sun and planets that make up the solar system.

Methods section rubric – lab report example

The independent variable was the type of paper towel while the dependent variable was mass of water absorbed. The weight of water held by the paper towels was determined by getting the difference between the weight of the wet and dry paper towels (Baxter, Shavelson, Goldman, and Pine4).

Waste reduction, reuse, and recycle:

Waste Reduction, Reuse, and Recycle Solid waste could be reduced by first reducing the quantity of material that makes a product without compromising the utility of the product. The same incentive could work for household waste reduction where the cost of disposing domestic waste is increased to reduce on waste disposal.


Article Review- " Independent Photoreceptive Circadian Clocks throughout Drosophila" The article reviews the expression of luciferase or green fluorescent protein from the promoter of the clock period in order to monitor the circadian clock in explanted abdominal tissues, head and thorax in transgenic drosophila. The observed photoreceptive properties of the explanted tissues indicate the role β†’

Sports and use of anabolic androgenic steroids among icelandic high school student: a critical test of three erspectives

The purpose of this research was to figure out the whether sports is the main reason due to which high school level students abuse AAS or whether there are other factors that contribute to this abuse. The researchers failed to figure out a strong link between school performance and AAS abuse, but they figured out β†’

Climate change

Data on climate provide some evidence that the world is undergoing a series of climate variability, and the noticeable changes have nothing to do with human activities among other causative factors. Works Cited NASA." Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence". Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet.


The main concept behind this paper is to have a clear understanding of the diversity of the ipRGCs and their different functions in regulating behavior. The findings illustrate that Rpe65 / ipRGCs were 20 40 fold and are not photosensitive whether at single cell or behavioral levels. This is a factor that led β†’

Darwins theory of evolution

The reason for the diversity in life comes from natural selection, essentially meaning that those organisms of a species that are best suited to their environment are more likely to succeed in reproduction. Due to this, the traits of those individuals that ensure that they are best suited to their environment become more frequent in β†’

A presentation

The subsequent stage that followed was the neo-classical era which was mostly concerned with the general symptoms of Lupus, and lastly the contemporary era which was marked a shift in the medical research in this area when in 1948 the LE Cell was discovered. Moriz Kaposi proponed there were two types of lupus erythematosus: the β†’

Summary and impact

Scientists uncover features of antibody-producing cells in people infected with HIV Summary A team of scientists from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (part of the National Institutes of Health) conducted a research on the blood of 100 volunteers as patients with HIV-infection and healthy. In particular, the fact that B cells in β†’

Worksheet 5 – nora eccles harrison museum of art

WALMART is one of the most valuable companies in the world, the leading retail company and the largest public company. WALMART Company being a business organization, there is need for human asset retention in the human resource sector. This makes the company lack skilled and experienced personnel. Cases of employee turnover are very rampart and β†’

Art and human values

Key among the issues includes elimination of the boundaries between life and art, ethics of robotics, aesthetic-engineering, embodied and virtual spectatorship and the accountabilities of the artist regarding the art of monsters and machines. Causey presents that Kac's works show relatedness to practices of both installation and conceptual art of the twentieth century.

History and theory of new media

The documentary explores how a combination of talent and agony runs in all the arts displayed in the Crazy Horse. The beautiful women at Crazy Horse work so hard to present the best artistic talent possible to the public visiting the club but in the process of exhibiting the typical " French blend of vulgarity β†’

Culture’s influence on social and developmental processes

These two prevailing influences are in a constant interaction state to the extent that is nearly impossible to ascertain that nature is only responsible for a particular aspect of an individual and nurture is the only cause of another aspect. The particular psychological makeup of any person is the outcome of both culture transmission β†’

Campus museum 2

5 Phillip Stearns created the artwork in which is a binary blanket. The process that Stearns used in creating this art is complex since he translated digital data from program that are familiar such as Microsoft word.

Slumdog millionaire

There are sufficient twists and turns in the story to keep the audience glued to the narrative. The suspense built up in the initial stages of the plot is successfully resolved in favor of the hero.

Still-life photography

It is a beautiful art captured in its entirety through the usage of various techniques for enhancing mood and light through breathtaking images of inanimate objects. Having a backdrop that matches the subject to the maximum extent has a lot of bearing on the success of the shots. In most cases, black velvet is mostly β†’

The painter of light

ART2 The Painter of Light Looking at a variety of Rembrandt's canvases reproduced in books and on the internet, it is easy to see why he is knownas " The Painter of Light". As in Caravaggio, the painter uses light to enhance the drama of the moment captured on canvas: the lighting appears to come β†’

Essay on the tennessee arts commission

National Endowment for the Arts Home Page.N.p., n.d.Web. National Endowment for the Arts Home Page.N.p., n.d.Web.

Personal statement for universities

However, I would like to be exceptionally proficient in film and attain the world recognition. It is due to the above reasons among others that I would move to a bigger space for improvement. I understand that this is an international university that is fully developed, and equipments are up to the standards.

Free essay on humanities 20th century

This is the reason why it is harder to be better able to understand life for a person who has studied humanities or arts. On the other hand, many artists create their own worlds and people who enjoy looking at their paintings get a chance to visit these worlds. However, this ability to create a β†’

Film review: the simpsons movie: a mixed blessing

Ostracized by their neighbors because of Homer's idiocy, the Simpsons find their way to Alaska, only to return to save their town from destruction. Lexically-rendered movie field: The family patriarch inadvertently sparks an environmental disaster. The environmental disaster causes the government to lower a giant dome over the town.

New york fashion week

New York Fashion week 2009 During the last year's show, the organizers promised to provide a bigger showcase to house the bi-annual New York Fashion week event. Starting from this September, New York Fashion Week moves to Damrosch Park at the Lincoln Center complex, home to the Metropolitan Opera house and American Ballet Theatre leaving β†’

Java programing

of the of the of the Object Oriented Programming Object oriented programming is a programming methodology, where data and its interactions are of central focus rather than processes. Finally, the system behavior is modeled after the interactions of these data items. When confronted with a complex programming task, the programmer can make use of object β†’

Foundations of information technology assignment

IT has been used by various companies like the airport authorities to come up with metal detectors and walkthrough detectors that are used to detect metallic elements in peoples luggage and also on people especially with the walkthrough detectors that scan the whole body. Cloud storage is used by essentially all companies to store vital β†’

Computer science extra credit

It allows mobile payments and is considered to revolutionize the modern day e-commerce. (Below points are copied from http://www.nearfieldcommunication.org/) " Who benefits from near field communication ? Busy moms checking out at the grocery store Businessmen and women riding the subway to work Businesses looking for faster, more secure payment methods for customers β†’

Supporting activity

Mobile computing is " a generic term used to refer to a variety of devices that allow people to access data and information from wherever they are".. Mobile computing has resulted in a marked increase in productivity of employees because of their easy access to data which they need. Web 2.

Internet explosion – protecting our future

These gaps may include the replication of the fingerprints as well as manually recording the voices of legitimate users through devices like mobile phones. Q2. This may result in the braking of professional ethics as one tries to manage emerging challenges.

How does physical access control differ from logical access control as described in earlier chapters how is it similar

On the other hand, the control of the physical access is performed through the physical access control (Logical access, physical access, 2012). Logical Access Control and Physical Access Control: The Difference and Similarity: The primary difference between logical access control and physical access control is that physical access control is mainly involved with control of β†’

Computer crimes

Additionally, the rise of computer crime is attributed to inexistence of laws related to computer crime. Computer crime is not always associated with physical damage of property. The criminal activities are a breach to the human and information privacy. Hacking is one of the most witnessed computer crimes.

Functional organizations are described by organizational charts. explain why a temporary organization such as a project can benefit from using an organizational chart

The first of these is that an organizational chart shows a clear reporting structure and it becomes clear for everyone involved in the project where they have to report to thus reducing ambiguity and confusion. This way they do not have to miss out of opportunities that they can easily take advantage of. As above β†’

Predictive vs. adaptive sdlc

Basically, agile software development approach is known as adaptive SDLC and the majority of software developers now adopts agile for a variety of reasons. However, the predictive SDLC approach does not provide any support for handling these changes and if it does, these changes are costly to accommodate. Some of the benefits of agile include β†’

Design structure of a workout website

The details of the sections are outlined and explained below: Navigation The site contains links strategically placed within the web system to facilitate the interconnection of the different web pages that offer diverse services. The selective and optional navigation to various links that represent the pages of the website is symbolized by the template β†’

Cis206 u5 research assignment

Administering a UNIX User Environment Administering a UNIX User Environment The article, Unix Administration, by David Malone focuses on various aspects that involve the administration of the UNIX user environment. Processes are the basic units of executing programs in UNIX and can be in states such as waiting for data, ready to run, or running.

Security awareness

Threats from inside the company continue to be the main source of information security breaches, and therefore effective security awareness campaign targeting the employees of the company can help identify and prevent threats like social engineering and phishing. Organizing a security awareness campaign will ensure the employees are informed and updated on various security issues β†’

Flight planning / maintenance dashboard

Furthermore, flight engineers will be able to plan for scheduled and unscheduled maintenance. The engineers purposed to design the application must have a holistic understanding of evolving technologies as well as the involved inherent functional characteristics. Gosnell also presents to us the procedure on the development of a dashboard application.

Are social network site good for our society

The use of social networks has significantly transformed the society in many ways where it can be seen that even politics are turning to them in their political campaigns. Therefore, it can be noted that the benefits of using social networks social in nature, they just offer personal gratification to the individuals who use them.

Computer and network hardware

For example the keyboard serves for purpose of transmitting instructions to the mother board and processor to fetch any instruction. Scanners, monitor, printer and mouse serve as the external components of the system. What alternatives are available to allow a modern computing system to connect to a network? While computer without internet makes little sense β†’

Microsoft access

Forms helps in the addition of data into the main database used by the Microsoft access application. The reports in Microsoft access give a comprehensive summary of the information contained in the database.

Network security tools

Research and discuss the need for network security tools to assess network weaknesses and proactively fix these before they are exploited. The functionality of Secunia PCI is to act as an IDS and an anti-virus system, a multi-beneficial aspect for network security.

The internet provider asa

The ASA of the management firm could be built up to sustain a domestic user databank or make use of an outside server for verification (Whitman & Herbert, 2011, p.288). A system administrator will have to be accountable for making and sustaining this protective surrounding (Whitman & Herbert, 2011, p.288). The advantages of the implementation β†’

Cloud computing and the new economics of business

The illustration of Hugo incorporated some of the innovation theories where the sustained success is attained through the change, innovation, and adaptation of organizations, According to Hugo, history has proved that there is resistance in the spread of technologies that have always been considered futile. It is, therefore, essential to accurately measure and realizes the β†’

Perform a limited risk managment study

This paper is going to discuss a risk management study of some of the security threats. Risk Identification and Estimation Malicious codes: when connected to P2P networks, or using P2P applications it is hard to identify the source of the files, and even the credibility of the sender. This may restrain the user's internet β†’

Life long learning

Life-long learning makes it possible for individuals to acquire knowledge on some of the new research or experiments available for the technical field. In the field of information technology , individuals can learn virtually. Such a consideration will make it possible for interested individuals to expand their knowledge in the field of information technology.

Telecom eireann

Participation of diverse and competing stakeholders with dissimilar needs must have been challenging to the management team. Therefore, it is correct to state that relationship between users and developers must have been complex, and it only delayed the implementation stage of the project. For efficient implementation of the new system, all stakeholders needed to respond β†’

2-easy discussion questions

Once the cause is found, a learning cycle is used to resolve the problem and improve the process. On the other hand the Pareto Chart is a bar graph which arranges problems in priority of importance. For example a Pareto chart can be used to analyze which of the main factors, that is people, management, β†’

Business intelligence in action

Most of the Facebook users are not aware of where their information has reached (Vitt, Luckevich, & Misner , 2010). The data that companies will try to seek is the preferences of many things that Facebook users have towards products and services. One way in which this is taken is that Facebook does not inform β†’

Discussion 2

The former functions in a software system is merely confined to addressing the requirements needed to design, implement, and monitor the software system; and does not require ensuring that the software system is effectively interconnected to other users in the organization. The persons involved in the activities include the systems and network engineers, IT personnel, β†’

Creational and behavioral design pattern: commands in the function

The square view model is related to the composite class in the algorithm which in turn is related to the color background and the square state of the game. The square view model object is able to position the board which is then passed to the composite class which sets the required state of the β†’

Data mining as the process

The airline employed data mining process in order to increase the responses from the customers and also to increase the value of the response. This will increase the response rate as the offers are planned based on the results of customer preferences. Other Sectors: Data mining can be widely applied to many industrial sectors.

Ethics in it assignment

Software's are designed for the purposes of meeting a specific need either in the business or entertainment world. Once an engineer has designed software for a given purpose, it will not make sense to discriminate on the type of warranty that it can be given. It will be senseless to distinguish software as the same β†’

Ethics article summary

The author seems to create this sort of injustice by imposing unfair burden on the South African employers. According to the Belmont report, the question of justice is created when the people conducting research fail to give the credit where it is due or impose an uncalled for burden on one party.

Interest groups

Politicians are well aware of the popularity of interest groups and their ability to sway public opinion, which is very important to their election success. The political process dominated by the political parties but kept in check by the presence of interest groups is more favorable than the reverse. Politicians are best positioned to lead β†’

Federal regulations and federal agencies

This suggest that even in the absence of legal factors, social factors such as moral principles can regulate organizations and I believe that in such an environment, pharmaceuticals would consider ethical manners for quality service delivery and for competitive advantage. The pharmaceutical industry identifies intense competition and its companies ensure measures for competitive advantage. The β†’

Against the patenting genes

Gene patent should not be legalized so that more knowledge can be created for the benefit of mankind. Myriad Genetics Ic.used the patents to determine the typical nucleotide sequence of the genes. It is, indeed, sad, that " some genetic tests cannot be done in Canada because U.S.companies hold patents on the tests and the β†’

Graffiti as a spatial practice

College: GRAFFITI AS A SPATIAL PRACTICE According to walking in the interesting practices such as graffiti would be used to pass across messages between members of a certain group or even belonging. Graffiti cannot be related to a given group of people because it's universally applicable across the globe.

Polsky’s “presidency at war”

Presidency at War The thesis ment of Andrew Polsky's " Presidency at War" is the role of the congress, judiciary, andpublic, in relation to presidential decision-making concerning military intervention. Polsky criticizes the " two presidency thesis" that separates presidential decisions on domestic and foreign policy. A careful scrutiny of historical wartime events shows that the β†’

Q (ve1) or q (ve2)

In terms of the definition of ethics, which is itself a mean, ethics (how we are trained to handle any situation) is plainly the cause of the achievement of the ' average' feeling of happiness (happiness does not have a measure but either a lack or presence of it). Some of the moral virtues that β†’

Mexico economy

Currently, monopolies markets are crippling the economy coupled with insecurity. Development: The growth of the economy has been in an ascending trend. Although the country successfully overcame the 2008 financial crisis, the emergence of monopolies and cartels are threatening to take Mexico back to the dark days.

Connecticut local government

The program help high school and college students make great stories for their lives. It has been an issue in our community since the kids were not engaged and had some challenges and behavioral problems. I believe I feel this way because the program can help chronically low performing school rise. If I lived in β†’

Consumer incentives

The government may give economic incentives to healthcare providers through tax-free imports of medical facilities, tax holidays, and financial support with the aim of improving the quality of healthcare. The nursing home can signal the quality of its services to customers by hiring adequate number of nurses, ensuring nurses are educationally and clinically prepared, availing β†’

Ethnic diversity in the united states

In fact, in the 2000s, there were around 11 million Asians, Latin Americans, Africans and Caribbean people who came to America. The strength that diversity brings about is therefore in the sense of freedom and omniscience that it ascribes to the population. Among the various ethnic groups in the United States, the most dominant remains β†’

Corporate social responsibility theories: mapping the territory

Corporate Social Responsibility Theories: Mapping the Territory Summary Most CSR theories take into consideration 4 practical aspects: 1) Businesses are meant to produce profits, 2) Corporate power and its rational use, 3) Businesses and their social responsibilities, 4) Businesses as profit makers working within ethical domains. Based on the above concept, the theories can be β†’

If you could be anyone in history, who would it be and why

If you could be anyone in history, who would it be and why? There have been many important people in the history of the world who have left their mark and they will always be remembered in this world. This is because her services can never be forgotten and her name is linked with β†’