300 Words Essay Samples

Should drug use be decriminalized

The government's fight, long and expensive, has not reduced the supply of illegal drugs on the streets of America. Drug laws, in opposition to their intention, serve to boost the cost of the drugs and heighten their appeal in terms of bringing more and more young people into the business of dealing in drugs.

(criminal justice) ethical issues

The higher authorities can possibly take an action against the guard that is not relevant to the mistake of beating an inmate for no reason. I agree with the post that an increase in the correctional salary would cause a decrease in corruption since most people do not have limits for what money is enough β†’

Kezia jose

Atticus Finch is a good father because he shares a truthful relationship with his kids that will always be treasured. Atticus does this because he is a parent who knows that if he says things and he himself does not follow it, then why should his children.

Cask of amontialldo – character traits

The character of Montresor in, " The Cask of Amontillado" is one who can only be defined with words along the lines of evil, or wicked. He claims to have obtained a cask of Amontillado, when the reader can tell through situational irony this is not true.


The Mockingbird has a very deep and powerful meaning in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird. Characters such as Boo Radely can be compared to the mockingbird in the title of the novel.

Atticus quotes from to kill a mockingbird

" You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." - Atticus " As you grow older you will see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and do β†’

Faith and integration essay

This shows a high sense of faith integration into Paul's character as his decision to ignore his troubles was based on the faith that by being concerned about the business of Christ, Christ was in turned concerned about his business. This is because as Paul was going through the persecution from the authorities, he chose β†’

Good example of essay on scavenger hunt

The most interesting thing that I would like to know about the Mormons is the fact that they have the Book of Mormon, which they consider as " Another Testament of Jesus Christ". I concluded that the diversity of the religious groups is so wide that it is impossible to unite all the places of β†’

Example of research paper on hume on causation

In addition, addresses the essence of the inability of the people to understand or have no awareness about the connections that exist in the events that occur in our daily lives. The argument is purely philosophical in that the human nature is the reason for the beliefs and the way we function in the world, β†’

Example of critical thinking on work ethics, affirmative action and career oriented education system

I believe that work is a fundamental aspect that has led to the development of our society and the world in general. Likewise, people who appreciate learning and specialize in fields that interests them usually appreciate work than those who go to learning institutions just for the sake.

Interview with a preschool teacher essay

The key areas that the interview covered were the present condition of the level of pre-school education, the various players in the education, the effect of the parents and guardian to the education of the minor and the possible measures that can be implemented so as to improve the situation. From the discussion, I was β†’

Example of essay on does religion cause more harm than good

It is very easy to point out the mistakes of religion in this modern age due to the fanaticism, fundamentalism and fights that characterize it. One positive result of religion is that it enhances morality and ethics in social engagements as human beings.

Essay on reading selection from descartes discourse on the method (part iv)

As such, his continued doubts about his thoughts and existence inspire him to begin considering possibilities of an external force that is perfect, and that influences his thoughts. As such, he believes God is the reason for his ability to reason and make conclusions in his theories.

Hinduism, a non traditional religion term paper

Nontraditional religions are very interesting and have a set of beliefs that are way different from the traditional religions. A World Survey of Religions and the State.

Organizational behavior critical thinking examples

This is clearly shown by the way Zappo makes a decision to bribe its employees to quit their job out of motivation by its values and attitudes. The employees are in the verge of making a decision which perhaps will depend on their motivation and attitudes.

Free essay on diversity, immigration and society

It therefore becomes difficult to explain how society comes to be in the current world situations where everything is becoming metropolitan with people moving from the native setting to new places where the culture and beliefs of the people are different. It is therefore not difficult to understand how society comes to be even with β†’

Free parenting styles across different cultures article review sample

They have adopted this parenting strategy from the less developed countries where breast-feeding is considered a part of parenting culture. The article has a strong connection with the topic chosen for this assignment that is, Parenting Styles across Culture.

Research paper on significant antecedents of unethical behaviour

First and foremost, in my opinion, I consider power misuse as one of the most significant antecedent of unethical behaviour. The most significant antecedents of unethical behaviours include power misuse, lack of effective accountability, and lack of moral values.

Free gender in the 1950s essay example

The domestic ideal role of the women during the 1950s was taking care of the house and the husband. Advertisement plays a huge role in the way they bring out the roles of the women in the advertisements.

Essay on collective behavior and social movements

Instead of having to convince the public of what is not right, I would prefer that such people stay quite and leave the public in suspense. They mislead the public on the component of the product and their ability to serve the required purpose.

Essay on sophist’s relationship with argument and truth

The use of physis and nomos in teaching, according to Klonoski, helped the people to some extent but the society argued that the truth did not lie in the natural factors all the time. At times, the truth lied in the norms of the society and the beliefs of the people.

Good essay about reflecting on family and identification

It is through emotional ties with my family and perception of common qualities that I share with my them that have changed my attitudes towards achievement. The first term in grade 8 saw John performing exceptionally to the surprise of his teachers, and even to our family as a whole.

Public opinion critical thinking samples

Public opinion polls are one of the prominent ways that are used to capture the possible outcome of a democratic election because it gives citizens a chance to provide their responses to certain questions and opinions. Democracy enables the people to keep the government in check because it gives the people a voice when it β†’

Free essay on party politics and elections of india

Large political parties get segmented into competing factions that wish to gain control and entry to the elite in the party. It may be concluded that undemocratic organization of political parties is unsuitable for the Indian democracy, and that existence of these parties has caused a general state of weakness in the its democratic functioning.

Good essay about fas 201

The sculptures in the in the Greeks revolution were done with relevance to the gods and rulers of the time. The sculptures were used in the ancient Greece to depict successes of different Rulers.- Describe the advancements that the Ancient Romans made in architecture.

Good example of liberty essay

The Libertarian Party is one third-party which is the third-largest party by membership in the United States. The Republicans will favor the way free trade is endorsed and supported by the Liberal party.

Responding techniques

A summary cites the author and title, quotes key phrases or sentences directly and describe the main ideas and feature of a text. A response requires analyzing the effectiveness of the text, agreeing or disagreeing with the author's ideas and interpreting and reflecting on the text.

Peer review assignment article review sample

The paper on the different religions and their significance and implications on health and nursing has provided evidence on its claim that spiritual diversity is significant on the provision of nursing care to patients. The paper, however, has not provided a comprehensive detail on the differences of each religion on health beliefs and practices on β†’

Example of essay on terry v ohio

When police officers observe citizens who are acting suspiciously, police officers may approach the citizens, identify themselves as police officers, ask the citizens what they are doing, and pat down the outer garments of the citizens to look for weapons. In addition, the fact that the police officers found any weapons at all should be β†’

Good example of public opinion essay

The particular chapter is a revelation to the society regarding the liberalization of leadership and democracy in government structures of 21st century. The chapter gives insights to readers on the importance of incorporating public opinion as a way of enhancing a collective responsibility in democracy.

Why become computer literate is important

Computer skills can mean that you can perform tasks that others in the work force are not able to, and you are familiar with and able to work with programs that businesses use. Last but not least, knowing how to use a computer can make your work done In a more organized way.

It intro of computer

In the career field I am talking is computer networking which I believe introduction to computer is a start to my path f my career. I believe I will learn a lot, and what I need to success in my career path in Computer networking.

Secretary maria and the osi network model

The 3rd floor personnel check the address on the message, determine who the addressee is and advise Maria of the fastest route to the Embassy. Maria proceeds from floor to floor where the message is decoded.

How to maintain a computer

It is common for a computer to get a problem when used on the long run and it will be burst eventually. If you want to renew your computer completely, go ahead, otherwise back up your data and mount the Hirer Boot CD instead, use it to clean your HAD, check error derive from hardware.

Introduction to computer

To help students understand the valorous components of the computer. To help students understand the power of a computer.

Computer scheduling 3733

Computer Scheduling Scheduling can be defined as the plan to bring together people, materials and curriculum at a designated time and place of the purpose of instruction. Although there is alot of software available that will actually construct a master schedule, a particular advantage of using only computer loading is the opportunity for the scheduler β†’

Development and evaluation of a computers

This system was also developed to evaluate and determine if the technology-based learning could help in improving the learning capabilities of the students. By providing all the learning materials in the system such as lectures, examinations and class records, this system development was tested and evaluated In terms of Its functionality, usability, reliability, performance and β†’

Opentable competitors essay sample

But open table is easy to use for the customers as well as the service provider because the software is having the easy user-interface. It links directly to the reservation software so no one has to keep the records for that and it help to create the customer database.

Computers are replacing more and more jobs

We get a lot of help from computers and believe that computers could make people's lives and Jobs easier. The economical unbalance can cause a lot of economical problems as well as social problems.

It hardware replacement project

The hardware must be replaced prior to deployment.* * This is an assignment to apply Project Management for replacing hardware to install a new CRM system in the corporate offices of an unnamed company. What strategies would you recommend for minimizing this project's risks? * Summarize your response by identifying best practices for managing this β†’

Computer effects on the academic performance of students

Pollution is currently poisoning all forms of life, both on land and in the water, and contributing to climate change. This can lead to a change in the abundance and distribution of individual species around the globe and will affect the crops we grow, cause a rise in sea levels and problems to many coastal β†’

History of intel corp 13916

The current chairman of Intel, Andy Grove, had also come from Fairchild to become Intel's 4th employee. The success of Intel did not come until the early 1970's.

Computer crimes 15233

The rapid advancement of the telephone, cable, satellite and computer networks, combined with the help of technological breakthroughs in computer processing speed, and information storage, has lead us to the latest revolution, and also the newest style of crime, " computer crime". The following information will provide you with evidence that without reasonable doubt, computer β†’


The processing element carries out arithmetic and logic operations, and a sequencing and control unit can change the order of operations in response to stored information's The defining feature of modern computers which distinguishes them from all other shines is that they can be programmed. In practical terms, a computer program may be Just a β†’

The effects of computer technology

This research study aimed to determine and identify all the possible positive and imaginativeness of using computer technology to the lifestyle and study habits of college students, particularly freshmen students in the nursing and information technology departments in Saint Marry University. Fledglings from the study Indicate that using computer technology makes dally leverages for students β†’

Computerized library system using rfid technology software

The purpose of this project is to provide a friendly environment to maintain the details of books and library members. The main purpose of this project Is to maintain easy circulation system using computers and to provide different reports.1.

Bi canadian tire

CASE SYNOPSIS The IT group at Canadian Tire Corporation, located at the headquarters of a network of five major business groups, is faced with developing an implementation plan for the development of a business intelligence infrastructure and business capability at Canadian Tire Retail. Students are required to analyse the business context of the BI initiative β†’

The british politics

Its parliamentary development over the centuries, and the emergence of the two-house parliament is a way of coping to the changing political calls intended for survival. Interest articulation and aggregation in this light has been effective because the citizens of the country and the parliament as well is anchored on the basis of their " β†’

Mr groegaard

Environmentof Organization of the Environment Networks in and Around Organizations Learning points the rational perspective Discuss central elements in the rational system perspective of organizations. Discuss the importance of the talent of management in the rational perspective Agenda Introduction Rational System Taylor Payola Lecture on Organizations as rational systems Weber - Weber Simon Wrap-up Case β†’


The number of marks is given in brackets at the end of each question or part question. Evaluate the view that the extended family is of little importance in modern industrial societies.

State of race relations in our country today

Most people base a person's race off of the way they look and In most cases they are wrong because they do not know exactly what race they are by Just looking at them. I think that things should be based off a persons as a whole not the color or race that they are.

Reflection essay on moral philosophy

For example, Bentham argues: " By the principle of utility is meant that principle which approves or disapproves of every action whatsoever, according to the tendency which it appears to have to augment or diminish the happiness of the party whose interest is in question: or, what is the same thing in other words, to β†’

College transfer

Upon my second semester of my freshmen year, I learned from the administration that my school does not offer the major I am now planning to pursue. I am hoping and looking forward in attending a program and pursue my bachelor's degree in the field of psychology.

Big trouble in little china

BTLC encourages assimilation of Asian Americans into American society by portraying them as true Americans they speak proper English, and Wang showedloyaltyto America, as he gave a toast to " America's colors...that never run dry ". The interracial friendship and romance convey to viewers that racial differences can be erased and Asian Americans are really β†’

Ethics and morals of the business world

Ethics and Morals of the Business World Have you ever considered the ethics and morals of the business world? In order for businesses to operate in the long run, great ethics and moral standards are vital in the business world.

Moment to remember

A moment to remember When I was young I knew I wanted to have two children when I got married, a boy and a girl. Many years passed by and our girls were growing up healthy and strong and our careers were going well and after many nights of discussion my husband and I decided β†’

Information technology and security research paper example

Information technology has assisted the Homeland Security department in monitoring the country and protecting the citizens and infrastructure from terrorist attacks. The department is also mandated with the task of minimizing damage and assist in recovery in the event of terrorist attacks.

Example of research paper on assymmetric threats

An asymmetric threat is defined in military terms to refer to strategies and tactics that are utilized by a weaker opponent to take advantage of the vulnerabilities in the stronger opponents. Second, it must include a tactic or exploit that the organization is not able to use against the adversary and finally, it must involve β†’

Good example of essay on data privacy

Protection of personal information in the present technological era, where sharing and distributing information is very common creates a concern for organizations and individuals for data privacy. In Information Technology, Data privacy or Information privacy is related to the capability of an organization that allows to regulate the type of data in a computer system β†’

Review of article review example

The main weakness of the article is the focus on Tom Clancy's novels. Hixson, W.L." Red Storm Rising": Tom Clancy Novels and the Cult of National Security.

Cyber security research paper examples

Response: Once insecurity is noted in the system, the first step to take is to change the codes and passwords used to access the system in order to avoid unauthorized login. Though it does not protect the system from cybercrime, Nessus is able to scan the entire system and notify the user of the likelihood β†’

Changes in airport security since 9/11 terrorist attack essays example

The Federal Government assumed the responsibility of airport security by forming US Transportation Security Administration. The airport guidelines obligate security personnel to limit the movement of non ticketed visitors beyond the airline gates.

Sample essay on criminal law

While the need to protect citizens from terrorist attacks is a key concern for the government, it has to be balanced with the right to privacy. Government surveillance may also be restricted on the nature of data that the state collects from internet companies.

Essay on where ethics prevent the company from taking a product to the market

This is evident because the security experts believed that the software this young Russia developed were of great effect to the security systems. This is a risk on credit cards because thieves only needs the names of the owner and impersonate.

Going back to school

Certified to carry and use a 9mm handgun and OC Spray. Completed required reports and forms legibly and in a timely manner.

Example of motivation theory critical thinking

The bottom needs are the most basic of needs of which they are the first needs to be met. This shows the grave importance of the basic needs and the fact that they are a great motivator for the workforce.

Sample essay on combating computer crime

Computer crime defines to any crime that includes networks and computers, and since everything is computer based, about every crime is computer crime nowadays. There are many tips to combat computer crime, for example, if you receive a suspicious email you should report them immediately.

Example of the belmont report essay

This idea may support Belmont Report especially in terms of giving respect to the person's principles. Retrieved from http://www.medadvocates.org/disciplines/ethics/belmont_report.html The Principles of the Belmont Report.

Using open-source technologies essay samples

Advantages and Disadvantages An open-source technology is free software where users are provided with the technical details of the software, and they can see how it works and can how they can contribute towards it. What are the Pros and Cons of Open Source.[Online] Available at: http://www.brighthub.com/computing/linux/articles/62136.aspx Marsh, J, 2013.

Confidentiality is an important issue

When a person gives information about themselves to other people such as doctors or carers, that person is giving their consent for the professional to share the information given. It is when a person gives consent with out realising they have and unless they specifically ask for the information to be strictly confidential, then that β†’

Example of essay on covert channels

As the writer argued, it is the information about the operating system, contained in the echoing message, which can be exploited by the hackers. The writer's mitigation mechanism of entering a set of zero's in the fields that are reserved and eliminating critical information is the best for this situation.

Corporate education; reflecting m. moore idiot nation

Corporate media and advertising has taken away the true meaning of education that it is embarrassing to ask a classroom of students to name the date the Declaration of Independence was signed, the birth date of this Country, and maybe one student can answer that question correctly. It is no wonder that students are being β†’

Parents are the best teachers.

From day one of our lives, parents are the one who cares and molds us in every step of our lives. On the other hand, an academic teacher helps us in our studies and extracurricular activities but parents are more influential than teachers.

Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers

As teachers know that their students always consider their teaching methods and their profession in every lecture or discussion, they will be stimulated to do well at the class. That idea will help both of students and teachers to do better in their tasks.

Beyond the black board

I could see is that Stacy was eager not to fail and quit on her students and the people around her. Action If I will encounter this kind of situation, I would reflect well by going back to the reason I am doing this and that is because I want to teach.

Features of india’s sarva shiksha abhiyan

The SSA programme is also an attempt to provide an opportunity for improving human capabilities to all children, through provision of community-owned quality education in a mission mode.1. 2 AIMS OF SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is to provide useful and relevant elementary education for all children in the 6 to 14 age β†’

Community partnership

There are many factors tat can affect the educational system in a given community, amongst we have - The teacher: He is considered the corner-stone of the process. The community is in need of a student who can affect and be affected by the environment.

Characteristics of a good teacher

Every teacher wants to be a good teacher, but what is this myth about being a ' good teacher'? As there is a saying that 'a teacher is only as good as his knowledge is'.

Teacher centered and learner centered

The focus in student-centered learning is to make students more aware of the material they are learning and why it is important. Student success is based upon a measure of individual performance in comparison to the work of the rest of the class.

Essay on persuasive letter

I am strongly convinced that PowerPoint is the best means of presenting a report as it allows: I am sure that you are a very modern and proactive teacher, so I hope that my reasons for using PowerPoint will let you realize how important it is to involve this program in the process of education. β†’

Banning books

First children have a right to read whatever they choose, Citizens should have access to what they want and should not be controlled by the government, Adults should monitor what their children read but not have an influence on other children. Although I feel that parents have the right to choose what their children read β†’

Settie harrison

Taylor Mali, n.d.Web. Taylor Mali, n.d.Web.

Jail problems and effects report examples

Violence inside the jail is one more problem and there are a number of instances when prisoners get badly injured and in some cases they are also dead. These problems discourage the prisoners in participating in the sports and other activities, affect their psyche badly and ultimately affect the efforts of criminal professionals to reform β†’

News report sample

A group of unidentified people, dressed in black and same cloth, armed with knives at-tacked people at the station in Kunming and began to stab people randomly. Law enforcement agencies of Kunming reported that found evidence at the crime scene points to the separatist organization of Xinjiang.

Sample essay on beyond vietnam

But to his dismay he found that his words of not using guns, Molotov cocktails and violence to end disputes and solve problems sounded hollow when the country he lived in believed in violence to end a dispute it was not even a part of. He was justified in using these causes to ask the β†’

Sample essay on doing sociological research

Research Question: What are the factors that influence the occurrence of domestic violence in the society? On another note, survey research will answer my research question effectively because it will make it easy for me to gather data on the factors that influence the occurrence of domestic violence in the society.

Example of report on positive impacts

The media can also be used to pass positive human behavior by depicting the negative impacts of detrimental behaviors such as smoking among others. The media continue to be a tool that propagates negative human behavior.

Shutter island essay sample

In his own mind he believes he is visiting Shutter Island as a detective assigned to find a missing patient and is disturbed by the " insane" people on the island when really, he is the most watched, and in fact, the missing patient. This movie portrays his severe memory condition very clearly after the β†’

Cain and abel research paper example

Dictionary attack is faster when compared to Brute force attack although there is no possibility that the password will be cracked in the end. The good thing is that the password will be recovered in the end.

Example of bioterroism essay

One of the steps and indeed the first step in countering bioterrorism is planning. This calls for input of enough funds by the government in researching all the possible bio- emissions by the attacker, possible places to be attacked and the immediate steps that should be taken should the attack be performed.

Business ethics essay examples

That is why it is important to understand ethics and morals through a beyond business as usual approach, as it prepares individuals for the unpredictability of the real-life situations and teaches them to explore their understanding of ethics in the most challenging situations.3. On the other hand, constantly changing morale principles depending on the organizational β†’

The effect of part-time jobs on students

A student employee will need to learn how to not let the decrease on time spent on studying show in heracademicperformance. Holding down a regular position outside the classroom will allow students to gain firsthand experience in office culture and politics, which will be helpful upongraduationand their first full-time job.

Example of essay on saudi national day at wku

At WKU, the Saudi Student Club celebrated their country's special day, though on Wednesday 26th September, as reported in an article " Saudi Student Club celebrates national heritage" in the Bowling Green Daily News on Thursday 27th September. He stated that the day is a good opportunity to help the other students understand more about β†’

Fyw 111 essay examples

In her story " My English," she narrated her initial struggles learning the English language. As a student, she and her sister have to use English in school.

Writing a proposal essay: significant information for students

Students must summarize all the information mentioned above in the conclusion of a proposal essay. So, writing a proposal essay, students should keep in mind the information stated above.

Sample essay on critical responses

The main objectives of the study are to determine the difference in concussion symptoms, symptoms resolution time and return to play time of male and female athletes in high schools. The hypothesis did not affect the result of the work since the results showed that there is no difference in the symptom resolution time and β†’