300 Words Essay Samples

Journal entry #8

Journal Entry 8: L1 Transfer and L2 Complexity as Factors in Syllabus Design L1 Transfer and L2 Complexity as Factors in Syllabus Design The article written by Pica entitled " L1 Transfer and L2 Complexity as Factors in Syllabus Design" and published in the TESOL Quarterly proffered pertinent details relative to the two traditional approaches β†’

Industrialization 2

New technologies defined new industries during the late 19the century in comparison to the technology of industries during the pre-Civil War era. Third, new industries of the late 19th century employed new advertising techniques and approaches that industries during the pre-Civil War era did not have.


The boy in the plot is used as a symbol to show the difficulties that immigrants undergo when they are to receive services in the country that they do not belong. They have to go by the cultures in the country and the region that they are in for them to be treated as the β†’

The role of literature

The Danger of a Single Story Introduction Stories are important because they educate us, they remind us, they show us a different side of the world and they help break the monotony of reality by providing readers with an escape route through which they can immerse themselves for a while. Chimamanda realized that most of β†’

How to make a good business

This implies that, for a business to remain operation and break-through, it is important for the owners to compete fairly with the rest of the firms in the industry. As observed, the success of the business depends on the availability of the buyers who are the customers.

Man’s search for meaning by viktor frankl

Viktor Frankl Man Search for Meaning The main aim of the book is to provide a perspective to individuals in finding meaning in life. The importance of life is to find the main purpose that makes it worth living.

Conduct a rhetorical analysis of krishnas replay to arjuna in the bhagavad gita

The use of dialogue has been expressed whereby, a persuasive tone is used in Krishna reply to Arjuna. In conclusion, the rhetoric analysis of this book brings out the tone of war and its cultural aspect.

Personal response to mrs dallaway pages 1-36 no sources

Dalloway Virginia Woolf uses the different characters in " Mrs. For most of the characters including Mrs.

College is worth

Individuals arguing that college is worth the hassle contend the fact that graduates from college have got higher rates of employment, better and bigger salaries, superior work benefits and a couple of other advantages than their high school counterparts. Is College Education Still Worth the Price?

Effective communication assignment

Since communication takes place between two opponents that is the sender and the receiver, the effectiveness of communication is then said to occur only when the sender transmits information to the receiver who acknowledges reception by response. Ultimately, the effectiveness of communication by waving out someone in traffic is, therefore, depended on positive action or β†’

Ss310 unit 7 db

Exploration of the Moon Reasons for Moon Exploration The moon is a crucial facet of the world because it serves as the centre of entry for other planets into the entire universe. It is equally evident that archeological resources within the moon have the capacity to improve the state of the earth.

Analyze the nike ad in terms of its appeals (ethos, pathos, logos)

Nike Ad When one reads the text of the Nike ad that was assigned as the reading for this paper, one will notice that the text is a series of words, strung together to form a sense of poetic substance while telling the reader to be true to himself while also promoting a change in β†’


Symbolism is also featured in the play adequately as a means to outline the theme as well. Among the symbolized items in the play include a trophy, a computer and a trash bin just to cite a few.

Laboratory method

Remove a ring of the bark below the node 3-5 cm long.2. Cover securely with plastic and tie both ends using string, water the marcot regularly to prevent the drying and hardening of the soil.5.

Good the u.s- vietnameses catfish dispute case study example

The U.S.-Vietnamese Catfish Dispute The U.S.-Vietnamese Catfish Dispute - Advantages and Disadvantages for the U.S.to protect its Catfish Industry There are some advantages for the U.S.to protect its catfish industry by imposing an extensive inspection on imported catfish from Vietnam. Changing Names This is also another measure to protect the U.S.catfish industry, but has not β†’

The global pharmaceutical industry essay sample

Analyse the Five Forces framework to identify environmental forces affecting the global pharmaceutical industry. In order to answer the questions students could make use of the data sources provided in the course outline.

Food is a high priority essay

Our producing system is capable of producing more food than we need, but how can we be sure about its quality? The " FOOD, INC.movie, directed by Robert Kenner, is one of the most famous sources devoted to this problem.

Interchangeable manufacturing

The invention of interchangeable parts allowed the assembly of products to be done a lot quicker, and without training of a craftsperson. They are also made to show each part of the product and the instructions needed.

Purpose analysis https://marketingepic.com/blog/importance-market-analysis/) we have to use qualitative

PurposeNowadays the entry threshold of thecleaning industry is low, business is easier, and the classification ofcleaning jobs is not clear, which causes the whole cleaning industry to bemixed up. Marketanalysis is a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the market.

Global and china ethylene carbonate industry

1 Ethylene Carbonate Industry International Market Analysis 2.1. 1 Ethylene Carbonate China Market Development History 2.2.

Saving electricity

Turn off the water when brushing teeth and use less water for shower which will save electricity which is used to heat water. Keep the doors & windows of the office closed when AC's are on.

Globalization in africa essay example

Globalization has led to a higher level of accountability on the part of African leaders since they are under scrutiny most of the time. It has helped promote urbanization in these developing countries as foreign firm invest and set up industries in African countries.

Reviews literature review examples

Interior Textiles: Fabrics, Application and Historic Style by K.J. Winchip is a well designed textbook that shares up-to-date information on all the issues that are involved in the concept of sustainability and interior design.

Power breakdown in pakistan

With drying of sea water, touching of oil prices to its peak, damaging of roads and streets, disappearing of electricity in cities is clearly giving idea of present condition of Pakistan. Cooperation of these two sectors makes electricity able to transmit and distribute in all region of Pakistan.

Whats eating gilbert grape

His mum has not left the house in seven years because of how ashamed she is of herself. At the beginning of the film Gilbert is ashamed of his mother and describes her as a " beached whale.

The affluent worker in the class structure essay

In the contents, finding and conclusion on the issues of the research are specifically designed to investigate the extent of working class embourgeoisment. In conclusion, I learnt that if the working class is done on a long term it evolve to more than one stratum within the system of classless inegalitarianism.

Naturopathy and nutritional medicine

It is based on the scientific study of nutrition, researching the nutritional content of food and how it con-tributes to optimalhealth. Naturopathy is a holistic healing system, focussing on natural agents and therapies and excluding the use of drugs and surgery.

Government regulations within the jewellery industry

The government regulations even have an influence in the way that the businesses are allowed to market themselves and the way that they do their advertising. All of the communications that are carried out on the internet only have a limited time before the government steps in to intervene.

Solar panels essay example

The advantage this law carries is that industries will have to participate in curbing global warming, being the biggest contributors to the problem. In addition, the environment will be preserved as a result of clean energy.

Self-preservation japan territorial ambitions

The need for self-preservation was the motivating force behind Japan's territorial ambitions." In my opinion, self-preservation refers to the preservation of Japan's territories as well as the achievement of self-sufficieny. To Japan, power was the key to self-preservation and thus, in order to satisfy its need for self-preservation, Japan became hungry for power and this β†’

Kaizen redesigning the manufacturing process

Such problems in the production process can be easily seen especially if a person examines the production process from an outsider's view. By designing an automated system wherein the machines do all the hard labor as in the case of Toyota in Japan, workers can take shifts and so will get the breaks that they β†’

Political legal and ethical dilemmas in the global pharmaceutical industry case study example

This article has exclusively explored the adversities that are faced by the pharmaceutical industries in the world today. Despite the fact that pharmaceutical industries are hard to put up, the industry has over the years been confronted with many challenges.

Risk technology of enticing at once with the

Data Risk: Firms wants to meet the regulatory requirements of collecting, processing, handling and storing data. Employees might also be hacked due to the fact they have confidence fellowparticipants of their " tribe" of Facebook customers and can also be trickedthrough fraudsters.

Business strategy of british airways

According to the Annual Report, 2009, the main strategic intent of the BA this year is to become ' the world's leading global premium airline'. These five forces are the threat of new entrants to the industry; the threat of substitute products; the power of buyers or customers; the power of supplier and rivalry among β†’

Silver two natural, stable isotopes of silver, ag-107

Silvers chemical symbol is Ag and it has 47 protons and 60 neutrons and is in the eleventh column of the periodic table.an abbreviation of the Latin word for silver, ' argentum.' The Latin word originates from argunas, a Sanskrit word meaning shining. Today silver is used to make jewelry and silverware like in the β†’

Tourism and its aspects argumentative essay example

Another benefit of the tourism is that it connects the people. After having observed the above said analysis, it is clear that there are positive and negative aspects of the tourism.

Paper vs plastic

The paper bag is 6 times heavier than the plastic bag and occupies roughly 10 times more space than plastic bags.4. The use and reuse of the plastic carrier bags: The supermarket carrier bag to be the most popular plastic bag to reuse.

Benefits of global sourcing in apparel industry

He defines the commodity chain as " the range of activities involved in the design, production, and marketing of a product" Gereffi as cited in Eun-Ju Lee & et al, Gereffi identifies two types of global commodity chains: producer-driven and buyer-driven. The textiles and apparel industry is characterized as a buyer driven commodity chain, in β†’

Daawat brand name suggests, the aromatic basmati rice

Daawat has now introduced a new range of products called" Rozana" Basmati rice products in the recent past. It has now embarked to one of the topposition among the other Basmati rice brands out in the market.

Caterpillar case study essay sample

Because the Oxford plant is the only one owned by Caterpillar that produces these couplings, he needs to find outside sources that can produce the couplings to Caterpillar's standard and get them contracted and trained so they can get couplings to the manufacturing plants and keep production running while Caterpillar rebuilds the Oxford plant. It β†’

There is another sky

Poem There is another sky by Emily Dickinson There is another sky, Ever serene and fair, And there is another sunshine, Though it be darkness there; Never mind faded forests, Austin, Never mind silent fields - Here is a little forest, Whose leaf is ever green; Here is a brighter garden, Where not a frost β†’

Symbols in digging by seamus heaneypoem

It is a poem of love andrespectfor the achievements of his father and grandfather as a digger, but at the same time comparing the traditional occupation to his own way of " digging" as a writer. In the first stanza, Heaney introduces the readers to his pen, which he is content to hold as he β†’

The importance of being earnestly portrayed literature review

In the cases of some playwrights, such as William Shakespeare, it is the power of the words that have endured; in more modern times, it has become more and more important for the audience to actually see the play performed to receive the full impact of the play. In the case of The Importance of β†’

Beowulf and hercules

Beowulfand Hercules Beowulf and Hercules are both extremely heroic characters with tons of characteristics that make them that seem that way. As you can see both Hercules and Beowulf are two great heroes that are very protective over the people.

Ways of seeing

Men tend to show their interests and intentions by merely looking at these women, while the women tries their best to always look good, aware that they are being watched. It has been a subtle, unnoticeable fact that, men and women are affected by each other in the way they act and feel.

Good essay on reaction paper

None of the five subtopics in the chapter has an irrelevant theme of agenda. The first subtopic in chapter 10 is constructed on the theme of Nationalism and globalization.

Beowulf’s defining characteristic

He says that God allowed him to kill the monster and gave him all of the credit. Beowulf remembered all of his past victories and knew he had to stay loyal to his people, no matter what the challenge was.

ο»Ώ the great gatsby essay

The first way in which Fitzgerald shows the idea of the choice between our desires and conforming is through The Valley of the Ashes. The choice between love and conforming to what society sees as right is a difficult choice for Gatsby.

Dolls house

Krogstad threatens to reveal Nora's crime and tell her husband and everyone. When Torvald discovers that Nora has forged her father's name, he is ready to disclaim his wife even though she had done it for him.

Literary devices employed by shakespeare in the play macbeth

Parallel: there are parallels between the witches' speech and Macbeth's, Shakespeare uses this to show how Macbeth is becoming more and more evil, he is becoming like the witches. Irony: Shakespeare uses dramatic irony in what the apparitions symbolise and prophesise; where Macbeth accepts what the apparitions tell him literally, the audience knows that what β†’

Satire and critique in candide essay

He focuses on serious topics that include sexism, and reduces it to absurdity so that it is comical to the audience. In order to understand the book properly, it is important to recognize that Voltaire was attempting to portray the problems within society such as sexism, by using satire to help the people this era β†’

Good book review about gender and tragic morality

The confrontation between Antigone and Creon gives rise to the conflicts between genders in " Antigone". Antigone stands as an example to the society as a woman who acts out of duty and responsibility, to her conscience and to God.

Reflection essay on everyday use

To Maggie, they represent her family; she still remembers with love her grandmother who made one of them and she says it is okay if Dee takes them because she does not need the quilts to remember Grandma Dee. Dee views and honors her heritage as superficial by appreciating the passed down items for their β†’

Annotated bibliography on brown valarie us homicides suicide rates varry by groups the nations health n pag

This article examines the statistical data of the United States regarding suicides while also explaining some of the possible causes. It ends with some of the state legislations that have been put in place to combat the problem of suicide in the US and how they have been effective.

Going for the look

Cohen states that you need attractive people working behind the counter to bring in today's young crowd to the stores. I honestly do not walk into these stores just because a " good-looking gal" is working behind the counter.

The house on mango street writing project

But if they had a girl they would be able to go places without being hereased about not being in a gang or something like that. I would be able to go and stand up for what is right and not have to live in little houses.

Symbolism in “night” by elie wiesel

Wiesel's use of Symbolism helped the reader understand the captivity of the Jews in the concentration camps." Father, I said " If that is true then I do not want to wait. It was being used to illustrate the savage atmosphere of humans being killed in a huge fire!

An introduction to personal responsibility

Primary purpose for education The relationship between personal responsibility and college success.a. Attending college is taking personal responsibility for your education.2.

The canterbury tales

The narrator of the story establishes that he too is also a character. In the case of the " Pardoner" Chaucer's narrator is a very unreliable character.

Beneatha younger

She does not think of herself as black, she thinks of herself as an American human. As she becomes more educated, it becomes increasingly hard for Beneatha to relate to the rest of her family.

Free essay on evaluating patient quality outcomes

Improving the health condition of the patient is a continuous process that needs assessment with time to determine the level of improvement and note if any changes need to be made. This is of great help to the physician to know what to administer to a patient at a particular time to ensure continuous improvement.

Problem-solution essay on child labor essay sample

Asia and Africa have over 90% of the children who work in the world. We have to do this with the realization that the child's income is equal to of the families income and that some children work in order to go to school.

My love for programming languages

I love writing codes so much and I also like the process of debugging my codes for errors. When I am writing codes, I am using my pencil and when I am debugging for errors, I am using my erasers to correct my mistakes.

Free martin luther king jr essay sample

He said that while the law was wrong, by choosing to live in Athens he was subject to the law of the land. Both were for the ideas that if you do not believe in the laws, try to change them.

Free forming movie review sample

It is at this point where two Titans in the movie argue about their priorities in the team. This is where the team members learn to motivate themselves.

Sample research proposal on modern mexico

This research topic addresses Mexico in the period between November 11th 2013 and November 25th 2013 analyzing mainly the economic part in relation to the progress of Mexico as it advances and also the past leaders and how they have greatly influenced the development of Mexico's economy, to be specific Porfirio Diaz. Mexico which is β†’

Good example of united nations’ millennial development goals essay

One of the Millennial Development Goals set by the United Nations to be achieved by the year 2015 is the universal primary education for children. Based on the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations in 2015, an increase in 8% of the enrolment rate of primary schools in the developing regions was observed.

Developmental psychology

1 Explain each of the areas of learning and development and how these are interdependent - Personal, social and emotional development - Communication, language and literacy - Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy - Knowledge and understanding of the world - Physical development - Creative development - While children are in the setting the areas of β†’

Free creative writing on child guidance

This habit is important in shaping the behavior of the child.2. Another example effective guidance is teaching a child how to cross the road.

Lessons from adaptive change leadership in criminal justice essays example

The institution of an adaptive change initiative is a process. This essay looks at the importance of patience in criminal justice leadership and its application in leading an adaptive change.

Example of technical report the development of bulk metallic glasses bmgs at yale university report

The ability of BMG's to be malleable at lower temperature and pressure is cost-effective compared to the tradition method that has been adopted by the metal industry for a long time. Metal industries have traditionally used allows such as copper and nickel to increase the malleability of ordinary crystalline metals.

Argumentative essay on antigone by sophocles

He is, however, a weary and wrinkled old man suffering from the burdens of the rule. He is bound to ideas that make good sense and lives as per the simple principles of life.

Example of sound design critical thinking

The different types of sound events can be used to develop the competence reflexively to control the use of different types of listening. Competence to listen to the sounds should be developed with an aim to explain and change the position of the composed music in the soundscape.

Good essay on economics

Young women and economic development in the developing nations First, educating young women increases average personal income in the economy. Higher income and better health outcomes Higher income improves the living standards of people, which further increases accessibility to healthcare.

Good essay on methods of telecommunication

There has been a development in the telecommunication industry from the 2G networks to the latest 4G networks hence the growth of the internet from the slowest to the fastest. Because of the demand for the fastest internet, the use of 4G networks as well as Wireless LANs has become rampant hence the inevitability of β†’

Evaluation and assessment of training critical thinking examples

In addition, it is worth noting that trainees might at times not be the best source of information in the evaluation and assessment of a given program. One thing to realize is that students are rational actors and in some incidences note that the higher the expectations of a given program, the more work and β†’

Academic study essay

Academic study can help us improve our English skills and achieve our goals to contribute to society. This achievements require us to work hard and improve our abilities to adapt to the society.

Good example of research paper on nutrition education to inmates

One of the main unhealthy habits the department is fighting in the modern world is unhealthy eating habits. Eating habits help develop the lifestyle of a person.

Plato the trial and death of socrates essay examples

Well, first he says he does not believe in God, and then he says he does believe in God. He does not believe in God - he believes in Gods.

Free critical thinking on peer critique 2

The text I received for analysis was rather interesting in content, but did not actually look like rhetorical analysis of the book, which is the main problem of the text. It does not provide a scope for deep analysis of the book, but instead lists some of the tools used by the author of the β†’

Essay on development

Development is a process of betterment and improvement of existing situation whether it is personal, social or any other kind of development. Development gives you the confidence and power to face the world in a way that you always dreamt of.

Digital divide / global village essay sample

The digital divide may vary from area to area or as with the current trends on a global extent that may arise the Global Digital Divide. The digital divide does exist due to various reasons that are mainly economic dependent this may be due to socio-economic factors as well as capital based depending on the β†’

Example of childrens mental development research paper

When in an academic setting, cognitive ability is important as it plays a role in the learning strategies the child uses and enables the student to be able to evaluate his or her own performance. Epistemological thought develops around the ages of 13 or 14 and involves the child being able to reflect on what β†’

Development forecasts

What is the status of the residential segment, and what is planned for the non-residential segment In terms of industrial, retail and office space? Keep track of the current status and upcoming activities of top companies by reading Construction sector in Romania 2014, development forecasts for 2014-2019.

Calorie managment

It is important to note and mention that the amount and level of calorie that is burnt in a human being is a subject of many variables and factors. Some of the outright benefits and advantages of the tool or the calculator is that it helps the person to track or manage the daily calorie β†’

Child development – developmental psychology personal statement

Due to be graduating from the University of Athens this summer, having completed my studies in Psychology from the department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology, I am keen to continue my studies by undertaking a MSc in Developmental Psychology. Through these courses, my interest in developmental psychology grew exponentially and I feel that the choice β†’

Participation in teams sports builds good character argumentative essay examples

It is important to mention here that a plethora of skills and tactics are required for the establishment of a physically and morally strong team. The example of soccer is a good one as players play according to their strength and work together to put up a good game.

Free essay about assigment

The movement of goods and people westward led to the creation of cities and towns in those areas. The immigration of Germans and Irish nationals into the US in 1830s to 1850s led to numerous changes in the American culture.

Example of essay on grand theory vs. middle-range theory

In social sciences, there is a distinction in the characteristics of a grand theory and middle-range theory. Grand theories consist of a very broad scope of general framework that focuses on the natures and goals of a discipline.

American history- canals vs. xroads before civil war essay

Railway transport therefore has played a great role in the promotion of economic development in the United States. In conclusion, railway transport had a great role to play in the development and promotion of economic growth of the United States before the civil war.

Essay on human motivation theories

This theory suggests that performance gets affected by the increased or decreased levels of arousal. Schachter -Singer Theory or two factor theory is a cognitive theory of emotion that developed during the 1960.

Sample term paper on my assignment curriculum history

History, on the other hand, tells us how things were conducted in the past, and allows us to compare and contrast in terms of workability and functionality in terms of the methods and processes being forwarded. In the past, it was developed in such a way that, at the end of each chapter or sections, β†’

Good example of comments and thoughts essay

This move will help in appreciating other researchers besides, Bordieu.- The field of arts and culture will become more competitive hence other researchers will be encouraged to join.- Raymond Moulin who falls almost in the same generation as Bordieu showed a great deal of proficiency in showing the relationship that existed between cultural institutions and β†’

Good obsessive compulsive disorder essay example

The video I chose for this review is obsessive compulsive disorder, aired on beautiful minds. Depression is a major sign of obsessive compulsive disorder.

Essay on changing ones life

Actually, the person making the career change is courageous because he or she is willing to risk everything to try something new. It may be hard for the children to adjust to this change.

Example of essay on change db4 (2)

The structural organization of the business, therefore, requires implementation of the technology in order for it to be effective. The rate of technological change has been made possible by the integration process of technology in the organizations.