300 Words Essay Samples

Example of report on about google spreadsheet

In Google spreadsheet users can create and edit a spreadsheet as it is also used by others who are in collaboration with the user. According to, Google spreadsheet has vast number of benefits such as it can be used by teachers anywhere and anytime to share assignment with the students who are in a classroom β†’

Planning your crm program case study

Organization's process transformation is of value as it facilitated the various organization's departments to work together for effective service delivery and customer satisfaction. Automation of marketing platform and push for customer intelligence to the frontline iv.

Sample essay on how an organization achieves and maintains a pattern of ethical behavior

Supervisors, who neglect to offer direction that is appropriate and to institute systems that facilitate ethical actions could share the responsibility with people, who have unethical behavior within the company. Companies could achieve and maintain ethical behavior by promoting the following factors One approach to enhance the ethical climate of a company would be to β†’

Summary on gm food

In 1999, the York Laboratory in the U. But why should GM foods be implicated in the rise in allergies?

Avid computer users and cooperate messaging essay sample

The messages needs to be posted on user interfaces that are more friendly and attractive to keep more and more of the avid users glued in their websites. A research on the words that attract computer user can be researched and incorporated in the message.

Walmart suppliers case study

One of the suppliers of sleepwear and footwear includes the Hanesbrands Inc. The suppliers have to be free of any involvement in forced labor.

Ethics and law enforcement essay

The chief duty of a police officer is to enforce the law. A strong ethical base is essential to meet the challenges of law enforcement, because every day a police officer must make choices and act under pressure, on the spot, with little or no information and balance the competing and conflicting values and interests β†’

Hebrews 10 term paper examples

The law from then on would be written on the hearts of the people and there will be a covenant between the Lord and His people. It puts it plain that the Lord will revenge against the violators of His laws and vindicate His people.

How multicompanies changes our lives

One of the effect of globalization is international companies try to find new market for production around the world. Finally, most of the time national companies try to sell their production cheaper to find more consumers.

Entrepreneurial types and economic growth research paper

There is the concept of competition which was experienced in the furniture business when Guillermo who had been monopolizing the business had to cope up with a stiff competition from a foreign firm. This is actually a very important concept which can help the firm to enjoy an economy of scale, adopt modern technology and β†’

What are the problems that wal-mart has faced, and what has the company done to address them

The story of Wal-Mart and its low prices includes both positive and negative impacts on society. It begins by briefly examining the growth of Wal-Mart, and then discusses Wal-Mart's various relationships with its stakeholders, including competitors, suppliers, and employees.

Good example of globalization essay

The expanded opportunity set arises due to the different opportunities in the foreign country. This is due to the fluctuations of my local currency against the international one.

Comparison of burger king and mc donald’s based on their asset utilization

At McDonald's the central policy of customer service procedures is to focus on quality of the service than the speed of the delivery of the product. McDonald's prime focus is on of the differentiation of its products and services from that of the Burger King's.

Sojourner truth and susan b. anthony essay

Anthony were both key players in the first wave of the feminist movement in the United States. Anthony were both pioneers in the early feminist movement of the nineteenth century and contributed to women winning the right to vote.

Google, facebook and other tech titans form β€˜partnership on ai’

Five of the biggest tech companies have launched a collaboration to help the public understand the benefits ofartificial intelligence. Their is officially called " Partnership on Artificial Intelligence to Benefit People and Society," and it has a fewgoalsother than to make sure people know that AI research creating killer robots.

Free essay on deindustrialization and management

Management is defined as the act of bringing a workforce together with the aim of accomplishing a common goal with the use of available resources. On the other hand, deindustrialization is the decline in manufacturing companies and industries in a given location and the shifting of jobs from the cities towards less developed places.

Facilitator critical thinking sample

I recommend the use of antibiotic in the management of the condition to suppress recurrence in the future. The objective data is the general data about the symptoms and manifestations of people suffering from Cellulitis, whereas the subjective data is specific to people who are diabetic and suffer from Cellulitis.

Willeys situation case study examples

The lean production tools and principles aims at reducing costs associated with production as well as ensuring that the process of production is made efficient and responsive to the needs of the market. These problems are affecting the ability of the company to ensure that production is done in time without delay.

Creative writing on statistical research on the customer service

The importance of conducting research in this field is that it enables the parent company of Verizon wireless to be able to assess its services to the client. Conclusively the importance of research in customer service of Verizon wireless cannot be underestimated.

Analyzing strengths and weaknesses of amazon

Strengths Amazon has proven to be a successful and profitable organization in terms of growth, with a current net income in 2008 of 663 million dollars. In order to be competitive with other companies Amazon has to broaden the range of products, but cannot become a swap meet either.

Nike as a multinational company

Nike is one of the largest athletic shoe brands in the world and sells millions of shoes and clothing each year. The company has been commended for its openness in admitting to unacceptable practices, and its challenge now is to eliminate them.

E-business critical thinking

The marketing company facilitates the transacting of business deals via the internet. On the other hand, the company also allows customers bid for commodities, which often end in favor of the highest bidder.

Southwest airline corporate culture article review examples

In the event that there are passengers who just want to sleep and utilize the time to rest during the flight after a long day's work, Southwest should be able to respect the needs and wants of the customers. They should also know when is the right time to conduct the games and other recreational β†’

Good case study about the brazil

I believe the current wave of uncertainty in the Brazilian political system is purely due to lack of the government to uphold socialism in their policies. This has in turn rubbed some of the political elites the wrong way leading to an escalation in political heat.

Example of research proposal on request for proposal

It has the necessary requirements needed from the applicants, the purpose of the RFP and the business objective of the organization. The RFP clearly indicates the timeframe for the project and further requests the applicants to indicate the schedule of activities and costs for the project duration.

Great deals on amazon kindle, dell laptops and more

Dell's Latitude 14 is a true workstation laptop on par with ThinkPad's T-Series and this is one of the lowest prices we have ever seen. For this price you will not have to worry about losing them or worse a pair of your more expensive sunglasses.

Organizational behavior at dhw case study examples

The warehouse should be fully utilized, resources should be allocated efficiently in order to cut down costs. The best solution for DHW at the moment would be to focus on costs reduction, these costs reduction should be done by efficiently allocating resources and selling off any machinery that is not needed.

Good essay on the golden rule is not an excellent guideline for operating a business

The employees should understand that it is only the management that is supposed to make decisions for the company. The other that happens when an employer adopts the golden rule is that the employees do not follow the rules and the guidelines that have been set to run the company.

The firms operating cycle and its cash conversion cycle essay sample

As for the cash conversion cycle, it is the period of time when the firm ties up its money in current assets. The reason for this is that it shows the whole operating management performance of the firm and the best situation is when the cycle is shorter.

Good example of case study on update the information in the case

The PlayStation Network became a victim of external intrusion after the Sony's PlayStation Network prevented its users to play the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable. After the hacking of its system, Sony suspended the PlayStation Network all over the globe.

Alcoa case study examples

Alcoa has been reporting an increase in its profits for the past three years like in the year 2010 the revenue announced was $210 billion a 14% increase from the year 2009. This means that the growth of the firm has not created value for this company as it would be reflected in the trading β†’

Brand identity essay example

In creating a brand identity, the company I work for has designed a logo that incorporates the colors and major themes that associates with the company. The logo is included in every package for the products that are manufactured in the company.

Sample essay on security threats and losses

Employees and insiders have access to large amounts of confidential information that they may leak to outside sources and work against the interests of the company. Some data is for the sole purpose of the organization and may harm the organization if competitors gain access to this information.

Free article review on revelant to the study of finance

The article is related to increase in earnings for Australian companies and how this affects the sentiments of investors, which in turn affect the value of the stock index. The major finding of this article is that ASX 200 index, that is an index made up of the 200 of the biggest companies in Australia β†’

Critical thinking on banking regulation

The Federal Reserve oversees the enforcement of the banking regulations. New York: Academic Press.

Free critical thinking on path-goal theory

Setting goals is not always the answer; the goals need to be attainable but not very easy to attain either. The art of setting effective goals need to be mastered by leaders as they are going to be the focal point during the course of a project.

Good consumer confidence essay example

The continued recall of its cars in the market has tremendously affected the company's image and consumer confidence. In addition, Toyota Company should apologize to the customers on the problem.

The role of for-profit colleges and the problems of student success, retention and thesis proposal examples

The fact that for profit colleges are managed by private organizations and corporations creates a desire for this research. On the other hand, students from for-profit colleges stand fewer chances of employment and earn less than students from public schools.

Homepage essay

We know how valuable your data is and we know what it means to have a good report. We make use of cutting edge tools to analyze and interpret your data and present it in an easy to read fashion so that even the most naive of entrepreneurs can make decisions based on our data β†’

Uber launches ubereats in dubai

This launch will make Dubai part of the 32 cities across the world to offer UberEATS. The UberEATS app has been a huge success in every city we have launched in, and we think Dubai will love it too.

The right (and wrong) ways to track your company’s performance

Key performance indicators, or, are the data used to chart a business on its way to success and profits. And keep in mind that more often than not, bad KPIs are the result of upper management and the board deciding what to track.

Research paper on legal environment of business

Firstly, persons file for bankruptcy to reduce the legal obligation to pay for most of their debts. Thirdly, a person may file for bankruptcy due to a recent loss of a job.

Good essay about care movers international

We provide local and international relocation services and ensure you our complete support and dedication throughout the tenure. Also, our company is the first in the area to provide local and international relocation services.

Google in asia

Why are the top two search engine providers in Japan foreign entrants, whereas in South Korea and China, it is a domestic incumbent that dominates the industry? -People can proud of their mother company which gives lots of information and easy to use. Does Naver have what it takes to succeed in overseas markets, such β†’

Economies of scale essay example

Even if I was aware of that the benefits of economies of scale, this lesson has sensitized it is the surest way of gaining a substantial control in the market. First, I would ensure that I eliminate any bureaucracy and uncontrolled expansion which can be a drawback to the success of the business.

Pmp corporation

1 percent recorded in the period 2002-2007 The increase in a large number of manufacturers have enabled PMP manufacturers to launch low-cost products one after the other, but this has which has lead to a sharp fall in PMP prices. 38 million units were for the sales of flash memory, amounting to 79.

Customer strategy of bain & company

With our team of global experts, Bain creates depth of experience in the following areas: Customer insights and segmentation: We understand customer needs and behaviors using our BothBrain approach and develop actionable segmentation from the resulting insights. Customer experience: We work to develop a series of positive interactions with the customer to earn their advocacy β†’

International business: wal-mart in china

International Business: Wal-Mart in China The expansion of Wal-Mart in China was influenced by the market indicators and sociocultral forces screening. According to the former CEO of Wal-Mart, China is " the one place in the world where you could replicate Wal-Mart's success in the US".

Mcdonalds swot analysis

Because of international recognition of its brand, the franchisees are continuously attracted to the McDonald's brand. Globalizationand the rise of young professionals are considered as opportunities for McDonald's to continue to grow.

Price strategy and target research paper

The price strategy adopted by a company for its services and products refers to its main ways of improving profits. The highest discount it offers on its glasses is the strategy it uses in attracting these unisex customers to its stores for purchasing their products.

Example of essay on problem definition

At this stage, the firm is unable to use the appropriate technology for methods of production, and this raises the costs. The firm is therefore unable to maximize its profits and this inhibits its growth.

Essay on knowledge assessment

Wipro Technologies, an Indian outsourcing company, developed Knowledge Management Engagement and Effectiveness Index, which helped to measure the level of engagement and effectiveness in each business units of an organization. Lucent also developed a " balanced scorecard" approach to showing the relationship between KM activity and performance.

Business plan on tax evasion among us businesses

There is no doubt, that the high tax rate in the US is the reason leading US multinationals to shift manufacturing facilities, research facilities, and regional headquarters to other low-tax regions. Even though the government will lose trillions of dollars if it lowers the tax rate to say 20%, the long run benefits will enable β†’

An interview with a famous person essay sample

I want to do this even though he is the big bad wold of the technological era. I want to do this because he too was once the little guy, and through genius, innovation, and a large amount of luck, he became the richest man in the world, and by doing so, he changed the β†’

Free essay about multi-domestic strategy

The process of firm internationalization involves many uncertainties and risks, and it is by the implementation of the multi-domestic strategy that the risks and uncertainties are overcome. The multi-domestic strategy has a number of ways that in benefits firm internationalization but also has disadvantages that face this approach.

Analyzing pro forma statements critical thinking examples

However, the cost of sales will increase as the company will have to purchase more materials that are required in the production process. Production and selling of the new product will increase the operating expenses of the company.

Report on persuasive email senior management decision on outsourcing

This report will contribute to the final report that will be presented to the Board of Directors which will approve the final services that will be outsourced. This will allow the office of the CEO to compile its final report before the next board meeting scheduled for Friday 24th of August.

Introduction to jollibee

Introduction to Jollibee Among all the fast food chains here in the Philippines, the Jollibee Food Corporation is considered to be the most popular choice among all the Filipinos. The Jollibee Food Corporation has been serving us with their delectable collection of fast food, but what do we really know about the Jollibee Food Corporation?

Wk8 intro2law response 1 creative writing

Accordingly, the history of a jurisdiction plays a role in determining the design and efficiency of corrections. Documentation of the history of corrections in the U.

Screenshot permission letter

I will cut right to the point so as to keep my intrusion to a minimum. Finally, I am hoping to include in the manual the screen shot as shown below to provide simple user skills in Microsoft Paint.[pic] Once again I would like to thank you for taking some time out of your busy β†’

Mcdonalds case study

It would appear that Mcdonalds had become comfortable in the position it was in and put little to no emphases on product variety or quality and simply focused on the speed and convinience as the customer draw. The factors which affected this low growth and lack of profit was not only its competitors but also β†’

Free commercial paper essay example

Commercial paper matters because it is open to discussion; commercial paper implies to make possible an open money transfer from one organization to another. The major issue related to commercial paper is rollover risk; in this risk new commercial paper cannot be arranged to an issuer.

Greening strategy essay examples

This improvement effort is driven by the essence that the environment is conserved while the profits of the company are maintained or even improved. The main environmental issue faced by the company is the problem of waste disposal.

Problem of credit card company

Students have numerous things that they think they need and with these pre-approved credit cards, no one will be able to control their spending activities. Companies should also lay out all rules and regulations to students if they should decided to avail of these pre-approved credit cards so that students would know what they are β†’

Free essay on marketing

With the increased use of technology and advancement in the industry, the provision of these products and services has increased. Many companies and businesses require these products and want the best in the market to meet their needs.

Good developing project teams essay example

Jeff Boss's article " 4 Ways To Help Your Team Adapt To Change" presents us with four different ways of handling a change through the way we work within our teams. This will go a long way in efficient handling of a change and its implications on the organization.

Good what is a business analyst why are they important in sdlc phases essay example

A business analyst understands the need of change in business assesses the impact of those changes, then captures and documents the requirements for bringing that change to effect. The business analyst has a better chance of making predictions and seeing into things accurately.BAS.

Example of essay on information technology infrastructure library

The technology uses goals, general activities, the inputs and the outputs in the organization. The ITIL framework seeks to provide a cost effective of implementing a changeover with minimal disruptions.

Good critical thinking on hr planning and retention

The supply and demand forecasting of human resource is the process when the availability of the human resource is determined and estimated after the demand from the human resource department. In order to forecast the availability of human resource, it is important that both internal and external supply of human resource must be estimated.

Essay on kind regards

On the side of the employees, one of the employees happened to be off duty and in the process did meet various people. The client did mention that he normally uses our available resources in the website for his normally training and also enables others to learn of the same.

Meg whitman at ebay inc article review sample

Whitman says that eBay was a site " of the people, by the people, for the people". Through a series of focus groups she honed what exactly was the pull for the people using eBay.

Delegante schoen report sample

The analysis conducted for the company Delegante Schoen indicate that the company has performed at an unremarkable level compared in the last three years. The company's image rating is relatively flat for the last three years, with year 12 being the highest in the last five years.

Critical thinking on power and influence

As a brand manager of a large consumer products company, the sources of power that goes with the position are as follows: legitimate power, reward power, expert power, and referent power. Legitimate power is vested by the organization in terms of the position as brand manager of toothpaste.

Good example of discussion of an erp system essay

In the bidding process, the requirements are the basis of the selection in reference to the documentation of the data and flow of the departmental functions. The requests of the proposals are supposed to have the following guidelines on the requirements in the types of the systems and training.

Samsung marketing plan

The size and the scope of the company is almost unimaginable, as they are one of the largest and most diverse companies in the world. The company has expanded from a humble storefront launched in the late 1930s to the largest company in Korea and the second largest company in the world.

Product description and feature benefit analysis case studies examples

Following chart illustrates the features and benefits of the Express Courier Service. The Handbook of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Measurement.

Sprint financial condition

Sprint Nextel Corporation is the third largest wireless communications company in the United States offering a comprehensive range of wireless and wireline communications products and services that are designed to meet the needs of individual consumers, businesses, and government subscribers. There is no indication as to how long it will take Sprint Nextel to accomplish β†’

Wal-mart research paper sample

Wal-Mart is the largest retail store in the United States of America and also the leading private employer. Wal-Mart has always strived to offer competitive wages and salary packages to its employees.

Traditional news release report sample

The Spartan PR company has today negotiated and reached a three year endorsement agreement between this our solemn company and the celebrity which the celebrity will promote the company's products. Today, the celebrity has been granted an opportunity to promote the products of the company by the name Spartan.

Critical thinking on work culture preferences

As such one is able to identify the people they are likely to be in constant communication with, identify the commonest and the most effective channels of communication already in use at the company. I have commendable communication skills because I am social, I uphold ethics, I am performance-focused and I have substantial expertise in β†’

Company profile

A company profile is a commonly used document in business that offers potential clients, current clients, employees, job applicants and the public in general a description of a particular company and an overview of its history, activity, operations and plans for the future. It is short and succinct, but long enough to express all of β†’

Sample case study on evaluation of a health-related website

In accordance to the rules by the American Telemedicine Association, a health-related website can be evaluated to reveal its capacity to demonstrate the required essentials. Taking the WebMD as the base website, an evaluation with respect to each tag depicted by the rules will reveal the viability of the website.

Example of six myths of product development () article review

Product development and product manufacturing are profoundly different and failure to appreciate the differences between the two has resulted to several fallacies that undermine planning, execution, and product-development projects six of which are discussed below: First is the thought that high utilization of resources will improve the performance. The managers underestimate the negative effects of β†’

Internal growth strategy essay sample

Internal would not be the best approach because this describes a company investing within their company in order to produce the best product or service. Wal-Mart decided that this would be the best way to enter the Indian market.

Google makes us stupid essay

Another aspect of the story is that though online users are being dependant on the Google and other search engines for the information but this does not reduce their intelligence, analyzing or learning. Google is making us more informed, provides significant and enormous amount of information in a fraction of seconds.

Vivika conditions that favor the management and not

Cesar having known the mistreatment of working in the fields, wanted to make a change. He not only wanted a change but he worked long, and hard to get that change.

Supplier sourcing and development; contracting risks and arrangements

The most appropriate in terms of more benefits and lesser costs between make/buy and insource/outsource becomes integral to the decision made. To the stakeholders involved in the contracting processes, fairness and equal opportunities are provided for by the said aspects.

Essay on three main branches of the federal government

The constitution of the United States has three articles that explain the how powers are separated as well as checks and balances among the branches of the federal government. The three branches of the federal government include; the judiciary, the executive as well as the legislature.

Diversity training at the benevolent corporation

With the marked benefits of supporting a diverse organizational culture, corporations should incorporate the recruitment and hiring of a more diverse workforce. Mentoring programs should be installed and implemented to an orient current staff of supporting a diverse culture.


The major role of a manager is to coordinate the team of employees so that they achieve the organizational goals. Controlling the employees to ensure that they deliver work and service of a high standard is ethical and is not a form of exploitation.

Cam new regulation proposal in the united states essay example

This regulation will be instrumental in that it will help eliminate the dilemma created in the administration of food, therapies and medicines to patients. The proposal would be applicable for the regulation of foods and drinks in order to solve uncertainties in existing models of regulation.

Internet and a negative effect on employee performance

The following questions will, therefore, seek to find out if indeed the internet has been a reason for poor employees' performance, measures taken by the organization to curb this trend, its effectiveness and any other reason for poor performance besides the internet. The following questions will, therefore, seek to find out if indeed the internet β†’

Project management case assignment

Since this bridge was so long The planners started taking unknown and unnecessary risks when they determined the width of the bridge would be single lane versus double and when they changed the girders from round to flat, preventing he wind to pass thru the bridge properly. Team Members A key team member could be β†’

Managing assets and resources in the digital firm

I would recommend to my boss to adopt the framework and point out a few recommendations to incorporate with the information systems framework in the company. Secondly, I would recommend for my boss to set up a maintenance system for the new framework of system software.


Business " Concepts" Business " Concepts" Non-verbal Communication, Persuasive Communication and Collaboration Importance Non- verbal communication has been used by organizations to improve communication with clients, competitors, colleagues and potential customers. Persuasion communication is used in convincing customers and potential clients to undertake a certain business deal.