2500 Words Essay Samples

The causes of the collapse of the bretton woods system

This paper will examine the causes of the death of the Bretton Woods System: Some have blamed it on the changing situation of the international economic system; others blamed it on thefailureof the System itself. Additionally, we will review the world economy of the 1950s, when the Bretton Woods System was working effectively, and compare β†’

Lululemon marketing flashcard

Lululemon Objectives Lululemon's primary objective is to improve and make impacts and improvements on the global communities by eliminating and removing waste that is harmful to the society. Pricing Lululemon is one of the few companies that managed to discover a trend and exploited it.

Leadership and performance literature review

Although each study emphasizes the importance of different factors, the general tenet of the situational and contingency perspectives is that leadership effectiveness is dependent on the leader's diagnosis and understanding of situational factors, followed by the adoption of the appropriate style to deal with each circumstance. Fiedler, one of the most respected researchers on leadership, β†’

Introduction of taxonomic sciences

Taxonomy is the science of naming, describing and classifying organisms and includes all plants, animals and microorganisms of the world by using morphological, behavioural, genetic and biochemical observations, taxonomists identify, describe and arrange species into classifications, including those that are new to science. Biological classification is a crucial step in the taxonomic process, as it β†’

Impacts of salt on water resources

Salinity, one of the major water crises occurring around the globe, is the high concentration of total dissolved solids, such as sodium and chlorine, in soils and water. In Iran and Pakistan, the salinization of land resources is a major problem due to a combination of primary salinity and secondary salinity.

Buisness operations

The location of the bank was also a problem because of a change of residency of the clients. The bank offers their services to the clients, along with the bonuses of the package which the client chose.

Looking at tax knowledge psychology essay

From the results generated, he found that there is a significant relationship between the tax knowledge and the tax compliance behavior of the individual taxpayers. The past study has shown that the tax knowledge, attitudes, and social norms will affect the tax compliance behavior of individual taxpayers.

Introduction faced by such problems as market

Capital adequacy has been defined in the finance glossary as the " measure of the financial strength of a bank or a securities firm and usually expressed as the ratio of its capital to that of its assets" Financial regulators have always tried to ensure that existing commercial banks have enough capital and enable them β†’

The role and responsibilities of an assessor essay

It is critical to the continued success of both learners and organisations and can promote progress and ensure competence by continuingly obtaining feedback from all interested parties and acting on this where appropriate Progression the progression of the learner should always be taken into account i.e.what are they going to do in the future and β†’

Labor market for university graduates economics essay

Those distortions highlights the need to understand the status and imbalances in the university graduates labor markets and identify appropriate strategies to reduce unemployment and improve the well being and opportunities of the university graduates. The Paradox of Education and Unemployment in Egypt Working.

Assignment regarding the systematic observation schedule

Systematic observation can be defined as " a research tool that entails the direct observation of the behaviour and the recording of that behavior in terms of categories that have been devised prior to the start of data collection". The aim was to provide a description of the " target" child's behaviour in the classroom β†’

Analysis of the theory of unbalanced growth

With the adoption of this strategy, there emerges new opportunities to distribute the fruits of development more evenly throughout the society and to cure the plights of inequality, inflation and unemployment of resources. It has been seen, that despite the weaknesses of theunbalanced growth strategyas illustrated in the beginning of the report, the technique has β†’

Benefits of islamic banking methods

The principles that underpin Islamic banking methods are considerably different from the ones traditional banking methods are based on, however, the former adhere to the teachings of Islam, which the majority of consumers are not familiar with. Provided that all of the respondents are familiar with the services offered by Islamic banks, it was possible β†’

My career in international management education essay

I decided to have a to-do-list mapping out things i had to do on a daily bases and followed this list religiously, because as a student in the UK i have keep to time because it is part of the culture of the people to do so. Time is very crucial and important for a β†’

Is mental decline inevitable with age

The researchers argues that ageing can be seen in terms of " physical ontogeny" which is biological ageing; " environmental habituation" which is the process in which the process of coming to respond to items in the environment automatically such as without conscious attention, and finally " cognitive generativity" which is where the basic functions β†’

Cultivation theory

Cultivation Theory also, states that the more a person is exposed to a message provided by the media, the more likely that person is to believe the message is real. Gerbner argues, " Television is the source of the most broadly-shared images and messages in history"." It is the mainstream of the common symbolic environment β†’

Analysis of motives and prospects within the oli framework: a case study of german fdi in china

Acase studyof Volkswagen China is conducted to show the application of OLI in practice, and to demonstrate why FDI abroad can be a success story despite all the difficulties a company faces in a foreignenvironment. Theoretical Framework According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 4th Edition of Benchmark Definition of FDI, FDI is β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of importing and exporting

The technological advancement and change in the communication and transportation facilities has surged the international trade in the 20th century. International equities are the assets of the country in which the country transact with the other country.

Impact of capitalism on global development

Harris claims that in ' examining the general character of the process of capitalist development as it has appeared historically across many different countries over a long period of time, one of its most striking characteristics is the phenomenon of uneven development.' However we choose to define the terms ' development' and ' capitalism', it β†’

What is sustainable development in tourism?

Introduction Sustainability as a goal of tourism is a complicated question and as to goal of tourism in developing countries, one needs to understand the broader social, economic and political circumstances relevant to country itself in terms of broader tourism considerations. Achieving voluntary reductions in the carbon footprint of tourism and climate change.

Cognitive view of depressive disorders

In order to understand how Freud's theories and ideas are helpful for the identification of the personality in different life stages, it is necessary to understand the new way introduced by him in making analysis of the human behavior. The another example supporting the statement of the Dostoevsky is the act of fasting that is β†’

Operations management at bmw

In the first part this report talks of the dominant transformation process of the plant, the important operational objective of the car produced in the plant, the operational strategies of the plant and the difference between the operations in the service industry to the operations of this plant. Transformation process of BMW automobile production in β†’

The role of complexity theory in organisations commerce essay

The literature is addressed, as firstly the complexity theory and notion related to complexity theory, the application of complexity theory as metaphor, the concept of self organisation and its robustness in the organisations. According to researcher the issue being raised here is the need to clarify the status of the complexity theory as what: a β†’

Six different sites in the river wye, at the western part of the peak district essay sample

We also obtain knowledge about the speed of the river, whether the river is oxygenated or the bedload in the water is affecting the landforms causing it to erode. The main aim of this study is to examine the alterations that occur along the length of the River Wye in the Peak District.

Lvmh in the recession the substance of style

http://www.economist.com/node/14447276 LVMH in the recession The substance of style The world's biggest luxury-goods group is benefiting from a flight to quality, but the recession is also prompting questions about the company's breadth and balance Sep 17th 2009 Paris from the print edition * * Bloomberg " THERE are four main elements to our business model β†’

Mouth and tooth health situation health and social care essay

The figure of rotten, filled and extracted dentitions of all people in the society should be counted and their norms be calculated in order to happen the community DMFT. In conformity with WHO report, in the twelvemonth 2000 the mean of dmft & A; DMFT in Iran was approximately mean so that they were in β†’

Precautionary principle in biodiversity conservation

Precautionary approach can be defined as the alternative approach or methodology that can be adopted or is developed if the conventional technology poses a threat to the well being of the society and is a potential agent of disturbing the balance of the ecosystem, thereby disturbing the biodiversity. According to the principle, if a technology β†’

Global warming assignment

II Basic Workings of the Greenhouse Effect The cause of the warming of the earth's average temperature is called " greenhouse effect. As the positions of the developed countries varied considerably, the negotiations were " long and grueling Unlike the European Union, which " proposed a 15 per cent cut; 29] of carbon dioxide by β†’

Kargil war

Role of Media in Kargil Anshu Bhatia PGP2- 18012 Table of Contents Abstract2 Introduction3 Literature Review3 Discussion of the case5 Analysis and conclusion6 Bibliography7 Abstract This paper attempts at evaluating the role of media in the Kargil war, which broke out in the summer of 1999, at a time when the Indian media was equipped β†’

B case study the imperial notes

This activity reinforces the ' story of The Imperial to students, helping them to be more familiar with the key events and the people involved In the case study. He was the founder of the Imperial hotel at Mambas, Kenya in 1906.2.

Sport marketing exam review flashcard

Define the advantages and disadvantages of new media marketing Advantages Disadvantages New media Is represented numerically, and It Is modular, automated, variable and transferable to differing file formats and able to be customized. Refers to the use of new media marketing to fulfill the need to ' belong, which in turn fosters the development of β†’

Can migration flows be considered a security issue politics essay

Then, it will explore the symptoms of migration, refugees and asylum seekers in the framework of the possibility that it may pose a direct threat to security in Europe. After establishing the different links between migration and security, the essay will focus on the development of treaties, policies and measures undertaken by the European countries β†’

Bronchial asthma: case study presentation

The relationship between peak flow values and clinical symptoms is variable because of patient's perceptions to different changes in the airways patency. A lot of patients not familiar with the importance and the use of the peak flow, for example; in United Arab emirates only 17.

International human rights norms

He argues that there are states such as most of the African and Asian countries which did not actually participate in the formulation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948[5]and even though they did participate in the formulation of the subsequent instruments they did so on the basis of an establish framework and philosophical β†’

Global cultural diversity

Increasing the levels of globalization has made many people to recognize the significance of the cultural heritage whether it is intangible or tangible and this is a positive contribution to the global cultural diversity. The importance of this topic is to discuss ways in which globalization is promoting and enhancing global cultural diversity.

The rise of the bric economies essay

In the report titled " Dreaming with BRIC's: The path to 2050", the assumption is made that in a period of less than 40 years the BRIC economies could be larger than the combined G6 nations in terms of US dollars. Mittal steel has clearly shown the Global market that emerging markets do have the β†’

Toyotas strategy in europe

The following is the SWOT analysis for the company in the world market: Strengthsa) The Toyota group has an already large established business in the auto market. This means that the group will need to increase its production capacity in order to match the rate of growth of the market.b) Toyota group has been able β†’

Nigeria and the oil crisis

Since the British discovered oil in the Niger Delta in the late 1950s, the oil industry has been married by political and economic strife due to a long history of corrupt military regimes and the complicity of multinational corporations, notably Royal Dutch Shell. Unfortunately, the influx of oil companies and the heightening of their operations β†’

Study on development of education in the uae

However, how far such progression is, or when it matter to the reality surrounding the development of education in UAE is still subjected to debate, which this paper and the attempt made herein is to identify the pros and cons of the development of education in UAE today, and in particular how the educational machinery β†’

Nursing perspectives: reflecting history and informal coercion in de-escalation strategies

In order to avoid coercive measures through de-escalation strategies, health professionals need to have specialized training and be aware not only of the use of informal coercion but also of the importance of a respectful and empathetic attitude and ward climate, a positive admission process, as well as debriefing strategies after coercive measures. Leadership is β†’

Ontology, epistemology and methodology in construction research

The exploration into how further to advance strategies that minimise the risk can be explored together with other strategies, through the interview process, which explore the effectiveness of AR, explore other risk strategies, and explore the experiences of the team. Pawson and Tilley refer the notion of contexts as a companion to mechanisms.

Trade kings a zambia consumer company marketing essay

As the firms export grows and the firm acquires knowledge in the export market including the preparations of the export documents, it may now opt to use the direct export strategy with less use of intermediaries Most companies would prefer to remain domestic if their domestic market were large enough. Trade Kings would produce the β†’

The 3 mobile company is facing different factors marketing essay

Then defining the objectives of the marketing, the budget allocation for the marketing, defining the target Market, defining the channels that will be used to deliver the message, the Integration of the message delivered on the channels and then at the end Evaluation.2. 2 SWOT Analysis After having the PEST analysis we can better know β†’

A career management reflective report

Career management is based on the consideration of the perspective of the organization. The career management of staffs is the basis of career management and if the basic career needs of staffs cannot be satisfied then the overall career management activities will fail.

Software technology parks of india | management essays

Software Technology Parks of India is a government agency in India, established in 1991 under the Head of Communications and Information Technology, that manages the Software Technology Park scheme. To train professionals and to encourage design and development in the field of software technology and software engineering.

Molecular mechanisms of sepsis

Among them, ITGB3 may play key role in the coagulation dysregulation of polytrauma patients with sepsis, and CASP6 and RASA1 may be the key genes in the cell apoptosis mechanism of sepsis. In this study, the differentially expressed genes between the polytrauma patients with sepsis and without sepsis were identified.

Subway’s marketing strategies assignment

The influence of these trends on Subway Political factors According to Gavin Mitchell, owner of the Subway franchise in Somerset Mall, there is a large amount of anti-Americanism going around these days due to the fact that people around the world disagree with what George Bush is doing to his country and many others. The β†’

Comparative position in india and mexico business essay

Sector OverviewIndia is the sixth largest consumer of oil in the world and the ninth largest crude oil importer. The downstream segment is engaged in refining and production of petroleum products, and processing, storage, marketing and transportation of commodities such as crude oil and natural gas.

Key messages to communicate with targeted segment marketing essay

It will help to define the audiences needed to communicate with, show the way to accomplish our objectives, which method or tools can be used and how you will evaluate the results of the program. A communication plan usually aiming for what is our main objective, goal, who is the audience needed to be approached, β†’

What do we mean by smart contracts? open challenges in smart contracts

To answer the question, we will investigate the history of smart contracts and answer the following questions Are smart contract really contracts? To address the question whether a smart contract is really a contract requires the understanding of the term " contract".

Ebusiness systems and strategy marketing essay

Holland Barrett are one of the leading companies in the UK with regards to the manufacture and retail of food products, joint care, toiletries, health supplements and herbal products of various kinds. It had to be declared by the Competition Commission as: Under the Enterprise Act 2002, the OFT can investigate whether there is a β†’

Dubai: a case study in strategic destination branding

ADTA's activities further include the development of the tourism infrastructure and products, and the generation of investment into the tourism industry through a comprehensive implementation of tourism strategies and plans, detailed research and analysis, and continual update and development of trends and strategies. And, much of the credit of promoting Dubai as a tourism and β†’

Designing and managing integrated marketing channels assignment

Which of the following Is NOT one of the characteristics of channel Integration. A channel alternative is described by three elements: the types of available business intermediaries, the number of intermediaries needed, and the 22.

Chartism: a failed success

Life was absolutely miserable for the working class." The idea of the town as a focus for civilization, a center where the emancipating and enlightening influence of the time can act rapidly and with effect, the school of social arts, the nursery of social enterprise, the witness to the beauty and order and freedom that β†’

Influence by peers in adolescents

It was also reported that the frequency of substance use is also increased as the peer groups provide the substance which is being used and the amount of opportunities to engage in the substance use are increased. Another strong predictor of adolescent substance use as reported by Kandel is the extent of the perceived drug β†’

Concepts of bias in the media

Facts are facts, and although they can be used selectively and manipulated to support a certain ideological point of view, the truth is ultimately what a good journalist seeks, or at least a fair array of facts which allows the consumer of the news report to come to his or her own conclusion as to β†’

Why is clientelism such a prominent source politics essay

However, while the standard interest-group politics takes place in the context of organized competition among groups that could eventually lead to the representation of a variety of interests by one political party, clientelism is characterized by the representation of narrow corporatist and local interests. In addition, while the influence of interest groups tends to be β†’

Malnutrition in older hospitalised patients

In light of the information above, this had stimulated an interest to conduct a research to analyse what is being done and what can be done to reduce the prevalence of malnutrition in older patient. It was able to stand on its own as it includes brief summary of the Aims and objectives of the β†’

The needs and demands for laptop features marketing essay

The Nature of the Management Issue: In order to sustain to the competition, it is necessary to be efficient to satisfy the customer needs and wants. This will help to increase the market share, sales of Apple's laptops and create a positive image of the company in the industry.

The gdp and the gnp

Economic growth is the boost in the value of the goods and overhaul which is shaped by a market Thus it is calculated as the percent rate of increase in real gross conjugal merchandise or GDP. The approach for the total output of the nation to the total ratio of the people is receding there.

Corporate level strategy at lowes

3 3 0. Panasonic is the market leader with a total weighted score of 3.

Genes and environment on drug addiction and the reward circuit

Genetic Influence of Stress Related Genes in Prolonged Drug addiction and its Impact on the Decline of Reward Sensitivity in the Brain In Thompson, Gerson, Stolyarova, Bugarin, Hart, Jentsch, and Izquierdo's study, and Levaran, Rosa, Randesi, Rotrosen, Adelson, and Kreek's study both had a focus toward addiction and the impact on the brain's reward circuit, β†’

Implications of uk economy

Economic growth on the hand depicts the ability of a country to increase the amounts of goods and services produced from cone fiscal period to the next. When the members of the society are not able to purchase the products, demand for commodities in the market.

Challenges in highway construction | research proposal

The road network in the South and eastern part of the country are denser than the other parts owing to the high population densities in the areas. For example, the population in Lagos is about 6 million which was the former capital state and is the commercial and production part of the country and hence β†’

Corporate reporting case study diageo plc

Diageo, formed in 1997, from the merger of Guinness PLC and Grand Metropolitan PLC, is a multinational company, trading in over 180 markets across the world, listed on both the London Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. The objective of ratio analysis regarding to the firm's financial position is to evaluate the effective β†’

If only hp knew what hp knows essay sample

Key objectives for the workshops included the facilitation of knowledge sharing through informal networking, and the establishment of common language and management frameworks for knowledge management. The goal of this project is to provide a guide to human knowledge resources within the Labs and, eventually, to other parts of Hewlett-Packard.

Is friedrich von hayek a liberal or conservative politics essay

In his essay " Why I am not a conservative", within The Constitution of Liberty, Hayek not only argues that he is not a conservative, but also that conservatism is at odds with liberalism, the political philosophy to which he subscribes. His argument is merely that it is not a sufficient theory, and thus that β†’

Post modernism in pop culture

In the words of Susan Sontag, a critic of American culture, it came with the emergence of a " new sensibility", and this involves a blurring of the distinction between " high" and " low" culture. A good early example of the new wave of post-modern popular culture can be seen in the American and β†’

Fyffes case study

The company is said to be " world famous" according to the Fyffes website, one reason being that their bananas were the first branded fruit in the world. Fyffes currently market their produce in Europe and the United States and are involved in the production, procurement, shipping, ripening, distribution and marketing of bananas, pineapples and β†’

Reflective account of increasing a persons observations

The Chief Nursing Officer described observation as a key area where good practice is essential and that nurses should ' demonstrate an understanding of the benefits and limitations of the use of levels of observation to maximise the therapeutic effect on inpatient units'. On qualification, such a decision will have to be well informed and β†’

Formal research proposal of cancer in the fire service

The results obtained will be of benefit to the firemen since the objective was to set a model that explains the prevalence of the cancer disease within the fire stations and hence call for concrete solutions from the state emergency services in the countries. The purpose of the study in this chapter, examines the studies β†’

Israeli occupation of south

Israel pulled back some of its military forces due to the world condemnation of the act and the UNs objection to the invasion. The Lebanese despised the Israeli occupation and Hezbollah continued attacking the Israeli army in the security zone and in northern Israel.

The mongolian grill essay

For example, how long it took customers to go through the food preparation area, the average number of trips customer took, and the duration of the average meal time. PROBLEM STATEMENT John Butkus, the owner of the Mongolian Grill in Waterloo location, wants to find the design that will optimize the profit during peak business β†’

The indian history essay paper

It is created outside -Taken ashuman being, it has its own value -Team is considered as organic body & has emotion & cohesiveness -Team has to be flexible to achieve the super-ordinate goals -Team is only when it is comprised of experts -Every member of team has to be an expert in a particular field β†’

Mkt 421 final exam

2) The ______ area of the marketing mix is concerned with decisions about getting the right product to the target market when and where it is wanted.A. Product 13) The main difference between a marketing strategy and a marketing plan is that: A.

Experience and identity: an analysis of barn burning by william faulkner and everyday use by alice walker

The narrator tells of Sarty's confusion and desperation to do what is right."...the smell and sense of just a little fear because mostly of despair and grief, the old fierce pull of blood. For a short period of time, Sarty is actually an accomplice to his father's actions by running to the stable and getting β†’

Person centred theory and its application in practice

Rogers suggested that the environment an individual finds themselves in is the only constraint on the actualizing tendency and the progress of people whose experiences of the self become distorted is likely to slowed or even stopped. If the therapist was to be viewed as the expert this would create a power imbalance in the β†’

Crazy tomy mind. that event is the battle

In the 1850's, the country where the Sioux Nation lived, wasbeing invaded by the white settlers. When the whites tore into the land with plows and hunted thesacred buffalo just for the hides this went against the moraleand religious beliefs of the Sioux.

Impact of globalization on international trade in sri lanka

Sri Lanka's economic liberalization policies in the late 1970's in the midst of the cold war era gave it a head start against the regional economies for better integration and reap the benefits of the ' Second Era of Globalization' which was primarily driven by the revolution of technology and communications. Until the ' Globalization β†’

Role and responsibilities that mncs have commerce essay

At the same clip, transnational endeavors and the function of transnational corporations has besides aroused the attending, the transnational corporate societal duty and a moral inquiry is widely discussed by the populace, they hope that the transnational corporations to presume more societal duty, and have good records in the direction of the ethic issue, it β†’

Vacation destination preferencees

Visayas Majority of the constituents prefer to visit Boracay for a vacation in Visayas. Mindanao Majority of the constituents prefer to visit Camiguin Island and Davao for a vacation in Mindanao.

Editorial: cytokine-ion channel interactions in pulmonary inflammation

Because the alveolar-epithelial barrier is an integral component of the mammalian innate immune system, the effects of bacterial and viral infections of the distal airways on Na + transporters, ALC and integrity of the barrier itself are of high pathophysiological and clinical relevance. In a series of in vivo and in vitro studies, Brazee et β†’

Luke impact on offred’s life

Some memories from Offred's life prior to the overturn of the government, affect Offred's current outlook on her life in Gilead and the society that surrounds her. It is Luke's presence in Offred's memories that causes her to realize the lack of of rights and abilities she is forced to live with as a handmaid.

Impact of technology on everyday life

As adults, we need to understand the data that shows the need for education on the impact of technology on our lives. We have federal, state and county programs currently in place to educate kids on the appropriate use of technology.

Assessing the techniques of neutralization theory sociology

For the first portion of the statement, they attempted to clear up surtherland ' s thought about subculture and they claimed that the delinquents are most likely conformed with the dominant societal values and norms it is of import to detect that their work was particularly focus on " Juvenile delinquents ". With the construct β†’

The private sector of sri lanka – essay

The trade liberalisation and withdrawal of state monopoly and lifting control over the institutions managed by the government have made private sector the " Engine of Growth" in recent years. Therefore, the role of the private sector is key to develop the country's economy.

Case study on british petroleum

The primary objective of the case study is to understand and analyze the leadership practices at BP that has seen this company dominate the oil market for many decades. This may entail staff cuttings to ensure that there is a reduction in the expenses of a company and the maximization of subsequent profits.

Advanced food hygiene assignment

Due to the expansion of our hotel and the restaurant it became necessary to implement a full Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points procedure in line with the currant regulations, we also follow the No 852/2004 Regulations on hygiene of foodstuffs.[1]The main requirement of this states that you must be able to provide evidence of measures β†’

The place of women in igbo society (things fall apart) essay sample

However, this characterization of Igbo women reveals itself to be prematurely simplistic as well as limiting, once the reader uncovers the diverse roles of the Igbo women throughout the novel. This is a depiction of the degrading treatment of women in the Umuofian society.

The manual transmission system

The latter is mounted to gears which control and operate the transmission of the motion that is coming from the engine to the wheels. Now the market for automatic transmission is huge and most cars are manufactured with it This is the type of transmission that is capable of changing the gear ratios automatically while β†’

Hotel project

Design Aspects The hotel is going to be a five star hotel situated in the on the on the edge of Global Island. We also intend to inculcate the proper practices for the management of revenue that will maximize the financial performance of the hotel.

Nebosh national general certificate 3 practical application

The aim of this report is to highlight particular areas of good practice and areas of concern to be addressed as a matter of urgency or in the medium- to long-term. Main findings of the inspection Workplace Health and Safety Shortcomings with regards to the workplace are a result of poor supervision and the need β†’


For each hospital the government calculated how many readmissions it expected and compared it to national rates and the health of the patients at each. The purpose was to reduce the risk of readmission and improve the ability of the patient to manage the condition.

Germany’s goethe vs china’s confucius institute

The objective of this paper is to explore why the outcomes of the work of the Goethe Institute of Germany and the Confucius Institute of the People's Republic of China have been so contrasting in terms of establishing cultural and social influence. Having established the criteria by which the institutes' success may be measured that β†’

Usa case study

Rhea fact that the US is the founder and major source of revenue and source of support to the organization creates a politically unbalanced structure, given the dominance of CARE USA. The company is missing a loyalty program or a post- sale interaction with the customer that will strengthen the brand and will encourage people β†’