250 Words Essay Samples

Md. roman hossain

EDUCATION Master of Business Administration in HRM Presidency University, Gulshan-2, Dhaka CGPA: 3. 00 Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing Presidency University, Gulshan-2, Dhaka CGPA: 3.

Indus valley civilization

Identify and analyze the criteria necessary for a community of people to be characterized as a civilization by comparing and contrasting how well the societies of the Indus River Valley and the Huanghe River Valley meet the criteria. The Indus River Valley shared many characteristics of a civilization. This civilization had political β†’

Free restview hospital case study example

Jack had the coercive power as he coerced Mary to add Standard Software to the list, and turned down her idea of including boards in the review committee. Knowing well the relations between Jack and the president of Standard Software, she recommended inviting board to the presentation.


This demands that the company targets markets and allocates resources to ensure that it exploits such markets. Target marketing is a good opportunity for the company, which will allow in effective execution of plans and comprehension of the customer needs. As such, the return on investment through target marketing is high because the company will β†’

Application of constructivism in evaluation of public relation programs

Stated objectives will enable the public relations officers and workers of an organization to know how they will communicate the desired message to the public effectively. The stated objectives set the standards that will guide people in an organization on how to relate to the public and customers of the organization.

Leadership in people management in hospitality and tourism

Having goodleadershipskills to lead a good team of hospitality professionals is absolutely necessary and quite a daunting task. A hospitality team leader has have a good sense of judgement and direction and he has to be an inspiration to his team to make their true capabilities prosper. Be a people's person: a hospitality team leader β†’

Benefiting the public sector

According to the article, when one refers to information he or she means the entire records, documents, as well as data and files created, received and preserved. Records management, on the other hand, is the " field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, and disposition of records β†’

College management

This should Include: the purpose and objectives of the report an outline of the conclusions any recommendations made Contents Page Include the mall sections and page numbers, using the same wording as the mall body of the report.. Conclusion A summary of the report, identifying lessons for the future and any possible recommendations to be β†’

Good example of essay on health care

Research outlines on the need of controlled measure that ensures health care to all individuals are considered equally to other sectors in the management. The third issued to consider and outlined in the research is payment in the health care cycle. Principles of health care management : compliance, consumerism, and accountability in the 21st century.

Topic: goals get you where you want to be

In companies, goals are set to unite the employees to have a motivation that they want to work to realize. It is also advisable to set your goals right and work to achieve them. Against i.

Broken windows concept

Kelling was hired as a consultant to the New York City and David L. In 1993 after his election as Mayor of New York City, Republican Ruddy Giuliani used the police commissioner position to implement the strategy.

Fundamental of management information system

The financial department at the head office is straining to collect data from all the fifty branches and analyze them before consolidating them into one document that is then used as a profit and loss statement. This move already shows that the company is not in a position to clearly come up with clear cut β†’

Free paper article review example

The author failed to give proper credit to professionally engaged women by implying that they are puppets, and males are pulling their strings. However, this is not the case because formal authority means that females are fully capable of calling the shots in divergent fields. The basic and fundamental claim of the author did not β†’

Leaders and managers

In particular, leaders play an effective role in identifying a vision and have the responsibility of portraying that vision to managers in a way that it may seem a shared vision. Subsequently, managers have the responsibility to identify methodologies and strategies to transform the shared vision into a process that may help the employees in β†’


For our project we have focused on building a Smartphone App of Heart Rate Monitor for Android users. Scope Description The scope of our project management is to develop a software-based app for the Android which allows the users to measure their heart rate through their cameras. The objective of this specific project plan β†’

Theories on motivation in human resource management

Theories on Motivation in human resource management Motivation is the driving force that inspires every individual to accomplish their targeted goals. The theory flaws in the practical side as it is impossible to categorize employees based on their physiological and psychological requirements.

Facebook case study essay sample

Due to its success, the college network was overwhelmed and was forced Facematch to shut down. By acquiring companies that offered services superior to Facebook in their early stages, Facebook was able to keep competition to a minimum.

The house party

They were best friends and the book started off with them hanging out, at one of the girl's house. The mom and dad were going away on a vacation, and wanted the girl to come with them.

Isu’s restrooms and how to keep them clean

Along with hourly visit they should follow a checklist to ensure that all the elements within the bathroom are clean. If they find the bathroom to be in a messy state, they should inform the cleaners about it.

Environmental toxicology assgn. 2

00 Question 12 Answer 0. 00 Question 18 Answer 0.

Ecology in taiwan

For this reason, Taiwan has always been open to sustainable energy policy, allowing the importance of research and development strategies and initiatives to back up decision-making process. Taiwan therefore believes in the success of green house gas reduction through sustainable energy development and application of relevant initiatives and policies. The sustainable energy policy is perhaps β†’

Sea world orlando

The theme based marine park has contributed to the environment conservation and preservation mainly through its adventure trips and exhibitions of wild lives of ocean. The highlights of the park are its killer whale; seal and dolphin display; adventure rides like wild arctic, Shamu happy harbor, journey to Atlantis; shows, exhibits; and wild life experience β†’

Econ 101

Keynes was born and bred in the elite society, and as a result, he received the best education that could be. The main contribution to economics that was developed by Keynes came with the publishing of his book, " The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money" in 1936. According to the School of Thought β†’

The impact of environmental variability on ecological systems

Despite the fact that it takes place naturally in the atmosphere to offer a protective layer above the earth, at the ground, it is the main component of smog. When Ozone is inhaled, it can cause respiratory problems, inflammation of the lungs, impaired body immune system thus making people susceptible to respiratory diseases including pneumonia β†’

Extra credit

In addition, the development would also inundate the state dedicated nature preserve along the river in the park. The Nature Conservancy Weighs in on Mounds Lake Reservoir.

The united states economy

The paper " The United States Economy" is an excellent example of an essay on macro and microeconomics. The United s of America has the largest economy in the world. This brought about a global recession which resulted in a growth in the unemployment rate, dropping commodity prices, and a drop in international trade.

Income inequality and economic growth

However, once consumption is restricted by the level of disposable income, there is a budget line, which acts a constraint depending on the level of income. In cases of inequality that is brought about by unequal distribution of wealth and resources, the budget lines of the individual citizens are highly varied. In an attempt to β†’

Environmental services

There are high chances that withdrawal of the consultancy services on the economic suitability of recycled waste water for drinking and other domestic consumption will affect this county at large. The Hydrogeology of Allen County, Indiana: A Geologic and Ground-Water Atlas.

Chinese income

The United States also gets something out of the deal in that it consumers get to purchase goods at lower costs than if those goods were made in America. Trade between China and America is currently strong because each party can gain something out of the deal. If the conditions of trade change, such as β†’

How has social media changed us socially research proposal examples

Many of us are so addicted to the social networking sites, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and the like that the first thing we do in the morning right after wriggling out of bed, still in sleep inertia, is to check the updates of our friends. Retrieved from Shail Raghuvanshi.Is Social Networking making us socially disabled β†’

Final assignment

Final Assignment Dangerous Minds is a movie that is pertinent in my generation and to me individually. This movie is pertinent to my generation because of the socioeconomic issues that continually plague the pursuit of dreams, ambitions, and purpose in life.

Wgs 1

Womens Lives: Multicultural perspectives Women have been the most vulnerable gender because they are treated unequally compared to males who enjoy most of the privileges in the society. Hence, one can conclude that the position and perception of women have changed, and they are on the right path to acquiring equal status since they are β†’

Free minimum wage essay example

Majority of the companies who decided to remain in the league decide to hire unskilled workers whom they could pay at relatively low wages. This failure of minimum wage to meet the expected target made majority of scholars from different nations to reset their views in order to create economic recession and understanding. Such legislation β†’

Masculinity and sexuality in highschool

The effeminate boy and the masculine girls therefore are not being treated fairly which is a shame for such a societal manifestation. It should be tackled in such a way that both gays and lesbians are treated in an equal and balanced fashion without any biasness coming to the fore.

A terrible experience in my childhood essay sample

We were together as a family only on the weekends and when we were on vacations. One day, in the afternoon, when the weather was very cold, the sky began to turn dark. I heard on the radio that hard winds and rain, with the possibility of becoming a twister, are coming!" I believe that β†’

Wind energy effect mitigation

Presenting findings of studies conducted from without the United States is insightful as it helps compare the extent of the problem in other parts of the world in order not to create the impression that wind energy effect mitigation is an American problem only. Additionally, it would do this topic justice to cite that sage-grouse, β†’

Facebook trending topics loses human editors

Facebook will no longer use humans to curate its trending news section, instead relying on algorithms to help its users discover worldwide breaking news. The social network announced the change in a today, three months after it over claims that its trending topics editors routinely suppressed mentions of politically conservative news topics in the β†’

Original source essay sample

The Teen Peer Outreach-Street Work Project is particularly unique in that it matches teen peer educators with adult outreach staff members to provide street outreach services to homeless youths. The importance of outreach programs is in finding the funds to create effective resources for the homeless and at-risk populations, matching staff to appropriate populations, and β†’

Cultural/media critique

In her defense, Colette argues that Gaga lives in an art work meaning that she is trying to move form individualism to standardization. Gaga did it and she put across her point. Many people argue that if Colette is the original inventor then she would be much far from where Gaga is.

Money and banking

Although South Africa's Central Bank has similar economic policy making roles to the country like the US Federal Reserve, they differ in some ways. The governor has final say in South African's central Bank decision but in the US Federal Reserve such decisions are discussed collectively by the Board of Governors who oversees the entire β†’

Carl sagan’s we are star stuff

Why we are " Star Stuff" The mysteries behind our origin and the secrets behind our life are still unknown to us. Carl Segan has made one such hypothesis that we are all star stuff. Even though many things are still unknown to us about the universe, we have already proved that the major constituents β†’

Analysis of satirical news

Satirical news is a welcome relief from all the reports that only brings one to low spirits and hopelessness. Satirical news such as the " The Daily Show", " The Colbert Report" or " The Onion" may not be one's traditional news but it certainly evokes a deeper meaning beyond what is hilarious and unbelievable. β†’


Response and Points I d in the Reading Rohlinger is a very interesting piece especially due to the sexualized men images that are used to portray the economic state and the way they are designed to appeal the liberated women. The target audience is important in setting of such an advert and I feel β†’

The contagion movie review sample

As the contagion affects many individuals globally, social order starts to crack down as more and more people panic. Microbes in the Movie Microbes were used in the movie as the main reason of potential global catastrophe, which the story revolves. However, some invalid parts of the movie are the not so realistic use β†’

A highly motivated and immensely driven individual – resume/cv example

I plan to eventually venture into the international market and my gaining a degree in Economics in a prestigious university in the United States would give me a significant advantage to succeed. The responsibilities noted in your published advertisement for the program could be undertaken with ease and expertise due to my work experience. Likewise, β†’

The current state of the economy by claomiris

In the Claomiris article, the issue is the current state of the economy. The issue of how the many different circumstances that can occur could lead to such an economic downturn for many people.

India, the sleeping giant, has now awakened

If the U.S.manages the India Effect in the right way, this could result in " a brain gain that accelerates productivity and innovation". India has reinvented itself through brain power at the detriment of the American economy. It is true that this has led to many Americans losing their jobs and this may also pave β†’

The meteor as a symbol in the scarlet letter

While most of the people think that the " A" stands for " Angel" and is showing that Governor Winthrop is gone and it marks his the entry to heaven, which will be proofed later on, but Dimmesdale, on the other hand, interprets it differently. Him hiding his sins and " cover his heart with β†’

Example of research paper on culture and globalization

Introduction Question 1 Culture is an integrated system of learned manners which are characteristic of members of a society and which are not a result of biological heritage. A culture of a people therefore is their general way of doing things.

Week 4 journal

The first base of comparison between the two generations is on the basis of education and the provision of funds by the government. The second basis of comparison between the two generations remains the priorities that they set for themselves. Firstly, the generation debt was those people who had limited sources and were independent to β†’

Stratton’s snow making

In the winter " Stratton's secrets of Snow Making" Rinella notes that the stream was anything but roaring; the ski area often sucked it down to a trickle. That pond and a nearby lake supply Stratton with 222 million gallons of water during the ski season." That's enough to cover every trail at the resort β†’

Reading response

Reading Response The movie discusses the place of women in the society. I realized that women could use their womanhood to achieve anything in the world.

Political science movie review examples

In it, Jack Abramoff, who used to be considered one of the most successful and powerful lobbyists in Washington, talks about how he used his client's money to buy powerful friends and influence legislation. One of the most powerful tricks he used is to offer a staffer a job working for him whenever they were β†’

Critique the assumptions of mainstream theory

Critique of the assumptions of mainstream theory One of the major assumptions of the marginal productivity theory of distribution is existence of perfect competition. Mobility of factors of production and high levels of awareness also identify imperfect market, contrary to the theory's assumption.

Discussion 8

The tax credit provided for by the stimulus package reduces the taxable income leading to a higher disposable income. Due to the increased disposable income, buyers increase their aggregate demand for goods and services and investments such as homes, cars, technology, good health and education.

I’ll attach it

From The Prophets Farewell Sermon" [slide 71]. " The Hadith and the Quranic verse emphasize human brotherhood and the virtue of good action" [slide 71]. " People, We created you all from a single man and a single woman, and made you into nations and tribes so that you should get to know β†’


Analyzing a lot of content over an extended period gives a full picture of the television representation trends, perceptions, and attitude. Effective sampling in content analysis looks at the time available and the amount of material or programs to be covered. Having a good insight into the topic that one is researching in order to β†’

Masochism: an interpretation of coldness and cruelty by deleuze

The paper " Masochism: an Interpretation of Coldness and Cruelty by Deleuze" is a good example of an essay on gender and sexual studies. In this stunning essay, Coldness, and Cruelty, Deleuze captures a rigorous and informed philosophical view of gender and sexuality.

Anaerobic respiration in bacteria

The purpose of respiration is to provide the cell with the appropriate molecules for creating energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate, ATP Many types of bacteria respire anaerobically. Instead of using oxygen to help them burn the energy in their food, these types of bacteria use other naturally-occurring chemicals to create chemical reactions and β†’


The heading captures the attention of the reader due to the manner of presentation. The leading sentence describes the feelings, heartbreak, and loss members of the Sunni tribe feel due to the actions of ISIS group.

Influence of the environment

In order to recover my psychological state I prefer green spaces and water as the restorative environments. As for me, the factors of being away from home or school and peace are the two key factors contributing to my restorative environment.

The scarlet letter summary: chapters 7-11

They agree to not separate the mother and child, and Pearl seems to take a liking to the governor. The minister believes that he is jus delusional and does not pay any mind to his visions.

Interpersonal conflict in film

Responding to Interpersonal Conflicts Full Rick Cabot, the district attorney and his wife, Jean in the movie Crash directed byPaul Haggis, were carjacked at gunpoint by two black teenagers and the interpersonal conflict begins that would not only involve the couple but the people who represented the carjackers in Jean's mind. She let her steam β†’


I have always envisioned a career in Media and Communication for myself and taking this course, in addition to Sociology, would ensure that I am a step closer to achieving my career goals. I believe that because of my interest in the various aspects related to the course, I would do very well in Media β†’


As for me, all is well; I am doing my best to keep on making both of you proud of me. Mother, father, I know this will put you in a tight financial situation more so because my tuition is more expensive than those of others but this request is for the best.

Reading response

This leads us to wonder where the feminist politics is actually heading and what have women really achieved from this as yet. It is important for a woman's body to be seen through a woman's eyes because this effectively disrupts the centuries old concepts held and promoted by men.

The smartphone market

In the highly competitive market of mobile devices, smartphones, with Wi-Fi technology, huge storage and features that can turn it into computer with the flick of fingers, have emerged as the latest craze amongst the young and the old professionals. Even the teenagers are trying to become the pride owners of smartphones to keep up β†’

Individual report for presentation

We taught them on the two key concepts associated with the political communication and the public sphere. I felt that we gave a good lesson on what is expected in political communication and how it is done. The audience was young and it was important to make the presentation entertaining. The whole project was informative β†’


The second reason why they are termed weak is the fact that the bacteria at times gets immune to the particular type of antibiotics and they are little effective against it due to which they fail to protect the body against diseases. The result of which is the reduced capacity of the body and the β†’

Television programs and cultural identity

Television Programs and Cultural Identity Television Programs and Cultural Identity Introduction The most interesting television program I find interesting and watch almost every day is Make it Pop. The program is both comical and musical, and this makes it be very interesting.

Taking care of a pet

Richardson Eng 015 March 16, 2011 Taking care of a pet Having a dog is a like having a child. You can give your dog hugs, kisses or even gentle pats this is all in taking care of a pet.

Illegal immigration, good or bad?

The ranchers and farmers along the border prospered from the influx of cheap labor and they did everything in their power to keep illegal aliens from being deported Today, however, we find thatimmigrationis not seen as a positive for our country, but rather it is unquestionably considered a problem today in America.

Laughter is the best medicine essay sample

With so much power to heal and renew, the ability to laugh easily and frequently is a tremendous resource for surmounting problems, enhancing your relationships, and supporting both physical and emotional health. May this book review of the amazing world of laughter and its super healing power help you realized and enlighten your mind.

Creative brief

Likewise, from a single parent viewpoint, however, it is essential to view the larger picture. First, demographic information is fundamental because it will furnish IKEA with all the required details pertaining to the customer's age, geographical location, and sex among others in improving products. The information is equally vital in determining emerging lifestyles, habits, and β†’


I believe that when we simply answer somebody's question without giving regard to what he said, the other person may get the idea that we have totally ignored his thoughts. My brother and me also use unique terms, like we have assigned names to persons we know, and we use those names while talking about β†’

Realationship between sexuality and freedom

Relationship between sexuality and freedom The Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille is one of the more influential and disturbing works of French literature. The truth is that the story illustrates the relationship between sexuality and freedom in a manner that has not been seen since the work of De Sade.

Learning v/s cramming

Cramming is the practice of working intensively to absorb large amounts of informational material in short amount of time. Cramming is strongly discouraged by educators because the hurried coverage of material tends to result in poor long-term retention of material.

How the song i need a dollar by aloe blacc relate to macro economics

How the song " I Need a dollar" by Aloe Blacc relate to Macro economics The song describes the adverse effects of unemployment in America. In the line, the rapper talks about borrowing and sharing of a dollar.


What is your footprint in acres The footprint in hectares is 118.17. 3. Supporting the use of clean energy sources is fundamentally important in reducing the footprint. Reference Bishop, A..

Why in turkey, foreign tourists pay for shopping more than tourists from the cis

However this demand has made turkey relatively expansive and one has to spend more in terms of local currency of a particular visitor compared to the central Asian States such as Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and other states in the region. The stable currency of Central Asian states economy and secondly its rate comparison to U.

Hiv and communicable diseases

In the contemporary health care practices, techniques for AIDS treatment have not just helped the foundation to be stronger but also develop a prevention society for AIDS patient. The efforts that it takes to diagnose an individual with HIV and further its treatment are relatively higher for which a great deal of time is needed. β†’

What’s the news

It gives the definitions of news as suggested by different authors, what it entails and elements reporters should consider when looking for news so as to provide their readers with the best news. The reading further stipulates considerations that journalists should have in mind when collecting news these are: timeliness, proximity, prominence and consequences that β†’

Language usage in huckleberry finn

From this I concluded that Jim is most probably uneducated, I do think that he's not stupid though because up to this point In the book Mark Twain have showed how Jim uses his logic, for instance when Jim was arguing about Solomon, we can clearly see how he used his logic in criticizing the β†’

What is the advantages of having green building and leeds certificate

It is done by an independent party and it brings out the affirmation that the organization operating the building is focused and environment friendly. The future of business goes to those who minimize cost and maximize on sales. Community benefits such as ensure that there is water efficiency which can be used in other ways β†’

Free essay on moral tale: our uniformed friends

14 The respect and honor bestowed on the uniformed friends is now questioned. 23 The city is secure.

German regulator orders facebook to delete whatsapp user data

A German privacy regulator ordered Facebook on Tuesday to stop collecting and storing data of German users of its messaging app WhatsApp and to delete all data that has already been forwarded to it. The Hamburg Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information said Facebook was infringing data protection law and had not β†’

A nobel economist’s caution about government

Zywicki argue that the society is so sophisticated that mere expression of ideas are insufficient to offer complete understanding of the functioning of the society. According to the authors, the deceit surrounding economics capacity to explain the functioning of the society is evident in the futile government interventions in the economy.

Corporate debt in india

Corporate debt in India From this article it can be learnt that, due to the reducing in the inflation level in India the government through the ministry of finance and the reserved Bank of India, have decided to maintain the banks interest rates at 8%. Also, the Indian government is looking for a way of β†’

Standard of living

Furthermore, the GDP does not depict progresses in the quality of life nor the degradation of the environment quality. In addition, this aspect of measuring the economic welfare does not show the decline of the reserve of natural resources.

Essay on current event analysis

The author explains marijuana consumption is good for the health of an individual, and goes on to support this claim from the various viewpoints of professionals. The article is considerably persuasive, especially considering that the author, Rabin, Roni Caryn, observes all the characteristics of a good persuasive piece of writing. For instance, the author attracts β†’

Federal reserve

The Federal Reserve also supervises commercial banks and provides financial services to the US government. San Francisco is the closest Federal District Bank that is close to me. The reason for applying expansionary policy is to promote the levels of economic activities as well as reduces the deflation.

The impact of the dollar depreciation on the u.s. economy

This would make U.S.goods expensive for foreign consumers and equate the depreciating dollar advantage of the U.S. Furthermore, the U.S.economy can benefit a lot if depreciation in the dollar helps to increase exports and decrease imports. That is; a rise in dollar value decreases the price of oil, whereas a fall in the U.S.

Free sudden death: discussion essay example

It is the community mental health centers' role to serve people feeling feeble after a shocking turn of tragic events. It is also the role of community mental health professionals to give sympathy and respect for those caught in the middle of unexpected events.

Gross domestic product and human development index

In general, the U.S.has a larger labour market than Japan, while China and Mexico have a larger labour market than India and Saudi Arabia respectively. Human Development Index - 0. Generally, the US and China have a better quality of life than Japan and India respectively while Saudi Arabia and Mexico are at par in β†’

Wgs 3

It is also agreeable that the formation of identity is a continuous process. In Perspectives of Native American Women on Race and Gender, I am of the opinion that the history of the Black women shaped their being in the society. A good example is that of Dorothy who is said to have suffered the β†’


Moreover, what catches the audience's attention regarding this story is that the same Obama promised to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan, and those who were to remain were only to be involved in training the Afghanistan soldiers, and not actively helping them in combat missions as the new deal states. Moreover, the authors seem to β†’