250 Words Essay Samples

Modern florence nightingale – care as a vocation

I feel that nursing makes you closer to God, to humankind, and to yourself; and that is why, I want to pursue career in nursing. I hope that the authorities will provide me with chance to prove myself as an empathetic, compassionate, and professional nurse.

Assessment strategies

Nevertheless, since higher education is different from lower education, these approaches have been designed in such a way that the needs of adult learners are taken care of. Since the students have different learning styles, the course allows evaluators to come up with mechanisms of addressing needs of each and every student.

Medical ethics

Allowing the physician to place the patient on life-sustaining procedures before the legal matter is discussed and clarified would be a fit decision because it co-exists with the statute referenced in a note found in the patient's medical record. Janet's fetus is obliged to a surrogate because the advance health directive about life prolongation excludes β†’


Knowledge of cultural awareness allows for effective caring for the patient and for the patient to feel their culture is promoted and their cultural wishes obeyed and followed. The other thing that is most important in the article and which you have not been able to explain in detail is the nursing implications which the β†’


Response One benefit of collective bargaining association is that it lends a sense of belongingness, unity, and identity to the nurses. Nurses need to belong to a collective bargaining association to have their power mustered up and reflected in front of the stakeholders to be able to control these issues.

Research, theory and practice cycle

Nursing Research, Theory, and Practice Nursing Research, Theory, and Practice Nursing research and theory focus on diverse issues relevant to enhancing nursing practice, education, and patient care. Since all the elements of nursing theory and practice are related.

Genders at work

Just like the article of tools for resolving conflicts, Ury, offers simple and elegant ways of creating agreement in difficult situations from the conflicts of the family to worldwide wars. The story of Ury guides us on how to resolve conflicts and wars.

The issue of provision of proper health care in the health facility

The nurse was constantly away for a while, and the patient had to fit in the new program of activities. To alleviate the situation, the nurse had to ensure that they constantly follow up the patient, as a way of compensation.

Neuro sensory

Epilepsy Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that is mostly triggered by; stroke, brain trauma, brain cancer, drug and alcohol abuse though it is a common disease that can also be contracted via inheritance. The previous incident also attacked a boy who was good in sports leading me to believe that it can get anyone and β†’

Hiv film reaction paper

The story unfolds to a freelance director of a documentary named Gil. He appeared on cam telling his audience that the documentary is about the story of the people who are trying to live despite having HIV and still sees hope.

Reflection on concussions

I learned that I can manage my time a lot better than I thought and stick to scheduling in order to complete this project without getting distracted. I feel that I possess the qualities needed to succeed later in life because my confidence has risen.

Proactive: following and language

The places or situations in my life where I tend to use reactive language are: I am most likely to use reactive language when I do not want to take responsibility for something or when I feel like I am the victim of a situation. When I am having a bad day or want to β†’

Why we crave horror movies

King roposes that these activities confirm for each of us our normality, while also appealing to the worst in all of us, as they allow the freeing of our fantasies without fear of reprisal or repercussion. The thrill ofa horror movie allows not only a suspension of reality, but also of the cynical, Jaded view β†’

Diagnostic writing sample essay examples

If I were to pick a topic that was of particular interest to me, I believe that I would look at the history of movies. I believe researching this topic would be of great use to me in my personal and academic lives.

”wit” essay example

The script of the novel was so impressive that it inspired a director to make a film. The way, Edson has portrayed the incidents; it is very much clear that she has a very good experience and understanding of such issues.

The outsiders essay

The Outsiders Critical Lens Essay The quote in question is " All good is destined to be defeated." The quote means, for every good guy, there is a bad guy. The book The Outsiders is a good representation of the quote.

Divergent minds

While parents have a major influence in our life at young age, Should our characters be challenged or molded by our surrounding? becauseI believethat personality traits and character traits are misunderstood.while personality is the first thing we see in a person such like a mask that someone would wear, we downsize the fact that a β†’

Narrative and storytelling introduction to film essay sample

According to Goodykoontz & Jacobs, the telling of the story in a film is often a collaborative effort between the screenwriter, director, and other members of the creative team. A story is told/presented/recorded in chronological order; while a plot is the series of events that the filmmakers use to present the story in a dramatic β†’

”bus 174” by jose padilha essay sample

Throughout the documentary, the film jumped back in fourth in scenes from when Sandro was a kid and how he grew up, to the day of the " interrupted robbery" stunt he pulled off. As the cameramen broadcasted Sandro's bus robbery live all throughout Brazil, Sandro believed people actually acknowledged him for once and felt β†’

Stand the pressure

The main focus of the article is about pressure, how it is generated, and the positive or negative outcome it can have on a person. I believe his purpose of writing this article is to inform people that stress as a factor of life that we must deal with, and depending on how we deal β†’

The boy in the striped pyjamas review

Bruno sees war as an adventure and thinks the concentration camp is a ' farm' and the Jewish prisoner are ' farmers'. With his big blue eyes and big open heart, Bruno is an innocent little boy trapped between the imaginary world of his own, and the harsh truth going on just a mile away.

Look before u leap

She peeped into the well and saw the fox there. While walking away, the fox said, Had you been intelligent enough, you would never have got in without seeing how to get out.


Engage the Mind miour mind is the scene of the crime", was the tagline for Christopher Nolan's Inception, a film that came out the summer of 2010. It was critically acclaimed and till this day Inception will be remembered as the " dream, within a dream, within a dream," a complex film for intellectual and β†’

Critical thinking on goodfellas critical response

These are the last words of Henry Hill in the 1995 film GoodFellas, directed by Martin Scorcese; in the film, Henry is a gangster who has risen through the ranks to develop himself as a crime boss, only to run afoul of his associates. Henry Hill, in a way, manages to come to terms with β†’

Irony in the godfather critical thinking example

The baptismal scene in the classic film " The Godfather" provides a very ironic setting for the brutal murders that are taking place at the same time. The contrast between the Church setting is evident with the brutality of the action taking place at the time of the christening.

Sclc paper

There have also been many other campaigns run by the SCLC which were things like the walk on Washington, citizenship schools so to teach African Americans to read and write so they can pass the voter registration literacy tests so they can vote as well the SCLC also assisted the south with protests to end β†’

A rundown of medical history in public health care essay

In America, the Factory Act of 1864 was a revolutionary new law that brought medical care up to the level of the Industrial Revolution. The passing of the Public Health Service Act in 1944 led to the establishing of a public health care system in the United States, as well as the US Department of β†’

Political compromise

History Exam, " The new period of expansion resulted in a national debate over slavery, as would every period of expansion to follow until theCivil Warresolved the slavery question." The Missouri Compromise, the Compromise of 1850, and...were just a quick fix for the inevitable to come, the civil war. The political compromises of this time β†’

Amiri baraka and ralph ellison essay samples

In the reading, Baraka also discusses the breakdown of Black cultural tradition, describing it as the destruction of the most formal art and social traditions which also includes the breakdown of the Black pre-American religious forms. He describes the main aim of the music, as ' straining for a more active kind of militancy'.

Rosa parks

In September of 1992, Rosa Parks was awarded the Peace Abbey Courage of Conscience award for her years of community service and lifelong commitment to social change through non-violent means and civil rights. Rosa spent most of her life fighting for desegregation, voting rights, and was active in the Civil Rights movement that has shaped β†’

Scarlet letter topics essay

Hawthorne again went to work as a customs surveyor, this time, like the narrator of The Scarlet Letter, at a post in Salem. The Puritans were a group of religious reformers who arrived In Massachusetts In the sass under the leadership of John Winthrop.

Rhetorical analyses for the four readings

Rhetorical Analyses for the Four Readings Gettysburg Address Exigence: Dedication of the national soldier's cemetery Audience: Citizens of the U. Constraint: History of the national traditions, the North, and the president which was Lincoln.

Northwest ordinance essay

Due to the growing number of settlers and the Ohio Land Company, the Congress was prompted to pass The Northwest Ordinance of 1787. This Ordinance, deemed as the most significant accomplishment of the Congress of the Confederation, has declared that the lands east of the Mississippi and north of the Ohio River are now allowed β†’

Booket t. washington & w.e.b dubois essay example

He believed in dialogue and discussion in his efforts to achieve more rights and status for the black population who were severely downtrodden in the Deep South. He came up with the much vaunted Atlanta agreement which however did not do much to improve the status of black people in the South and who remained β†’

Ana sarabando

In the State of New Jersey, the Shield Law protects a person engaged on, engaged in, connected with, or employed by news media for the purpose of gathering, procuring, transmitting, compiling, editing or disseminating news for the general public. When applying the shield law, a New Jersey Superior court construed the requirements for what constitutes β†’

George m. fredrickson’s models of american ethnic relations: a historical perspective article review sample

Fredrickson mentions the ' burden of otherness.' It seems that he is refereeing to racial difference and how people who were not than White Americans were considered ' others' and are were stigmatised and discriminated against as a result. Otherness is one of the more gripping parts of the article, especially as it is related β†’

Topic: visiting forces agreement (balikatan)

Balikatan exercises can affect the peace and order situation in the country.a. Balikatan exercises can affect the industrial and agricultural sector.a.

Mexican independence day

Our commander in chief, the president of the nation, orders our forces: marines, army, police, and the air force to organize a mega event every September 16th, this is a holiday everybody enjoys. This main plaza of every town and city is the place where the great 16 De Septiembre celebrations take place.

Richard branson wants to get you from new york to london in 3 hours

Branson's Virgin Group has taken an option in Boom's first 10 planes, according to. Branson is not the only one investing to bring Boom's vision to life.

Geography of the palestine-israel conflict and the usa essay example

The reason why the United states support the Jewish Israelites, who do not believe in Jesus Christ against the Christian Palestinians and Muslims, is many of the Americans in support of the Jewish aid have a corrupted and rather perverted interpretation of Christianity. In the statistics in What Every American Needs to Know about Israel/Palestine, β†’

Example of acclaimed among the critics with his role in american beauty. in the year 2002 once essay

In the movie " Money Train", he played the role of a psychotic pyromaniac and as a ruthless CIA operations director in Chris Cooper, an Oscar-winning actor has a theatrical background, and a slight Southern tilt that even more becomes visible in his performance as Charles Aiken in " August: Osage County". At the beginning β†’

Education from past to present

The type of education that was taught to the people was based on beliefs and spiritual practice. The establishment of the system of education in the United States of America in the Philippines was under the context of a wide collective struggle to topple down the marks of colonialism left by colonizers.

Thomas jefferson resume

In 1760 I went to college at the College of William and Mary and graduated two years later with the highest honors. C, VirginiaPresident, Vise President, and Governor Served as the third president of the United States with my first Vise President as Aaron Burr, and my second as George Clinton.

Course work on public speaking

The best thing about her speech was the way that she addressed the audience: the other candidates all stared at their notes and talked into the podium but she looked up, glancing at her notes sparingly, and spoke directly to us all. Instead of using words such as ' quite' and ' probably', she was β†’

Juliet ball

Juliet Ball Castle PMB&F 17 March 2013 " The Role of Government in the Hunger Games: Maintaining Competition" In the movie the Hunger Games, the role the government plays is maintaining competition. The role is maintaining competition because they create anti-trust laws that eliminate trust and keep up the competition to continue the growing of β†’

Horace mann

5 facts about the importance of reformer to the reform movement they were a part of: 1. He was appointed secretary in 1837 of the newly created board of education of Massachusetts.2.

The great society and the vietnam war

The Great Society and the Vietnam War " Did the Vietnam War Kill the Great Society?" The Great Society was the vision of President Lyndon B. In my conclusion the Vietnam War did kill the Great Society.

Creative writing on acronyms

This is an international organization which was formed to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy and restrict the use of nuclear weapons for military purpose. This is an agreement entered by countries to prevent the development of nuclear weapons and to encourage the use of nuclear knowledge to produce energy.

Article analysis

A Statement of Skepticism: The writer has neglected, misunderstood, and ignored the environmental effects of this futuristic truck. A Statement of Enthusiasm: The article is very informative and catches the attention of fleet operators towards the advantages of using this futuristic truck as a latest transportation technology.

Breast cancer sugery

Biology 214 The Report on the Article " Why Should Breast Surgeons Use Ultrasound?" The studied editorial article by Ahmed et al.is based on the data of their previous investigations and literature analyses. It is focused on the observation of portable ultrasound use by the breast surgeons.

Commercal production of bovine somatropin

Bovine Somatropin is the Somatropin produced in cattle. The E.coli is fermented and thus, the Somatropin is produced en masse.

Sample essay on ess

In addition, the glucose produced is also important in treating shock in the bacteria cell. Finally, ribosomes are molecular machine found in the bacteria cell whose work is to synthesis proteins and they connect amino acids together.

G protein

G PROTEIN The sequence of events that occur to bring about a cellular response following activation of a G-protein coupled receptorG protein coupled receptors are found in choanoflagellates and yeast. When the G protein coupled receptors are activated, the GEF sphere activate or energizes the G protein by aiding in the exchange of GTP.

Biological clocks by menaker

In addition, the ways in which biological rhythms are affected by the physical rhythm of the surrounding have not got sufficient examination. The daily rhythms are also present in every significant unit of organisms.

Analyze the and answer the questions

BIOLOGY The possible diagnosis of this patient is Acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The aim of this is to kill all the tumor cells.


The patient came in complaining of a high fever for the past four days. Thus, the treatment prescribed for him was ' broad spectrum' antibiotics that fight an array of pneumococcus bacteria.


The amount of CO2 held in the carbamino form is small but accounts for a third difference in the carbon dioxide content in veins and arteries. The carbon dioxide is in its unchanged state to the lungs where it is expelled through exhalation.

Hope is a good thing for the shawshank redemption

I have done both, reading the book and watching the movie, and my assurance to you is that you will find the film more entertaining than the book itself. Freeman, who plays Red, is a convict for the murder of the one who befriends Andy, and he is serving a life sentence.

Artists chosen to depict this world in a positive and negative sides

Relating to the audience can either be done either by painting the world in a positive light or otherwise by invoking the darker side of man and society. This approach is to bother and unsettle the audience by invoking negativity in the art work.

Maltese falcon

In spite of these challenges, the film still came out successful since there was the use of introspective voice-over narration and it employed the use of cinematic styles such lighting the stage and positioning and moving of the camera. Like the Film Noir by Paul Schrader, Maltase Falcon also presents a darker view of life.

M. butterfly director’s concept

Actually, the absence of disclosure leads to the fateful affair between a fictional French diplomat and a Chinese opera singer. However, due to the disillusions of beauty and stereotype, he engages in a parallel and fateful affair with a fellow man.

Comparison of a work of art

Though the place portrayed is in shadow, it is not dark, on the contrary, it is light enough to see elegant detail, and it is the sunlight splashing on the water outside of the secluded shadow that is overly bright and impossible to make out. The ratio of shadow to the sun is also inverted, β†’

Description of artwork

The artist has also applied some good shape in the in this art, which helps in the attraction of the picture. The picture is very good depending on the size the writer has used in this art.

The story of stuff v.s

The two sources also differ in the approaches they suggest for the solution of the issue. The solution offered to the issue in the video resembles the second of the two solutions proposed in the article i.e.the social change.


Simba symbolizes a young lion and hence the title, Lion King. The young lion seeks to succeed the king.

‘smoke signals’ film review

The film depicts and describes the problems faced by an Indian in the modern 20th century known to be progressing far away from the ancient theories and thoughts of racism, color and ethnic differences. Probably the first movie made from an Indian's point of view, smoke signal reflects stereotypical representation by displaying the behaviors of β†’

Renoir’s anti-impressionism

The Bathers of 1887 and Renoir's Anti-Impressionism The precision of technique in the three foreground bathers in the painting suggests that Renoir has made several preparatory drawings in order to achieve such quality.2. It is clear that the irregularity that Renoir was after is manifested in Bathers as this is a painting that is full β†’

Comedic genres

The character of Stanley Ipkiss when he wears the mask is an obvious character comedy because of how the character acts strangely and funny. The acting involved here in giving life to the character of the mask made me a fan of Jim Carrey because of the genius of how he portrayed the character.

Week eleven forum

The roles of other, the autonomous and surrealism in advertising To better understand the role of surrealism in advertising, it has to be established first that advertising as a function of business is partof its promotional tool to push products in the market which the business perceive to be most advantageous to it. Surrealist advertising β†’

Ethics in flatliners

It happened that one of the patients, Julia, was struggling with recovery. Although Julia was not in the best route to recovery, Manus encouraged her.

Robert rauschenbergs work – windward

In Windward, some of his photographs of the statue of liberty with the images of houses so as to confront the politics in the nomination of pope in the Sistine Chapel. Similarly, In Windward, some of his photographs of the statue of liberty with the images of houses so as to confront the politics in β†’

Mike keefes cartoon cell phone driving

It can be seen through my phrasing and choice of words that I want to clearly communicate my thoughts about the issue to the people involved as road safety is an important matter. In this sense, my audience also includes government officials who have the power to create legislation that will ban the act of β†’

Signora da vinci

Ernest told Catering that eight was the greatest of numbers because it was the number of Infinity: It had no beginning and no end. He said: " Eight is the number of endless possibility." That day Ernest took Catering to the third floor, a place where she was not allowed to go before.

Neoliberal culture: living with american neoliberalism

1025817 Ventura's book on Neoliberalism comprises of a framework that sheds light on the Neoliberal culture practiced in the United States. The book adopts a case study approach by analyzing the five main components that are key players to help us get an in-depth understanding of the Neoliberal culture practiced in the United States.

Good essay on drawing and prints

In this stage, the artist plans everything starting from the design, theme, colours and the delivery of the message. Art is widely known as the artist's soul because they perceive the world quite differently.

Avant-garde and kitsch

Through avant-garde and modernist art, artists were able to rebel against what was expected of them, continuing to make art the way they felt it should be made - with no regard to the opinion of others. Greenberg further discussed how avant-garde and modernist art were methods in which to mock the idea of consumerism β†’

American romanticism in the landscape paintings

The landscape paintings prominent in the 19th-century America are considered as part and parcel of the American romanticism. Cole's " The Oxbow" and Church's " The Heart of Andes" are beautiful and sublime landscape artworks characterized in a romantic movement.

Good humanities 211 essay example

The painting is a creation of George Caleb Bingham and is renowned today as one of the classic artists of the American West. The painting is an ideal example of realism since it depicts the election of a county representative.

Renoir etching and drypoint

The lines and the contrast of the entire piece of art undisputedly suggest that no acid was used in the picture. The numerous fading and hairy lines give a clear indication of some sort of engraving; the ' dry point'.


Through photorealism, the use of sketches as the primary means of gathering information has been replaced with photography, with the photograph being the subject of the painting. Hanson's photorealism substituted casting from a live model, thereby molding artworks directly on the body of an individual, as opposed to the substitution of photography for traditional sketching, β†’

Toulouse-lautrec’s la goulue at the moulin rouge

Toulouse-Lautrecs La Goulue at the Moulin Rouge Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec's ' La Goulue at the Moulin Roughe' was created in 1891 during the late fin de siecle era in Paris. The work has become one of the iconic cultural productions of the era.

Summarize this article

The German police have been uncovering new information about the sale of the sculptures. The mystery of the Giacometti fakes continues.

Munchs and redans paintings

SYMBOLISM & ART NOUVEAU Question The paintings presented are all excellent examples of symbolism, an art movement that took off in the 19th century in reaction to classical painting. Question 2 One of the things I would love to do regarding interior design and art nouveau is to have lots of stained glass in the β†’

Modern dance and ballet

Modern Dance and Ballet In order to learn modern jazz, a fusion of ballet and modern dance, dancers need to know how to coordinate the right and the left side of their bodies. Thesis Statement: Modern Jazz dance has very little resemblance with classical ballet; it is an improvisation that fuses modern dance and ballet β†’

Governments and spending money on the arts

As such, it is the understanding of this particular student that governments should immediately cease and desist from spending money as a means of supporting the arts. Although this particular point of view might come across as necessarily harsh, the underlying reason has to do with the fact that there are extent needs and societies β†’

Describing and analyzing a work of renaissance art

In these regards, the soft tones implemented in the detailed construction of the Madonna are echoed in the image of the skyline shining through the rear windows. In this way, da Vinci's construction of the baby Jesus in this image may constitute the most notable element of the image.

Medieval art and music

To display time and events 2). I agree with the modern listeners that the music has some haunting effect, this could be due to the fact that it is ancient and not similar to modern music.

Clockwork orange

A Clockwork Orange The movie " A Clockwork Orange happens to be a crime film adapted, which was produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick. The gang engages in an ultraviolence evening fighting and beating up other people even the elderly as well as another gang then stole a car they went to a writer's home β†’

The abduction of the sabine women:

15 December The Abduction of the Sabine Women: This essay seeks to explore the importance of a very valuable painting in culture and art history. It will comment on myriad factors which contribute to this painting's importance in the world of art." The abduction of the Sabine Women" is a globally famous painting by Nicolas β†’

Literary works – dadaism, surrealism

Likewise, the piece of art that has been chosen from the Surrealist period is that of Salvador Dali's " The Metamorphosis of Narcissus" featured at the conclusion of this analysis in figure 2.0. 2 The later work, that of Dali's The Metamorphosis of Narcissus relates to the first work in that it incorporates a veritable β†’


Analysis of " The One I Love" " The One I Love" was a directorial debut movie for Charlie McDowell. The movie is drama, mystery, and a romance movie with only two characters.

Twentieth century african-american artists

Other Twentieth Century African-American Artists The works of the two 20th century African American artists, Romare Bearden and Jacob Lawrence had a number of similarities as well as some contrasting differences. With regard to the similarity of their works, both Lawrence and Bearden emerged in the 20th century during the Harlem Renaissance.

Dirty dancing

Johnny Castle, the male lead role in the movie is a member of a dance group who is performing at Catskills that summer. Another time when the movie showed a tremendous amount of energy is during the showing of a montage of Johnny and Baby's dance practices.

Elizabeth: the golden age

Elizabeth: The Golden Age Elizabeth: The Golden Age is a 2007 film subsequent to the 1998 film Elizabeth. The film features Cate Blanchet as the main character and it revolves around the latter part of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England.


There was a significant development in the functional planning and innovation of new design structures depending on the client's request. A new novel variety of shapes and design came into the market that combined client's requirement, as well as architect critical thinking and innovation.

Cubism and 3d sculptures

Cubism and 3D sculptures The beginning is 20th century saw the emergence of cubism, a painting style that balances the geometry and reality of objects as seen in various dimensions. Drawing from the influences of these artists' works on the modern day 3D environment, I have to admit that their sculptures have played critical β†’