2000 Words Essay Samples

Correlation between attending the kipp school and college acceptance rates research paper examples

The principal focus of KIPP schools is to have its students gain acceptance and graduate from various colleges in the United States and abroad. The The model on which the KIPP schools are run is fit to replace the traditional college preparatory programs and methods.

Good report about jetblues strategic intent

When the business sector is chosen, for example, the air transport industry, then the business needs to choose how it will perform better than the opposition and what item it will accumulate to the business request to be varying from the opposition. At long last organizations will need to comprehend to a degree how this β†’

Sample essay on project mercury

In 1958, the industry and the government had studied and researched to the point that they felt it was feasible to have a manned space flight. Project Mercury was set up in a bid to accomplish some certain objectives.- Have a spacecraft that is manned to orbit around the earth - That the man and β†’

Essay on sandstorm at dubai international airport

Although it is not the fault of the airline company, the people travelling would still insist that, the airport had enough time and capacity to detect and avert the sandstorm. The airport authorities must design a mechanism to circumvent the effects of sandstorm due to the harm it causes to their business.

Good air canada: a great survival story case study example

C The purpose of this case study is to explore the reasons behind the growth and advancement, of a corporation in aviation industry that has successfully evolved, in spite of technological advancements and challenges since 1937. Air Canada is a case in example how a fully government owned company can go on to become the β†’

Aircraft crash and emergency management essay samples

In spite of the fact that significant milestones have been made in airline technology, cases of many commercial airlines landing on the wrong airports continue to be on the rise. Regulation that govern the air transport industry require that when pilots approach the airports of intended landing, they should tune in to a radio at β†’

Good aviation security report example

The problem lies in the lack of reliable, accurate and timely measurements and reporting of atmospheric turbulence locations and intensities. Through the use of turbulence detection systems, more resources could be saved in addition to averting disasters and crisis.

Business aviation operations (is it luxury or a necessity)

This will then be followed by the view that business aviation is a necessity because of the substantial benefits in which it brings to the economy and globalisation. This clearly illustrates the importance of business aviation and although it may be considered a luxury by many, it is undoubtedly a necessity.

Human immunodeficiency virus essay sample

She is here for a routine physical examination and requested that a human immunodeficiency virus test performed.C.Q.stated that she is in a serious relationship, is contemplating marriage, and just wants to make certain she is " okay". It is important for C.Q.to also understand about HIV laws in her state.

Tourism & hospitality industry in india

To analyze the share of the Indian tourism industry when compared to the rest of the world and the Asian and Pacific region. 44 percent during 2004-05 to 2009-10 and the growth rate in 2010-11 was 7.

Surgical site infections

In this paper I will discuss what a surgical site infection is, why it is considered preventable, the legal implications related to the patient, the role disclosure plays, accreditation expectations, and analyze the cost of continuous quality monitoring as it relates to quality. Organizational learning occurs when this process is ocumented and results in the β†’

Patient safety initiatives in the hospital setting essay sample

While regulatory agencies like The Joint Commission require hospitals to identify who is at risk for a fall, and gives minimum standards to go by, it is up to the individual hospital to go beyond these required interventions to reduce the risk of a fall occurring within their facilities. When it is not an option β†’

911 and hurricane katrina disaster psychological evaluation

But the most damage outside the loss of life was the psychological effects of the attacks. Knowing the resources available and how to receive will help in the recovery process for all of those involved.

Critique of 3 related research article topics research paper

The study published in this article used the mPER1 and the mPER2 proteins, the BMAL1 and the CLOCK proteins to show their significance in the stabilization of phosphorylated mPER2 proteins by the mCRYs. The study first used the RNase protection assay to evaluate the levels of the clock genes in the liver of the mouse.

Research paper on what is covenant in the hebrew bible

God in the covenant made with Abraham promised to endow him and his children with blessings and in return Abraham had to give promise to keep faith in God serving as a bridge between God and the rest of the world. He wrote down all the conditions of the covenant in a book, made a β†’

Example of research paper on the ctv building collapse in christchurch

This essay will follow the following format.- Introduction - Discussion - Events leading to the collapse of the building and events following - Different roles involved in the design processes - Different roles involved in the approval and building process - A discussion of IPENZ's role - People who made the building collapse - Safety β†’

Research paper on worried-well patients

The discussion would encompass effects of worried-well patients, reasons of seeking emergency services during emergency, preparation of health institutes for an influx of these patients, and management of these patients. The theory of learning proposes that medical conditions of the patients are as a result of classical conditioning; they are signs occurring and result in β†’

Causes of accidents essay

The nature of human error thus varies as to the type of error and the accidents that take place. Apparently, road accidents occur due to a failure of the whole traffic system and not as a result of the errors that have been brought about the driver.

Drought in african countries: impact and solutions

Small scale farmers are different, this is due to difference in farm sizes, distribution between in food and cash crops, off-farm activities and farm animals, in the use of external help and hired labor, the crops produced and traded and house running costs patterns. The 2004 -2005 drought in the Horn of Africa has seen β†’

Evaluating the awareness and preparedness of the students

The students' responses could be developed on the effectivity and influence of the Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction education in the senior high school curriculum because it includes the ideas of the hazards, awareness, disaster preparedness, hazard maps, prevention, mitigation and adaptation, and resiliency in the curriculum possibly affect the knowledge and understanding of students β†’

The latin dance

The step would be done by the leader of the tribe, and the rest would follow dancing and repeating the same as their leader. According to Musmon on her book " Latin and Caribbean Dance" she explained that " These influences included classical music of the era and, more important, folk and popular songs and β†’

Example of pop music and non western world-fela kuti research paper

It is seen that after blowing the trumpet with the intention of getting the audience in the mood for more of his music, he starts talking to them and later even joins in the dance. The video that I watched showed that he was in a good mood as he sung, blew his trumpet and β†’

Happy feet marketing plan essay sample

Target market Happy Feet believes that everyone has the ability to dance, and present line dance in a social environment. Therefore, Happy Feet guarantees each line dance class will meet the needs of the customer.

Essay on collage, montage and the avant-garde

The dissolution of the absolute monarchy meant that there were sources of funding and display that were not subject to the control of the political authority. The effect of this collage is to show that effect all in one image.

Art as a political statement essay example

It was in the third Impressionist exhibition that the creators of this style of art began referring to themselves as Impressionists. It flouted the artistic perspective and rules of scale of the day went ahead to challenge the class separations of the time by depicting the closeness between the characters in his painting; the young β†’

A defense of a defense of abortion

Thomson uses a variety of sometimes strange analogies to make her point that even if we give in to the argument that a fetus is a person, and thus has a right to life, this right to life does not necessarily ensure a right to sustain that life by using another person's property, in this β†’

Research paper on legality of abortion

According to Bassco the author of the book, The underground guide to teenage sexuality, the pro-choice side in the debate concerning abortion suggests that the decision to abort depends on the woman. For this reason, to save the life of the mother, the fetus is normally terminated to ensure that the mother survives.

Term paper on ethical issues in organ transplants

These ethical issues come from the recipient of the organ, the donor either dead or alive, the allocation of limited resources and the procedures of getting the organs and the tissues. When a person with organ failure is about to receive a donated organ they must be of sound mind so that they can be β†’

Abortion research paper

Abortion is an unnatural procedure since the premature termination of the pregnancy is medically and/or surgically induced, and as such, it is not the same as a miscarriage that occurs naturally and spontaneously. Moreover, during the early days of feminism, abortion was not a safe procedure as it is believed to be today, and getting β†’

The social meaning of abortion research proposals example

In 1997, a working group organized by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of UK published a report " The consciousness of the fetus," which was devoted to the question of whether and when the fetus begins to feel pain. With the spread of Christianity, people began to consider abortion as a grave sin β†’

Research paper on review of the cold war

This crisis was the first step to the cold war with many analysts viewing the leader of the Soviet Union as being responsible. Further, an economic disagreement in the year nineteen forty six between the Western countries and the Soviet Union in Russia led to the cold war.

The main features of the cold war essays example

The World War II left the world with only two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, as the European countries were weakened by the disastrous economic outcomes of the War and were in deep political and economic crisis, first and foremost needing the financial support for the recovery of the economic strength. It β†’

Cold war: essential question

The goals of the country were described primarily in the Truman doctrine and achieved with the help of many presidents, including Reagan for military strength. The Truman Doctrine was employed financially and militarily in the aid of Greece and Turkey in protection from the threatening powers of Communism.

The lexus and the olive tree by thomas friedman

The Lexus and the Olive tree represent " symbols of the post-Cold War era: half the world seemed to be emerging from the Cold War intent on building a better Lexus, dedicated to modernizing, streamlining and privatizing their economies in order to thrive in the system of globalization. According to Friedman, the trick to being β†’

Free research paper on gorbachev’s glasnost, 1985-1991: process and effects

In particular, he tried to stop the arms race and to initiate the reduction of the nuclear arsenal, thus ending the international tension which had dominated the political scene in the past era. However, as it turned out, the USSR could not survive " openness", as more and more of the crimes committed by the β†’

My favourite author essay

The other two books of the series, The Power and Hero are also quite inspiring. Sampath, A Horse, and Two Goats, The World of Nagaraj, Grandmother's Tale, Under the Banyan Tree and other stories and Waiting for the Mahatma are some of the other works by Narayan that I enjoyed reading.

What is africa argumentative essay example

As the saying goes, the ocean is blue because it reflects off the ocean; the descriptions of Africa are as many as the people who describe it. The traditional and the modern social sciences are the main causes of divisions in Africa and it difficult to see the continent as a single unit.

Africa and international relations essay sample

This paper will explain what is foreign aid in different perspectives of political thinkers is and how others such as governments view foreign aid, then it will give forms of foreign aid, it will also give reasons for foreign aid assistance in Africa, and then it will give positive and the pitfalls of aid and β†’

Plants religion essay sample

The role of plants in Santerian religious ceremonies is typically one of healing and sacrifice, as plants are tied to the gods that the Santeria worship. In this case, it is in the form of the use of plants for their rituals and medicines.

Feminist criticism of triffles

The " Trifles" of Feminism The bone of contention for feminist theory is centered at the treatment of women living in a patriarchal society. Glaspell's story is a commentary on the societal values of women at the time and their roles in the home.

Women in films: not truly lifted off their traditional stereotypes essay sample

Over the years, films are known to carry messages on gender stereotypes as the traits the characters in the films embody serve as a signal for audiences to follow. However, a majority of female protagonist is shown to retain gender stereotypes with respect to feminine traits of compliance, as they are depicted to be in β†’

Women in the philippines

The Women of Ifugao In the documentary Ifugao, the roles of the men and women in the culture and tradition of the Ifugaos were shown in detail. The Dreamweavers of the T'boli Similar to the role played by Ifugao women, the T'boli people recognize the relevance of their women in the preservation of their culture.

The world of feminist research essay sample

I have found that more research needs to be conducted on FGM, and it should be done in a way that respects the rights of the individuals and the culture in which it is rooted and practiced. In the first section, I will explain the history, and how the procedure is done and the type β†’

Account for the continued existence of gender inequalities at work

Initially I will talk about the historical motives of gender inequality and the work of the earlier women's movements and campaigns for equal rights in the early 1900's. One of the most significant changes for women in the labour force since the 1960's has been the percentage of women returning to the workforce and the β†’

The yellow wallpaper psychosis and feminism research paper

As this occurs, and she keeps herself in the bedroom of her summer vacation home, she begins to hallucinate as a result of both the abuses her husband perpetrates against her and the crippling inactivity to which she has been prescribed. The protagonist of " The Yellow Wallpaper" experiences both tremendous psychotic episodes and incredible β†’

The mayor of casterbridge by thomas hardy: rooted in early-19th century england

Hardy's writings in The Mayor of Casterbridge and other famous novels such as Jude the Obscure and Tess of the d'Urbervilles dramatize his sense of " the inevitable tragedy of life". All of the buildings in the town of Casterbridge seem to be of medievalist architecture, and Hardy's contempt of restoration is evident in the β†’

Female inequality in the workplace and household

The unequal division of labour between me and women within the household, the workplace and the public sphere are areas which are greatly explored in detail within the branch of Feminist Economics. Uncovering Women's Inequality in the UK: Survey of Hours and Earnings, 1997 to 2011.

Chapter 3

The Results of Data Analyses and Research Findings explain the results of Analysis of Variance Examination Oriented and the hypothesis test on the effects of teaching methods, student's performance achievement and the student's personal emotion 4. 3 THE RESULTS OF DATA ANALYSES AND RESEARCH FINDINGS The scores of Examination Oriented of the 60 students involved β†’

Free analyzing sex education from the perspectives of four different disciplines of human essay sample

Yet, in the quest of state actors to pursue certain policy goals such as mitigating overpopulation, reducing cases of rape and sexual harassment, preventing the spread of sexually-transmitted diseases and overcoming other sensitive issues pertaining to the treatment of topics on sex and sexuality as taboo, sex education provides a formidable push. In that sense, β†’

Learning and teaching in the inner city education essay

A figure of jobs, with a assortment of solutions, affect interior metropolis schools; a figure of which are discussed below: Immigrationaddition in interior metropoliss has increased the figure of kids in school with English as a 2nd linguisticcommunication." The steep rise of in-migration into Britain has been demonstrated by new figures that show more than β†’

Research studies have shown that psycho-social intervention strategies

People with ADHD suffer a certain level of social dysfunction that may prevent these interpersonal relationships from being either as rewarding, or as fulfilling as they might be otherwise, therefore, methods must be developed in order to help people with ADHD deal with and cope with interpersonal relationships in a healthy way and to address β†’

Health risk assesment and emergency health contingency plan essay sample

In so doing the author of this document will address the nature of health risk associated with changes experienced in the tourist industry; effectiveness of various preventative interventions and justification of strategies recommended. Participation is limited since they have been marginalized through lack of technical skills; knowledge and entrepreneurial culture Hence, the contributions of rural β†’

Essay title:

At around this stage in the development of a human being, puberty begins which is characterised in males by the emergence of things like pimples, facial and pubic hair, voice change and the physical development of muscles and body parts such as the penis and testes; in addition adolescence in males is also marked by β†’

The role of youth in national building and progress essay sample

Disregarding all this, youth is rendering their services to their families, society and nation and is considered as the driving force in the current course, and in shaping destination of a nation. The prime responsibility of the youth is to seek education so that they can serve their nation as a better citizen in the β†’

The effects of mentoring at-risk youth

The ultimate goal is for a relationship to form and to build a bond of trust with an adult who can in turn, help them deal with the troubles that often arrive in life. Most mentoring programs are forced to rely on the kindness of the community for support and this usually comes in the β†’

Assessing youth’s education relative to health-related issues and concerns

It is in this juncture that one can realise the importance of taking good care of the young since they are the present and the future of the world. And since education plays an integral part for the health among the youth, taking surveys and field researches on the health status of these young people β†’

Advantages of a retirement home for mrs. willis argumentative essay sample

An understanding of the challenges she faces at home will help in determining why the facility is a safer and better option for her. Analyzing the standards and provisions of the facility beforehand helps to decide if it is the most appropriate for Mrs.

Example of research paper on runaway & homeless youth

The aim of the legislature was to safeguard the best interest of the youth who are on the streets unsupervised by an adult. Another evidence to prove the need for a policy that would govern the welfare of the children who run away from home and the homeless is the result of the social research β†’

“a critical analysis paper of life and death in assisted living facilities” critical thinking samples

As the population of the United States ages the number of individuals who will be considered elderly will increase tremendously from this initial wave of the Baby Boomers. This resulted in one incident in which a toxic liquid was ingested and the patient died of the result of the poisoning.

Martin luther king and the american civil rights movement research paper examples

His movement was instrumental in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Acts of 1965, which abolished segregation and disenfranchisement of blacks and other minorities in the United States. King combined the nonviolent methods of Gandhi with the Christian Realism of Niebuhr from the time he began leading the civil β†’

Good example of literature review on what factors make chinas constitution better than a democratic constitution

The Chinese constitution states that all power belongs to the people and that the state provides protection to the interests and lawful rights of the minorities and develops and upholds the relationship of unity, equality, and shared assistance among all people in China. Democracy is the active participation of the citizens in civic and political β†’

Sample research paper on feminism

Essentially, women who opt for radical feminism believe that if they are acting in a way that society deems acceptable, they are probably acting in a way that a man has deemed acceptable for the patriarch's primary cause i.e.keeping men in power and the further subjugation of women. To disagree is to be a part β†’

Civil rights movement essay examples

The baptism of the Civil Rights Movement in 1954 was initiated in the case of Brown v. The issue in this case was whether or not the separation of black students from white students in public schools on the basis of race is tantamount to deprive the minority children the equal protection of law in β†’

Gay rights and the stonewall riots

A bizarre fact is that gay bars, and gays as a people, were so taboo that it was no surprise that the Stonewall Inn had been run by the Mafia franchise. The gay sodality prospered to the degree that notwithstanding when the gay group was crushed by AIDS in the 1980s and wellbeing organizations were β†’

The influence of marxism in australian universities & society

The nature of the economic structure of a society determines the nature of its political and legal superstructures. Religion was an important part of Marx's ideology and its role in society seemed to how it served the interests of the ruling class, and not as a fulfilment of a need of the exploited classes.

Research paper on lost in translation: george kennan, the domino theory and the doctrine of

Kennan's treatise on the Soviet Union, the nature of Communism and the expected physical manifestations of that nature became the most impactful work on what would become the Cold War and the courses of action open to the United States. This was a major hole in the theory of containment, and in the prosecution of β†’

Difference between vietnam war and korea war research paper examples

In Korea, the war was more of the North fighting the South. There was also a will of the North Vietnam, to continue with the war with the Americans and the South Vietnam.

Communism in china term paper samples

China was among the nations that were going down the path of communism, and this decision would alter the government, daily life, and economics of China forever. From Reform to Revolution: The Demise of Communism in China and the Soviet Union.

Terror and repression were essential elements in establishing

At the end of the second world war, Budapest in Hungary was in war with soviet soldiers, the streets of Budapest were a war ground, and people took to the streets to try to fight against these soviets. People were at the time now aware of what Rakish was doing but they were simply unable β†’

Abuse and responsibility essay

On the other, there is the opposition to the laws concerning child abuse becoming stricter and also a push for more of a laxity in some of the laws. This argument calls those who have witnessed the abuse of a child to speak up.

Essay on macroeconomics

The idea of Keynes is opposite to that of the classical economists who assumed that prices, wages and interest rates are flexible in the sense that they automatically adjusts whenever the economy is not in full employment. So, going back to the discussion of government intervention in the economy which is generally believed to improve β†’

Research paper on difference in response to conflict through 3 different cultures

From the point of view of the historian or linguist, it is the place of origins of the Scandinavian people, their traditions, language, and poetry". According to Oslund, " From the point of view of the physicist, of the naturalist, Iceland is, in a similar way, the source of Scandinavian climate and regular and irregular β†’

Example of barack obama and the election of 2012 research paper

Hillary Clinton was the first to raise the issue of Obama's race and the rumor that he had been born in Kenya and was not eligible to become president, which the Republicans also used in the 2008 and 2012 elections and indeed throughout his presidency. In this respect, the platform was a both a defense β†’

Survey of united states constitution and government essay sample

What are the four elements that form the foundation of the American political tradition in the Preamble of U.S. What are the functions of the Media in politics and government?


However, the Absolut Vodka advertisement is defiantly aimed at the opposite sex to that of the Smirnoff one, solely because of the presentation of the product. The logo of the ad is in a huge print size at the bottom of the advertisement, saying, 'Absolut Legacy", a play on the name of the product and β†’


According to the researcher, Hermes, she assumes that media text is meaningful to audience whereas in everyday life, media is just a routines and insignificant and yet, she argues that media is meaningless in daily life. Is it necessary or appropriate to fashion themselves in the image of the media?

Mass media in pakistan

Following are the types of Mass Media: - Print Media Electronic Media Interactive Media 3. The realization in the people and Government about the role of media in society / economic development is there.

Is advertising manipulation

The first steps are seen to be mostly influenced by an advertisement that is manipulative in nature that seeks to appeal to their liking and preference that is perpetuated by the information given about the product that turns into a conviction to make the purchase. This enables the consumers to have the freedom of choice β†’

Baby thesis essay sample

So, if you are in a global marketing role: Research the markets and take the time to get to know the international teams you will be working with. A proactive approach will give you time to adjust and revise your plans in the event of a problem.

The crime prevention process criminology essay

Crime prevention is often regarded as " the anticipation, recognition and appraisal of a crime risk and the appropriate action taken to remove or reduce crime", through situational crime prevention, crime prevention through environmental design, and crime prevention through social development. A proactive crime-fighting technique, CPTED explores a proactive design and the effective use of β†’

Police occupational culture has been evolving criminology essay

One of the examples of police discretion is that when a police halts a person for a traffic violation or acts in response to an action of a tumult, and that person beams a police ID, matters usually ease up. The police force seems to be a conservative group in its work environment, and the β†’

Are prison sentences effective criminology essay

When we want to measure the effect of prison sentences, we actually need to do an experiment of which one group of detainees does get a prison sentence, and another similar kind of group gets a different kind of penalty. Also the experiment research mentioned, done by Blokland and Nagin, showed us that the recidivism β†’

A study of hate crime criminology essay

To better determine how to respond to and handle hate crime, it helps to understand just what hate crime is. One of the more surprising finds from Steinberg, Brooks, and Remtulla was, " Gender-based hate crimes, or crimes against women, are perhaps the most prevalent form of hate crime in general, but the most socially β†’

The pros and cons of employer drug testing programs

The Pros and Cons of Employer Drug Testing Programs Introduction The debate on the importance of employee drug testing programs has received much controversial views from the social, political, economic, and professional fronts of the community. The pros of employees drug testing programs Employee drug testing programs are crucial in an organization for the following β†’

Pharmacology questions report examples

A client starting phenelzine for treatment of depression should be monitored for which of the following effects? a. Which of the following is an adverse effect for which a nurse should assess a client who is taking lithium carbonate? a.

Example of report on barriers to health care among elderly people

Lack of transportation poses a challenge to the wellbeing of the elderly people since they may not move from one point to the other to look for medical attention. One of the reasons through which multiple medications becomes a problem is following the reaction of some of the drugs that may be prescribed to a β†’

Mdma and globalization

Widely used chemicals include BZP, mephedrone and MDVP, with sparse available research on the real possible harm to users.* The demand that the criminal organizations profit from is huge, the UNODC estimates that for the ecstasy group of drugs the global annual prevalence is between 0. The resulting increase in ecstasy production in Canada coincides β†’

A portfolio of atlantis casino resort

Examples of these are the Aquarius Casino Resort, the Avi Resort and Casino, and the Downstream Casino Resort, which are all a combination of casino and resort. This model states that there is a parallel development occurring in the resort, the transportation, and the number of customers.

The king and his role in ancient egypt

The King as a Divine Creature Although out of the archives and data that has been collected over the past decades about Ancient Egyptian, the evidence that shows the King as being an actual divine being of the Gods, usually an incarnation of a particular God or sometimes a mosh of multiple Gods the King β†’

Julius caesar’s contribution to the world

Caesar's uncle was overturned as emperor and Caesar was stripped of his position as the High Priest of Jupiter by Sulla who had become dictator of Rome following the defeat of the Marius at the Battle of Colline Gate because he was unwilling to divorce his new wife to marry someone in Sulla's family. Through β†’

The founding father’s motivation in writing a new constitution essay sample

The Constitutional Convention was the result of a reaction against the weakness of the Articles of Confederation. Colonists ask the Articles of Confederation to help, but the Articles had no power whatsoever to draft soldiers or raise the money to fund the battles and the soldiers.

Example of research paper on personality assessment

The task calls for a patient to consider own traits and features and decide on the presentation as well as wring the decision on a piece of paper. History use of the terms Objective and Projective to classify a Personality Test Meyer and Kurtz recommend the abandonment of objective and projective as descriptors of personality β†’

Personality and professional developmental planning education essay

The purpose behind the doctrine of personal development program is to construct upon the capacity of single or group how they are larning, reexamine it, program it and do rectification if required. To go a man of affairs is my desire nevertheless I like manner and I want to be an built-in portion of my β†’

Personality characteristics and criminal behavior

Understanding the offender's view of the victim provides a footing for the identification of the offense characteristics of the above-mentioned crimes. The ignorance of the fact that sexual crime is illegal and harmful to others suggest the pro-offending attitudes or cognitive distortions of the offenders.

Free towards the inevitable:a study on australians attitude towards climate change report example

It is not in the recognition of climate change that the CSIRO shows concern, but in how the public rank the importance of climate change, and the lack of familiarity of climate change related terms. There is a felt need for awareness and educational exposure to the harmful effects of climate change and global warming.

The vegetarian lifestyle essay

The downside to this argument is the lack of amount of protein and iron in these foods. The College of Agriculture of University of Kentucky found the nutritional values of meat, and found that meat has an abundant amount of 12 vitamins and minerals included.