2000 Words Essay Samples

Marketing professional practice assignment

Marketing Professional Practice Assignment of affiliation Background of Turning Point The Turning Point is the 4th attemptby the Christian Community since 1970 to set up a refuge of recovery for women who are seeking for recovery from drug addiction in Singapore. Objective To provide discharged inmates'prisoners with facilities for their gradual transition from incarceration to β†’

Stp: segmentation, targeting and positioning in marketing strategies

Positioning is the act of designing the company's offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the mind of the target market. With this in mind, it is also important to keep the position statement oversimplified, to be able to reach the mind of the prospects According to Ries & Trout, there are two β†’

Marketing place and space assignment

Managers of brick-and-mortar companies who now have come to understand the importance of e-business, but are not quite sure how to migrate from their existing business models to a combination of bricks-and-mortar and the Internet. APPENDIX A Barnes and Noble e-business Barnes and Noble offers a variety of marketing tools to enhance the online shopping β†’

Department stores

The origin of department stores is related to the industrial revolution in the 19th century and the growth of a consumer society. We can count the main type of marketing plans: the strategic one, where the decision is up to the senior management and the plan is designed to achieve a long-range goal, for example β†’

Winning marketing campaign for zara jacket

The success of the company lies in its ability of offering the latest range of clothes with the shortest lead time and the fastest inventory replenishment framework. In order to successfully cater to the demands of the customers, it has decided to launch the jackets for them.

The viability of expanding uk civil engineering business into nigeria and china report example

Civil engineering as defined by Narayanan and Beeby refers to a branch of engineering, which entails the idea, model, construction, and control of domestic and commercial structures and buildings, transportation systems, and water supply tools for products and individuals, alongside the management of the environment for the sustenance and enhancement of life quality. Civil engineering β†’

Marketing plan for cranium filament reductions. hair salon

Additionally, Cranium's storefront is in a centrally located area.* Customer Service: Serving the customer with superior attention is what the employees are trained to provide.* Competitive Pricing: Cranium offers pricing that is a bit more than a traditional barber but far less than a dedicated women's hair salon. Financial, Budgets, and Forecasts This section will β†’

Supermarkets analysis report examples

To achieve the objective, the analysis refers to the Supermarkets and food products with a focus on the UK market. In the UK, the big four supermarkets including Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury and Morison's face declining margins owing to the discounters growth in market share of the food market.

Consumer protection when buying a house essay sample

In the event that the house that the customer is being wooed to buy is not appealing to them or in the case that the intended purpose of the house will not be met, the buyer reserves the right not to make purchase of such a house. In such a case, in the event that β†’

Advertising strategy and campaign of axelynx brand report

The main aim of advertisements is to convince the customers to buy the products of the company. When the strategy is built in an intelligent and a considerate manner, it will reflect a better image of the company hence convincing the customers and eventually boosting the sales.

How does social media help public relation offices to increase awareness of their research proposal examples

If the primary mode of communication during the era of the old world was through writing letters and sending post cards, which was eventually followed by sending text messages and giving calls, voice mails, and then later on by the processing of electronic mails, one of the latest developments in the field of communications is β†’

Marketing plan assignment

The marketing plan for Emotion Lotion will consist of the following components: brief ascription of the product, analysis of the market in which the product will be introduced including size, demographics, and competitors, along with an analysis of the marketing strategies that will be used to introduce the product including pricing, promotion, distribution, and sales β†’

Pest tesco pakistan assignment

Tesco's Global Presence Political Factors The following are the Political factors regarding the Pakistani government which are likely to influence the operations of Tesco when they decide to launch its store chain in Pakistan. Cost of Security: Tesco would have to spend a lot of money on the security because as Tesco is a foreign β†’


But Toyota is also concerned with the socio-economic aspects of its operations, such as the health and safety of employees, as well as that of the communities In which the company operates. By adopting a various methods, like planning, pricing, promotion and distribution of odds and services, a company promote the sales to the new β†’

Marketing strategy of samsung mobile phone.

Positioning Positioning is about the position a brand occupies in a market in the minds of consumers. In terms of brand development, by " first-mover" they mean that it is possible for the first successful brand in a market to create a clear positioning in the minds of target customers before the competition enters the β†’

Brita marketing

The report aims to identify a clear marketing strategy for Brita in order to address the current issues facing the company the associated falling sales. It is recommended that quality brands are identified and targeted in order to maintain Brita's brand image and support the growth strategy.

Coco cola a marketing perspective

The coca-cola company and its network of bottlers comprise the most sophisticated and pervasive production and distribution system in the world. NET Coca Cola vending machines were introduced in 1949 and a picture of red Coca Cola vending machine on the panoramic background calling: " Inviting workers everywhere to the pause that refreshes with ice-cold β†’

Marketing and the promotional mix

The business has a capacity of between 400-500, although the 500 figure is only reached for functions such as " band night" where the tables and chairs from the dining area are placed In on site storage to accommodate the band and customer. The tangibility or the intangibility There is an extended version of the β†’

Sdlogic marketingthe concept of marketing has

In such period it has become very important for the managers to realize the importance of correct marketing management as it increases the efficacy of the use of company resources and directs them in the right path to achieve consumer satisfaction which in result increases the value of the company through the increase of value β†’

Marketing and samsung

Samsung Group is a family business, the Lee family hereditary, its Samsung industries are a family business, and other members of the family to manage, now the current leaders of the Group has spread to the Lee's third generation.1.1. 1 Samsung and Apple In the electronic industry, apple is the mainly competitor to Samsung in β†’

Corn overproduction research paper sample

In the 1970's the system was modified under the Nixon administration, but the effects are broadly the same where farmers are supported in their quest to produce more and more corn by the U.S. According to Pollan the three major categories of negative impacts of corn overproduction are in the environment, in health, and economically.

Strategic marketing case

The market of energy drinks is the largest among the others and the total market value is $8. Despite the market is large for the producers, the reputation of the energy drinks is decreasing due to the health and safety risks.

The answer key is at the end of this document

What is the merchandise inventory of Glaus at December 31, 2010? a.$400, 000.b.$500, 000.c.$900, 000.d.$1, 500, 000.24. The approximate cost of the ending inventory by the conventional retail method is a.$95, 900.b.$94, 920.c.$98, 000.d.$102, 480.

Impact of business marketing through advertising

Introduction To begin to understand the approaches needed to connect with the generation of social media, it is necessary to understand social media itself. There is no questioning the capabilities and upside that social media offers to companies who can provide a marketing campaign that is able to breach the realm of social media.

Term paper on global economic crisis

The reasons, notes the author was the fact that the mortgages were unregulated, making it easy for most people to enter in to the housing business. In the second scenario, there was the creation of credit default swap, which saw the banning of collateralized debt obligation and hence ended the financial crises due to unregulated β†’

Chapter that can either be stifled or

This desire to be and do more is fundamental to the perpetuation of humanityand is rooted, primarily, in finding fulfilment fulfillment beyond the norm, having something greater than you to live for a constant thought that caneither be stifled or given expression. You cancreate and fuel the desire to achieve your goal by coming up β†’

Marketing communication through online social media assignment

The report concludes that online social media is very well suited for advertising and can be very effective because of the efficiency due to the ability to target advertisements and that online social media can be very useful for marketing communication. Following are the says in which some of the most popular social networking sites β†’

Essay on theoretical underpinnings of the psychology of marketing

Included in this discourse is a perspective of where marketing research and human psychological behaviour need further investigation for creating ethical, substantial, and logical marketing for sustainability of consumer loyalty for goods and services within the global marketing paradigm.psychology, marketing, consumer, behaviour, sustainability The theoretical underpinnings of the psychology of marketing, is multidimensional including evolutionary, β†’

Fast food business plan sample

Fast Food will have to have conclusive arrangements with them in order to not interfere with their business and also in order to communicate the orders effectively and to coordinate that with the pickup of the delivery drivers from Fast Food. The key activities of the management of Fast Food will be to supervise and β†’

Issues related to international trade marketing essay

In the current paper there will be discussed the trade relationship between the United States and Russia, the geography and population of Russia, the exchange rate between the two countries, the Russian economy, the details about the product, and also reasons why this product will be a good idea to export from the United States β†’

Example of tatami restaurant business plan

The restaurant's goal shows one of the methods used to decide the readiness of the organization. Competitiveness of the employees is the other method used to explain the methods used to decide the readiness of the restaurant to international scale.

Free essay on foreign exchange

The paper attempts to understand the foreign exchange markets, the process of determination of exchange rates, types of exchange rates and the related risks. Thus, the exporter is exposed to risk of foreign exchange rate.

The role of marketing and how valuable it is for a successful business

One suggestion could be; in a hot sunny day Beechdean's can provide a small stall near their company that will entitle members of the public to have a free taste of their ice cream and if they are interested they can guide them to their company to they can make an order Competition One of β†’

Social media for business-an analysis of statistic data

Questioning in which there is a relationship between the kinds of social media is and the type of business. For the most part, this assignment shows that there is a relationship between the use of social media and their relation with customers.

Reasons that prompted the closure of enron

Indeed, even the moral individuals in the organization were misdirected, forced, or frightened into doing the things that the organization needed them to do. Both Alexander and Watkins endeavored to converse with the best officials and let them realize that things were being seen, however the way of life at Enron was to look the β†’

Event description essay samples

It is estimated that 400 students will attend the event and the organizers estimate the number to be sufficiently accommodated in the bar. The event will be conducted with the following objectives:- While conducting the Winter Wonderland ball, the aim is to make a profit out of the ticket sales - First years are given β†’

Service marketing for budge hotels

In this report, one of the leading budget hotels Holiday Inn Express was chosen to be analyses in 1) the services they provided, 2) the marketing strategies that used to promote the services in economic downturn; and then recommendations would be provided for adjustment of service and relationship marketing. Brief Introduction of the Schooldays Inn β†’

Chapter 8

The channel manager is charged with the task of evaluating market geography relative to channel structure to make sure that the structure is able to serve the markets effectively and efficiently. Market Behavior and Channel Design Strategy The fourth dimension, market behavior, consists of four subdimensions: when the market buys, where the market buys, how β†’

The evolution of espn company

After pronouncing the name of the network " Espen," he then is shocked to find out that ESPN is a round- the- clock sports network. Bodenheimer is president of the network that has become one of the biggest franchises in sports, not to mention one of the most successful and envied brands in the entertainment β†’

Market segmentation apply on hotel and personal computer essay sample

The specific segmentation of the pleasure travel market often depends on the attractions, products and service offered by the hotel. It is important of a hotel to choose the location to operate their business.

The primary producing countries successfully responded to the depression through the following ways essay

The depression of 1930's was known as the great depression because its ripples were felt in all countries of the word. In the Latin America primary producing countries imposed monetary contraction and adoption of conservative gold reserve was one of the main ways used to counter this great economic depression.

Starbucks- marketing

The factors are also known as the Internal environmental factors such as the company Itself, marketing Intermediaries, Its suppliers, customers, competitors and publics which are wealth or close to the company that have an Impact of the organization strategy. The top management is to keep in review the daily functions of statement to the top β†’

Essay on self-assessment, communication and employability skills analysis and description

In addition I am a good dealer if I plan to purchase something I thoroughly research all the proposals and find the best one, bargain and buy it for a suitable price. Strengths: I am a very ambitious and active person, already knowing the exact area where I would like to work in the future β†’

Advertising strategies in sri lankan market

Relevance to Brand and the Consumer It is relevance to brand and consumer both. Suggestions to Improve Overall this Panadol advertisement is good enough to educate target customers to use the correct dosage for children and it is mx of rational and emotional advertisement.

International marketing vifon to japan

As stated previously the resilience of the industry and its ability to quickly adapt to the market changes along with economic growth in the latter half 2009 to 2011 for the three retail categories D. Common forces appear to be operative in the economies of both Japan and America.

Smu mb0044 sem 2 2013 solved

Prototyping is a process by which a new product is developed in small number so as to determine the suitability of the materials, study the various methods of manufactured, type of machinery required and develop techniques to over come problems that my be encountered when full scale manufacture is undertaken. Aggregate planning is concerned with β†’

Marketing program of mcdonald’s corporation

McDonald's acts as an appropriate template for the execution of Nell Border's famed up's of marketing conception, given its success around the world with the image of the Golden Arches etched in the minds of people all over the world. We also notice that McDonald's engaged in the adaptation of it's menus to the cultural β†’

Example of term paper on housing bubble and burst in us

Thus, on the macro effect, this increased the demand level in the economy and soon this triggered the housing bubble in US as in the short run, the supply of the housing properties was fixed. Furthermore, comparing the 30% increase in housing prices with the long history of stable house prices shown in the government β†’

Report on the different types of table management systems in the restaurant

The purpose of this article will be to examine the different types of table management systems and recommend the best for use in the restaurant. The study will limit itself to the capacity of the table reservation system to cater for the needs of the restaurant.

Free green mountain coffee roasters- fair trade coffee research paper sample

Green Mountain is one of the leading coffee brands in the highly competitive American coffee market. Due to its unflinching commitment to procuring Fair Trade Coffee, Green Mountain enjoyed a lot of competitive advantage in the market due to the high quality of coffee supplied by it and its commitment to improving coffee farmers and β†’

Facebook as a dominant marketing medium

Marketing over social media is different from traditional marketing in many ways, and it is the willingness of marketers to learn these new cuisines, more than any other factor, which has enabled the success of Backbone as a marketing tool. Market Penetration The ubiquity of Backbone in terms of numbers of users and the amount β†’

City marketing in europe

He explains the toughness of the task " Creating a distinctive brand whilst incorporating the input of relevant stakeholders presents one of the main halogens of city branding today." This depicts, the reality that the desires of all the stakeholders need to be met, whilst developing a brand image that is original and efficient. This β†’

Contemporary approaches to marketing assignment

In Tutorial Letter 101, you will find the assignments and assessment criteria as well s instructions on the preparation and submission of the assignments. Should be directed to the relevant administrative departments as indicated below: Communication with the administrative departments of the University If you need to contact the University about matters not related to β†’

Travel agent career prospects in the travel industry research paper

Various factors determine the salary and benefits of the travel agent's among them being the size of the agency, the location and the education and experience of the agent; generally the travel agent earns between $24, 000 and $48, 000 annually. However due to the effects of globalization, technological advancement and economic factors career prospects β†’

Case study on marketing

As a result of this drop on the market share of Badedas, the brand has been forced to occupy a lower position in the market. The research conducted relating to the product produced a variety of results regarding the perception of the brand to the consumers.

Marketing strategy assignment

Nowadays marketing is the most important issues for success of every business marketing is the activity, set of institution, and process for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offers that have value for customer, clients, partners and society at large. In the case of Turkish airlines, it offers following products to their customers- Passenger service as β†’

Study guide, principles of marketing

Understand key marketing concepts and marketing management philosophies used in marketing planning Understand the importance of marketing in business practices Understand the concept of the marketing experience Discussion questions 1. Identify the different characteristics that influence consumer behavior Differentiate the different types of buying behavior Identify the different stages in a buyer decisions process and β†’

Multilevel marketing: a legitimate business opportunity

In order for an individual to be able to determine whether or not a multilevel marketing company is a legitimate business and a viable opportunity it is an essential component to this paper as well imperative that an individual understands the differences between a legitimate opportunity or an unethical one as well as an illegal β†’

An introduction to marketing essay sample

Give a definition of marketing The definition of marketing is " Putting the right product in the right place, at the right price, at the right time" Source: BBC Bitsize Morrison's Morrison's Supermarket is the fourth largest chain of supermarket in the United Kingdom. Price- A business should consider the following: 1- What is the β†’

Marketing mix strategies essay examples

At the level of augmented product Hubbards presents the product, which has a balanced composition of ingredients and does not contain oversupply of any elements, necessary for functioning of the human. It is also necessary not to forget online advertising and promotion of the product with the help of social media on forums, dedicated to β†’

International culture in marketing

The extreme task is to match the firm's corporate culture with that of the target market's culture. The Issue As more and more organizations begin to take their products and marketing efforts internationally, they will be faced with the major obstacle that is culture.

Example of business plan on fashion business & marketing

However, the competitiveness of the market calls for strategic measures to enable the firm to create a competitive advantage in the market. Based on the provided targeted markets in Bangkok and Thailand, the brand will incorporate the locals in the management and the running of the brand department stores.

Principles of marketing

As you search on our website you can see it is evident that we are passionate about innovation and have a strong sense of responsibility to give back to the communities we are connected to, both in North America and In the communities around the world from which we source our reduces. We are passionate β†’

Marketing principles: the onida candy case study

This is composed of two types of factors: those that the company cannot control the external factors and those the company has control the internal factors The problem with Onida was they were not able to understand the impact of the uncontrollable factors and they do not have an effective management of the of the β†’

Critically examine this statement focusing on the role of leadership theory to develop leaders within organisations

Nowadays, it is important to understand the nature of leadership and to develop strong leadership skills, because it can determine the success of an organisation. In transformational leadership style, the leader has ability to convey change and innovation.

Marketing situation analysis of macro environment

The analysis of the macro-environment will identify trends that will impact upon the development of the microwave oven, the target market and the marketing mix. Monitoring changes in the size and age structure of the population is a crucial step in the future success of Environmentalist' marketing strategy for the microwave oven.

Marketing plan assignment

It is classified as " shopping" due to act that this will be a product that will only be available at designated locations, it falls into a designated price range, and the frequency of the purchase will be infrequent. It is incumbent upon our technology department to implement a robust and globally faceted presence in β†’

The differences in language and gender english language essay

Language in the oxford dictionary is defined as follow: " the means of human communication consisting of the use of spoken or written word in a structured way".thus language is the means by which individual use to communicate with each other. It is undeniable that society plays a major role in the structuring of β†’

Programming language and a personal identity english language essay

I even doubted if I was the right person to study programming language for a moment and whether I needed to drop the class or not. In conclusion, the spirit of programming is a part of my identity and personalities.

Timeline of evolutionary history of life english language essay

Looking at it from a Christian's point of view, the dots are in the Hands of God, he knows what is best for us and thus connects the dots in a way that is sometimes difficult to understand at the present moment, but however which makes more sense when we look back. Kissing is said β†’

How people are assigned with different roles english language essay

The tenor is the judges, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr.and Donald Trump, and the candidates, Michelle Sorro from the losing team. When Michelle referred to Donald Trump's speech in turn 32 and addressed him in turn 36, she used the form of title plus his last name, Mr.

Scheduling manufacturing operations

This explosion of data holds the promise of efficiency and agility unrealized in the past, but it forces the attention of analysts and engineers to convert the flood of data into a useable form to move from planning to action. DECIDE is the point where the comparison of the situation to the goals will dictate β†’

Free research paper on creative and cultural entrepreneurship

How can the government efficiently and effectively help to recognize the values of art and sharing of the experience in art? This is a recognition that the industry has the potential of improving the standards of living of the practicing individuals or communities directly, and to boast the economy of the country at large.

Example of the advantages and disadvantages of ip protection in the media industry report

Because of this they are one of the initial key elements of society since the Statute of Arnie in 1709 and one of the guarantees written into the American Constitution in 1776. This includes economic and moral rights to a body of work and includes the rights of use and distribution for a creation as β†’

Industry major users of cold stores with

8Total212100INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is inferred that; 28% of the respondents say that they use the A/C for more than 2 years, 25. 79% of the respondents say that they are mostly attracted by the Freshness and 1.

The 1980s, the focus shifted gradually to

The figure shows that there is muchless variability in India's imports from China than in India's exports to China. This is probably alsothe reason for the closing of the gap between the import and export shares thathad opened up in the middle of the period.

Cairn energy strategic analysis

FACTORSEFFECT ON INDUSTRYLEVEL OF EFFECT Political Governments of oil producing nations are very involved in the exploration and production of oil and gas in their countries E&P companies would have to subject themselves to government processes in order to gain access to production sharing agreements that enables them to explore and produce oil within their β†’

Ocean manufacturing

The accounts show that the company is healthy and the ratios are mainly favorable except that the company is not properly leveraged and this is leading to a loss of opportunities and a lower profit margin and lower return on equity. The auditor's business risk - The risk to the auditor from association with the β†’

Recently, marketing strategy so as to enhance the

Recently, the developers and investors areconscious of the benefits of retaining current customers, which are essentialleading to the success of shopping center development. The effective marketingplan can draw more people and repeated customers to visit the 5 shopping arcadeagain and as a consequence enhance the sales revenue to the tenants and achievestable and high rental β†’

Construction and soil mechanics problems essay

Its provide mechanism for alter the interface country between the edifice and the supporting strata, this is required depend on the location and the dirt type. Weather, climatic alterations, and site direction can in the hereafter affect the bearing qualities of the dirt, if the foundation is non designed decently to the bearing capacity of β†’

In pre-university students. this limitation effectively limits the

The third hypothesisindicated that the brand of the smartphone will cause the purchase intent of asmartphone to change. The second hypothesissuggested that the product feature of the smartphone will impact the purchasedecision of smartphone.

The national transportation safety board

Cloud ceiling is the meteorological term used for the vertical visibility, or " the observable distance between the surface and the bottom of the lowest cloud layer of a broken or overcast sky. By the time either flight crew saw the other plane in the fog, it was too late to avert the disaster, which β†’

Technology management at mcdonalds essay

1: McDonald's Innovations Discussion McDonalds Innovation and Business strategy McDonalds introduced technology innovation to expand its business in March 2008 through improved customer service and fast order placement. In the case of visual self ordering kiosks technology bring many benefits to McDonald's order processing and order taking two big areas.

Example of literature review on insurance

The claims from the insurance companies will also be great in the event of an occurrence of the terminal illness to cover for the medical expenses. The health insurance industry ensures that people have access to health care by providing protection in terms of covering for the cost of medical care.

Montreaux chocolate report essay sample

She must also consider the following objectives when making these strategic decisions: The company should achieve first-year sales of at least $30 million; The company should nationally distribute Montreaux product line by year-end 2015; The company should achieve $115 million in annual sales by year-end 2015; and The company should be in the top 25 β†’

Wal-mart essay essay sample

But the Wal-Mart jobs will represent a steep cut in pay from the $15 to $16 an hour workers made at Thomson, and a far cry from the pension, health care, and job security benefits that have long been the norm in manufacturing. For example, they all deal with corn and the production and transportation β†’

The which needs to be studied. the “for-profit”

The effect profit seeking can have onquality of products Firms havetraditionally pushed themselves to gain the maximum profit and many of themhave been time and again accused to compromise on quality to gain this profit. Thisdilemma between profit and quality is extremely dangerous in health careindustry resulting not just in the inflation of healthcare costs β†’

Assignment: it an indispensable tool in the process

The ability of this technique to differentiate betweenstructures of molecular substances and the information it provides about thedynamics and interactions of particles in the smallest possible unit of amatter makes it an indispensable tool in the process of drug discovery, development as well as delivery. The detailed knowledge of the site ofa target receptor for β†’

Consumption and production of culture

The dominant culture is the general consensus, in which most people within a community accept the subculture and adopt the norms and values within. They might have a subculture which is not seen by the community and the media.

Fashion flow theories: misconceptions

Written Exam Fashion Flow Theories The Instrument of Meaning Exemplified as an instrument of meaning, the fashion system is a menagerie that takes meaning on an arduous cycle. The fashion world is one that comprises of its innovators, hungry-for-more consumers and the people who exploit it.

Can sea water generate usable energy environmental sciences essay

It is deserving adverting that we are interested in the alterations in H2O belongingss caused by heating the sea H2O; we ignore the alterations brought approximately due to the hit of H2O with the turbine blades. The electrical conduction of the condensed H2O, as given in Table 3 is found to be 10.

Impact of trade on economic growth economics essay

Abdul sought the impact of trade liberalisation on economic growing in Pakistan for the post-liberalization period that is after 1987 when a batch of trade barriers were reduced and attempts were made to liberalise the economic system for the benefit. The higher the possibility of credibleness of consequences the higher the sample informations and higher β†’

Impact of fdi to farmers in india

And in India Agriculture is an important sector of Indian economy and accounts for 15% of the Indian gross domestic product Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy if farmers are happy the entire country will move to a success path ahead the role of FDI must benefit the farmers as to go to a β†’

“the weather cases. without the help of

" The impacts go way beyond the tropics the United Kingdom and Hawaii could see an increase in rainfall, while the US Midwest and Southern France could see a decline," said Professor Lawrence, of the University of Virginia. One of the biggest causes of all this habitat loss in rainforests is timber logging for infrastructure β†’

The role of footwear in reducing falls in older people

In contrast, Menz et al.sought to determine the relationship between footwear characteristics and the risk of indoor and outdoor falls in older people. Badlissi et al.investigated the relationship between musculoskeletal disorders of the foot and foot pain and functional limitation, measured on scales of 0-100 for foot pain while functional limitations were measured as walking β†’

2.1 top products and services that operate

Vision: Become the technology andquality leader in the industry, be the top products and services that operatewith low cost in the market. Second, for the industry, it can adjust the waste and use of the meter based on the purpose of water use.