2000 Words Essay Samples

Physical education within early years and primary education

It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children are ready for school and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.'. Boys and Spink believe the foundation subjects and R.E.' have the potential to be the most powerful, most meaningful and β†’

Yahoo and amazon: building a competitive advantage research paper sample

Surviving the destruction led to a growth in revenue and made Amazon a profit of about $5 million in a quarter with more than $1 billion revenues and a recorded increase of 270% in the following years. However, the slow speed of trade venue in foreign markets and adoption in the Internet as a promotion β†’

Example of case study on midterm exam

The firms has to select the type of product and service that it intends to offer in the foreign market. The second step for the company is to analyze the suitability of the jeans and every other service of the company within the foreign market.

Good case study about analyzing annual report: vodafone inc

Outline the three most important points in your opinion in the Chairman's statement [pages 2] Referring to the Chairman's Statement included in the beginning of the annual report, we found the following significant points that may be of interest to all the stakeholders: i)Consistent steps towards expansion: The company, in response to increasing demand for β†’

Example of essay on pricing and integration

Description of the Action Plan This can be done by developing brochures that contain the picture and various specifications about Samsung IPad 4 tab and other new products. All these kind of information should be given to customers so that they can have adequate knowledge of the IPad 4 product and other new products offered β†’

Good example of sunbury insurance company research paper

The main purpose for the company to creating a facebook page is for posting information about the progress of the company and the new lines of business that this insurance company is willing to venture. The facebook page also promotes the company in that even individuals that are not clients of this business will be β†’

Good essay about operations management

Quality is also about the way of performance of the intended function of a product, the desirability that the features of the product exhibit along with the reliability that the product gives. The author is also of the thought that product's durability is also quality, the easiness of the product ease is also quality and β†’


The problem with GameStop is that they need to re-focus on their long-term goal needs, since the research on the gaming industry has proven that a shift in gaming preference is changing the industry towards a digital market. Strive to identify and execute new challenges and opportunities that evolve internally and externally in the gaming β†’

Disruptive innovation critical thinking sample

The inability of the customers to keep up with the changing nature of the products creates a disadvantage on the side of the organization in the sense that customers are on a different page with the business organization in terms of developmental issues. The incumbent would only target the attractive areas of the market, and β†’

Report on brief overview of the organization

The tags are to be put on all the animals in the firm which will keep track of their movements within the firm. There are 5 Steps to be followed: Identify the different levels of employees in the firm Identify the animal species in the farm Determine the naming/numbering procedures to be used in naming β†’

Maintaining good relationships with customers admission essay examples

It is for this reason that the marketing department of the organization needs to be strengthened in such a way that the business relationships that a business has with its customers can be made intact. The manner in which the organization responds to the needs of the customer is primarily important.

Chapter 1 – introduction

Statement of the Problem Our focusing question is " Apple Apple Company is truly admired by the 2000 era of costumers, if you asked a certain group of people of what brand they would like to intend without the concern of prices, surely 80% of it will ask for Apple products, but why Apple products? β†’

Good example of research paper on lincoln electric strategy and itw strategy

Even though the United States is a developed economy, they have a continued need for welding equipment and the growth rate of the industry is moderate. Lack of experience in this area of manufacturing is likely to discourage potential entrants even when the potential and outlook of the industry is as promising as it is β†’

Taxation law report

This is a case that was affirmed by the Chief Justice within the influence of section 18 of the Judiciary Act following five awaiting appeals resulting from resolutions of a Board of Review within the the stipulations of the Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Assessment Act 1936 as revised. For this reason it is β†’

Good the rise and fall of enron research paper example

Prior to its bankruptcy December 2, 2001, Enron had about 22 000 employees and was one of the world's important manufacturer of electricity, natural gas, communications, and the owner of the pulp and paper companies, with revenues of nearly $101 billion in 2000. An important tool for the implementation of the new strategy was the β†’

Good cappuccino wars: case analysis case study example

Indeed, rollout expansion rates of coffee shops in U.K.in recent years is showing how coffee shops are not a passing fad which Britons are embracing only to drop soon but is here is stay for a while. In recent years, Britons are increasingly shopping online and hence more extra hours to socialize in open, social, β†’

The dark elements of consumer behavior essay examples

Advertisement agencies are aware of this, and that is why they base the dark elements of consumer behavior on the irrational behavior of the customer. It is for this reason that they tap onto the dark elements of consumer behavior.

Shanghai good partners foodstuffs co

In the year 2000, two other factories in Nantong and Xian were built and started operating, as a result of the company's objective to reach some of the less developed markets in inland China. When the company rented the site in 1992, it has undertaken a substantive project to modify the layout of the plant β†’

Example of objectives business plan

Out of the total 15 stakeholders, three are the company's founders, who will take the role of management and the rest will be employees who will do the actual cleaning services. This will be achieved through thorough cleaning service for all the customers by our dedicated staff.- Progressively increasing the number of customers by 25% β†’

How well-defined strategy of unilever benefited the shareholder value creation

For the purpose of this case study, there is the need to first understand what strategy is, what a well-defined strategy is and also, what shareholder value is. Alessandro de Fiore, CEO of the European Centre for Strategic Innovation is of the view that brevity, clarity, and simplicity of strategy is key, sets a company β†’

Dior omni channel

These websites differ from each other, then how to keep the coherence of the brand DNA with the necessity of adapting to distributors' style and local culture background is a huge challenge. The situation in Taobao is not the only case for Dior Beauty, almost all the luxury brands are facing with the same problem: β†’

Good research paper on the future of electric car

The effects of such a shift in demand on the car producing companies will be for them to reduce their production of the oil consuming cars and increase the production of electric cars. On the other hand, due to the high costs of producing one car, the price of these cars in the market will β†’

On the brand elements of vodafone

With a focus on the " Power To You" positioning all the current advertisements of Vodafone are focusing on picturization of the benefit that the consumer will get once he becomes a Vodafone customer. All or most of them are trademarked and registered by the parent company of the brand and these are what appear β†’

Human resource management research paper sample

In this report analysis of Tesco PLC has been conducted on the above mention grounds in order to come with all the information required to know the performance of the company. The management of Tesco recognizes the role of mission, vision and strategies play in the performance of the company and its success.

Example of hospital corporation of america research paper

Nevertheless, the rising number of uninsured patients and the weakening of the collectability of uninsured accounts might in the future affect the firm's operations in a negative way. In order to understand the internal and external environment of HCA, it would be imperative to critique the firm's strategic position e.g.a SWOT analysis that gives the β†’

Free etihad marketing plan report sample

Market Audit is an important strategy for the companies which are intending to expand their core operations in some other markets of the world. It is one of the most important tools used for the same analysis.

Mclaren group of companies

Executive Summary The McLaren Group of Companies is often regarded as a " small conglomerate" as the company has several subsidiaries in related areas related to car business such as McLaren Applied Technologies, McLaren Electronics, and McLaren Marketing. However, one of the subsidiaries of the company is Absolute Taste which is a catering company and β†’

Good essay on rule of law

Offer is an act of expression of willingness to be legally bound by the terms of the contract, provided that the party to whom the offer is addressed accepts the latter. In Smith v Hughes, the court established a rule according to which in order to determine whether the contract is valid, the intent of β†’

Infrastructure of railroad transportation term paper

An important aspect of the railroad is that its infrastructure is a bottleneck in itself, in the sense that the movements of the rail trucks are limited to the direction of the rails tracks and routes, implying that there is lack of flexibility compared to other means of transport such as water, air and road β†’

Free research paper on approach to leadership and management development in a time of economic crisis

Moreover, as it has been stated in the " Procedure and Data Collection" section from the previous chapter, the proponent of this research required the participation in the case study from various companies, and this is the company that answered positively, accepting to be part of this study. This research paper hypothesizes that despite the β†’

Free ayala land, inc term paper sample

The main drawback of a divisional structure is the cost of operating in this manner.- Matrix structure a matrix structure is a combination of a functional structure and a divisional structure. This is a result of ALI management realizing that because of the pressure of working in a prestigious and successful company, that employee work-life β†’

Essay on electric knives marketing plan

This company is interested in identifying how successful this process will turn out to be, given the level of expertise the company holds as well as the in the consideration of the market share that the company holds in the electronics market. The resultant marketing objectives for the company in the new line of producing β†’

Organizational behavior critical thinking sample

In this paper I discuss some of these vital components and highlight how the part they have played in my professional experiences in the organizations that I have worked for in the past and the present. Another element that the course and the book discuss is the impact of power and politics on the organization.

Good research paper about according to recent ernst and young research, the mail risks of the oil and gas

Chevron is the ninth biggest oil and gas company in the world and the second one in the USA. Chevron operates globally and the business of the company comprises exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas, production of lubricants and other chemicals and transportation.

Enron and the white collar crime research paper

The paper highlights the desperate attempts by the bankers, auditors and top leadership at Enron Corporation to hide the actual liabilities. The attempts to show profits led the top leadership at Enron and the entire financial system to abet in the svelte white collar crime of fooling the investors by dressing up the financial reports β†’

Free nike corporation: international accounting issues research paper example

Beginning with the labor practices issue in Nike's Third world countries sweatshops to an inappropriately responding forecasting and ordering software, Nike has had its share of international problems all resulting in financial issues for the company. This again points to cost reduction measures and is a result of the increase in the minimum wages in β†’

Wal-mart: not turning japanese anytime soon

In other words, the Japanese Wal-Mart is all about Wal-Mart, not the customers. Three suggestions for the flailing sector are: a change of management, relocating operations management to Japan, and requiring all Wal-Mart employees who engage in business with the Japanese branch to learn Japanese and to spend time in Japan in order to learn β†’

How successful has the strategy of tesco been within the industry? essay sample

In order to define the level of success of Tesco's strategy, in my opinion the best way is to follow it thorough Tesco's timeline/history. However the strategy of Tesco.com is also a unique and easy flow strategy.

Reintegrative shaming and social control report examples

Blame is hard to pin and the news media is reluctant to pin it but it's because of corporate greed and institutionalized corruption at the highest levels of banking, health care and insurance companies but that is not something we want to read in the papers because people want to believe that bad people do β†’

Colgate-palmolive company: the precision toothbrush

Upon extensive market evaluation and research and development, senior management of Colgate-Palmolive has to make a major decision in whether to position Colgate Precision as a mainstream, professional toothbrush, marketed as the best toothbrush available, or a niche, super-premium toothbrush targeting consumers concerned with gum disease. After evaluating the cost of the Precision toothbrush, CP β†’

Memorandum case study samples

The driver in contention was a contractor who had been given a job by Uber System but at the moment of the accident, the driver in mention did not have any account with the company.Mr. These were statements that were raised by the plaintiff does not bring to the table substantial evidence to show that β†’

Example of case study on legal and ethical considerations

This has provided significant insights regarding the actions that are compulsory for the company to compensate the people and the nation for the damage done to the environment. Some of the prominent ethical issues that were faced by PharmaCare are as follows;- Marketing and Advertisement The marketing and advertisement of products directly to the individuals β†’

Corporation responsibility and ethics

The main two ideas behind this transformation was that a business corporation should not be directly tied to any public policies, and the corporation is a by-product of the people's right of association, not a gift from the state. If these are ' social responsibilities,' they are the social responsibilities of the individual, not the β†’

Scope of business term papers examples

In 2013 it was the 21st largest company in the world in terms of market value, according to Forbes. The report provides detailed information on company's business and its operations, presents analysis of financial statements and risk factors throughout the year, and depicts the structure of corporate governance within the company.

Ethics and corporate responsibility in the workplace and the world critical thinkings examples

The management and officers of the company are also stakeholders, as they are primarily affected by the company's success, as are the employees. First of all, the " healers" are being paid very little compared to the value they are providing the PharmaCARE executives by offering information about indigenous cures, and the workers who are β†’

Comptronix corporation case study

Which of the following statements is correct regarding a review engagement of a nonpublic company's financial statements performed in accordance with the Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services? a. In a review engagement, the accountant should establish an understanding with the entity, preferably in writing, regarding the services to be performed.the understanding should β†’

The investigation of the potential of investing in the google or apple corporations

Finance Comparing Google and Apple's total revenue, net income, total assets, and market value, we will make a conclusion that Apple is better than apple in all of these things.2. Marketing Reach Showing the market share of Apple and Google on the Tablet PC and Mobile operation system.3.

Expanding the markets report sample

How culture of the new business behaves have a profound impact on the success of the enterprise, and it would be imperative if the business tries to learn how it is connected before relocating to a new place. The questionnaire that is attached on the appendix will be used to gain a general picture how β†’

Merck and river blindness essay

The management analyzed the situation and had the following findings: The research and development of this medicine would cost the company more than $200million but the chances of making good profit out of it since their clients would be the impoverished people in Africa and Latin America who could not afford the drug. Roy Vagelos, β†’

Term paper on corporate crime

It has been approximated that amount of money that are lost due to frauds are usually double the amount that are lost by individuals in the hands of street criminals, and the biggest swindles involving money usually are in the field of corporate affairs where millions of societies money are usually reported to be stolen β†’

Essay on wal-mart executives purchase mobile cord software

Organizations require a solution that is comprehensive so as to be in a position to manage the communication channels that are available to mobile users. The other benefit is that Mobile Cord facilitates management of unified communication channels to the users.

Nike company analysis

The main reason why Nike products are manufactured in these countries is because of the low wages. Because the focus at Nike is heavily at marketing and R, Nike always tries to create the right image for the consumer.

Free essay on multinational firms

Most of the firms that aim at maximizing shareholder value appreciate the role of the shareholder as being central to their capital structures and hence a key stakeholder for realization of targets. Those that aim at maximizing stakeholder value appreciate the collective role that all stakeholders such as shareholders, employees, suppliers and the community play β†’

Is it moral for corporations to test cosmetics on animals?

I want to say, that the number of animals' suffering is greater than the pleasure that human beings receive. If we can call this their " morality", then medical experiments are the right thing to do, because human beings are the part of the same biosphere as lions and other animals are.

B2 b marketing case study

In B2B marketing strategies, the key aspect is the type of relationship that exists between the vendor's sales team and the seller himself. For this method of ordering to be efficient, it is necessary to send an advance notice to the order recipient so that he has the time to decide whether to change or β†’

Good example of bulgari in india report

Bulgari entered the Indian market because the growing consumer market in India for luxury goodsoffered lucrative opportunities to the company. However, the partnership was not successful and Bulgari had to exit the Indian market in 2011.

1. problem steps recorder

If it's not a vital Windows component, or anything else critical, then save any work in other open applications, check the box next to this process, click End Process, and your locked-up program will often spring back to life.18. And now, as you connect to a new network, Windows 7 will check this list and β†’

Production and distribution procedure at coca-cola

Water which is one of the major components in the production of soft-drinks is procured by the company from river Kaveri, and is treated using the water treatment plants, owned by the company. The pre-forms are blown in to the molds using the heat wave to get the bottles of the desired shape.

Vigor skin care product company essay sample

The success of the company together with its team included the following: the team the company was working with was performing at its best, this made the company to award the team as the best performing. Previously just before the company appointed Peter to lead part of the company manufacturing the vigor skin product, the β†’

The growth opportunity proposition

With regard to the relative size effects on the choice of payment methods, Grullon, Michaely and Swary find that the bigger the relative size of the target to the acquirer, the more likely the merger is financed by share or the combination but not cash only. However, in conflict with the findings by Grullon, Michaely β†’

Leveraging consumer behaviour – coca cola case study

With a variety of cultures in India, Coca Cola faced a challenge in how to target across the cultural nines. The Minuteman TV, which focuses on a mother and child, attempts to influence the Oman in the family, understanding that in such a situation, it is the woman who makes the buying decision.

Good company law case study example

This part specifically discusses the reason behind the existence of the directors of a company's duty to prevent insolvent trading. It also discusses the circumstances and the results after the court lifting the veil of incorporation for the wrong of insolvent trading upon a director of a company.

Case study on googles strategy

Moreover, the cost of developing a search engine is mostly related to the IT infrastructure and the break-even can be easily achieved in case the company manages to gain the necessary scale. The threat of substitutes in the search industry is relatively low, but the degree of substitutability differs according to the customer group considered.

Free research paper about social and environmental reporting

The working relationship between the company and the society is based on the social corporate responsibility as well as the role of the company in ensuring a sustainable environment for both the company and the society. Social and environmental responsibility assessment This section should depict a clear assessment of the company in relation to social β†’

Is google making us stupid? essay sample

For me, as for others, the Net is becoming the universal medium, the source for most of the information that flows through my eyes and into my mind. What makes it so poignant, and so weird, is the computer's emotional response to the disassembly of its mind: " I can feel it.

Microsoft marketing plan

1 Executive Summary The purpose of this article is to highlight the current marketing strategies of Microsoft Corporation and also to identify the lacking areas where Microsoft should develop new strategies to with stand with the throat cutting market challenges.1. Brand is everything, Microsoft is one of the best established, highly visible and healthy IT β†’

A case analysis of amazons strategic management and organizational learning case study samples

The administration and management of Amazon should utilize the company's resources as focused on its operations to meet the company's objectives. In accordance to the case study and the business approach and strategies of Amazon, it can be said that the company has been able to continue to grow and expand their business in the β†’

The effectiveness of online social networking term paper

Human Resources HR353 The Effectiveness of Online Social Networking in Recruiting New Employees, Negative and Positive The introduction of the internet into the field of business has improved many of the traditionally done functions of the human resources department and one of them is recruiting new employees. Bondarouk, Ruel and Looise points out that online β†’

Data warehousing report example

Another advantage of using star schema is that it is very easy to understand the diagram and data. The Snowflake schema is the best to be used when the dimension table is relatively big because it reduces the space as it breaks it down.

Csr assignment – starbucks

One issue that Starbucks addressed and which stakeholders were being targeted was for the latter to have access and know how the company's commitment and passion to improve the world and the ways which are demonstrating it. In a letter addressed to the stakeholders, Howard Schultz explains the reasons of creating a report with the β†’

Opportunity for cigarette companies report example

To understand why globalization is extremely valuable for the future of cigarette companies, it is relevant to review the current state of globalization in the tobacco industry. In brief, globalization is providing opportunities for cigarette companies to expand in the future through opening up of markets and reduced tobacco control efforts in foreign markets.

What is required: convergence or harmonization of accounting standards research papers example

Prior to introduction of IFRS, most of the nations had their own national accounting standards and post the introduction of IFRS, the ideal decision proposed by accounting bodies were to move from here towards adopting an accounting standard which will lead to no difference in accounting standard of all the countries and thus it was β†’

Aspects of a contract essay

The seller transfers the property in the goods to the buyer for a consideration called the price. In case of a contract of sale between Car-rex and a customer, the consideration is the price from the customer.

Osim international

Innovation Research and development is a process given much emphasis as Osim strives to release new and relevant products to create demand and to keep a technological edge above its competition, resulting in products such as the iDesire and iMedic amongst others. While Osim promotes itself as a lifestyle brand, for example, through the promotion β†’

Competitive forces and challenges essay sample

The assortment of products sold in each store varies according to the size, customer shopping behaviour and merchandising character in the trade areas, but the vast majority of JCP's stores are located in urban areas because of the large population density within small geographical areas. With JCP having upwards of 1000 stores across the US β†’

Free case study about databank

In fact, it is the same that informed the decision by the directors to seek the support of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund both of which the paper observes had the technical and practical knowhow of the Ghanaian economy and whose counsel would be invaluable to the company. The success or otherwise β†’

Employee motivation in apple corpotation

In the second part I introduced the apple company and their motivation standards and behaviour. In second part I will apply theese mentioned theories to an Apple company in order to compare and evaulate the difference of their processing motivation standards and theories of employee and human motivation.

Essay on organizational theory

Adoption of the classical theory has limited the decision making process in the firm, and therefore, a gradual progression to achieving the agency's goals. The ability of large firms to obtain small business awards and contracts minimizes the possibility of the small businesses to grow.

Research paper on lehman brothers bankruptcy

The known global firm had ended up succumbing to tantamount debt due to the ongoing subprime mortgage transpiring in the period which resulted to severe mortgage complications and foreclosures, especially in the real estate sector The bankruptcy petition was considered a crucial blow to the financial industry given the Dow Jones drop to the all β†’

Mitsubishi corporation analysis

More specifically, the levels of debt are likely to have been induced by the lack of alternative sources offinancebecause of the effect of government regulations, and the different ownership structure in Japanese firms. One of the main reasons behind the high level of investment is the better access to capital that Japanese firms have compared β†’

Pakistan telecommunication company

Lowest Labor Rates in the world: During the quarter ending December 2009, telecom sector Labor Cost of Pakistan is ery Low as Compared to other Countries so that is also an opportunity for the Telecommunication sector. Factors that Creating Opportunities: The Pakistani people are more social: Pakistani people are more social so they havefamilysystem and β†’

Product swot analysis report

For successful launch of the product it is imperative to build awareness among the potential users about the product and its benefits and for successful communication the first step would be to decide the objective which is introduction of new product in the market and to understand the target audience/market. To enjoy the benefit of β†’

Research paper on internal and external environments

The company is one of the most recognized consumer brands in the world and is poised to become the first trillion dollar company of the world. Apple's critical segments are: Technological the two critical issues in the technological environment is the convergence of devices and the relatively shortening of the product lifecycles of these devices.

Free essay on intellectual property law

In addition to the above, the aforesaid companies also have the right to prove in the courts of law that they suffered financial loss due to the Howard's decision to publish the aforesaid vessels giving the other innovators a chance to use part of the knowledge applied in producing this vessels unauthorised. The statutory period β†’

Sample report on standardization/adaptation of the marketing mix of lv

They believe that the key to the survival of the business in the international market is the ability of standardization of the marketing mix. The company does marketing to change the tastes of consumers for suiting the existing offerings of the enterprise.

The shared value and gucci

To then explain the meaning of shared value and its significance to Gucci, critically evaluate the company's actions or inactions regarding the shared value and then to advance recommendations to Gucci on the topic. In this document, Gucci talks about how the Kering Group has installed a culture of sustainability within Gucci and how they β†’

Good example of wal-mart china: sustainable operations strategy research paper

Although Wal-Mart was able to decrease the prices of their products to reach out to the large volume of customers, the increasing criticism and the legal battles were hampering the overall image of the company/store. When it came to Wal-Mart China, they can achieve sustainability through their 5 SVNS.- First, their strategy should focus on β†’

Marketing planning and responsible marketing in new zealand essay sample

For the purposes of this assignment I would focus on three basic issues related to marketing strategies of the company, namely marketing planning, monitoring and controlling; social responsibility of marketing and international marketing. In terms of international marketing, marketing process looks similar to the one in domestic marketing; however, special attention must be paid to β†’

The development of swire oilfield services (sos)

At this stage, it is necessary for the employees to identify and analyze the root cause of the issues and challenges which need to be tackled in their day to day operations. Check Checking stage is to check the efficiency of the processes and results to be measured based on the before and after an β†’

Walmart company

Just to name a few, Walmart has the Walmart in-store credit card, Walmart Discover, Sam's Club in-store credit card and the Sam's Club Discover card. Walmart's goodwill is as a result of the acquisition of 147 Netto stores from Dansk Supermarket in the United Kingdom and to the acquisition ot a 5 % ownership in β†’

Winners and losers research paper examples

Opinionatively, The reason why outsourcing is not a good idea for developed nations is because white collar jobs are good high paying jobs and should be kept in the US, white collar jobs tend to be in the service industry and that industry employs about 3/5 of the workforce, and because white collar jobs tend β†’

Company law essay examples

The enactment of the Corporations Act of 2001 is to create a law in relation to the formation of corporations, corporate regulation and the regulation of financial services and products. The main advantage of incorporating a company is that the company is not dependent on the existence of its shareholders which means that the death β†’

Organizational behavior

The short term, as well as, the long term goals should be reviewed in terms of the forces and trends as they pertain to the company's internal analysis and external environments. The paper will also define strategic adaptability and the relevance as it pertains to the strategic mindset in the business world.

Dillon brown

With the two both going to the same school and having an extreme interest in computers, it was not surprising that the two became best friends, the spent a lot of time together in the labs helping to better understand the computer. The way that Gates has chosen to spend his money is in such β†’

International business machine company review

It is the one of the leading research company and has a record of holding the highest US patents and copyrights of software by corporation till today for two decades.company invention includes PC, the floppy disk, hard drive and the auto teller machine, magnetic cards barcode technology, the relational database, the SQL programming lanugos.the company's β†’

The european emissions trading scheme report sample

It seeks to reduce emissions in a cost effective method and thus giving the companies the opportunity to choose on the methods to use so as to reduce their emissions to receive the allowances, It operates on a cost effective basis explained in the following graph. Cost effectiveness of the scheme is founded on the β†’