2000 Words Essay Samples

Jane eyre study essay sample

After a fight with him Jane is locked into the red room where her feelings are reflected by the strong decor of the room: " A bed supported on massive pillars of mahogany, hung with deep red damask...the two large windows, with their blinds always drawn down...the carpet was red...the table at the foot of β†’

Sainsbury’s ratio analysis

The percentage figures indicate that because they have a higher gross profit in 2007, this might be that they had a cheaper source of supply.* Net Profit percentage of SalesThis measures the net profit of the business as a proportion of the sales revenue. The lower the ratio, the more liquid is the business and β†’

Spectroscopy analysis techniques

Chemical shift is a phenomenon that is a result of the shielding effect and the density of the electrons in the molecules. Then the machine that is used in mass spectroscopy records the relative abundances of the different ions, and a graph containing the relative abundance versus the mass to charge ratio is made.

Technological advancements in the healthcare system

The other one is the benefits of new technologies that benefits patients, revisers, and the infrastructure is to improve the quality of communication and the capacity to communicate for both clinical and documentation purpose. Cell hones are one of the better ways for communicating with the people in developing countries as the number of users β†’

Marriott case notes essay

How did you estimate the required rate of return on the debt of the company and on the divisions? Marriott cost of capital Objective: 1) Calculate the divisional and the company cost of capital and explain the calculation.

Early childhood education and classroom management education essay

It is significant to get a comprehension of the preschool surroundings about the way the children study and that the social and intellectual qualities of teachers and parents have a persuasive power on the children. After establishing classroom rules, teacher and children need to discuss the meaning of the rules and why it is important β†’

Economic and social impact of income inequality

Income inequality is the disparity of income distribution between the rich and the poor within an economy. Exploitation of natural resources in the third world country by the rich countries also leaves the poor in poverty as the large amount of money received was not returned to the people.

Ethical theories of business

Let's say for instance we take utilitarianism and Kantian moral theory, utilitarianism argues that moral importance of an action lies on the predictable consequences of the action where as kantian moral theory emphasizes on the moral importance of an action lies in the principle of the person's action. Utilitarianism is well known by the phrase β†’

Mastercard ceo: ajay banga

His passion for diversity came from the fact that he himself is diverse, in the sense that he is of Indian decent, runs a global company, and wears a beard and turban; something that is not common in his position. He has a passion to inform others of the importance of diversity in multiple aspects β†’

The audit of smackey dog food, inc. essay sample

The essential activities involved in the initial planning of an audit that are specifically related to the Smackey Dog Food client are the following: 1. They also have to create the scope of the audit and set the objectives.2.

The symbol veil in muslim women religion essay

Some admits a total ignorance of their religion and culture, while there are " Islamic feminists" who have shown a passion to reclaiming the emancipatory message of the Qur'an on using veils as part of the earliest traditions in Muslim communities. In the entire practice of Islam dress codes, its women members compete to gain β†’

Life in south africa: nadine gordimer essay

As she grew older into a more knowledgeable adult she studied at the Witwatersrand, where she received her education as a day scholar and then continued her studies as a student at the University of the Witwatersrand, but most of her life was spent realizing and writing the events that happened in her life each β†’

The brewery industry in nigeria

The industry is at the maturity stage of its life cycle but still remains one of the striving industry in the Nigerian manufacturing sector. The industry has good distribution networks, in fact, they are the buyers in the industry as they control movement of the products from the producer to the retailers, and thus determine β†’

Critically explore whether or not the process of commercialisation has ruined sport

The paper will also examine the history of commercialisation of sport and to do so will look at and trace the history of sports all the way from the pre 1860s to modern day. When looking at the history of sport it is important to remember that the emergence and growth of commercialisation is linked β†’

Ctlls planning and enabling learning

This consists of a range of methods to gather the learners academiclevels, preferred learning style and discuss the learners pastexperience and work based abilities. The plan responds to the assessment of the learners needs and to the student? s goals and aspirations.

Moods of norway

However, even with extra designers, keeping the look and lifestyle image of women's clothing in line with the rest of the company message is still a challenge for Moods.2. One of the evidences is that when customers and partner companies sought " Norwegian Design," they sought Moods." Moods of Norway" is a fashion leader in β†’

Scientific methods to the study of social life sociology essay

The dependant is the thing that is caused, and the independent are the factor or factors that cause the dependant to happen. According to this methodology, the scientific approach is unsuitable by itself for collecting, analysing and subsequently explaining data, or that it is inappropriate in terms of dealing with a human behavioural subject.

Principles and views on euthanasia philosophy essay

Courage is a means between the extremes of cowardice and foolhardiness with respect to the emotion of fear Temperance is a means between the extremes of self-indulgence and insensibility with respect to the desire for pleasures of the body. Autonomy, Euthanasia and the Right to Die with Dignity: A Comparison of Kantian Ethics and Shicite β†’

Investigation marketing assignment

Product decision: The reason of choosing Black Cumin cola as a new product to launch is by looking at the marketing theory, including Anions Matrix and whether the product is going to focus on mass market or niche market. As there is already a Coca Cola Vanilla in the market, so the Black Cumin cola β†’

Advertising message assignment

These concern the balance, the structure, the perceived source and the presentation o f the message to the target audience The Balance of the Message With high-involvement decisions, where persuasion occurs through a central processing route, the emphasis o f the message should be on the information content, in particular, the key attributes and the β†’

Confucianism and contemporary issues

Confucianism and Contemporary Issues This essay will illustrate the history of Confucianism and the background of Master Kong in the early beginnings of the religion. The purpose of the paper is to discuss the common characteristic of Confucianism with other eastern religions, the contemporary issues it faces, and the interaction between the modern world and β†’

Defining and evaluating methods of measuring performance accounting essay

Nowadays, most of companies concentrate on the return on investment of a division that is profit as a percentage in direct relation to investment of division which instead of focusing on the size of a division's profits. For comparing the economic performance of a division, net income is likely to be the preferred profit measure β†’

Licensing proprietary technology

Keywords: Licensing proprietary technology, competitive advantage, foreign competitors In today's competitive marketing, it is significant for a firm to have competitive advantage, because several previous studies have shown that sometimes competitive advantage could lead to the domination in the whole market, it can bring a firm more profit. The purpose of this essay is to β†’

Introductory research method (report)

Thus, the purpose of this report is to state the results of the research made in evaluating the level of the Statistics Anxiety among different student groups. The task of the research was also to study the prevalence of the Statistics Anxiety among the adult students, and to examine the relationship between academic procrastinations and β†’

Levels of processing on memory recall

This study did support the LOP theory and that the deeper the LOP the greater the affect on the retrieval ability of information stored; however the acknowledgement of the limited capacity within the memory system should also be taken into consideration along with the roles played by perceptual and rehearsal processes. An experiment similar to β†’

Maslows hierarchy of needs philosophy essay

Because the lower level needs are more immediate and urgent, then they come into play as the source and direction of a person's goal if they are not satisfied. Herzberg's needs are specifically job related and reflect some of the distinct things that people want from their work as opposed to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs β†’

One (ngos) defined as β€˜any non – profit,

Acting in a sustainable way for business appears to be a kind of oxymoron, as in a consumerism context, the dominant goal for the majority of multinational corporations is to increase their profit. Highly trusted institutions in the society due to their non-profit behavior, they can act on behalf of this civil society to effect β†’

Taxation – judgement day

Here it is crucial to turn our attention to Section 73 of the VAT Act 1994 as this the point which was used by Commissioners to backup their assessment decision for WHS. Overall this case clearly backs the customs decision in case of WHS assessment that it was made to their best judgment and that β†’

According a libel must be to some

It is of the essence that in order to constitute the offence of defamation, it must be communicated to a third person because what is intended by the imputation is to arouse the hostility of others. If may amount to defamation to imputes anything to a deceased person, if the imputation would harm the reputation β†’

Jacobs division essay

One of the key advantages that weigh in favor of undertaking the Silicone-X project, outside of the NPV evaluation, is that with the labor- intensive option, Silicone-X could be on the market within a year. With the capital-intensive option the plant will likely take " two years to get the plant on stream, and the β†’

An improvement over classical realism politics essay

A perspective that excludes the possibility of a structural analysis where the system is perceived to be independent and therefore plays an active role in determining state behaviour.[2] In a world still perceived to be anarchic, Waltz separates the internal circumstances of states from the external ones and claims that the international system is autonomous β†’

Developing professional practice analysis

The Oxford English Dictionary states the following meanings of the word ' professional': 1.' a person engaged or qualified in a profession' 2.' a person competent or skilled in a particular activity' In other words, an HR professional needs to have the necessary ability, knowledge and skills in the field of people management. In addition, β†’

Marketing analysis of nike inc marketing essay

It will continue its programs and projects to suit the demands and needs of the customers all over the world.4. But in the future there is a need for the company to grow by its own hard work and effort and take steps to make the company and the brand- the most established one in β†’

Math portfolio

Hence the conjecture can be written as Pn = The above conjecture can be proved by the principle of Mathematical Induction.w: - the number of pieces obtained by n cuts on a cube which is denoted by Pn = w: - = 2, which is true. Thus the number of pieces made by the cuts β†’

Artificial intelligence in medicine

The name of the game is change and if doctors are willing to accept it, it would jumpstart the impact Artificial Intelligence could have in hospitals and clinics and how it could change the scene of patient care, diagnosis through imaging, and treatment with smaller than ever organisms that will affect everyone. I could be β†’

Analysis of the hard rock cafe marketing essay

Moreover, the success of every cafe in each location is also contributing to the cash flow efficiency and the whole chain's success. Hard Rock Cafe's brand recognition of 92% is one of the highest in the world.

Love and attachment three perspectives psychology essay

He defines love as a complex entity that derives in part from instincts and drives, but also a large part of it is social learning from role models that are observed and then defined as love, the triangular theory an example of how the reaction of emotion leads the conscious perception of it, which can β†’

Basic and applied research | compare and contrast

The purpose of the research is to educate professionals around the globe to be better equipped in dealing with their respective fields and performing better on the whole. Applied research is adopted to make use of the basic research and develop applications of the established research to answer specific problems by giving proven solutions in β†’

Discover your inner economist

He begins by subtly stating that economics is not aboutmoney, but other motivations." The critical economic problem is scarcity," he says." Money is scarce, but in most things the scarcity of time, attention, and caring is more important." In a highly aimless, rambling style, Cowen leads the reader down many divergent paths from topic to β†’

Critical analysis of porter’s 5 forces

The first force of Porter's framework refers to the threat of entry and is concerned with the ease or perplexity to enter a particular industry. Putting together the impact of these forces, the level of competition as well as the profit potential and overall attractiveness and performance of an industry is determined.

The rugmaker of mazar essay

In the text, The Arguer of Mazda-e-Shari an autobiography by Ninja Mozart and Robert Hillman, the main character, Ninja Mozart, through the tests and trails he faces in his life, develops the idea of identity. The idea of identity is a major issue for Ninja and is most apparent at times in Afghanistan, his time β†’

The law on obligations and contracts marketing essay

Ronald Lane is a professor of advertising at the University of Georgia and has served as advertising manager of the Journal of Advertising. This updated source is helpful in understanding the importance of advertising to the product.

Effect of corporate leadership communication on organizational

The communication Problem The aim of this communication problem paper is to understand the problem of leadership communication within an organization making use of the communication variable " organizational commitment" in measuring this problem. The effectiveness or, otherwise, ineffectiveness of everyday communication within the workplace has a way of defining an organizations culture and on β†’

Two cross-national lessons for pontevedro

Daniel Brownlee 1. Introduction This report implements cross-national lesson drawing in order to suggest two lessons for the improvement of Pontevedro’s planning system. For these two lessons to be successfully transferred they must be ideas that fulfil Pontevedro’s needs, and how a policy works in the β€˜ exporter jurisdiction’ must...

Visitng atlanta – capital of the new south

Atlanta Capital of the New South Hello Atlanta is the frontline of the New South, with the appeal and classiness of the old days. This is one of the few cities which can claim to have three skylines and is home to the busiest airport in the world.

Does excessive use of social media negatively affects teens’ health?

Three principal reasons why excessive use of social media negatively affect teens' health The first reason excessive use of social media negatively affects teens' health is that it causes teens to feel lonely, leading to more sadness than happiness. The last reason excessive use of social media negatively affect teens' health is that it can β†’

Superstar is a team economics essay

There are many reasons for the super star phenomenon and the labour market of superstar will be analysis in the rest part of the essay. Team rosters are usually fixed and it is more sensible to consider the supply of labor in teams in units of quality rather than in the number of players.

Pre commissioning of power transformer engineering essay

Commissioning test for power transformer should to be done to verify the technical suitability for the application and check the healthiness or condition of power transformer before energizing by connecting to the power supply system and loading the load[1]. In an ideal transformer, the induced voltage in the secondary winding is proportional to the primary β†’

Examples of non-tariff barriers to trade

The lowering of tariffs and other trade barriers has also been on the agenda of the different trade rounds that have taken place since the advent of the GATT dating back to 1947. By contributing to limit the amount of foreign currency that would be spent on buying imports, quotas could also reduce a deficit β†’

Equus by peter shaffer essay sample

Alan is telling Dysart what happened that night and Alan's words are being performed to the audience. Using the same stage area as Dysart's office, reminds the audience that Alan is telling the story to Dysart and the audience are shown what Alan is saying.

Pascal and descartes: the existence of god

In Pensees, Blaise Pascal bases the existence for God on a " gamble" and that there are more benefits from wagering in the belief of God regardless if there is one or not than there is to not believe in one at all. If God is the infinite substance of all things real, this puts β†’

Statistical significance: sample size essay

When a small sample size is used in a given experiment, the numbers that the researcher has to work with are so small that even small portions of that sample will represent larger significances than would be the case with a larger population. It is usually left up to the researcher to interpret the value β†’

The roles media plays in contemporary society

I will start by presenting the advantages of the informative and interpretative functions, while also mentioning their negative effects, by referring to the manipulation of public opinion and the using of media as a medium of propaganda. I will not miss the opportunity of speaking about the social binder function, and also about the tendency β†’

Historical failures of the geneva convention the first

One of the signatory states that have been a great obstacle to the implementation of the provisions is the United States. However, the provisions of the convention in were seen during some of the international and non-international armed conflicts that have occurred in the recent past.

Regulation of skeletal muscle blood flow biology essay

During exercising, contraction of the skeletal musculus causes an addition in the demand for O that is compensated for by an addition in blood flow and therefore O bringing to the exerting musculus. Conclusively, these findings suggest that the sympatholytic and vasodilatory response to intraluminal extract of ATP is mediated via purinergic receptors located on β†’

Women characters in uncle tom’s cabin

Abstract An aim of this study is to analyze the white women characters in Uncle Tom's Cabin, and reveal the evil and immorality of slavery at that time. The creation of Uncle Tom's Cabin was in the background of feminist movement and the enacted of the Fugitive Slave Law.1.

The grand inquisitor: the role of religion

Ivan is the storyteller and dominates the majority of The Grand Inquisitor. Perhaps, The Grand Inquisitor is a reflection of both Dostoyevsky's faith and the desire for something to deliver him from his woes.

The roles of the tour operator tourism essay

Services must be sold to customer to cover a period of 24 hours and should include an overnight stay: Transport Accommodation Other tourist services To be able to serve customer a tour operator must know the customer as of what are the needs and requirements of a customer and how much he/she is willing to β†’

The malaysian consumer price index economics essay

Thus, in this research the main point is to know which economic variables that will give an impact towards the consumer product and the efficiency of the variable influence the CPI.1. Therefore the main purpose of this study is to know the impact of the economic variable that been used as a variables towards the β†’

Royal dutch shell company entry modes assignment

With the implementation of the policy of reform and opening to the outside world in China, the Royal Dutch Shell has sets up two joint ventures oil depots in Shenzhen, China in 1985 and 1987, respectively. This assignment will identify the reasons for choosing China as a target market and analyze the methods of Royal β†’

Russian state essay sample

The exploration of the Siberia by Ermak and struggle against the Tatars were on the agenda. The weakening of a big and once powerful Polish state had led to a growth of Sweden and the Moscow State.

Indian art essay

The vast scope of the art of India intertwines with the cultural history, religions and philosophies which place art production and patronage in social and cultural contexts. The folk spirit has a tremendous role to play in the development of art and in the overall consciousness of indigenous cultures.

The effect of global warming on thermohaline circulation assignment

The term " thermopile" originates from thermo for heat and haling for salt, which together determine the density of the water mass.[4] Thermopile circulation originates in pacific areas of the North Atlantic and in the Widely Sea of the Southern Ocean. The change in ICC concentration caused the gradual disappearance of the thermopile circulation while β†’

А “beautiful life” by michael futcher and helen howard

Through the use of many interesting theatrical techniques, such as symbolism, breaking the fourth wall, flashbacks, etc, the play sheds light on the issues of the Australian Government and legal system, prejudices towards refugees in Australia and the migrant experience in Australia. One of the major thematic concerns in A Beautiful Life is the issue β†’

The secret garden and the path to physical and emotional wellbeing

Archibald is able to begin healing emotionally and physically because he has both a preexisting positive relationship with nature and he begins to practice the " Magic" of positive thinking. This is supported in the novel by the characters of Ben and Archibald.

Reality programming as ideology: focus on teen mom tv show

However, the majority of these shows are not truly " real" and contain the element of " semi-scripting," in order to create a sense of authenticity, they make use of familiarity and the reproduction of the dominant ideology. The show represents social conflict through the combination of teenage motherhood and the conformity of the typical β†’

Csr policy at bhp billiton

However the activities that feature in this report are questionable CSR practices and there is a growing gap between BHP's rhetoric and the reality of its operations. BHP argue that its decision to report on Corporate Social Responsibility is based on: consideration of the key health, safety, environment, community and socio-economic risks of our business β†’

The disadvantages of top down technique construction essay

1 The cut and cover tunnelling method is one of the more simple forms of tunnel construction available where the area to be tunnelled is excavated and a tunnel built within the excavation with a strengthened roof system which can support the loading of any soil or structures to be constructed above itself. 3 The β†’

Lady brett ashley essay sample

I say can a chap sit down?" She not only refers to herself as a " chap," which is decisively a man's pronoun, but she also adopts the role of the man in their relationship by going to his home, causing a scene to see him, and then inviting him to go out with her. β†’

The limited range of teaching techniques

If the instructor successfully draws students ' attending and battle from the really start of the session he/she will be able to carry through the aims of larning to a great extent. Careful planning of starting motors and what makes them effectual is that the students are told of the intent of the undertaking.

Christian vs. pagan approaches in beowulf

The purpose of this paper is to show the significance of Beowulf to understands both the Christian and pagan humanity. Christianity is the belief of the bible and the aspects of Christianity are exposing in Beowulf.

Journal summary assignment

To differentiate the meaning of effectiveness and efficiency, the authors tot this study has adapted a model trot Frey and Wider regarding effectiveness and efficiency. The purpose Of this study is to know how the competitive advantages have the significant effect on training and development, empowerment and maintaining in the organization.

Strategic justifications in the us wine industry

The merger between Starshine and International Beverage would be a defensive action with respect to the emerging market changes and also to avoid not having a say in the future business of the company. This shows that Starshine had a greater market presence than that of Bel Vino and that Bel Vino was finding it β†’

Human college essay

During the second step of the planning process upper-management uses recommendations from first-line and middle management to analyses the current state of the LOLA Fitness and Wellness as it relates to both the internal and external environments of the facilities. Human resource planning is a vital element in the overall organizational success of LOLA Fitness β†’

How to maximise shareholder wealth

What is the reason of the serious difference in the dividend rate between the large companies and the small companies? The reason is that most of the small companies are on the increased period of their business cycles; so the companies need more capital which to develop their production and business activities.

Techniques for extraction of impacted lower third molars

This study aims at the evaluation and comparison of standard flap design with comma type of flap design used in the surgical extraction of impacted mandibular third molar and to objectively evaluate the merits and demerits of individual flap design. Study Design: In this study 200 patient with bilateral mandibular third molars impaction of age β†’

Public awareness of diabetes

The pancreas is the organ of the endocrine system, and when it is not functioning properly, the result is diabetes. The key to the prevention and treatment of many cases of diabetes is to provide sufficient public awareness.

Children’s rights are best provided for within the context of the nuclear family

These are the ' primary socialisation of children' this is referring to the socialisation during the early years of childhood which takes place in the family, and the ' stabilisation of the adult personalities of the population of the society' this is where the child's personality is moulded. Both Murdock and Parsons assume that the β†’

Psychology essays – relationship therapist client

The only draw back in individual therapy is that if the clients' problems stem from something going on within a family unit, it could be more difficult for both the client and therapist to resolve some of the problems the client has. The job of the family therapist as opposed to the individual therapist is β†’

Relational contracts: advantages and disadvantages

As per Kumar N, relationships must have a degree of elasticity to flourish which cannot be established by enforcing legal force of contracts rather by mutual obligatory force of trust.and as the term ' relational' refers to the expectancy situation that benefits both parties from its continuance therefore, establishing the element of trust between the β†’

The essence of ambiguity: the paradox of willie stark and dr. sloper

Sloper's dedication to his daughter is fundamental evidence for the humane component of his character.Dr. Sloper is radicalized by the ordeal with Morris and Catherine, and seldom spares the emotional stability of his daughter in his bid to achieve their separation.Dr.

Secret societies essay sample

Are these groups really something to be feared?" This quote from Mysteries of History: Secret Societies is the basis for the ideas in this essay. And to get rid of the idea of secret societies in general.

The budget deficit

The first reason is that the more the government spends, the more money gets pushed into the economy which helps improve it and keep it going. The deficit is compiled on a yearly basis, whereas the debt is the compounding of the deficits throughout the years.

Comparison of real estate appraisal approaches

A major premise of the sales comparison approach is that the market value of a property is directly related to the prices of comparable, competitive properties. If Cost Approach is used, we need to firstly estimate the worth of the vacant land, then add the current cost of building the house and then less the β†’

Cause and effect analysis 1

The use of cause and effect in this essay will give the reader a more in depth perspective of the effects steroids have on the human body. Some of the main, and most common side effects steroids have, are an increase in the user's weight, power gains, Cause and Effect Analysis 5 and problems with β†’

Wallmart sustainability report analysis essay

Based on Walmart's Report after having a deep analysis of it, I believe that Walmart's core of values and strategies do create the necessary conditions for their employees to create the right value that the company needs them to create because Walmart offer their staff the opportunity to project themselves in the company. With this β†’

Documentary photography: history, ethics and application

Consequently, the picture maker is most likely going to have the opportunity to refine the venture, not just through the investigation of the work-in-progress at different stages however even by the reshooting of inadmissible fragments of the work. Documentary affirms, at last, to the boldness or the manipulatives and savvy of the lens man, who β†’

Changes in the roles and responsibilities of nurses

Nursing has not only changed on the face of it but the background work of a nurse has changed to, for example the education given to nurses, the scope of policies and practice, the structures of nurses and the principles of the care of the patient. Within the modernisation of the NHS and nursing the β†’

Effectiveness of customer care policies for hospitality industry marketing essay

The reason of every big successful company is the ways they make their customers policies the policies which they make in their organisation those are favourable to the customers. Kids and young generation- the main customers of the McDonalds are the young people and the kids their main motto is to serve them better way β†’

How do the authors of the red room and the signalman create suspension and tension with characterization and setting essay sample

Here, it is described as if the shadow is different to the old man, an independent creature which chooses to ridicule the man, to cause mischief and evil, giving us fear as we are given the impression the shadows have a mind of their own and a force of evil. Fitting with the earlier description β†’

The types of murder

And by pills From birth to teenage years, the mother is seen as the more vital adult in a child's life and to where there is a period the child learns what love is. Relating to the topic of the victims of a murder, when determining the relationship between suspect and victim it is said β†’

What is the purpose of franchising?

The application of franchising principles to each separate industry involves the blending of the ingredients to produce the right and product. Additionally, the franchisor is relieved of the obligation to carry liability insurance on the independently owned franchise units that produce the gross sales of the franchised system since this is the obligation and responsibility β†’

Bacteria and their roles in ecology

Staphylococcus aureus is known to be the predominant bacteria that inhabit the surface of the skin.S.aureus can be isolated from the most superficial layers of the epidermis and the upper parts of the hair follicles.S.aureus is part of the normal flora even though it is a potential pathogen. Once we have assigned the genus to β†’

Realities and possibilities of the undernet

Embracing the Dark: The Realities and Possibilities of the Undernet Contents What is the Deep/Dark/Marianas web? How to Reach the Different Parts of The Internet Perceptions of The Undernet Governments and The Legal View Everyday Citizens News and Traditional Media Social Media Benefits of The Web Imitating the Undernet Conclusion Embracing the Dark: The Realities β†’

Culture challenges for nursing practices

Therefore, the NMC requires nurses to take the necessary actions to meet the language and communication needs of BME patients in order to ensure the delivered information is understandable. This is in keeping with other studies by Narayanasamy, Diver et al.and Cortis and it implies that the provision of holistic care and the development of β†’