2000 Words Essay Samples

Standards based education: the base for improving schools

It is something used to calculate or approximate the quality or degree of something, for instance, the degree of superiority of a piece of work." In the sphere of education, a standard is a word that describes a growing body of knowledge and set of expertise which is the foundation for quality education. Teachers, the →

Intel corporation backgroud and history economics essay

Intel is admired and trusted when it comes to buying microprocessors and therefore Intel owns 80% of the market of processors all around the globe as compared to Advanced Micro Devices that owns 10% of the market. The task of the Board is to direct the company and the task of the managers is to →

Pros and cons of solar power engineering essay

Energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy; " the amount of energy falling on the earth is given by the solar constant, but very little use has been made of solar energy" Commercial CSP plants were first developed in the 1980s, and the 354 MW SEGS CSP installations is the →

Becoming a administrative manger commerce essay

How to secure the administrative manager's job for a new entrant and how to cope with the competition? This is a very comprehensive and informative website that provided me information on various options about administrative positions in a variety of business fields like education administrators, financial managers, real state manager etc.but I kept myself limited →

What lead the success of tesco marketing essay

While developing its own brands of products, Tesco also offers other companies' brands of products, for the reason of supplying such a large varies brands of products and services, is to provide more choices for customers when they are shopping at Tesco, and this eventually help it to meet the customers different wants and needs →

Natural symbolism, death, and language

Thus, symbols and words provide a basis for the structure of the novel and for the loss of the technical language. Thus the world of the first half of the novel is a dry, sterile version of the wet and sickly world that follows it.

History internal assessment essay sample

The aim of this investigation is to examine the significance of this event within the context of the position of women in Persian society at the time and its effect in acting as a catalyst for the process of the emancipation of women. To wear a veil was " the immemorial custom" of the women →

Creativity & innovation ??” important in business today

Creativity and innovation are not only important in business today; having a competitive advantage relies almost entirely on the ability of companies to innovate. From all accounts, it appears that the problem only exists when we try to make creativity a routine and group task.

In the lake of the woods by tim o’brien: theme analysis

The basis of In the Lake of the Woods is the burden of secrecy and the effects of truth. The connecting theme between all of these mysteries is that secrecy was a convenient way for John and Kathy to avoid facing the facts, but the burden of hiding the truth eventually proved to be too →

Mass incarceration parallels with jim crow

In the 1960s, the social, political, and economic pressures felt by both Northern and Southern whites after the Second Great Migration of blacks from the rural South to the urban North and from the civil rights movement were not only still present, but were intensified with the increase in crime rates. An important factor when →

Design of steel and structure engineering essay

Plate girders are usually prefabricated, and the length limit is frequently set by the mode of transportation used to move the girder from the bridge shop to the bridge site.[2] Anatomy of a plate girder. Stresses on the flanges near the centre of the span are greater than near the end of the span, so →

The idea of corporate social responsibility marketing essay

Traditionally, the stockholders and shareholders are considered as the owners of the business, and their needs and interested were ought to be put in the first place. Therefore, Starbucks see customers as a very important group of stakeholder and as a famous brand name in the coffee industry, Starbucks have been able to raise the →

Bachelor contract between leila and julie is

An offeris also an intention to enter legal relationship with another party and in thiscase, the party acting on the advertisement by performingthe act of finding the lost gold chain, locket and following the terms stated issaid to have accepted the offer who is Julie, the offeree. Moreover, in this case, Edwin refuses to sell →

Effect of text messaging on teen age students

We examine the impacts that texting is making on our language and writing skills, the impacts on teenagers and their social lives, and the dangers of texting and driving. The institutions are finding it hard to cope with this habit of teenagers as it is leading to a lot of distraction and also parents are →

The history and background of peanut butter

Peanut butter is from peanuts and native to the tropics of the Americas. Now this is the most makes peanut butter company in the world.

The merits and demerits of foc economics essay

At the end of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, The Society for the Colonization of Free People of Color of America, in short, The American Colonization Society, established by the American Government, founded the dependent territory of Liberia in 1821 as a home for ex-slaves. The capital city, Monrovia, was named in honor of the fifth →

Introduction control. propaganda newspapers were also established in

The speakers were under the ministry of propaganda and were provided with the specific information to say to different groups of people. Comics were used to spread propaganda both in Germany and the Nazi occupied countries.

Favelas in rio de janeiro: a hidden crisis essay sample

In Brazil, where there are both very rich people and extremely poor people living side by side, one of the biggest favelas, Rocinha, is actually located directly above one of the most expensive neighborhoods in Rio de Janeiro, and can be seen from the campus of the American School of Rio de Janeiro. The favelas →

The economic transformation program of malaysia economics essay

Besides to supplement the New Economic Models, it also helps to restructure the strategies and actions to help to achieve high-income nation. The reason is the women in the Malaysia have ability to participate in the Economic Transformation Plan and start a New Economic Model.

American literature questions essay

The Renaissance marks a passage from ______ to the modern universe.A.the old English B.the medieval C.the feudalist D.the capitalist 22. The Titan C.

Relationship development speed and satisfaction in married couples meeting through swipe-to-match dating application

The use of internet dating has been on the rise since the 1990s, as have marriage rates among the 21- to 30-year-old crowd suggesting a causal relationship between internet access and marriage. The internet increases the dating pool from friends, friends of friends, and people in the same location to perfect strangers, improving the odds →

The balance between globalization and localization

This paper summarized the content of international of marketing globalization and localization perspective argue, and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the two strategies which could standardize to the international marketing process and the contents with localization to choose a conditional definition has certain instruction meaning aspect for the establishment of the transnational corporation →

Strategic analysis of manchester united

The aim of this report is to undertake a detailed strategic analysis of the Manchester United F.C.with regard to its resource capability and competitive positioning, the organisations strategic fit with its environment and its management style with an emphasis on the cultural context of its strategy together. Roles and Objectives The mission of the Premier →

Colonisation and the european society

On the other hand, the ceding away of these colonial territories was not a rosy affair for the colonial countries, given the fact that the exercise became very costly to the former colonial masters, with the cost of this feat trickling right into the economic, social and political spheres of these countries. The relevance of →

Developments of west end musical scene

The humbling beginnings of the musical cannot help but reveal the nucleus of the idea; it was born of accident of people seeking to have pure, unadulterated entertainment. And in the slipstream of the music were the musicians themselves.

Girls of riyadh

Subsequently, she reiterates, between Muslims and the West, the existing chasm which is grounded on the latter's perception of Islam as an obstruction to the Arab woman and her struggle for independence. The internet, " the narrative topological main figure", becomes also a space where the narrator and her virtual female characters interact with the →

What is cross cultural management?

They include: the general relationship among the employees and their relationship with the organization, the horizontal and vertical authority system that defines the supervisors and the subordinates, and the general views of the staff about their organization's destiny, goals and purposes as well as their places in the workplace. The issue of communication is one →

How satellites are used in everyday life media essay

This report will discuss the work process of satellites, its types and its military or non military applications; also it will list the most important countries and entities that have the technology of manufacturing and launching satellites and countries that owns satellites, then the report will show the widely used applications of satellites in the →

Causes of the great depression

Beyond all scepticism, the economics concern decree come to a solid accord over the concept that the economic incidents of the Great Depression could not be accurately presumed without a tight connection to: the nature of the supply of money and the Federal Reserve operations firstly and the imperfect system of the interwar gold standard →

The sarbanes oxley act dealt with four major issues accounting essay

Because investors and creditors place great reliance on financial statements in making their investment and credit decisions, it is imperative that the financial reporting process be truthful and dependable.' Thus, the responsibility Duncan owed to Enron? s management and Enron? s Stockholders was to exercise the general duty of performance, skill and care of the →

Development of the petroleum industry

In the beginning the United States of America did the 60% of the total exploitation, but by 1990 the undeveloped countries took over it; the Near East gave 26%, Russia 21% and North America only 17% of the whole exploitation. The oligopolistic commercial control on the price and the production of oil was in 1928 →

Entrepreneurial marketing and marketing in small firms

Motwani, Jiang and Kumar highlight the differing operational precedences of little houses, and synopsise little house features as follows: " On the one manus, little houses are believed to hold an border over larger houses in flexibleness, invention, and overhead costs, while on the other, they are limited by the sum of market power, capital →

Introduction natural body image and accent. a

These characteristics contribute a lot towards their social interactions and political interactions in their societies and even in the whole America and the rest of the world. According to the Flake and Forste, the cultural expectation is that the man is the head of the family and therefore makes most critical decisions in the family.

Arguments for banning ar 15 guns

This essay will be about the two articles talking about the same topic, which is the AR 15 ban in the states, but how different there approach is to the topic. Journalistic articles tend to inform the reader what is the topic about and speak on the basics of the article.

Dynamics of modernity: berman & canclini

Modernity has long been hailed as one of the most powerful forces to have emerged in the world, with the capacity, according to Marx, to move mountains, and to ensure that ' all that is solid melts into air.' Within the statement by Berman that begins this essay, we can see one of the dynamics →

Dani santos

Dani Santos COM 2500 Easy A, The Stud Versus The Slut: The Sexual Double Standard as Perceived by Western Adolescents Easy A is the romantic comedy that finally fits the definition. Further, the negative perception of permissive females, as well as the negative perception of sexually inactive males, affects the social status and peer acceptance →

A critical analysis of the

Gaining a patients history is one of the most important skills in medicine and is a foundation for both the diagnosis and patient clinician relationship, and is increasingly being undertaken by nurses. In relation to the scenarios where the patient is breathless or the patient had a reduced conscious level and requires sedation and intubation, →

Disadvantages of the clil methodology education essay

Since this paper is focused on CL as an effective teaching tool for motivating learners in CLIL classes, the research done on CL will be briefly discussed in the first subsection of the next section devoted to CL. The accentuation of these benefits of CL can also be explained by the fact that learners in →

Management development assignment

Definition of Management Development Management development is essential for efficient and effective performance of organizations, and specific skills, competences and capabilities that are required for optimal performance of leaders and managers need to be improved and enhanced on a continuous basis. Conclusion The current situation in the field of MD development is that the environment →

Organisational structure and product analysis of theme park

It is the whole business seen from the point of view of the final result, that is, from the customer's point of view. As part of your research, you will need to define the structure of the franchise and the product that is being offered to the consumer.

Marketing plan for shandy beer

The quality of the product is very much important and thus will decide the life phase of the shandy existence in the market and its future standing against the tough competition from the already established big giants in the market. This marketing tool is really effective and in this way it would be easier to →

H.b. fuller case study: substance abuse in the street children of honduras

Beto continued his efforts and in 1987, Kativo began to establish Community Affairs Councils to show that the company wanted to be involved in the community and help with the betterment of it. The stakeholder theory is a direct opposite to Friedman's views and much more along the lines of issues and solutions that go →

Orthopedic physical therapy

By noting carefully the stability of the enlargement and its boundaries, one can decide whether this is due to bony widening, thickening of the synovial lining of the joint, soft tissue swelling of the structure surrounding the joint, an effusion into the joint capsule, or nodule formation, which might be located in a tendon sheath, →

Food nutrition history

The early evolution of food and nutrition science was explored to feed soldiers in battle and to also to provide necessary nutrition to those who were preparing to become young soldiers. He had more interest in mathematics and science and gained membership into the Academy of Sciences at the age of 25.

“whoever a sells the horse and appropriates

Explanation 2:- A person who finds property not in the possession of any other person, and takes such property for the purpose of protecting it for, or of restoring it to, the owner, does not take or misappropriate it dishonestly, and is not guilty of an offence; but he is guilty of the offence above →

Death in ‘sonnet on the death of mr. richard west’ and ‘ode on the death of a favourite cat’.

Whilst Gray's ' Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat' is a satirical poem, mocking the death of his friend Horace Walpole's cat Selima, his ' Sonnet on the Death of Mr. For example, the cat is described as ' emerging from the flood' this carries religious connotations of the Genesis Flood and adds →

Is migrant domestic labour a modern form of slavery?

In a capitalist system, the reproduction of both the means of production and the forces of production must be ensured, otherwise production will cease and the system will flounder. In addition, for many countries the 1980s saw the demise of the social contract as a result of neoliberalism, privatisation, and the fall of the welfare →

How strong was henry vii’s position on the throne in 1485

Therefore, once he was King, Henry owed very little in the way of patronage to his nobles. Henry's generosity, like his lenience was a manoeuvre to inspire loyalty and encourage the nobility to work towards the success of his reign.

Trapped – creative writing

I stumbled to the close, mauve wall, and followed it to the door. I struggled to lift the knife with my weakened arms.

The american corrections system criminology essay

In the organizational structure of the American Correctional System, the Department of justice has the overall mandate of overseeing the operations of the whole system. In a number of private prisons, only basic first aid facilities and over the counter drugs are available to prisoners.

Mayan religion and their kings influence upon it religion essay

There will be neither glory nor grandeur in our creation and formation until the human being is made, man is formed.[...] First the earth was formed, the mountains and the valleys; the currents of water were divided, the rivulets were running freely between the hills, and the water was separated when the high mountains appeared. →

Critically analyse communication factors concerning nurses

This manifests that while there is abundance in the study of cultural standpoints on the disclosure of the diagnosis and in the study of how culture affects the communication process, there is little study on the cultural influences on the interrelationship of patients and health care providers. Age, Race, Ethnicity and Communication Communication problems may →

Explain and describe what a limiting factor is

For example, when sales demand excess the productivity capacity, the company do not have enough resources to produce the product, the scarce resource will be the factor that restricts the company's activities. Contribution per unit of output RM 24 RM 20 RM 12 Machine hours required per unit of output 6 hours 2 hours 1 →

Leadership profile

She was appointed as theSupremegovernor of the Church of England and the president of the Commonwealth. She became the third in the family to inherit the throne and many people did not think she would become the queen, because the Prince of Wales abdicated the throne.

Netflix marketing plan and swot analysis

Partnerships in Europe To meet new European laws, Netflix can partner with the BBC and CanalPlus to gain access to a wealth of native-language European content and growcustomers in local markets.3. Netflix will also have to consider thecompetition of other providers such as Amazon and YouTube who are also lookingto capture this segment of the →

Why did the united states refuse to join the league of nations?

The United States not joining the League of Nations was crucial as America was considered one of the most powerful nations in the world, and without the United States the League of Nations was destined to not be as strong as it could be without American support. In the speech, Wilson addressed what he believed →

Economic analysis of the wine industry

In order to produce the wine various process are involved in it the process of the wine production are as follows: Harvest: This is the first step involve in the wine production. Crushing and pressing: This is the second process that is involved in the wine production process once the grapes or the fruits which →

It common to all humankind and is

Various natural lawtheorists held two ideas as to what the ' higher law' might be; for example, Aristotle believed that the higher law were the moral codes that every manought to emulate and abide by as man has been given intuition to differentiateright from wrong while others like St Thomas Aquinas believed that the higherlaw →

Types of magnets essay

These magnets are used in various industrial and non industrial applications and be categorized as follow Rare Earth Magnets: Made from alloys of rare earth elements, rare earth magnets are strong permanent magnets. Different types of polymer bonded magnets are as follows: Injection Molded Magnets Flexible Bonded Magnets Compression Magnets Bonded NDFEB Magnets Bonded ALNICO →

Linux implementation proposal essay

The fact that the current computer hardware is to be retained implies that the same existing ports will be used for the USB, that is 4USB 2.0. The next plan is to consider partitioning of the existing hard disk as away of altering the layout of the disk.

Feminine hygiene products advertising analysis

Perceptions on the Idealized Image of Women in TV Ads Revisited: The Example of Sanitary Napkin Advertisements Introduction and Methods This study has two parts: The first part gave me a perspective and understanding about how to read and evaluate an advertisement. In the presentation I used the expression of hidden messages by referring to →

The use of assembler directives in microprocessor

The code segment register is to be loaded with the starting address of the code segment, given by the operating system for the label CODE in the assembly language program.ii) ASSUME DS: DATA The above directive informs the assembler that the name of the data segment is DATA. The DS register is to be loaded →

Development of the retailing industry and zappos business essay

The concept of a ' supply chain' is described as " the management of information, processes, goods and funds from the earliest supplier to the ultimate customer, including disposal". E-fulfilment and EDI are just two examples of how Zappos have created a responsive supply chain, which is the strategy best suited to their products given →

Swot analysis performance of dell inc business essay

In order to keep the customer promise and shortening the delivery process, Dell eliminates the retail segment as a distributor. Reliability, service and support: Dell interacts directly to its customer and provides top-notch customer service before and after sales the product.

Case study of type 1 diabetes

As a chronic disease, Type 1 DM requires long-term medical attention, both to limit the development of its devastating complications and to manage them when they do occur, it is therefore essential that those caring for a child with Type 1 DM have a good working knowledge of the disease, and a practical understanding of →

Critically evaluate how far the principle of ‘pari passu’ is embodied in insolvency law and how far should it be.

According to Professors Baird and Jackson, ' insolvency law has only one function: to maximise the returns to creditors and it is not a function of insolvency law to concern itself with employment protection or the interests of the wider community.' To take it into consideration, it is important to say that ' pari passu' →

From tragedy to reality: shakespeare, samuel johnson, and “antony and cleopatra”

William Shakespeare's play Antony and Cleopatra and Samuel Johnson's exploration of Shakespeare's techniques and his verity within theatre in ' The Plays of William Shakespeare' both engage the topic of the representation of reality. The exploration of universal themes of; love, power and loyalty through the successful ' dialogue of the author' [1] also permits →

Lion nathan’s strategy and position

Being its area of operation restricted in the earlier days, this enabled Lion Nathan to attract a huge group of people and so gave the company a chance to experiment new products. The strategic focus of management is to maximimise the performance of Lion Nathan's existing core business which involves increasing the returns from Australia's →

Origins of hinduism essay sample

Origin of the world's oldest religion The classical theory of the origins of Hinduism traces the religion's roots to the Indus valley civilization circa 4000 to 2200 BCE. The Vedas are the oldest books in the library of man." The truths contained in all religions are derived from the Vedas and are ultimately traceable to →

Weight loss surgery essay sample

The cost of overweight and obese goes up with increase with the BMI as the intensity of weight problem change from overweight to obese to morbid obese. However the health risk from the procedure varies with the condition of the patient, the kind of procedure that one undergoes and the experience of the medical practitioner →

Macroeconomics summer reading assignment

This is why most of the time in a market economy, however not always; it is assumed that everyone is given the same information when one party could be more knowledgeable than the other. The reason why this subsidy is still around to this day is simply because the cost to pay for them is →

Reckitt benckiser entering a new (non-eu) market

RB is focusing on innovation in order to compete with the local market. RB's Market Penetration tells about the existing markets and existing products.

Impact of the sarbanes-oxley act on internal controls

The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission has a definition on internal control " that as a process is designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in effectiveness and efficiency of operations, reliability of financial reporting, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations". The section 404 of SOX Act indicates →

Internal control over fixed assets accounting essay

The general ledger account, Office Equipment, serves as a control; the balance of this controlling account is equal to the total cost of the items in the subsidiary ledger for office equipment, The general ledger account, Accumulated Depreciation: Office Equipment, is also a controlling account; its balance is equal to the total of the accumulated →

Global village

Today, the term " Global Village" is mostly used as a metaphor to describe the Internet and World Wide Web.[citation needed] On the Internet, physical distance is even less of a hindrance to the real-time communicative activities of people, and therefore social spheres are greatly expanded by the openness of the web and the ease →

The withered arm by thomas hardy

The depiction of women in the stories I have studied varies greatly and in this essay I will be discussing whether or not the portrayal of women and their rights matches women's history and attitudes towards them both then and today. This attitude is similar to that in 'Lamb to the Slaughter' where Mary Maloney →

Key claims made by thrasymachus in book i

Thrasymachus makes several claims regarding the definition of justice in Book I, namely that: " Justice is nothing but the advantage of the stronger." Justice is obedience to laws" and finally " justice is nothing but the advantage of another. The main argument that supports the notion that Thrasymachus' definition of justice contradict is that →

Software engineering lawas

Poem's First Law: " Errors are most frequent during the requirements and design activities and are the most expensive the later they are removed" Activities related to acquirement and design and design are most heavily loaded with errors I.E. Requirement Gathering and Analysis: The goal of this phase is to collect all elevate information regarding →

Why flannery o’connor uses violence to represent grace: analysis of “revelation,” “greenleaf,” and other stories

She shows violence similar to that of which threw Saul from his horse and blinded him, and, the same grace that drove the disciples to the ends of the earth where they suffered horrifying deaths. The sun is a parallel to the son of God, with the wood resembling the cross and red the blood →

Analysing the wealth of money and knowledge

With education, we are able to go through different task in a job and with the qualified papers we are able to climb our careers upwards. Having a good amount of knowledge is able to guide us to be independent in life and to carry ourselves without depending on others.

A brief history of tesco marketing essay

In 1929 the first time Tesco was launched in Middlesex. So this was the way of Tesco to expand its company in Scotland but was thinner as compare to England at the end.

Creative accounting and ethics flashcard

Creative accounting can be defined as a process which involves the accountants to exercise their knowledge of accounting rules to manipulate the figures reported in the accounts of a business. The managers have the authority to act on behalf of and instead of the owners, using a degree of their own discretion.

Wipro report

In addition Wipro is a member of the Green Grid, a consortium dedicated to improving the energy efficiency of data centres. Wipro has also launched Women of Wipro with a charter to mentor women leaders, contribute to business growth and to remove disparities in the work-force.

Integration of cultural differences on mergers

The marriage of the German Daimler-Benz and the American Chrysler in 1998 was one of the largest mergers in the history between two of the greatest automobile companies in the world. The decline of profitability, the fall of the stock price and the poor performance have been attributed to a large number of issues resulting →

“can’t buy me love”: money and masculinity in giovanni’s room

In a similar way to David, Guillaume fills the role of financially providing for Giovanni and taking care of him. Throughout the text, Guillaume is empowered by his ability to coerce Giovanni into engaging in a relationship with him, while Giovanni is emasculated by his own desperation this dynamic mirrors that of David's initial calling →

Corporate governance failures and scandals in recent history accounting essay

We are going to examine and analyze the basic legal issues arising with the application of the Combined Code and the UK legislation and whether their usefulness to the objectives of a company, is a fact or whether is a virtual reality. Initially, the Cadbury[6]Committee drafted ' The Report of the Committee on the Financial →

Company operates four harmonizing strategic business groups marketing essay

It persuades people to give the product a try.patron value is definite as the " the differentiation between the values the customer gains from owning and using a product and the costs of obtaining the product". Marketing mix helps in decision making any of the entrepreneurs is able to integrate the tools and design the →

Policemen of the world thesis and outline essay sample

The capture of Abu Arias is a great relief to the U.S.because it is alleged that he may have useful information about the strength of al Qaeda and the Islamists in Libya. World War II has taught us a lot about how the military became involved and their preparedness to fight globally in a time →

The power of cinema and cinema obscura

The early establishment of major studios, along with the creation of Hollywood and its subsequent emergence as the world centre of cinematic production, resulted in the? studio system, which concentrated power over the medium in the hands of a few studio heads, who even owned the cinemas themselves. Consequently, the medium of cinema has been →

From commodity to independent womanhood, the spiritual transformation of mary barton in elizabeth gaskell’s mary barton

For the first half of the novel, Mary focuses on her goal of using ber beauty to ensnare Harry into marriage so she can become a lady of leisure. At this stage of her life, Mary's most ardent wish is to climb the social ladder and lift her family out of the mire of poverty →

Burger machine essay sample

With the growing outlets nationwide and 175, 296 hours of round the clock service to the public, the " burger that never sleeps" continues to grow by leaps and bounds. And the lowest is Scott Burger got 3% number of respondent.

The relationship between math and music

Here, we will be able to prove the relationship between music and math by discussing the applications of math to music, and vice versa, musical theories, mathematical concepts, and studies about the correlation between math and music by professionals.1. Applying Music to Math As mathematical theories, concepts and techniques have helped improve music through the →

The exchange of goods and equity between nations economics essay

Comparing to the theory of absolute advantage, Ricardo's theory of comparative advantage suggests that trade is a positive sum game in which all countries that trade with each other realize economic gain. In addition to favorable knowledge accumulation, there is a significant set of factors that could and should be taken into the analysis of →

Boston consulting group bcg matrix marketing essay

The mid-point of relative market share is set at 1.0.if all the SBU's are in same industry, the average growth rate of the industry is used. It shows that the product becomes a Dog in market because of its low growth and that time market shares are also low.

Jeff · define amazon’s business-level strategy. based on

There has been a real sense of exploitation and " playing the system" through the holiday season as Amazon has been exposed for taking advantage ofpostal rules to their advantage at the expense of the overburdened governmentorganization and the use of " contract" drivers who were not delivering packagesto the recipients but leaving them in →