2000 Words Essay Samples

Research paper on scholarly paper (cancer in men and women)

Abstract: A number of cancer studies have maintained that the various cancer rates within successive generations and mortality shifts for purposes of explaining the prevailing prevalence rates in the country that the variations of the most kinds of cancers are largely reflective of the differences around various environmental and behavioral risk factors. In this →

Skinners behavioral theory research paper examples

It also gives a criticism of the theory, and makes a conclusion that; despite the findings of Skinner, this is a theory just like any other theory, and the assertions herein are subject to further investigation. Skinner is considered the father of radical behaviorism because of his belief that everything psychological is behavioral, whether external →

Culture shock in students studying abroad report sample

The following paper is designed to discuss a survey of the impacts of culture shock on students when studying abroad, and their coping strategies. Moreover, from the survey analysis, most students studying abroad do not understand culture shock before going abroad, and find it highly challenging to adjust and cope. Defining Culture Shock In →

Eight stages in the development of man

Even healthier individuals have a pessimistic outlook towards aging thus; influence the perception of younger people to the ways they choose to interact with the elderly. There are two conflicting traditions of thought that propose our ideas and attitudes about aging, the traditional Greek view of aging is →

Poverty and wealth inwashingtondc research paper

Finally, has a look at some of the theories presented by different economic experts on poverty. Introduction According the Washington post, about one out of 5 District citizenry resides at or beneath the line of poverty, an accomplishment that helps betrayal an addition gap amid the affluent and the →

Advanced routing protocols 2012 case study examples

The choice of any of the routing protocols depends mainly on the number of network devices, the distance to be covered and the overall size of the network which is being considered. OSPF can be used both as a LAN and a WAN routing protocol and works quite well with different types of network components. →

Example of diffusion and osmosis report

The amount of the osmotically active substances in a cell, as well as the extracellular tonicity, determines the amount of water in the cell and the volume of the cell. Using a clean 1mL pipette, 1mL of IKI was added to the water in the beaker and the color of the beaker contents and IKI →

Relationship development in courtship/ mate selection

Interpersonal communication is the core of meaningful relationships. Before any formal analysis drawn into understanding the nature of relationship development, under the area specifically including courtship patterns and behavior and the theories underlying the concept of mate selection, discussion regarding the how relationships are formed and the processes including it is an important step in →

Addiction research paper

As such they have full control over the money and resources spent gambling. Social Gambler- Regards gambling as a recreational activity and thus has control over the resources spent as they consider them as ' entertainment' expenses. Problem Gambler- Engages in gambling continuously regardless of the negative consequences. Compulsive/pathological Gambler- this is a severe mental →

Research paper on hydraulic fracturing for shale gas extraction

The external costs associated with the impact include use of high volume of water and water contamination reducing fresh supply of drinking water to the society, waste water disposal in disposal wells causing earthquake tremors, emissions of dangerous gas into the air causing diseases to the community habitats and damage to the scenic places and →

Personal career development plan

I believe that by gaining a broader knowledge and understanding of research my employability will increase as I will be able to offer a better command of methods that are often used in consultancy. I would prefer to work within a large national or international company that demands high standards from its employees. This is →

Sample essay on sports and the society

Sports help bring people from different backgrounds as far as race, gender and religion is concerned and puts them together in the common platform for entertainment purpose. The aspect of also winning adds value to spectators in the form of development of the perception of achievement, as well as the gain of success. These factors →

Good urban studies essay example

Gentrification was considered, in old terms language, " the meeting point between savagery and civilization". Beginning with the negatives, sometimes the gap between the older development and the new development is overwhelming to the current residents and this has been known to cause friction. The positives are; there are also →

Informative essay on planning and enabling learning

I will look at how and why each of these areas are important to teaching and how I can gain a better understanding of them in order to enable my learners to learn. It may also be to group learners correctly and to make you aware of what will motivate your learners to identify targets.

Semantic representation and left visual field bias in encoding report examples

In this case, the hemispheres in the cerebral are stimulated. The right and the left hemisphere of the brain play a key role in semantic memory of both visual and verbal cognition. This is a guarantee by anatomical properties of the visual system, which enable selective stimulation by a visual hemifield. In the presentation of →

Cognitive therapy for relationships research paper

Considering the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for couples as found by the researchers, a professional who is well versed in using cognitive therapy in relationships who can provide a neutral and mutual negotiation for a couple is one of the most effective ways for couples to find relief from marital distress. Cognitive Therapy for →

Leadership communication

Among a number of distinguishing factors between anagement and leadership, which he de? nes, are: the manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader focuses on people Journal of Communication Management 351 Clutterbuck and Hirst the manager imitates; the leader innovates the manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it the manager's eye is →

Liberal education

As manifest from the definition, the purpose of education is to enable man to surpass the challenges faced in the world, to know and obtain his rights and to accommodate himself in the constantly changing environment in the present day competitive world. In short, whole of the development in the world and education itself is →

Evolution of breaking news

How reporters analyzed the news as it broke, the inclusion of visual components, and technological advances can be analyzed to see how breaking news has evolved. As early as the development of the telegraph, news has had a sense of urgency. While viewing YouTube clips of breaking news from different stations presents the evolution of →

Communication differences and strategies essay sample

Women use terms that are more descriptive and take longer to get to the point, while men tend to start with the direct point and fill in as needed. The use of sexist humor many be classified as a form of sexual harassment, because of the sharp edge of the " humorous" joke. Because →

Tailwaiters final project

Being in the tailgating industry, there is a lot of responsibility that lies with the organization as they offer catering services providing food, snacks and required equipment and also help the customers avoid the hassle of having to clean up the tailgate before going to watch a game. Managers' Responsibilities in Making →

Good example of the use of physics in daily activities essay

Some of the specialties of healthcare that incorporate a lot of physics are medical imaging, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine. This makes our lives easier and enjoyable. In simple terms, the application of physics is wide and far-reaching.

Example of challenges in communication term paper

With the traditional teams, this might be possible since the communication can be done in the meetings and the people can be brought to see the idea from the perspective of the one giving the message. As such, the challenge of bringing about synergy in the team could be one of the greatest barriers to →

Essay on digital forms of communication

Digital communication may refer to the physical transfer of data or any form information regardless of the purpose (e.g.business or for communications) from one point to another by means of the internet or any communication channel that makes use of copper wires, fiber optic wires, storage media, and wireless forms of communication, among others. This →

Satellite radio: a closer look

The use of mobile satellites allows the radio system to cater to a wider audience since satellites have the capacity to transmit signal from all over the globe. Satellite radios allows the radio frequency transmitted to bounce off and reach the listeners. Entry into the database allows the sending of signal to the devise in →

Overview of 5g technology: characteristics, current state and future perspectives

5G is a software defined network that replaces the cable and uses cloud instead and hence leading to faster speeds, quicker response times than the traditional 4G. State of the art of technology 5G systems are especially developed to enhance future cellular Machine-to-Machine communications efficiently w lessened end-to-end delay, wide inclusion, →

Ladies and gentleman’s,

This is a common thing that happened to us every day because of the surrounding and to avoid this thing happen and we have to overcome the problem first. This is one of the problems that lead to communication barriers.

Free essay about the parenthood

The example of this is when the couple is holding each other and sharing the deepest feeling of each other. The essence of a relationship is to build people in all ways and careers is one of them. The income and expenditure of the family should be shared equally among us.

Example of reducing isolationism through communications research paper

This giant step in global communications was the first of many cable installations that gave the United States the technology to break away from the physical and intellectual isolation from Europe and the rest of the world. Starting with the telegraph, then the telephone and finally the Internet; the two-way communication between the U.S.and the →

Final paper: letter of advice

For example, if you get angry and try to repress those feelings of anger, ultimately you will no longer be able to do so, and even though it may be subconscious, it is going to show in either the way you talk or act towards the other person. Emotional intelligence is the capacity to understand, →

Grammar-translation method or communicative approach for language teaching research paper examples

The Grammar-Translation method and the Communicative approach are two significant methods of language teaching, both playing important roles in teaching a foreign language to students. While the Grammar-translation method gives focus on grammar rules and translation of sentences from the mother tongue to the target language and vice versa, the Communicative →

Essay on importance of communication

Such is the importance of communication. Compared to this, the families where all the members are engrossed in their own tasks and do not bother to care about or talk to people around them are usually not as happy. Be it at home or in a professional setting, people must recognize and realise the importance →

The benefits/non-benefits of online interactions

Other proposals seek to find the relationship between internet communication and diminishing social skills, also relating loneliness and depression to increasing dependency on the World Wide Web." Loneliness and Social Uses of the Internet" provides findings that the internet is associated with loneliness and social anxiety in a vice-versa relationship. The reason for this approach →

Business communication essay sample

You will need to summarise the key points and provide examples where possible to illustrate the points that you are going to make. Task One Deadline : Using business communication documents (electronic and non-electronic forms) describe the type of communication and potential audience for each. You will need to summarise the key points →

Good generic organization research paper example

In such circumstances, the trainers find it hard to comply with the students' needs, effectively making it a problem in the organization. Inter-role conflicts, on the other hand, occur when the employees of the organization are required to attend to several issues, both within and outside the organization. To address this problem, Sylvan Learning Center →

Writing tips: how to come up with 50 topic ideas in 30 minutes

My goal is for you to read this article, then be able to spend half an hour to come up with your own set of topics to write about on your company's website. Before you start, some quick rules The idea behind this exercise is quantity , not necessarily quality You might come →

Three dialogues between hylas and philonous

He used fictitious characters in this work in the likeness of Hylas and Philonous to explain his views about the perception of things and how these could be attributed to skepticism and atheism. He expressed his ideas on the words of Philonius, a character in his work, as he was conversing with →

Use and develop systems that promote communication essay sample

Communication comes in different forms, including verbal, written word, lip reading, sign language and even body language. As a Domiciliary Care Manager it is part of my job role to be able to communicate with a variety of groups and individuals ranging from service users, their families and staff to health professionals, social services →

Introvert and extrovert essay sample

She connected better with her than I did; due to the fact, that I talked excessively, but Deana said just enough to set an example for me, but also handle the customer effectively. I believe that she is an introvert she was able to handle the situation because most introverts are not interested in →

Mediated modes of communication and its impact to society

Crystal had revealed that the Internet constituted a new frontier in human social interaction on par with the inventions of the telephone and telegraph, and even print and broadcast technologies. Scholars of language use, language change, and ideologies of language must surely explore and interrogate the effects of these technologies on traditional modes →

Communication technology movie review example

If this is the case, is technology, especially communication technology, good or evil, the salvation of the human race or the destroyer of humankind? The role of communication technology is elaborated through scientific action films which are based on the current technology. PART ONE When we talk about the good or evil of technology →

Communication failure

The interpersonal communication process is said to be comprised of five basic elements, which are: the sender of the information; the receiver of the information; the encoding of the information by the sender; the decoding of the information by the receiver; and the shared means or channel through which the information is sent (Shannon & →

Communication facilities for disaster management

Communication Facilities For Disaster Management ITU Southern and East Africa Workshop on the use of Telecommunications/ICT for Disaster Management: Savings Lives Lusaka, Zambia, 17-18 July 2008 Role of Telecommunications and ICTs in Disaster Management Overview of Association of Telecom →

Good literature review on growing up hand in hand with technological advance

If Aristotle is to be considered as one of the best writers who have managed to draw the exact profile and mysteries of human nature and life's principles, then it can be argued that teenagers indeed seem to be the first group who get affected by technology in their thoughts and behavior compared to other →

Good despicable me part 2 movie assignment essay example

The transformation in his self concept helps build the story of the movie, however, his identity remains the same which helps the audience identify with him and recognize him as Gru, whether in villainy or in good causes. These channels are - Use of space - Physical appearance - Chronemics/ the use of time - →

The importance of the art of communication in sports

Understanding the importance of communication and how to effectively communicate throughout the many levels involved in sports can ultimately lead to the highest level of performance possible. Communication seems to be a lost art. How the coach integrate a culture for the athlete to be able to communicate is vital to building trusting relationships that →

Communication and presenting information

Active listening involves listening with your head and your heart; that is, you listen to the content of the message but also the feelings behind the message. The listener is silent and passive and the speaker is active and verbal. When the speaker finishes its talking, the assumption is that the message has been accurately →

Simonedes childhood and educations english literature essay

While most branches of psychology trace their foundations to eminent thinkers and scientists, Mnemonics is the only sphere where a person who had little inkling of science or workings of the brain, helped establish a field of study on which research is ongoing to date, about 3000 years after the death of its founder- Simonides- →

The youthful features of mary english literature essay

After finalising the contract which stated, "...the master is to make a marble Pieta at his expense, for a price of 455 gold ducats of papal gold, to be completed within a year from the commencement of work," the Cardinal wrote to the authorities of Lucca, requesting their help to find the marble for the →

The ways in which shakespeare creates dramatic tension

In Act 1 Scene 1 and Act 1 Scene 5 of this play, Shakespeare's use of dramatic interest, tension and unusual language and phrases, captivate the audience's attention from the very beginning. The play begins with a prologue which instantly sets the scene of the play, 'In fair Verona, where we lay our scene'. The →

Romeo and juliet vs wuthering heights

The way setting is used to reflect the mood of the scene, using variations of light and dark as well as weather and nature, is very stimulating to the imaginations of the audience. In " Wuthering Heights" the plot is very complex, with twists and turns at each chapter, and is spread out over the →

One voice speaking out against child english literature essay

I started keeping a diary and would enter when my stepfather was watching me because I could not deal with the emotional stress of all the secret abuse. I have to overcome the bumps in the road and rely on my faith to get me through.

Hamlet essay: deception

Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark and the protagonist of the play, performs many deceptive acts that all leads up to his death. After he has conferred with the ghost who claims to be his father's spirit, old King Hamlet, he is shocked when he finds out the truth about his tragic death. In Hamlet, Hamlet →

Comparative study of wuthering heights, translations, and i’m no scared

When I address the cultural context of a text I refer to the worlds of the texts, the circumstances which face the plots and the characters of the texts. Coming to grips with the general norm of the society with in each texts and how the characters behave enables me to enjoy each text all →

Hamlet’s sanity answered through freudian theories

Although Sigmund Freud lived centuries after William Shakespeare wrote his play Hamlet, Freudian theories can also be applied to the main character Hamlet and explain his sometime erratic behaviour. Through his theories of the Oedipal Complex, transference psychology, and the defence mechanisms, Hamlet's behaviour can be better understood, and therefore help answer the question of →

Example of jane eyre essay

This is what gave her the right in the end to have the choice and then announce in that simple sentence " Reader, I married him". Charlotte Bronte uses a blend of three writing styles, the Bildungsroman, the romantic novel and the gothic novel. According to Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language, a Bildungsroman →

James brock

He was growing more and more fearful of overpopulation and the birth rate of the less educated compared to the cerebrally gifted around the publication of Brave New World. The people of the world-state described in the novel are all members of a certain social class arranged by looks, height, and intelligence.

Observant heroism of albany

Albany does not lack the characteristic or even the accomplishment of heroic deeds, yet his role as the hero is downplayed in favour of Edgar, and it appears that the common perception is that he is an insignificant character in the play. This statement is evident in heroic qualities, including his constant attempt to be →

Darkness dominates macbeth

By using this, before the play has even started people would think it was dramatic and dark. The witches themselves are not the supernatural beings; they just gained their powers by selling their souls to the Prince of Darkness , that's what the characters in the play believe, as well as the audience of →

Protagonist in wuthering heights

Furthermore the name Heathcliff is a name of a deceased son of Mr Earnshaw, therefore Heathcliff is seen as an inferior character who is deprived of a sense of identity. Similarly in Shakespeare's ' Othello' the protagonist is a black military man, but unlike Heathcliff he is considered to be a noble →

A taming by a shrew?: levels of satire in chaucer’s wife of bath

But though Chaucer uses her both as a satiric lens and as an object of fun, she is indifferent; though she does use satire, her goal is not to be a satirist but to control her husbands. Her fourth is guilty of many crimes she accused the others of, but Alice's response to her lustful →

Hamlet questions and answers

He is asking " who's there?" It is because he's not sure what is there by judging the shadow he saw and it is at night causing the visibility becomes very low as well. Horatio was with Bernardo and Marcellus because they have both seen the ghost of King Hamlet, and Horatio has come to →

Who is edgar allan poe english literature essay

Edgar Allan Poe has been labeled as " a model for all time" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and so will begin the analysis to see how influenced the now famous modern day horror writer has been influenced by him. 1st Paragraph Naming the choices of the books for each Author Out of Edgar →

The battle of the chosin reservoir case study examples

This campaign at last succeeded in removing the X corps but the people of china did not achieve the objective of isolating and destroying the 1st Division, but instead they had a deliberate and a retrogressive movement that had become the most in storied movement in the lore of Marine →

Argumentative essay on political science

Political realism grew in influence from around 5th Century AD and " has been a reliable tool for chronicling and predicting international relations from that point on".Obviously, a theory of that age can sometimes become slightly outmoded; the world in 2011 is a significantly altered place: today, the Internet, cheap and easy air travel, capitalist →

Genre analysis – letters to the editor essay

Finding letters to the editor in niche magazines remained very easy as well; a copy of the gaming magazine Games Informer yielded many letters to the editor for reference. In terms of the genre itself, the purpose of the genre is to portray a point of view either agreeing with or opposing a news story →

American civil procedure

At the apex of the federal court system is the Supreme Court of the United States, composed of nine justices. Unless disqualified or ill, all of the justices participate in each decision of the Court. II) The Appointment of Judges Justices of the Supreme Court, the circuit courts of appeals, and the →

Kenyan immigrant experiences in the united states essay

The aim of this study is to understand the existing complexities of human cultures and apply the knowledge in the resolution of the existing problems. Therefore, the purpose of this essay is to present the experiences of a Kenyan immigrant to the United States in terms of social, religious, economic, and other aspects of life. →

Area covered montgomery county maryland usa

The notion espouse the integration of women in academic policies and have developed the woman skill to impart similar teachings through lecturing and the diversified writing and virtually giving the woman a much revered position in the society. Through addressing this problem improvement and renovation will foresee the upgrading of this health a facility and →

The changing role of the first ladies

The role of the president of the United States originated with George Washington and so did the role of the first lady. Even after her husband's death in 1945 she continued her public advocacy by becoming an " American delegate to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights". Eleanor Roosevelt was an →

Free business plan about multinational management – work in india

With the US still staggering under the aftermath of sub-prime recession and a weak job market, it is the time to take advantage of the booming Indian market and get exposure to the work environment in India, which, I believe, will facilitate me later on multiple aspects after I acquire a →

Practice ia ib history

To assess the extent to which the deployment of nuclear weapons affected the Japanese decision to surrender unconditionally and if Japan was already prepared to do this prior to the use of the atomic bombs. The details and motivations of the United States to drop the bombs are explored as well as Japan's peace negotiations →

Good example of midterm election race essay

In fact, in the last 21 midterm elections, the party of the incumbent President has lost in both the House and the Senate. While numerous midterm elections in the past have allowed the sitting President's party to remain in control of either the House or the Senate, numerous seats are still lost to the incumbent's →

Maternal and infant mortality rate in the us essay

Maternal mortality is a situation where a mother succumbs to motilities through hemorrhage hypertension or heart attack at delivery. According to the experts estimation, there are more than fifty instances that are complication related to pregnancies for each birth Within the first twenty four hours of childbirth in the world, it →

Trash is money: the business of landfills research paper

In the United States, many local governments have turned to unit pricing in an effort to reduce the amount of solid waste produced and therefore the amount of solid waste that needs to be disposed of and paid for by the local government. In a case between the states of North Carolina and Alabama, the →

Example of how the us military funding affects the world politics and justice research paper

For instance, the invasion of the Iraq by the military forces of the United States of America was partly due to the desire to control the vast oil resources in Iraq. The United States has also been involved in a war of ideologies such as the Cold War which was a war of the Communist →

Injustice the moment of unconsciousness and death.

Moreover, it must be remembered the death penalty is not only about the minutes during which the prisoner is brought from the cell and killed; a prisoner lives with the penalty of death hanging over their head from the moment he or she is sentenced to the moment of unconsciousness and death. There have been →

The effects of black tea on the growth

We expected to see no difference in the amount of bacteria exposed to the black tea solution. Tannic acid, black tea, boiled water, and a tetracycline antibiotic were tested for their zones of inhibition in order to determine antimicrobial properties. We believe that if black tea is steeped in boiled water, then →

Migratory birds in disease transmission biology essay

The role of these birds in the epidemiology and incidence in domestic and wild of duck plague have been estimated. For example, wild birds aid in the spread of Campylobacter and Salmonella.

Influences of hip hop on today’s generation: rising deviance essay

In seeing how much rap and hip-hop artists romanticize the use of drugs, it is safe to presume that teens and young adults indulge in the use of drugs as a means of " fitting in" with the trends of society. Violence is another prominent subject within rap music. According to Kubrin, " Through the →

Research paper on jazz- storyville: the greatest party of all-time

Oliver used to play jazz music in different brothels, clubs and bars of Storyville and also used to perform in private functions. Storyville sheltered jazz music and jazz artists in the time of their struggle.

Through well known painter of native american imagery.

The main aspect i want to take from his work is the cultural guilt caused by becoming a dominant culture and how this affects the people within the culture, the ways we try to preserve these subjugated ways of life and how that trickles down into mainstream life, through curios and tourism and the salvage →

The learn. the galway arts festival takes place

Themission statement of the idea, in its most basic form is to promote Irish art, to increase career opportunities for Irish artists and to also cement andstrengthen Ireland's global profile and reputation through the arts. There areseven actions in this policy. This act not only ensures effective promotion but italso means the ability to track →

“a hot thing” as a catachresis in beloved

In her utilization of the phrase " a hot thing" , which Morrison draws from Sethe's understanding of characteristics, she describes the feeling that occurs after the loss of a human identity. The context of this quote also makes it clear that Sethe is talking about injustices that robbed people to whom she was close →

The poisonwood bible and the handmaids tale essay examples

They are both women who live in a patriarchal society and have to submit to the interests and needs of men rather than their own, Offred as a Handmaid and Leah as the daughter to a missionary. She is considered fertile and thus she is placed in the home of Commander fried as a handmaid.

Free essay on comparison of the novel to live with the film to live

Even so, there are a number of ways in which the novel and the film show differences through different aspects such as character development, the setting and the general depiction of life in China in the 20th century. According to the novel, Fugui looses all his family members and is left all alone in the →

Fall 2018 book review (great expectations)

Pip was the leader and narrator of the novel. Pip is shown as an small orphan child living in Kent with his sister and her husband. Pip obeys his commands and proceeds to get him the stuff he ordered, but the Magwitch is captured by the police and protects Pip by saying that →

”the pearl” by john steinbeck essay sample

At the beginning of the novella Kino is happy and content with his life; he has a wife and son, a canoe and a house and is a great pearl diver.' This is safety, this is warmth, this is the Whole.' However, after discovering the pearl, he begins to dream about changing his life, causing →

The binary of orientalism in heart of darkness

In other words, by virtue of the narrator s nature, the kind of basic distinction between East and West ? manifests itself not only in the physical experience of Marlow s journey, but also the style of thought ? in and through which the journey is told. According to Said s →

The protagonist of the novel the hunger games essay sample

The protagonist of the novel is nominated as one of the players, which set off the events and forces her to grow from a teenager to an adult fast. Thus her role in the family changed directly from a child to an adult she is the one making sure the family has enough to eat →

Modern world: things fall apart

The missionaries begun telling the people of the villages about the new religion " We have been sent by this great God to ask you to leave your wicked ways and false gods and turn to Him so that you may be saved when you die". The missionaries started to have the people of the →

The representation of violence and social order essay examples

In fact by the time the novel was dissolved by the British Parliament had dissolved the East India Company as of June 1, 1874. This paper suggests that there are many parallels between the North and South and The Sign of the Four that address the social issues of violence and social order. The hypothesis →

“obasan” by joy kogawa essay sample

This paper aims to explore the circumstances of Naomi's identity as a Japanese Canadian during times of war and discrimination and how it affected her search for identity and reason The novel combined documented history and a collection of personal experiences to better explain the situation that the Japanese Canadians had to experience. →

Civilisation and savagery in an isolated setting essay sample

Wells and William Golding diversely explore the struggle between civilisation and savagery in an isolated setting, through their novels: The Island of Doctor Moreau and Lord of the Flies. Contrastingly, Golding employs characterisation and metaphorical imagery, to present a rapid process of devolution from boys to beastly savages and utilises powerful symbols and biblical allusions, →

Pip’s unrealistic expectations in dickens’ great expectations

When his visits to the Satis House cease and he is apprenticed to Joe, Pip becomes even more deeply ashamed of his position in society because he believes that it will ruin his hopes of Estella loving him. As the arrogant and ungrateful Pip continues to believe that Miss Havisham has chosen him to be →

Themes of the wheel of time series

During the current Third Age, the countries of the Westlands continent play a central role in the struggle between the Light and the Ba'alzamon, the Dark One. The vast majority of the world believes in the religion revolving around the Wheel of Time, the Light, and the Shadow.