2000 Words Essay Samples

Evaluation of the impact of literacy education

The addressment of literacy and labeling of it as an under, understood skillset begs the question: which forms of literacy will be applicable in the future with development of technology, and how it effects day to day life? In the following pages, these authors question the use of literacy in the form of literature as β†’

Breaking the shackles: transforming β€˜the piano’ from script to screen

In these scenes, and the foundational scenes before it, Campion employs filmic techniques such as the use of music, lighting, framing, costume and casting in order to enhance the clear intentions of these scenes as outlined in the script, in order to make them more visually arresting and effective in engendering the viewer to align β†’

The the materialism approach tries to highlight the

The credibility and accuracy of any historically account depends on the type of approach that the historians use in the course of their work. This approach sets to highlight the economic history of the society by examining the modes of production used in the society through time.

What contribution does de bernieres portrayal of carlo guercio have on the total effect of the novel essay sample

This could be explained by the pride and propaganda coming from the front, Carlo says, ' History is the propaganda of the victors.' The Death of Francesco is another description of the harshness that comes with the war but how it has all been glossed over, ' He died very quickly of a bullet through β†’

The issues of change for gsk

The topic of change management of GlaxoSmithKline is reflect sincerely about the training of the company how to change and also build a group in arrange to makeup the gap between personal practice. Inside change character of change Transformational change GLAXOSMITHKLINE STRATEGIC CHANGE SUTUATION In a way that correspond to separation of the R&D, the β†’

Note cards

Use as support in Main Idea 3 lowering of quality Shaw, A. Use as support in Main Idea 3 lowering of quality Tanner, M.

Raman spectroscopy

Sir Raman published work in 1922 on the " The Molecular Diffraction of Light" which was the initial investigation which ultimately led to the discovery of Raman Spectroscopy. The energy of the vibration of the scattering molecule is equal to the difference in the energy between the incident molecule and the Raman scattered photon.

Leadership of a new plant business essay

Before stepping into a position of true leadership where you have others depending on you, to be the one who will step-up and take charge through it all, you must first ask yourself a few questions such as, are you a person of perseverance, who will hang in there when the going gets rough, are β†’

Adverse event management in chemotherapy cancer patients

Functional Scales: Physical functioning was at its higher side in the age group of 18-39 from the initial assessment and the functioning was significantly improved and maintained during the successive reviews. Role functioning was found to be higher in the age group of 40-59 from the pre-intervention assessment which was found to have improved during β†’

Analyzing panic at the disco’s double platinum album a fever you can’t sweat out

Panic! at the Disco's album, A Fever You Ca not Sweat Out is a timeless album that put a different twist on the Pop-Punk genre of music in the early 2000's. This song is a " classic" and also one of the most popular songs by Panic!

Amina do not want to be treated the

Jones, the farmer, is overthrown by the animals, the animals of the farm do not want to be treated the way he treated them. In Animal Farm and in today's society, the issue of equality is a big contributor to the topic of human rights.

Standardized and localized strategies

Out of this debate, many international marketing strategies have emerged with Standardization and Localization appearing as the poles of a continuum which offers marketers contrasting approaches to the task of entering and serving foreign markets Levitt who pioneered this debate argued that Companies had to learn to operate as if the world were one large β†’

Bright future for bangladeshi pharmaceuticals

The new instruments, the knowledge and innovative ideas of the professionals has brought this sector to the top. What is the recent status of pharmaceutical markets in local market as well as global market, the quality of products, the regulatory affairs, the support of government and the firms technological development to support the challange.

Ethical behavior in business and life

According to the website tutor2u.net, Problems arouses because of the ethics in some of the business and these all come from the nature of the market. Ethical behaviour of a person depends on the him/her that how he/she treats with the values of other person in the business?

Factors generating innovation in small business firms business essay

The intent of invention is to derive the attending of the clients and serve them in different ways that can assist to fulfill the demand and wants of their clients. Different administrations get the aid from the external beginnings and the intent is to derive the entree to the market in a manner that can β†’

Technology advances

This paper explores the advancements in technology and focuses on how it relates to the lives of college students and businesses. As technology evolves into the 21st century, it encompasses the daily lives of most people, particularly the college realm to the business world.

Swot analysis assignment

Thanks to being introduced to the Soot Analysis it has helped me to see my strengths to see what I have to work with and bring to the table during my Practicum Experience. The network contacts have been made available to myself and I am able to reach out and touch them if and when β†’

The study of discourse on the websites media essay

A critical approach to the study of discourse on the website of the two universities helps not only to describe and interpret the representation but also to explain the formations of relationships, processes, and structures that affect individuals. The analysis reveals that the websites of the two universities exhibit a promotional discourse which reflects the β†’

The unfulfilled climax: eroticism, sentimentalism and narrative form in sterne’s a sentimental journey

He argues that these desires are the forces of momentum brought to a text that in fact structure plot and carry/create the thrust of the discourse." Desire," he writes, " is always there at the start of a narrative, often in a state of initial arousal, often having reached a state of intensity such that β†’

What is the impact of point of care diagnostics?

Nicolas Piperno Multi-stakeholder approach to market for Point of Care Diagnostics in Canada Point of care diagnostics, otherwise referred to point of care testing, is a form of in vitro medical testing that is performed near the site of patient care, and does not involve the use of laboratory staff and facilities to provide the β†’

Seneca falls convention

Stanton and Mott vowed to one another that they would hold a convention for the rights of women and the injustices they were given at the hands of men. Elizabeth Stanton and the four other women named the document the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments.

Economics assignment

As the price of a good increases, the change in the quantity demanded can be shown by A) shifting the demand curve leftward. D) The supply of plastic will stay the same because of the profit motives of plastic producers.5.

Effects of temperature on reptiles and the adaptations for survival

In comparison with endotherms, ectotherms can be found in a diverse range of habitats across the globe; however their dispersion is dependent on the access to sources of heat and their adaptation to their environment. The turtles dived below a thermocline to access food, where waters could have a significant drop in temperature, therefore the β†’

Stem cell research and utilitarianism

The ethical issue of manipulation and destruction of the human embryo and its stem cells center the debate on stem cell research. There can be a comparison of stem cell research of embryonic stem cells to that of individuals in the military.

Royalty card program can improve crm

To perforate mark rank recognition card, the company issued in the name of the group affiliates, Robinson Card, and Central card to both current and new clients. Back to the late of the twelvemonth 2003, the company tried to distinguish its selling and client relationship run in the retail concern particularly in supermarkets and hypermarket β†’

Net def final

VPN gateway B.not dependent on a conventional OSWhich of the following is an advantage of hardware firewalls? A.not scalable compared to software firewallsB.not dependent on a conventional OSC.less expensive than software firewallsD.easy to patch C.data patternsWhich of the following is NOT a criteria typically used by stateless packet filters to determine whether or not to β†’

Acceptance of violence in tv and media

The news, in other words, is the account of the event, not something intrinsic in the event itself' Thinking of the simple fact that when people watch television, there is always a slight chance that the channel they are watching will present a violent act, making people think that the media is a very powerful β†’

Accounting theory flashcard

The depth and quality of the research undertaken by you The application of the research to the WIL task The ability to apply appropriate accounting theories to the context of the task The ability to synthesise information into a coherent and engaging report The ability to correctly acknowledge sources using the Harvard Referencing system Score β†’

Pvsyst tutorial

The basis for this tutorial will be to design a PV system that fits on the area defined by the LDK roof of the model used in the Ecotect_Tutorial. In the next window of the " System Specification" wizard select the module type and specifications.

Positive and negative effects of swimming and running

The weight of the body makes the exposure or the impact from the knee to the ground is very big and strong, so they can make a knee injury. The weight of the water does not reduce the pressure on the joints eliminates the possibility of the knees and the other muscle groups take part β†’

Immunosuppressive medication in treatment of organ rejection

These drugs seek to suppress various components of the immune system in order to prevent rejection in the context of organ transplantation. This essay seeks to examine the broad immunology of transplantation as well as the different classes of immunosuppressive drugs and their associated benefits and side effects.

Business strategies of heinz marketing essay

His plan for change, the so-called Millennium Project, consisted of the following elements: Reducing the international workforce by 2, 500 employees Consolidating the number of plants, closing 25 of 101 worldwide Reducing the number of non-core activities, such as the Weight Watcher's classroom business Channelling savings into marketing, advertising and research Changing the ethos of β†’

The flawed characters of king arthur and sir lancelot

In the case of the fabliau, a style of storytelling that originated in France and is seen in flashes in the works of Chaucer, characters are deliberately absurd, caricatures of realistic personality traits. Even the famed, and fictional, King Arthur and Sir Lancelot were incapable of living up to the high moral standard of the β†’

The market targeting process marketing essay

In the market targeting, TREE Travelling have to evaluate the competitive situation, cost structure and the packages and services' potential sales. The mainly purpose of writing this report is to define the target of marketing process of travel agency that how a travel agency do the market segmentation, targeting and positioning on the customers who β†’

Strategies and tactics of toshiba

The marketing strategy is a coordinated action plan implemented over a long term by a company to achieve its business objectives and marketing. The marketing strategy is developed from the analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the business and marketing of a study of its environment.

Comparison of research design assignment

Provide a rationale for the design 2. Identify the data collection strategy and type of design 4.

Synopsis immortal life of henrietta lacks essay

The birth of HeLa cells started with the work of these two researchers and their desire of living cells to aid in research for cancer.Dr. TeLinde and Gey's determination of these immortal cells were solely for research so they could prove something to the world.

Employers and employees have their role construction essay

In order to enable the employer and employee to cooperate effectively in promoting and developing measure to ensure health and safety and checking the effectiveness of the measures in place, consultation with representatives of employees sitting on the health and safety Committee is encouraged. According to section 6 of the OSHA 2005, when 50 or β†’

The hoover dempsey and sandler model education essay

In the 1997 White Paper, ' Excellence in Schools', parental involvement was secured, and three aspects mentioned were that parents should be given information, have a say in their children education and be encouraged to work in partnership with schools. The notion of parents as consumers suggests that education is viewed as a commodity, and β†’

Evaluation of mathematics curriculum

The debate continues to rage in the columns of the broadsheets, as to whether the mathematics teaching in this country is effective and indeed whether or not it meets the needs of an increasingly complex society. Ernest recognises four main aims for school mathematics and, therefore, the curriculum:' 1 To reproduce mathematical skill and knowledge-based β†’


The Sophists of ancient Greece were early examples of the loss of the importance of truth and the rise of empty rhetoric. In Plat's dialogue the Sophist, this statement is made and is agreed upon by a stranger sophist, " But the art of the lawyer, of the popular orator, and the conversation may be β†’

Evidence of religion in tutankhamuns tomb essay sample

The Egyptians firmly believed in the afterlife and the illustrations within King Tutankhamen's tomb reinforce this, as well as the idea of the realm of the afterlife. The Egyptians believed in the cycle of life, death and rebirth which became apparent in the patterns of nature- the constant movement of the sun and stars across β†’

Characteristics of open distance learning education essay

The learning method is the student to self studying of the course material at home or other places and to complete the assigned assignment. The learning for the student and teacher the student is learning in different place, time and maybe both with the tutor.E.g.

Apple i-phone 4s and the samsung galaxy s2

The purpose of this research paper is mainly to discuss the features of the two new hot items recently sold on the market named the Apple I-phone 4S and the Samsung Galaxy S2. The objective is to identify which one of the two smart phones will be perfectly suitable for its purchase and, also, between β†’

Amazon analysis assignment

Time magazine names Bezos " 1999 Person of the Year" and said, " Bezos' vision of the online retailing universe was so complete, his Amazon.com site so elegant and appealing that it became from Day One the Point of reference for anyone who had anything to sell online.I. Keys to Amazon Success There were several β†’

Psychological effects of alcohol on behavior

Some of the areas that are affected by alcohol are the liver, the stomach and pancreas, and the kidneys. The longer a person drinks and the more alcohol that is consumed, the more pronounced the effects will be on their system.

Food security and patents politics essay

In the WTO era, that is aimed at the free flow of trade between nations, and of which the TRIPS is a major part of, food security is an issue that is of prime importance, as this will ensure the success of the arrangement at a level which has a significant stake involved, which is, β†’

The cognitive and neural bases of human tool use

Central to that topic is the issue of the nature of the representations underlying tool use. Bienkiewicz et al, Orban and Caruana, and Vingerhoets emphasize that the ability to understand mechanical actions might be the specificity of the anterior portions of the inferior parietal lobe while the posterior parietal cortex might be involved in the β†’

Frederick douglass and historical contingency

Soon after escaping to the North, he began to use his illegally learned ability to write speeches, articles, and his Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. His Narrative makes heavy use of emotional appeals to manipulate the reader's sympathy and empathy, and ethos to establish his credibility, while his Civil War β†’

Employee off-duty conduct essay

Kelly raised point of the termination was more based on the moral judgment side instead of the business procedures, Linamar Corporation had enough and effective evidences to support its decision and showed that the termination was a necessary step to take. Mrs Hoff had a master key which she used to open the studio 3 β†’

Srinivasa ramanujan: the great mathematician

In the same year, Ramanujan gained a scholarship due to his outstanding performance in his studies and therefore was a F. Ramanujan is known for his weakness in proving formulas and he once sent a letter to Hardy specifying that he found a value which basically stands for the ' prime of prime numbers'.

Project assignment on doubly and circular linked lists engineering essay

In a layman's term a link list is a logical collection of data stored in a system's memory in which every record that is the part of the given list has a pointer or link part that contains the address of the next record. This node is always supposed to point to the first node β†’

Prevention strategies for escherichia coli

Staphylococcal food poisoning happens when an individual ingest the enterotoxins that are produced in the contaminated meat, often due to the improper heating up of the meat to kill off most of the bacteria. There are several factors that have to be taken into consideration such as the conditions of the farms that the cattle β†’

Satire and animal farm assignment

His morals and values had changed and the whole idea of animalism eventually is altered to suit the needs of the pigs rather than the needs of all animals, which is ironic, in saying that putting oneself is the exact opposite to the whole idea of animalism. Also the events in the novel, such as β†’

Kone case study

Although they are not able to market to this group the benefits of gearless traction can be used in comparison to the geared and hydraulic elevator systems. If they just want something to put in the building at the lowest price they have the option of the hydraulic elevator.

Irish sovereignty

It was the first election held in the newly formed Irish Free State that was contested by all political parties in the country as Sinn Fein had abstained due to their refusal to take an oath of Allegiance to the British King under De Valera's leadership during the 1920's. This was a political achievement of β†’

Role the indian society declined. women were asked

There was an increasingshare of women employees in the banking and finance sector was partlyattributed to a natural interest of women in the world of money. Second highest increase is in the sector of services, there is anincrease in the rate of participation of women in the service sector in all thestates and over all.

Cb analysis

I was in a rush to head to class and needed to fuel my body with something hat could give me some substance to work through the rest of the day. I knew when I was going to purchase my sandwich that the risk of me losingmoneyor regretting my decision to buy the sandwich would β†’

Was napoleon an heir to the french revolution

Therefore the term heir to the revolution would in my opinion be used to describe the next regime, which came to embody the principles and morals of the revolution. The founding principles and morals of the revolution were that of the bourgeoisie, and these can best been seen by such documents as the declaration of β†’

The tennessee valley authority history essay

As part of Roosevelts New Deal and his first hundred days, in which he initiated many new programs to jump start the nations economy and put people back to work, the TVA was charged with the responsibility of providing electricity, improving infrastructure, and enhancing the quality of life of the deeply depressed people living in β†’

Performance asics over the last 5 years marketing essay

He used the idea of the suckers of the octopus to produce a new shoe. The main activities of the 200 employees of the institute are anlysing the movements of the human body and the testing of materials.

Self-directed learning theory or a technique

Description of Self-directed Learning Theory and Technique Some of the main reason why self-directed learning becomes popular to adults is because of the fact that for most of this people with the experiences and challenges they have faced in their lives, focusing on how they can improve life is always their main agenda and this β†’

Presentation of womanhood in toni morrison’s sula essay

Nel Wright chooses to stay in the place of her birth, to marry, to raise a family, to become a pillar of the tightly knit black community. It is upon Sula's return to the Bottom after her ten-year absence that the differences between Sula and Nel are tested and the extent of Sula's otherness made β†’

Funding formula: high-need students benefit

Because districts have spending flexibility, and because some of the extra funding for high-need students is based on their districtwide enrollment levels, it is possible that high-need schools in districts with relatively low overall shares of high-need students will not get the funding they need. We then examine the distribution of high-need students across the β†’

Relationship between health status and gender

It has been noted that the gap between the mortality rates of men and women is closing, and it seems plausible that this is related to a greater blurring of the relationship between sex and gender behaviours. This means that the influence of associated gender behaviour and health may continue to affect health status in β†’

Changes in teacher ideologies

The modern philosophy of the New Right can be attributed to the breakdown of the original ideals of the Welfare State, reflected not only in New Zealand but in many countries around the world who adopted these principles during and following the outcomes of the Second World War. The country's Ministry of education which was β†’

Hepatitis case study

This client is at high risk for Hepatitis B, C, and D because of the history of IV drug abuse, which accounts for over half of all Hepatitis C transmissions in the U.S. Since this client developed a bacterial infection, and Hepatitis is caused by a virus, care of this client does not increase the β†’

Conflict resolution assignment

Assignments for Lesson Three After reading the material on the Study Guide and going over the review, complete the following exercises: Practice Exercise: Identify which of the scripts presented in the Study Guide reflect the use of Win-Win and which do not. When the needs of the teacher conflict with the needs of the students, β†’

The case of clough mill ltd law commercial essay

A retention of title clause is a provision in a contract for the sale of goods that the title to the goods remains vested in the seller until certain obligations are fulfilled by the buyer. However, in Section 19 of the Act, where there is a contract for the sale of specific goods or where β†’

Editorial: the role of ncrnas in solid tumors prognosis: from laboratory to clinical utility

The present Research Topic titled " The Role of ncRNAs in Solid Tumors' Prognosis: From Laboratory to Clinical Utility" features 48 scientific studies that display different functions that ncRNAs can make in the carcinogenesis process and how they can affect cancer treatment response and therefore, be of utility as cancer biomarkers in solid tumors. In β†’

Development of the boeing 747

At the time, the developmentof the 747 was overshadowed by the development of a supersonic transportaircraft in which Boeing believed would be the future of the aviation industry[4]. The opening of the nose was the bestway to load cargo into the aircraft which caused a problem for Sutter, where toput the cockpit?

The trade theory

The principal changes in trade theory since Ricardo's time have centered on a fuller development of the demand side of analysis and on the production side of the economy that does nit rely on the labor theory of value. In addressing the cause of underdevelopment, structuralism economists focused on the evolution of economic relationships between β†’

Alvin ailey cry essay

The piece begins in the centre of the stage towards the back, mmediately pronouncing to the audience the fact that the woman will be the principal aspect of the piece with her placement on the stage also foreshadowing the journey which she is the undertake. The lyrics of the music highlight the journey the dancer β†’

How economy in its global dimensions

The emergence of a new trading partner in the United States and the subsequent part it plays in charting the course of the Singapore economy was also defined. This barter system of credit became the backbone of the tin industry and the trade between the East and the West.

Research proposal example psychology flashcard

The rationale of this study is based on the assertion that personality determines stress response all the time while trying to identify pathophysiological system where the emotional character consisting of Type A behaviour show high levels of anger and hostility as Type B personality is less hostile. In this case the independent variable is the β†’

Austen’s phoenix: anne elliot’s transformation in persuasion

This is the beginning of Anne's awakening, and of the experience with others who are not so-well-to-do. Here Anne's humility is revealed through her awareness of what is going on around her, and she is not afraid to become part of the new lifestyle, something her sisters or father never had the nerve to humble β†’

Lal kurti – college essay

The Indian Rebellion of 1857 began as a mutiny of sepoys of the East India Company's army on 10 May 1857, in the town of Meerut, and soon escalated into other mutinies and civilian rebellions largely in the upper Gangetic plain and central India, with the major hostilities confined to present-day Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, northern β†’

Reebok pursuing generation x

The athletic and sporting goods companies of today must bring to the consumers a compelling and gripping advertising campaign to earn the attention and revenue of today'stechnologydriven consumer. Pant chose the 2003 Super Bowl XXXVII as the platform, launching " one of the most popular viral marketing campaigns ever to be aired in history: the β†’

Alternatives to the instrument landing systems engineering essay

The system provides the pilot with instrument indications which, when utilised in conjunction with the normal flight instruments, enables the aircraft to be manoeuvred along a precise, predetermined, final approach path.[1] Tests of the ILS began in 1929 and the Civil Aviation Authority authorised installation of the system in 1941 at six locations. The localizer β†’

Sickness in small scale industries economics essay

Mathur 3 made an attempt to identify the major causes of sickness in the small scale industries along with the contributory factors of the entrepreneurs and the commercial banks in the growing incidence of sickness in the small scale industries. Gangwal7 analyses the causes of 119 sample sick SSI units financed by the Rajasthan state β†’

Computers in our life media essay

Movies, songs, and games could be downloaded via the Internet to your computer, and many of them are free, as well. So we thought that this is what was happening: that children in groups can self-instruct themselves to use a computer and the Internet.

Re-creation and immortal fame: the search for eternal life in macbeth and coriolanus

Father and son pairs work together in this play, thereby creating companionship and ensuring the future of the son and family upon the father's death. The father and son relationships in this play, indeed, serve both to mock Macbeth and float the importance of having a son to raise for companionship and heir potential.

Typologies of tourist behaviour tourism essay

Theories of motivation is the concept of needs and they are seen as the forces that arouses motivated behaviour and in order to understand human motivation, it is necessary to discover what needs people have and how they can be fulfilled and Maslows hierarchy of needs theory is the best known motivation theories. This component β†’

Urban planning in developing countries

The contrivers ever spend batch of clip to understand the metropoliss and forecast the development of the metropoliss. Developing states has a batch of jobs in the urban planning procedure, it is due to miss of research establishments for urban planning.

Main themes in dystopia fiction

In order to understand the evolution of dystopian fiction, it is necessary to compare the purpose of modern dystopian fiction with the novels that shaped the genre. Before the publication of the novel, WWII showed the world that a government could be powerful enough to control millions of people and force them to act in β†’

Request for ethical approval for individual study/programme of research by university students

The main objective of the research will be to evaluate; The similarities between the teaching modes as well as curricula in the two countries; The impediments faced by students in these two countries; The various actions that have been taken to avert the challenges.8. Withdrawal from the investigation Before commencing the research, the subjects will β†’

Postmodernism: extraordinarily ordinary stories

She postulates that the crucial elements that are nearly always present in this type of consumerist society are a world dominated by the logic of capitalism, which has no regard for the rights of oppressed laborers or the ravagement of the natural world, a culture dominated by simulacra and spatial representations that sever our former β†’

Leading and managing a change in clinical practice nursing essay

This will harm the patient, decrease the quality of care that provides to the patients, delay wound healing and increase the period of hospitalization. Health care providers need to increase their awareness about the important of the presence of wound management team in each hospital to decide the best type of management, decrease the complexity β†’

The hypotheses regarding early christian art

The Donna Velata, a Christian fresco of the figure of the orant, is found in the Catacomb of Priscilla. Because of this, Christians often thought of the orant as either the soul of the deceased, further manifested by the funerary context of the image, or the church.

Alternative methods to control and prevent escherichia coli o157:h7 growth on fresh-cut produce

While in vitro performance of OMBW seems promising, to further observe the efficacy of the ozone solution, research has beenconducted on vegetables and fruits showing a reduction of E.coli O157: H7 [9]. Conclusion E.coli O157: H7 continues to impose threat in the processing and decontamination of fresh produce.

Swot analysis of the asda store commerce essay

The aim of a SWOT analysis is to identify the extent to which the current strategy of a company and its specific strengths and weaknesses are relevant to, and capable of, dealing with the changes taking place in the business environment. This will be achieved as ASDA expands the appeal of its products and services β†’

Reading dracula as twisted victorian detective fiction: van helsing and seward vs. homes and watson

Bram Stoker's Dracula contains many elements of Victorian detective fiction in the context of the fin de siecle as a gritty crime thriller, and like Victorian Holmesian detective fiction, it contains many elements of the gothic. In The Hound of the Baskervilles Holmes is " the hero-detective acting specifically as the champion of empirical science, β†’

Reverse engineering essay

The reliability of the product depends on the specific time that surrounds the conformance and the precision of the product which is designed to meet the product general output. The serviceability of the product depends on the competence as well as the behavior and the serviceperson of the aesthetics as well as the dimension indicating β†’

An overview of rice university’s 2014 textbook psychology with synopsis of chapter 15-16

It is important thing to note is that a psychological disorder is a pattern of behavior and feelings over a period of time and disrupt the person's life, and not something that comes and goes. The causes of OCD and related disorders is thought to be largely biological.