2000 Words Essay Samples

Identification of finger prints, blood and dna

A number of techniques have been developed for the identification of fingerprints and blood stains in the crime scene. This might be the case because the environmental factors within the fetus would have been same for the fingers and hence there is not much change in the pattern between the fingers.

Planning and designing sessions

Programme AimsThis unit is designed to develop the carers and future carers skills and knowledge and to promote a positive attitude to Health And Safety in order to reduce the risk of injury, infection and to promote a safe and secure environment for both staff and residents in the care setting. To provide the carer →

Exploring premenstrual syndrome in criminal law

Use in the Courtroom The studies that have been performed on women and their experiences with Premenstrual Syndrome have evolved into PMS being used as a defense in criminal cases. Cradock was found guilty of manslaughter and not murder due to the expert's testimony that PMS turned Craddock into a ranging lunatic.

Explore the dramatic function of honour in both el medico de su honra and el alcalde de zalamea

However, he is then told by a clerk that he has been elected magistrate and mayor by the town council, and so decides that he cannot kill the Captain: " C mo podr delinquir yo, si en esta hora misma me ponen a m por juez, para que otros no delincan?" 3 In this situation →

Sas 125: sql flashcards essay

The GROUP BY clause is changes to an ORDER BY clause If you specify a CREATE TABLE statement in your PROC SQL step, a.the results of the query are displayed, and a new tables is created.b.a new tables is created, but is does not contain any summarization that was specified in the PROC SQL step.c.a →

Emaar united arab emirates economics essay

During the last decade, Emaar has achieved many mega projects like Dubai Mall, Burj Khalifa, The Meadows, Emaar Towers and many other projects that help in developing the new image of Dubai as a hub of tourism and financial operation of the GCC and the Middle East The flourishing of real estate sector in UAE →

Sociology of education persuasive essay

A second objective of the education system is to teach skills which are necessary for success in the workplace in modern society. This is likened to the workplace, as there is a hierarchy of bosses and the rewards for work comes in the form of wages.

Friday night lights book review

He is the valedictorian of his class, but loves the thrill of the hits that come with football. Odessa, TexasThe west-Texas oil town is definitely a major character in the way it is consumed with football and how the season is all that seems to bring pleasure to the lives of its citizens.

Brief assignment

To achieve a merit your work must: To achieve a distinction your work must: Describe the type of business, purpose and ownership of two contrasting businesses Describe the different stakeholders who influence the purpose of two contrasting businesses MI Explain the points of view of different stakeholders seeking to influence the aims and objectives of →

What affects heat and the movement of heat

The energy that is being taken in by the cookie dough and the tray is all a part of the heat flow that is created when you put the tray into the oven. Heat flow is the thermal energy that is created from the oven going into the tray and exciting the particles that make →

The impact of tesco club card

Study of literature will also help to understand the customers' loyalty behaviour to loyalty programs in general and Tesco club card in specific. The reason marketing is becoming more customer oriented could be because it is less expensive to retain existing customers instead of attracting new customers and existing customers also refer their friends and →

Exercises in microbiology essay sample

Considering the above parameters, the purpose of this laboratory manual is to guide students through a process of development of microbiological technique, experimentation, interpretation of data, and discovery in a manner that will complement the textbook and make the study of microbiology both exciting and challenging. The protocols vary in content and complexity, providing the →

Teen suicide in japan essay sample

Internet suicides have become a common place in Japan and consequently the country is leading in the world A diagnosis of the suicide endemic in Japan would take a multifaceted approach to clearly put in to consideration all the possible contributing factors studies conducted in this growing phenomenon. This is in the understanding of the →

Developmental psychology topics and concepts

This could be potential evidence that culture does affect the classification of infant attachment as there is a variation of attachment types identified between the cultures. This can be represented in mathematical education by having numerical posters on the wall of the class room with the numerals and the word for that number alongside it, →

Alexander the great – the famous man in history

After all of his effort to control the kingdom Alexander remained the feudal king of Macedonia. The summer following Alexander's winter of rest he had come face to face with King Darius III and his army once again.

Death-ception: an analysis of the different layers of death in one hundred years on solitude and the ways in which they affect characters both alive and deceased

However, there is a form of death that appears to be closer to what we in the actual world consider death to be; the trouble is that this form is mentioned only once in the book, and in a very off-hand manner at that. Regarding Prudencio Aguilar's reasons for making the effort to return to →

The use and construction of myth in leroi jones’ dutchman

As represented by the play's subway setting, the figure of Lula, and the culminating actions both she and the other subway passengers commit at Dutchman's conclusion, Jones' revision of " The Flying Dutchman" myth conveys the fixed, interminable nature of race relations and power structures existing in the United States. A final way in which →

4p’s of starbucks in the philippines

Starbucks in the Philippines In 1997, Starbucks opened its first branch in the Philippines. One of the reasons is the fact that Starbucks' promoted values are a perfect match with the Filipinos values, like warm hospitality, the need for connection and the love for coffee.

Efficacy of memantine on behavioural and psychological symptoms related to dementia

The aim of the review conducted was to evaluate the use of Memantine in the treatment of BPSD. Clinical decisions for the management of illnesses should be based on the totality of all the best evidence and not the results of the individual studies.

Reflective practice

Reflective practice is the capacity to reflect on action so as to engage in a process of continuous learning, which, according to the originator of the term is, one of the defining characteristics of professional practice. Reflection-on-action on the other hand is the idea that after the experience a practitioner analyses their reaction to the →

Commitment of a personnel essay

Some of the factors such as role stress, empowerment, job insecurity and employability, and distribution of leadership have been shown to be connected to a worker's sense of organizational commitment. The problem with this is that these " side bets" do not occur at once but that they " accumulate with age and tenure".[6] Normative →

Affirmative action at the university of selkirk and portrait of a canadian advisor

Affirmative Action at the University of Selkirk and the Portrait of a Canadian Advisor #1) Perceptual Biases The business department was biased towards the AAC's work because the department was comprised of 85% of males. In the case of the University of Selkirk, a bias was also demonstrated by the Halo Effect, while stereotypes and →

Over view of cement plant engineering essay

10 be the set of the raw materials to be purchased for the Kth month, where k= 1... 10} is the routing cost of the raw materials supplied by the ith supplier.

Ptsd research

The purpose of the study was to try and have a better idea as to why there are a large number of new PTSD claim that are being filed with the Department of Veterans Affair. The main variables in the research are the veterans and the PTSD claims that are being defined by the reasons →

Comparing mrp and kanban case study example

When the bin of the factory floor is empty, the empty bin and the kanban card is sent to the factory store, which is the point of inventory control. The system of Kanban is based on principles of " pull" method, that involves keeping the production lines stocked and filled with the necessary parts and →

Effect of technology on cognition

The collaboration between humans and computers, as Rutkowska and Crook outline, is Human-Computer Interaction, where the technology being used acts as a remedial assistant, a teacher and a cognitive facilitator to advance and aid the individual. Technology is serving as a tool for the promotion of cognitive abilities such as memory, learning and information processing.

The telehealth and telenursing nursing essay

Often, elderly patients can be stubborn due to the generational gap and allowing these individuals to take control and responsibility of their care through telehealth systems may increase the overall health of these patients and thus extend life even further. Though a health care professional is monitoring the patient's medical status, a physical being is →

Motivations for the purchase of symbolic products

For example, when it comes to the appearance of the product and some will think of it as crucial attribute, efforts should be made to be assured that customers see the product view desirable. Perfume, which is the bright example of symbolic products, was chosen to be a topic for discussion in focus groups meetings.

Global warming and human influence assignment

Some of the heat from the lower atmosphere is transferred to the ocean and raises it's temperatures as well. My plan to help sustain the fight for global warming and to sustain the earth's longevity is a great one.

The american lung association

Since the rates of asthma in the United States are steadily increasing, more and more days are being lost to the uncontrollable symptoms of the disease, holding the patients back and preventing them from living an ideal life. Since children are weaker and more vulnerable to diseases, in comparison to adults, the symptoms of asthma →

What are the internal security threats to russia politics essay

In order to understand the nature and significance of the threat that economic instability poses to Russia; I am going to look at Russia's recent economic history, and analyse the changes that various leaders have implemented, Judge their effectiveness and comment on the effects that they have had. The privatization enabled Russia to shift from →

Do virtue ethics offer an account of being right?

The virtuous agent would characteristically do the action in the circumstances iff the trait which leads to the action is a virtue. In conclusion, the argument for virtue ethics' account of what it is for an action to be right has been set forward.

Robert louis stevensons ”dr. jekyll and mr. hyde” essay sample

Because the narrative is seen through the eyes of Utterson.the reader experience what he feels.so when he gets scared.the reader feels the same. Utterson is stating that immorality was bound to be a portion of the enigma of Jekyll and his familiarity with Hyde.

Literature, business, and social change

However, because literature is the mirror of the society, some writer attempted to write or describe the flaws of life and weaknesses of humanity to justify both sides of mortal and immortal life. Literature and the Main Purpose of Business We all know that business is a business.

Effects of different respiratory expansion methods

During follow-up, re-expansion of the lung is achieved by the removal of the air from the pleural space through the drainage system via a number of methods, including forced coughing, triflow, inflating a balloon, straining exercises, walking, pursed lip breathing, and climbing up the stairs. The difference in the FEV1 values on day 1 after →

Analysis of the agnew clinic and the controversies

One of the famous paintings that was loaned from the University of Pennsylvania by the museum is The Agnew Clinic, an oil painting by the American painter, Thomas Eakins. The subject matter of The Agnew Clinic is unique and bridges the art and science world; it illustrates the study of medicine through art.

Evaluating the impact of e-marketing on businesses

The development of e-marketing has been one of the most important and influential trends in the field of business, marketing and Information Technology offer the past decade. Boone claims that the Internet offers businesses the chance to reach their customers in a number of unique ways and that one of the most important of these →

Importance of organization structure business essay

Principle of division of work: the total task should be divided in such a manner that the work of individual in the organization is limited as far as possible to the performance of a single leading function. So the structure of organization is bound to be effected by the management.

Diversity and human capital and india’s workforce

The concept of " Knowledge Learnt, Used & Thrown", entrenched in the young minds will have to be given up to produce innovators and thought leaders, and stress on practical application of knowledge is quintessential. The world in future will be driven by a knowledge-base economy and this notion is not foreign to India.

Case for a national missile defense

Most objection are concerned mainly on the defense status of the country upon the initiation of the project, while positive side argues that this kind oftechnologymight provide the United States the potential to obtain the edge of their defense system. As per the administrations instructions, these components included an assessment of the threat to the →

Heteronormativity and the exploration of homosexual behavior in heterosexual men essays example

The answer to this question lies in a complex plethora of factors, ranging from the construction of homosexuality and heterosexuality, issues of whiteness and masculinity, the heterosexual imaginary, and the imposition of outside social structures on individual psychology. The issue of men having sex with men lies both in the systemic stigmatizing of homosexuality due →

Ethics of human trafficking

After applying the utilitarian and deontological perspectives and the egoism and emotivism theories to the question of human trafficking, it is evident that the ethical response to this is that is that it is one the most unethical practices any person can engage in". Human trafficking is one of the most heinous and degrading thing →

Overview of the personal computer manufacturing industry economics essay

The Personal computer industry is in a free market in which consumers are free to make up one's mind what to purchase with their incomes: free to do demand determinations; and makers are free to take what to sell and what production methods to utilize: free to do supply determinations. The monetary value of Personal →

Psyc101 ch.5 study guide

Generalization___________ in classical conditioning is the tendency of a new stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus to elicit a response that is similar to the conditioned response.generalizationMark's dog knows to sit when Mark says " sit". Discrimination______ in classical conditioning is the process of learning to respond to a certain stimuli and →

Case study of an architect: steven ngu

The intent of this essay is to understand the linguisticcommunicationof architecture based on the designers childhood, instruction and working experience, the messages and significances the edifice carry, and the context of which it is applied within. In order to avoid direct warming of the infinites of the edifice, green walls are placed on the frontage →

Traditional and contemporary leadership

A text book definition of leadership is the ability to influence a group towards the achievement of a vision or a set of goals. They called these two dimensions initiating structure and considerationInitiating structure refers to the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his or her role and those of →

Chemokines and glycosaminoglycans

The aim was to then identify a second molecule in a second round of screening, this time in the presence of the first compound, and then using the data obtained from the structures of the complexes solved by Jeff, to design a linker to form a dimer, which would have considerably higher affinity. And even →

Commentary: the poverty of embodied cognition

00394 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Bechtel, W, Abrahamsen, A, and Graham, G." The life of cognitive science," in A Companion to Cognitive Science, eds W. 00197 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Lakatos, I." Falsification and the methodology of scientific research programmes," in Can Theories Be Refuted, ed S.

Media representations of mental illness sociology essay

The media interpretation of people with mental illness has a strong impact on the general public because of negative reports contribute to different attitudes towards the mental ill. Cutcliffe and Hannigan argue that films stereotype people with mental illness which in turn contribute to the stigmatisation of people with mental illness.

Case study: parietal lobe analysis

Temporal Lobe- to be found at the bottom section of the brain and it is associated with smell, hearing, memory and emotional expression. Alzheimer's is not a normal part of aging, although the greatest known risk factor is increasing age, and the majority of people with Alzheimer's are 65 and older.

The effectiveness of nixons vietnamization policy

In order to evaluate the policy, this investigation will explore the events leading up to the policy to be valid in the Vietnam War and how Vietnamization was carried out. The purpose of this book is the analyzing the era of Nixon in the Vietnam War.

Important aspects of organisational behaviour for good performance

Organisational behaviour has many definitions however it can be defined as " the study and understanding of individual and group behaviour and patterns of structure In order to help improve organisational performance and effectiveness", on the other hand organisational behaviour can be perceived as " a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, →

The effects of corruption on the nigerian economy

Payoff for MNE mne = Payoff for bureaucrat off = Where is the probability that the bureaucrat indeed delivers the government service, signifies the value of that government service for the MNE and signifies the size of the bribe. For a bureaucrat the payoff of corruption is simply the size of the bribe.

What role should religion play in government policies? assignment

A study conducted by Jonathan Fox describes separation of religion and state as no government support for religion and no government intervention in the religious observations of the religions in a state, whether they be a minority religion or a majority religion. It proved this by showing that if religion played a part in government →

Strategies adopted by tata for integrated excellence

This article has tried to analyse the Tata group as a group of industries based on the data found and the recent trend of globalisation and markets, while exploring the facts of Tata's current strategies. The group also invested a huge amount in research and development in order to achieve the highest degree of quality →

Stalin biographies essay sample

It is my intention in this essay to address the issues biographers have uncounted since the first biography of historical merit was accepted and referenced too in academia; Isaac Deutscher, Stalin, A political biography, Oxford University, London, 1961[2] and to address the question as to why the interpretations of Stalin have changed over time. As →

Challenges facing minorities achieving executive positions

In the past men were expected to hold the top company positions and women kept the home going or working in lower company positions. Collins states one-strategy women and minorities can use to help them " overcome the barriers are to accept a position in industries or corporations that values diversity and has demonstrated proof →

How to create a sense of mission statement commerce essay

The purpose is instead to notice which 1 is the most effectual mission statement but to demo that each of the mission statements has portion of advantages and disadvantages. Besides, Bart and Tabone and Desmidt and Heene lineation that an effectual mission statement is one of the critical strategic tools to success.

Response: commentary: the impact of the time interval between radiation and hyperthermia on clinical outcome in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer

We have therefore read with interest the response of Kroesen et al.on our opinion article " The Impact of the Time Interval between Radiation and Hyperthermia on Clinical Outcome in Patients with Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer", and appreciate their thorough efforts to analyze possible effects of the time interval between radiotherapy and hyperthermia on treatment →

Example of literature review on produce final essay: world literary works comparison

Three types of examples from the genres of world literature are integral to the strength of investigating the works of different periods and cultures. I feel the main strengths of the essay involve the kaleidoscope of choices in literature, in the first place.

Study of injection mold temperature and cooling time engineering essay

Although most of the injection molding machines are highly sophisticated in terms of process control yet the control of mold temperature is the most neglected aspect. K Cooling time is defined as the time required to reduce the temperature of molten polymer up to ejection temperature.

Organizational change and root cause analysis commerce essay

The job statement should include the what, when and where in an effort to calculate out the why. These are merely a few of the booby traps leaders can meet when leting squads to set about root cause analysis and procedure betterment.

Examination of the fictitious character bart simpson using various personality theoretical

These two examples help show the salience of the trait of aggressiveness in the personality of Bart Simpson. Jung's theory assists in establishing that the aggressive trait, which manifests itself in the form of the shadow, is a salient trait belonging to Bart.

Arguments for adopting pets

" Adopt, do not buy!" The most common phrase when someone does research as to whether they are going to adopt from a shelter or buy from a breeder when bringing in a new family pet. When an animal is adopted from a shelter, there could be a whole host of illnesses that are unknown →

Foucault’s concept of the incitement: magazine analysis

Section 3: Essay " Apply Foucault's concept of the incitement to discourse to describe how a magazine of your choice simultaneously subjugates the reader by prescribing a manner in which one must conduct oneself as a good subject and allows the reader a sense of personal empowerment by inviting them to take up and express →

Extra judicial killing in bangladesh

The director-general of the RAB, Hasan Mahmud Khandakar, addressing the media at the sixth anniversary of the elite law enforcement body in its headquarters on Sunday, told newsmen, ' A total of 622 suspected criminals were killed in by the RAB in crossfire across the country in the last six years, including 14 suspected criminals →

Ethical issues qualitative research on internet communities media essay

And the second main ethical issue is that there is a risk of disclosing to the privacy and confidentiality of internet communities' member. In the article, it stated there is a difficulty to dichotomize the boundaries between public and private space appropriately during the process obtaining an informed consent from research subjects.

Alcohol taxation advantages and disadvantages

And another study led in Switzerland had found that, at the time of market reforms in 1999 the price of alcohol dropped and arise so many social issues, the correlation between price and alcohol related problems for heavy drinkers and it's affected badly to the welfare of the society. The New Zealand of Ministry of →

Terrorist threats faced in the uk criminology essay

The second difference is that the IRA's violence had limited territorial objective to enhance the political power of the nationalist minority in the north of Ireland. In contrast with pre 9/11 and post 9/11 the old-fashioned nationalism of the IRA is quite different to Islamist terrorism objective to destroy the West as a " decadent" →

The origin of wednesbury unreasonableness law constitutional administrative essay

It was outside the four corners of the power that parliament had given to the decision maker and it was therefore right and proper for the courts to step in. In the build up to the incorporation of the European Convention of Human rights, the domestic courts began to develop a more rigorous application of →

Channelizing the red blood cell: molecular biology competes with patch-clamp

0704582104 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Bouyer, G, Thomas, S, and Egee, S." Patch-clamp analysis of membrane transport in erythrocytes," in Patch Clamp Technique, ed F.S. The conductance of red blood cells from sickle cell patients: ion selectivity and inhibitors.J.

Designing an incentive system

The higher the subjectivity in the performance measure, the harder it is to assure managers' performance accurately. Credibility with the managers is more critical than the design features of the compensation plan and managers' involvement recognizes the inextricable link between the managers and the company.

Toni morrison: beloved essay

She was the first and the foremost black female to succeed in getting the Nobel Prize in literature; and the overall the eighth female to do so in the year 1993. Every division commences with proclamations as to specify the development of the haunting starting from the mischievous spirit to the visible spirit to the →

Joan of arc research paper

Sir Robert refused Joan's request, and sent her to her uncle, Durand, who was currently living in Vaucouleurs to take Joan back to her father and " box her ears" (to slap her with the palm of their hand up across her head to make her deaf for a while. With Joan's life being so →

Mid-nineteenth century liberalism critical essay

In the early 19th century, societies of the world struggled to establish equity of rights for both the proletariats and the bourgeoisie. The articles are " The Exhibition The Crystal Palace" and " The First Half of the Nineteenth Century: Progress of The Nation and Race".

Definitions of emotional labour

A very common example of emotional labour given by Hochschild, is of the flight attendants who are required to display appropriate emotions, organization's policy, for example smiling or a laughing and to maintain a happy appearance for the crew to maintain comfortable and enjoy the flight at the best. In other words, the interaction with →

Marks and spencer performance management

Now performance management is a process of directing and supporting employees to work as effectively and efficiently as possible in the line with needs of organization. For organisation to achieve strategic success, the performance of all strategic business units, departments, teams and individuals need to be aligned to support strategic aims and goal Engaging people →

The development of the international economy in the period 1945-2000 essay sample

This essay seeks to evaluate the extent of the policy changes and other events which disfavoured the economies of the LDCs or only benefited the DCs, as compared to those aiming to eliminate preferential treatment or discrimination. 20 years of GATT indifference to special problems of the LDCs can be represented by the results of →

Impacts of the sars-cov-2 pandemic on the mental health of the elderly

Given the above, this paper is intended to illustrate and correlate the mental, psychiatric, and psychological consequences for the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the COVID-19 epidemic, lack of interaction and social distancing exacerbate psychological disorders and increase the risk of depression and anxiety in the elderly.

Overview of solar cars engineering essay

The solar cells collect a portion of the sun's energy and store it into the batteries of the solar car. When solar cells are connected in parallel, the output current is the sum of the currents from the individual cells, and output voltage remains the same to that of a single cell.

Global ethical position of bp commerce essay

However, the BP trade name is now perceived as socially and environmentally uncommitted to the planetary environment in which they operate and as a consequence there will be " fall-out " from the BP trade name and its merchandises. The public appears to hold lost trust and religion in BP 's ability to carry on →

Four sections of global health issues health essay

The " mpower" of World Health Organization provided some ways which could change the statistics of deaths and countries expenditures on treating tobacco-related illnesses e.g.providing people with information about the dangers of smoking and second-hand smoke, banning advertising and investment, and increasing taxes and prices on cigarettes. People should be more aware of the potential →

The types of derivatives finance essay

A forward is a contract between two parties, where as the delivery of the product is delayed until after the contract has been made, however the price of the product is determined on the initial trade date. All in all, we can say that derivatives play an important role in our lives, mainly it is →

Analysis of external and internal environment marketing essay

A small business is a business that is privately owned and operated, with a small number of employees and relatively low volume of sales. Also known as the operating environment, this refers to market conditions, economic and political issues on the local and national levels, demographic factors, and other forces outside of a business that →

Google and privacy issues business essay

The Google has been providing the ethical way of information interchange however with certain recent releases of the applications of " Google Earth", " Google AdSense", etc.it has stepped beyond the conventional boundaries of the ethics. In order to understand the privacy issues engulfing the Google Earth and Google AdSense, it is necessary to understand →

Sincerely, ponyboy

I mean, he was a good fighter and tuff and everything, but he was a real person too... And I replayed, " He's not a soc.

Real estate bubble in china: the present and the future

Even in the heyday of residential mortgages, the loan is not as easy as in the U.S. In conclusion, the burst of real estate bubble is not easy in China and, if happened, will have limited effect to the world economy.

The values of the theatre of the absurd in beckett and ionesco

This is a reflection of the Absurdist value that the world is a random and purposeless place. This is often a result of the fact that the characters are attempting to converse merely for the sake of conversing.

Pressure ulcer assessment and management | reflection

The aims of the Pressure ulcer risk assessment tools are to quantify and measure the risk of a person to have a pressure ulcer. In addition, health care staffs must be mindful that communication, teamwork, support and supervision have a big role to improve the quality of care of pressure ulcer management.

Critical review of ‘offense, defense and the causes of war’

The main arguments put forward by the author will then be placed within the wider context of the literature on the offense-defense argument and causes of war, studying the strengths of this article and then moving on to the weaknesses, continuously comparing Van Evera's thesis to other academia. This argument thus incorporates both offensive and →

Vision, credibility, and effective communication

Buono and Subbiah suggest that primary change agents are effective to the extent that they understand the cultural environment, are able to identify influential key players, and possess the ability to provide mentorship, as well as, positive role modeling. Bolman and Deal advise on the complexity of organisation change and the ambiguities that are ever →

Gideon’s trumpet book report

Gideon's Trumpet, a well-known book in the field of law was written by Anthony Lewis in 1964 and the book presents us with the true account of a man by the name of Clarence Earl Gideon, a semiliterate transient who is put in prison for breaking and entering and minor stealing. His triumph, ceaselessly setting →

Chapter 3 – ebusiness system

sales intermediaryretailer, a seller that operates between manufacturers and customers free retailer from the need for a physical store from which to distribute products -customer can browse catalogs on their own timewhy retailers use catalogs? electronic retailing retailed conducted online, over the internet e-tailersretailers who sell over the internet -high brand recognition -a guarantee provided →

Gunjan is also helpful because it can

I wanted to find a way to prove which mouthwash is the best at reducing the count of colonies of bacteria and to do this I had four members of my family swab their mouths at the beginning of the week and put it in four agar plates to let it grow throughout the week. →

Editorial: topology of disordered networks and their applications

The beginnings of the theory started with an innocent query what optimizes the glass-forming tendency of a melt and led to the finding that such melts possess an " ideal" connectivity. The rigidity and stress elastic phase transitions are percolative in nature and first order in 3D, and experiments show that once the variance in →

Norwegian health system analysis

Legislation mirrors the decentralized structure of the welfare system: specialist care is controlled by the Specialist Care Act of 1999 and the Health Authorities and Health trust Act of 2001, dental care is managed by the Dental Health Services Act of 1983 and primary care is regulated by the Municipal Health and Care Act of →