2000 Words Essay Samples

Shades of green

It is in the face of disasters like these that individuals with ecologically-concerned environmental sympathies have, over the latter half of the twentieth century, frequently admonished the potential for unchecked economic expansion to create planetary devastation. One of the difficulties of that line of thinking is that it is difficult to determine the lines that →

Marketing strategy of carlsberg

Also, the fact that Baltika, Carlsberg and Tuborg are among the six biggest brands in Europe emphasizes the strength of the Group's brand portfolio. The purpose of keeping the same taglines over the years is that these taglines make Carlsberg well known around the world and become imprinted in the mind of the consumer, decreasing →

Weston meehan

One of the most basic and fundamental questions of the human mind is the question, " does God exist? " The one thing every human has in common is having a worldview. The two theories of the creation of the Earth are basically the same but the Evolutionists believe it happened for no reason.

Construction health and safety overview construction essay

The paper presents the major threats that appear in the construction workplace, what steps might be made to improve H&S in the workplace and what systems, in outline, might be implemented. What is more, two more questions should be discussed, such as, effective communication as a stakeholders in the group and the changes of the →

Knowledge dilemma and strategies for knowledge management

Individuals usually hoard knowledge when they feel that sharing that knowledge would eventually result in a decrease of their power or status within the corporation because of the very fact that they have shared their distinctive wisdom with the rest of the workforce. This sharing and exchange of information amongst the workforce encompasses an important →

Claude monet

Monet's father was in the grocery business and he expected Monet to follow in his footsteps and carry out the family business. Monet is a household name that lives on in the hearts and minds of the artistic individuals and the lovers of art and its creators everywhere.

The amber spyglass chapter 3 scavengers

It was harder for bears to kill in the water: when the land was covered in ice and the great sea-mammals had to come up to breathe, the bears had the advantage of camouflage and their prey was out of its element. He noticed the change in the taste of the water and the temperature →


Disney is considered to be one of the pioneers in the entertainment industry, and for almost one century, the company have managed to grow successfully and to respond tremendously well to global changes such as the rapid technological evolution and the constant variations in customer trends. The fact that Disney have been in the market →

Politics essay: margaret thatcher’s domestic reforms

It is no coincidence that Andrew Grice, the political editor of the Independent, wrote an article in the aftermath of the 2010 budget entitled " Has Osborne just completed the Thatcherite Revolution?"[1] The parallels between 1979 and 2010 are irresistible: A dismal economic inheritance from a Labour Party perceived by the Conservatives to be running →

On the effect of chess training on scholastic achievement

Gobet and Campitelli reviewed that research and reached the following conclusions: the educational effects of optional scholastic chess training remain undetermined; compulsory scholastic chess instruction may engender motivational problems among students; and chess instruction may be beneficial among novices, but is less important among intermediate and advanced players for whom the amount of practice and →

Analysis of knowledge based economies

DEFINITION AND THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE BASED ECONOMY " The weakness or even complete absence, of definition, is actually pervasive in the literature...this is one of the many imprecisions that make the notion of " knowledge economy" so rhetorical rather than analytically useful"[1] 1. In fact, knowledge is considered to be the basic form of capital, →

Assignment prediction by: your name table of contents

Ensemble prediction of NWP ismotivated by the fact that NWP forecasts are sensitive both to smalluncertainties in the initial conditions and model errors, so it is hard tofurther improve the accuracy of single model deterministic predictions. If thecalculated output error of the model is greater than, return to step 2; otherwise, end the training and →

Professor johnson

It is said that he was put on this earth to carry out a mission and to bring the message that " it is useless to seek the causes of disease among the foggy vapors of the four humors or any variations of such theories." This message was pertaining to bloodletting. He was not just →

The stereotyped of women in advertising media essay

Advertising is all about the first expression on a brand and also the appearance on the outside of a product because that is how companies are exposing on certain product to the consumers and publics by displaying and providing a basic information and attractive illustration in the advertisement. A few of Gucci advertisement is clearly →

Valchromat pros and cons

It is interesting and unheard of to many people while it also relates to two of our learning outcomes in that it is a versatile material that can be used in furniture construction and that it can be used as an architectural woodworking component. Valchromat is set to take the place of MDF as the →

Judaism and sinai congregation temple assignment

God is also believed to be the creator of the universe and the ruler of it. The Tanakh includes the stories of Creation, the Garden of Eden, the Great Flood, and the Tower of Babel.


The aim of the study and the question asked is defined as the most important part of research. A variety of records and measures were used to describe the sample of patients and the changes they experienced with treatment with the study by Gould et al.

Three year golf course marketing plan assignment

GGGC's mission is to operate and manage the best golfing facility in the state, following to the highest standards imaginable in the golfing world. Currently, GGGC has specialized in creating the distinctive atmosphere of the upscale public golf course and would very much like to be the choice of the golfer's personalized golfing adventure.

Case study assignment

The inner membrane must maintain a greater concentration of protons in the intermediate space than in the mitochondrial matrix in order to maintain the proton gradient. It would not be used in a way useful to the cell; namely in the production of ATOP.5.

Irony of life assignment

At the end of the story, readers will only be able to say " How ironical their life is! " " The irony of life" in " The Gift of the Magi" is presented through a story of love and sacrifice between a young couple, Jim and Della, who are poor materially but not poor →

Public relations and crisis managemet assignment

The series of events carried out since the first break out in the news has caused a negative impact and harmful and undesirable attention to HEAT about their product quality, logistics in transportation of the products, and how they manage the public. The news stated that nonusers claimed the products taste sour and have unknown →

Self-assessment on group work

It is my observation that the chairperson has a need to control or influence the process to the point that it is interfering with the outcomes of the group. I appreciate working with a group of this caliber and look forward to the few months we have remaining in this program.

Leslie marmon silko essay

The education of the children is done within the community; each adult works with every child, children belong to everybody and the way of teaching is to tell stories.[ ] The majority of her works focus on the inferiority of Native Americans in the white society during her time and the importance of native traditions →

Swot analysis of karaca language school education essay

We need to accept the reality of online courses and bring variety to our courses in order to keep the interest of our students. The systems are now in place, and are sufficiently reliable, that there is no real need for the learner to enter the physical building of the language school.

Impact adhd and autism on education

Jaffe-Gill et al postulate that the symptoms of ADHD will show if the section of the brain which controls hyperactivity, is not fully developed or not coordinating well with the rest of the brain and therefore it is not that the child is not able to control his behavior. This is the common of the →

What is crime analysis and intelligence analysis criminology essay

Crime analysis is the methodical study of crime and confusion problems in addition to other police-related issues which includes sociodemographic, spatial, and temporal factors to make it possible to the police in criminal concern, crime and disorder decrease, crime prevention, and evaluation. Introduction The area for my particular study is a playground and its surroundings →

Lotte confectionery: strategy evaluation

LOTTE Confectionery, Japan LOTTE, and Mitsui invested in the factory and are now developed in 3 divisions. In January of 2007, LOTTE Confectionery and Hershey's signed a strategic alliance to manufacture and sell the main products from this factory.

Trends of the business development in contemporary economic environment

The purpose of this essay is to explore how management accounting and control systems deal with the coordination of the global corporate strategy and the local business process as confronting thechallenges and the potential problems. But this approach was very specific in the basic discipline in behavioural control; it's hardly to fulfil the wider range →

Nucleic acids are the organic compounds

The structure of the nucleic acids in a cell determines the structure of the proteins produced in that cell. Each strand of DNA in the double helix can serve as a pattern for duplicating the sequence of bases.

Primitive art’s influence on modern art

Before 1906, Picasso began moving in a different direction from tradition by celebrating the outsiders of society in his work: the poor, the blind, the old, and the rejected. He later described the visit as something disturbing happening inside of him; he was experiencing an epiphany, a " shock," and a " revelation." He was →

Um…let’s think

For example, the word " and" is used as a coordinating conjunction, and thus it is difficult to have a conversation without using the word and many times. To begin with, and probably most important is that verbal pauses are symbolic of the very thing that makes us human, and possibly a direct symbol of →

Definition of lifespan development or lifespan psychology

The study of Lifespan Development is of extreme relevance and importance to the Counselling and Consulting Psychologist. The theories provide a guide as to the developmental stages and expectation of each stage across the lifespan.

The single market act economics essay

The twelve levers were identified by the CION after contributions were highlighted during a public debate together with the views and conclusions of the European Parliament and Council and the opinions of the Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee.[4]The Single Market however needs the support from all actors in order →

Mock care plan assignment

The physician rushed the patient to surgery and underwent open reduction and internal fixation for a fracture of his right femur.Mr.A.S.A. She also has medicines to buy for the treatment of hypertension and arthritis.

Islam vs. christianity assignment

Also, the message was brought forth in both religions hat there was only one true God, and both religions believed that this one God was the creator of the world, and would be the one to Judge all of mankind upon their death. Here we begin to see the similarities between the two religions as →

Is profit maximization consistent with wealth maximization finance essay

In this respect, the maximization of the shareholder's wealth is enhanced by the acquiring of maximum profits at the lowest level of expenditure. On the other hand, wealth maximization, which is also known as the net present worth of a firm can be used to evaluate the performance of the firm.

Problems with theories that equate consciousness with information or information processing

Chalmers takes information theory as his starting point, but immediately generalizes Shannon's two-state " bit" of information to the concept of a multi-state " information space," defined as an abstract space consisting of a number of information states and a structure of " difference relations" between them. But the only potentially testable prediction of theories →

Case study of eruption cysts

Eruption cyst not uncommon: A series of three cases Abstract Aim: Presentation of three clinical cases with an eruption cyst Background: Eruption cysts are rarely seen benign cysts most commonly encountered on the mucosa before the tooth eruption Case description: In two patients, eruption cyst occurred in the maxillary arch and in one patient it →

A study on theoretical perspectives in maladaptive behavior

This perspective assumes that our bodily maladaptive behavior is due to a problem in our body." Behavior genetics is known as a study of the effects of our genetic inheritance of behavior"." Psychodynamic Perspective is the idea that thoughts and emotions are important causes of behavior". In most cases biological factors are important in the →

History of the atom assignment

He was the first of the scientist studying the atom to use equipment for experiments such as a cathode ray." When a potential is placed between the cathode and the anode a " ray" of electric current passes from one plate to the other. In any event, it is possible to, in technology, see the →

He planned approaches to safety management system construction essay

Introduction and literature reviewThis study examine the planned approaches to safety management system of 20 selected workplaces, there formal and informal systems, their organization arrangement, and the border workplace culture and management systems which explain the nature, operation and performance of their health and safety management strategies. The aim is to explain the types of →

The slowdown of china economy economics essay

This also was the most famous headline uses of the mainstream media such as newspaper and broadcast media recently." China's economy, the world's second-largest, has expanded at its slowest pace in almost three years", " China has said it will take measures to boost demand and investment amid fears of a slowdown in its economy", →

Trolley dodgers case

The first part of this report identify and explain the characteristics of employee fraud indicated in Dodgers case.such as perpetrator must gains the trust or confidence of the person or company being defrauded.etc And then, the second part is explain the internal control weaknesses and understanding internal control objectives. Table of Contents Introduction3 Characteristics of →

In what way does using the sensorial materials help the child’s whole development give examples

What is the purpose of sensorial materials? - Learn classification and organisation of the environment - this gives clarity to the mind and consciousness - Strengthen the powers of discrimination this brings about the refinement of the senses. It is not only the development of the senses that happens during the exploration and discovery process, →

Differential association social learning theory philosophy essay

In the case of Keating, and since he committed white collar crime, the cost was not even foreseeable to him, and the benefit was right on the horizon. Keating came up with his own definitions of the work he was doing and he understood it to be non-harmful and even pleasant.

Illegal mexican immigrants and their life in california

According to Thomas Espenshade, " in 1964, the Congress terminated the Bracero program in the face of public opposition to conditions under which migrant workers lived, the influence of the U.S. The contributions of the illegal Mexican immigrants come in many forms and in multidimensional ways.

Mutiara bank case study

When we came inside the building, the security guard told us to do the security checking first, and next they asked us what do we want to do and which floor are we going to, and then we are required to leave our IDs and exchanged it with a security pass so that we can →

Psychological realism in to the lighthouse

I introduce James's theory of the stream of thought to draw from this idea of a break in the quality or content of the thought; this is used heavily in Woolf's To the Lighthouse during moments of interior monologue. However, this transition is paradoxically smooth despite the abruptness of the topic change, illustrating James's idea →

Ethnographic study

The chairs was just sitting in a row, and I was sitting behind a group of women who were holding chairs, and this older man took the chair and started to put bible on it, and the woman Mrs. To receive and get a feel for the group norms, the rules of behavior in that →

Miscommunication of science: music cognition research in the popular press

For instance, the Times of London reported, " Academic benefits of music ' a myth'"; a Boston Globe headline read, " Music does not make you smarter, Harvard study finds"; and TIME reported " Music can soothe the soul and speed along creativity, but it will not, according to researchers from Harvard, boost intelligence". For →

Editorial: molecular mechanisms in pulmonary hypertension and right ventricle dysfunction

In all of these forms, the diagnosis of PH is strongly associated with increased morbidity and mortality and in the vast majority of cases, PH remains a progressive, incurable disorder. To accompany this study, a pair of reviews by Sydykov et al.and Dewachter and Dewachter discuss the role of inflammatory mediators in maladaptive RV remodeling →

A sociological explanation of irish people essay

In the past over twenty years, the situation of the Church has changed considerably, both in terms of the influence of the political class and the hierarchy of political leaders. In the present day, secularization has found its way in the society of the Irish people due to strong political influences and the general contemporary →

Mobile radiography procedure reflection

The communication between the radiographer and I ensured patient safety and established a trust, together we both had the same intentions of this examination and both sought the same outcome. The role of the radiographer and I was to ensure time was spent ensuring the optimal image quality and there was no compromise to the →

Acheive and maintain excellence essay

It is important for the mission to be satisfied therefore being a good team player and being well prepared and organized come hand in hand with being able to plan and design programs that will allow the agency to provide services for the population served as well as meet the client's needs and demonstrate that →

Safety of the united states blood supply

The Safety of the United States Blood Supply: a Historical, Current, and Future Perspective The safety of the United States blood supply is a progressive accomplishment of science and medicine. The increasing use of blood and blood products to maintain the health and wellness of the population has brought to light many concerns on the →

Corporate social responsibility practices of china sinopec commerce essay

Mcwilliams and Siegel argue that the CSR are measures taken by those business corporations for the benefits of the whole community, beyond the interests of the firm and that which is required by law and some social pressures. In 1970s Milton Friedman argued that the only social responsibility of an enterprise is to increase profits →

Socio-economic development proposal for south africa

ACTION: Increase the benefit to the country of our mineral resources by; Giving clear certainty over property rights Any kind of discussion on mining, or any mining related beneficiation including that of the manufacturing of jewelry in south Africa brings irrefutably to the open the legacy of the dispossession of land.gems are discovered by people →

Homosexuality: nature versus nurture assignment

The structure of the anterior hypothalamus, an area of the brain that governs sexual behavior, differs in male homosexuals and heterosexuals; compared with heterosexual men or women, gay men have a larger anterior commissure, which is a bundle of neurons connecting the right and left hemispheres of the brain". With the rise of same-sex parenting →

Psychology and the bipolar disorder essay sample

There are examples of families where a single gene plays a major role in determining the susceptibility of a person in inheriting the disease, but the majority of bipolar disorder involves the interaction of multiple genes or more complex genetic mechanisms. One cannot deny that a dynamic interplay of ' nature and nurture' is essential →

‘mid-term break’ by seamus heaney and ‘second opinion’ by douglas dunn

Clearly, this shows the narrative is written in the first person, giving a personal and intimate edge to the composition and shows the reader that Heaney is the narrator. As well as having the effect that the time goes slowly, it calls to mind the notion that Heaney deliberately conveys harsh, precise facts with no →

Introduction supply chain management of the toyota recall marketing essay

The Toyota Production System, discussed by Lyer provides that this system is central to the factories of the organization and the supply chain management is much greater, held in the fact that " it spans suppliers to Toyota as well as possibly the suppliers' suppliers, the distribution channel, the dealers and ultimately the consumers". The →

Topics for the scarlet letter essay

She is the center of attention, and sadly she Is also the center of sin. When we read the quote we see that in the scene that is being told by the quote, Hester is standing on the scaffold with the letter A on her chest which means she was punished to wear the scarlet →

Developing language skills assignment

All along this assignment, we are going to compare, contrast and understand how each skill is going to fit the student's needs and how they are going to write a short and general introduction for each of them that will also show what we have learned from the reading of the subject material; then we →

Federal investigation agency essay

Because of its broad mandate, the FIA is one of the most multidimensional and significant agency in the Government. The headquarters also includes a number of offices, including the Office of Public Affairs, the Office of Professional Responsibility, the Office of the General Counsel, and the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity.

The technology advances modern civil engineering engineering essay

The basic idea of solving the problem is to use the vibration reducing devices to absorb a certain, critical part of the input energy thereby dissipating the additional energy of the main structure and thus preventing it from serious structural damage. It is the momentum of the latter flow that counteracts the motion of the →

Russia itself is an ossetian cemetery and

Dargavs, the City of the DeadThis very interesting place is located in North Ossetia, and hidden in one of the five mountain ridges. The city of the dead", Dargavs is the most mystery village of Russia due to a number of cemeteries and crypts that stretch all over the Caucasus mountain slopes.

Strategic leadership of sheikh zayed bin sultan

The federation was his objective to provide his country with a good standard of living and to build a modern state as he considered that unity was a tool for attaining the well-being of the people and to provide generations with a better living. This approach has characterized the style of leadership of Sheix Zayed →

Desdemona, othello | analysis

It's ironic that Desdemona has made the first deception, and it the end she is left with the worst faith of all. A mistake Desdemona makes is that she decides to ask Iago for help because she wants him to confirm her fidelity to Othello to the man who condemned her from the start was →

In defense of jason compson iv

He executes this elaborate scheme with criminal pleasure, enjoying every step of the process, from his forgery to his mother's burning of the fake check and ultimately to his obsessive counting of the plunder. For while the reader deciphers a great deal from his overt thoughts and actions, just as much is to be learned →

Impact of listening to music on concentration

Additionally the contemplative people's execution on the perusing understanding errand in the popular music condition was disabled when contrasted with extraverts in the same condition and to self observers who performed the assignment in silence. Discussion The present study tried to show the effect of distinctive classifications of music played at the same volume and →

Analysis of doctrine of equity

In the case of Re Adams [3], the phrase ' in full confidence' was used in the clause and it was held that there was no trust created as there is no imperative words used in the will. In the case, it was held in favour of the claimant and stated that the segregation as →

A streetcar named desire essay sample

The symbolism used in this and many other plays will be directly linked to arguably the two most significant characters in the play, Blanche and Stanley, who both embody the opposing divisions of South and North, past and present and portray the clashing values that evoke the fury of new America and accentuate the misdemeanours →

Costco business model

It helps both the entrepreneurs and business executives to increase their capability in the management of continuous change and consequently adapt to the gradual changes in the business environment through injection of new ideas in their business model. As a result, the company is able to produce quality products to meet the needs and requirements →

Canonical circuits of the cerebral cortex as enablers of neuroprosthetics

In this context, the concept of a canonical circuit, like the concept of hierarchies of processing, offers a powerful unifying principle that links structural and functional levels of analysis across species and different areas of the cortex". For many decades neuroscience has been dominated by the cell theory of Schwann and Schleiden that argued in →

Arguments for and against animalism

Hence, even if there is psychological continuity between the donor and the receiver, they cannot be the same animal, as psychological continuity is not sufficient for a human animal to persist. Baker further expands on this response by rejecting premise 3 of the ' thinking animal' argument, arguing against that " there is a human →

Success of a training programme business essay

More and more of the all sizes companies have griped " the changeless acquisition " and besides other positions of the preparation and the development is used as a agency of advancing the growing of employee and besides obtaining a extremely experient forces. The mean of this degree might be for one who is able →

Definitions for ethics gcse assignment

Two beliefs Christians might have about cloning = Since the bible does not specifically deal with the subject of cloning Christians views differ upon this topic, some suggest that all life is sacred an unique due to God's holy creation and should therefore not be trifled with others believe cloning is even a great sin →

Death rituals in american and egyptian society

The term burial refers to the practice of disposing of dead bodies or remains of the dead. Though the term burial may refer to burying of any object or body, it usually refers to the burial of the body of dead person.

Study of person centered therapy

It shows that the therapist is listening to and understanding the client as opposed to just going through the motions. The length and frequency of the therapy is adapted to fit the needs of the client.

Gestalt psychology and his properties of perception

The ubiquity of these properties in all aspects of perception, as well as their pre attentive nature suggests that Gestalt phenomena are fundamental to the nature of the perceptual mechanism.[2] The dog picture is familiar in vision circles for it demonstrates the principle of emergence in perception. In this figure the triangular configuration is not →

A history of ford’s theatre essay sample

Throughout 1864, Ford continued to restore the building, especially over the summer, to bring the theatre back to some of the former glory of the intricate structure. The building continued to be known as Ford's Theatre and as much of the building as possible was restored.

The advantages of internet censorship media essay

Although the internet is comprehensive and the internet is not easy to limit, many countries are working on the censorship of the Internet. The censorship of internet can filter a great deal of fraudulent information in the internet and enhance the supervision and control of internet banking.

The background of korean peninsula crisis history essay

After the end of the Cold War, few attempt to change the situation in Korea and to end the confrontation failed, mainly because of mutual distrust and of lack of contacts among its people. The ' liberation' of the Korean Peninsula started by Soviet troops from the north and later by American troops from the →

Study and examination of kfcs business environment

Under the new management the Kentucky Fried chicken corporation introduced the high quality of service and to the result the sales grew up rapidly. Based on the information about the KFC using the five forces analyses management can decide how to influence particular characteristics Entry For the current United Kingdom market for fast food, it →

The battle of troy history essay

A man by the name of Priteslaus was the first Greek to touch the land and die. The offer was denied by the council, meaning that Odysseus and Menelaus had to go back to the Greek encampment.

Enron corporate fraud

The company's accounting firm, Arthur Andersen, admitted to having shredded Enron documents after it had learned that the Securities and Exchange Commission was conducting an investigation of the corporation. In January 2002, the u.s.ustice department announced that it had formed an Enron Task Force consisting of a team of federal prosecutors and under the supervision →

Metaphors in organisation change: what can change consultants do?

Due to the importance of metaphors in opening up new avenues for understanding and enquiry, based on the concept of social change model, the utility of metaphors is to be deeply penetrated in the following. The use of metaphors in organizational assessment and change.

The challenging behaviour in young children

The local council has commissioned this study and its purpose is to research a scope of schemes to better trade with disputing behavior of the type exhibited by Boy A. Emerson has defined the term therefore:" Culturally unnatural behavior of sucha that the physical safety of the individual or othersA is likely to be placed →

Tourism’s economic impact on switzerland essay sample

Switzerland is a mixture of cultures from Romanesque, French, German, and the Italian who bring into these country diverse cuisines and cultures from the expensive Europe Hotel and Resort Tourism Switzerland has the advanced state-of-art hotel industry in the cities across the country. The Vaud and the Valais are the main producers of wine Corporate →

Communication – sending and receiving verbal information

The discussion among the nurses and the patients is conducted usually in a very hectic atmosphere; both the patients and nurses are in an urgency as a result of which unwanted issues may arise. In the cases of emergency the communication skills gain very high importance as the decision about the procedure has to be →

Crisis and issues faced by toyota business essay

With the economic downturn in 2009, Toyota faced a further financial problem with the recalls of the faulty vehicles. Following the reports of faulty vehicles, falling consumer confidence on the Toyota brand and the fact that Toyota was trying to recover from the economic crisis of 2009, the company faced declining sales and decided on →

Marketing plan coca-cola

We have done a study on Coca-Cola Company with the aim to learn about the efferent marketing prospects in Pakistan and our selected product is Coca- Cola. There are lots of recommendations which are provided for the improvement of the functionality in the marketing sector The company's investment in local communities in over 200 countries →

British campaign of 1812

The Sack of Washington and the Battle of Baltimore On 19 August, a British force landed at the mouth of the Patuxent River. However, the successful defense of Baltimore, and in particular the stirring events around the defense of Fort McHenry that would be enshrined forever in Francis Scott Key's poem, " The Star-Spangled Banner," →

The british educational system

The possibility of confusion in the terminology is especially great because in the USA schools organized by the government are called ' public shools'. Most importantly the government left alone the small group of schools which had been used in the nineteenth century to educate the sons of the upper and upper-middle classes.

Decriminalisation of prostitution essay

Decriminalization has been considered as " the removal of all prostitution specific laws and no government regulation of the trade;" in contrast, decriminalization " with controls" means legal recognition with government regulation of some aspects of prostitution. Denial of these twin rights constitutes the central grievance of COYOTE, whose chief goals are public education regarding →