1900 Words Essay Samples

The 2016 olympic games in brazil commerce essay

Both the World Cup and the Olympic Games are going to be big challenges for Brazil, just like they would be for any other country organizing two events of this level within two years A lot of work has to be complete, and the future improvements of the infrastructure are going to be settlement both →

Humanism in swift’s gulliver’s travels essay

This essay will present some glimpses from the work to support the viewpoint, and mention as a part of the discussion other critical views and, conclude with a reinforcement of the perception that Gulliver's Travels is indeed the work of an anguished humanist, protesting the rapid changes that took place in his times. Samuel Holt →

Marketing in real estate

There are several points that are made by definition of marketing that include; marketing as an objective of customers value creation, an exchange that occurs between the sellers and buyer, the impact of a firm to its customers suppliers and all that are affected by the firm, and the involvement of creation of communication, delivery →

Government strategies to meet individual childcare needs

Jane Cleary Explain the benefits for children when their individual needs are met… A child develops very quickly in their early years, they continue to acquire new skills and gain knowledge all the time. Child development coversgrowth, developmentandlearningfrom the very moment they are born to 60 months old (August after...

Keynesian vs monetarist economy

However, the scarcity of natural resources and the awareness of the negative effects of economic activities suggest that humanity may live a long period of stagnation. Friedman, who is the leader of this ideology, will be advocating the stable growth in the money supply, which means that the Central Banks have to maintain a regular →

Editorial: small non-coding rnas in streptococci

At present, 75 sRNAs have been identified in S.pyogenes and 179 sRNAs in S.pneumoniae.In S.agalactiae, 197 sRNAs were predicted in silico and 10 of them were validated by northern blot. A genome-wide analysis of small regulatory RNAs in the human pathogen group A Streptococcus.

Probing corporate malaysia

More recently, Bursa Malaysia has asked Kenmark Industrial Co Bhd to appoint a special auditor to investigate its affairs, in view of the recent developments affecting the company, while Linear Corp Bhd said a special task committee reviewing the company's financial records and statements would seek the advice of independent accountants on an ad hoc →

Processes of globalization are causing increasing cultural convergence media essay

Interaction of the people, organizations and the most importantly among the governments of the nations is called the process of globalization. The process is determined by trade between the two nations, investment in their businesses and through the information technology and has some effects on the culture, environment, political and economic development of the country →

Sap – scm software application

Supply Chain planning and collaboration: this will help in bringing together the existing practices of the company and simulate the entire process in the supply chain. The supply chain is not only limited to the process of spotting the right vendor, but also involves logistics, transportation and connects the entire operation with the real-time planning →

Chapter 2 literature review 2.1 environmental quality in malaysia

Concern for the environment is perceived to be important in encouraging consumer to participate in green program and also buying a green product. Furthermore, if ordinary product is more expensive compared to a green product, consumers might have intention to buy green products because of the benefit and the cost.

Case study of citi group

Automated, easy-to-use system Creates monthly usage volumes and quantities/prices of products and services billable to clients Created ability to transfer best practice margins by comparing productivity and cost efficiencies between regions Case Study: Citreous CT', the Information Technology arm of Citreous, used the IT Value Triangle to maximize the value of their IT organization. The →

Health vs wealth

WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANT A Introduction: The present civilization is very conspicuously marked by the two words ' health' and wealth'. In comparison to health and wealth it is very difficult to decide which one is more important.

Critically evaluate the role of neural structures in subserving

The formation of the top of the brain includes the left and right cerebral hemispheres that are covered by a thin cortex, the cerebral cortex. The parts of the cortex that receive information from the body or the environment are located in the back of the brain.

Amazon kindle marketing strategy assignment

In the case of Kindle DX launch, the type of product is relatively new in the market. The distribution is designed to make sure that the product reaches the target market and there are greater chances of the product being associated with the target market.

Gregorian chant

Despite the lack of specific information concerning the beginnings of chant that would later evolve to become Gregorian chant, the origins of Gregorian chant as it was known throughout the Middle Ages are more clear, as music books, although they still were not musically notated, of the genre were created by the Franks at around →

Low employee motivation: causes and effects

The problem of low employee motivation is a vital issue for a company, although the company itself might be largely blamed for the causes of low employee motivation, but its consequences can affect both the company as a whole and its individual employees. That is to say, in a wrongly directed organization, most low employee →

The appeal of the pdc program

And Brevity helps to account for the fact that, where the subordinator that is optional at the start of a relative clause, its occurrence is negatively correlated with the likelihood of having a relative clause in that position; see Wasow et al. In particular, explaining the abundance of languages with noun classes is a challenge →

Emphasize the importance of vision

The sole purpose of this article was to emphasize the importance of ' vision' in project success as it states " this paper focuses on an examination of the impact of the leadership construct of project vision on expected project outcomes". The main points discussed in this report will be the definition and role of →

Improving student engagement | literature review

The authors clearly state that they wanted to conduct their study because " Given the pervasiveness of IWB's in the UK, we wished to explore the development of its uses in the classroom where there was a dialogic pedagogy".. However, the main focus of the authors writing this article was to conclude whether or not →

Google the worlds popular website marketing essay

In, Auletta recorded Google's developments and challenges, and predicted Google's future. In the early 1999, the number of users for Google's search engine has reached half a million a day.

Devolution of power essay sample

The idea of the decentralization that is transfer of power to the provinces and form there to the Districts, Tehsil Councils and Union councils is a welcome step. Decentralization of power at the grass roots level leads to better provision of social and civil services, restoration of the real democracy in the country and a →

William cooper and the petition to king george v of england

As a result of activism from Aboriginal organisations such as the Committee to Defend Black Rights, Aboriginal Legal Services, as well as the families of the people whom had died and their supporters, the Federal Labour Government announced The Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. Special Treatment-The representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander →

Health risks in american football

According to " American Football rules ", " When a team has possession of the ball, the object is to move the ball forward into the end zone, or, barring that to move the ball a minimum of ten yards in four attempts. By introducing the history of football and explaining a little bit of →

Effects on the fetus during pregnancy

The fertilised egg is called a zygote, the zygote will divide itself again and again, after approximately a week it will implant itself into the wall of the uterus, by two weeks this will be completed and is now an embryo, the embryo is protected by the amniotic sac, it is made of two membrane →

The history of pluto telecommunications business essay

The common theme unifying the works of Barnard, Lawrence and Lorsch and Duncan was the measurement of uncertainty as a lack of information available, the time needed to obtain definitive performance feedback and the uncertainty of casual connections in work-flow process, a flaw most certainly seen within the departments of Pluto Telecommunications. A contributing factor →

What is hypnosis essay

It is a cooperative interaction in which the participant responds to the suggestions of the hypnotist. James Braid was known as the " Father of hypnosis" and is a major figure in the history of hypnosis, he moved it into the nature of trance, taking it from the shadows of mesmerism and coining the word →

Theory of mind: daniel dennett vs. thomas nagel essay sample

Nagel affirms that the subjective character exists and uses this as a form of discrediting materialism since the subjective character is not analyzed in the materialistic viewpoint which from Nagel's viewpoint, is a sign of the incompleteness of the theory of materialism. This point exemplifies the validity of the subjective character of experience and further →

Factors affecting average spending power marketing essay

The average spending power is a compromise or could be called as a joint decision between equal partners in the pricing process such as between the hotel or restaurant and the customers. It is done generally to be to more clients oriented and in other way to advance the efficiency and the effectiveness of the →

How to register primary cooperative

Mandatory contents of the articles of cooperation are the following: the name of the cooperative, which must include the word " cooperative"; b) the purpose or purposes and scope of business for which the cooperative is to be registered; the term of existence of cooperative; the area of operation and the postal address of its →

Biodiversity: theory and quantification

1 Biodiversity components Biodiversity includes existing species in a place, within species phenotypic and genotypic variation, and also the spatial and temporal variation in the communities and ecosystems contributed by the constituent species. These diversity components were first described by Whittaker.diversity represents SD of a particular site, diversity represents species compositional variation among sites, and →

Theorys on what is nationalism sociology essay

Although there is much argument on the definition of nationalism, Smith agrees that there is one main point of agreement and that is that the term nationalism is a modern phenomenon. His definition is, " Nationalism is a state of mind, in which the supreme loyalty of the individual is felt to be due to →

Dementia and treatment as it applies to speech language pathology

Treatment as it applies to the field of speech/language pathology Intervention conducted by a speech-language pathologist may enrich function communication abilities of a person with dementia. The global prevalence of dementia: A systematic review and met analysis.

Case study cutbacks

Natural disasters can affect the economy badly which in turn leads to increase in the raw coffee bean prices and hence the coffee business. Franchising and licensing are the most powerful methods for leveraging intellectual capital of a company in to new revenue streams, market opportunities, and profit centers.

Beliefs of the plain indians

They believed that he was all powerful and that he was the creator of the whole of nature, which can explain the Indian's respect and love for all living things and nature because according to their beliefs all living things were the creation of the Great Spirit so all should be valued " The Sioux →

Good vs. evil in brighton rock  

The characterizations of Ida and Pinkie, as well as the underlying themes of morality and malevolence, create the conflict between good and evil in Brighton Rock. Therefore, Ida complements her role of playing " good" in the text as she is trying to protect Rose from succumbing to Pinkie and his malicious intentions.

Analysis of love and hate philosophy essay

This attitude or perspective, which is usually unrecognized as a perspective, Edmund Husserl terms the " natural attitude" or the " natural theoretical attitude" This natural attitude is that state of affairs in which we live before we have engaged in philosophy.[2]This natural attitude is commonly known by man as the ordinary and normal way →

The cultural clash between two companies

Hoopes The reason of the merge is to improve HP's market share across the hardware line and double the size of HP's service unit-both essential steps in being able to compete with industry-giant IBM. Based on analysis of ' The Frocky Horror Show' and the merger of HP and Compaq had strongly convinced that the →

Gang violence

Many people have become more aware of the violence committed by today's youth because of the media coverage of the viciousness of these crimes. In New York City's Lower East Side, " Mulligan's Alley" became the center of gang activity and was the home to one of the most violent gangs, the " Bowery Boys", →

Effect of globalisation on communication in tourism industry

Globalisation and the Internet have changed every aspect of the tourism and leisure industry from marketing and communication channels to booking and hospitality services. When it comes to the destination experience, word-of-mouth, travel kiosks, and tourist centres are other traditional channels that seem to work well.[1] These channels were and, to a certain extent, still →

Construction industry is a vehicle construction essay

Sizing a valve is based on the flow through an isentropic nozzle, the pressure density relation for the fluid properties, and a discharge coefficient to match the calculated mass flux to that measured for the flow of air or water in the actual valve. For two-phase flow, the density pressure relation is complex and no →

Gangs in central america

In this research project I plan to: Analyze roots causes, Examine the transnational and regional nature of gangs in Central America and Mexico and Evaluate policies and programs aimed to decrease gang activity in Central America, Mexico and the United States. One of the goals of The Merida Incentive is to financially support Mexico and →

Comparison of public health and clinical research ethics

Just as the public health is broad in the scope, the range of the ethical issues in this field is uncommonly wide, and encompassing the ethics in the public health as well as ethics of public health. DISCUSSION: The Public health research ethics include ethics regarding the community participation in the research, while the clinical →

Mechanics of cricoids pressure health and social care essay

The cricoids force per unit area is performed as with the unassisted technique except the helper 's other manus provides antagonistic force per unit area beneath the cervical vertebrae thereby back uping the neck8 in the absence of a pillow. To assist clinicians use the equal sum of force per unit area on the cricoids →

Post structuralism & phenomenology concepts in architecture

Deconstruction, on the other hand, challenges the values of harmony, unity, and stability, and proposing instead a different view of a structure that the flaws are intrinsic to the structure.[5] Deconstructivist rejects the presence of metaphysics, as well as the function, scale, and context.[6] In terms of design process within the discipline of architecture, structuralism →

Southwest’s competititve advantage

As a result of tightly defining the value sought by customers, and the price, Southwest was able to meet the needs and surpass the expectations of their target customer. The brand promise of Southwest Airlines is: 'Dedication to the highest quality of Customer Service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and Company →

Types of salad dressings

Many cultures have a specific dressing in common usage, such as the blend of yogurt, cucumber, and lemon juice used in the Mediterranean to dress simple salads, or the vinaigrette, which is in wide use in France and Italy. For dressing, in a jar with a tightening lid, combine the orange juice, lemon juju mustard, →

Disentangling neural synchronization and sustained neural activity in the processing of auditory temporal patterns

A recently published study by Herrmann and Johnsrude examined the relationship between NS and SA in the processing of auditory temporal patterns using EEG. This observation led the authors to investigate the extent to which the attentional state of the participant affected NS and SA in detecting temporally regular patterns.

Reebok nfl replica jerseys: a case for postponement essay sample

MANAGING UNCERTAINTY IN DEMAND Demand for the jerseys is very seasonal and is uncertain as a lot depends on the performances of the team. In addition, the signing on of new players or changing of teams of players during the off-season also add to the difficulty in having an accurate forecast for the number of →

The work of chief executive officer business essay

The value the CEO adds to the company is enormous because of the high position he holds in the company. For instance, if a company has issues it is the work of the CEO to ensure that the company goes back to profit making and establish a good image of the company.

Forms of government

The principle of democracy is political virtue, by which Montesquieu means " the love of the laws and of our country", including its democratic constitution. It requires " a constant preference of public to private interest"; it " limits ambition to the sole desire, to the solehappiness, of doing greater services to our country than →

Commentary: mobile and interactive media use by young children: the good, the bad, and the unknown

A commentary on Mobile and Interactive Media Use by Young Children: The Good, the Bad, and the Unknown by Radesky, J. Supplementing Radesky et al, this commentary aims to clarify the influence of modern touchscreen devices on children's cognitive development from the perspective of embodied cognition.

The sand casting techniques engineering essay

This will cause contractions in the product due to the phase shift from liquid to solid state; in turn this may lead to depreciation in the cast's height, much like a concave on the surface of the product. The source of micro-porosity in sand casting may be due to turbulences formed while pouring the molten →

Descartes notion of the mind/body problem in relation to free will

In the philosophy of mind, dualism is the theory that the mental and the physical or mind and body are, in some sense, radically different kinds of thing. After the Scholastics, Descartes takes the conception of will and affirmed that the main ability of the mind is the ability of free will.

Project plan: dutch auctioning system

This document will be used: By the client to receive information about the project, the members of the team and their plan. It will be used in order to have the ability to make a good decision before committing to the realization of the venture By the Project Leader, who can monitor the progress of →

Mozarabic religious culture in spain

Mozarabs were Iberlian Christians living in Al-andalus, a nation in the Iberian Peninsula." The term Mozarabic is derived from the word musta'rib or musta'rab which came from the Arab root word ' araba, meaning in the active sense, ' to make oneself similar to the arabs' or ' having assimilated Arabic customs' or most specifically →

Increasing healthcare costs becoming a concern economics essay

Literature Review A very common and simple reason that people give for the increase in healthcare costs often fall on the fact of aging population and the increased vulnerability of the population to health issues, leading to more medical consultations, both inpatient and outpatient. When such happens, the costs of health care will rise because →

Application of ethical theories to computer privacy

I believe it is evident, based on the proliferation of some of these ideas since their conception, that the notions of ethical duty and responsibilities formulated by these theorists are crucial to understand in order to develop any meaningful code of ethical duty. I believe that finding a middle ground of respectful use of information →

Definitions available for quantitative research given by different authors

Survey methodology will be used to collect data for the purpose of this research as the work of Saunders has been very valuable in orienting the choice of data collection method for this study. The aim of this research is to evaluate the consumer attitude towards internet banking and according to Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill →

Creative writing – it was just like any normal day in the picturesque suburb of massapequa, n.y.

Most of the criminal activity comes from the father of the family, Al Rediro, he was so high up in the ranks of the elusive New York crime family he practically had his own army there was talk from amongst his father's friends that Al Rediro was to become il capo di tutti cappi, the →

Microwave bridge to measure absorption

The microwave bridge technique described here was developed for the study of a quiescent plasma having an electron density of 1015 to 1018 m '3 corresponding to a plasma frequency of 3 - 108 to 1010 Hz, and an electron collision frequency of 1010 to 1011 s '1. A meter comprising a waveguide through which →

Final test: marketing notes assignment

Personal selling want the person to do all the work and bring the product to you Hard Rock Caf? when purchased by organization in Florida, they realized fragmentation and decided to unify brand images " It depends" is always the answer. Corporate personal brand IKEA and next 2, and rest of articles to red sole →

Democracies and dictatorships in pakistan history essay

Since the basic purpose of this report is determine which proved the best therefore the natural disasters that took place in each of the governments and their intensity will also be taken into consideration Below is the brief introduction to these two democratic governments and two dictatorships which were in charge during the year 1977-2007: →

Literature review on stress and stressors in bangladesh

The aim of this critical review is to understand the stress scenario in Bangladesh, their strengths and weakness in general. Method of Review A critical review was applied to explore the stress scenario in Bangladesh.

Srs for online attendance maintainance system

Another purpose for developing this software is to generate the report automatically at the end of the session or in the between of the session. Another purpose for developing this software is to generate the desired reports automatically at the end of the session or in the between of the session as they require.

Repeals california’s three-strikes sentencing statues

Among any other state, the California? s version of three-strikes sentencing statute had been the most controversial of all, on which the state constantly faces from the time of the approval of the law. To give a fair picture of the issue, in a quick review of the state? s current situation and facts, the →

Introduction arms suggests, ‘by the obedience of the

South Bronx is strictly the southwestern part of the borough of Bronx and Bronx is the only borough in New York city in the mainland. As Dublin coat of arms suggests, ' By the Obedience of the People is the Happiness of the City Ensured', this is fact that did not take root in South →

Learning team assessment through flexnet course

In cases of the five different students it will not be easy to check the changes that would need to be made for the objectives to be achieved just by referencing to the timed test. The main purpose of the project will be to enable the students to analyze the information given and go ahead →

Importance of hrm for the function of organisations

In such a context, it is obvious that human resource management affects consistently the performance of organizations and the improvement of the organizational process that can be achieved through effective motivation of employees and effective leadership. The process improvement occurs in the course of the organizational development, which is grounded on the development of the →

Evaluation of “politics and the english language” essay sample

George Orwell's article, " Politics and the English Language," explores the increasing misuse of the English language and its possible political causes. In the end of the article, George Orwell lists rules that cover most causes, and I think they are useful especially for someone who is in the earliest stage of writing: i.

Causes of the 2008 sovereign debt crisis in europe

The fear of contagion has forced the European Central Bank to bailout a number of the periphery nations; however, this is not viewed as a sustainable practice. The aim of this essay is to identify the causes of the sovereign debt crisis and analyse the proposed responses by the European Union.

How far did napoleon maintain the aims of the french revolution till 1815

This type of ' dictatorship of divine right' and the will to rid France of it was the major cause of the French Revolution in the first place. However it must be said, as Napoleon did say; was that he only took control of France to help ' further' the nation and The Revolution.

Breastfeeding self-efficacy scale-short form (bses-sf)

Sample Size For the sample size, the study needed 38 of respondents to validate the questionnaire base on the internal consistency of the items from previous study. The original BSES-SF, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient for internal consistency of the items is 0.89.

Case study about cervical plexus

Types of Cervical Distant There are several types of cervical distant depending on which nerves and muscles are involved: I Tortillas is the most common form where both head and neck twist and turn sideways and may result in the chin pointing to one shoulder I I Altercations is Inhere the neck turns, flexes or →

Bioplastic properties of agar-agar and potato essay sample

The study aimed to compare the properties of bioplastic made from agar-agar, a species of seaweed, and potato starch. Quantities of the materials were adjusted in both the potato starch and agar-agar experiments.

Tone control in photography

The type of lighting the photographer uses, whether it is hard lighting, or soft lighting and the size of a light source also affect the tonal range of a scene, the colour quality of the light will also affect the tones of an image. Other factors relevant to the tonal quality of an image during →

Comparison between a developing and developed country

In US, the ownership is protected by the constitution while in China, they are owned by the public or by all the members in the society. The varied institutions designed many sorts of financial instruments circulating in the financial market in the US which make the US the most efficient financial market in the world.1.2.

No longer relevant for contemporary approaches marketing essay

This is followed by an exploration of some of the contemporary approaches to marketing which will lead to a consideration of the arguments in support of the marketing mix and the criticisms against it. Finally, in the light of the arguments and criticisms the relevance of the marketing mix for contemporary approaches to marketing will →

Introduction such behaviors. unfortunately, it is hard to

Given that cases of hate crimes such as rape, domestic battery, murder, and human trafficking are increasing exponentially, the perpetrators of these violence acts need stricter penalties to deter them from perpetuating hate crimes in the society. Enforcing stiffer hate crime laws is one of the strategies that national governments should address to scrap hate →

Emotional words and there affect on memory

It was felt that these developments were required in order to advance and clarify the effect of emotion on memory in cognitive research H1 Students will recall more positive emotional words than neutral words from a word list. In this study an experimental design was used to test whether the amount of words participants remembered →

Sex and power: the sun also rises and giovanni’s room

With impotence, and without the ability to please Brett, Jake is utterly powerless to the aura of sex within his life. David realizes that he is a homosexual, yet the literal act of sex has led him to conclude that by conceding to his homosexual desires he has lost his manhood, and in turn is →

Should gun ownership be banned?

2 The habits of gun ownership The culture of the United States cultivates an attitude toward firearms and a right of the armed citizens. American are not allowed to carry or place a loaded handgun in any vehicle unless he has a license to permit him to do so, or the person with the concealed →

Trinity of the miller: aggression, iconoclasm, and drinking

In knight's tale, Theseus is the personification allegory of Jupiter; he is the archetype for the king of the gods. This is Miller's way of attacking the Knight, his aggressiveness against the Knight, the first cornerstone of Miller.

Dentistry in developing countries

They were informed to come early morning at 8a.m on the scheduled date and make necessary arrangements for their stay for one night during the camp as the most of the patients were from surrounding villages. The try-in was done and the trial dentures were returned to the technicians for the acrylization.

Periodic waveform used to synchronise the operation engineering essay

Designed implementation of the system is supposed to be able to carry out 16 rounds of encryption and decryption for word lengths 4, 8 and 16 bits. This is achieved by feeding the output of the system back to input port and performing multiple rounds of encryption or decryption.

The shepherd’s horn and norwegian romantic nationalism assignment

Scandinavian Studies The Shepherd's Horn and Norwegian Romantic Nationalism The concept of romantic nationalism is defined as a " form of nationalism in which the state derives its political legitimacy as an organic consequence of the unity of those it governs." In the context of Maurits Hansen's short story " The Shepherd's Horn", romantic nationalism →

History of project development

Project management is the application of knowledge, skills and tools and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirement. At this stage, project management emphasizes on the strategic role of projects, especially those processes that the project manager must put in place to deliver the end objective of the project and satisfy the needs →

International marketing: the royal dutch shell

The ' Royal Dutch Company for Exploitation of Petroleum Wells in the Netherlands East Indies' was the company first formed and registered in The Hague, in the year 1890. The Royal-Dutch and The Shell joint venture was established in the year 1903, giving rise to the formation of a new company The Asiatic Petroleum Company.

Great expectations by charles dickens, and jane eyre by charlotte bronte essay

The purpose of this essay is to explore how in the novels ' Great Expectations' and ' Jane Eyre' by Charles Dickens and Charlotte Bronte, the authors use language to create suspense and tension and how this enhances the storyline for a reader. Both the stories begin by studying the life of a young unfortunate →

Learning a second language

This interference can happen in both directions: just as the L2 is influenced by the L1, the L1 can assimilate to the L2. Mennen pursued the question of whether Dutch non-native speakers of Greek are able to produce cross-linguistic differences in the timing of peak alignments in both their languages.

Trends in global laptop computer industry

A business has to understand the dynamics of its industries and markets in order to compete effectively in the marketplace. The power of customers is reflected in the change in buying behavior.

Gender based theories of crime

With the use of weapons, fighting for honor and glory, and being seen as a peacekeeper for home and country, men are revered as the solid ground at the heart of the nation. The main idea of the gender-based theories is that society, as a whole, is considered to be patriarchal, or male-based.

Joy luck club film analysis

She had wanted to give the feather to her daughter and tell her, " This feather may look worthless, but it comes from afar and carries with it all my good intentions." This story is a reoccurring element in the film. In this film, it can be argued that this is an indirect way for →

Autobiographical deductions: doyle’s characters and context

Watson is to Holmes in the beginning of this novel, but as Doyle grew and graduated medical school that he came how to describes Holmes to be. Throughout, " A Study in Scarlet" we learn much of who Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is through the characters of Sherlock Holmes and Dr.

Editorial: public health nutrition in the middle east

The Editorial on the Research Topic Public Health Nutrition in the Middle East The Middle East is one region in desperate need for public health nutritionists and public health nutrition strategies to address the ever escalating burden of diet-related diseases. The fact that public health nutrition aims to address lifestyle- and nutrition-related health problems that →

Classical liberalism concepts essay (article)

These philosophers also believed that the right to own, profit from, and dispose of private property rather than living as serfs, tied to the land without owning it, would contribute to the health and wealth of the nation. An early and tangible objection to the treatment of laborers in the time of Classical Liberalism came →