1800 Words Essay Samples

Nigerian culture: the joys of motherhood and the present day

To begin, Buchi Emecheta, author of The Joys of Motherhood, was born to Ibuza parents in Lagos, Nigeria, in the year of 1944. In this novel, Nnu Ego portrays the blood, sweat, and tears that Emecheta and other Nigerian women put in for their children to become successful and have a better life.

Asssessment of the country road business

From the points of attitudes or orientations stated above and on the desired entry of Country Road to the Hong Kong market it is recommended for it to apply the ethnocentric orientation rather than that of polycentric, regiocentric and geocentric. Since it is recommended on the earlier discussions that Country Road must follow ethnocentrism approach β†’

Tui itm 550 network administration assignment

Parker A network administrator is a person responsible for the maintenance of computer hardware and software that comprises a computer network. One of the chief jobs of a network administrator is connectivity.

The scandal of larry craig

Larry Craig was the main person affected because of this incident, probably because he was the main person involved. The last person that was affected because of this incident was Mike Jones and the officer that arrested him.

Algae applications and properties

Algae exist in two different forms, the unicellular in the figure of microalgae and the multicellular in the form of macroalgae. The Microalgae figure of algae constitutes of a varied group of photosynthetic and heterotrophic organisms that have the potential to act as a cultivate energy crop.

Shawshank redemption analysis essay

What feelings does it leave you with; During the film a strong sense of hatred towards the warden who is revealed to be a terrible man; Very happy when Andy Defense escapes and builds his life in Mexico with Red; Makes one question the flaws of our Justice system as a man like Andy was β†’

Globalization and the role of nongovernmental organization and transnational corporations assignment

Transnational Corporations, on the other hand, are the result of the liberalization of trade and markets since World War II and more recently, the end of the Cold War. The reasons that Gordenker and Weiss mentioned are the honorable reasons for the IMF but the truth according to Joseph Stiglitz is that NGO's are more β†’

A book the coming prince

Anderson states in his book The Coming Prince, " The rebuilding by decree of Jerusalem, the triumphant entry by Jesus on the 8th of Insane into Jerusalem, Jesus' crucifixion, and finally in DAD the destruction of the temple are all fulfillment of Daniels prophetic vision in chapter 9. Jesus reads the passage from Isaiah 61 β†’

Hierarchy of courts essay

The highest position in the judiciary of Malaysia is the Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Malaysia which also known as the Chief Justice of Malaysia, followed by the President of the Court of Appeal, the Chief Judge of Malaya, and the Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak. The superior courts are the High β†’

What is black history month?

Woodson, " one of the first black Americans to receive a Ph.D.fromHarvarduniversity", was disturbed in the lack of knowledge and availability of Black History in America of any kind. Retrieved March 4, 2009, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst? a= o&d= 5008550464 " Black History Month: the History of Black History." Infoplease.

Unbelievable horrors

The paper compares the cost of renovating elder prisons to the costs of creating new facilities. The monetary resources needed to ring the structure back to its momentum were too vast and in 1971, the state of Pennsylvania closed the doors to the once famous prison.

Responsible business marketing: bp case study

Through 1960 to 1970, there were multiple oil discoveries happening in Alaska and the North Sea; this lead to an agreement happening between the Standard Oil Co.of Ohio and the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co.in 1969, which resulted in the transportation of fuel in the largest oil field in the United States. The foundation of their green β†’

Development in mobile and internet technology media essay

The development of internet is so severe that it funded virtual currency which allows trading virtual currency to real currency, it also funded multiple internet companies who operate solely based on virtual advertising, transfer of funds through the World Wide Web and the development of software to assist themselves and the general public and using β†’

The development of modern social thought

Marx's understanding of there being two main classes, those in power and those in not, is important in modern social thought as all Marxists will use it to argue that there is a lack of equality and too large a divide between the two classes. Marx believed that modern society was more of a result β†’

Flanders field, fall in and anthem for doomed youth essay

By the end of the war, he changed his opinion and was horrified by what was happening during the war and what he had done at the beginning of it. The title of the poem, ' In Flanders Fields' is repeated several times, showing that all the imagery we are picturing is a field with β†’

The impact of the haiti earthquake on the environment

The environment in and around Port-Au-Prince was greatly affected, were the built environment, water supply and sanitation, woodland, agriculture and coastline and fisheries felt the effects of the earthquake. According to the United Nations environment programme the major impact and issue in the area due to the earthquake is the extent of the vast amounts β†’

Contemporary logistics

Basically, what happens in supply chain is that the manufacturing company needs to take care from scratch, i.e.from the every beginning phase of getting the raw materials, which are used in the manufacturing of the product. Supply Chain Inventory Management and the Value of Shared Information.

Early years care and education: history and policies

This essay explores the range of early year settings that are involved in the care and education of young children, and discuss the roles and responsibilities of the professionals who work at these settings. The 1870 Education Act also known as the " Forster Act", that we have the real birth of the modern system β†’

Black & economic structure

One of his Malcolm's teachers laughs at him and tells the class that " though the slaves have been freed, black people are still lazy and dumb." When an adult says something like that to a child, the child is more than likely going to believe the teacher and begin to think of him or β†’

Do objects exist independent of the mind?

Locke's argument in support is that we can be sure of the limits of our knowledge of their existence because of the ideas we obtain from our senses. It follows then that the level of certainty in establishing a case for the existence of external objects knowledge using the senses is limited.

Causes of mental health and bullying in prison criminology essay

The physical environment in prisons such as overcrowding, quality of accommodation, availability of contact with friends and family, lack of stimulation in the form of activities, may have an impact on the prisoner's mental health as well as contributing to the development of bullying in prison. The cause of prison overcrowding and an increase in β†’

Compensation case study

Ordinarily, the management of people at work is an integral part of the management process, put differently, managers need to understand the critical importance of people In their organizations so as to recognize that the human element and the organization are synonymous. To establish the relationship between compensation, benefits and Job satisfaction among academic librarians β†’

The biology of wetlands essay

The term " wetlands" is often associated with the image of the coastal marsh a muddy area that is teeming with a variety of animal life and emergent vegetation such as mangroves, rush and cord-grass. But wetlands are actually areas that are characterized by the formation of hydric soils and the existence of flora and β†’

Changing the story for billions of people

72% of the urban population of Africa now live in slums, and the proportion is 43% for Asia and the Pacific, 32% for Latin America, and 30% for the Middle East and Northern Africa. The vision is to create millions of small entrepreneurs, forming a new global market and generating a new cycle of trade β†’

Ethylene glycol

In the reactor all the ethylene oxide is converted into the four types of ethylene glycols, with the formation of MEG being the most favored. Due to the hydrolysis of ethylene oxide in water, some water is lost in the reaction and as well as in storage of the ethylene glycol products.

Case analysis for the heineken business commerce essay

To a B2B house, for illustration, the figure of people in the state is non a good index of how big the market is. In the instance of a beer company as Heineken, this would intend to licence a brewery in a state they wish to come in.

Small british firms and economic downturn

Though large and small scale firms all experience the effects economic downturn, they have a great disparity on ability to survive through periods of financial hardships, due to inequality in the available resources and sources of financial support, this poses the risk of prolonged risk on the recovery problem from the downturn menace. The most β†’

Nature and nurture: forming attitudes and behaviors

While on the other hand, some scientist suppose that people think and act according to the way they are being taught and this is then known as the " nurture" of human behavior. It is the same that apply to environment differences, as we are being raise up in distinct circumstance; therefore we act and β†’

14 life lessons from ramayana essay sample

Later in time, when his third wife Kaikeyi wanted the throne of Ayodhya for her own son Bharata and wanted Rama to be sent in exile to the forest, it was nothing short of a deathly blow to Dasarata. Respecting father's word of Honor Just on the previous night to Rama's crowning ceremony, Kaikeyi made β†’

The definition of a trademark and goodwill

Company X has built a reputation over the years and company Y by producing a product similar has somehow destabilize the sales, customers and market share of company X which in the case above amounts to passing off. But in this case it is hard for a customer to clearly see the difference as the β†’

Sargon ii the assyrian king history essay

With the successful campaigns of Sargon II along came the changes of the political and economic structure of the empire. Sargon II continues to campaign in 716 during his sixth year against the city of the Mannaeans.

Business statistics

With the complexity of the global search industry, an in-depth study of Google.com Company's formulation process offers a conclusive understanding of the organizational strategic management. Google's strategy is formulated around the basic strategic concept of quality, customer satisfaction and growth and has over the years served to organize the framework for the management system of β†’

The negative effects of television

In the book The Plug-ln Drug by Marle Winn, a book about the ill effects of television on the dfferent aspects of human life, it states " It is particularly hard for parents to buy the Idea that television instigates aggressive behavior when its function in the home is so different, elevision keeps children quiet β†’

Fate and destruction: the power of fate in aeneas’ journey essay

Turnus and Dido, both prominent figures in the epic poem who die at the hands of Aeneas, are affected by the Fate of the gods either directly or through Aeneas. The divine sway of the gods and Fate infringes on Aeneas' free will to control his life and remain a reluctant warrior until the power β†’

Section any offence, whereas section 149 does.

In a charge under Section 34 there is active participation in the commission of the criminal act, under Section 149 the liability arises by reason of the membership of the unlawful assembly with a common object, and there may be no active participation at all in the preparation or commission of the crime. Thus, if β†’

Cash management research

Management of cash is both the science and art of managing the short-term resources of a company so as to sustain mobilization of funds, ongoing activities and liquidity optimization. Working capital is also the investment of a company in current assets.

Similarities of sophocles’ plays characters and japanese samurai code

In fact, the actions of Odysseus directly goes against the principles within Bushido as he lies and only treats Philoctetes with respect when he is useful to Odysseus. This is because he does not immediately answer the call of duty when his master, Odysseus, asks him to fight for him.

Respect for autonomy verses beneficence and non beneficence law medical essay

There is a need of discussion of the ways in which respect for autonomy, obligations of beneficence and non-beneficence, can clash with the principle of justice, that would guide us to reflect on the above issue and in general. In order to respect for autonomy of patient by telling her the truth, the nurse must β†’

The between empathy and stigma directed at people

The aims of my research project are: investigate the relationship between empathy and stigma towards a person with schizophrenia and examine whether the severity of schizophrenia symptoms affects stigma. The Functional Remission of General Schizophrenia Scale and the Personal and Social Performance Scale was used to assess the level of functionality and quality of life β†’

Huburt watches case study essay

The first part includes the analysis of the segmentation and target of Hublot watches and Its major competitors. 4% of the market share which is the second of the luxury watch brands, and its " Seamaster" model is the most searched model in the world in 2012.

Social facilitation theory analysis

Allport gives explanation for social facilitation effects and says presence of others accelerates ' the idea of movement' and facilitates the performance and ' over-rivalry, distraction and emotions' leads to inhabiting the performance. The Drive Theory of Social Facilitation is applicable in practice where one wants to influence the learning effects.

William shakespeare and julius caesar history essay

I do think that Caesar's intentions were to become a tyrant because: He reduce the power of the Senate even though he increased the number of people in the senate from 300 to 900 senators In 59 B.C.he formed the First Triumvirate with Pompey and Crassus. In the play Caesar's mixing of his public image β†’

Product design argumentative essay

To optimise all the stages of development, the design of a product must consider every aspect of the lifecycle in a holistic sense and not view each of them in an isolated manner. Each and every phase of different aspects of a product design is a concurrent activity and the corresponding phase in the design β†’

Causes of ocd: genetics or environment?

There have been a lot of researches that tried to determine whether OCD is caused by genetic factors or environmental factors; therefore, to determine which of the two is the main cause, genetic evidences from twin, family, and association studies, and researches that involve environmental factors such as rearing practices, obsessive beliefs, and parenting would β†’

Organisational culture and change essay

Bringing me to the purpose of this essay, which is to explore the context of organisational culture in more depth and come to a more discernible conclusion about its relationship with strategic management. This view suggests that it is not always necessary to change the organisations culture in order to achieve an appropriate strategic change β†’

Resistance to nazism

The Nazi's arguably faced a lot of opposition between the years 1939-45 and not only from the army; who had the power of keeping up the morale of the citizens due to their military strengths and integrating part of the Nazi regime. The youth of the country also posed a threat to Hitler and the β†’

Developing effective communication in health and social care

I have been very impressed and learnt a lot from my observation how the communication has been carried out between teacher to students, students to students, teacher to member of staff or parents etc. Verbal communication used by the teacher is very effective in a way that she can maintain her authority and keeps control β†’

The ideal reader in don juan and tristram shandy

As Melvyn New observes, however, Sterne has created an irrational narrator through purposeful and intricately planned style: a ' carefully crafted impression of carelessness and abandon.' The illogical series of events and confused chronology is begun by his promise to start from the beginning, and ' to go on tracing every thing in it, as β†’

Obesity and social demographics in the us

As a matter of fact this is a health condition that has become common to the American citizens and the rest of the world. This is not all, the health care expenditures are also high, and hence the government and the public suffer in paying for services that would reduce the overall effects of obesity.

Tokyo midtown’s architecture development

The cultural and historical valuable of the palace was abandoned, that the landscape of palace is cut off by the wall as an island, and there is no associated development next to the palace. The Tokyo Midtown a welcoming and attractive space which can stimulate the social and cultural interaction, thus the life of the β†’

History: thomas jefferson and chapter

The article was the Native Americans and how they were here before Columbus " discovered" the new world. One thing the interested me was the ringing of the bell in the community when someone was sick.

“patriarchy” is no longer a useful concept?

04 leatures 11 and 12.] The way in which society used to be, was that once the content of 'patriarchy' had been established, it was used strongly in every society and in many different ways, creating sexual politics, where men were seen as the dominant sex class and the treatment of women, through this patriarchy β†’

Death and dying in hinduism and islam religion essay

Among all of them, the most common experience is that a person's death always leaves the shadowy moment among all the relatives and the family members. The faith of all Islam people is that the body and spirit unite together.

Augmentation therapy in treatment-resistant depression

Although beneficial at the time of treatment, the recurrences, as in case with non-ECT treatment, occurred within two to four years of a previous episode of MDD. Depression worsened to the point where she started to not care of the baby after childbirth and also started to have poor sleep and appetite; she felt like β†’

Editorial: bone marrow adipose tissue: formation, function, and impact on health and disease

The Editorial on the Research Topic Bone Marrow Adipose Tissue: Formation, Function, and Impact on Health and Disease Enthusiasm surrounding bone marrow adiposity has accelerated in recent years, motivated by numerous factors: adipocytes are abundant within the BM, BM adiposity increases in diverse pathophysiological states, and BM adipocytes can exert diverse effects both within and β†’

Prevalence of adverse reactions of antibiotics

Aims and Objectives: The investigation of the association between the use of antibiotics during life span and the subsequent development of asthma and allergic disorders is the main theme of this study. Through our study we came to know that most of the skin reactions were caused by the antibiotic and incidence of very severe β†’

Measuring responses of spinach leaves in various light waves

Photosynthesis: Measuring the responses of Spinach Leaves in various Light Waves The object of this study was to measure the amount of Spinach Floating Disks in each of the petri dishes per each experiment set. The more oxygen released from each of the disks increases the ability of the disk to float to the surface β†’

Role of imf in turkey’s crises of 2000 and 2001

On one hand, this international financial institution has participated in the development of a program for the reform of Turkish economic sector and provided financial assistance of over $28 billion for the country." From July 1999 to-date, the aggregate value of the IMF's officially approved assistance to Turkey amounted to 31. In order to make β†’

Quantitative and qualitative methodologies in logistics research

The basic understanding of this project is to evaluate and understand as to how the leaders cope with cultural diversity when it comes to spreading the wings of the management in the global village's sky. The main collection of data in this research is due to qualitative method and not due to quantitative method.

Major theories in sociology

Science is non-ethical in the sense that it deals with the study of events as they are and not what they should be. The main difference between science and sociology is that sociology is a branch of science and derives all its methods of investigation from it, where as common sense is in absolute contrast β†’

Measures taken by the malaysian government assignment

Fixed Exchange Rate Mechanism The far most efficient measures taken by the government of Malaysia to counter the crisis is the implementation of a fixed exchange rate regime from the previous free float exchange rate regime. Strong confidence and sentiment in the financial system was the cornerstone of any economy in the world.

Causes of the partition of india

The elections aggravated the significance of other turning points, to be explored as well, such as the formation of the Anglo-League Pact and the involvement of the British in Indian politics. A, Speeches and statements by the Marquess of Linlithgow.

Maintaining a sufficient primary care workforce: a problem we should not have

For example, both patients and providers highly value continuity of care, a defining characteristic of primary care and a feature related to lower costs and better outcomes. The importance of continuity of care in the likelihood of future hospitalization: is site of care equivalent to a primary clinician?

Analysis on beethoven’ s piano sonata no3, op 2

At first this may appear as a new section of the piece, but the discriminating listener will hear that this theme is in the dominant, ruling it out as a second principal theme inserted after the transition. The syncopated material in the last four bars of the first closing theme show a clear parallel to β†’

The effects of advertising assignment

Randall, from the university Of Dayton School Of Law, the size and number of billboards in minority communities have created an intrusive and persistent form of advertising. The tobacco industry poured millions of dollars into advertising in newspapers and magazines that serve the African- American community.

Marketing mix of nescafe assignment

Ensnare 3 in 1 Ensnare 3 in 1 is coffee is the combination of whitener and sugar along with coffee. It is the smoothest and fruitiest coffee in the Ensnare collection.

Career management of michele terry and joe francis flashcard

But, later, flexibility to relocate career goal and to cope with the environment made her satisfied with her career. Why? Answer: To manage Michele career effectively, she should continue her work as the head of the taskforce on a new market development and she must continue her outstanding performance.

Case analysis analysis essay

The relationship between the leader and the follower is determined by the effectiveness of communication. Informing function of leadership is about communicating to clarify the tasks and the method to achieve objectives.

The uk high street electronic market

The general trend in the UK is not different from anywhere else in the world in that it is retailers the final distributors of goods to the consumers. It is possible to look at its website and tell the areas that it is involved in since it is selling white as well as brown goods β†’

A comparison between britain’s and germany’s implementation of the neo-conservative model in governance

Similarly, " the fall of the West German Social Democratic Party in the 1982 coincided with a dramatic collapse of public confidence in the Schmidt administration's handling of the economy. This suggested a growing fragmentation of the party system and the diminishing credibility of the political process as a whole in the eyes of the β†’

History of brakes and principles of hydraulics engineering essay

However, the technology of the components and the design of the brake system have evolved throughout the years. The hydraulic brake system multiplied the force that was applied to the brake, lessening the amount of force needed to be applied to the brake pedal by the driver.

Different views as to when an individual can concider a belief knowledje of fact /truth ,rather then just unsubstantiated opinio

Gravity exists In Meditations I, Descartes revealed the beginning of his intellectual journey of doubt by writing, " Several years have now elapsed since I first became aware that I had accepted, even from my youth, many false opinions for true, and that consequently what I afterward based on such principles was highly doubtful; and β†’

Mid term break and out, out poems: main differences and similarities

The run on lines also creates a sense of urgency as Frost is portraying his anxiousness in order to tell his story and persuade the jury of the wrongfulness of the young boy's death. Finally, Heaney uses a contrast in his poem's tone in order to create a sense of innocents." The baby cooed and β†’

Good will hunting analysis

He has the brain of a genius and he decides to get into fights with people he does not like. He had to provoke his father, when his father came home drunk in order to keep his father away from his mother, and brother.

Sole proprietorship

The limited partner has a very limited control in the running of the business.B. Profit retention-The limited partner gets a percentage of the profits.E.

It us. however, despite the indisputable need

He said " the fact that, afterthe loss of the totality of my pharmaceutical remedies, the totality of mybooks, as well as these recipes of reputable remedies, as well as the variouseditions I wrote on them, in addition to so many other works, each one of whichexhibits that love of work that was mine my β†’

Thalassemia disorders essay sample

The most devastating of all the Thalassemia A disorders is Hydrops Fetalis or Alpha Thalassemia Major. If Thalassemia A is detected in utero, a technique which allows in utero blood transfusions to be performed may save the life of the unborn baby.

The comeback of caterpillar

The major decrease in the US industry is the result of the completion of the interstates, giant dams, and other construction buildings. Distribution and service network is the essential part of the industry because the inability to operate the equipment is very expensive.

Hadith is what prophet muhammad said religion essay

This is all related to Islam and its about religion people from all the world wants to learn and to know more about Islam, hadith what is going to help learning the ethics of Islam, hadith has mentioned in Quran its referring to wisdom and who ever bring to us the hadith such as Muslim β†’

Epidemiology: identifying the potential spread of infections assignment

The observations recorded from the description of the disease can provide measures of the disease frequency, which were helpful in estimating the number of people affected and to what extent the disease, could spread. The constant surveillance is an ongoing system used to monitor the changes in the trend of the distribution of the infectious β†’

Applying the triz principles

This book is true to the first and most fundamental principles of TRIZ and even the section on the formulation of functions advocates a disciplined approach. These breaks down into two major subcategories according to the laws of technological system evolution which are a set of methodologies on the development of conceptual system designs and β†’

Communication in nursing

Therefore for the purpose of this essay the patient discussed is referred to as Miss C, and any personal or identifiable information has also been altered so as to protect her privacy and dignity which are also enshrined in the Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of Conduct. Miss C was keen to talk about her β†’

A theme of grief in missing women story

The short story " Missing Women," written by June Spence, portrays the changing stages of grief through the characterization of the town, which displays the real-world concept of how media coverage molds the flexible minds of its viewers. With the help of missing posters, billboards, and newspaper articles, the physical forms of the missing persons β†’

Controllable fate: a refutation of mary’s attitude in long day’s journey into night

For example, Mary Tyrone, the wife of James Tyrone, struggles to live in tranquility during the present due to her morphine addiction that began in the past. Mary and the rest of the Tyrone family have the ability to direct their lives; the decisions that the Tyrone family has made in the past influenced the β†’

Body cameras might help police officers better deal with the false accusations and increased animosity

The topic of Cameras on cops is a slightly controversial one, most of it comes from the little information it is in the public eye. Thus there has been multiple studies in and out side of the us, the importance of privacy from the watch eye of the camera, you cannot forget the importance of β†’

The reciprocating pump and fluid mechanics engineering essay

The mechanical energy is been converted in to the pressure energy and takes place due to the suction of the liquid into the cylinder in which the piston is having a reciprocating motion. It is been known so as in the particular design the pump rod is a direct extension of the piston rod in β†’

Eco friendly construction methods and materials

It combines the speed, quality and accuracy of factory/offsite produced ready-mixed concrete and formwork with the flexibility and economy of cast in-situ construction. Ecological building materials may be of benefit for the comfort and to contribute to the smaller environmental impacts caused by the construction of the house.

Human growth and development case study: chris

Patterns of attachments have a bearing on how children cope with new experiences during their informative years." Attachment behaviour is held to characterise human beings from the cradle to the grave" Abraham Maslow developed a hierarchy of needs and believed in self-actualisation and described this as " the ultimate goal of human life". Central to β†’

A purposeless pilgrimage: the canterbury tales

Chaucer was not the only one to shine light on the religious hypocrisy, but he allowed even those of lower standing to become knowledgeable with the publishing of The Canterbury Tales. The Canterbury Tales altered the standing of the Roman Catholic Church by expressing to the common man that corruption existed within the commonly accepted β†’

Minimum wage structure proposition by dr chua economics essay

Typically, non-market economic system is greater and general in the societies that lack of engineering cognition. In decision, judging the economic system end product public presentation and lifting criterion of populating entirely on the per capita income is non accurate.

New insights on the intrinsic, pro-apoptotic effect of igfb3 in breast cancer

This paper of Perks et al.has the merit of having dissected a major pathway activated by unliganded IGFBP3, which may induce both pro-apoptotic and pro-survival effects in a context-specific manner. A third question to be answered is how the tumor microenvironment may influence IGFBP3 expression, and how the effects of IGFBP3 in CAFs and epithelial β†’

Path dependence

In the narrower way, Margaret Levi suggests that the concept is related to increasing return processes, " the probability of further steps along the same path increases with each move down that path...the costs of exit of switching to some previously plausible alternative rise" The related ideas of path dependence in physics and mathematics come β†’

Impacts of whakama and implications on hauora outcome

Feeling inferior: Some client feel inferior to discuss our problems with others and they feel agitate while exposed their body parts in the front of doctor and health worker and they feel uncomfortable when they explain their problem with doctor and health worker. Code of rights: Treat the client with respect, treat with care and β†’

Richard rogers architect biography

Richard even became the Chief Advisor on Architecture and Urbanism to the Mayor of London, he has also been a chairman of the Tate Gallery and Honorary Trustee of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Richard was at first reluctant to put this design forward as he was confident that the French government β†’