1600 Words Essay Samples

Which of the dramatic technique used by r c sheriff in journey’s end

This reminds us of the importance of trivial things to keep the men sane; in the play the smallest things are the only way in which the men can keep out the horrors of war. Raleigh is hit and is ordered by Stanhope to be put in the officer's dug out.

Analyse the media devices and techniques used in two film trailers (‘war of the worlds’ and ‘happy feet’) and comment on their effectiveness

The film trailer we watched for ' War of the Worlds' was the teaser trailer, so it was shorter and did not contain as much information as the Internet and theatrical trailers.' War of the Worlds' is an action movie, with parts of it fitting in the science fiction genre. Tom Cruise is clearly the →

Rural rebranding of blaenau ffestiniog essay sample

From the data collected from questionnaires of Blaenau Ffestiniog, many people think that there has only been some change, but this was not on the physical redevelopment, but more about recycling and culture and leisure. But in Blaenau Ffestiniog, there were groups of people, either from the bus or from school, and then the odd →

Sociological methods of research

Secondary research may not be specific enough for researchers needs which in that case means they may have to look at more than one source to come to a conclusion and not only that but more than necessary time is taken up, also information given by the secondary data are sometimes questionable which is why →

Principles of human resource management

The potential downside is if the wrong person is hired you are committed and reversing the decision is costly is all respects". A decision is then made as to the role of the employee.

Editorial: the past and the future of human immunity under viral evolutionary pressure

Editorial on the Research Topic The Past and the Future of Human Immunity Under Viral Evolutionary Pressure " Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution " was argued by Theodosius Dobzhansky in 1973. This conflict manifests in the genetic variability of Influenza viruses, a result of the absence of proof-reading by →

The stoning of soraya m. essay

From the title of the movie, the viewer knows to expect some gruesome content, however the way in which the story as well as the tension builds up uniformly, allows the viewer to prepare for an unpleasantly surprising ending.' Not without my daughter' is an example of a movie that has quite a drastic change →

Resistance of rituals in youth culture

The 1950's were seen as a time of change for the youth within Britain, to the extent of being seen as the " vanguard of social change". Cohen looked at youth within the east end of London and how the change in the working class community led to the arising of youth subcultures.

Politics in joyce’s “a portrait of the artist as a young man”

The background of the novel is the anti-colonial movement against the British in nineteenth century Ireland, which had begun with the Act of Union in 1800, making Ireland a part of the United Kingdom, and abolishing a separate Irish Parliament in Dublin. The novel, as stated earlier, is set in the Revolutionary Ireland of 1880 →

The case of r. v. fraser: masculinity and homophobia in the criminal justice system

For the purpose of this essay, I will analyze and explain the roles that hegemonic masculinity, heteropatriarchy and homophobia within our Criminal Justice System played in the unfortunate death of Gordon Bjornson as well as in the trial of Fraser. In the Canadian context, a hegemonic male is a " white, middle class, heteronormative, abled →

Travel agency essay sample

To the Travel Agencies- This research will help to promote Travel Agency as the readers become aware of the important role of it in the Hospitality Industry. Statement of the Problem: This research intends to investigate the role of a Travel Agency in the Tourism Industry.1.

Editorial: non-coding rnas and human diseases

Non-coding RNAs in the regulation of gene expression: physiology and disease. 1038/nrg1379 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar H ttenhofer, A, and Vogel, J.

The duality of the ever-dreamy tom wingfield essay

Williams almost unrealistically and literally ' distorted reality' itself as he mixed the impossible Amanda, Tom and Laura Wingfield into one batter of bittersweet yet fragile family dependence and responsibility, whereupon Amanda acts as the second provider of the family and the one who ensures her children's success, Tom being responsible as the father-figure replacement →

Clarifying homosexuality and natural law assignment

The author is -? we are told by the dust Jacket -? an " openly gay professor": who has turned his attention to the lives of gay people in American and to the ethical issues raised by society's perception and treatment of gays. The reigning assumption is that it is the function of science to →

Subaltern realism mohammed ayoob analysis

In the end of 1980s and beginning of the 1990s; Mohammad Ayoob, a scholar of international relations, proposed and developed the subaltern realism theory. The theory provides a critical tool for the root and main causes of current conflict and state behaviors in the Third World.

Editorial: microorganisms for a sustainable viticulture and winemaking

Editorial on the Research Topic Microorganisms for a Sustainable Viticulture and Winemaking During the last decades, wine production in most countries is based on the use of commercial yeast and lactic acid bacteria strains leading to the colonization of the wineries and vineyards by these strains, and in the increasing use of chemical pesticides to →

Rhetorical analysis

This letter is such a masterpiece because of King's appeal to ethos and kairos. In retaliation, king seized on the kairos of that situation and jotted a reply to the clergymen.

The department and those that are sometimes assigned

The real problem arises when the order is placed for want of preciseness in the description of goods needed, the items are received and these are not acceptable to the user department and it also becomes difficult to convince the suppliers to return the goods in case of faulty supplies. Most important function of a →

Trump’s position on personal privacy

The increased probability of cyber-attack and cyber-warfare, the history of data security at the governmental level and what events precipitated data security to be taken more seriously in the first place, and, perhaps most importantly, the importance of a position of coordinator at the White House for the protection of sensitive information. The conclusion in →

The role of slavery in roman comedy

The Role of Slavery in Roman Comedy The theater of the Roman Empire was very similar to that of the Greek theater. One of the most recurring themes in Greek and Roman Theater is that of the master and the slave.

English law and entrapment

This is shown R V Sang[5]" the fact that the counsellor or procurer is a policeman or informer, although it may be of relevance in mitigation of penalty for the offence, cannot affect the guilt of the principal offender [6]". Of these two remedies the grant of a stay, rather than the exclusion of evidence →

Black skin what masks: a description of insanity

The friend buys closets and closets of clothing and yet the narrator is the one without money, the friend accuses him of drinking too much but is the one to lose consciousness where he sits and above all, no one ever speaks to both of them; only one or the other. The friend accuses the →

Analysis of manufacturing in bangladesh

Analysis of manufacturing in Bangladesh BY catgut_723 Stardust Report Analysis of Manufacturing in Bangladesh The Purpose of the Report Thank you for your confidence and trust in me regarding your current concerns about Stardust's manufacturing options for the future. Like the situation in the chocolate and coffee industries in different areas of the world, child →

The rigid application of the rule in pinnel’s case has frequently caused hardship essay

The doctrine of Promissory Estoppel was developed in the late nineteenth century for the purpose of preventing injustice where one party goes back on their promise when the other party is in reliance of that promise. In Pinnel's case3, the courts held that payment of a lesser sum on the day cannot satisfy the payment →

Introduction thus end up experiencing culture shock. in

Due to overbearing variations between the internalized and foreign cultures, such individuals suffer from an allay of often negative experiences, including the strain and stress of adapting to the new culture, a profound sense of loss, apprehension and impotence arising from incapacity to cope with the new environment, confusion in self-identity, and a feeling of →

Persuasive essay

The other consideration is that it? s easier than ever to change an animal protein diet, which is filled with saturated animal fat and an over indulgence in meat protein, to a vegetarian diet. The vegetarian diet is a perfect way to lower calorie intake whereas animal protein, dairy and animal fats are all high →

Influenza assignment essay sample

At the turn of the century, the United States encountered one of the most deadly pandemics the world has ever known the Spanish flu. The other people in the group all seem to be at equal risk of catching the flu, however, I choose Bogey and Helen to give the vaccines to because there are →

Grand challenges in fungal genomics and evolution

Yet, their low proportions, the presence of a cell wall, and the lack of appropriate universal markers and reference databases makes it difficult to study them and severely limits our understanding of the microbial ecosystem. The study of the role of fungi in diverse ecosystems, and the analysis of their interactions with other organisms will →

Chronic cough associated with chronic’s disease

Foot deformities can be congenital or acquired and can be defined as any disorder or abnormality of the foot, either affecting or not affecting the usual structure and or function of the foot. Club foot causes adductus of the forefoot cavus, varus of the heel, and equinus of the foot as well as a small →

Preference for solitary play

The purpose of the current study was to determine whether children exhibited a preference for solitary play, same gendered play, or opposite gendered play. Each child was observed one child at a time for 20 intervals of 30 seconds, and recorded the category of play that the child was engaging in.

Entrepreneur observation report 1619

The fact that he will sell a rabbit for roughly the same price as a chicken the year before I consider the price of his rabbits to be low to medium. He is able to price the rabbits this low because he is producing them compared to buying each chicken as a chick and raising →

What is the blue ocean strategy commerce essay

The business universe can be thought as a composition of two kinds of oceans the first is the red ocean and second one is the blue ocean. Blue ocean strategy describes that it is all about to reconstruct boundaries of market to break away from the competition and create blue oceans.

Risperidone-associated neuroleptic malignant syndrome in an inpatient with schizophrenia, with successful rechallenge and 3 year follow-up

Because the vital signs of patient were stable during the recovery from neuroleptic malignant syndrome, we did not apply dantrolene and bromocriptine, but the patient was given lorazepam 0. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome and serotonin syndrome.

How to write an asa style paper

Here you need to include the full title of the work on the cover page, your full name and surname, and the overall word count of the paper. After the title, add a separate page which should be dedicated to introducing the topic of your essay.

“dr. daedalus” by lauren slater essay sample

Slater is wrong when she thinks that we become more animal like when we change ourselves to become more animal like, because what makes us unique is our ability to imitate. Keeping all this in mind, we can base the idea that when our bodies change, and we become more animal like, our mentality is →

The seventh-day adventist religion essay

Seventh-day Adventists follow most of the beliefs of conventional conservative christians such as creation, the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden, the original sin, the virgin birth, and the divinity of Christ. This represents the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as the death of the " old man" and →

Classical music from 1760 to 1810

Explain the meaning of the term and how it relates to the music of that time. Even in his later works the contrasts were seldom as clearly established as in the compositions of Mozart and early Beethoven.

The peopling and history of tanzania history essay

Although the native Tanzanians have been distanced from the history of the emergence of complexity in the region, recent studies have shown that the indigenous people of the country were active players in the process that led to the more complexity Tanzania societies in the years following sixteenth century. The Peopling of Tanzania, In Kimambo, →

The impossible trinity reveals economics essay

The fixed exchange rate regime enables a home currency to be pegged to a single currency; to a basket of currencies or to an economic unit of gold. The selling of home currency to buy the foreign currency with the higher interest rate would result in a decrease in demand for the home currency in →

In act i what do we learn about the political and personal situation in denmark

The first instance through which we begin our understanding of the social situation in Denmark is through thee first scene of Act I.immediately and economically, using fragments of conversation; he establishes a mood of anxiety and dread. There are a chain reaction of events that take place due to Hamlet and his indecisiveness, beginning with →

Terror management theory

The study will be looking at how the manipulation of mortality salience affects the ratings of two world leaders, predicting that they will rate highest the world leader which identifies the most with their cultural worldview. The participants will be asked to fill in an identification scale on being British, a word search where the →

Do human right protections in the uk go too far?

The position adopted by the Strasbourg court is that the blanket ban in UK law on the rights of convicted prisoners to vote in elections is incompatible with Article 3 of Protocol 1 of the ECHR, and it has ordered the UK to amend its law accordingly. It is used as a tool to help →

Spirituality in life of pi and the great gatsby

Devoutness, Difficulty, and Determination The novel, Life of Pi, shares affinities and discrepancies with the novel, The Great Gatsby. The presence of spirituality is prevalent in the book Life of Pi, but The Great Gatsby, reveals the presence less explicitly compared to the Life of Pi.

Writing the report

Background My investigation of the Roanoke Branch consisted of a 2 day observation of the branch's operations, meetings and question and answer sessions with the individual departments and surveys administered to the employees and to the 4 clients that have complained to Mr. In the third phase I will return to the Roanoke branch in →

Sampling case study essay sample

In your opinion, was the researchers' method of sampling likely to result in " a large, diverse sample" of patients? Submit your opinion to the case study to this threaded discussion.

Serum electrolytes in tribes of chikhaldhara region

The present cross sectional study was undertaken among the trible people of Chikhaldhara Region to estimate and compare some biochemical parameters such as Sodium and Potassium, concentration in different age groups of trible Male and Female. Potassium must sometimes be conserved also, but as amount of potassium in the blood plasma is very small and →

House of the scorpion chapters 15 – 25

Why was Matt pulled out of bed in the middle of the night and then rushed to the hospital with Celia? Where does Tam Lin tell the members of El Patron's army he is taking Matt?

Health and social essay sample

Allow time for service users to use the toilet to urinate and defecate in private, provide seating in the bathroom so service users do not have to sit on the toilet to be shaved or have teeth cleaned and adhere to toileting guidelines and respond promptly to incidents of incontinence. Incontinence needs to be assessed →

The optimistic philosophy

A philosophy is defined as a comprehensive system of ideas about human nature and the nature of the reality we live in. In this category, Objectivism states that there is but one reality, and it is the one that we live in in.

About social security and child support tribunal law employment essay

HM Courts and Tribunals administer many of them although some are the responsibility of the devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The Social Security and Child Support Tribunal is part of HM Courts & Tribunals Service, an agency of the Ministry of Justice.

Thelonious monk essay sample

Monk was both ahead of his time, and deeply rooted in tradition, and used his extraordinary gift of perfect pitch to learn songs and memorize them fast. Jazz was spirit of the country, and Monk's music was perfect for the time, even though it was not being appreciated by all for what it was.

Promoting better patient care

If there is any conflict in the decision making process then they can put it across to the experienced and reliable person in the committee or seek the help from the associations that work in the similar fashion. This way the team can get cross trained and work with the common mission to help the →

The chaos of modernity in the maltese falcon and acquainted with the night

The introduction of Polhaus could not be more different from the introduction of Spade: Spade, being the " blond satan," is immediately characterized as a person of great effect whether that effect is wholesome or devilish is ambiguous, but it stands that his image is striking and elicits a reaction. It is this state of →

Conflict resolution project | case study

For this vacation, Pat wants to go to the shore and relax by the water, Chris wants to go hiking and camping in the mountains. Chris is not regarding the facts that Pat does contribute more to the trip and is not considering her choice of where to go.

Application of developmental theories to fictional character

Both theorists are some of the many that provide important information of the importance of how childhood social and personality emerges through the interaction of social influences, maturation, and a child's representation of not only the world but of themselves. Erik Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development and Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development provide the influence →

Rita hayworth and the shawshank redemption

He conveyed the message of: " I own this place and all who choose to visit it" to a tee. I was impressed by the films portrayal of prison life and by the approach that was used in bringing it to life.

Thomas hobbes, john locke and samuel rutherford

He believes that the real sovereign is the people and that all government officials, including the monarch, should be subject to the rule of law and the rule of men as well. The implementation of laws and government serving as a check upon the ruler would be in the best interest of the people.

Is complete certainty achievable in mathematics?

She is not very certain about the calculations and so she will not be able to attain complete certainty about that topic in chemistry. On the other hand, it can also be argued that it is possible to achieve complete certainty in mathematics and natural sciences.

The struggle of black culture in america

Through symbolism, setting, and dialogue, it is possible to tell the difference between the life of the white male, and the black male. The dream of the white man was to own a good business, as in the black families suffered towards having a good future.

The lives of others and rudds sorry speech

The Lives of Others? we are introduced to the power and authority of the Stasi through the characters of Minister Hempf and Grubitz, who is Wiesler? s superior. We observe the great struggle of change and how change is an on-going process.

Post-colonial identity in midnight’s children

Several controversial issues are discussed in the novel, as it describes the life story of Salim Sinai and the experiences Salim had in a post-colonial independent India and shows the hidden fear of indigenous Indians as a result of the colonial period which was full of slavery and deceit. This can show the outcome of →

A world without transportation essay sample

Whether it be automobiles, trains, airplanes, boats, or even bicycles, we have come to depend on these forms of transportation to do the things we want to do and go the places we want to go. Over the years, we have become so dependent on these forms of transportation to help us get the job →


The densities of these lipoproteins are correlated to the relative parts of lipids to proteins in the complex. The bigger the protein amount the larger the density of the lipoprotein.

Commentary: attentional control and the self: the self-attention network (san)

At the very least, the model should specify the relationship between the regions proposed to support own-name biases and the broader networks subserving lexical processing, in general, and proper names, in particular. 1037/a0029792 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Sui, J, Yankouskaya, A, and Humphreys, G.W.

A reflective account of the impact of psychosocial and cultural issues nursing essay

She seemed to be having a varied diet, although at her last visit to her GP at the beginning of the year, she was informed that she had impaired fasting glucose. The patient reported that the support of her son had helped her through the grieving process and that she had accepted the loss and →

Effects of alzheimer’s and risk factors

In the following paper we will discuss the disease process including causes and risk factors, the effects on the client's activities of daily living, the challenges with social, family, spiritual and cultural life, disease prevention and treatment along with long term management, and lastly, nursing care and interventions that can facilitate the life of a →

Democracy of goods in contemporary consumer culture media essay

The term democracy was defined as " equal access to consumer products and by depicting the everyday functioning of that democracy with regard to one product at a time, these tableaux offered Americans an inviting vision of their society as an incontestable equality" According to Onufrijchuk in Leiss et al 1997: 50 " the course →

Marriage and introduction cohabitation essay

As for hedonism known as " belief in the sexual values", they give the fact that students, or any other people, following hedonistic sexual values also have the trend of cohabitation, when the relativistic ones and absolutist in these merits youngsters are more reluctant to it. Conclusion The findings indicate that cohabitation is not really →

Hollands theory of types applied to case study

Both tools took into account the uniqueness of individual or personality, and identifiable characteristics of a field of work offered the idea of categorizing in to groups. She went on to say as a child she wrote poems and was at one time interest in working in front of the camera.

Comparative analysis of british and chinese culture management

A Comparative Analysis of British and Chinese Culture and Identification of Management Strategies for Chinese Cultural Environments Introduction The United Kingdom and China at first glance seem very different cultures, they have very contrasting histories. When examining British culture under the lens of Hofstede's dimensions the UK shows cultural traits that are similar to its →

The political 1960’s and postmodern italian design: ettore sottsass

Italian design evolved between 1950s and 1960s.at the terminal of the sixtiess, the designs that were in the market burned out and were replaced by null formalisation of design which majored on commercial solutions.in this text, account on the designed objects is paramount, the fiction of the designed parts harmonizing to the methodological analysis of →

Exploiting songs to promote learning essay

In this presentation, I am going to talk about the importance of using songs in teaching English as a foreign language, types of songs that can be used in the EFL classrooms and, beside these theoretical points, I am going to give practical teaching tips for how to use songs in EFL classrooms. 6- Poems, →

Dulce et decorum est and charge of the light brigade analysis

First we must research and discuss the historical background of the two poets." The charge of the light brigade" by Alfred Lord Tennyson is a poem describing the account of British soldiers and their humiliating defeat at the hands of the Russians and all that it entailed." Dulce et Decorum est" by Wilfred Owen describes →

The process of decision making in the road not taken by robert frost

In actuality the entire poem is focused on the narrator's decision regarding which road to travel and the consequences that will come as a result of his choice which emphasizes the claim that Frost is trying to make. In the last stanza of the poem, the narrator admits that he is " telling this with →

Whether a relationship exists between the mind and the brain

This paper is an attempt to address the causality problem of the mind and the brain. In this sense, the mind is an extension and the " superior" of the brain.

Personal plan proposal | leadership

I believe anyone can be a leader by motivation and applying the self to become a leader. As a follower I would want a leader that has direction that can be trusted, have a vision and hope for the department or organization.

Laos secret war

But also the reason the Hmong chose to fight on the side that they did, and it reason to fight in the conflict. A recruiter to Northern Laos to recruiter fighter to fight against the communist in the area and to keep them out of Laos.

Standardized tests oppress the individual

Superficial thinking means that students are being tested on the lowest level of rigor in a subject.he test is instead about how the question is worded and not the correct way to do the problem, therefore giving students the ability to find the answer without needing to have prior knowledge of the topic. The setup →

Report-bush school essay

In reconciliation I am committed to participating and learning more about the local custodians and culture in a spirit of mutual honour and respect. Describe the links between the Bush School experience and the weekly unit topics in reference to Indigenous Education in Australia, citing specific example from course learning material and themes with the →

The purpose of barium swallow health and social care essay

The other indicant for Ba sup is, to bespeak carcinoma of the gorge includes one of the most common malignant of the gorge is ardeno carcinoma. The process begins with the patient in the vertical or vertical place and the cup of thin Ba is placed in the patients left manus closed to the left →

Review of lawrence bohr’s organization

Some of his books include Explaining Organizational Behavior: The Limits and Possibilities of Theory and Research and The Causes of Human Behavior: Implications for Theory and Method In the Social Sciences. He has also written a lot of journal articles and papers-Some of his works Include Determinants of Innovation In Organizations and The Concept of →

Concepts and inspiration from vertebrate immune system biology essay

While many inside informations of the immune mechanisms and procedures are still unknown to worlds, research workers have identified that the immune system is a multilevel defence system which acts in both parallel and consecutive mode.[ ++ ]Depending on the type of the pathogen, and the manner it gets into the organic structure, the immune →

Is global warming the greatest scam in history?

97 percent or more of climate scientists have reached the consensus that the increase in global temperature is true and is extremely likely due to human activities.[1] The credibility of man-made global warming, nonetheless, is doubted by Jason Taylor, who published his article ' Global warming the greatest scam in history' claims founder of Weather →

The yellow wallpaper argumentative essay

She came to see herself in the paper's warped pattern and how she was trapped under the reigns of her husband." The Yellow Wallpaper" is a perfect microcosm of the world that Gillian perceived around her. She lived her life in a way that constantly challenged the traditional female role and the patriarchal model, which →

Product analysis of maggi noodles in india

The Indian subsidiary of the global FMCG giant, Nestle SA Nestle India Limited introduced the brand Maggi in India in 1982. Maggi was introduced in 1982 as a snack food and since then has been tweaked with a series of repositioning and brand extension strategies to feed the need of the time.' Fast to Cook →

Crying. not doing well in school. how did it all happen…at whose fault? why

Somewhat, he's giving the illusion that John is not his father, but a stranger, due to all the things he is doing at the banquet. John does not attempt to be a responsible father, and know what projects his son is doing, so he can help him.

The a coach and four through the essay

Misrepresentation can be defined as " a false statement of fact that does not become a term of a the contract, made either before or at the time of the making of the contract by one part to the other which induces that other to enter into the contract. A negligent Misrepresentation is where the →

The theory of normalisation

They also argue that post-modern Britain has an increasing issue of globalisation and consumption that has affected the increase of drug use as globalisation means that trade and accessibility of drugs is more common and easier, and having " spare" money due to the labour market and a longer childhood allows young people to consume →

Education girls

Investment in girls'educationlost to husbands at marriage Some parents say that their investment in their girls' education will be lost to the girl's husband at marriage. But as in south India, kin marriage and close natal family ties ensure that women are not cut off from their birth families to the same extent as in →

The wildest experience of my life

I already had mixed feeling about my " jump," and I must admit the more I thought about actually doing it, the more nervous I became. I was then introduced to my instructor, handed a pair of goggles and told to head towards to the plane.

Project vulcan

Examine the data files? import data files into the software package? load and view the drillhole database both graphically and in database format? composite the drillhole database? define the shape of the orebody from the drillholes? build a block model and assign grades using inverse distance grade estimation method? calculate the reserve for the interpolation →

Grand challenges in pharmacoeconomics and health outcomes

Both disciplines are dealing with the evaluation of the costs and outcomes of healthcare interventions and can be considered as two branches of the same " value for money" tree. A recent survey suggests that although clinicians recognize the importance of PRO's, limited experience and information is a barrier to the use of quality of →

Gulls onstage, and in the audience: perspective in the alchemist

Through writing The Alchemist, Jonson hopes to ' better men,' one of the goals of the alchemist is for the audience to see some of their own qualities reflected in the characters present. Like an alchemist, Jonson in the prologue tells the audience he wishes to ' cure,' them of their vices, and calls his →

Mccarthyism and the one flew over the cuckoo???????s nest assignment

In fact, Chiefs speechlessness in many ways represents the loss of the Native American voice in American history, and specifically in the process of relocation in the 1950. Both Nurse Ratchet and Chief serve as an important role historically; Nurse Ratchet becomes the symbol of the oppressive government and McCarthy, and Chief represents the Native →

Investigatory project about rice water

The independent variable is the rice height of the plants, color of the leaves, and the length of the leaves. Statement of the Problem This investigation intends to determine the answers to the following questions: What is the effect of the rice wash in the growth of the mongo plant? * What is the effect →