1500 Words Essay Samples

The importance of setting within ”mama day” by gloria naylor essay sample

The setting of a novel and the distinct portrayal of the time, place, and environment of what is occurring are often essential to the understanding of the true essence of a novel. The importance of setting within Mama Day is shown through the vivid description of the island of Willow Springs, the use of New β†’

A defense of plato’s idea of the good in his republic

The main prompt or assertion provided in the lecture notes, being " Whatever might be its philosophical value, the idea of the Good has no political relevance," goes completely against Plato's philosophical tenets and contrasts sharply with his two major syllogisms concerning the idea of the Good and the relevancy of the Good in a β†’

Customer preference for thomas cook

This research found that there is a significant difference in these services and that consumers, when asked to rate these services, have a variety of views of these services, that is to say, the services that are provided for foreign exchange are of different quality than those that are offered for travel packages or travel β†’

The increasing trend of companies adopting b2b marketing essay

Business 2 Business is one of the models of e Business which is having immense potential to be offered to a company to operate its various business processes over the internet and increase the company's productivity. The portal of TradeKey.com offers a community with dedicated staff to solve all the issues of the members.

The aspects in developing means. the term

Political Anthropology: A part of wider phenomenon of social organization refers to the network of man to man relations which are organized for the maintenances of internal order in the society and external peace. Applied Anthropology: Applied anthropology is that branch of anthropology which on the basis of the study of other branches works to β†’

Benefits of self and peer assessment in teaching psychology essay

Comprehensive technical information and statistics about the validity of the NEO-PI-R and NEO-FFI are available in the manual to the inventories, an account of which is out of the scope of this chapter and study. To check the holistic and analytic interrater reliability of the raters, 30 paragraphs by the self-assessment group on the pretest β†’

Under is not entitled to maintenance if she

However, a divorced wife's claim of maintenance is subject to Section 127 of the Act which provides that the order for the maintenance in favour of a divorced woman will be cancelled, and such woman will not be entitled to maintenance, under the following circumstances: Where the divorced woman has remarried, Where such woman has β†’

Regulatory potential of post-translational modifications in bacteria

Using this approach, the authors have quantified the expression and the occupancy of various PTM sites in the proteome of Escherichia coli. 00087 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Mijakovic, I, and Deutscher, J.

Solar power converter for water pumping system engineering essay

The paper presents development of a public-service corporation interface solar power convertor to supplement shortage in Grid power supply for a H2O pumping system used in rural place of Indian small towns. The present survey highlights the followers: i' Study of user demand of pump and buoy uping burden profile in a rural house β†’

Landau co. essay sample

At that meeting the controller of Winjum Company had described that firm's variable costing system, which charged fixed overhead to income as a period expense and treated only variable production costs as inventoriable product costs. Critique the various pros and cons of the variable costing proposal that were presented in the meeting.

Intrinsic and extrinsic are a type of motivation

Is there a focus, understanding and enjoyment of the activity or are the students lacking and looking for a reason to complete the activity. Teachers have the knowledge to identify the high and lows of motivation in a student.

Impact of top of the pops on tv, culture and music

The 1960s and 1970s were the decades of the duopoly of BBC and ITV, and the time of mass audiences. In general, the show was very static, both because of the presentations of the performers and the camerawork.

Emo subculture critical essay

The price management of the product will be integral to the success of this project We plan to enter the market in a less traditional manner in order to take advantage of The Emo's specific traits In the initial stages of our entry to the market we will be undertaking projects to distribute our products β†’

Editorial: mechanisms of neuroinflammation and inflammatory neurodegeneration in acute brain injury

The current research topic and eBook " Mechanisms of neuroinflammation and inflammatory neurodegeneration in acute brain injury" was initiated as a reaction to the rapidly expanding literature on inflammatory mechanisms in the pathophysiology of acute brain injuries. 00358 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Shichita, T, Ito, M, and Yoshimura, A.

Practical sense of segmentation

Primark would succeed in Europe because of the two reasons Fashion it gives to consumers Most Europeans have similar taste of fashion and Primark is segmenting on this market of similar taste of fashions. However, without even offering an online services, Primark is still growing faster than its competitors this shows that Primark is in β†’

Easyjet’s market segmentation

A top limit on the price that the company can charge for its offered product/services is set by Demand and the costs of the company sets the base. EasyJet is the first carrier and it proud on it, when it charges its customers for even a cup of coffee.

United cereal case study essay

The European Market Do an analysis of UC s environment in Europe by following the information given in the case! Cost reductions and a high measure of efficiency in the existing product portfolios are seen as the main driver to guarantee profitability.

The fit stop: case study

Although, the business idea for Fit Stop Ltd.presents a promising concept for business development in the shopping malls in Ontario, the concerns in several areas poses some concern to successfully meet the projection for a profitable business in two years. In this approach, the founder of Fit Stop Ltd.has the advantage of recruiting the very β†’

Using illusions to understand delusions

Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Moritz, S, and Woodward, T.S. Psychiatry Res.

The timeless warrior

In terms of the contemporary idea of the Samurai, the popularly accepted view of the samurai is the ideology that defends the interests of the dominant group, which, in this case, is theory A the Japanese economy. It fairly accurately portrayed the life of a feudal Japanese village and the culture of that village, which β†’

The evacuation of the children history essay

The main aim of evacuation was to free the carers of dependent people so they could help out in the factories and war effort. Source A shows the positive side on evacuation and is a mean of government propaganda to persuade people to think likewise.

How does culture and environment affect institutions and their management

Myers was used to being in the states and was not acclimated to the Asian environment, she felt that she was far from comfort. This case study contributes to the awareness and understanding of culture management in public sector organizations.

Good example of essay on sporting arena

UAE is not an exceptional in hosting local and international festivals and events especially from the cultural sector, sporting arena and the business world. The race is held in every last Saturday of the month of March and has been rated the richest contest in the world worth over $10M.

Organic food: types and benefits

The inorganic ones damage the food and takes away the energy from and also pollute the environment. And the few researches which were done for comparing the organic and the inorganic food show that the organic foods are always healthier and nutritious.

Environmental impact assessment of proposed offshore wind farm, off suffolk coast

Desk Studies: Carry out further desk studies to determine impact of noise on Marine mammals Habour porpoise 2)Impact Assessment: A rigorous, transparent and objective assessment of the impact of the proposed wind farm will be carried out as follows: firstly, identify potential impacts of the proposed wind farm secondy, determine the significance of the identified β†’

Death of silas deane essay

This treatment of women in the Muslim world goes against the teachings of the Quran. The Quran, the Holy Book of the Muslims, and the Sunnah have laid down clearly defined rights of women, most of which are not adhered today.

Ikea in russia – ethical dilemmas

In the case of IKEA operating in Russia, it failed to follow its own business practices and fell victim to bribery practice that is common in former Soviet Republic. IKEA with its set of principles must continue to promote environmental and social responsibility to community and countries it operates in.

Evaluation of the psychodynamic approach

According to Freud the mind consists of the following: The portion of the mind that consists of your awareness, it is easy to process this information logically and verbalize your experiences of this level to explain the world around you. Unconscious The largest portion of the mind that consists of the urges, and ideas that β†’

Poverty and children in america

Poverty and Children in the United States Who are America's poor children? The NCCP goes on to state that some of the characteristics of children who live in poverty in the United States are race and thnicity related.

Lifestyles of k-pop authors

However, in the Kpop industry idols are expected to show a profusion of emotions but have to refine them in order to create an image of complete perfection, this is to attract audiences and conform to the trends in their society. All idols participate in music shows such as Inkigayo where all digital sales, physical β†’

Patriot games essay

But the larger, more concerning issue goes beyond the actions of Capitol Hill, asking the question, " Do the ends justify the means? " In fighting this " war on terror" we have been forced to change the way we view and approach our new world, let's face it, this is not the country that β†’

Analysing the adult child conversation education essay

The conversation between child and adult/researcher was audiotaped in the afternoon during mealtime at the backside lawn of the preschool. This conversation contains expressions quite often happen when a child during mealtimes: the adult asks the child about his choice food, the adult explains to the child about healthiness, the adult questions child about the β†’

Guest cycle system in hotel tourism essay

The main characteristic of this system is the widespread use of the different departmental software package programs incorporated and connected to the main terminal that is located in the front office department. The rooms are allocated under a manual system as follows: The room rack is a way of displaying the current position of every β†’

To what extent was gorbachev to blame for the collapse of the ussr essay

There were, however, several external factors that contributed to the prostration of the USSR: for example, the consequences that Yeltsin had for Russia, and the way the states were tired of the whole communist system as a whole. Gorbachev's goal was to make the communist system better, to give people a say in how the β†’

Benefits of a healthy lifestyle

A way to implement more physical activity or exercise is by walking or running because a lot of people do not have time to go to the gym or buy a fitness plan, so you are able to still get your exercise for the day. Regarding the health of your heart, running and/or walking causes β†’

Rebooting supercomputers: a new start with qubits

About forty qubits would be the equivalent to a modern supercomputer, and one can only imagine the potential of a quantum supercomputer. A quantum computer, on the other hand, is capable of computing many large equations quickly and may be able to create a system of the entire human body.

Examine the relationship between deviance and labeling essay sample

However, whether an act is labelled as deviant depends on who commits the act, where and when it's committed, and how it is interpreted and the label the individual is given as a result. For example, the working class have less access to the best education, and therefore develop a sense of anomie this label β†’

Is there a relationship between self-esteem and work performance?

Self-Esteem within the Work and Organizational Context: A Review of the Organization. In addition, it explores the development and validation of a model of self-esteem based on the work organization, called Organization-Based Self-Esteem, through the realization of 7 studies with the participation of 2444 workers from different organizational plants.

Commentary: coding of serial order in verbal, visual and spatial working memory

Whereas, the default orientation allowed for the discovery of the ordinal position effect, the absence of left-to-right coding for serial order is not necessarily informative in itself: Does this mean there is no spatial coding overall, or is spatial coding oriented differently and/or with larger individual differences such that horizontally outlined response options cannot capture β†’

Undiagnosed learning disability

This lack of the sense of attaching the past with the present is argued to be one of the factors that contribute significantly to the creation of the juvenile delinquents. From this angle, it is realistic and logical to argue that, it is the unrealized learning disabilities that results to cases of the juvenile delinquents β†’

Transcultural nursing theory vs humanistic nursing theory

The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the culture care diversity and intercultural nursing theory of Madeleine Leininger with the humanistic nursing theory of Josephine Paterson and Loretta Zderad. There will be identification of the key concepts of each theory, presentation of similarities and differences of the theories, and connection of these β†’

Taylor’s scientific management theory

The purpose of this essay is to identify the principles and various criticisms of Taylor's scientific management and to discuss whether Frederick Taylor's principles and ideas can be used successfully in today's contemporary organizations. The Third Principle required the selection of workers who possessed skills and abilities to match the needs of the tasks, and β†’

Kodak & fujifilm essay sample

They decided to get as much money as they could from the film business, prepared for the switch to digital, and developed new business lines. Kodak management was informed of the external changes to come and chose to not embrace the new technologies, but to stand firm in their traditions.

Egyptian muslims and christians religion essay

As Muslims came to control in Egypt they charged the Coptic Christians " Jizya" for two important purposes: the first purpose was to convince the Christians to convert to Islam so that they could avoid taxation and the second purpose was to collect money to fund the nation's army. As the population of Muslims keeps β†’

Editorial: high performance cognition: information-processing in complex skills, expert performance, and flow

Editorial on the Research Topic High Performance Cognition: Information-Processing in Complex Skills, Expert Performance, and Flow In this Research Topic, High Performance Cognition emerges as a generic term for the study of human performance and skill acquisition, from novices on an unfamiliar task to experts displaying superior levels of domain-specific skill. The papers received in β†’

The effect of anxiety on an athletes performance psychology essay

It is important to measure both intensity and direction to determine the effect of anxiety on an athlete's performance as it allows interpretation of results and can subsequently be used to assist the athlete to alter their thoughts before a competition and to improve performance. Cognitive Anxiety Somatic Anxiety Intensity 19 14 Direction -8 0 β†’

Assessment of mangroves species vulnerable to human threats

Mangroves can be found in over 118 countries and territories in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world the largest percentage of mangroves is found between the 5 N and 5 S latitudes. Understanding which species of mangroves are vulnerable to human threats and why is more important and helpful in establishment of conservation β†’

Meaning of the concept “goodnews” essay sample

In the earliest days of Christianity, Christians used the term Evagelion to refer to the proclamation of the good news about Christ, which is similar to the Old Testament's content in Isaiah 52: 7, " How beautiful is the feet of messengers who brings good news about salvation". In Isaiah 61: 1 the prophet is β†’

Quality and quantitative approach in engineering

The objective of this paper is to propose a study and discussion on the use of quantitative and qualitative approaches in engineering research methods and design. The focuses in this paper are on the use of quantitative and qualitative approach and the comparisons and contrasts in the characteristics as well as the significances of these β†’

The correct the deformity. patient were educated for

The caudal half of the incision to the trochanter tipwas straight; the rest cranial half of the incision to the trochanter tip wascurved slightly to the dorsal side of the greater trochanter. The incision is carriedproximally in line with the fibers of the gluteus medius at the junction of themiddle and anterior 1/3 of the β†’

Radical feminism occurred during second wave sociology essay

Furthermore, Feminist Perspectives and Family Research by Greel Fox and Velma Murry and Birth Control and the New Woman by Sadja Goldsmith will highlight how the lack of ' reflexivity' and idea of ' subjectivity' creates a barrier for strong radical feminist thoughts to be influential. This type of ' we do not care' attitude β†’


History At the end of the 19th Century, in the light of recovering French economy after the Franco-Prussian War, French republic announced the opening of a competition to design a 1000-foot tall tower for the 1889 Universal Exposition. From lack of financial fund to the unbelieving heart of the public to ascension of a tower β†’

2016 election: an unexpected result

An anonymous staff article from the New York Post titled " Hillary's presidential bid was doomed from the beginning" Explains some missteps the Clinton campaign had in the 2016 election from the book Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton's Doomed Campaign. For example, in the article the author critiques Clinton's 2008 campaign saying Clinton made it all β†’

Jones electrical distribution electric suppliers finance essay

However, over the years the company has experienced some difficulties in its cash flow and decided that in order to keep the company in operation, it was evident that additional financing would be needed in the form of a loan. Jones Electrical would have much limitations with respect to borrowing from Southern Bank and Trust β†’

Differentiate among the formal, informal and hidden curriculum

This paper will seek to define the concept of curriculum, the formal, informal and hidden curriculum and provide arguments explaining the extent to which the hidden curriculum has a greater impact than the formal curriculum on the development of learners. Whichever type of curriculum is chosen to meet the needs of the students within the β†’

Developments during middle age: case study

He said, " He had to do a lot of growing to do; what he thought he did not and the teachings helped him to be who he is today".Mr. Raising my kids was a struggle, as a single parent with the help of my mother and sisters I learned to become both parents.

Observing mitosis and meiosis on cell specimens essay sample

There two parts in the procedures where first part is the preparation of the onion root while the second part is the observation of the onion root. The spindle fibers will attach themselves to the centromeres of the chromosomes and they will align at the equator of spindle in the metaphase.

What is cyber crime media essay

Moreover, in modern days, the economy is very poor and unemployment rate is higher; individuals are struggling to obtain a good job and it is quite miserable the fact that criminals try to take advantage of them by sending through e-mails regarding job offers to trick those into falling for payment transfer scams. Cyber stalking β†’

Washington crossing the deleware

George Washingtonsaved not only the continental army at the battle of Trenton, but he also saved and breathed new life into the cause of Independence. Aside from the threat of the ending enlistments, there was also the Hessian mercenary force across the river at Trenton, which Washington had no doubt that the they would cross β†’

Valentine and i wouldn’t thank you for a valentine

One of the ways she expresses this is through the way that the poem is structured and by some of the language she uses. All of these statements that she uses to describe love are very frank assertions and some of them like " Take it" and " Here", make it seem that she is β†’

Snowstorm of the vietnam war

This essay reveals the use of drugs during the Vietnam War, and how they affected the US soldiers. An effort to combat the use of drugs among the US soldiers in Vietnam led to a situation where soldiers lacked interest in the treatment.

Clavicle fracture essay sample

The collarbone is located between the ribcage and the shoulder blade; this connects the arm to the body. A clavicle fracture has a numerous amount of symptoms, usually associated with pain and the immobility of the arm on the side of the break.

Practice fusion essay

With the success of its EMR software, Practice Fusion is now looking to extend the functionality of its platform with the goal of building a true end-to-end health service. What's more, as the company further extends it health platform, potentially adding integrations with opular health-tracking devices, Practice Fusion will begin to compete with a whole β†’

The media distort our understanding of the world essay

Discussing whether the media distorts our understanding of the world creates the question of what the actual role of the media is. As well as this, the role of the media is supposed to be to represent the public and act as a watchdog to inform the people of any issues which they would need β†’

Michelangelo’s creation of adam

According to " Ceiling," The Creation of Adam, painted by Michelangelo in 1511, is one of a series of Biblical images that illustrate important scenes from the Book of Genesis for the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican, Rome. Located in Sistine Chapel, Vatican City, Italy, the Creation of Adam is the most famous β†’


The validity of interviews To evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of situational interviews, validity is of immense significance. Because the questions and acceptable answers of a situational interview are designed in advance, the interview tends to be more structured rather than unstructured.

A view from the bridge essay sample

Following this is the scene in the house, where Eddie, Catherine and Beatrice, the former's wife, discuss the arrival of the cousins. Thus, it is because of him and the methods in which he deals with his awareness that propels the structure of A View From The Bridge.

The muses in greek mythology and art

The Muses were therefore both the embodiments and sponsors of performed metrical speech: mousike, whence " music", was the art of the Muses.nationbuilder) They were the " personification of poetic inspiration, the divine afflatus or breath which supposedly wafted itself into the poet's inflamed mind". The nine Muses are the daughters of the Zeus and β†’

Product design essay

The chair of Maxima in the cathedral of Raven is believed to date from the middle of the the Century. My Personal Opinions and Survey Chair design is an important aspect of my life because I like things to contrast with the area that the object is in.

Communication case study

This paper intends to highlight the barriers and how three organizations have been able to handle the barriers to ensure effective communication. Language has also created a barrier to effective communication in the company.

Nasa- america’s failing space program assignment

NASA When you think of NASA you might think of bright lit hangers, laboratories, and the worlds brightest scientist, but over the better part of the last 30 years NASA has struggled to struggled to maintain certain obligations. It puts us on a path to out-innovate, out-educate and out-build the rest of the world." Though β†’

Study of education during the republic of kampuchea

The restructuring and rehabilitation I refer was roll uping school- age kids and seting them in school despite the hapless status of the school and even carry oning categories in the unfastened air or under the trees. The chief aim of the system of instruction was to organize new and good hard-working citizens with a β†’

Tesla motors essay

In 201 5 the company plans to launch its third vehicle MODEL X, which is a crossover utility vehicle that blends the best of an SUB with the benefits of a minivan. This design constraint led to the development ND innovation of several unique technological features in addition to making their perpetration modular to adapt β†’

Dubliners college essay

This is the first of these stories and there are several elements within that hint at the dull lifestyle experienced by the young boy that the story focuses upon. At the end of the story the boy talks about how he is penitent that Mahoney came to his aid because in his heart he had β†’

Effect of schemas on our understanding of the social world

The experiment by Bartlett held a lot of value as it started other psychologists looking in to the subject of schemas and their influence on how people understand their world and how much control they have over how people understand their social world. However the Rusher et al study which showed this, used motivation for β†’

Attitude persuasion

An attitude is not just a neutral stance; it is a value judgment, favorable or unfavorable, or likely to affect persuasion: characteristics of the communicator, thecommunication, and the situation. An attitude is not just a neutral stance; it is a value judgment, favorable or unfavorable, for or ikely to affect persuasion: characteristics of the communicator, β†’

Contrasting feminism in “what now my love” and “people of the whale”

In The people of the Whale the majority of fishermen were men while Ruth is the only woman who also uses profession this to support her and her son. While Carole used her sexuality and femininity to empower herself as a woman Ruth is more masculine in the way she dresses and acts which also β†’

Transportation of hazardous material strategies

It is the purpose of the DOT to guarantee " a fast, safe, efficient, accessible and convenient transportation system that meets our vital interests and enhances the quality of life of the American people, today and into the future". In the United States it is estimated that one cargo plane carrying a hazardous material will β†’

Marketing segmentation and product positioning assignment

Company expects to use state-of-the-art technology on behalf of the human society by bringing new alternatives to work out that make a person's life healthier and more pleasant. In order to try to motivate people to become more active again and to reach their goals the use of D-Glasses Work Out may help.

Nietzsche and foucault

In the older system of punishment, the power to execute and punish was held absolutely by the sovereign, and all public displays of punishment were displays of the sovereign's power over their subjects. In Discipline and Punish, Foucault asserts that sovereign power is held by the leader or ruler of the land and the subjects, β†’

Technology – the dark side

It Is possible to argue that the invention of the calculator is largely responsible for the inability of many people to do and may always be, imperfect) has created at least one generation of individuals who cannot spell and know nothing about the logic of language. Even as the computer becomes a commodity, the pace β†’

Agricola and germania essay

The Agricola and Germani is a novel that serves two purposes: The Agricola is a eulogy praising Tacitus's father-in-law, and commander of Britian, Agricola. His criticisms were derived from his experiences with Agricola, speeches given by Calgucus, and his ability to compare and contrast cultural differences of Rome and Germania, targeting Germania as a threat β†’

2020 vision of frontiers in striated muscle physiology

The results of a PubMed search with " muscle sex difference" as a search term, indicates a peak in the number of results in 2009, followed by a 3-year period with a small decrease in the number of annual publications. The increase in the number of published articles on sex-related differences coincides with an awareness β†’

Mcbastards: mcdonald’s and globalization by paul feine essay sample

According to Paul Feine, " Critics demonize McDonald's for its unabashed pursuit of profits, its disregard for nutritional value, and the environment and the way it panders to children". Many times authors will do this to grab the reader's attention and pull them deeper into the text, and Feine is able to do this successfully β†’

The impact of nanotechnology in our lives essay sample

The environment will also benefit from nanotechnology with the improvement of the efficiency of renewable energy. The A to Z of Nanotechnology.

About abhor and examples essay sample

Cadaverous of or relating to a cadaver or corpse EXAMPLES: 1. Contemporaneous occurring in the same period of time EXAMPLES: 1.

Hofstede dimensions on india

Uncertainty avoiding cultures try to minimize the possibility of such situations by strict laws and rules, safety and security measures, and on the philosophical and religious level by a belief in absolute Truth; 'there can only be one Truth and we have it'. It's interesting to note that even when Indians travel abroad they work β†’

The theories of creationism and evolution

Day 5 God made the birds of the sky and the creatures of the deep seas. Cosmology is the branch of astronomy that deals with the origin and formation of the general structure of the universe.2.

Scientific enquiry skills

Therefore it is important to take into account the children's ideas as they have reasons for what and why they think and it needs to be addressed correctly to help the children progress and make sense of their ideas. Children need to be able to " compare what happened with what they expected would happen, β†’

Ratification battle in the u.s. over the treaty of versailles after wwi

The failure of the U.S.government to ratify the Treaty of Versailles and join the League of Nations resulted in American isolationism and a lack of oversight in Germany, both of which were contributing factors to the beginning of the Second World War. Lodge wanted the majority of the changes to be to the covenant of β†’

Impact socioeconomic in mortality in malaysia health and social care essay

According to Malaysian Ageing issue, other factors of changes of socioeconomic status are the increase in the level of income and the marital status of the elderly which will result in healthier lifestyle thus bringing a decrease in mortality rates.1.1. In this paper, we aim to evaluate the impact of socioeconomic factors on mortality rates β†’

Editorial: african swine fever

On the other hand, the difficulty to eradicate the disease in other areas of Europe where the infection is very widespread and wild boar is the main virus host has been confirmed by the re-emergence of ASFV in Estonia last August, where no virus had been detected in the previous 18 months. The acute form β†’

Starbucks global strategy

Struck aims to provide its customers with the highest quality coffee in the warmest and most welcoming setting; a setting where they feel embraced by their individual community and as if they belong to something or somewhere truly unique and identifiable to themselves individually. In order o truly embrace and appreciate the quality behind Struck' β†’

The role of code-switching in rap and hip hop culture

Though African American vernacular is still a major constituent of modern rap and is seen as the " standard language" for English rap, there is a great deal of code-switching that occurs including not only the switching from language to language, but also switching from vernacular to intellectual vocabulary in rap. They demonstrate the versatility β†’

Xenotransplantation ethics and history

This is mainly due to the ability to breed desired characteristics of the pigs, the fact that litters are reasonably large, gestation is fairly short which allows large numbers of animals in closed colonies, the fact that pigs are already being reared for food production and the ability to develop transgenic and cloned animals, also β†’