1500 Words Essay Samples

Adolescent sexuality in the media assignment

Television and other media represent one of the most important and under recognized influences on children and adolescent's health and their behavior. 6 Analyses of media content also show that sexual messages on television are almost universally presented in a positive light, with little discussion of the potential risks of unprotected sexual intercourse and few โ†’

Covid-19: cultural predictors of gender differences in global prevalence patterns

Cultural factors, in particular the extent to which long or " modest" clothing is worn and the convention of separating adults by gender, may inadvertently determine the rapidity and extent of the spread of communicable diseases including COVID-19. In a recent analysis of gender and COVID-19, a working group argued that " policies and health โ†’

Accounting by the american institute of certified public accountants (aicpa) flashcard

1] The communication is generally in the form of financial statements that show in money terms the economic resources under the control of management; the art lies in selecting the information that is relevant to the user and is reliable What is Debit and Credit? 30, 000 from'the business, it will change the position and โ†’

John steinbeck: his life and his works

Hence, Steinbeck's body of work is in essence full of his own perspective on the state of rural American society; the medium of the novel is chosen in only as far as it gives the author requisite scope and opportunity to fulfill his role as a social commentator. In works such as The Grapes of โ†’

Overview of ocular histoplasmosis syndrome (ohs)

1 There are few reports of pathologic and molecular evidence supporting a the direct role for of H.capsulatum in the development of chorioretinal scars; however, no serologic confirmation of histoplasmosis infection has been reported. Histo spots are asymptomatic in most cases and require no treatment until a progression of the disease is detected.

Merck and co., river blindness assignment

Introduction and Situational Analysis The ethical dilemma in Merck and River Blindness is whether to pursue research that may or may result in profit, or to choose the safe option and go for profit rather than researching the drug. The qualm to this is that, the consumers of the drug could not pay for the โ†’

Traditional media assignment

Final Summarizing Comments Technology and media will have a place in the classroom for a number of years to come. Ranging from student use to instructional aids, technology and media can be used for a variety of reasons in the classroom.

Harvard concept (fisher and urgy)

The keys to prevention are: " building a working relationship" and " facing the problem, not the people." Think of the people you negotiate with on a regular basis. Think of the negotiation as a means to solving a problem and the people on the other side as partners helping to find a solution.

Behaviourist and cognitivist learning perspectives for learning new sport

As a coach in Cardio Tennis, it is important that I consider the effect learning approaches from the behaviourist and cognitivist perspectives have on the participant's confidence when learning the volley. Reinforcement, especially positive reinforcement, could foster the development of confidence in participants; an example of this in Cardio Tennis could be through rewarding a โ†’

Glaxo wellcome mini case

With a portfolio strategy and clear differentiation among the products, Glaxo U.S.is better armed to capture the 90% of migraine sufferers that were not being medicated with a triptan as of 1997. With the benefit-based portfolio strategy Glaxo can market its second-generation triptan, Amerge to the millions of migraine sufferers.

I to reduce this distraction, but an experienced

First of all, seeing auras is a fairly easy magical practice that many traditions have discovered, and in my experience almost everyone can be taught at least to see the basic glow of the inner aura around the head, although seeing the whole aura in detail and in colour is a lot harder, and not โ†’

Laser communication essay sample

The receiver will pick up the laser light and convert the digital information back into an analogue signal for output to a speaker. The D/A converter receives fewer bits and the voltage levels used to describe the original analog signal are not the same as the input.

Radioactive dating

Radioactive decay * Radioactive isotopes tend to break down into stable isotopes of the same or other elements.* Refers to the process in which a radioactive form of an element is converted into a decay product at a regular rate.- This dating is not a single method of absolute dating but instead a group of โ†’

Free how to build a healthy diet

The Foundation then suggests that a healthy diet consists of the right mixture of these food groups as can be seen in the diagram below. Given this information, a healthy diet consists of the following: 1/3 of fruits and vegetables, 1/3 of starches, 1/3 of proteins, and a small amount of high fat and sugar โ†’

Importance of trade union in modern workplace management essay

Originating in Europe, trade unions became very popular in countries during the Industrial Revolution, when the lack of skilled workers shifted employment bargaining power almost completely to the employers, causing many workers to be mistreated and underpaid. Trade Unions prove beneficial for workers, as the main aim of forming this group is to prevent the โ†’

1malaysia development berhad scandal

In 2015, the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Razak, was accused of channeling $681 million from 1Malaysia Development Berhad to his personal bank accounts. A GAAP that was not followed in the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal is the " Business Entity Concept".

Uncle tomโ€™s cabin as a romantic racialist novel

Richard Yarborough remarked that, " Uncle Tom's Cabin was the epicenter of a massive cultural phenomenon, the tremors of which still affect the relationship of blacks and whites in the United States". He chooses not to run for the sake of the rest of the slave's on the Shelby plantation and out of faithfulness to โ†’

Softball paper

In this essay I will discuss the history of softball, the basic rules, and the necessary equipment needed to play the game. George Hancock, said to be the inventor of the game took the boxing glove and tied it so it would look like a ball, took chalk and drew a diamond on the floor, โ†’

Recommendations for tuen mun landfill expansion

In this memo, the crux of the landfill expansion problem will first be discussed, followed by recommended policy actions and justifications in gaining support to the plan. The government can increase education and promotion, in order to allow the public to understand the urgency of the problem.

The problems of millennials in the workplace

In this literature the problems raised in the workplace by millennials in the workplace will be reviewed, to see which issued are rose up under the future of the workforce and recommendations followed on how issues can be solved or avoided. Instagram is an application where users upload photos and videos to share with their โ†’

Idealism and realism

According to the idealists, power is not as important to sovereign states as compared to the peaceful states and the well-being of the people. The idealists feel that the Britons intervene in the affairs of the third world countries for the sake of making the world a better place for everybody and for the sake โ†’

The tragedy of eritrean refugees caught up in libyan and sinai desert, egypt

The Plight of Eritrean Refugees in Libya and Egypt Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to write to you on the problem of Eritrean refugees in Libya and Egypt, with a view to achieving a positive solution to that issue. The direct cause of the current abysmal situation that is often summarised as the " Eritrean โ†’

Religion, politics and economy

We can see the importance placed on religion from the ten temples in the area, some of which are the Temple Of Jupiter and the Temple of Apollo. The Temple of Apollo on the left and the Temple of Jupiter on the right Gods were orshipped both in public and in the home.

Prof. stephen hawking- a brilliant scientist

After the initial diagnosis and being told that the disease was incurable and that I was likely to die in a few years, I began asking myself questions such as " Why should this happen to me?" and ' What did I do to deserve this?". With that in mind, I applied for a research โ†’

How technology has changed business

Although personal computers and telecommunications ceased to be a novelty In the late asses, It was only with the introduction of the first Web browser to the Internet in 1995 that things really began to take off. Bingo overnight everyone had the capacity to be digitally wired together through combined audio, graphics and video miscommunication โ†’

The need and types of cpu coolers engineering essay

Today, in order to do the CPU faster, interior decorators add more and more constituents to the nucleus of the CPU. One of the fans is immersed in the liquid constituent which regulates the flow of the liquid from one terminal to the other.

Self concept theory of career development psychology essay

The fresh anchoring of the assumption on developmental contextualizes takes into deliberation the mutual influence among the individual and his social ecology, include one's society similarly the conceptualization of job preferences as well as growth like a process of individual as well as career construction recognizes the effects of subjective cultural principles and viewpoint in โ†’

Psychoeducational approaches to chronic severe mental illness

In watching the video and reading the articles that focus on a number of disorders the consensus is that having family and the community support is one of the reoccurring principles. By educating the client and the family members involved is critical in the treatment process; of course, educating and actually going through with the โ†’

A year had departed since that fatal day

The day I repeat in my head over and over, that I could not escape from if I wanted to. Some would say it looked sinister, but it was the only way I could join her, and I had made a promise so I had to keep it.

Problem based learning exercise diabetes health and social care essay

Roger's blood pressure is 145/90mmHg which is considered to be Grade 1 hypertension and his target blood pressure reading should be 130/80mmHg. Roger should also have follow-up session to have his blood pressure as well as his plasma potassium and creatinine level checked one week after the treatment is initiated for the purpose of monitoring โ†’

To build a fire and the hunger artist

The " Chequano", the nickname for the character in " To Build a Fire", believed in his own ability," That there should be anything more to it than that was a thought that never entered his head". These stories are riddled with imagery that are allegorical to Jesus and the mortality of mankind such as โ†’

Psych100-module 1: the science of psychology notes

PSYCH100-Module 1: The Science of Psychology Notes - Textbook pg 2-27 Psychology * Scientific study on causes of behavior Causal Event * Event that causes another event to occur Different Fields of Psychology * Physiological Psychology * Studies the physiological basis of behavior * Mainly through the nervous system * Learning * Memory * Sensory โ†’

Odysseus on calypsoโ€™s island

The character of Odysseus, as the main hero of the famous story, is revealed through the scope of various situations, his personality is shown in the process of its development and one of the episodes important for understanding and estimating the changes that occurred deep inside of his soul, is the episode that describes the โ†’

Amartya sen and his contributions to economics

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences explains the reasons for the award thus: Prof Sen's contribution to welfare economics.applications of his theoretical approach have enhanced our understanding of the economic mechanisms underlying famines. Sen's work is ' devoted to the welfare of the poorest people in society.'.

Social fragmentation in the leviathan: a critique of hobbes

Hobbes assumes that the reader will be convinced by his description of human nature; he challenges him to read his portrayal of mankind and " consider if he also find not the same in himself" [8]. Furthermore, there is no obligation, thus no inclination, to respect the rights of others in the absence of a โ†’

Tim berners lee: the inventor of the internet

Second, since the World Wide Web was invented, it has radically changed the way that the people communicate. Third, the internet has revolutionized how the press gets information to the people.

Case study on martha mccaskey

To make the project successful, it is best to identify the cost or the expenses to complete the entire project. Her assessment that she cannot complete the project is a total oversight since she has had the knowledge and determination to finish the project.

Hrm approaches in different work systems

The capital intensive, high technology feature and cost control demand determine the plant has to limit the number of employees and enhance their abilities and efficiency in work. As we mentioned before, the plant is highly concentrated on making use of technology and capital resources, teamworking is a chance for employees to get involved in โ†’

Abuse and violence domestic violence essay sample

Merely late.within the past twenty five old ages.has the issue been " brought into the unfastened as a field of concern and study" Domestic force is non an stray.single event but instead a form of perennial behaviours that the maltreater uses to derive power and control over the victim. Martin 3There are many causes and โ†’

Ict in education: a catalyst for effective use of information

Potashnik and Capper also indicated that the use of computers and the Internet is still in its infancy in developing countries, if these are used at all, due to limited infrastructure and the attendant high costs of access. It is widely acknowledged that ICTs can be used to improve the quality of teaching and learning โ†’

Middle east before the advent of islam

Explain the characteristics of the Middle East before the advent of Islam. Thesis-state the impact of Islam on the people and culture of the Middle East as shown in the examples you have chosen and the contrast you will be making Transition-prepare the reader for the first topic of the essay.I.

Impact of slavery on industrial and consumer society

What part did slavery play in the emergence of an industrial and a consumer society in Britain in the period 1700-1820? But slavery's part in the emergence of an industrial society was that it was that the profits contributed to the industrial revolution.

Life of pi

Over the course of the story, Pi endures gruesome events on the ocean in his lifeboat. Pi overcomes all the conditions and survives, due to the motivation of his best friend, Richard Parker the Bengal tiger.

Privacy issues in ecommerce persuasive essay

The adaptation of commercial activities on the Internet is among one of the most interesting development of the technological age. It is vital for organizations to have security measures integrated into the architecture, design and implementation of their system.

Advantages and disadvantages conditional fee arrangements legal aid law essay

In 1999 the Access to Justice Act established the Legal Services Commission which created the Community Legal Service to handle legal aid for civil litigation and the Criminal Defence Service to handle legal aid for criminal matters. Affordable funding for litigation is an important goal for organizations providing legal aid and the existence of conditional โ†’

Mrp mrp ii is a push inventory model

Besides MRP II includes the entire set of activities involved in the planning and control of production operations. The system requires a tremendous amount of information, which must be accurate if the system is to be successful.

Abortion: an ethical issue

A woman has the right to decide whether the foetus remains in her body, therefore a pregnant woman has the right to abort the foetus Pro-life advocates say that the right to life should always outweigh the right of an individual to equality or to control their own body. Pro-life advocates hold that from the โ†’

Global warming-fact or fiction assignment

Our world is different to the world of the ice age, when temperatures plummeted and the world froze. Recent studies too have begun to show a direct correlation in the temperature of the Earth to activity on the surface of the sun.

Starbucks coffee: buy low sell high

The first main problem is that Starbucks being the price maker in the oligopolistic coffee retail market, Starbucks exerts its market power to set its coffee retail price much higher than other coffee sellers. Therefore, a steady and a continuous supply of coffee beans is essential to the survival of coffee retail market.

David hershenovโ€™s model of resurrection

The claim is that there is quantitative identity, meaning that it's the body that you have now with all the aches and pains is the body that will be resurrected. Hershenov wants to challenge Van Inwagen's claim that if God resurrects the scattered matter of a destroyed body for example, reassembling the ashes from cremation, โ†’

Disaster cycle

Those phases are the mitigation phase, the preparedness phase, the response phase, and the recovery phase. In the response phase, emergency actions are taken during both the impact of the disaster and the short-term effects after the disaster.

Behavioral disabilities in low income families

The aspect of poverty is a great cause to the change of behaviors among those affected and especially the children. In most cases, they bully the other children and they tend to overrule the area where they are.

Model designs essay

Since the current fashion industry has a negative effect in maintaining a healthy depiction of a role model for young women, this essay would like to put forward that the fashion industry should change their standards for models and design clothing and fashion in general that will suit a normal healthy women. The fashion industry โ†’

Gary mckinnon report

This all first began in 1983 when Gary went to go to his local cinema to watch the movie WarGames, about a whiz kid who had hacked into the Pentagon, from aninterviewwith Jon Ronson; The Guardian, Gary said that from this movie he did not mean it to actually come true, and had a thought โ†’

How and why was the pyramid of giza built

The Great Pyramid of Giza is located 10 miles west of Cairo on the northern edge of the Giza Highland. The slant from the base to the tip is at the angle of 51?

Eight men out: the book versus the film

Both the book and the movie present this story through a vast panorama of characters from three worlds: the baseball world, the newspaper world and the underworld. The statements given by the players to the Grand Jury raised more than questions than answers, and the true story of the gamblers who set the event in โ†’

Roy lichtenstein: art style analysis

A work is " created" when it is prepared over a period of time, the portion of it that has been fixed at any particular time constitutes the work as of that time, and where the work has been prepared in different versions, each version constitutes a separate. The 1940's were the beginning of Lichtenstein's โ†’

Has technology made strategy obsolete? 1636

Technology Strategy Tactics The key to understanding the issue is to understand how the three elements, technology, tactics and strategy are connected to each other and more specifically, how changes in one area of will drive changes in the other. It was an adaptation to the technology of the day, which was not to be โ†’

An exercise in mental health essay

By the time college applications began, I was close to certain that I was not suited for medicine and wanted to pursue engineering or explore other fields of study, but I knew if I told my parents of my endeavors, it could be catastrophic. By not arguing with my parents I was able to decrease โ†’

Treatment and support for transgender children

In Kuvalanka, Weiner, and Mahan's study, in which five mothers of transgender girls between the ages of eight and eleven years old were interviewed, it was shown that all five of the children were happier, more outgoing, and had a more confident demeanor after being allowed to express their self-perceived gender. Their quality of life โ†’

Analysis of mental illness via girl, interrupted (1999)

At the point when the attendant attempted to hold her she says to be watchful in light of the fact that she has no bones in her grasp. At the center of the film, she has a flashback of the illicit relationship she had with one of the instructors and with a fellow that she โ†’

The way of the peaceful warrior essay

Socrates explains to Dan that his biggest predicament is his mind and how he is a prisoner of the mind and it's illusions. In conclusion, in Joseph Campbell's " The Power of Myth" he describes who and what a hero is.

Cognitive strategies for controlling emotional contagion

It aims to do this by challenging the efficacy of four of the cognitive strategies: reflection, control, dissociation and empathic imagery. The ANOVA that was conducted on self-reported contagion showed that participants portrayed more contagion in the sad contagion as opposed to the happy condition.

Use of force essay

The use of force varies as situations present themselves to the officer and they must decide what level of force is necessary to control the situation. Law enforcement officers may use that amount of force necessary to effect the lawful purpose intended, provided that no reasonably effective alternative to the use of force appears to โ†’

Critically assess marxโ€™s theory of class and stratification

For Marx, classes are defined and structured by firstly, who owns or has property and means of production and who does the work in the production process, secondly the social relationships included in work and labour, and thirdly who produces and who rules the surplus human social labour can produce. The means of production, the โ†’

Editorial: testicular cancer: new insights on the origin, genetics, treatment, fertility, general health, quality of life and sexual function

The highest incidence rates of testicular cancer are in Norway and the lowest are in India and Thailand. Indeed, the probability of developing TC is the result of a combination of a number of factors that can be distinguished into genetic, environmental and hormonal factors.

Vegetarians versus meat eaters

It is a known fact that high cholesterol levels cause a build-up of plaque in our arteries which leads to heart disease, but it is hard to believe that eating one egg a day can be as harmful as smoking five cigarettes daily for fifteen years. According to the study on the subject of diet โ†’

Entering a foreign country business essay

Another factors for this skin color is the authorities of the state which involves the difference in the policies and besides the economic conditions and non bury the currency exchange rates risks which will happen whether when the currency is high or low. The impact of authorities policies and the status of the economic may โ†’

Coursework essay

The claimant will be entitled to enforce the full mount of any judgment in respect of the in personae liability of the ship-owner. 2, acknowledgement of service is no longer necessary for actions in ERM and in personae: the commencement of an action in ERM automatically mounts to an action towards the ship-owner as well-1 โ†’

Macbeth essay sample

During the beginning of the drama she appears to be the more ruthless and stronger of the couple, pushing Joe to the edge of the act of murder and this is shown through the close shot up shot of Ella whispering into Joe's ears form behind, saying words such as ' You do this... In โ†’

Citizensโ€™ intuition in shakespeareโ€™s “richard iiiโ€

After close analysis of this scenes language, it becomes apparent that this scene contributes to the idea in the play that, through their general knowledge and intuition, the citizens know that danger is imminent with the death of Edward IV and the power struggle of which Richard III is part. Since this is the first โ†’

Literature review of psychological impact of snss

A fundamental marker that Marcia observed was the exploration of various alternatives and the decision to commit to one of the available possibilities and this formed a significant component of founding one's identity. While identity as a construct is intricate and multifaceted, Facebook allows for the investigation of its influence on the formation of one's โ†’

Comparison between international law and national law

If a case in which conflict arises between International Law and municipal law before an International Tribunal, the practice is to prefer the International Law over the municipal law. It is the duty of state to enforce the International Law as the state law in its jurisdiction.

A midsummerโ€™s night dream essay sample

In Elizabethan times the type of love that would be desireable is shown by lysanders love for Hermia, such as gifts and love poems, equivilent to modern day would now be a text message or chocolates and roses In the opening of the play the audience are introduced to the idea of Lysanders quote. She โ†’

Water scarcity in singapore

0 Introduction In order to come up with new ways to solve the water scarcity in Singapore, much information is researched to understand the situation of water scarcity in Singapore to help to make the new solution more effective. SIWW is part of the strategic programme of the Singapore Government to grow the water industry โ†’

Howards end and on beauty: understanding smithโ€™s parallels

With this, Smith is nodding to the beauty of Forster's novel by beautifully imitating it in a modern-day American version. Both Forster and Smith realize the importance and magic of beauty.

Richard wrightโ€™s native son: fiction or truth?

Understanding the mindset and motivations of Richard Wright while writing Native Son proves to be important in understanding the effect of the novel on society." Wright...was caught up in a hideous present moment, the Great Depression years and the Chicago black ghetto, when it was an achievement to survive, and when the Communist Party seemed โ†’

The sociology of discrimination

Implied in this principle or policy is the recognition that the human person is the end and purpose of every social organization, the State included. There is a consensus that Prejudice and Discrimination constitute a learned behaviour Social Discrimination is the prejudicial treatment of an individual based solely on their membership in a certain group โ†’

Hypothesis identification article analysis

The study? investigated the relationship between teacher? s implementation of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and student achievement on Exemplars, a performance-based assessment, in a suburban elementary school in the southeastern United States. 57 Dim 2 0.49 0.71 0.42 0.

The changing face of love in english literature assignment

This old English/Early Medieval view of love which Chaucer relates in " The Knight's Tale" is indicative of the role of women in society at the time and how men related to women in loving relationships. I examined two medieval works to compare the theme of love within these works and the overwhelming consensus of โ†’

The economy

The region's technological revolution will also dictate the type of business that one can venture in, in the sense that, it can be meaningless for one to conduct a business that is historical in terms of its technology, because it will not generate as much mark up as its competitors. Upon fixation, everyone ranging from โ†’

Critical evaluation of keynes economic theory

As well whether it has given new insights in to the working of the economy and explains economic phenomenon better than previous theories and the existence of credible criticism of the theory and whether the theory has addressed these credible weaknesses identified by different economic schools of thought especially by classical and neoclassical economic schools โ†’

What is ethical advertising? discuss how designers address such issue nowadays when they convey their message to consumers. assignment

As a result, it ends up becoming a very gray area, as unlike a legal issue, which the law clearly states what can and cannot be done, the area of ethics in the advertising industry is far more subjective. Alongside the scene set, the portrait of the two women associates the Versace brand with the โ†’

Prejudice perverts justice – to kill a mockingbird

Despite that To Kill A Mockingbird was written in a 1930's setting but was written in the 1960s, a time when the Civil Rights Movement was taking place, the people of Maycomb County had a hard time accepting anyone that was different from them, primarily black people. But once the jury looked at his complexion โ†’

American family not in decline just changing sociology essay

Other areas include the number of non-family households, the roles of women in economy and the significance of marriage in accounting for total births. The decline in fertility is attributed to the fact that women are taking an option of having fewer children.

History of relationship marketing

In theory marketing is the process of creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings of value to attract, and then satisfy the customer's needs and wants, however, what it takes to initially attract a first-time buyer to a brand is often quite different from what it takes to turn that buyer into a " customer who โ†’

Analysis for economics โ€“ assignment

Identify the factors that lead to a change in supply and a change in demand There are many factors that can lead to the change in supply or demand; here is an example of some factors based off the rising gas prices; " One of the Report's conclusions is that over the past 20 years, โ†’

To arbitrary authority as brutal and insaneโ€ (barlow,

Through the innovative use of cinematographyand lighting, as well as the overall set design and costumes, a very alienatedatmosphere is created, and makes the audience think deeper about the innerworld and psychological aspects of the characters. They told the story in a very intellectual way, including very little detailsabout the mental and psychological motives of โ†’

Ikea case

They should be able to understand the preferences and living conditions of their potential customers in a certain country. In addition, KEA has the need to improve its customer service.

Physical journeys essay

The shaking camera gives the audience an idea of what it's like to be on the plane and the loud plane noises instil fear and suspense into the mind of the viewer. This violent scene begins Chuck's journey, in the same way that the violence of the war began the journey of the migrants.

Childhood memoir โ€“ maya angelou

This leaves her with a deep sense of displacement and causes her to remain shy, introverted and reserved throughout her childhood; she puts up a shield, constantly repeating to herself the phrase " I did not come to stay", trying to remind herself not to get too close to people because she will just be โ†’

Al capone revision

Although vicious, Capone did have somewhat of a good heart when he helped homeless people in Chicago with the first soup kitchen in 1929 after the stock market crash.# Although Capone did help starving people in Chicago, he was a nuisance that needed to be stopped. Capone's impact of the nation at this time was โ†’

Impacts of human population growth

The Growth of the Human Population Chris Long Since the world's origin, we have seen a steady growth in the worldwide population. As we continued to advance in the creation of medicines and the development of medical procedures we saw an increase in the life expectancy of our older population.

Hamletโ€™s tragic flaw assignment

Hamlet thought that he needed to see the reaction of the King because he does not fully believe that the ghost is telling the truth. When Horatio tells Hamlet that he saw his father's ghost, Hamlet does not hesitate or think about the consequences of going to talk with a ghost.

Self control theory of crime

Self control theory, also known as General theory of crime is a criminological theory about the lack of an individuals self-control, which is the main factor behind criminal behavior or conformity. Hirschi's former theory of criminality was a classical theory and according to Brownfield and Sorenson 1993 " classical theory and the concept of self-control โ†’

The pythagorean theorem essay sample

In words, the Pythagorean Theorem states that the square on the hypotenuse of a right triangle has an area equal to the combined areas of the squares on the other two sides.[1] The Egyptians, Babylonians and Chinese knew of the right triangle long before Pythagoras came along, and the Egyptians had devised a right triangle โ†’