1500 Words Essay Samples

Assessment and planning with young people

We need to employ a mixture of assessment to gain a wide picture of the needs of the child and it needs to be holistic taking into account the five main factors of development in a child so we need to use methods that are able to gain information that can relate to their physical, โ†’

The mythic archetype of don juan in the country wife and the rover

In his article " Wycherley's The Country Wife and the Don Juan Character," Anthony Kaufman defines the myth of Don Juan as being " transcultural" and taking " many forms," alternately portrayed as a " vulgar seducer...a seeker after a full, ideal lover...the embodiment of masculinity". But because of Willmore's philandering and aggressively sexual nature โ†’

The role of tourism in our modern world

Furthermore will it focus on the history and the current practice in the railway industry. In the early part of the century, the invention of the railway had a great impact on travelling.

The insurgency in jammu and kashmir history essay

Insurgency in Kashmir has been present in various forms, in both, the Indian administrated territory of the Jammu and Kashmir and Pakistan-administered Kashmir. Nevertheless, the no.of insurgency-related deaths in the Jammu and Kashmir have fallen penetratingly since because of the begin of a slow-moving peace progression between India & Pakistan.

Saturday night at the birthday party

Matthew demonstrated " stranger wariness; by the end of the first year the child becomes wary in the presence of an unfamiliar adult." He ran to his mother and father and hid his face in his mother's lap when someone approached him to try to engage him in a dance. He demonstrated a wide range โ†’

“a triple pillar of the world or a strumpetโ€™s fool?โ€ โ€“ impressions of antony essay sample

However, it is hard to determine whether Antony is the " strumpet's fool" he appears to be when he is with Cleopatra, or the " triple pillar of the world" he should be. Also, despite the fact that Antony is in Egypt, Octavius still keeps him informed of events in Rome by sending messengers, which โ†’

Renaissance humanism โ€“ paper assignment

In the Oration of the Dignity of Man, Miranda states, " of what may e the condition in the hierarchy of beings assigned to him, which draws upon him the envy, not of the brutes alone, but of the astral beings and of the very intelligences which dwell beyond the confines of the world. As โ†’

Introduction in a person is best exhibited through

Incidentally this is the concept from which the science of psychology is based which is best exemplified by the theory of behaviorism: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the concepts of self ideology as advanced by Hume and their relevance in context of other theories on the same subject of self. The combination โ†’

French revolution in the period 1799 to 1804 essay sample

He arranged for a plebiscite to garner the views of the people at both these instances, which went in accordance with one of the demands the people had repeatedly voiced, being the need for some sort of representation, and their voice to be heard in the making and ruling of the government. This was one โ†’

Work harrastment

For workers, It can lead to deterioration of performance, which in turn oppresses the level of productivity and affect the welfare of all workers and their families. The program is intended as the company's efforts to participate in the process of sustainable development in which there is expected to be a balance between the company โ†’

The cause of the six day war

The Soviets took advantage of the situation and claimed that the reason was because Israel was amassing its army on the northern border with Syria. On the morning of the May 16, the number of Egyptian and Palestinian troops in the Sinai had tripled overnight.

That she may dance again essay sample

It may be in the family, in the workplace, in the society and even in the Church where the person belongs to. The response of the society and the Church gives about the issue are usually negative especially to the side of the women.

Living in anticipation of godโ€™s future essay

In " Theology of Hope: On the Ground and the Implications of a Christian Eschatology" and Hope and History, Moltmann explains how we should live in hope as we anticipate God's future. On the question of how we should regard sufferings, Moltmann claims that " hope in itself is the happiness of the present." This โ†’

In pursuit of redemption: reading the poisonwood bible

The Poisonwood Bible with a narrative based in outlining the various forms of redemption is heavily reliant on Leah Price's shift to open-mindedness in her worldview, asserting that in order to challenge the inequity of a rigidly unjust surrounding, one must actively work to defy the limited expectations placed in front of them and understand โ†’

Economic essay example

Learning the idea associated with public goods and common resources, and to comprehend about the intervention created by the government, that attempts to solve market failure, but fails to do so. The deeds taken by the government is to fix a public issue, in the hopes to defend and benefit the people.

Ap bio lab one: osmosis and diffusion

Through the open end of the bad, place the starch solution in to the bag. Finally test the liquid in the cup and in the bag for the presence of glucose.

The third gender the hijra sociology essay

In relation to the western world, the closest form to the hijra would be known as a transgender. As a result, hijras are the unknown-the " intersex" gender between male and female in India.

Q and answers

Fill in the missing words: When a protein that is to be targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum is synthesised, as the signal sequence emerges from the ribosome is will be bound by a __signal__ recognition _particle_that will stop _translation_and, more importantly, locate the complex to the _endoplasmic__ __reticulum___by binding to a _receptor_ on the surface.Q4. โ†’

Effects of imperialism in asia. assignment

Colonialism is " a policy in which a country rules other nations and develops trade for its own benefit" and " the extension of power or authority over others in the interests of domination".' The West', which refers to the societies of Europe and their genealogical, colonial, and philosophical descendants. The French did whatever they โ†’

The goods vs the bads on legalization of marijuana

Governments impose penalties on the users of the drug, but this has not been successful in the control of the consumption of the drug. The dangers and harmful effects of the use of the drug have been exaggerated over the years.

Isolation of the major component of clove oil essay sample

Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to isolate and identify the major constituent of clove oil. Let stand of the ring stand, remove the bottom layer to a flask, which is DCM layer and mark as " Org 1".63.

Dowery deaths essay

The father told her that she should give it time because he was not to intervene to early in the marriage, he wanted her to stay married at the time. In Hindu laws of Manu a woman is joined to her husband and has to suffer with him and act with tolerance, this religion believes โ†’

Satirโ€™s concepts of transformation and ‘use of self โ€™

I want to study well but I cannot; I want to do better in placement but I cannot; and I want to do my job well but I cannot. In response to my situation, I found that I want to have better studying environment instead of just passing the programme and get the license.

Managing across borders essay

One of the factors that the merger happened again in 2006 was because of the increasing number of new competitors in the telecommunication industry. What has happened in the industry since the merger, and how is the company faring?

Ways models may help or hinder the search for knowledge philosophy essay

Another example of models helping the search and understanding of knowledge is in economics. They may be treated differently in the distinct areas of knowledge and may help or hinder to different extents.

Case analysis cialis essay

The case states that they did a study utilizing 350 doctors with 50% being urologists and the other half primary care physicians and the study revealed that the fraction of patients for whom the drug would be effective was the most important attribute, followed by safety. Kotler's Text Teachings According to Kotler Brand Positioning, is โ†’

Impact of the location of intrapartum period in new zealand

This assignment examines factors that influence the decision making of expecting parents in relation to the preferred place of birth, if there is higher intervention rates in the intrapartum period depending on the chosen place of birth and the significant role of relationship and support during the intrapartum period in the location of birth. The โ†’

Literary style and themes edgar allan poe

In the first stanza of the poem, Poe rhymes with the two words sea and Lee. In the opening line of Poe's To Helen, the speaker addresses his Helen.

The open windows (lowell 185). this quote, taken

Like Lowell, Dickinson describes what she sees surrounding her, and by saying that she was dead in her poem she provides the reader the ability to create a mental image of a person actually dead in a coffin. In her first poem the mood that Dickinson sets up is one of quietness and stillness because โ†’

Organizational environment

Internal EnvironmentThe internal environment consists of the inherent competencies of the firm and the structure of its internal systems and processes. External EnvironmentThe other division of the environment, is the external environment which refers to the major elements, forces and aspects outside the organization units that have the potential of significantly impacting on the likely โ†’

The war of the worlds: a critique of imperialism

In the novel, Wells provides a base for the use of verisimilitude by writing in the first-person, in the past tense, and from the point of view of a participant writing his memoirs about an event in the near past, all of which contribute to giving the audience a sense of looking back on something โ†’

Focus points of platos republic philosophy essay

Glaucon, however, is not satisfied and proposes a challenge to Plato to prove that justice is intrinsically valuable and that living a just life is always superior. In Glaucon's views and the views of ethical egoism one ought to act in their own self interest, as that is what creates happiness.

Arguments for and against affirmative action and act will employment

It is unfortunate that affirmative action still has to exist in order to ensure that opportunity is available to all rather than the majority, a policy has to exist to guarantee there will be a percentage of minorities in the workplace. There are some people that state the affirmative action policy is obsolete and not โ†’

Religion s function

I believe Freud was right In saying that a large part of the function of religion is to provide a moral code for people. Without the thought that it was " all in God's plan", I do not think people would have a reason to live.

Behaviorism cognitivism and constructivism: educational technology

I believe that the proper use and application of learning theories depends on the context to which it is applied. Trivial constructivism is a combination of information processing and knowledge construction by the individual.

Modifying exercise habits through positive reinforcement of self-control

Based on the guidelines from the world health organisation, and the institute of medicine; plus taking into account my personal history and abilities, the goal I set for the first two weeks of my program was to complete at least 30mins of physical activity per day, for at least 3 days a week. If I โ†’

Microsoft user manual critique assignment

For the purposes of evaluating the attractiveness of the Microsoft Word 2007 manual three criteria as defined in Design 101 are used: * Proximity: is related information groped together * Contrast: do the text and headings contrast with one another * Repetition: are design elements repeated throughout the manual Proximity To evaluate if related information โ†’

Supporting children as active learners

I was aware to adapt to the children's needs and have a good understanding of the milestones of child development. This was important for myself to keep in mind when planning and evaluating my experiences for the children learning.

How well did tsarist governments cope with the pressures

It is undeniable that, for all its faults, emancipation opened the door to the modernisation of Russia, the first stage that followed in Alexander II's subsequent reforms of the 1860's. The post emancipation reforms of Alexander II did not simply fill the gaps left in the administrative and social structure of the country by the โ†’

Genetic engineering ethics

Utilitarian's are more concerned about the consequences of an action than the motives and intentions therefore the action of the parents creating a designer child would be considered morally right as the consequences of this action leads to a greater amount of happiness than unhappiness. In conclusion, I have explored the ethical issues surrounding this โ†’

Identify and assess learners needs

The purpose of this is to make sure they are on the appropriate course and level to match their job role and responsibilities. Every candidate comes to the course with a variety of knowledge, skills and experiences.

Ergonomics case essay sample

The Structure of the Essay Outline The beginning of an essay is the introduction containing your main ideas that you will make. If the process of writing the essay has changed what you are arguing, and this is often the case, you may have to reword your main points in the introduction.

Wide sargasso sea essay

The society of this time is pre-disposed, due to patriarchy, to seeing her as a threat and so they condemn her. In Part Three of the novel where the novel is described from Antoinette's point of view, she describes the key to the attic where she is kept prisoner as " the colour of fire โ†’

Intervention to increase exercise levels of diabetes patient

A randomised control trial design will be used, to establish a cause and effect relationship between the intervention MI, and the outcome increase in physical activity. In term of the intervention used, MI is based on the idea that a client must be willing to work with a professional to change behaviours, a client in โ†’

Solution to carter cleaning company essay sample

They tend to switch their job quite frequently leading to high turnovers.b) Low job performance due to lack of training: Since most of the workers are unskilled and the company does not have a separate HR department for better selection of employees and training them, the performance level was satisfactory but not the best. Answer: โ†’

How acts 1 and 2 and up to essay

The wind which knocks down the tree could be seen to represent the past returning therefore creating tension as the audience and the characters brace themselves for the reveal of the truth. The tree's fall links to the return of the Deevers, an obvious introduction of tension into the plot as their return sparks the โ†’

Which of these give a more accurate picture of soldiersโ€™ experiences

This poem was written in 1917, by Owen which makes it a very appropriate choice as he was a soldier in World War One, who had experienced the Great War from the frontline, in which he fought with the Manchester Regiment as a second lieutenant. This is proved by the language used, such as 'Murdered โ†’

History of the fbi and women

Thornton became Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix Field Office, where she was responsible for managing all FBI operations and investigations in the state of Arizona. Mertz was appointed to serve as the Special Agent in Charge of the New Haven Field Office.

The healers essay

Densu continuously chooses to pursue the the path of inspiration and healing because they promote the unity of the body, of the mind, and of the society. Armah argues that the African community is fragmented and segregated because the disunity between the Healers and the royalty has prevailed because of the colonization of the British.

The her shell, away from profession real

In this paper the focus will lead to a discussion of the significance of the glass figurines and their symbolic value to the whole play as representation of the most central symbol uniting and supporting the riding themes of impossible escape from reality and the difficulties of accepting reality as guided by the question. Thus, โ†’

Intellectual capital argumentative essay

Intellectual capital is the combined intangible assets which enable the company to function effectively Judging from the information already provided, the essay focuses on the role of intellectual capital in the new economy. Under this model, intellectual capital was divided into human capital and structural capital as in the below diagram: The components of intellectual โ†’

Walden and transcendentalism

He keeps a detailed record of the economic cost of his venture into the woods and explains to his readers his pity for the people who have numerous material possessions. I have pitied him, not because that was his all, but because he had all that to carry."[1] The second transcendentalism theme is the idea โ†’

Homosexual persecution in the essay

Very little has been written about the tens of thousands of homosexuals who were the damnedest of the damned, the outcasts among the outcasts in the concentration camps. In the wake of the Roehm execution, Hitler ordered the registration of homosexuals and the Gestapo was charged with the responsibility of creating dossiers on homosexuals and โ†’

Military aircraft 13888

The use of the bomber aircraft then led to the fighter, which was equipped with guns and missiles. With the many advances of military aircraft, it has become a main and effective part of war in recent years.

Stronger faster smarter

According to the text, studies show that exercise such as aerobic does not only increase the size of the muscles via the increased blood flow, the same thing happens to the brain. This protein informs the brain of the increased activity due to the exercise, which makes the brain crank up its production of different โ†’

A sociological explanation of suicidal behaviour

Into the acknowledgement of the above stated information about social facts it is necessary to add that according to Faraganis, " by a social fact, Durkheim is referring to facts, concepts, expectations that come not from individual responses and preferences, but that come from the social community which socializes each of its members. Among the โ†’

Five main legal system of the world

Giannell In the world there are 5 main legal systems, common law, civil law, Muslim law, customary law, and Talmudic law. Frey: Law of contracts, 2010 Cheryl Nyberg, Legal; Judicial Systems in Countries Around the World

Music in the 20th century

The 20 th century is described as the period from 1900-1999, however, there is an inconsistency with the dates allocated to this period of music. This created a constant clashing sound/feel in the music that was almost unheard of in the classical and Baroque eras.

Growth strategies of kelloggs, india

Kellogg's marked its presence in the Indian market in 1994 to increase its business as it saw huge potential growth owing to India's large population and growth in economy. Kellogg's used a lot of innovative strategies to remain in the Indian market.

Grand canyon assignment

The restatement of the question/prompt, the references, and the citations are not included in your response word count. Gradable Items Discussion Question Details Module 1 Q 2 Directions: Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment: Refer to the document " Discussion Forum Philosophy." Download the file, print it, and use the โ†’


The series shows Mitchell, George, and Annie trying to lead double lives by attempting to be a part of the human world as well as the supernatural world. When it comes to Annie, her conflicts with the supernatural world and with humanity reside in the fact that she " does not know why she remains โ†’

Kinship of two cultures

This is the reason why even in the influences of many diverse cultures, the Dinkas still maintained and treasured the richness of their culture. The wife is the one who cooks for the family, the one in charge for preparingfoodfor the whole house and in taking care of the children in the family.

Who is the dreamer? : complications of the american dream

This facade, painting the country as the harbor of freedom and liberty, promotes the nostalgia of an America that exists for the " other" only after confronting the dynamics of American's hegemonic society or conforming to its mass economic culture. The beginning of Hughes' " Let America Be America Again" complicated the notion that America โ†’

Development of radio in africa

Melissa Paddock Topic: The development of radio in African countries, including South Africa In this academic assignment I will be describing the historical background and development of radio in Africa as well as in South Africa. The second phase in radio broadcasting now started with the development of the radio in South Africa and Africa โ†’

Property, plant and equipment

Recognition An item of PPE should be recognised as an asset, if it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the entity and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. IAS 16 capitalises subsequent expenditure on an asset using the same criteria as the initial spend; that โ†’

Tyco international: leadership crisis flashcard

The chief executive officer, is the corporate executive responsible for the operations of the firm and reports to a board of directors. In the case against Kozlowski he created the trust and respect of others on the board.

๏ปฟneural & synaptic transmission

When neural impulse reaches the terminal button, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers that carry the message across the synapse to neighboring neurons. To a large degree, stress lies in the eye of the beholder, as appraisals of stress are highly subjective.

Ledina lushko revisited: insight from cdvc essay sample

CDVC is a systematic approach where one outlines the discrete activities required for the care, sequence and organization of the care, configure and analyze the delivery process around the medical condition to maximize the overall value for the patients. Ledina Lushko's treatment and diagnosis to analyze the kind of care she received.Mrs.

The existence of sweatshops argument economics essay

According to the International Labor Organization, there are 215 million working children between the ages of five and fourteen in developing countries in 2008, and a significant part of them are forced to work in sweatshops. In contrast, the home countries of the multinational enterprises should outsource their labor intensive operations in countries that are โ†’

Saleem as an allegory for india in โ€˜midnightโ€™s childrenโ€™

" To understand just one life you have to swallow the world" Explore the presentation of Saleem as an allegory for India in ' Midnight's Children'The peculiarity of the title ' Midnight's Children' makes it immediately obvious that this novel is out of the ordinary. But in terms of the reader's understanding of Saleem's life โ†’

Narration and the question of isolation in โ€˜their lonely bettersโ€™ and โ€˜resolution and independenceโ€™

The fact the narrator is just " listening" and not looking is interesting as it makes explicit what Auden is trying to say, that communicating with nature is a lovely way of escaping the verbal interactions with other people which are " Words are for those with promises keep"- by verbalising and communicating, often you โ†’

The exley chemical company analysis

However, in the last year, both sales and profits have been disappointing.[G1]The company thinks it is the problem of new products constantly being introduced into the line and methods are changing constantly. The Exley chemical company current is the average of the total industry which indicates that they have a lot of competitors.[G25][G26][G27][G28][G29][G30]The company is โ†’

Ati fundamentals 1

The nurse understands that the most significant factor in planning dietary changes for this client is the.involvement of the client in planning the changewhile starting an IV for a client, the nurse notices that her gloved hands get spotted with blood.the client has not been diagnosed with any infection transmitted via the bloodstream.which of the โ†’

Judas at the jockey club

As written in the book, " In near disbelief, a New York Times reporter wrote that Mexicans scarcely understood the use of the wheel.", so it is not entirely difficult to believe that Mexico was still in an ancient lifestyle. One of the next biggest appearances of the ignorance and stubborn acts ofMexicanworkers at this โ†’

“i know why the caged bird singsโ€ by maya angelou report (assessment)

In the case of Maya Angelou's " I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings", the social-cultural factors that impede the main character's development are also the elements that contribute to her coming of age. In " I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings", the development of the protagonist and the novel's plot starts with Maya's โ†’

An electrical wiring diagram for the one-way lighting circuit

Thus we can calculate the amperage of the fuse to be used in a circuit by the formula: = AmpsAfter calculation, chooses a fuse which is the nearest size above the required amperage. Thus we can calculate the amperage of the fuse to be used in a circuit by the formula: = AmpsAfter calculation, chooses โ†’

Shaka zulu essay

The AmaZulu believe that they are the direct descendants of the patriarch Zulu, who was born to a Nguni chief in the Congo Basin area. In the 16th century the Zulu migrated southward to their present location, incorporating many of the customs of the San, including the well-known linguistic clicking sounds of the region.

Users of accounting information assignment

The owners of the business are the ones who use the accounting information with the following purpose: Evaluation and the maintenance of their investment; Analyzing, determining the good decision making of the future of the many; To know the financial position of the company in which they invested their funds; To know if their funds โ†’

The growth and success of starbucks: analysis

Starbucks has been established as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world and apply highest standards of excellence to the purchasing, roasting and fresh delivery of the coffee. What are the advantages of the Starbucks Card to the company and to customers?

Significance of gdp to wealth and wellbeing

Without considering the unchanged services or addition of other services offered, for examples sexual which would increase the well-being of the husband, he argued that, with regards to the national income which is similar to the national dividend, services rendered for money in form of a wage as an employee are included in the national โ†’

Thyristor ram essay

The difference is that the four-transistor CMOS latch of a 6T-SRAM is replaced by the PNP-NPN bipolar latch of a single thyristor device, which reduces cell area dramatically and enables high-density macros. The slow turn-off speed of a conventional thyristor is addressed in a T-RAM cell through the use of a thyristor structure, called thin โ†’

Cracking the code of judaism

It is also the oldest monotheistic religion, originating at least 3, 000 years ago." Judaism is both the least and the greatest of the great religions. Judaism is not just a set of beliefs about God, man and the universe.

Tattoos in society

Religious tattoos are very common in some religions and in others they are een as a sin or a way to rebel against your religion, for example in the Buddhist and Hindu religions tattoos are a big part of their religion. These are usually done when they get married, the tattoo artist will create a โ†’

Modern technology : for better or for worse?

Instead of Just writing it in our Journal or diary, we are now sharing it to the world which makes us feel part of the society but making us care sees about what we share and lets us forget the real meaning of privacy. When it comes to privacy, we are not fully aware of โ†’

Managing office furniture in indonesia

Schmitz indicates that the central concern of the value chain will be to unpack the relation between the different sources of raw materials and the local production. The products will be promoted as the most technologically advanced in the market, and the use of networked enterprise environment will be vital to achieving this image.

Religion in “with mercy for the greedyโ€

Sexton tries to believe in religion to have a sense of believing in something, mostly because of her friend " Ruth", who urges her to go to a Catholic confessional. Sexton realizes that " Need is not quite belief" when she tries to accept the cross given to her but cannot connect to the true โ†’

Reducing prejudice in society

This piece of literature covers a range of topics on reducing prejudice, one being the roles and responsibilities of those in a position to reduce prejudice; such as teachers and counsellors etc. However since this is one piece of literature, more needs to be focused on not just what prejudice is and the fact that โ†’

Backward bending supply of labour

The discussion carries out by viewing supply of labour as the opposite of leisure demand and wage as the price of leisure. That is, explanation of the backward bending supply of labour can covert to illustration of the upward sloping demand of leisure.

Comparison of the theories of sigmund freud and emile durkheim on religion

In terms of religion, Freud's approach belongs to the psychological tradition, while Durkheim puts forward a sociological approach. Put simply, Freud and Durkheim were engaged in different disciplines; as a result, their pursuits were orientated differently The reason Freud and Durkheim's works are compared at all is that the realms of the sociological and of โ†’

โ€˜i wanna be yoursโ€™, by john cooper clarke essay

He repeats the word " your" to show his deep love for her and he keeps telling her that he wants to hers and tries to emphasise it as much as possible. He does this because a Ford Cortina is a very reliable cars and he's is showing her that she can trust him and โ†’

Thomas jefferson and sally hemmings

The light treatment of the Hemmings family, the emancipation of the Hemmings family, and Madison and Eston Hemmings accounts of claiming Thomas Jefferson as their father are all reasons that point to the fact that Jefferson indeed fathered the children of Sally Hemmings. Another piece of evidence that Jefferson fathered children by Sally Hemmings is โ†’

Literature reflection on total quality management

It has been experienced many times that operations team do not process the exceptions on time and sometimes they are processed for the wrong time or reason, this results in the consultants not hitting their efficiency targets and the TM taking the hit as well. Another example which states that training and empowerment is necessary โ†’

Sales and inventory system of a pharmacy

Through this Sales and Inventory System the employee in-charge will have a less stressing and will only require them to maintain the stability of the flow of the system. Significance of the Study The significance of the study is to automate the Sales and Inventory System of Maureen Edisel Pharmacy in which the management, employees โ†’

The island move – analysis

Jordan is captured the next day while Lincoln is going to the institute under the disguise of Tom; his goal is to save all of the other clones. During this time the institute realized that there was a " defect" in the clones from the echo generation on, giving them the human curiosity personality characteristic, โ†’

Communication and professional relationships with children

In addition to these principles, the supporting assistant should adopt some skills and adapt them when communicating and when dealing with disagreements, either with children and young people or with adults. Some other aspects like the age of children, the context and communication differences are strong reasons for us to adapt our communication with children โ†’

Introduction better actually causes a gradual improvement

The " placebo effect" is actually an extension of this line of reasoning wherein patients that are given placebo pills and told that they would be effective in helping with their malady has actually resulted in marked improvements in the overall medical condition of several patients. The findings of this paper show that the use โ†’