1400 Words Essay Samples

Straight forward novel about rape

In this novel we find multiple mythological and biblical sources ranging from the Ogre, Eurydice, the Medusa as well as the themes of Vengeance and Redemption from the Old and New Testaments respectively. The main character of the story is Lucie Daubigne, a little girl who lives a contented childhood in a quiet and rural β†’

The prism of homosexuality; and all its colorful aspects

The discrimination that took place in the 19 th and 20 th centuries everyone was made to believe that homosexuality was a mental disorder." In the nineteenth century, the term homosexual was listed as a sexual aberration to explain the behavior of criminals charged with sex crimes. The sad reality of it all is that β†’

Climate and topography analysis assignment

Another industry that depends greatly on topography and climate is the oil industry and in particular the oil refinery industry. The importance of climate and topography for the food and beverage industry cannot be stressed any further.

A history of icd-9 and icd-10 essay

The ICD-9-CM streamlined the other versions of ICD classification systems into a single classification system and was intended for use primarily in hospitals in the United States. The National Center for Health Statistics is responsible for maintaining the diagnostic codes in Volumes 1 and 2 of the ICD-9-CM.

Introduce a health issue and ways in which it can be prevented

HIV a health issue affecting Black African men of ages between 30 to 34 in the UK HIV as A Health Issue Affecting Black African Men of Ages Between 30 to 34 in the UK Background And Prevalence Of The Issue. The health belief model is a model established in the 1950s in order to β†’

Cultural and structural theories

Cultural approach explains that health differences can best be understood in terms of our way of life as society and as an individual and on the social class in which we find ourselves, the lower the social class the worse the health issues. The black report also agrees with this view, as finding continues to β†’

Swot analysis for vodafone plc

Vodafone has created a very good Brand Image in the Customers Perception, Vodafone has its services around the world and It is listed in the worlds top 500 Brands and ranked 183 in the year 2006 and is published in " Barron" and also ranked 86th place in the world's 100 largest companies and the β†’

Assessing reading skills using accelerated reader program

The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the usability of the AR by looking into the skills assessed by the software. With the help of AR resources and existing literatures that validate the effectiveness of the program, this study weighs factors leading to recommendation of the program, and suggest possible areas to be β†’

Challenging behaviour means the behaviour psychology essay

One of the crucial strength of the behaviourist theory is that it stresses only on those behaviours that can be noticed and manipulated. The Major limitations of the theory are that the theory is organised loosely and it can be perceived as fully systematic one.

The human factor of global warming assignment

While there are those that like to believe that humans control the course of the global climate system, the truth is that there is also natural climate variability on a year to year basis. These variables in our climate are due to the change in the amount of energy entering and escaping from the Earth.

Editorial: the implications of weight bias internalization

The commonality of weight stigma and discrimination experiences for people with overweight and obesity means that internalization of weight bias is likely, and, with the associated impacts on health and health behaviors, is an important consideration across society. In editing this Research Topic, we have sought to present emerging empirical and theoretical contributions that advance β†’

Audit engagement report

For auditing to take place, there has to be an auditor, who has the qualifications of carrying out the auditing process, and the client, who is the one being audited. The partner's and the managr's reaction concerning the client was that the client had some issues to hide.

This dog will be mine

I know u think I wont do that cause I never get up for school, but I do not enjoy school that much so why would you want to interrupt your sleeping to do something that you do not LOVE I mea school Is k I always get up right away when we have to β†’

A comparison between avon and the body shop

Decline refers to business needs to work out a strategy for whether this product is worth promotion or quit the market. For instance, Avon representatives provide the product brochures to members regularly, and order through a representative directly.

Causes of animal extinction and disappearing species

Since humans have become the dominant species on earth, increase in human activities leads to exploitation of the resources within the environment and leads to emissions that may cause serious climatic changes which reduce the chances of survival of the animals. The number of endangered species in animals increases with time.

Professional dispositions assignment

Now that I am in my second eight weeks of student teaching I still hold true to the dispositions that I choose in the beginning. I want to be the teacher that my students remember.

Self exploration essay

I am the type of person where if you were to see me you would think I was very quiet but once I get comfortable with you, I open up and then I can be an open book. I lend out a helping hand without asking anything in return and I love the feeling that β†’

Ancient history of pompeii history essay

In one, Pliny highlights the events that lead to the death of his uncle who was an encyclopaedist and commander of the roman fleet.[3]The second letter illustrates Pliny's own experiences at Misenum during the phases of the eruption giving a great analysis of the eruption process. Moulds of organic material that was once present are β†’

What is ignorance

It is closely related in meaning to and the noun form of the verb, ignore; to disregard or refuse to pay attention to something. It is not that the person is unable to understand the concept of that car or that he or she would be unable to profit from expose to that car; the β†’

Hazard and hazard management construction essay

Safe practices can help eliminate the hazards present in the construction industry, and reduce the number of on-the-job injuries and deaths. The potential fall hazards regarding to construction features are, holes in slabs, leading or unbounded edges of the floor slab, and openings in walls.

Diagnosing omds work performance problems business essay

The same will help the organisation 's direction in improved find of the beginnings of hapless public presentation and managing employee operational issues. 6 The chief three obstructions to the organisation 's public presentation and employee satisfaction can be categorized into Incentives, Reward Salience and Expectations affairs.

Editorial: the therapeutic potential of transcranial magnetic stimulation in addiction

Harm reduction has dominated the field in the last 40 years, but it would seem overwhelmed by current data indicating an increment in the diffusion, marketing, and abuse of psychostimulants like cocaine and amphetamines, a sector plagued by a lack of specific therapeutic tools, appearance on the drug market of new psychoactive substances like phenethylamines, β†’

Building the bridge as you walk on it essay

The Eight Practices for Entering the Fundamental State of Leadership Robert Quinn, in Building The Bridge As You Walk On It, identifies eight separate steps that can help us achieve the Fundamental State of Leadership whenever we need to have a heightened level of empowerment in our lives. In our normal state, we may make β†’

Harmonisation of accounting standards

Accounting Standards are the reliable statements of best accounting practices issued by recognized expert accountancy bodies relating to various aspects of measurements, treatments and disclosures of accounting transactions and events, as related to the codification of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. In practice, harmonization of accounting tends to mean the process of increasing the compatibility of β†’

Police misconduct leading to the wrongful convictions of the central park five

Central Park is just one of many Police misconduct is a term used to define police disobeying and disregarding the rules and regulations of law enforcement including the rights of civilians stated in America's constitution. In the Central Park Five Case, police held the five in custody and coerced false confessions out of the boys β†’

Nutrition assessment assignment

Day 4: I had a cereal in the morning to start my day. Day 5: In the morning I had yogurt and coffee before heading out to pick up my grandpa.

Herbs as hemostatic and coagulant

In patient with bleeding of nasal due to abrasion of the midc turbinate the local application of Rubia cordifolia powder produce good hemostaticeffect. In alkaline urine the excretion of anthraquinone gave red orange colour urine, and a yellow orange colour in acidic urine.the excreted substance was the salt of glucuronide of the anthraquinone.

People in ritz carltons success marketing essay

There is a number of perceptions of the concept of process within the business and marketing literature. According to case study RITZ-Carlton, the success of ' people' in RITZ-Carlton is in the points where, the RITZ-Carlton cares and comforts the needs of consumers, provides the personal services, facilities, and high quality service.

Marketing assignment

Marketing Business Environment A reason why marketing business environment helps the business Is that a company can be Influenced In many ways and In a lot of thing and that It Is Important that the businesses are aware and understands those factors that could affect the way the businesses operates. Macro-Environment refers to the external β†’

How people with special or particular needs use technology in every day live

The visual impairment was use technology to help them see and get on with on thing are, computer technology, including specialized hardware or software that simulates the human voice reading the computer screen or renders hard-copy output into braille, designed to help persons with disabilities perform daily tasks, has changed the lives of countless individuals β†’

The history of the non-commissioned officer

Overview The origin of the non commissioned officer developed early in the country's history, actually before the country was a country. In the late 1700s the mean worried about their rights of liberty and property at the hands of the English monarchy." These advocates of ' the citizen-soldier' called on free, adult men of property β†’

Self evaluation from employee

Attitude Positive Self Evaluation Phrases I always try to keep a positive attitude, a smile on my face, and demonstrate how much I enjoy my job. I am working to improve how I deal with others and customers.

Trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy with children

The main goal of TF-CBT with abused children suffering from PTSD is " to help children develop skills in order to manager the symptoms of PTSD and to process trauma as a time-limited past event that can be managed effectively by the child and his/her family", while they " focus on current and future concerns". β†’

As the sovereignty of parliament

However, in this essay I will discuss the role of the doctrine of precedent in the English law where the idea of Parliament sovereignty confronts to the traditions of common law system. The name is derived from the medieval theory that the law administered by the king's courts represented the common system of the realm, β†’

Horace mann

The current concept of educational technology is defined by the concept of multimedia technologies and the use of the computer in instruction. The active integration of technology will continue to assist in making that perception fully accepted by administrators and educators.

Literature review on mortgage default

The examination of the default decision as an option and the central role of net equity constitute the dominant view in studies of default. The recent financial crisis has stimulated a revival of the academic interest in mortgage default, and the birth of a third generation of research models.

Professional relationships with children and young people

Being considerate of the child's position and needs, and remembering issues that are personal to them, and taking the time to actively listen to the child. It is important to provide questions, prompts and cues to encourage and support the child's language skills and to assist with their independent learning.

Who has more power in β€˜the collector’: clegg or miranda?

He is able to abduct Miranda and posses her physical power due to the fact that he wins an immense sum of money, allowing him to purchase a house, thus the ability to maintain her. Clegg's pathological infatuation with the power he has over Miranda results in his abuse of power, obtaining Miranda as an β†’

Social and economic problems of the arab world

The Arab World refers to the 22 Arabic speaking countries located between the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Arabian Sea in the east, and the Mediterranean Sea and Turkey in the north to the Indian Ocean and mid-Africa in the south. The first problem to discuss here is unemployment in Arab countries, which β†’

Economics of nuclear energy essay

The production of nuclear energy is based on the physics formula E = mc2 where E is energy, M is the mass and C is the speed of light, however only uranium and plutonium are used to produce nuclear energyEconomic Effects of Nuclear Implementation The initial cost of setting up a nuclear plant requires approximately β†’

The shawshank redemption argumentative

They can see the sky, the sky is clear and the sun is in the sky, for the inmates this is better than the dull-grey of the woodshop. Andy realises that he can use this to his advantage and asks the guard if he " trusted his wife? " the guard misread the question and β†’

Operating and information system: case study on airasia

Beside that, the AirAsia also creates the mission is to be the best company to work for whereby employees are treated as part of a bigfamily, create a globally recognized ASEAN brand, to attain the lowest cost so that everyone can fly with AirAsia and the last is maintain the highest quality product, embracingtechnologyto reduce β†’

A case study on dyson business essay

Core product: vacuum cleaner Actual product: A comprehensive and interesting list of features added to the core product makes Dyson vacuum cleaners stand out in the industry. Origin of strategic position can be categorized as ' needs based' as Dyson vacuum cleaners are for a large group of customers with different needs and Dyson handles β†’

Physical and psychosocial needs of palliative clients

Palliative mind all through the continuum of sickness includes tending to physical, scholarly, enthusiastic social, and otherworldly needs and to encourage understanding self-sufficiency, access to data, and decision of consideration According to Loscalzo, Institute of Medicine report defines palliative care as " prevention and relief of suffering through the meticulous management of symptoms from the β†’

Sex gender and feminism sociology essay

The feminist perspective of gender and sex is sub-divided into Radical Feminism and Marxist Feminism Radical feminists take the argument of masculine dominance and feminine subordination further by labeling the society as patriarchal or that the world is dominated and ruled by men. It is continued in the everyday forms of male-female interaction in society, β†’

Factors influence an individual’s self-concept?

In summary, the development of the self-concept during the life p of an individual is subjected to multiple factors of influence. The influence of age, race and gender on child and adolescent self-concept.In B.A.

Intense irritation

The clinically utilized calming drugs experience the ill effects of the disadvantage of symptoms and the high cost of treatment. Because of the significant side effect outlines of steroidal and NSAID medications, there is a greater interest in natural compounds, such as dietary supplement and herbal remedies, which have been used for centuries to reduce β†’

Editorial: emerging enterobacteriaceae infections: antibiotic resistance and novel treatment options

A study carried out over a period of 10 years by Hanna-Wakim et al.aimed to provide a comprehensive view of the epidemiological characteristics of urinary tract infections in hospitalized children, examine the risk factors of UTIs caused by extended spectrum beta-lactamase -producing organisms, and determine the resistance patterns in the isolated organisms. The authors also β†’

Camus: the stranger and existentialism

Existentialists also believe the greatest achievement of an individual is to realize the absurdity of life and to accept it. Meursault wants to live his life to in the moment; he is not concerned with the future.

The view of tattoos in our society today

The View of Tattoos 1 The View of Tattoos in Our Society Today Melissa Oliphant Axia College of University of Phoenix The View of Tattoos 2 " People who drink, do drugs, have been jailed or do not believe in religion are more likely to be tattooed.", said Mom. In the past bikers, sailors, truckers β†’

Experiences of severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease nursing essay

This assignment will look at the researchers suitability to undertake this study, the purpose of the abstract, the research design and how it relates to the aim of the study, it will also summarise the literature review used by the authors, any ethical issues that were addressed by the researchers, the limitations will be discussed, β†’

Practices of the south baptist church

The History of the South Baptist Church According to Henry Vedder's book, A Short History of the Baptists, the Southern Baptist Church's beginning is connected with John Smyth and the separatist movement that started in England in the early 17th century. The expansion of the Baptists in the USA led to the formation of mission β†’

β€œroman civilization”

The Roman monarchy was the first form of political goverment of the city of Rome. In the city there were temples of Gods, the Government of the Republica, the patrician " rich people houses, the artisans stores and merchandisers.

The manipulation of western tropes in all the pretty horses

Most importantly, McCarthy works the image of the cowboy, the importance of horses, a sense of lawlessness, and the gunslinger trope into All the Pretty Horses and alters the impact of them throughout the novel. In regards to John Grady's development, this collective image lets the audience get insight on the fact that due to β†’

Netflix situation analysis

Instead, Netflix came up with the idea of allowing a customer to choose from a list of movies online, the movies are mailed to them within 1 business day, and could be returned the next day for another movie on the customer's list complete with a self-addressed envelope with the postage paid. It could offer β†’

Supply chain of toyota motors

Key trend in the automotive industry is the increase of the variant numbers on individual models and standardization of components in the supply chain. The objective of the SCM was to place the " Right Product" at the right store in right quantities catering to the right customer at right time and a right price.

The concepts of taylorism and fordism

The implications of the wage system is in equilibrium the quantity of labour demanded will be the same as the quantity of labour supplied so, the market will clear and there will be no unemployment. It was supported on the division of work, this breaks down the industrial processes into several simple operations that could β†’

Introduction to the problem of the individual’s identity

After decades of research, our understanding of the complexity of an individual's identity and the process of socially constructing one's identity is limited for particular groups of individuals who do not fit standard socially constructed identity groups. The complexity of a multiracial person's identity lies in the dynamic of having their identity questioned through the β†’

Background this is not possible in other smartphones,

It is the fourth generation of the iPhone, having succeeded the iPhone 3GS, the other two previous models are the original iPhone and the iPhone 3G. The operating system enables all the applications and features to run smoothly and position the iPhone 4 as the best smartphone in the market.

Lateral thinking essay

This report will illustrate more about lateral thinking, the method to improve lateral thinking, and how to use this concept in corporate world.2. The purpose of individual practice in lateral thinking is to acquire skill and confidence in this type of thinking." 5.

If the military and government could go assignment

The government should not have the right to go on strike; striking would compromise national security, moral of our troops, tourism and the economy as a whole. Another impact a shutdown has is on the moral of the men and women serving in the United States Military.

The significance of effective note taking and its impact on education achievement

The researchers administered a semi-structured interview to examine how students felt about the purpose of taking notes in lectures, the content of the notes, what happened to the notes after the lecture, and the students' previous experiences with taking notes. Additionally, the participants were asked open-ended questions where the interpretation of the answers may be β†’

Wollstonecraft on women’s “slavery”: perspectives from the enlightenment and modernity

Wollstonecraft's comparison of the plight of women to slavery may sound exaggerated, until one looks at the facts of the time and can see how the rigid gender roles in society enslaved women to the men they were controlled by. The real reason that Mary Wollstonecraft wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman was β†’

Literature review of women suffering from multiple sclerosis nursing essay

A literature review was performed to identify published material relating to the lived experience of women suffering with MS with the main focus being on how women cope with the challenges that MS brings everyday and how they try and maintain a quality of life. This study showed that people with the progressive form of β†’

Ultramicroscopy – imaging a whole animal or a whole brain with micron resolution

The method produces impressive images of the whole interior of the Drosophila body even when just the auto fluorescence signal of the tissues induced by glutaraldehyde fixative is imaged. As with the fluorescence microscope the light is emitted by the substrate and not imaged by absorption or diffraction of the transmitted light.

Editorial: atypical functions of leukocyte chemoattractant receptors

This was conveyed in the original names that were assigned to some of these chemoattractants, although they were later replaced in the case of the chemokines by a systematic nomenclature. The authors analyze the functions regulated by these receptors in different subsets and maturation stages of the neutrophils that are found in multiple physiological and β†’

Consumer behaviour: toothpaste

PRODUCT CLASS KNOWLEDGE: it is the measure of consumer's perceptions of how much they know about a specific class of products. So, government and company is responsible for creating awareness through dental campaign to avoid dental problems and increase the consumption of toothpaste in India.

Racial classification essay

Role of Science The rise of the scientific approach to racial categorization began in the late 18th century, with the writings of the philosopher Voltaire, the jurist Edward Long and Dr. However, it is Linnaeus and Blumenbach who first introduced classification of the varieties of humankind that were later to be adopted as the official β†’

Increasing the vitamin and supplements usage for the healthy lifestyle

The main reason for taking vitamins and supplements are to boost your metabolism and help your body to continue on a healthy path. These supplements supply your body with vitamins and minerals you need to feel your best.

Effects of economic migration

When analysing the benefits and drawbacks of economic migration, we find that the advantage of economic migration far outweigh its disadvantage to the both of receiving and source country. The situation of economic migration in Europe The recent enlargements of the European Union to economic migration The expansion of possibilities for labour migration reflects problems β†’

The mystery of the jfk assassination

He was known for the many problems he had to deal with like the " Bay of Pigs" Incident, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Vietnam War. He was brought to the police station and charged for both the murder of Tippit and later the president after the police were able to figure out that β†’

Enhancement of polymeric materials through nanotechnology

Using nanotechnology as a tool, it is possible to modify the nano/basic structure of the materials to improve the material's bulk properties such as mechanical performance, volume stability, durability and sustainability. A new era of polymeric material innovations for buildings Recent developments in the field of the fabrication and characterisation of objects at the nano-scale β†’

Woodrow wilson

In this dissertation, Wilson argued about the power the congressional government has over a weak postwar Presidency and for a constitutional change of separation of powers between Congress and the President to that of the British Parliament. The President Woodrow Wilson narrowly won the Democratic nomination in 1912 putting him against President Taft of the β†’

Take a look at 5 good abstract examples here

First, try to summarize the key points of the text - the bits that will be interesting and relevant to the reader. The findings of the study contribute to the development of new treatment techniques.

Effects of popular music on memorization tasks assignment

In another study, the researchers found that music that contained speech had significant active effects on the participants' ability to perform tasks. Although these studies found different results for gender and the frequency of listening to the type of music presented in the study, the results still indicated that music helped their performance.

Peer influence on risk taking, risk preference, and risky decision making

The experimenters proposed three different hypotheses in relation to this study; the first hypothesis proposed that risk taking, risk preference and risky decision making will decrease with age, the second hypothesis proposed that individuals will demonstrate more risk taking, greater risk preference, and more risky decision making when in the company of their peers than β†’

Ligands and receptors of the interleukin-1 family in immunity and disease

The discovery of the importance of IL-1 in defense against bacteria and of the Toll-IL-1 resistance domain was upstream of the discovery of Toll-like receptors. In particular they focus on the new IL-1 family members, IL-37 and the cytokines belonging to the IL-36 subfamily and on the potency of blocking IL-1 in disease.

A constant clash of ideologies or chase for power: international politics and where they’re headed

Explaining current and future international issues with one point of view is impossible: " The world is always in flux, and change, as the old adage teaches us, is the only constant"., and not only this, but no approach perfectly explains the course of history and the future of states, this includes the acceptance from β†’

Sales and inventory system for bc home furnishing and apliance center essay sample

An interview to the owner and other personnel and observation of the flow of the present sales and inventory system were conducted to gather information and system requirements. Al, to simply produce an authentic solution to the problem regarding with the use of the present sales and inventory system is the same with the purpose β†’

Longfellow – writing incorporates religion essay sample

It was originally planned as a dramatizing of the process of Christianity, but he only left his mark in the first and third parts of " Christus". Other pieces written during his depression were " The Rainy Day", " God's Acre", " Blind Bartimeus", and Longfellow translated Tegner's " The Children of the Lord's Supper"." β†’

“to build a fire” jack london

According to the story, the man faces the danger of freezing in the nasty cold. Due to this, the dog becomes aware of the dangers of the cold, the risks associated with the spring, the ways of removing the ice stuck in its toes, and even the impact of going too cloe to fire.

Chapter 1: nature of psychology

CHAPTER 1: NATURE OF PSYCHOLOGY PSYCHOLOGY - It is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes - Greek word: psyche or soul; logos or study RELATION OF PSYCHOLOGY TO OTHER SCIENCES - Anthropology - Biology - Chemistry - Psychiatry - Sociology GOALS OF PSYCHOLOGY - Describe behavior - Predict behavior - Explain behavior - β†’

Whitman and manhattan

Finally, Whitman hones in on the lives of the people in the city, treasuring each of their lives and appreciating each of them as human beings that add to the individuality and liveliness of Manhattan." Mannahatta" is Walt Whitman's homage to New York City; it is a celebration of the union of the urbanized metropolis β†’

Comparative analysis of woodrow wilson vs. ronald reagan assignment

Wilson had envisioned the League of Nations but the united States did not Join the League of Nations, which was an obvious failure, but it did none-the-less evolve into what we now know as the united Nations which is a very effective alliance that helps to deter and settle conflicts as well as maintain a β†’

Biblical foundation for developing contextual theology

The traditional definition of the term theology refers to the meaning derived from the two Greek words " Theos" and " Logia" and perceived as the study of the word of God or understanding the knowledge of God. A contextual theology must be able to express in worship and the activities of the Christian ministry.

Counselling domestic violence victims

The person who is the abuser may be a man or a woman and the person who is being abused may be a spouse, a child or a parent. Discussion of the different views of the issue Victims of domestic violence bring cultural norms and ideas with them.

Hamlet – shakespeare assignment

Hamlet struggles with his duty to his father, his disillusionment with himself, his revenge on Claudia, his mother's Eden remarriage, the purpose of the ghost and the corrupt nature of Denmark. The Ghost of his father appearing to him is what began Hamlet's morality and excessive thought.

The core executive: the role of the prime minister and the cabinet in the uk’s parliament

Government and Politics Jan 2011 Topic 3- The core Executive 1) A government is " the organization, that is the governing authority of a political unit," " the ruling power in a political society," and the apparatus through which a governing body functions and exercises authority. 2) A Cabinet Reshuffle is a series of changes β†’

A man called horse

The Sioux saw the color of John Dunbar's skin as a threat, because of all the previous white-men that had come and tried to take without asking, such as the conquistadors of Spain, the Texans, and even the Mexicans; however this was a small gap for John to leap over to get closer to the β†’

The payout policy essay sample

Before Dividend: After Dividend: After the cash dividend, the market value of the firm falls to $900, 000 and shareholders gain $100, 000 in cash. Before Dividend: After Repurchase: After the cash dividend, the market value of the firm falls to $900, 000 yet shareholders retain equal ownership in the firm.

Efficient market hypothesis and financial crisis

According to the efficient market hypothesis, efficient market is the place where the price of the stock will quickly adjust when new information appears therefore a current price of any securities reflect all information relating to it in the market. This hypothesis implies that the ratio of income and market data in the past does β†’

French and indian war assignment

French and Indian War BY scarcer The French and Indian War was one of the bloodiest wars of the 18th century. The audience of this document is other colonists and the purpose was to publicize discontent of the Stamp Act.

Economic geography flashcard

LocationWhere a country is located relative to its neighbors and its physical geography can give rise to differences in economies." Location explains between 60 and 70 percent of variation in income across countries". Based on the evidence presented in the paper, the authors believe that geography continues to affect economic development, along with economic and β†’

Factors of the social-cultural environment in the united kingdom

But when we decide in which product that we produce to the customer, we will consider about the cultural aspects and social aspects. For example, modern Britain is no more class-bound than any other society in contemporary Europe or North America and the British are some of the least ' cold' or standoffish people to β†’