1400 Words Essay Samples

Sex and temperament essay

Anthropologist Margaret Mead addressed the differences in temperament found between men and women in her book Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies. In the Mundugumor societies, they have standardized the behavior of both men and women as " actively masculine, virile, and without the softening and mellowing characteristics that we are accustomed to believe →

Civil disobedience in the mind of socrates

It is a form of peaceful protest based on the idea that if a movement occurs solely on the refusal to obey the law, the government will weaken and therefore have to listen to the people and change the law accordingly. Even in a matter of life and death, it is evident that Socrates believes →

Winter street essay

But when their children had grown up and moved away the house had become to big for the Kroboble couple and they had moved closer to the city to be with their children. She had to open the door and get Heather out.

Analyze the impact of globalization, technology, and the quest for democracy in the middle east today

In both of the books the protagonists are overambitious and dare to defy the laws of the universe. The tragedy of the situation involved the inability of the creature to find its place in the community, no matter what it did, and the unwillingness of people to understand the needs and aspirations of the Frankensteins →

Design of a bicycle frame

The next great transportation innovation and evolution - aviation, was in many ways a child of the bicycle industry in the sense that most of the early inventors, pilots and builders were previously a part of the bicycle industry. The frame is the mall body of the bicycle and Is the framework which all other →

Fear and duty in going after cacciato essay

As he gushes out in the final pages of the book, Paul Berlin fears running away, going into exile, the thoughts of those he loves, the loss of reputation, and most of all cowardice. Finally, he realizes that the duty of a soldier is not to fight well, or to be a hero, but simply →

Allied health professionals and occupational therapists

A physiotherapist is able to help the patient with their function such as balance, gait, and movement of the body. This scenario is able to show the significance of communication in health professions and the collaboration of a variety of allied health professionals to provide successful patient outcome.

Isys 209 ch. 10-12

The testing process that focuses on individual computer programs is called _________________unit testing The plan for unit testing, system testing, and acceptance testing is called __________a test plan Implementing a new system into an organization module by module is called a ____________.phased approach The most bold and risky implementation strategy is the _______________ approach.direct cutover →

Sports education: micro teaching reflection

The learning Combination Lock is a meta-model that offers a systematic process for the educator to consider and select from a vast range of ingredients available in the development of learning processes; so I will use the LCL as a tool to examine my lesson plans and identify whether they set out to achieve the →

Introduction not been proven to them and meaning

Some of the basic principles underlying the belief of atheism include; that there is neither the existence of God nor that of the devil, there is no sin that can be accrued to the violation of God's will and teachings, there exist no supernatural realm, that the universe is generally materialistic and measurable and so →

Parallel dimensions

Comparisons in the childhoods of Bronte and Jane are evident in the in the harsh conditions of the strict charity boarding schools they attended. With the rough conditions at the schools both Jane Eyre and Charlotte Bronte lost people very near to them as a result of a typhus outbreak.

How john locke inspired maria montessori essay sample

John Locke believed that " The well educating of their children is so much the duty and concern of parents, and the welfare and prosperity of the nation so much depends on it, that I would have everyone lay it seriously to heart". Locke, on the other hand, thought of children as human beings and →

“midnight lake,” “an absolutely ordinary rainbow,” and other poems – an analysis of contemporary australian values

The degradation and mockery that's been made of Aboriginal culture is shown in the poem through the use of symbolism and irony." Near the entrance, where you pay for fuel, there stands a tribal man in rib-paint and pubic tassel" accentuates just how much the Aborigines have been degraded by society. The idea of a →

Impact of brexit on the construction industry

Choosing just one sector of the construction industry, critically analyse the potential impacts on that sector of the UK's exit from the EU. Construction industry is a complicated process due to longevity, cost, and investment nature of the products and it has been a great challenge for the industry to provide the supply which is →

It unique ability of being able to travel

This paper will discuss the path of light and the various properties of light. The fundamental difference between light waves and other types of waves is in the ability of light waves to travel in a vacuum.

Macro and micro environmental analysis: proton

These factors have played a very big rule in the performance of proton, where proton has a big problem with their suppliers, as well as a drop in its market shares, as they have a big competitor in the market which is Perodua, the other factor that has affected proton is the customs, where Proton →

God: man or myth?

Many scientists have researched the origin of the universe and come to the conclusion that it is not all that hard to " create" a universe. To say that a god does not exist is to defy the laws of creation.

Antoni gaudi’s sagrada familia

Hornblower is complimentary of the piece of architecture that at times has been seen as gauche and over-the-top, she explains that very style of the building is almost a mockery of modern architecture. In the case of Sagrada Familia we see that the only real difference in perception of the piece is that the male →

How to write a critical analysis

In the latter case, it is customary to separate the text into constituents and evaluate the ability of the aggregate of such elements to achieve the goal. So we can give the next definition to it: critical analysis is the process of determining the veracity, reliability or likelihood of the information provided.

The conceptualizing administrative discretion economics essay

Administrative decentralization implies the recognition of the discretion of the administrative local government units to carry out functions and duties at that level. These groups propose that the role of central government institutions in administrative decentralization be confined to: the facilitation and enabling of local governments; development and management of the policy and regulatory framework; →

Comparison of baroque and rococo styles essay

One of the most recognized styles of art of seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Europe were Baroque and Rococo styles. He painted in the ornate Rococo style and was considered as one of the fathers of Rococo.

Two distribution strategies automobiles and jewelry marketing essay

The basis of competition is shifting from service and management of consumer purchase and ownership experiences to mutually beneficial life-cycle value equations of both cars and buyers, and the development of innovative strategies to capture that value. Wheeler Changing Channels In The Automotive Industry: The Future of Automotive Marketing and Distribution.

The is low and the carbon dioxide

Tirednesscould be a sign of the amount of oxygen that is getting to the body's organs. In manyhospitals, the donor has to agree directly for a lung transplant.

Relativism and multiculturalism assignment

Although the utility of united everyone under a single culture and laws will benefit the greater number of people around the world, there will still be a great number of people who will be lost in the process. Additionally, the ability to conform and be at peace with all people is the greater good for →

Principles of religion

However, though they believed in one God, they also believe in three principal Gods such as Brahma the creator of the Universe, Vishnu the preserver of the universe, and Shiva the destroyer of the universe. They also both believed that in order to have an eternal life, they must practice the laws of God and →

Technology investigation

In order to be specific and unique, I think It Is a good way to make a personal website, to show them my data, my advantages and my ablest. My major constraints: I do not need a huge space to hold my site, I do not need too much videos and photos, and also I →

Holes – author’s use of sub plots and their effectiveness essay sample

In the book Holes, the author, Louis Sachar has effectively made use of sub-plots throughout the book to indirectly help the readers in understanding the plot and enhance their understanding of the story and literally help the readers ' fill in the holes' left unfilled by the writer. Even though this sub plot is complex, →

“the withered arm” by thomas hardy and “tickets please” by d h lawrence

Annie works with other women on the trams as a replacement for the men who have gone to war and the work makes her feel important and free. Most of the men had gone away to fight for their country and this leads to a rise in women's confidence and self esteem.

Topic: wi-fi technology and its application in business organizations

Wi-Fi is a wireless technology brand that is owned by Wi-Fi Alliance Wi-Fi Alliance is a consortium of separate and independent companies agreeing to a set of common interoperable products based on the family of IEEE 802. Whenever a computer receives any of the signals within the range of a Wi-Fi network which is usually →

Decision making in health care

The steps include; " framing the management question, finding sources of information, assessing the accuracy of the information, assessing the applicability of the information, assessing the actionability of the evidence, and determining if the information is adequate". The setting of the change is Harris County, Texas, clinic serving Medicaid patients, and the time frame for →

The strengths and weaknesses of essay

In the developing world many local workers have been forced out of a job and the local interdependencies that have existed for thousands of years have in the space of the last fifty years or so dissolved as a result of the notion of comparative advantage." The expansion of the global economy directly leads to →

Introduction free riding is inevitable in each

Not all the people who enjoy the public goods are taxpayers yet the government uses the taxpayer's money to facilitate the provision of theses goods and services to the general public. The issue of free riding is inevitable in each and every country because of the presence of the presence of minors, tax evaders and →

Murder college essay

This malicious intent is displayed when the offender or the killer, before the time of the commission of the crime, have adopted the deliberate intent to end the life of another. The existence of murder in law is significant in marking a transition from the view that a homicide was a wrong to the survivors →

Gothic tropes in dracula: novel and film

Published in the late 19th Century, at a time when the focus of the Gothic genre was often on the darker elements of the human psyche in the familiar setting of the modern world, ' Dracula', for the most part being set in Victorian Britain, indeed conformed to the genre norms of the time. By →

Roots of indian culture in sindhu saraswati civilisation

The study was conducted by a team of scientists from the US, the UK, India, Pakistan and Romania between 2003 and 2008.[29] While the new finding puts to rest, at least for the moment, other theories of the civilisation's demise, such as the shifting course of rivers due to tectonic changes or a fatal foreign →

The merger of finance companies in malaysia

The anchor bank system was to consolidate the financial system to improve competitiveness and to reduce the number of bankruptcies in the financial system. Before the crisis, MBf Finance is the biggest finance company in Malaysia with 153 branches and has almost 10 percent of Malaysia's population as customers.

Know rhymes—know reasons

Luckily, certain genetic traits skip a generation, and I can honestly say that I am not a nerd; however, I am a bookworm, and I am not ashamed to admit it because much of my life has been influenced by the things I have read. In this way, the progress I made became more tangible, →

Isolated hexadactyly of foot with central polydactyly

The extra toe was not in the plane of the foot adjacent to the normal digit but inclined at 45 to the transverse arch of the foot. Interestingly, the T shaped bifurcation of the metatarsal was angled at 45 to the transverse arch of the foot.

The salem witchcraft crisis of 1692 history essay

10 The accusation of Tituba was to send in motion a calamity, Norton argues, that was to be inextricably linked with the violence between the English settlers and the New England Native Americans. Through the course of her examination, Hobbs 12 Norton, Devil's Snare, p.58.lj Norton, Devil's Snare, p.58.

Editorial: machine learning and data mining in materials science

Editorial on the Research Topic Machine Learning and Data Mining in Materials Science The development of new materials, incorporation of new functionalities, and even the description of well-studied materials strongly depends on the capability of individuals to deduce complex structure-property relationships. This Research Topic is a compilation of contributions on current ideas and novel concepts →

Wateraid: an international non governmental organization

It aims to provide access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation to the deprived people in the globe. In 2010, WaterAid spent 75p of each pound on charitable objectives; due to the fact WaterAid could help more people.

Past and presence in persepolis by marjane satrapi

Previously, Marji thought that the Shah was " chosen by God," however after she learns that the Shah's family had caused her family to "[live] in poverty," in the past, she realizes that the Shah is not a " godly" figure and learns to support the current Revolution that is being shown in the novel. →

India’s macroeconomics indicators assignment

8 Trade*** Construction Electricity, gas and water Manufacturing 16.7 5.0 1.7 19.2 17.6 4.6 2.0 21.0 17.8 4.6 2.3 23.1 19.8 5.1 2.5 19.2 20.9 4.2.4 20.3 21.4 5.0 2.5 19. 2 China * 10.8 32.9 6.0 3.

Editorial: emerging viruses: host immunity and novel therapeutic interventions

In this Research Topic, a series of articles provides comprehensive insights on the current view of the virology, innate immune responses, and novel therapeutics to IAVs, MERS-CoV, EBOV, and flavivirus in experimental settings as well as in clinical trials. Immune cells, such as macrophages and DCs are important in the immediate control of viral replication →

Bezlotoxumab (zinplava) with mayo clinic

Zinplava is currently the only drug in its class because it's currently the only drug in the market that prevents the recurrence of CDI instead of treating the actual infection. Disease recurrence was found in 62 patients treated with Zinplava and in 97 patients of the control group.

Should different types of gay relations in

The purpose of the essays is to cast light on the essence of the gay marriages and provide evidences that same-sex marriages have right to be legalized. As it was said, the purpose of this essay is to convince the reader that legalization of the gay marriages in important and these people should have the →

What does the “akt” stand for in the name “akt kinase”? some historical comments

Staal of the Johns Hopkins Oncology Centre, on " Molecular cloning of the akt oncogene and its human homologues AKT1 and AKT2: Amplification of AKTI in a primary human gastric adenocarcinoma ", mentioned " the isolation of a directly transforming retrovirus, AKT8 from a spontaneous thymoma of an AKR mouse". Therefore, the " AK" was →

The of climatic change has raised questions

It is in the context of this background thatthis paper highlights the impact of climate change on agriculture andrecommends steps that can be implemented to mitigate some of these effects. Moreover, the elevated levels ofCO2 in the country is more likely to result in a reduction in the foliarnitrogen concentration in plants, and impact the →

Rhetorical analysis of ethos in “narrative of the life of frederick douglass, an american slave” essay

While making rhetorical analysis of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, I would like to point out that his memoir is recognized to be one of greatest narratives of the nineteen century in the United States. Generally, I suppose that the author's desire to end slavery is the key moment the readers are to →

Today, child the access of relevant educational

A wide body of literature demonstrates that preschool children are not only empowered by the use of computers, but the utilization of the new media in learning environments is central to enhancing their creativity, development of ideas, collaborative play and enculturation into the knowledge society and economy. Long-Breipohl is of the opinion that "...the earlier →

The environmental threats of cruise liners environmental sciences essay

Addressing the Pollution The health of the Earth's coral reefs are on the decline. In order to get to the root of the problem, we will first look at a brief history of the cruise industry.

History of art therapy the different ages psychology essay

This form of therapy as defined by Case & Dalley in their handbook as, a therapy that involves the ideas of the patient to find solution to the issues faced by the person, and leading to psychotherapy of that person through art media. The knowledge in the field of art therapy increased with its run →

A history of pierre elliott trudeau

He united Canada with official bilingualism through the Official Languages Act, he kept Canada together as one by defeating Quebec separatism, he created Canada to have complete authority over its own constitution through the new Canadian controlled Constitution of 1982, and he also protected every man women and child of Canada with the Charter of →

Blind bartimaeus essay sample

In spite of the stigma attached to life as a blind beggar, Bartimaeus was a very tenacious, he was determined, he was desperate heckler that day Jesus walked by him. He needed Jesus, the Messiah, and the Son of David, to do this.

Human interface – visual perception and models of interaction essay sample

Perception pattern e.g.proximity Most users will think that the pattern is just a part of the GUI as the design or layout, but for the designer it is the template. In Microsoft dialogue boxes makes it easier for the user to use and to get to get use to it.

Comparative analysis of two peer reviewed journals commerce essay

The topic we have selected is the " The relationship between the employee's retention and the employee's motivation". According to the authors of the Second article- " Employee retention and turnover: Using Motivational Variables as a panacea" aims to emphasize a research that will tell the story of why the people working in an organization →

Dual role of microglia in health and disease: pushing the balance toward repair

In an early stage of the disease microglia have a beneficial effect while overly activated and pro-inflammatory microglia in the later stages of the disease become neurotoxic. The study of neuron-microglia interactions and the selection of the adequate model to study microglia contribution to this dynamics warrants attention from Neiva et al.

Analysis of a short extract from ‘black rain’ by masuji ibuse

This extract is very different, as Shigematsu has not only recognised the pain that he is in but describes it in detail, and is aware of the location and nature of the pains he feels, writing that ' the pain was different in quality from usual'. The tone of the second half of the extract →

Final exam: classes of stocks

Using the direct method of reporting cash flows from operating activities, what were Marsh's cash payments for operating expenses? A.$228, 000 B.$232, 000 C.$200, 000 D.$280, 000 - 4) Where would the event purchased land for cash appear, if at all, on the indirect statement of cash flows? A. The entry to record the sale →

Ethics in management assignment

A federal Judge had to rule in favor of Wall-Mart, and the family of Mrs. For an ethical company, it is always important to establish a fundamental value as the spirit of organization.

The role of equity in developing secret trusts law equity essay

Penner says of the Act that " the formal requirement of wills, principally that a will be signed by the testator and attested by two witnesses, are prescribed to ensure that the will truly represents the testator's intentions". However, while acceptance on the part of the trustee may be done at any point in time →

Study on the importance of race and ethnicity

The relationship between racial and ethnic identity in Black adolescents: The Cross Racial Identity Scale and the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure. Nigrescence theory and measurement: Introducing the Cross Racial Identity Scale.In J.G.

Darian one of the worlds biggest problems for

The answer can be found through the ancient introspective ways of Buddhism, ways that will develop a person's sense of self that is strong enough both to deal with life's inevitable suffering and to sharpen the experience of life's pleasures. The first noble truth translates to all life is suffering which by that the Buddha →

Life college essay

Written by $arc, on 2/10, in deviantART TopicsAfter several months planning the first issue of deviantMAG is finally available to the public! Written by ~five, on 2/10, in Devious Interviews, Posted by $jarkIt was a cold winter's night on December 30th, 2001, when I decided to get in touch with Brad Wardell, the CEO of →

Bridal assignment

A wedding planner is responsible for the pre, during and post planning stages of the wedding. What are the duties of a Wedding Planner.

Aggression in violent offenders psychology essay

Knowledge of the concepts of anger, stress, and aggression in relation to violent offenders is essential for practitioners' working with forensic populations. Practitioners can apply their collective knowledge about anger, aggression, and stress in order to maintain the general safety of all involved within a forensic treatment setting.

John f. kennedy inaugural speech rhetorical analysis

In Kennedy's speech he wants the American people and other nations to come together to gain rights and freedom. The intended audience was to the fellow citizens of the United States and to the surrounding nations.

The business strategy of the swedish retailer ikea

IKEA grew and expended from selling garden seed and fish to stationeries which include later to watch and wallet. The recent expansion of IKEA is to China and Asia.

The future of global oil production

During the 13 November 2014 Conference held in Vienna for promoting the release of the WEO-2014, IEA's Chief Economist Fatih Birol mentioned that one of the key questions analysts are trying to answer is whether oil production will keep up in the future with the oil demand. The figures provided by IEA WEO 2014, in →

Mcdonalds: knowledge management and organizational structure

The company start the Drive-Thru to get the orders easily and it first introduced in Arizona in 1975 for following the lead in other fast food chains. Second is give ethical training to the managers, crew trainers and other employees and all the employees working in an organisation respect each other.

Future morphology? summary of visual word identification effects draws attention to necessary efforts in understanding morphological processing

The authors have diagnosed a controversial accumulation of findings in the field of visual word identification and, hence, have provided an overview of the field with the aim to separate substantial effects from findings that need further confirmation. Amenta and Crepaldi are the first to attempt a comprehensive psycholinguistic review of the major forms of →

One (1996), market research is undertaken in

In addition to this, businesses and companies tend to use business intelligence to bring about consistency in decision making, emphasize on incorporation of business information and analytical technique into tactical decisions and strategic processes and increase accountability, transparency and traceability of main decisions According to Bergeron, knowledge management is characterized as a strategy in a →

New product launch marketing assignment

04/24/1 5) In terms of competitive analysis, Handbrakes advisory believes it has a high degree of confidence in the defensibility of Handbrakes' competitive position, considering advantages that are complicated for competition to replicate including Handbrakes' large owned and controlled supply chain, core produce positioning in n area where brand is more important than price, in →

Outback steakhouse in knoxville tennessee

He notes that one of the most blissful aspects of his Job is to attach his staff evolve, slowly working their way through the ranks of the restaurant world. He took a store that was in a good place and increased sales," says Sheer Monnet, who worked alongside Stanton in Knoxville, helping to manage the →

Income measurement and profitability analysis

0% x $2, 000, 000 = $1, 500, 000 600, 000 = $900, 000 $8, 000, 000 015:$1, 800, 000 1, 500, 000 = $300, 000 Problem 5 5 Requirement 2 2013 2014 2015 Construction in progress 2, 400, 000 3, 600, 000 2, 200, 000 Various accounts 2, 400, 000 3, 600, 000 2, →

Laziness: mobile phone and society essay

It is hard to disagree with the statement that America would not be where it is today without technology, but technology has become a crutch. This interests the students and they are able to then see that technology can be used to learn.

Knowledge is key

In the beginning of the book, Clarisse conveys to Montag through her dialogue how her discovery of knowledge has led her to know what it means to be humane. Bradbury uses the relationship between Mildred and Montag to show how the lack of knowledge can stimulate an absence of communication and love.

Business law essay

There is a bilateral mistake in the contract, and therefore the contract is invalid When both parties are mistaken about a fact that goes to the heart of the contract, then either party has the option to avoid the contract. If this is the case, Raff can keep his dog but will not be able →

Fine art, photography and influence in dadaism

To its supporters Dada was not art, it was anti art, and for everything art stood for dada was to represent the opposite they wanted to affect all aspects of Western civilization, to take part in the revolutionary changes which were the inevitable result of the chaos of the First World War They were not →

Intergenerational value conflicts between generations sociology essay

THEORETICAL BASIS The basic theoretical issues in understanding intergenerational relations would seem to be the identification of those dimensions which influence the nature of the relationship and the possible consequences of the exchange for social change and stability. Other theories explaining intergenerational conflict when adult children and elderly parents live together, two sets of factors →

Cesare borgia as machiavelli’s instrument

His interpretation of the rise and fall of Cesare's virtue in Chapter VII serves to demonstrate that Machiavellian virtue has a telos it looks toward the end of not simply acquiring but maintaining the state. Cesare becomes the " instrument" of Machiavelli whose story is used not just to redefine virtue but to show the →

Economic profiles of arab countries

Income distribution in the country is relatively balanced, with a majority in the middle class, The economy is expected to grow at a healthy rate of 5% for the coming years. As driving is the primary mode of transport in Qatar, the road network is a major focus of the plan.

Categories of nutrition indicators

EXAMPLES: SO= weight-for-age for children under age three year, weight for height of children under age five years, and body mass index of women 15-49 yrs. IR-1: coverage of nutrition actions in ANC for pregnant women and nutrition actions in immunization programs for children 12-23 months % of children aged 6-59 months of age who →

A comparison of different anti-aging strategies

Combination therapy of fillers and botulinum toxin is superior and frequently used in facial rejuvenation for relaxing and refilling. It is the duty and responsibility of a dermatologist to provide appropriate anti-aging measures based on the patients' needs and at different decades of life.

Cost control and cost reduction

However, the forestengineer, the planner, the manager needs to be concerned with the alternative cost - the cost of the lost opportunity. The move-in cost for the bulldozer is a fixed cost and is independent of the quantity of the earthwork handled.

The ramayana assignment

In the book of The Ramayana, we are introduced to the religion as a mythical point in which we see similarities to the form of religion used in Ancient Mesopotamia. Balance was a very important part of being able to rule in the politics of both The Ramayana and in Ancient China.

Book review: treasury of royal scandals is a national bestseller book written by michael farquhar

Rasputin influenced and dominated the royal family through Alexandra, the wife of the tsar, who was blind to his inner intentions. Joseph had assumed that he would be heir to the throne and believed that he had the right to the throne as the eldest member of the family.

Yakult marketing strategies flashcard

About Weakly The Proportion Health Drinks Currently there are two types of Weakly in the market which are the Weakly Ace and Weakly Ace Light Weakly Ace Is the first product Introduced Into the Malaysia market. Weakly Ace and Weakly Ace Light have HACK and HALL certificate which ensure that the products are safe to →

Approaches to treating depression: an analysis

The four " whys" of behavior include: 1) the immediate influences of behavior; 2) the developmental influences of behavior; the function of behavior or the " adaptive purpose" it fulfills, and 4) the evolutionary or phylogenetic origins of behavior. Implementation of an intervention program can be made by looking at how the origins of these →

Technology today

A lot of kids do not answer their phone for calls because they are in class or they are having a conversation and they do not want to be rude and interrupt the person that they are talking to, so they just ignore the call and often times forget to get back to whoever was →

Intercultural barriers in film: hotel rwanda essay sample

Hotel Rwanda was released in 2004 and based on the story of the heroic acts of Paul Rusesabagina, played by Don Cheadle, during the Rwandan Genocide in the spring of 1994. There was also the Hutu militia leader, General Bizimungu, the man in charge of the army sent to kill all of the Tutsi in →

Waiting for god – a critique of christianity

Throughout the majority of recorded history, progress and change in this sense is the result of an antithesis, or an opposition to the societal standards, often found in the form of a counterculture. Contributing to the Theatre of the Absurd in support of the existentialism movement, Samuel Beckett's play Waiting for Godot challenges religious values, →

Red bull case study

In fact, the company is trying to appeal 10-15 years old, which are the potential demand of the Red Bull Energy drink. To sum up, the bargaining power of suppliers in this market is very limited.

Developing and developed countries and protectionism economics essay

The infant industry argument is one of the soundest and most common arguments that developing countries apply to justify their use of protectionism. Here, it is worthwhile to note that protectionism would be more justified if the time period for which it is practiced is explicitly stated, and the firm is aware of the specific →

Strategic alternatives

With their important role in the world market, they want to focus costumers' needs in the future and immediately develop and apply the best business models for both of them and the costumers. In contrast to the strategic thinking, the strategic plan has the variety of perspectives, models, and approaches used.