1400 Words Essay Samples

The statistical and anova analysis of the growth mindset concept

As such we hope and hypothesize that there will be a significant increase in growth mindset among the 400 students that participated in the intervention once the intervention is fully completed and that this gain would not significantly decrease one year after the intervention is completed. The assumption of normality is that the dependent variable →

Method to reduce the manufacturing costs

Over-designing is one of the leading factors to the increase in the cost of a product. Automation is being widely used in production to decrease the amount of time and capital needed to produce products.

Analysis of herbert marcuse’s philosophies represented in his book eros and civilisation

Freud labelled this as the pleasure principle, the idea that we are crazed beings driven by the basic desire for contentment, and he contrasted it to the reality principle, which refers to the social expectation for everyone to act in accordance to society's standards. My impression of Marcuse is that he had his best intentions →

Internal error

For example, British Imperialism in India is said to have made both a positive and negative impact on the Indian population, as well as this, imperialism had an impact on the Rwandan uprising; the British used a strategy called; divide and conquer which created major division between the Hutu and the Tutsi. Firstly, In the →

Impact of british colonization on kenya

2003 in History Resource Center, database on-line, Gale Group." Kenya: Peoples and Cultures." Encyclopedia of Africa South of the Sahara. Kenya: Peoples and Cultures." Encyclopedia of Africa South of the Sahara, 1997 in History Resource Center, database on-line, Gale Group".

Attempted aboriginal genocide in rabbit proof fence

In addition, a realization of the presence of racism in so much of human interaction adds to the appreciation of the book. The policy of " assimilation for Australia's aboriginal children and children of mixed descent was expressly seen to involve the destruction and elimination of the cultural heritage, languages, traditions, and family history of →

“things fall apart” by chinua achebe essay sample

" Things Fall Apart", written by the late Nigerian Author, Chinua Achebe, is a book written in the view of an African native that sheds light to the effects of colonialism and the common misconceptions of the colonized due to a lack of cultural appreciation. It is not until the reader has a chance to →

Corruption in pakistan: causes and methods to dispose

The latter might endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country." When we come to think about Corruption level in Pakistan, at that point we are compelled to state that Pakistan is in an unpleasant circumstance nowadays in light of the fact that there is excessively defilement →

Effects of corruption in the military

It is surprising to hear from the news nowadays that the Armed Forces of the Philippines tops the list of the country's most corrupt organizations. Even the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Bureau of Customs, whose names used to be synonymous to graft and corruption, seemed to have faded in the background to give →

Good example of term paper on capital punishment

The death penalty is one of the oldest recognizable forms of punishment for capital crimes such as murder, homicide and robbery with violence resulting to the death of the victim. Lethal injection: This is the latest method in the development of capital punishment.

The analysis of the reasons to enforce capital punishment

The change in death penalty started in 1776 when Thomas Jefferson and four others fought the Virginia law on death penalty to be only executed for crimes for treason and murder. While the death penalty does cost a bit for upkeep there are other forms of killing that could be enforced to make this cheaper.

Essay on self concept in psychology

According to the theory, a person relies on their personal experiences and the behavior that they observe in others, to form a view or perception of reality. Self-improvement involves the learning of means and ways of improving a skill or attribute that an individual deems to be lacking in comparison to others.

Bus 340 quiz 1

The protections in the Bill of Rights limit the power of the federal government, but most of these protections also apply to the states through the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Question 10 0 / 1 point A right to privacy is not specifically guaranteed in the U.S.

The role of human resources with corporate social responsibility (csr)

As a final point, the report will clarify how the HR department of the Humphrey Group can add to implementing and promoting the company's CSR morals andgoals. Human Resource Department is aware of the worries voiced out by the Board of Directors concerning the compensation ethics in the company and the neediness of slotting in →

Free book review on genocide and individual/ collective responsibility

This paper is a comparative piece drawing evidences and incidents between the works of Slavenka Drakulic in the book " They Would Never Hurt A Fly: War Criminals on Trial in the Hague" and Heda Margolius Kovaly works in the book " Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968 Study". The purpose is →

Free research paper about diabetes in children

According to the preparation of the paper, the main aim of the researcher was to educate and inform the readers so as to understand the emotional effects of Juvenile diabetes in young ones with an estimated age of zero to 16 years. The purpose of screening is to accumulate all the data and information for →

Peptide hormones report examples

Peptide hormones consist of a linear chain of amino acids, with the sequence of the amino acids determining the primary structure of the protein. Enkephalin, a neurotransmitters and a peptide hormone that is known to act like morphine and vie with same for the binding site in brain.

Media analysis: political and social bias in the usa

The media can be perceived as biased from both sides, but the question is whether or not it is, or if the media is biased as a result of how the public perceives them. With multiple issues arising from various political parties within the news, the media ultimately becomes biased because people grow to sway →

Influence of social media on impulsive online purchasing and decision-making of tourists

As indicated by the Turkish Language Society, the idea of choosing intends to take and pick the liked one, to incline toward the preferred as considered suitable, to gaze upward and settle on decision through an aspect accordingly and the idea of liking is shown as choosing something over the other. One of the key →

The effect of social media in the business world

It is also important for the owners of a company to discuss the legalities and hidden costs associated with the social media sites, in relation to businesses. A huge risk factor of using social media in the business world is the safety.

Example of essay on argument research synthesis paper – chapter 1

The section of Chapter 1 of Physics for Future Presidents called 'Sunlight and Solar Power" pertains directly to this subject; providing essential information for the basic facets of solar power, it permits a baseline knowledge for a greater understanding of the topic. The building of direct-current power lines is suggested as an alternative to alternating →

Research paper on solar power use in the united states

The paper further highlights on the impact of solar power generation and use, the efficiency and ability to store solar energy, cost of production of solar panels, and advances in manufacturing that make solar energy more cost effective. The only cost in the production of solar energy is making the solar panels.

The night of truth essay sample

Picturing the impact of the war between the two communities, the reconciliation meeting might either spike the revenge or the understanding. Although at the beginning the event was anticipated to be successful, the cloud of tension gathers in the region.

The philosophy theory as described by bertrand rusell

In this case, we ask about what Russell thinks the value of philosophy is, and, much more importantly, why he finds it necessary to explain it to us, in the first place. What does that mean, to enlarge the self, since it seems to be the main value of philosophy that Russell is referring to?

Good drunk driving punishments in wisconsin research paper example

Drunk driving charges and penalties was clearly set forth by the lawmakers and courts in New York with the aim of enhancing safer roads in the state and reducing accidents arising from reckless driving and driving under the influence of intoxicants. O'Grady, W, & Archibald, J.

Free similarities of texting and driving and drunk driving essay sample

Drunk driving and texting while driving have equal harm since they both impair the vision of the driver, reaction of the driver, as well as the concentration of the driver and vigilance. It is impossible for drunk and texting drivers to be aware of the signs on the road.

Teenage mothers a vulnerable population

Teenage Mothers a Vulnerable Population Joy Carr Nur/440 April 24, 2011 Maria Mendez Teenage Mothers a Vulnerable Population Teenage Mothers, a Vulnerable Population While there are a number of vulnerable populations in the world, very few receive the publicity, funding, and assistance that they need to survive in today's society. In fact, most teen mothers →

The american dream: negative and positive aspects essay

The American dream is one of the most revered ideals of the nation and it has become a part of the American national identity. This statement is reinforced by the fact that the nation's wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few wealthy individuals and the gap between the rich and the poor is →

Critical thinking on the american dream

The early definition of the American dream tended to lean more towards education and religion as the primary factors that shaped culture and mindset of people to prosper. The idea of limiting the options women have to just staying at home and take care of the families is no longer borne within the new definition →

American dream

The American dream may still exist, despite the failing economy and lack of jobs, the downfall of the public school system, the budget deficits, and the warfare overseas. Herbert blames the government and their failed promises to make society better for the reasons that the American dream is not what it used to be.

Recipe for the american dream

Money is an important ingredient in making the American Dream become a reality, and Americans experience constant reminders of the need to live the dream, through the media and peers. Work is what causes his father to withdraw from his family, and there is no doubt that the American Dream is what spearheads the separation.

Good governance in pakistan

This is the reason of failure of governance in Pakistan. It is essential for the process of functioning.

Child sexual abuse: a review of the literature

Child Sexual Abuse: A Review of the Literature Abstract Child sexual abuse is a hidden epidemic of child abuse and neglect. In the present paper, research in the role of psychological distress in women with history of CSA reviewed to gain a understanding depression, high risk sexual activity nature of the trauma, obstacles in relationships, →

Example of research paper on film analysis on the film tora! tora! tora

The title of the film is a Japanese code-word used to imply that the Japanese managed to completely surprise the Americans. This movie is an epic recreation of the events that preceded and actually led to the Japanese attack on the Pearl Harbor and the eventual occurrence of the Second World War.

Coral reefs and bleaching phenomenon

In the following paper, I will provide a general overview of coral reefs and examine the alarming depletion of coral and their ecological symbionts in a process known as coral bleaching. The progression below shows the transformation of a reef in the Maldive's as it undergoes coral bleaching: The transformation of the coral in this →

Impact of psychiatric disorders on treatment for patients with substance abuse

The objectives of the study were to assess rates of depression and anxiety in patients seeking addiction treatment and examine how the existence of concurrent psychiatric symptoms will influence treatment outcomes. However, on the positive side, the study did include a large sample of patients and the outcomes were consistent with the outcomes of the →

The actions indicating obama as a global leader

Obama had the power to convince a crowd and to arouse the feelings of his audiences. He was able to re-unite America with the rest of the world- and image that Bush tarnished during his reign.

Background and beliefs: barack obama

When he was in the third grade, Obama wrote an essay saying that one day he would like to become President, and the reason being he wanted to make everyone happy. He was re-elected to the state senate in 1998 and became a father for the first time with the birth of his daughter Malia.

On euthanasia

There are two problems here - the definition of " terminal" and the changes that have already taken place to extend euthanasia to those who are not " terminally ill". Euthanasia is a rejection of the importance and value of human life.

Human factors in aviation essay sample

According to the study of NTSB, Human factors also checks on the age of the pilots. The state of the body affects ones capability to comprehend the surroundings plus the entire conditions of a flight.

Diabetes type ii

The individuals suffering from diabetes type II start having blurred vision caused by the alteration in the shape of the lens due to osmotic factors chiefly the elevated levels of blood glucose. Treatment of Diabetes Type II The immediate objective of treating diabetes type II is to reduce the elevated levels of blood glucose while →

Advantages & disadvantages of business ethics persuasive essay

This is a typical example of the challenges that companies face in implementation of ethical and socially responsible practices. As it has been presented in this paper, adherence to principles of business ethics may be beneficial to the organization, customers, employee and other stakeholders that are affected directly or indirectly by the organization.

Ikea – business ethics

In the case of KEA operating in Russia, it failed to follow its own business practices and fell victim to bribery practice that Is common In former Soviet Republic. KEA with its set of principles must continue to promote environmental and social responsibility to community and countries it operates in.

Factors and results of the irish civil war

One of which was the Provisional government in which supported the idea of Ireland as a free state, the other side being the Republicans which opposed the Anglo-Irish Treaty and wanted Ireland to still be part of the United Kingdom. The countries in the northern region of Ireland did not agree to the Partition of →

Mgt 520 final exam study

If you are unable to enter the Final Exam, contact first the help desk and then your instructor.* You will always be able to see the time remaining in the Final Exam at the top right of the page. Submitting Your Final Exam: When you are finished with the Final Exam, click on the " →

Free research paper on causes of asylum in iraq

While there are still countries open to accepting refugees and asylum seekers to their nations, it is becoming visible that the problem in Iraq is not just because of the invasion but also because of the ethnic and political affiliations conflicting in the country. Print.in the article, Ashraf indicated that as the situation in Iraq →

Semantic and phonetic interference in memory recall

This research examines not only the question of whether there will be a difference between semantic and phonetic interference during memory recall, but also if the results will show a significant difference between the retroactive interference conditions and the controlled condition. Methods Design In this experimental study, a between participant design was utilized to examine →

Creating atmosphere

The analysis should take into account the problems and challenges of the faculty members, the fears and doubts of the students and the different aspects of administration of the school management. The diversity of students in the class room makes it more challenging for the faculty and the administration to create an atmosphere of acceptance, →

A detail study of the role of options, futures and forward contracts in market risk management (mrm)

The research aims at a thorough study of the market risk management though the identification of the factors of these risks, the critical study of Value at Risk and other models that are used to measure them. The primary objective of the research is to study the role played by Financial Derivatives namely forward contracts, →

Risk management failures of british petroleum

Objectives of the Study Main Objective: The main objective of the study is to analyze the different risk management failures associated with the business operation of BP. On the other hand the systematic objective of BP is decentralised implementation of its operations in order to deliver the best quality of products or services and satisfy →

Example of tupac is alive research proposal

The fact that Tupac talked of his untimely demise in his lyrics strongly support the belief that his death was planned and that he still lives among us. Retrieved from Donmega.com: http://www.donmega.com/20-reasons-why-tupac-is-still-alive.php The website gives the main reasons why Tupac is still alive.

What really makes factories flexible

The measurement of flexibility can be based on a) product range in different things as a plant can have the ability to produce a small number of products that are very different from one another b) mobility for a plant to change over from making one product to another and c) uniformity of performance as →

Argumentative essay on death penalty

One of the forms of punishment is the death penalty; this refers to the lawful infliction of death as a way of administering punishment and justice. The family of the offender believes that the death penalty is inhumane while those of the victim assert that the best way to receive justice is through the death →

Rape subject essay sample

The laws concerning the offense of rape are varied across the globe which may depend on the customs and believes of the societies. In the current stature, the historical common law has been revised in New Mexico to consider situations of a woman and her husband, date rape and also circumstances of a male by →

Referee report on:

Summary of the Paper The authors are doing research on the relationship upon the concepts of time inconsistency, time consistency and a demand for precommitment technology. Precisely, the authors examine the impact on liquor consumption of a collection of natural experiments on state-level policy changes that altered liquor sales hours on Sundays either for on-premise →

Social, medical and cultural influence of alcohol

There is likewise a element wherein serotonin, a synthetical courier chichi startling wit, is known to this extent serve as in the character of a social deterrence, connotation shortened serotonin action is associated plus expanded impulsivity plus combativeness. In conclusion, meanwhile coming becoming size if alky is usually a result in consisting of fighting there →

Great expectations related text notes

The evocative illustrations and symbols in Shaun Tans picture book The Red Tree also encapsulate the human yearning to belong, and that ultimately, understanding and acceptance of self- inspire hope and an inner sense of belonging. The character is looking up at the tree in admiration with a smile and this can be affiliated with →

Free the importance of reflective writing essay example

The increasing score in the rubric sheet at the end of each assignment poses evidence to the fact that there is a marked improvement in the way I write and present essays. The language used in the essay is simple and the audience may assume that the writer is not proficient with English as it →

Economic and social impacts of lakemba street festival tourism essay

According to Jago and Shaw, the definition of subcategories of events, including community festivals, and mega events is " a onetime infrequently occurring event of limited duration that provides the consumer with a leisure and social opportunity beyond everyday experience". The vision of the Lakemba City Council's with the assistance of hosting events and festivals →

Effects of the economic crunch on hospitality industry tourism essay

The improvement of service provision is likely to encourage the growth of the industry in the long run. The reduction of incomes and leisure time has led to a decrease in purchase of services in the hospitality industry by consumers.

The contrasting results of earthquake predictions

There will be several pieces of the earthquakes that will be discussed: geology around the area, what information was gathered before the earthquake, information that was provided to the public before the earthquake, how the public reacted, and the aftereffects. The two goals of the project were to record the geophysical details before and after →

Digital bangladesh: prospect or mere dream

2 Digital Divide in Bangladesh: A Global Comparison The ICT status of Bangladesh is not remarkable without some favorable initiatives by the Government and by private entrepreneurs. 1 Meaning of Digital Bangladesh Digital Bangladesh" is currently the most commonly used words in politics, media, among the intellectuals and the civil societies.

Events and mistakes that led to the revolutionary war assignment

Following on from active demonstrations and protests, the American Revolution followed the general pathology through to the advanced symptoms of unrest which was characterized by the creation of a violent mob during the Boston Massacre in 1770. With the Colonialist all but effectively severing ties with Britain, the next step of the pathology was met, →

The issue and history of illiteracy among african americans

According to the National Assessment of Adult Literacy Prison Survey, the number one deterrent to becoming a criminal is having the ability to read past the eighth grade, and the number one preventive for an inmate becoming a repeat offender is to educate in literacy past the eighth grade level." Today, the definition of literacy →

Kings sexism

She's living in a perilous time to imitate the devil woman and when she hears a warning, instead of listening.she walks out angry." Malcolm was unarguably an extremist, especially in regards to his views on women. Following his split with the Nation of Islam an apparent change began to occur regarding Malcolm's views on the →

Ethics and power in journalism

In particular, journalists have power at three levels: the micro level, as in relationships between reporters and news subjects or sources; the institutional or professional level, as in media impact on regional political or cultural agendas; and the social level, as in media contribution to establishing and maintaining ideology. On the ethics of concealment and →

In ,of course. […] by editing the dna

Another person or website that agrees is Reuters, in their article " Genetically modified human embryos should be allowed..".they said, " is essential to gain basic understanding of the biology of early embryo's and should be permitted " He's saying that with future research and more understanding of the embryo we could genetically modify embryos. →

Epic theatre

The only form that can grasp the processes which drama needs to grasp if it Is to provide an all-encompassing view of the world" BB's 'all-encompassing view of the world' was Marxism. Why is that travesty, and what's the effect in the context of the film and Its subject matter? 3.

A streetcar named desire and brooklyn: comparing ways toibin and williams portray women

Toibin's heroine, Eilis, is a metaphor of Ireland's gradual progress and her transformation foreshadows the growth of women in the future. The adjective " soft" is metaphorically a depiction of her sensitivity and fragility as well as who she was in the past.

Informative: basketball and perfect jump shot

I will inform the audience on the correct shooting techniques, basketball shooting mechanics, basketball shooting form and drills to improve your shooting techniques. Michael Jordan Stats, " It's important to shoot the ball the same way every single time, balance yourself with having your knees bent and one foot in front of the other, keep →

How does distribution of land and water affect climate?

The heating of the warmer equatorial regions and the cooling of the colder polar regions generates the kinetic energy for the motion of air parcels in the atmosphere and fluid parcels in the ocean. The radiation energy falling over the oceans and the land surfaces evaporates the water which later condenses and releases latent heat →

Shalisa james

This paper is to inform you how junk food is addicted and is the leading cause for obesity in America. It is imperative that the students in schools all over the USA are aware of the unhealthy food they purchase at school and that they pursue healthier alternatives, which could include a changes implemented throughout →

Natural disasters persuasive essay

The fact that Italy sits on top of the plate boundary off the African Continental plate, leaves those to believe this was a true cause of the devastating earthquake. Much of the flooding that occurred in the 1887 floods, was said to be record spring rains and the melting ofsnowthat allowed the river to topple →

The japanes tsunami disaster

Japan had a massive tsunami hit them because of the magnitude 9 earthquake that hit them first, which caused the pacific tectonic plate subducted the Asian tectonic plate and created a flood of water to go in to the fault line and cause it to build up pressure and heat up. The fish were all →

Natural or man made disasters environmental sciences essay

But the addition in temperature can act upon the clip and quality of turning season and a batch of injury is caused to the harvests as a consequence of inundations and checkerss. The proposal below includes a nexus between the effects of planetary heating with the debut of genetically modified nutrient merchandises and additives as →

The catholic monarchs: isabel and fernando essay sample

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabel are considered one of the most triumphant and victorious leaders in all of history and one of the most successful of the Catholic Monarchs. Born in 1451, she was the daughter of John II, King of Castile and Isabella of Portugal.

The thud came again

The roar of the storm scared her, a blanket of loneliness encased her, tickling the hairs on the back of her neck. How about a bowl of milk?" She rose to her feet and opened the fridge door".

Every and discriminatory beliefs, actions, desires, projects,

The study examined the affection and prejudice in To Kill A Mockingbird. Based on the title and thebackground of the study, this study takes the problem of " How is racismreflected in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird?" C.

Are crises threatening the benefits?

When defining the risk of a portfolio as its standard deviation, when assets that are less that perfectly correlated are combined, the standard deviation of the portfolio is actually less that the weighted average of each individual asset's standard deviation, although the expected return from a portfolio is simply the weighted average of the expected →

Recovering addicts in the field of substance abuse counseling

If a system such as this is establishedI believeit is possible and a good choice career for a recovering addict to pursue a career as a substance abuse counselor despite the risk and triggers that can lead to relapse many counselors and people working in the addiction field can relate to current addicts lifestyles and →

My community essay

The concerns that I see that are unresolved with the government in my town is that there are not many ethnic celebrations or programs for the ethnic groups in my community. I also talked to a couple of the Hispanic ladies that I work with and they said that they believe that the government of →

First world war essay

The weaponry that were used to shoot and bomb were definitely effective, " the burst of flame shoots across the fog, the fragments howl and drone, " as said in All Quiet in the Western Front. As Harry Patch who was in world war one had said, " the lice were the size of grains →

Policies for genetically modified foods (gmf)

Some of the ways these protocols help with the problems is they regulate and ensure the safe passing of genetically modified foods around the world and also make sure people check these foods. The UN has many ideas to stop this problem of organ trafficking and are willing to help countries with the problems.

Development of organised football in england

But the game began to develop into the game we see today during the early 19th Century, with the working class folk football and middle class public school football, the concept of masculinity played an important role in the development of these two forms of the game. At the same time as the civilisation of →

Total quality management analysis

Therefore it is the role of the top management to create constancy of purpose for improvement for products and services, which is essential for TTS. The very purpose of TTS is the constant improvement of the system for production and services.

The from the event organizers’ viewpoint is

The target audience is the ultimate experience of the event and for whom the event organiser consciously designs the event. The media is the vehicle used to communicate details of the event to the target audience and venue is the location at which the event is to be executed.1.

The promotional mix of coca cola marketing essay

The two tier marketing channel is involved from the manufacturing to the distribution to the hand of the consumer, the manufacturer, the wholesaler, the retailer and then the final consumer. The company will make possible that there may not be shortage in the products and can easily be available to the user, thus the product →

morbillivirus -host interaction: lessons from aquatic mammals

And, if so, could CypB incorporation into the viral surface contribute, to some extent, to Morbillivirus prolonged persistence inside the host's brain, with subsequent development of human SSPE, canine ODE, and SSPE/ODE-like cases of morbilliviral infection in dolphins? Furthermore, both MeV and CDV, along with the more recently characterized Phocine Distemper Virus, have been shown →

Promoting a healthy environment for children essay sample

My first piece of evidence is " a children's environment and health strategy for the uk by the health protection agency" I have chosen this document because it shows includes a strategy of how to ensure children live healthily in a suitable environment and the things that a practitioner should implement in the daily routine →

9 clever ways to deal with negative people

9 Clever Ways to Deal with Negative People The sun shines and warms and lights us and we have no curiosity to know why this is so; but we ask the reason of all evil, of pain, and hunger, and mosquitoes and silly people.~Ralph Waldo Emerson After years and years of observation and self reflection →

The voice of non-state actors essay

In the implementation stage, the non-state actors played a significant role in informing and communicating the information to both the government and people. This treatment was felt from people in and out of the government.

Varsity blues essay

When the game is on they are so interested in it, that they have no idea what is going on around them, I try to talk to my dad when the game is on and he always seems to ignore me. Mox stands up to him and tells him that he is not going to →

The income gender gap sociology essay

In the context of economic inequality, gender gap generally refers to the differences in the wages of men and women. Since National Service is unavoidable, it is deemed as a result that women may be left with little power in the public and private sectors in terms of representation.

Light dependent stage

New cells arise by division of existing cells Cell division occurs in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells by mitosis and meiosis Replacement of the entire lining of your small intestine Liver cells only divide for repairing Nerve cells do not divide Chromosomes Long and thin for replication and decoding Become short and fat prior mitosis →


The origin of World can be traced to the breakup of AT&T in 1983. Beginning modestly and continuing at an accelerated pace the company under the direction of Beers and Sullivan ) used fraudulent counting methods to mask its declining earnings by painting a false picture of financial growth and profitability to prop up the →

Effects of memory training or task design? a commentary on “neural evidence for the use of digit-image mnemonic in a superior memorist: an fmri study”

The authors highlight the finding of frontal pole engagement in CL in the two-digit study and recall conditions and interpret it in terms of retrieval of the practiced digit-image associations. Neural evidence for the use of digit-image mnemonic in a superior memorist: an fMRI study.