1400 Words Essay Samples

Analysis of dekada’70

Dekada '70 is the story of a family caught in the middle of the tumultuous decade of the 1970's. This series of events happened after the bombing of Plaza Miranda, the suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus, the proclamation of Martial Law and the random arrests of political prisoners.

Characters literature review

This are themes to do with sin and redemption caught up in a sequence of unending violence that is realized from the beginning of the play set to continue beyond the play's conclusion. This is similar to the absence of God and the rise of chaos in the world.


His witnessing of good people turned into brutes through atrocities and brutal treatment, what he sees as the death of God, and the air of death which constantly surrounds him and his people give shape to the darkness which extinguishes the flame in his soul. Wiesel was not only a Jew but a devoted follower, β†’

Death and mortality in poetry

In the poem Because I could not stop for Death by Emily Dickinson, Death is a courteous guide to a place of peace and tranquility. Both Dickinson and Thomas paint a picture of the end of life and death by the use of language, rhyme and vivid imagery though their interpretation of death differs greatly.

Essay summary of democracy

Democracy has its three roles, to be the government of the people, by the people and for the people; A valid government is an approved government that has the support of majority of the people through elections. It is a long and risky journey to reach the topia of democracy and patience is the key β†’

What makes democracy succeed or fail? essay

The success or failure of democracy is determined by the state, civil society and the public sphere. The public sphere is a key component of democracy because it represents the opinions of the people.

Good example of essay on political systems in middle east

He is also the second in line to becoming the king in case of death or any issues that make the King unable to continue rule. The research question is; " how do the two political systems affect the people of the respective countries in terms of development and their opinion in the government?" The β†’

American government, balancing democracy and rights essay

The growth of population, diseases, commerce, and dreams for new treasures, led to the voyages of Christopher Columbus into the new colonies leading to the establishment of new English settlements, French settlements, and the Spanish settlements. The consequences of the war led to the establishment of new institutions and state governments in a confederate.

Democracy & america

In the world there are three major types of democracy that are well known, namely direct democracy, representative democracy and liberal democracy; Direct democracy is a form of democracy in which the citizens have the right and theresponsibilityto attend meetings the national assembly and participate in the making of policies. In this kind of democracy β†’

Ordering system

Overview of Related Literature Objectives of the Study This study aims to determine the objectives of Automated Ordering System Using Android Application with Billing and Inventory System in a Restaurant.1. In this study, restaurant refers to where the system is deployed.

Predictors, stress and adaptive behavior research paper examples

The human studies have shown that the emergence of the brain-process tools and the cross-vibratory examination of the laboratory process and methods of the stress and that it relates to the brain-imaging are associated with it in the humans but from the animal literature it is transferred to make support the hypotheses. The study mainly β†’

1 lebanon, we were interested in the attitudes

2 Aims of the study and Researchquestions The primary aim of this study is toexamine the factors influencing the choice of holiday destination, and howimportant the role of destination image is in the decision making process. 3 The structure of the Project The project starts with anintroduction chapter 1 where the reasons for the research, β†’

Mobile phone

I can tell you it is a thing of the past and probably not anywhere in the future. I do not have a problem with this if they are taught formulas to put into the calculator but, I also think they should learn how to do it the long way with pencil and paper.

Bartolomé de las casas, the devastation of the indies (1565)

Bartolome de las Casas, The Devastation of the Indies And of all the infinite universe of humanity, these people are the most guileless, the most devoid of wickedness and duplicity, the most obedient and faithful to their native masters and to the Spanish Christians whom they serve. And once they begin to hear the tidings β†’

Adam and eve: misogyny in paradise lost

The story of Adam and Eve is one of the most well-known stories from the Bible. Although Milton's Paradise Lost is a beautiful story about the fall of Adam and Eve, it has many misogyny elements surrounding the treatment of Eve compared to Adam.

Christianity in the land of santhals

God created light and darkness on day one, the next day He created the atmosphere and divided it from the oceans, on day three God created land, water and vegetation, the next day He created the sun, moon and stars, on day five God created creatures to fill the sky and water, on day six β†’

Why rhode island was the most democratic colony

Jews, persecuted by almost every other colony at the time, as well as Catholics were allowed to live in the boundaries of Rhode Island, and not fear punishment or persecution. This again proves that Rhode Island was the most " American" of the Thirteen colonies.

Christianity vs buddhism

Both religions look to add deterrents to negative actions whether that is a downgrade in lifestyle with Buddhism or the threat of hell in Christianity. In Christianity the belief is that we are all sinners and the only gateway to heaven is through worship and adoration of a single entity.

The epic of gilgamesh and inanna’s journey to hell – the mesopotamian culture on death and the afterlife

Inanna's Journey to Hell, in which even the goddess Inanna is terrified by the possibility of death, illustrates the inevitability of the prospect of a grim afterlife. The Epic of Gilgamesh and Inanna's Journey to Hell unquestionably give the readers some ideas that would explain the unique ideology of the Mesopotamians, like the mercurial environment, β†’

Is religion still relevant in modern society today? essay sample

Majority of the world population holds a religion yet the increasing number of free-thinkers have sprout the questioned of the relevance of religion. Science is one of the pertinent factors that had caused the shift in the importance of religion yet for some it has only strengthen the belief that God is the all knowing β†’

Tee jays: swot analysis

It had never happened in the history before, and still there is no designer who has made his designs available not only for the upper class but also for the masses. Tee Jays revolutionized the way people think of fashion and made it acceptable to the masses.).

Obstacles in international pricing

This shift and low prices is the obstacle in the international pricing strategies of the products. In this case, the firms observe and look into the existing situation of the market, determine a suitable and appropriate price of the product and retain the price as fixed until or unless there is some different situation in β†’

A financial analysis of next

This essay will discuss the roles of accounting and finance within an organization and include a financial analysis of NEXT, which through the following structure: the next section identifies the roles of accounting and finance to NEXT. Application of roles to NEXT Based on the annual report and accounts of NEXT in January 2011, it β†’

The trial and death of socrates by plato essay example

Throughout the duration of the conversation with Euthyphro, Socrates leads, and Euthyphro seems to not be aware of it, as he was, cleverly, placed by Socrates in the " teacher's" position, making Socrates Euthyphro's student, when in reality, it was the other way around. The overall sense this conversation between the two men leaves is β†’

ο»Ώthe pattern of development in the first 3 years of life essay sample

Early childhood is a time of massive growth in all areas of development. A needy newborn grows into a little person who can take care of their own body and interact with others.

Deep vein thrombosis research papers examples

Ultrasound: The clot will be visible in the ultrasonographic image - Venography: This is basically an X- ray procedure where a dye in injected into the large veins of foot or ankle, and the image is taken, thus the location of the clot becomes clear.- CT or MRI: Both the procedures gives an image of β†’

Childhood obesity-are the parents to blame? essay sample

According to recent federal findings, the number of American children from the ages of six to eleven has tripled in the last forty-years, with one in every seven of these children meeting the criteria for obesity. Childhood obesity in school-aged children is rising, and it's the responsibility of the parents to prevent this from happening β†’

Beauty pageants and our children

Beauty Pageants and Our Children Alost 3 million children, most of them girls, from the ages of 6 months and 17 years compete in beauty pageants annually in America. Eating disorders, body image issues, and an early loss of innocence are just a few of the consequences these precious girls will have to deal with β†’

Influences of cartoons on children essay sample

The time we live now is a time where people can gain access to whatever they want in just one click just like a kid who wants to watch cartoons in the internet and for the parents of the child, as said in the news article parents has become more convenient to let their child β†’

Ethical reasons against abortion argumentative essay

Some people think and argue that during the first few trimesters, the child has no life since the fetus is not developed and is independent of the mother's life and hence abortion should be legalized. She is therefore not entitled to the child's life and an abortion therefore is a form of murder.

Glaxo italia s.p.a.: the zinnat marketing decision essay sample

We wanted the NPV of the direct sales and Co-Marketing methods to determine which method of business proved to be the highest value-adding activity for Glaxo to undertake. 6%, as stated in Case Exibit 7, and we calculated the cost of equity to be 16.

China’s monetary policy & imf

Just like the cause of China's Financial 1994 Crisis, the Asian Crisis of 1997 was the aftermath of a sudden surge in capital inflows tofinanceproductive investments, which made a country's economy vulnerable. In the first half of 2013, China's export growth rate was significant lower and GAP has also fallen.

Good example of how calvinism influenced the city of amsterdam research paper

One of the most turbulent and influential episodes in the history of Amsterdam and of Holland for that matter, is the spread of Calvinism and the political and economic struggle that followed, which finally led to the supremacy of Amsterdam as financial and commercial hub during the 17th century. In the sixteenth century, Amsterdam and β†’

Effective police supervision essay sample

In addition any police officer worth his salt should see the philosophy as something that facilitates the work of the police officers. It is what has been waited for to come and rescue the heavy work of the senior management, middle management as well as lower management of the police force.

World war i soldier essay sample

Second Battle of the Marne It was in the summer of 1918 that Germany would commence their battle against the Allied Forces in what would become known as the Second Battle of the Marne, which would be the last major German offensive of World War I. Lundendorff aimed to split the French forces in half, β†’

Modernization in thailand: a personal perspective essay sample

I think that is very strange and it is a phenomenon all over the world, not just in Thailand. This is a problem, but I think that technology may also offer us alternative and solutions to many of the problems we are creating.

Olweus bullying prevention program literature review examples

The program is also meant to prevent development of novel cases of bullying and develop peer relations at a school In this case, The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program will be intended for students in high schools and college. The best approach to program implementation entails choosing the onsite controller and administering the questionnaire review in β†’

Why i chose to become a homeless entrepreneur

The real estate market worked in my favor, and I made a profit when I sold the condo. I have a briefcase, a suitcase and a few things to put inside them.

Entrepreneurial leader – jack welch

Entrepreneurialleadershipinvolves instilling people with the confidence to think, behave and act in the interests of the intended purpose of the organization. The paper explores the entrepreneurial leadership of Welch in the light of other leadership styles.

Immigration policy essay example

Neither side of the political fence has been able to craft a solution that fits the best interest of the nation, shows compassion to the plight of immigrants desperately trying to escape the abject poverty of third-world counties and is acceptable to the other political faction. Some maintain it's the immigrants who are the real β†’

Essay on understanding bias in the media: academic analysis comparison

This paper will deal with two different pieces of research that focus on American media: the first, entitled " Selective Exposure to Cable News and Immigration in the US: The Relationship Between FOX News, CNN, and Attitudes Toward Mexican Immigrants" is a study on different cable news networks and their approach to the issue of β†’

Critical of japans reaction to the vancouver riot of 1907 article review

Due to this instantaneous response, the government of Japan was not seeking to express protest on the riot, but rather on showing its intention of leaving the matter to the government of Canada. This was thought as a trusted institution to make good of the loss in the absence of the formalities that the Japanese β†’

The complexity of the illegal immigration issue in america as told through the devils essay examples

By using detail and objectivity in telling the harrowing story of 26 Mexicans who crossed the border between Mexico and the United States, Urrea offers a unique perspective on the hardships that many illegals face for just the chance to work and make it in America - something that I, for one thing, did not β†’

Free right to strike / comparative labor relations essay example

Present arguments for Public Sector Collective bargaining Lewin, Keefe, and Kochan argue that collective bargaining in the public has been facing increasing criticism from the government for the past few years. In addition, critics of the collective bargaining argue that the public workers have too much power over the government and their activities may cause β†’

Managing business responsibility essay samples

This is because imposition of several rules, regulations, and laws hinder the capability of the organization to motivate the employees; the employees should be given some autonomy so that they can accomplish the work in an effectual manner. So, monetary benefits and incentives are also significant for the employees, and they also play their role β†’

Relationship between job performance motivation & employee satisfaction

The objective of this study was to investigate job motivational potential level and job satisfaction among workers of Indus hospital, assess the association between job satisfaction and motivation and also determine how motivation dimensions will be related to job satisfaction fields. 4 Problem Statement This research study conducted a phenomenological approach to determine what, if β†’

Elements of a contract critical thinking examples

In this case if the employer is asserting that he/she is offering the position for chef however the employee is given a dishwashing position than this is not a mutual understanding of the terms of the contract meaning there is no " meeting of minds", this situation would in most cases make it difficult to β†’

Jasmine tea, a mirror of ailing’s life

Taking Zhang Ailing's own family background into account, Niu Chuanqing's thirst for paternity and malformed love of Yan Ziye reflects her own thirst for a warm and sound family as well as love and care from her parents. Obviously, Zhang's miserable childhood and adolescence influenced her creation of the main character Nie Chuanqing in ' β†’

Revision essay

It is clear in the poem that it is motherhood that brings enchantment and good spirits to the woman, and that she is dependent on her child for happiness. While The Mad Mother illustrates the joy of having a child and the happiness women get from motherhood, The Thorn and The Complaint of a Forsaken β†’

The swinging bridge

Da-Da should have confronted Gosine but since he is a guy it was not wring for him to say that, but since Mona looked at him Da-Da become furious thinking all Mona does is pretend to study and focus in school but really she only studies men. I do not think Da-Da is a good β†’

The dancers by alberto florentino essay sample

Elena how pretty you are tonight with your nice dress on Elena/Jan Alaiza: thank you Mang Tomas Father or Mang Tomas/Ace: Elena you promised me you would teach me how to dance Elena/Jan Alaiza: did I? She is pretty, same as your age just the girl for you, you are in love with her are β†’

The history of the oud essays examples

The oud is an object of fascination and wonder for the audience and one of desire and passion for the musician and artist. There were stringed instruments before the emergence of the oud and this informs the reader of how the evolution of the instrument came about from a spatial perspective.

Art and architecture: japanese art research paper

The beginning of the art era is marked by the Ashikaga family having occupied the position of shogun, one of the highest positions in the governmental system after the Emperor. In the second half of the 15th century a war, known as the Age of the Country at war, burst out, and the art practically β†’

Frank o’hara’s revelation of the similarities between painting and poetry

It is appropriate to follow O'Hara's poem from the title through the stanzas in order, because he uses a very precise style to show his ideas." Why I Am Not a Painter" is, essentially, a logical argument for the similarities between poets and painters that begins with the title of the poem. The third stanza β†’

The problem of female identity: restrictive gender constructs in β€˜the help’ and in plath’s poetry

The burden of motherhood is also visible in the character of Celia Foote in ' The Help', as she is unable to bare a child, and therefore feels as if she is inferior to the other women and a burden herself, exemplified by their exclusion of her as ' white trash'.' Doctor Tate', Celia's doctor, β†’

Innovation, rhyme, and feel in robert pinsky’s poetry

The capitalization of " Thirty-fourth Street", which is unnecessary, gives you a sense of the importance of the time and place. In one of his books of criticism, The Sounds of Poetry, he writes, " The medium of poetry is the human body: the column of air inside the chest, shaped into signifying sounds in β†’

Free case study on deploying wi-fi hook-ups in disaster relief – what are the considerations

Therefore, the notion of WiFi network for the city surfaced, and 3 months after the disaster, there was the deployment of a free city owned wireless internet system at the city center. The circumstance of New Orleans reveals the rising tendency of municipalities in America and the globe to start their own low-priced or free β†’

Example of the syrian opposition argumentative essay

The Syrian revolution differs from the other Arab Spring revolutions in various ways, but what is the most curious is why the Syrian opposition is in such disorder and how it managed to be formed at all? On the other hand, death of Hafez al-Assad, in 2000, gave a new opportunity for the democratic self-expression β†’

“godfather death” by jakob and wilhelm grimm, “death by candlelight” essay sample

The doctor cries out in desperation for his godfather to light him a new candle and that Death should do it if Death loves him so the doctor can enjoy his life. Not only is this is a very greedy and selfish request because he disobeyed Death's specific commands so that the princess could live, β†’

Managerial ethics

When judging whether or not a person'sactions are ethical or not, I tend to base my decisions on the intent of the person's actionsand not the actual outcome, In order for a person with the obligation perspective to agree with a person or company'sethics, the ethics set in place should be suitable in every situation, β†’

Managerial decision management

The diagram below demonstrates the steps to rational decision making: The Rational Decision Making Process To illustrate a rational decision, consider the following example: before coming to its final optimal decision of choosing the appropriate product to sell in a specific country, the organization has to do market research first and go through a rational β†’

Why freedom of speech is important for the progression of society

This liberty extends to the Bill of Rights of which the first amendment is the freedom of speech. Another example of how the restriction of freedom of speech leads to the impediment of society's progress is that of the Communist appropriation of China.

Example of torture and interrogation essay

In the third century, in the time of the Roman Jurist, Ulpian noticed that the kind of information extracted through torture is not trustworthy. Part of the scenario appeal is that it portrays the torturer as a heroic and principled figure that reluctantly uses torture to save people's lives.

Free essay about political science

While in the past the emphasis of the law enforcers was to act against criminals when there was an attack on its soil, the role of the criminal justice system today is go out in search of these extremists and neutralize any possible plan to launch a surprise attack against its people and installations. In β†’

Argumentative essay on why dolphins should be considered persons

He believes that if it is immoral for humans to use other humans and means to the ends of their own selfish purposes, then likewise, it is immoral for humans to use other species for the same end. If dolphins are accepted as intelligent beings will wills, then it follows that they have a right β†’

Good example of essay on rhetorical analysis on article blue collar brilliance by mike rose

He is totally opposed to this notion and that is why he decides to use the experiences that his uncle Joe has garnered in the course of his carrier as a foreman who left school in the ninth grade. This article will be a source of motivation to the people in the blue-collar jobs.

Arapahoe pharmaceutical company essay sample

In addition, John had to prepare some written comments on the performance of each of his reps for the past year; also he had to decide what to do about the two reps, Jared and Marty. Overall, John saw his problems were really people problems and people opportunities.* Objectives: Solve the problems between John and β†’

Example of multiple intelligence theory research paper

They are in touch with themselves, are reflective, and have a strong awareness of the various feelings that they have. A child's personality and aptitude is developed when the various aspects of intelligence are properly stimulated.


LESSON ' A method of instruction in which the material to be presented is structured to ensure the participation of the learning group' promotes efficient learning high degree of teacher ability participation is achieved by question-answer technique providing feedback. Material: The material to use is the list of methods of Teaching / Learning outlining the β†’

Human resource

HUMAN RESOURCE HR is dedicated to their employees, and ensures that they have all the right people with the right skills, in the right places at the right time. At the end of the internship you will be required to submit a project or program report to the company on the topic assigned to you β†’

Losing the past: the ineffectiveness of oral history

Samantha Grace Quartuccio AP US History Leslie Sullivan 15 August 2018 Losing the Past: The Ineffectiveness of Oral History From the Grecians in the east to the Native Americans in the west, oral tradition can be found everywhere. In the article, The Discovery of the Rosetta Stone, it is estimated creation date of the Rosetta β†’

Martin luther king junior essay

To begin with is the use of anaphora to put emphasis on the theme and aim of the speech by making it easy for people to memorize hence the message of the speech is driven home. Other clauses repeated in the speech include;' Now is the time' found in the sixth paragraph of the speech, β†’

Cause of the great depression

The spread of this depression to other countries was attributed to the fall of the stock market, but the condition of the depression were either made worse or better by the internal strengths and weaknesses of the affected countries. The collapse of the stock market contributed much to the collapse of close to half the β†’

Latin american history

Guevara is conscious of his place in history and writes for posterity, to preserve a history of the armed struggle against the tyranny of the dictator Batista. Because of the Cuban revolution the country has become one of the most influential nations in the world.

No child left behind act: provisions and view points

As author here says that due to some reasons a student has not been able to perform well in the tests, so we mark the student as an average student but this is actually wrong which this act concludes a school as in need of improvemet using the test results. Students will be more interested β†’

American history x and racism

Another important scene in the film is the presentation of Derek and his change of heart. There is blackness of the heart even in the whitest of white, and a whiteness of the soul in the pitch black-colored person.

Free book review on auschwitz: a doctor’s eye-witness account by dr. miklos nyiszli

I use to watch the History channel and there were a lot of documentaries that talked about the Jewish Holocaust but not many of the talked about the concentration camps. I chose this book because one of the most thought-provoking sections of the book was the outstanding introduction and how it talked about the different β†’

The concept of value flow in business environment

Comparison In Operations management for Mambas the authors, Meredith and Shafer, describe value in two ways: How much a customer is willing to pay for a good or service and the opposite of waste. The authors explain that a value stream is the group of processes, both valuable and invaluable, from, that create a product β†’

Notes on the parliamentary form of government in india

The President in India or the king in England are the symbols of nominal head of the executive where as the Prime Minister is the real head of the executive. The members of the Council of Minister are also members of the legislature.

Manas wildlife sanctuary essay sample

A favorable place with a warm and humid climate allows the appropriate distribution of plants and animals in the part of the park most convenient to them. Grassland ecosystems and faunal biodiversity add to the value of Manas Park.

Impact of british rule on india during 1857-1867

The uncompromising character of Islam is obvious, and in consonance with it the Muslims in India for a considerable time resisted the impact of Westerneducation, took but little to science or industry, and hardly allowed their beliefs or their way of life to be influenced by the newcomers. The change has not been wholly for β†’

Literature review on francisco cruzado

Constantine Cavafy emphasizes what the journey itself has to offer, apart from the obvious satisfaction of arriving at one's destination.' Ithaca' is the main symbol of the poem and Cavafy appears to treat it in an innovative way. On the contrary, the poet seems to advise his reader to treat ' Ithaca' as the motivation β†’

Flag burning as a symbolic speech research paper

A couple of witnesses noted that they were unhappy with the burning of the flag and one of them found it suitable to bury the flag remains. Ultimately, the court established that flag desecration punishment was undercutting the very values resembled by the flag and the conviction of Johnson was running afoul to his rights β†’

Monster – the autobiography of an la gang member book review examples

This is a review of the book Monster The Autobiography of an LA Gang member in which the principal character Monster Cody relates his experiences as part of a gang in Los Angeles in the 1970's and 80's The book is a classic firsthand account of a gang member called ' Monster Cody' who β†’

David herbert lawrence

When he finished his studies, he left Eastwood to get a job in London. In 1926 his book The Plumed Serpent is published, they move back to Britain and D.H.begins writing Lady Chatterley's Lover.

The biography of barack obama – the 44-th president of the usa

Obama was a leader that is educated and inspiring to people and he was talented and he had accomplished many things in life. Obama was only unsure of the gay rights because he is very religious and he is a Christian.

The motivation of the team members

As a result of research on engineering companies I would be aware of the way the employees work and will be able to understand the employees' behaviour at an early stage. However, the core of the study is motivation, and forms the basis of the literature review.

There is something disturbing about the world

As her mother battles withdepressionand her father is in a senior position at the war office, she has had to grow up largely on her own, which perhaps contributes to her tendency to dramatist and fantasies everything, as she needs to create her own worlds In order to escape from her truthful lonely reality. This β†’

John forbes nash jr.

With the permission of Martin Hansen, his old friend and intellectual rival who became the head of mathematics department in Princeton, Nash was given a space in the library to talk to students and audit classes. Eventually, he was able to teach again and was honored in a pen ceremony by his colleagues for his β†’

Motivation plan essay sample

The purpose of this paper is to explain key ideas of some of the theories as they relate to a team of six members and a mentor who is in a leadership position. This is one of the contemporary theories " that is concerned with the beneficial effects of intrinsic motivation and the harmful effects β†’

Motivation will: the first grand theory

For example, in a corporation, it is the beneficial that the leaders of the corporation to motivate its workers with job incentives, increased salary, Christmas bonuses and many more. If so, then that person would not progress and, therefore, be left in the flow of modernization.

The history of canadian social system

Spending on social assistance programs should increase to provide sufficient benefits to clients, relieve the unnecessary strain currently placed on other social services, and to significantly develop the nation both socially and economically. Most recently, the CHST split to form the Canada Health Transfer and the Canada Social Transfer in 2004, the latter of which β†’

Oral health of the elderly in canada research paper sample

One of the primary reasons why seniors in Canada are not getting adequate oral health is because the country is in short supply of oral health practitioners. Recommendation One of the major drawbacks to oral health care of the elderly in Canada is its affordability and accessibility.

My feminist activist self essay examples

Thus, the ideology of democratic Canada in comparison to the ideology of the government of China I grew up continues challenging my common sense about female issues in Canadian society and the rights I have versus those I do not have in China. From a moral context, truth remains culturally bound in ancient ideologies of β†’

Correctional substance abuse essay examples

It was established that in order to gain positive grounds in regards to offering better conditions in the facilities, especially for those with mental problems, it was to be of best practice to develop a superior system of communication within, and without the facilities. In order to have a successful program, it was of utmost β†’