1300 Words Essay Samples

Case study on concord general mutual insurance company v. green & company building and development

However, because of delays in repairs, the homeowners decided to bring suits against the owner of the homes-Green in the superior courts. Concord General complied with Green request and supplied them with a defense. In order to find out the extent of the defects in the chimneys, Green inserted carbon II oxide detectors inside the β†’

Free essay about nursing research project

This paper proposes a new method of a staffing matrix that is intended to reduce the nurse turnover, improve nursing satisfaction for staff and the method should also have a positive impact on the overall delivery of care at the nursing care homes. Methods used to evaluate effectiveness of the β†’

Relflection paper on interpreter as an gatekeeper in medical discourse

In the Davidson's study, there were found examples of the way in which the interpreters tend to align themselves with the institutions and to strengthen institutional voice, often at the expense of the voice of participants. In this case, the institutional setting is hospital and participant is the patient. Davidson's study of medical discourse was β†’

Internet of things paradigm

By 2020 the Internet of Things device will more than double the size of the smartphone, PC, tablet, connected car, and the wearable market combined. Technologies and services belonging to the Internet of Things have generated global revenues in $4. The greatest problem for the development of the paradigm is the low perception of the β†’

The sixth sense technology essay sample

The input is fed and it is processed and the output is displayed. The input is taken and it is send to the sensors.

Analysis of a hotel management system

In analysis phase, we have analyzed the user's requirement such as:- Addition of the record of the customer who comes into the hotel , deletion of the record when customer leaves the hotel, printing and calculation of the bill , record of facilities available in the hotel , allotment of the rooms etc. It β†’

File management in operating systems computer science essay

When user input his command into the computer, the interface translates it into the language that the computer can understand, and when computer gives output, interface translates it into the language that the user can understand. Interaction between hardware and software: Operating system interacts with hardware in order to operate a computer system. Command line β†’

Computerised hotel maintenance systems

The proposed system would help to organise & manage the Maintenance department in an efficient manner in order to minimize the drawbacks of the current system. The main entities that I have taken into account are the ordering up to date stock, up to date problem solves, History of problems and suppliers. It would minimize β†’

Internet regulation 3459

The Internet is a method of communication and a source of information that is becoming more popular among those who are interested in, and have the time to surf the information superhighway. 1995, 34-45. Dyson, Esther." Deluge of Opinions On The Information Highway". Computerworld.

Qca schemes of work for ict essay sample

In this report I will be exploring the good and bad effects that the Internet has on Society today and why some have the feelings about it that they do not hesitate to make evident. Positive effects of the Internet * The most common way the Internet is used is for research, whether β†’


There are various operating systems in the market to be used by the business organization to be used for business activities. The most popular operating system Is from the stable of Microsoft. The uses of the operating systems to the business activities is that it helps the hardware of the computers seed within β†’

Creation of an online prescence

Following are the questions that you need to answer to achieve the criteria set. Task 1 Deploying an Application under a PHP Environment The application must be deployed on the web. In your answer make reference to registering a domain name and the need to host the website's files online. Registering a domain β†’

Internet regulation: policing cyberspace 929

2 The United States Government owns the Internet and has the responsibility to determine who uses it and how it is used. The government must control what information is accessible from its agencies. This material is not lawfully available through the mail or over the telephone, there is no valid β†’

Internets social effect 16218

To narrow the scope further, I have analyzed the impact that the Internet has had upon people, and their lives. The Internet is a conglomeration of worldwide networks linked together, which we as users have public access to. These characteristics are the ingredients to the reformation of our society, as technology advances, people have become β†’

Microsoft dilemma 12398

After the release of Windows, Microsoft was literally catapulted to the front of the computer software program market. The lack of competition would help Microsoft focus more attention on expanding the Windows program due to the supremacy of their product. Microsoft s dominance in the software industry helped them focus much of their attention to β†’

“disobedience as a physiological and moral problem, ” essay

" Disobedience as a Physiological and Moral Problem," ," is written by Erich Fromm and in his 1963 essay Fromm argues that obedience is the virtue and disobedience the vice.. Fromm's essay is a very well written, interesting, and informative explanation of why we feel the need to obey and have distaste to disobedience.

Hubungan tenaga kerja

Traditional perspectives are important because they express the different assumptions that other make about the nature of organization, the fundamental nature of the relationship between workers and employers, and the characteristics of the society within which work organization exist and function. The employees roles should be loyal to organization and management.2.2.employment relations perspective The aggressive β†’

Parable of a sadhu

Is it worse to never have made it to the village at the summit of the mountain or to have contributed to the death of a fellow man because of indifference on your part? In these types of situations, there is hardly ever a clear cut " right" choice. If he needed β†’

Narrative report national service training program (nstp) act

It is a program aimed at enhancing civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by developing the ethic of service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of its three program components. What are the three program components of NSTP? Reserve Officers Training Corps β†’

Time, money, morality and self-reflection

Another conclusion that Gino and Mogilner come to is that self-refection is the cause of the effects, this however is not as convincing as they use self-awareness techniques to increase self-refection. This is due to definitional issues which would have impacted upon Gino and Mogilner's methodology. The link between time, money β†’

Morally questionable smog in the fiction of stevenson and pynchon

This fog is physical manifestation of the morally dubious nature of the characters and the sinister underpinnings of both stories. New York: Harper & Row, 1986.

The collection of stories deals with the everyday lives of indians abroad

In this story of cultural shock, the opening sentences which describes a bitter quarrel between Mrs. Das and her husband over who would take their daughter, Tina, to the bathroom, convey to the reader that not only does she have constrained marriage but also that her children are an obligation to her. β†’

The thing in the forrest

In " The Thing in the Forest" the two little girls encounter a terrifying creature that profoundly affects their sense of reality; this results in similar personal traits and shared sense of searching for what's real despite that they never talk of it. Searching to the extent that both women are drawn back in to β†’

Job-hopping – is it good or bad?

In the past few years, job-hopping has become so widespread across the industries that even a four years stint in the same organization is considered to be a stable job. The downside of job-hopping Many job-hoppers think that jumping from one job to another in rapid succession is a sure way to reach the top.

The mutual exclusivity of class and morality in george bernard shaw’s β€˜pygmalion’

The result of this transformation is antithetic to the hypocrisy, questionable morality and lack of emotional intelligence of her Pygmalion figure, and others who belong to this class to which Eliza aspires, as Shaw exposes the redundancy of the institutionalized class system and advocates for its dissolution, as the class of the characters play is β†’

Ob : all the wrong moves

Don Rifkin is the main character of the case who tries to correct the decisions made by the company at the time of crisis or otherwise. While going through the case we tried to find out the main reasons for poor decision making of the company and tried to find the solutions for the same.

What is fire safety engineering environmental sciences essay

Therefore, fire safety applied scientists must see important ethical concerns such as professional behavious and proof of theoretical accounts. Definition What is " Fire Safety Engineering " ? Harmonizing to the definition by the Institution of Fire Engineers of UK " The application of scientific and technology rules, regulations , and adept β†’

Free texas policy research paper example

There should be a fresh debate and reconsideration over the issue of gun control because the issue is directly associated with public health and life. Transportation problem Transportation has always been an issue of concern for the state. Texas transportation, roads and traffic needs more attention and concerned bodies should give their hundred percent β†’

Cyber security plan critical thinking samples

However, LANs and WANs are more open and so more intermediary networks and individuals have chance to access the network and thus are more vulnerable to threats. Vulnerabilities are the weaknesses in the network design, configuration, technology, or security policy that provides an opportunity to the hackers or the natural β†’

Report on assisting a client in a career choice

The report's examination is limited to those two careers, and nothing outside those. The sources I used included the Bureau of Labor Statistics and various online sources, providing as current and reputable a database of information as is possible for the client on these two resources. The book " Career Opportunities in Law and the β†’

The invention and development of face recognition systems

The beginnings of face recognition systems date back to the 60s when the technology was based on pointing the coordinates of distinguishable parts of the face, such as eyes, nose or mouth. Hence, the face detection score can be indicative of the quality Authors in 21 studied the relationship between deep β†’

Essay on how has the internet impacted privacy

This information spread with the help of the victim's sister to appoint that the husband is unable to challenge the filed cases against Internet sites associated with the information. This security breach totally risks the privacy of people and their information enabling the hackers to unscrupulously access a plethora of private information of the internet β†’

An analysis of national security in united states

Once we protect the people, we can then protect their rights. The government's duty to the country is to do what is best for the country as a whole as seen fit by the government. We must realize that the rules and regulations need to change to meet the circumstances of the situation, and that β†’

Example of the world as a whole needs to protect its natural resources argumentative essay

Of the most importance is the preservation of the nonrenewable resources that include the oil and the coal, including minerals that are more essential and in strong demand. It is quite valuable, therefore, for the world to have energy security, which involves the world's security and the availability of natural resource for the utilization of β†’

Dreikurus theory

Dreikurs also believed that all students desire to feel they have value and to feel they can contribute to the classroom. This is put in place when students have some voice as to the functions of the classroom.

Essay on sexism still a presence in america

With that in mind, the researchers ask: " Could women's heightened sense of burden and stress also be related to gender differences in multitasking?". Domestic violence is one of the most severe and common examples of sexism present in American society. Despite the successes of the suffrage movement and women's liberation in the 1970s, there β†’

Sex and violence

It is my suggestion that shows about sex and violence should be shown only in specific channels and on specific time to ensure that young children and even adults who have strong objections about sex and violence may not be able to watch it. It bears stressing that even adults are affected by the constant β†’

School crime and violence

The terms " school violence" and " school safety," are still terms that need to be commonly defined. The authors maintain that " Multiple approaches can prove beneficial as each discipline brings to bear the full force of its knowledge and experience, but they complicate the task of summarizing the state of school violence. At β†’

Cause and effect of gun violence in america reports example

Another solution discussed was gun owners need to be more responsible by knowing the difference of gun ownership and gun violence. ANALYSIS OF SOURCES Causes and Effects The first known effect of gun violence in America is the probable misuse of parenting styles, which directly affect strict parenting and family values. The effects β†’

Assuagement 2 essay samples

Furthermore, the basis of Fox's argument is the independence of the beings in decision making in the moral community as earlier discussed. The second claim by Fox is that deficient human beings should be treated as members of the moral community. In spite of, Fox's tactful approach of being neutral and his use of the β†’

Nature vs. nurture essay sample

In the article, " Nature and nurture predispose to violent behavior: Serotonergic genes and adverse childhood environment" the authors are conveying in their hypothesis that certain psychological problems have been shown to be heritable and if given the right circumstances, individuals with those genes could find themselves engaging in criminal activity. To fully understand the β†’

Media violence and society

The development of media is further evidenced by the emergence of the Internet and DVDs, which sophisticated the way an individual receives information from media worldwide. The most well-known premises about the influence of media on the society are those related to theories having a passive audience. This can be related to the effect of β†’

Case study on a cautionary fable

As such, this essay offers an overview of a preventive approach that may be applicable to the plight of families, particularly impoverished families such as Hansel and Gretel's. A Cautionary Fable: Understanding Primal Fear and Violence in ' Hansel and Gretel' Hansel and Gretel is an expression of childhood anxiety over β†’

Free research paper on a discussion of school uniforms

However, there are significant advantages to instituting the use of school uniforms in American public schools, and these advantages definitely sway the debate towards the use of school uniforms in public schools. However, in recent years, more and more schools are adopting uniforms for use in the public school system. In many places around the β†’

Cruddy by lynda barry

The spree ended with her father as the prime suspect in the Lucky Chief Motel Massacre and with Roberta walking through the Nevada while covered with blood. It is unclear however whether either of the plot threads actually occurred within the world of the novel or whether they are the imaginings or β†’

Steps you can take to help gender/sexual orientation conflicts essay example

The test of intelligence is known as the ability for one to hold two opposing ideas in the mind and making it to function at the same time. This can happen when the partner misuses the wealth of another one to make the him or her weak.

Free essay about fight club movie

It shows that his ego and ambitions are high and instead of succumbing to the problems of daily real life, he creates an illusionary world where he assures himself that a better future awaits for him. Narrator is actually fed up with problems of his daily life that he comes across in his real life. β†’

Honor and glory in the iliad research papers examples

Honor and glory were central themes in the Iliad, this was displayed by how the readers are to perceive the heroes in the story. This example shows that the honor and glory of a certain person can very well contribute to the respect and influence of his commands, no matter how irrational they were. β†’

Research paper on second amendment

It protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms from infringement. The Constitution states: " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms will not be infringed". Conversely, many misinterpret the second amendment and I believe that β†’

Example of philosophy critical thinking

The topic covered in this assignment is whether high school graduates should be required to spend two years in the military and then receive a free college education. 2. I support the first claim that high school graduates should be required to spend two years in the military and then receive a free college education, β†’

Evaluation of humor styles questionnaire research paper

This study emphasizes the need for psychometric evaluation of the HSQ, due to the tentative nature of the results; it is difficult to discern exactly how effective the HSQ was at determining the true humour styles of the participants. Taher et al.performed a study in which the HSQ was used to determine which styles of β†’

Professional interview analysis report sample

Following this, below are the question asked ; - As a teacher, what is your philosophy basis of education? In my opinion, the philosophy basis of education refers to the field of applied philosophy which promotes specific education philosophy that examines the meaning and goals of education. The teacher's role here β†’

Free research paper about research on lifestyle habits of college students

The health of the students entails the level of adequate social, physical and also psychological well being. The questionnaires are; the Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile and the Personal Lifestyle Questionnaire.

The perfect storm essay examples

The efforts of the black to liberate themselves from the jaws of the white man only fueled war and more bloodshed especially on the blacks whom their inferior weapons was their major setback. Families were not spared, and it was at this moment that the happy family of Mr. The first victim of his attack β†’

Preceptor models for new nurse/student nurse orientation research paper example

They are also more comfortable with known and unknown information. Need and Benefits of Preceptors Because the transition period is a tumultuous time for nursing students and new nurse graduates, provision of the support necessary to thrive is essential. A number of varied approaches to preceptorship have also been found useful in ensuring the β†’

Undocumented students

These students find it easier to leave school and enter the working world. They are knowledgeable of the fact that, even with a college degree, they most likely will not find employment after graduation. The DREAM Act would offer a pathway to citizenship for many college students and members of the military.

Report on florida assessment for instruction in reading (fair ap3)

Lange uses the techniques of focus, proportion and relation to teach the viewer in interpreting the photographs, for the viewer to decipher the unspoken story of the people being photograph and not the author's own thoughts. Given the description of the author's intentions, the interpretation then depends on how the viewer sees the images based β†’

Random of kidness essay samples

The vacuum cleaner was in the middle of the living room floor and dirty clothes piled up in the corner of her room. I was watching television in the evening when I suddenly heard a scream of a woman outside, and I ran out of my room to see what was happening.

An evaluation of “grappling with the medicated self: the case of adhd college students”

This essay explores the different angles of perceived self that the students experience while juggling the role of a student with their medication for the ADHD diagnosis, which provides each individual with an altered version of themselves. The essay " Grappling with the Medicated Self: The Case of ADHD College Students" amplifies how the social β†’

Literature review on homosexuality

This makes them to change their sexual orientation. Children, whose parents feel like they should have been of the opposite sex and treat them as though they are, affect their lives. Some states do not have laws that protect the homosexuals and they are not accommodated in the constitution leading to discrimination.

Purpose and need for program [214.3] essays example

Third, the VN program also aims to reduce the number of students waiting to enter a nursing program in the State of Texas. In addition, it seeks to decrease the shortage of nurses at the bed side in Southwest Houston. Why is there a need for the proposed VN Program? The need for the proposed β†’

Book review on type of book self-help

This book falls into the general field of Biblical or pastoral counseling; essentially, they are like self-help books, but they teach the reader how to help others, using a Biblical framework as its basis. Collins writes the book in a semi-informal way; the book is not full of heady language, as it is meant for β†’

The determination of basic long-term goals and objectives of enterprise essay

Alfred Chandler a concern scheme theoretician in the country of concern defines scheme as " The finding of the basic, long-run ends and aims of an endeavor, and the acceptance of classs of action and the allotment of resources necessary for these ends ". The company has to see the market in which they β†’

Messages of strength and pride in three poems

The speaker notes the physical attributes of the city, which can be compared to a man: Stormy, husky, brawling, City of the Big Shoulders". The city is personified as a hard-working and proud blue collar worker who may have to resort to underhanded dealings in order to survive. However, β†’

Comparing and contrasting two literary works essay

Much of their similarities can be seen through the use of nature to describe events and happenings and the differences can be seen through the main themes that the poems address. With regard to form and structure there is a great difference in these two poems. In this case, the comparison is drawn between forces β†’

Guide to the classics: homer’s odyssey

Although Odysseus's occasionally rash behavior and arrogant demeanor cause readers to question Odysseus's priorities, his actions were actually the result of his lasting war mentality, the intervention of the gods, and his role as an epic hero in an epic poem. Odysseus was subject to the influence of a war mentality and the manipulation of β†’

Allegories of the perils of segregation used as political strategy in once upon a time

The husband and wife began to study each of the security devices." The husband and wife found themselves comparing the possible effectiveness of each style against its appearance".From this passage, the readers see that even the family were beginning to get influenced by this fear of the non-whites, even though the story never says that β†’

Literature review on psychological criticism

In order to be able to apply this kind of theory and criticism to a literary piece, it is essential that you understand the basics of the Freudian theory. The imagery in this piece of literature can be related to the Freudian theory because of the anger and emotion of the writer.

Essay on 19th century symphony and piano music

The music of Romeo and Juliet is sometimes classified as fantasy overture instead of symphonic poem because of the unreality that holds the story together through its music. In many musical compositions, live concerts and most especially in a symphony orchestra, piano never fails to exist. Generally in the romantic era, composers have used the β†’

The value system of homer in the odyssey essay sample

Odyssey The value system of Homer in the Odyssey is very well reflected in the book through the characters of the poem. This shows the anger of the characters. ' Odyssey' by contrast is certain that he belongs in Ithaca, his earth rooted bed and the fruit trees of his youth β†’

Role of telemachus in “the odyssey” essay sample

Telemachus has active mind and stout heart and he is on the way to match his father's skills and cunning. The Importance of Telemachus From the beginning of the epic novel it may seem that Telemachus plays central role as Odysseus does not appear till Telemachus realizes his responsibilities before his palace β†’

Views of americans towards britain in years before revolution essay sample

This act lead into a chain of acts including, in 1764, the Sugar Act and the Currency Act, in 1765, the Stamp Act and the Quartering Act, the Intolerable Acts of 1774, as well as many others that aggravated the colonists and caused resentment towards Parliament and the King. This attitude that the king and β†’

The greatest inventor/designer of the industrial revolution

This is very favorable of Aright and suggests that he made a big impact on the lives of everyone in the I-J at the time. He helped pull the I-J out of the dark ages and into the industrial future. Because of the huge impact he had, Brunet has become so famous that β†’

Good example of essay on causes of russian revolution

The history of the October Socialist Revolution belongs to the themes that have attracted the most attention of both foreign and Russian historiography, because its victory radically changed the position of all classes and strata of the Russian population as well as the party system, which had a great impact on world's development in β†’

Race and revolution a book by gary nash history essay

Nash addresses the issue of slavery, an issue Americans have dealt with both politically and socially since the inception of our country and those governing it since the first Continental Congress and the drafting of those documents that are the founding basis for our government, The Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Nash was thorough β†’

Market revolution the worldwide

It were only through the relentless vision and efforts of Alexander Hamilton, the First Secretary of Treasury and Thomas Jefferson, the First Secretary of State, that a new political and economic ideal for the country was created and later, a stage was set for full scale development of the American society and economic growth to β†’

International actors in the tunisian revolution politics essay

This paper will analyze the role played by the United States, Arab league and the European role in the transition process that saw the end of domestic despotism in Tunisia. The role of the United States in the Tunisian revolution During the jasmine revolution that led to the end of Ben Ali's despotic rule, β†’

Impact of the game revolution on society media essay

I am also going explain about 10 different types of computer games and also write about psychological effects of computer gaming. Impact of computer games on society Advantage of impact of the game revolution on society. The advantage of effect of the game revolution on society is that it is a very good tool β†’

The causes of the industrial revolution history essay

It began in Great Britain and quickly spread throughout the world, during that time the implementation of mechanization of agriculture and textile manufacturing and the production of power ( such as steam ships, railways, automobiles etc) had a great effect on the economy, as well as social and cultural lifestyle of the people. Most people β†’

Research paper on charles gravier comte de vergennes and the american revolution

Vergennes role in the Franco-American alliance aided the American cause by providing military, munitions and financial aid to the colonists. The Franco-American alliance of 6th February 1778 was an agreement between France and the United States for the supply of military aid and loans to its thirteen colonies. By supporting β†’

Causes of the february revolution

The February Revolution of 1917 was first of the two revolutions in Russia in 1917, the revolution which began the transformation of the country. The royal family, the noble part of the society and clergy owned most of the land fit for agriculture. Peasants had to pay high β†’

Research proposal on the sacrificial role of women in ibsens a dolls house

He wrote realistic, contemporary dramas with a tragic edge, all with an eye toward ideology and the shaking up of social and familial values. The titling of the play as " A Doll's House" is significant, as Nora is kept like a doll, not really allowed to have a life β†’

Wost 220 essay example

However, for the purpose of the more extensive research and the understanding of the topic, the proponent that will simply concentrate on the banning of mini-skirt in public place and the influence among women and the society in general. In fact, there were several incidents that document women who are being harassed to the point β†’

The power of sisterhood: a feminist reading of the color purple

Throughout the novel, the sisterhood bond is used to show that through the strength, unity and support, of each woman, the main female characters are able to gain the power. Shug inspires Celie to believe in god in a new way and she becomes closer to her goal of sexual and emotional freedom.

Line of thinking essay

The chirping character is most often a man-watching female without her knowledge In the research I conducted to find out the answer of the question, most of the interviewees believe that men are the heads of the family and women their helpers. I would say women are mainly the helpers of men and it is β†’

Comparison and contrast of it had to be murder and rear window essay examples

In addition, one of the neighbors in the movie had a cat whereas no pet was mentioned in the short story. The only similar neighbors in both the short story and the movie were Lars Thorwald and his sick wife. The Jeffries in the movie was indicated to be working as a photographer, which required β†’

Role of women essay sample

The role of the woman in male-female relationships is reduced to withstanding the atrocities and injustices inflicted by the husband and remaining a perfect wife, preserving loyalty and devotion. Sita has little independent role in the family apart from her husband. The main unit of this society was the family, and the role of β†’

Example of christian love essay

In the love story of Redcrosse Knight and Una, Spencer showed stereotypical perception of gender roles in the family and ideal Christian love and married life, which, in the end, were the same issues for a good and faithful Protestant. In the present essay, Spencer's stereotypes of male and female β†’

The social and economic hardships of women and blacks

This was an important point in the story when the Monsieur found the baby Desiree near the front gate, it would mean that Desiree would probably never be aware of her biological parents ancestry. The chance a baby with both parents would be dropped off is not logical but was probably a single mother. Armand β†’

Essay on character analysis – first confession by flannery oconnor

Over the course of the short story, he has to go to his first confession, a thought which fills him with dread (and is exacerbated by the beastly behavior of his sister Nora). Jackie, being so young, does not quite understand the world around him, and is still getting used to the varying aspects of β†’

Cleopatra and antony essay

Her exotic qualities that strike fear and irritation in the eyes of the Romans are what turn her into one of the most powerful female characters that Shakespeare has brought to life. Her fundamental role is to serve as Marc Antony's mistress. This kind of subtle influence that seeps through β†’

Free taming of the shrew essay sample

This paper presents several reasons why the induction, scene one is the most important scene in The Taming of the Shrew based on how central it is to the entire play. First, the induction act scene one is central to this play because it lays the foundation for the entire story. This is because Christopher β†’

British girls and women of the 90s

British Girls and Women of the 90s The Spice Girls, Girl Bands and their Influence on BritishCultureThe twentieth century will, without doubt, be viewed by historians as the Woman's Hour. The girls have made many achievements such as Wannabe the Spice Girls' first single and the most successful song in theircareer.

Good research proposal about why it is recommended to give the first dose of hepatitis b at birth

Over the years, the use of vaccine has proven to be the most effective way to protect oneself and the loved ones against succumbing to Hepatitis B.the Hepatitis Vaccine is recommended to all groups of people, be they children or adults. The required dosage is usually 3 shots of the vaccines over a period of β†’

The effect of homosexual essay

It has changed the legal definition of marriage that, in the long run, may have a substantial impact on the social institution of marriage. The author opines that it is not necessary for a society to legalize polygamy on the basis of legalizing SSMs.

Free essay about expository

The author of this story tried to pass across the theme of postmodernism where all the genders are independent. The community does not try to understand him instead they are quick to judge him as it is the nature of human beings. " A happy man" By Naguib and Mahfouz The happy man story uses β†’