1300 Words Essay Samples

Lg electronics’ fridges in three markets essay sample

This is evident in the statement of Hamad Malik, the company's marketing director in the Middle East, saying that the company is trying to speak to consumers individually since the days of rolling out one product for a global market are gone. On the other side of the world, the company introduced a refrigerator that's →

Vampires in modern european and american cultures research paper

The evolution of the image of a vampire in the United States and the differences, which the latter has undergone, can be attributed to the change in the target audience, which the movies and stories about vampires are aimed at. With the Pearl Jones comic book series being the introduction to the new concept of →

Ethnography assignment

Once I attended the club first hand and Interviewed and observed the Interactions and scenery, I had to analyze the significance of a strip club. It was not until the sass the revival of strip tease in the form of go go dancing.

The ed sullivan show

The Ed Sullivan Show was so successful as a variety show because of the sheer number of types of performers that starred on the show. Rev of The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show.

Editorial: the balanced triad of perception, action, and cognition

A popular way of conceptualizing the triad of perception, action, and cognition is the idea of embodied cognition. The sense of presence, which is the focus of the article by Triberti and Riva actually implies the presence of the " self" in the environment where perception-action coupling is manifest.

Evolution of pregnancy

The functionality of the loss of VIT3 gene 179Mya could be the reason for the split into the prototherian and therian lineages as it could have given rise to the viviparious nature of the therians. Evolution of the shell coat and yolk in amniotes: a marsupial perspective.

Study of the term gifted in america history essay

Curiously plenty, the following important development in the history of the gifted in America must get down in Europe, as the developments there had an impact upon the capable affair of the history of the gifted in America. 21 In 1974, the " Office of the Gifted and Talented " was given official status.

Missionary journeys and strategy of paul religion essay

The book of Acts describe how the Apostle Paul became a missionary says Paul had a supernatural encounter with the Lord Jesus on the road to Damascus. The Bible says in the Apostle Paul gave himself as an example to follow Jesus Christ, Paul fasted and prayed when Paul received the baptism of the Holy →

Modern that it is ethical to subject

This implies that the issues raised are directed at the impact of failing to use torture in interrogation of suspects of terrorism. To add to that, the use of torture facilitates the administration of justice as criminals have been observed to deny committing the crimes.

Conflict management assignment

The manager should understand the causes creating conflict, the outcome of conflict, and various ethos by which conflict can be managed in the organization. The interactions view proposes that conflict can be a positive force in a group and explicitly argues that some conflict is necessary for a group to perform effectively.

Standardized testing’s effects on students

Now there are multiple forms of assessing students in America, such as the preliminary scholastic aptitude test, the American college test, the Keystone Exams, and the Pennsylvania System of School Assessments. The first assessment is the PSSA or Pennsylvania System of School Assessment, which is a standards-based assessment that provides students, parents, and educators of →

Case study: social psychology

Decades of studies and research into the mass media portraying evident allegations upon hostile aggression in society, is being linked to viewing anti social behaviour in the media and is somewhat of an open subject, with much controversy and hearsay. However correlation studies such as this, has shown that there is a link between the →

Jacob vaark in a mercy essay sample

With his disdain for D'Ortega and all he represents, Vaark commits to displaying his integrity, a characteristic absent in D'Ortega and pledges not to acquiesce to D'Ortega's ways. Vaark tries to use the house as a testament to himself and as his legacy, but ends up destroying himself and his living legacy simply by constructing →

David suzuki

A lot of people know about his goals to help the environment and how to get involved in it because of the books that he writes. You will be helping the David Suzuki Foundation to aid in protecting the nature and our quality of life.

Social stratification and social conflict

Social Stratification and social Conflict According to Ralf Dahrendorf classes arise from conflict groups due to structure of authority of an imperative coordinated association are in conflicts. Conclusion In conclusion, the main concern of social conflict is regulation.

Ibsen’s a doll’s house and pollock’s blood relations similarities and differences in the female leads

The two protagonists, Nora in A Doll's House and Lizzie in Blood Relations, are faced with a test of their aptitude, and resilience of their own beliefs in order to succumb to or defeat the gender roles put in place for them. Nora plays into her role as a domestic woman while Lizzie refuses to →

Scope of microbiology assignment

Microorganisms in soil and water are essential in the transformation of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and iron to products needed by plants and animals. Microorganisms in soil are important because they affect the structure and fertility of different soils.

The natural law essay sample

It is seen as a way to involve both faith and reason, and for this, it appeals to a varied group of people who are attracted to the use of reason and intuition together.b) " The strict application of Natural Law goes against common sense". A following of the Natural Law would lead us, never →

Central african republic assignment

Located in the heart of the African continent, the Central African Republic encompasses a wide array of habitats, ranging from the dry Sahelian zone in the north to the lush rainforests in the south, and supports a rich diversity of fauna and flora. The human intrusions threatening in the area are mainly poachers who hunt →

Andrew jackson expansion of power or abuse of power essay sample essay

One end that Jackson believed to be really of import was the expiration of the Bank of the United States.the " monster bank".which he viewed as a tool for the elitists; he attacked the bank and was successful in destructing it. Jackson believed that Congress did not have the authorization to do the Bank in →

In-depth audience analysis

The vision of The Greater Richmond Virginia Chamber of Commerce is to be the voice of the Virginia business community and the most influential business advocacy organization in the Commonwealth. The mission of The Greater Richmond Virginia Chamber of Commerce is to be a non-partisan, business advocacy organization that works in the legislative, regulatory, and →

Introduction shape and reform administration. there is

The main role of the government is to guide and secure effectiveness of the social units that constitute the public. One of the main failures and thus a reason citizens fail to trust the government is lack of clarity over transactions.

Calvinism was founded by john calvin religion essay

In the later history of Calvinism, people have modified John Calvin's teachings to serve their own purposes and the beliefs of the Reformed Tradition of Protestant Christianity, which Calvinism was the most prominent in. They point to John Calvin as one of the minds that created our modern culture and the culture of America in →

1984 – a dystopian novel

The only chance of survival is by showing obedience to the Party's orthodoxy and complete devotion to the cult of BB. Everybody is constantly watched and the use of language modified to try and crush independent, individual, autonomous thought, so that the Party will at last be in control of the whole inner being of →

The chinese-american background of amy tan has influenced her works

Amy Tan, a Chinese-American woman, uses the cultural values of Chinese women in American culture in her novel, The Joy Luck Club. Amy Tan, a Chinese-American woman, uses the cultural values of Chinese women in American culture in her novel, The Joy Luck Club.

An analysis of roberto matta’s eat us sir fire, eat us

Red and orange was used for the fire in the centre, yellow for the sky in the top row and left column, green in the right column and bottom row, black shadows in the entire bottom and centre rows, white for the smoke in the top row and the figures on the left, and lastly →

The dichotomy between the private and the public is central to almost two centuries of feminist writing and political struggle essay

Typical women's work is an extension of their domestic roles, and the low pay and low status attached to this work mirrors the devaluing of their domestic tasks, resulting also in women's experience of the double-burden: that is, paid work during the day, and the vast majority of the household chores. In my perspective, I →

Julie was perfect – creative writing

Bowdon's wife who was not a skier and would have to spend the day with only each other for company. So, what have you done that's so bad?" Jen asked with a friendly smile on her face for the first time".

Financial accounting theories: questions and answers

In the nature of theory, a positive theory of accounting or Positive Accounting Theory is a descriptive theory, which describes particular aspects of financial accounting practice. However, there are no researchers in the area of social and environmental accounting enfolds Positive Accounting Theory although it is interesting to note that.

Dubai’s economic developement

The first Palm Tree Island - The Palm Jumeirah, was completed in the end of 2006 and became the world's biggest interest. Purpose Statement The purpose of this report is to demonstrate how the construction of The Palm Tree Islands in Dubai helped to sustain economic stability of this country by attracting tourists.

Effect of cultural and racial identity on self-image

This is because I have certain responsibilities and standards to live by as a result of my upbringing as a child. The way I see myself is also as a result of a combinations of all these factors like how other people see me and judge me.

Leadership in a health organization

The development of existing and future leaders is significant to driving the innovation and change essential to the continuity and sustainability of the healthcare system in Australia. The HWA stated that the " quality of leadership in the health system directly and indirectly affects the quality of patient care, and is shown to be →

Comparative criminal justice assignment

The Sunnah, the second factor in Islamic Law deals with the issues not addressed in the Qur'an, yet is still in the word of the Prophet." In a few Islamic countries, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Sudan, it is proclaimed as the basis for all law, including the harsh Islamic criminal law based on →

Business ethics case study assignment

The role that Corporate social responsibility has in the approach to business is that they are a company the really gives back to the environment, costumers. With being an employee you need to realize that it is important that the show you put on for cutbacks is everything to the costumer.

Business: mission statement

Ethical- Anita's personal and moral beliefs into her work is that she is against animal testing and made a great effort to make sure her company and the suppliers also feel the same way. Philanthropi The mission statement of The Body Shop is " To dedicate our business to the pursuit of social and environmental →

A glimpse of social contract theory

For the benefit of all in a society, the key is to give up individual rights for the good and the safety of the entire society. However, with the perceptive that violence can never be cancelled out of the equation, the right not to be put in harm's way or the right to live becomes →

Philosophy of teaching assignment

I try to get my students to realize the mistake that they have made and try to learn from them and how to make right choices. The assessment that I like to use with my class is traditional testing.

“the tennessee hero” by frances harper essay sample

The importance of setting the prologue in a form different from the rest of the poem is that it acts as an epitaph for the slave. In the poem, Harper has kept the use of figurative language to a minimum.

Agro eco regions in india essay

Because of the finite nature of the resources and the ability of our planet to provide us infinite resources, we need to, carefully consider some aspects of our existence, like our consumption, acceptable living standards, what technologies make best use of the resources available and explore ways to preserve the ecosystems on which we depend. →

Emphysema is a condition nursing essay

By utilising the frameworks of primary health care and principles of wellness, we will be preparing a health education plan for Shirley that will better equip her to deal with her condition, and help assist her to enhance her quality of life. The ALF offer a variety of resources that will be beneficial in helping →

Smart phones as a disruptive technology for business essay sample

The actual release of the smart phone in the market was 1994, when IBM combines a cell phone and PDA Forming the Simon Personal Communicator." This ancestor of the modern smartphone", says Berkman, " was capable of text messaging, faxing and emailing, in addition to making phone calls". The difference between the smart phones and →

Virginia woolf: a life of tragedies

" You cannot find peace by avoiding life" Virginia Woolf, one of the most eminent writers of her time, during her life she suffered the loss of her parents as well as her siblings which led her to lose control of her mind, her mental illness did not prevent her from continuing to write numerous →

Archaeology is the study of human society history essay

Throughout the course of the semester, we have explored many different aspects concerning Greek archaeology." Archaeology is the study of human society, primarily through recovery and analysis of the material culture and environmental data which they have left behind, which includes artifacts, architecture, biofacts, and cultural landscapes". Thirdly, the information retrieved from the excavation is →

A guide to the identification of bacillus cereus biology essay

On a regular TSA plate, the colonies of Bacillus cereus appear to have a cream " dull or frosted glass appearance and often an undulate margin from which extensive outgrowths do not develop"." The genus Bacillus is either aerobic or facultatively anaerobic, most members of this group are also motile...and with the exceptions of Bacillus →

Why did operation barbarossa fail?

Operation Barbarossa was the turning point of World War Two, and reason why is because the invasion of Soviet Union is one of the biggest mistakes Hitler makes in World War Two. Operation Barbarossa failed because Germany used weak military forces, had poor logistics and planning, and failed to win the Battle of Stalingrad, which →

Athletics essay sample

The local AAA have also introduced shine awards initiative within the StarTrack scheme to encourage the young athletes to strive to be better and gain a sense of achievement. Teams in Norfolk also compete in the young athletes league and the men's league, yet these are generally less well turned out and extend to a →

Equality is promoted in sikhism

One of the main aspect of Sikh practical response to equality can be found in the teachings of the Gurus starting with Nanak, the first Guru, who after he had a powerful mystical experience, in which he received a divine calling to bring people to an awareness of God, said " there is no Hindu, →

How serious case reviews inform practice? essay sample

This enables staff to identify the signs of abuse in children and make them aware of whistleblowing policy to protect children from harm and abuse and report the unacceptable behaviour. They should check their DBS to make sure that they are safe to work with children and other members of staff".

Nature -vs- nuture

History The history of the issue of nature vs.nurture began with Sir Francis Galton, the British psychologist who coined the term " nature versus nurture" after his travels in Africa, studies of heredity and the reading of his cousin Charles Darwin's masterpiece Origin of Species in the 1860s. Most Essential Characteristics of the Issue One →

Effects of soil errosion in the philippines

And it said to be the cause of the collapse of the soil was the soil erosion. Sheet erosion is generally seen as the first and least severe stage in the soil erosion process, which is followed by rill erosion, and finally gully erosion.

Editorial: immunomodulatory effects of drugs for treatment of immune-related diseases

Editorial on the Research Topic Immunomodulatory Effects of Drugs for Treatment of Immune-Related Diseases The last 10 years have witnessed robust development of several drugs as a consequence of intense collaboration among academics, clinicians, scientists, and pharmaceutical companies. This research topic focuses on the mechanism of action of these drugs and reports new findings related →

How significant was martin luther king assignment

On the 29th of May 1 961, the Kennedy administration announced that it had directed the Interstate Commerce Commission to ban segregation in all facilities under its jurisdiction: With this ruling we can see that this event did have a large impact on the breaking down of Jim crow laws and the advancement of civil →

Discuss the core concepts of marketing assignment

To keep their place In the market they are constantly making new innovations to gain advantage of their competitors with new plans to revolutionist holiday flying with their new 5 year plan in introducing a state of the art aircraft with new concepts that will change the face holiday flying." We want to define and →

Theories of unemployment

The most regularly measure of unemployment is the unemployment rate, which is the quantity of unemployed individuals partitioned by the quantity of individuals in the work compel. This is the level of unemployment when the work market is in balance.

Issues facing small businesses in mauritius economics essay

Although the climate of small businesses is rather good in Mauritius, suggestions can be provided for better business prospects. Small businesses create employment for the Mauritian population and enable them to earn a living as well as promoting economic growth of the country.

Discuss the differences between modernity and post modernity

A theoretical approach or position that emphasises the uncertain nature of the modern world, the diversity of cultural styles and options in modern societies. Post modernism proposes that the look for a definitive answer and analysis of and for the society in which we live is an endeavour fated to breakdown.

Conflict management plan assignment

There must be a deflect part delineation of each group associate since each Individual In the group must know the part he or she is supposed to perform in the group with regards to the parts of the other individuals and group associates. The weakness to this strategy is that it is difficult to develop →

Computer-aided design and technology assignment

It is never fair to say that technology is either a boon or a bane as it brings benefits and problems to all of us. I would say that technology is a drug, and we are addicted.

Analysis of “parents should be able to control what kid watch” by leland y essay

Additionally, though he is aware of the rights of parents to determine the kind of video games their children can watch as formulated by the law, he is trying to create awareness on the appropriate video games the parents can purchase for their children. Pathos of the Argument The writer appeals to the audience by →

Smoking cessation and lung cancer survival relationship

Relationship between smoking cessation and lung cancer survival: A survival data analysis Abstract Background For over a decade, lung cancer has been the highest mortality cancer in Hong Kong. DISCUSSION In the cohort of lung cancer patients, subjects who quit smoking seemed to have a better survival compared to current smoker.

Types of discrimination by eeoc law employment essay

In addition, the segregation of workers once in employment on discriminatory grounds is also unlawful direct discrimination Indirect discrimination, as where an employer has applied requirements or conditions to a job but the ability of some persons to comply because of sex, disability, marital status or race is considerably smaller and cannot be justified. It →

The role of maritime sector to national development essay sample

It is difficult to quantify the total value of the worlds maritime industry, and the economic relevance of a sector that affects a wide range of aspects of modern societies and their development. Nigerian ports constitute the mainframe of the maritime sector of the nations economy, and a number of them have been responsible for →

Analyse the significance of the image system in hitchcock’s north by northwest essay sample

One of the most obvious things in the film was the use of different types of camera shots, and visual images to give more meaning to the film and to give a different perspective of things to the viewer. Straight lines are meant to represent the clearness of the situation, for example when Roger Thornhill, →

Write about the way in which hosseini uses setting in

It is narrated by Amir in the present tense, as if he is there telling us what's happening at that moment as opposed to the past tense narrative style that the remainder of the book is told in. There is no sense of omniscience and the reader feels for the first time that Amir is →

A critical reflection on social identity

I will analyze the connection between how sexism and gender inequality play a role in the standards of Spanish culture, and how racialized Sikh youths are doubly stigmatized through conflicted identity and morale through the context of relevant literature and theories. On the opposite side, emphasized femininity is the idea that women must conform to →

Evaluation of financial and non-financial motivation

Hence, a concern ought to pass considerable clip in believing the best manner to actuate employees, and there are a important figure of different sentiments about it, including fiscal motive and non-financial motive. The concern should besides take advantage of both fiscal every bit good as non-financial motive, and seek to avoid some unneeded jobs →

Chistopher columbus and his contributions to america

Within months of returning to Spain on the Nina, Columbus showed the king and queen of Spain what he found in the new world on March 15, 1493. When Columbus went to Spain, he defended his actions to the king and queen.

Assess hume’s reasons for rejecting miracles

Additionally Swinburne criticises Hume's definition of miracles as a " violation of the laws of nature" as he believes that whilst a miracle such as that of Jesus' resurrection clearly does not fit in with the laws of nature, on it's own it is not enough to prove the laws of nature have been violated, →

The relationship between suppression and violence

Orwell writes about the Burmese as " having nothing to do except stand at street corners and jeer at Europeans" as a result of being part of the European minority, Orwell admits that sometimes he felt that " the greatest joy in the world would be to drive a bayonet into a Buddhist priest's guts. →

A feminist study of maya angelou’s poem, “men”

The " non-significant other" of the first stanza seems to be fully exposed to the bitterness of life by the end of the poem. We need to observe some of the concepts inculcated in the minds of women about the men to trace and evaluate the hidden female psyche behind this poem.

Commentary on the iniquities of consumerism and materialism

Paul's need to win his mother's affection and restore happiness in the family compel him to start riding the rocking-horse to a frenzied state to make predictions. The story expresses the negative effects of fixating on luck and money to satisfy the constant materialistic needs of family in a capitalist society.

Understanding humanist feminism and how to right it sociology essay

The problem is different treatment, and a solution would be the same treatment, the reasoning behind this approach is the similarity between male and female, and ignoring the differences between the two. On the other hand the difference approach is much more of a concern of women's personal lives.

Why is intelligence testing a questionable practice?

Henry Goddard who promoted it in the United States, administered it to a batch of 2000 White school children and came to the conclusion that " a child cannot learn the things that are beyond his grade of intelligence". It is in recognition of the inadequacies in traditional intelligence tests that the Geneva Appraisal Questionnaire →

Example of oedipus and his hamartia essay

However, the shepherd responsible for the killing took pity on the child and passed him onto a shepherd in a far away land of Corinth, who, in turn, gave the child to the king and queen of Corinth. In a recent play " Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller, the protagonist of the play, →

Hugo boss: a famous german brand

3 Aims The aims of this report are to analyze the Hugo Boss and Armani of the market segmentation and marketing mix. To compare with the place, Hugo Boss and Giorgio Armani have various retailers in different countries, especially in China.

Defying hitler essay

The Inflation of 1923, and the personalities and politics of the Weimar and Nazi periods are well known. Better known as the " Enabling Act," the proposed legislation was designed to consolidate power in the hands of the chancellor and his cabinet in the event of a terrorist strike or similar threat to German national →

History and impact of additive manufacturing

The history of AM Manufacturing: The first additive manufacturing equipment and materials were developed by Charles Hull in the early 1980s, and he called the process " stereolithography,". A print head moves horizontally along the x and y axes of the machine and deposits alternating layers of the build material and the binding material.

Mergers as a tool for survival and growth

Some of the significant reforms that have occurred since 2001 include the introduction of universal banking, the abolition of the 15% secondary reserve requirement and the increase in the minimum stated capital of banks. To examine the impact of merger and acquisition on the level of competitiveness in the Ghanaian Banking Sector.5.

Beauty contest and young girls

While both Hollandsworth's and Hanes's article address the influence of pop culture in young girls, it is Hollandsworth's article that presents stronger connection to its audience and while it is not as relatable as Hanes's article, it is filled with credible and reliable sources. Although both articles present the claim that young girls are being →

Rubisco in spinach leaves

The OD of the medium salt flow through for P1 and P2 was measured. The spectrophotometer was blanked with high salt buffer and the OD of the high salt flow through for P1 and P2 was measured.

A modern twist

He was facing a circular mirror that was Just above the sink and he looked at his reflection, trying to see whether his face was okay. She said his dad suffered a massive heart attack and that he was in the hospital now." Rex, youVe got to come here quickly!

Identification of opportunities

The last important aspect is feasibility, which involves evaluation of human and financial resources required to launch and sustain the business ventures in the market. The outcome of this venture is the developments and formation of a developed community that relies on the products and services of the organizations, which took the initiative of empowering →

A visit to a jewish synagogue

After the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem the synagogue became the center and central point of the religious Jewish life. In the service of Monday, Thursday, Saturdays and holidays it is read the Torah.

Menopause lipoprotein cholesterol levels

Ryoo et al.[34] carried a study in USA to reevaluate the levels of lipids and lipoproteins in pre-peri and postmenopausal women. Levels of total cholesterol were analyzed to be higher in peri- and postmenopausal women while, low in premenopausal women.

Case study: blockbuster

This acquisition was done to help transform Blockbuster from the walk-in, rent a movie, and return the movie store to be able to deliver to its customer's digital content through their computers, or other portable devices and eventually to their home television. The Initial failure to produce the competitive advantage expected was the failure of →

clarkson lumber company essay sample

Clarkson's financial advisor, I would recommend that he does not take the loan and look for other ways in which to finance his anticipated expansion. This is a very dangerous situation for Clarkson Lumber Company because an increased debt to equity ratio increases the riskiness of the company especially if they do not reach their →

Humanistic theory

A goal of humanistic theory and therapy gives the client the opportunity to deal with their behavior and situation in their own terms of real self and ideal self. The third stage, abstract conceptualization an individual attempts to conceptualize a theory or model of what is observed.

A desserts bar and bakery marketing essay

To motivate the staff to provide exceptional services that make the customers happy and feel valued." Cupcakes, sweets and more" is a bakery and desserts bar with the aim to cater to the individual needs of every customer with customized products for various occasions. Our mission is to provide our customers with bakers' items for →

Drivers of the recent wave of globalisation economics essay

The term is sometimes used to refer specifically to economic globalisation, in other words " the reduction and removal of barriers between national borders in order to facilitate the flow of goods, capital, services and labour". Further investigation Market drivers refer to global market convergence, in other words, the increasing similarity of consumer tastes and →

Media objectification of women assignment

Examining the socio-historical context, the ideas and believes, powers, and the consequences in society, we can understand the how and why of sexual objectification of women by the media and society. The purpose is to reinforce the ideas that women are nothing but body parts and to stay in power.

Downfall of roaring dragon hotel management essay

Big issue in the organization was the conflicts between management and their employees which need to be solved in order to get better performance and profits. HI management failed to build trust and employee relationshipThe Major problem in the RDH organization is caused because of the conflicts and cultural differences between the management and employees.

A brilliant disguise – john keats la belle dame sans merci essay sample

The lady, who exists solely in the knight's imagination, represents, not only the ideal, but also the knight's refusal to accept the real world, which leads to the destruction of his own life. The first is a negative take on the current location of the knight, and the other, a more positive one.

The branches of government law constitutional administrative essay

When the bill is presented with to the President, the President has the power to veto to the bill, and cause it to be the subject of more review. However, the legislative branch of government can still overturn executive orders and agreements in a similar process to overturning a decision of the President to veto.

Commentary: metformin reverses trap1 mutation-associated alterations in mitochondrial function in parkinson’s disease

The function of TRAP1 is severely impaired in Parkinsonism, in both humans and animals, and hence it may be a potential target in PD pathogenesis. TRAP1 acts as the stress sensor responsible for helping the cells to adjust to the changes in environment, and is phosphorylated by Parkinson's disease kinase.

Victim likelihood & age

Vulnerability of the aged People: Physical Crime: Because of a decrease in physical ability, and an increase in physical frailty, the aged are always vulnerable to physical injuries. It is important to denote that the main intention of the Triad system is to prevent crime, and offer assistance to the victims of crime, who are →

Who i am – essay example

I possess a diversity of experiences, so I owe a debt of gratitude to the people especially myfamily, friends and the community has contributed to my intellect of who I am and my opinion of the world. In 2005, I went through the rudiment of the Police training and had my first posting to the →